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October 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#240)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     25   25  50   14  700  x2  1400  160M EFHW                                         
WB1GYZ    7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  100' Doublet open-wire feed                       
K1YAN     6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  g5rv jr. @ 30 ft                                  
KQ1P      6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  30M Dipole@ 20'                                   

W2 Division
KN2G     29   29  58   17  986  x2  1972  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2SH     15   15  30   12  360  x2   720  72' wire vertical                                 
K2OID    15   15  30    6  180  x2   360  80M OCF Dipole @40'                               
KB2GKC    4    4   8    2   16  x2    32  40m 1/2 wave endfed up 30 ft                      
KA2KGP    4    4   8    2   16  x2    32  G5RV up 25'                                       
N2QFD     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  G5RV @25' AGL                                     

W3 Division
W6WU     20   20  40   13  520  x2  1040  EFHW @ 40ft, 40M Vert Loop @50ft                  
K3JZD    19   18  37   13  481  x2   962  40m Dipole @25'                                   
KE3V     16   16  32   11  352  x2   704  fan inverted vee @ 30' apex                       
AK3X     15   15  30   11  330  x2   660  102' inv vee at 35'                               
AF3Z     14   14  28    7  196  x2   392  Inv vee abt 35' center fed with OWL               

W4 Division
N2TNN    34   33  67   15 1005  x2  2010  160 meter loop up 55 feet                         
WB0CJB   21   21  42   14  588  x2  1176  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
KC5F     22   21  43   13  559  x2  1118  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
NA4O     19   18  37   13  481  x2   962  41'EF@20'                                         
WT4U     17   17  34   12  408  x2   816  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
WG8Y     17   15  32   11  352  x2   704  10-80m OCF@40ft                                   
K4WY     18   17  35   10  350  x2   700  80 dipole @ 90 feet, 40 inverted L top at 66 feet 
K4JPN    14   13  27   11  297  x2   594  80 M CF Zepp                                      
KS4BG     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  ground mount vertical                             
WD4OHD    5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  40m dipole                                        
WX4RM     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
KA8VZB    4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
KW4NJA    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  OCF Dipole 35'                                    
@KW4JAM   3    0   3    3    9  x2    18  45ft, dipole                                      

W5 Division
KA6J     10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  dipole at 20ft                                    
KE9DR     4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  218' Delta Loop @ 60'                             
KQ7L      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  20m EFHW sloper                                   

W6 Division
W6IRA     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Multiband trap vertical on roof                   

W7 Division
KJ7KDB    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Ultimax 100 24' vertical                          

W8 Division
W8GG     18   18  36   12  432  x2   864  trap dipoles @ 35'                                
NF8M     14   14  28   12  336  x2   672  6BTV (40) OCF dpl @35ft/bev (80)                  

W9 Division
K9NUD    41   41  82   18 1476  x2  2952  80M EFHW up 40'                                   
WB9HFK   37   36  73   20 1460  x2  2920  150 Ft. EF Wire                                   
K9QEW    10   10  20   10  200  x2   400  4BTV                                              
KA9FQG   10    9  19    6  114  x2   228  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    
N8HWV     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  80m EFHW at 15 ft agl                             
KD9EBS    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Attic Dipole at 25 Feet                           

W0 Division
N0TA     20   20  40   15  600  x2  1200  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
NN0SS    10   10  20    7  140  x2   280  inverted V @30 ft                                 
AA0W     11   11  22    5  110  x2   220  OCF Dipole@ 30 feet                               

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division

W2 Division

W3 Division
NN3E      6    5  11    5   55 x1.5   82  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
K7EK     24   24  48   13  624 x1.5  936  135' OCFD @ 22'                                   
K3RLL     3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  Random wire on garage roof                        
KM4SK     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  OCF EF 35'                                        

W5 Division
K5GQ      9    9  18    6  108 x1.5  162  40m delta loop 48Feet                             

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      5    3   8    4   32 x1.5   48  Butternut HF6V gnd mtd w/o radials                

W8 Division

W9 Division

W0 Division

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     10   10  20    6  120       120  20 & 40m dipoles                              
N1OI      2    2   4    1    4         4  EFHW 30'                                          

W2 Division
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  40&80 mtr.dipole at35ft                       
WA1GWH    8    8  16    5   80        80  40m dipole at 15 ft                               

W3 Division
W3IPA    12   12  24    9  216       216  8010m EFHW @ 30'                                  
KD3CA     4    4   8    2   16        16  132ft OCF Windom  @30 ft                          
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2         2  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
N4MJ     36   33  69   22 1518      1518  40M Windom @ 40 feet                              
AC6ZM    37   33  70   21 1470      1470  OCF 30 Feet                                       
K4KBL    30   30  60   16  960       960  ZS6BKW INV @ 60'                                  
K4KRW    11   11  22    7  154       154  Inverted V @ 65'                                  

W5 Division
N5GSG     3    3   6    3   18        18  EFHW @ 20 feet                                    

W6 Division

W7 Division
K7TRT    10   10  20    7  140       140  135 FT EFHW @ 40 FT                               

W8 Division
WI8J     18   18  36   11  396       396  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN    4    4   8    3   24        24  End fed wire @ 25 ft                              

W9 Division
K9EYT     3    3   6    3   18        18  g5rv at 30'                                       
AB9BZ     1    1   2    1    2         2  EFHW @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
N0MII    10   10  20    6  120       120  OCFD @ 30'                                        
KC2MJT    3    3   6    3   18        18  EFRW FED AT 20' SLOPES TO 6"                 

Canada Division
VE3DQN   21   21  42   13  546       546  40m & 80m dipoles @40ft                       

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
NQ2W     25   24  49   13  637  x2  1274  3el yagi @ 32', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'



Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  Operator, 80-40-20 Antenna

N3A/0    39   36  75   21 1575  x2  3150  W0EJ, ocf @ 30'                                   
N3A/4    53   51 104   19 1976      1976  K4BAI, 20 & 40M dipoles at 35', 127' Center Fed Zepp 80M
N3A/5    44   42  86   22 1892      1892  N5GW, doublet @ 25'                               
N3A/3    27   27  54   15  810  x2  1620  KC3MIO, 125' Doublet up 45'                       
N3A/9    26   23  49   15  735       735  K9GA, 3el at 19m, 2el Vert                        
N3A/8    11   10  21    7  147       147  K8NGW, Gnd mtd 43' vertical with 36 radials       
N3A/1     9    9  18    6  108       108  K1IX, OCFD @ 35'                                  

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 79
Total participants:             112
Total QSOs:                     1093
States + Provinces represented: 35 + ON


K3RLL - With Hurricane Milton coming this way, I was happy to garner three nice contacts this evening, but time to get back to storm preps. 72, ... Don

N2QFD - Only 1 tonight. I dropped to 80m and had a great QSO With Bruce WA1HGJ though before running out my time. I have early mornings and a long commute so only time for the kickoff. Hope it was a great sprint and lots of activity. I even got out my old WWI sounder, You can look up my QRZ if you want to see it. Best 72

KC5F - First day back in the house here in WNC after no power since Helene. At least the EFHW stayed up! Short time today, but after having to miss last month, I had to get a few in tonight. But lots to do after staying with the kids for a while.

KW4NJA - Didn't have alot of time, but thanks for the 3 who were there!

AB9BZ - Thanks for the sprint, 72 ab9bz

WD4OHD - Couldn't stay on the air too long tonight but managed to make at least a few QSOs on 40m. I recently lost a 70 ft oak tree in the back yard during a storm and had to take down the dipole for the tree guys to pack out the trunk. Right now the dipole is just barely off the ground. Hope to have it back up properly by next month.

WX4RM - It was good to be in the Sprint tonight, after being without power and internet for the last 10 days due to hurricane Helene. All came back on today, I am thankful.

KS4BG - The band was wild and I'm only a week or so into using my straight key so the ol' sending fist tired quickly. Can't wait to do it again.

N8HWV - Didn't hear a ton of stations, but those I did hear were loud n clear on 40 and 80.

KE3V - Nice night for an NAQCC cw sprint.

K9EYT - not a good nite QSB QRN , This is sprint 106 for me ,But Cant stop thinking of my Ham friends in Tampa my winter QTH stay safe, 73 Ray

WB1GYZ - Tks fer another fun Sprint.

AF3Z - The noise level was up... but still had fun. My fist was slow to get coordinated tonight. It wasn't pretty at the beginning! On 80 the noise was S9 and I made only one contact. 40m was better but still noisy. I used my Ten Tec Triton IV - 544 cranked down to 5w. I bought it used 42 years ago and it keeps on keepin' on!

N3A/0 - Had a great time, tnx for all the contacts, apologize for those I couldn't pick out.

VE3DQN - Celebrated my 100th Sprint by staying with it for almost the full two hours. Sluggish cndx on 40m tonight, a few strong signals and not much else. 80m made up for it. My big prize was snagging N3A/0 in SD on 40m!

NF8M - Op time abt 45 min. A FB evening on the radio es Happy 20th Anniversary to all! Have been at this for almost the whole time. Nice to wrk many old & new friends & tnx to those who ran the N3A stations. 72 to all & CU next month!

K7EK - It was gratifying to work so many N3A stations this evening. Most had excellent signals, despite the recent round of X-class solar flares that have been plaguing the bands.

K9NUD - Interesting bands tonight. 20 was a dud, 40 did yoeman's work before petering out early, and 80 filled in nicely at the end. Sorry about the one or two who I could not pull out of the weeds :-( I hope our friends in the south are okay!

K4KRW - Multiple rigs tonight. Wilderness Radio Sierra, HW-9, OHR-500, 40m Hilltopper. Started on 40m. Got my last few on 80m. Fun night. Thanks everyone!

K9QEW - Started on 20m condx poor QSYed to 40 condx better in fact QRM like to ole Novice bands! 72/73s & STAY TUNED Daryl

KN2G - By far my personal best. I have always loved 80m and tonight she came through for me very nicely. I always appreciate those who work with me patiently to complete the contact. A few 2 banders but still hunting for that elusive hat-trick.... Several new calls for me too! Prayers for NC TN KY GA and FL.

KN1H - Happy Anniversary NAQCC! Great to work new friends and old in the Sprint. Just launched a 160M EFHW over a pine tree and trying it out for the first time tonight. Seemed fine on 80 and 40, a keeper. 72, John, KN1H

NQ2W - Happy 20th Anniversary NAQCC! Only a part-time showing for fist tires easily so I take a few breaks. Thanks to all the N3A stations for your invaluable participation during this special sprint. Thanks for the QSOs and for the chance to participate. 72 and stay safe, Will, NQ2W

N3A/1 - Lot of fun but not a lot of activity except for the T storms static. Tnx for the Q's

W6WU - 20M dropped off immediately after start. 40M was noisy and strong QSB - could not finish QSO with WB0CJB. 80M was quiet! Good to work N3A/0 /4 /9. Thanks for all the Q's!

NA4O - Maybe not ideal band conditions, but a great nite to be on with all the N3A activity! QRP WORKS! KX3@5W, Vibroplex straight key, 41' long wire out the back window at 20' high.

N2TNN - That's what you call a PARTY. Super fun tonight. 72, Dean

K3JZD - 40m only. Tough sledding tonight - high noise level, generally weak signals, and wicked QSB. Sorry if I missed any callers. And unless everyone quit, it looked like an East Coast radio blackout during the last 30-45 minutes - I had an empty band scope. But I was getting RBN spots from the West Coast - strange. Hope no one was seriously impacted by the last hurricane and hope everyone rides out this next one OK. K4 running 5w & 40m Dipole. 72, Jody - K3JZD

K4WY - 80 meters was a welcome surprise

WG8Y - Hi all, Started on 20M but only able to work N0TA. Heard some faint signals and a POTA guy but that was it for me on 20M. Went to 40M at 0104Z and Worked N0TA for back to back QSOs. Neat. Used my K1 which has 40,30,20 and 15M so stayed on 40M the rest of the time. My last Q was a 15 minute qso with a NY ham running 100W. Good way to wind down. Split time between tuning around and calling. My K1 was wavering between 3.5 & 4W into a 10/80m OCFd @ 40ft. 72 all from N.C. Mark WG8Y

K2OID - Rough night on 40. No short skip and lots of QSB. Band finally died completely at 0215. Seemed to have "pipeline" into TN with about 1/3 of my QSOs. Still fun...Challenging but fun.

N4MJ - A good outing. Tnx to all participants. 73 de n4mj//glenn

N7QR - 86th 20 was hot, did get one on 80, a local running a 1kW. Heard some on 40 but no luck. 1.5 hours. Russ Portland OR

N3A/8 - Heard signals on 20M but called CQ for 30 minutes with no takers! Moved to 40M where the noise was higher but I finally made some QSO's! The band seemed to die at 2:00 UTC and I moved to 80 where there was lots of activity. It was a pleasure serving as N3A/8 for our 20th anniversary sprint! See you all next month.

AC6ZM - Conditions were decent during this Sprint. 1st time back since COVID. Nice to be involved in Sprint again especially on the 20th Anniversary.

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Fun night on the radio. 20 was weak but open a bit at the start. I did get QSOs on all 3 bands last night. Managed to nab 3 of the N3A stns. Not much heard from the New England states. ??? Had several callers whom i couldn't pick out thru the noise. Thanks fer calling. Hope to hear you next time guys. Had a beeline into the south last night, but not much from out west. Nice to hear all the activity with our 20th aniv. Until next month, 73 Gregg W8GG

KA6J - Tough condx here in So. Cent. TX tonight. Only 1 20M contact before band went dead. Was able to get a few more on 40M, but very noisy and signals were way down. Used a x6100 and dipole at 20ft. Thanks all for the sprint!

N3A/3 - KX3 @5W into 125' doublet. From PA, this was a strange sprint. I heard few on 20 and no one could hear me. My first contact was 11 minutes in and by 0103 I had only six contacts. I had two more by the end of the first hour and was hoping to get to 10 QSOs. But conditions improved and the last 45 minutes I picked up 19 more. Usually things tail off at the end but it was still hopping when the gun sounded. N3A/0 (W0EJ) was like a beacon from SD. Tnx to all and hope to work you during the rest of the anniversary. 73/72 KC3MIO, Rich

WT4U - Nothing doing on 20m. 40m was good. 80m was loud for me, with everyone hearing me better than I could them, but lots of action. Managed 6 of the N3A stations.

KB2GKC - Thanks for the 40m contacts....Good condition tonight.

K7TRT - CONDX were not as good as they were in the last sprint. Only made 4 QSOs on 20m, and 6 on 40m. Nice to copy all of the fine N3A OPs, though.

N3A/4 - 20m was very long at the start. W1AW was about S5. Heard, but could not work N0TA in CO and NQ2W in NY. 40M was very good all over, but no stations worked west of a line from TX to KS/NE. 80M was very good with some QRN. Worked from NH to IL to points south including MS. Thanks for N3A QSOs with N3A/3, N3A/5, N3A/8 and N3A/9. No other N3A stations heard. 73/72, John, K4BAI, op of N3A/4.

KA2KGP - Terrible band conditions here in WNY this sprint. Only 40 had any use here. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a G5RZV up 25 ft. w/ straight key.

KJ7KDB - From southwest Idaho I could hear N0TA and attempted several times to make a contact. No luck last night. Still was a fun event. 73 de KJ7KDB Tim

KE9DR - Rusty tonight, thanks for hanging with me. Lots of noise on 40 and 80. Only one contact on 20 (N0TA). Lots of fun, thanks. KE9DR, Bert

AA0W - Fun to work the N3A stations not a lot of signal to be heard from Mid USA. Thanks to all the stations for sprint QSO's.

W6IRA - Nice to meet N3A ops

N3A/5 - It was good to hear lots of QRP activity, mostly on 40M. 20M was open at the start, but as days get shorter, there will be less on this band after dark. 80M was very QRN from the hurricane in the gulf.

KQ1P - Active sun but 20M went dead fast,nothing on 80M and 40M was the place to be. Happy anniversary NAQCC! 73

W2SH - My first 20m QSO turned out to be my only one there, for the band was closing. 40m activity seemed lighter than usual. 80m was atmospherically quiet and signals were all fairly strong.

K4JPN - Worked a few on 20M. but even with the QRN 40M was hot. 72, Steve K4JPN

AK3X - Late start. Good signals at first on 40 but the band dropped here at about 0115. 80 was in good shape so finished up there Fun sprint.

KM4SK - Difficult to make contacts.