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     Aug 2024 Sprint
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August 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#238)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     16   16  32    9  288  x2   576  EFHW@24'                                          
WB1GYZ    9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  100' doublet                                      
K1WOR     7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  inverted vee up 25'                               
K1IX      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  OCFD @ 35'                                        
KQ1P      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  30M Dipole@ 20'                                   
KK4ITX    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Homebrew 1/8w 20m AX1                             

W2 Division
KA2KGP   29   29  58   15  870  x2  1740  G5RV up 25'                                       
KN2G     18   18  36   13  468  x2   936  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
K2OID    18   18  36   10  360  x2   720  80M OCF Dipole @40'                               
W2SH     11   11  22    7  154  x2   308  72' wire vertical                                 

W3 Division
K3JZD    48   47  95   21 1995  x2  3990  40m Dipole @25'                                   
W6WU     22   22  44   14  616  x2  1232  Inv-L EFHW @23ft                                  
AK3X     10   10  20    7  140  x2   280  102' inv vee with tuner/300 Ohm feed              
N3CAA     9    9  18    7  126  x2   252  40m EFHW @ 25'                                    
KE3V      7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  40m vertical delta loop, 25' apex                 
W1BLU     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  32 feet                                           

W4 Division
KC5F     49   48  97   22 2134  x2  4268  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
N2TNN    25   23  48   15  720  x2  1440  160 meter loop up 55 feet                         
K4BAI    23   22  45   14  630  x2  1260  center fed zepp @30'.                             
W4NLT    23   23  46   13  598  x2  1196  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WG8Y     16   16  32   10  320  x2   640  10-80 OCFD up 40ft and efhd 10-40m                
KO4TFE    7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  1/4 Wave Vertical                                 
WX4RM     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
WT4U      7    6  13    5   65  x2   130  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
W4CMG     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G5RV Inverted vee up 35 ft                        

W5 Division
N5GW     11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  doublet @ 25'                                     
KE5YUM    3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  80 meter dipole @ 28 feet                         
KG5OWB    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Random Wire Up 30'                                
KI5FZV    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  VERTICAL MFJ-1622                                 

W6 Division
K6GPB     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  G5RV 20 feet                                      

W7 Division
$KJ7KDB   0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Ultimax 100 24' vertical                          

W8 Division
NF8M      9    9  18    5   90  x2   180  40m: EFHW@25ft; 80m:OCFD/Bev.                     

W9 Division
WB9HFK   41   41  82   20 1640  x2  3280  EF 150 Ft. Wire @ 30 Ft.                          
N8HWV    12   12  24   11  264  x2   528  80m EFHW at 15 ft agl                             
K9NUD    12   12  24    8  192  x2   384  80M EFHW up 40'                                   
KA9FQG    5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    
KD9RFR    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  DIPOLE 25'                                        
KD9EBS    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Magnetic Loop Antenna                             
K9QEW     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  4BTV                                              

W0 Division
NN0SS    10   10  20    9  180  x2   360  inverted vee @ 30ft                               
KD0DK     6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  102 ft. long wire                                 
AA5LH     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  40-10 Delta Loop @ 25'                            

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division

W2 Division
N2QFD     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  40m Zepp @ 25'AGL                                 

W3 Division
K3RLL    10   10  20    9  180 x1.5  270  G5RVjr @ 35'                                      
NN3E      2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
K7EK     22   22  44   14  616 x1.5  924  135' Off Center Fed Dipole, T2FD Inverted Vee     
KM4SK     4    4   8    3   24 x1.5   36  OCF EF 35'                                        

W5 Division
KD5ZCQ    3    3   6    2   12 x1.5   18  Endfed 80-10M                                     

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  160 m dipole w/80 m traps @ 12'                   

W8 Division
K8NGW    12   12  24    9  216 x1.5  324  43' vertical w/ 32 radials & base loading coil
N8XMS     5    5  10    4   40 x1.5   60  HyGain AV640 Vertical                             

W9 Division

W0 Division
KD0V      6    6  12    6   72 x1.5  108  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 

Canada Division
VE3IIM   23   23  46   15  690 x1.5 1035  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M      5    5  10    5   50        50  40M EFHW, 20 & 40m dipoles                    
N1OI      2    2   4    1    4         4  EFHW                                              

W2 Division
WA1GWH    7    7  14    5   70        70  40m dipole at 15 ft                               
WA2FBN    6    6  12    4   48        48  EFHW sloper @ 25ft                                
N2ESE     4    4   8    4   32        32  20 and 40 mtr dipole @ 30 ft.                     

W3 Division
KC3RN    29   29  58   15  870       870  40m EFHW Inv "L"                        
W3IPA    16   16  32   11  352       352  40-10m EFHW                                       
WA3FIR    8    8  16    7  112       112  dipole 20'                                        
KM3D      8    8  16    5   80        80  80/40 trapped inverted V                          
K3EMS     5    5  10    4   40        40  20m dipole @ 25 feet                              
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2         2  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
N4MJ     33   33  66   17 1122      1122  40 OCF at 40'                                     
K4KBL    14   13  27   10  270       270  inverted v @ 60'                                  
W2QL      2    2   4    2    8         8  Chameleon F Loop 2.0 up ~30 feet (attic)          

W5 Division
KQ0E      5    5  10    3   30        30  Gap Mono Band Vertical                            

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
W8GG     32   32  64   17 1088      1088  trap dipoles @ 35'                                
WI8J     13   13  26    8  208       208  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WB8ENE    6    6  12    6   72        72  41' end fed wire @ 10'                            

W9 Division
N9EEE    29   27  56   17  952       952  EFHW sloper up to 40 feet                         
KC9TYA    9    5  14    6   84        84  80m Loop                                          
K9EYT     8    8  16    5   80        80  g5rv at 30'                                       
WD9EGW    5    5  10    5   50        50  MC 750 portable vertical on back deck             
W9DWR     6    6  12    4   48        48  Dipole @ 15'                                      

W0 Division
NO2D      1    1   2    1    2         2  80 m doublet @ 30 feet                            

Canada Division
VE3DQN   11   11  22    9  198       198  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
NQ2W     35   35  70   18 1260  x2  2520  3el yagi @ 32', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 79
Total participants:             105
Total QSOs:                     881
States + Provinces represented: 33 + ON QC


N2QFD - Well poop, the band finally got good again and I've got to get up for work at 0400 (0800z) and drive to work... glad to get you Tim, and glad to pass along some points. Worked a POTA station to start as well so a good evening on the radio none the less. !!!Stay RaDiO-AcTiVe!!!

AA5LH - Very rough night on 20M & even worse on 40M. Yet, it is always fun. Called it a night after an hour. Sorry to those who tried to override the noise/crashes. Look forward to next month. Take Care & 72's

W3IPA - TNX to the few that stuck with

K3EMS - QCX+ 5w into a 20m dipole at 25 feet

W1BLU - K-index of 4 plus A-index of 17 equals not so many QSOs! Some time this summer solar conditions should be active... but favorable! ?

K3RLL - Gene N5GW saved 20m for me; otherwise no luck there. 40m was much better with good signals and great contacts with familiar NAQCC friends. Nice! 72/73 ... Don

KE3V - This was the first sprint with my new QMX rig. I only worked for about an hour tonight, showing a lack of dedication on my part, but had fun.

NF8M - Op time abt 45 min. 40 sounded noisy, probably due to recent solar activity. 72 till next month!

NO2D - T-storms kept me off the air for most of the hunt. Only managed one contact. One is better than none! Thanks to those who make the sprints possible. Pete, NO2D

WD9EGW - I enjoyed the evening. Thanks to all for the contacts. 72, Chuck

K9EYT - 20 was dead moved to 40 wow good here in the Midwest.G5RV KS3 at 5 watts TNX for the Q's 72 RAY


KN1H - Operating portable from campsite in Quechee State Park in Vermont tonight. Using the KX2 on batteries into a 40M EFHW strung through the trees. Fed the wire as a 1/4W on 80M. Amazed that so many heard me!

N7QR - 84th Not many heard for an hour but a couple came in strong. Much Fun! Russ Portland OR

VE3DQN - Good signals tonight, lots of activity for the short time I had on the air.

KC5F - 20m was almost dead the first half hour, but 40m made up for it after that. Nothing on 80m. But it was a nice improvement over the past few days, for sure. Thanks, all!

N8HWV - First Sprint since April. Great to join in again.

KC3RN - This was my first sprint since getting my Argonaut VI back from the repair shop. Had a lot of fun with that radio tonight. Spent the entire sprint on 40m. Conditions were a little rough at first, but improved as the night went on. Thanks to everyone that answered my calls.

K7EK - Hard going most of the time due to adverse propagation. Noise level was high on all bands. Many signals on but very difficult to copy many of them. 40m was the sweet spot this evening.

NQ2W - Started on 20m which was ripe with weak signals and QSB...NM5S, Alan, called but after I sent my exchange, he was gone without a trace. Hopefully, we can complete the QSO next month, Alan. 40 had stronger signals but also stronger QRN and an odd, sporadic QRM on my initial run frequency. 80 was decent but I think many stayed away because of the usual summertime QRN. Regardless, it was great to hear old friends and new alike. Thanks for the Qs and for copying my unpracticed straight key fist. Hope to hear you next month, hope you hear me! 72, Will, NQ2W

N2TNN - 40 meters was S9+ and very weak signals but still a fun event. Thanks for the calls, 72, Dean

W4CMG - Very Late start due to meetings, and needed to uninstall/reinstall the NAQCC Logger program. Finally got started 15 minutes before the end of the sprint. Happy to confirm the logger is back up and running.

KN2G - A good time even with one that got away. Just searching and pouncing not worrying about a good score tonight. After 3 days with someone else's 10 year old boy at a boys' camp, anything is a score in my books..... hi! Always fun and great ops with friendly attitudes.

K8NGW - Wow ... lots of QRN on 40M! There are times when solar activity is not such a good thing! See you all next month.

WG8Y - Hi all, Operated from my garage. Have a small work area out there. Set up kinda portable style. I used my QRP Labs QMX 20-80m rig tonite into a homebrew 10-40m EFHW. Put it up temp with feed point 5ft off ground and went up app 15ft into a pine tree then back down a few ft. trying it out for the up coming SKEETER Hunt. Used my OCF 10/80m for the 3 80m Q's at the end. Had a gud time. Hope to see everyone in the SKEETER Hunt this coming Sunday. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

W4NLT - Most action on 40M tonight although got four on 20M. Good to work many of the QRP faithful. For a while though I would Work All PA and Work All NY and it was a fun evening. Thanks for the QSOs. 72 Andy

K2OID - 40 was OK tonight but it's been better. Still, it's great to be back after missing a few months. Always fun.

KC9TYA - I had a great time on the NAQCC SPRINT...thank each of you for your patience while I was trying to send my number.

N4MJ - A fun evening. Welcome newcomers. Only one 80m contact. Heard nothing on 20m. Also worked N7C/1 as a extra. HI Thanks to all participants. 73 de n4mj//glenn

KG5OWB - Bad condx in STX tonight. Ran for 40 minutes on 20m with no takers. S&P resulted in one QSO on 20m. Was barely making RBN. QSY to 40m with no luck.

KK4ITX - At new summer HOA QTH in ME, my homebrew AX1 type antenna seems to work well on the grill with a mag mount. Tested setup with WSPR at 20mW prior to the Sprint and was heard by 4 stations around 1100 miles SE and by golly my only contact was KD0DK 1102 miles according to QRZ!! Not many heard on 20m.

WX4RM - Noise level was so high that I feel lucky to get the 6 contacts I squeaked out tonight. Hope the noise was from the CME and not just local electronic noise.

KE5YUM - Enjoyed the sprint as always. Several long signals on 20 and I managed to snag 3 of them. Thanks to those who worked me. Terry FT 710 @ 5 watts and a CWMORSE straight key.

W6WU - Good signals on 40, stayed there the whole time. Camping at Greenbrier State Park in MD. Used HB EFHW 49:1 66ft as inv-L and QMX Lo Band. I have to remember to open up the filtering next time, hihi; had the QMX at 200Hz passband. Pleasant to listen to but had to ride the RIT. Thanks for the fun! 72, Steve

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Wierd nite for propagation last eve. I started calling CQ on 20 but band went silent after 5 mins. 40 was noisy but busy. I found a spot to call and for and hour they came to me one after another, FUN ! 40 was all near skip here in mid-Michigan. Open good to east coast and southeast , and around Great Lakes region. Nothing heard west of the Mississippi River. No deep south GA,AL,MS,LA,or TX.??? Lost a few of you due to noise es QSB. Went to 80 a couple times , but just noise. Tns to all who called me tonight. Very enjoyable sprint for me. See u all next month, 73 Gregg W8GG

KQ0E - It's been a long time since relocating QTH to another state took me away. Still updating to ensure logging is correct.

K9NUD - I managed to get in 25 minutes on 40M using my IC-7300 @ 5W using a cootie. It was pretty busy and the bands were good. Thanks for the QSO's!

N8XMS - Not counting operating as N3A/8 in our last anniversary sprint, it has been well over a year since I have been able to participate in an NAQCC sprint. My schedule just doesn't give me much time in the evenings anymore. But this time I had about 20 minutes of open time and was able to complete 5 sprint QSOs in "unsettled" geomagnetic conditions. It was a lot of fun and I'm hoping that my schedule will loosen up for more sprints in the future.

KM3D - Only had a half hour but enjoyed the contacts. 73, Harry

KM4SK - First Sprint, it was fun. Didn't know about Sprint logger until start of event, so spent most of first hour setting it up. Used a HW-9.

KA2KGP - Another good NA sprint. 20m. was nil, but both 40 & 80 were good here in WNY. Rig: Ten-Tec Argosy II at 5w. into a G5RV up 25 ft. w/ an old WWII German Junkers straight key. 73

K3JZD - 40m Only. The band was short. But it not too noisy until near the end. I was hand logging this time, so forgive me if I did not respond to you by name. KH1 & 40m Dipole. 72, Jody - K3JZD

WB9HFK - A fun evening on 40M with the J-38! I thought 40M conditions were really good. Thanks for the QSO's and see everyone next time! 72, Mark WB9HFK

N9EEE - 20 meters was dead. 40 meters was more alive than ever. Strong signals abound. I had to S&P for the first hour until I could slot my way in. Probably my best Sprint.

WT4U - Nothing on 20m. 40m was busy, though a lot of it wasn't us. Direct line to PA (so much for multipliers!). 80m was long, or at least what I could hear.

WB8ENE - 20 meters was dead here, so I made all of my contacts on 40. Used my K3NG Arduino CW keyer for keyboard transmit. This will be my last Tuesday evening sprint for a while since KSU band practice begins next week. Thanks for the contacts. 73, Art

K4BAI - Had dinner with relative visiting from out of town and didn't get home until the sprint was almost half over. No activity heard on 20M. No activity heard at that time on 80M. 40M was very good for a little over an hour and didn't get back to 80M.


KQ1P - CDX FB on 40M.

N3CAA - Perfect weather to operate from the backyard. 40m wasn't too great, but serviceable especially compared to this weekend. Did a mix of search 'n pounce and calling CQ. There were a few calls I couldn't get out of the noise. Sorry about that, hope to get you all next month.

WB1GYZ - Tks for another enjoyable Sprint.

K1WOR - Pretty good conditions, but I got distracted by some pota stations!

AK3X - Fun sprint, all on 40 meters. Missed about 45 minutes in the middle to run an errand. It's always something.

N5GW - It was good to hear 20M back on track after the solar disturbances. 40M was good, but two QSOs later I ran out of gas after a long day.

WA2FBN - Tnx to all; fun sprint. 72 Ken WA2FBN

W2SH - 20m stayed open for barely 15 minutes. 40m had serious manmade electrical QRM above and well beyond 7041.5 kHz lasting nearly a half hour. No NA activity was heard on 80m. Overall participation seemed lighter than usual.