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May 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#235)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
K1MZM    27   27  54   15  810  x2  1620  40 Meter Dipole at 40 feet                        
K1IX      8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  OCFD @ 35' + 40m NVIS                             

W2 Division
KA2KGP   26   26  52   17  884  x2  1768  G5RV up 25'                                       
AA2VG    18   18  36   14  504  x2  1008  Carolina Windom at 45 ft                          
K2OID    20   20  40   12  480  x2   960  80M OCF Dipole @40'                               
KN2G     11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2SH      9    9  18    8  144  x2   288  72' wire vertical                                 
KB2GKC    5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  40m 1/2 wave endfed up 30 ft                      

W3 Division
K3JZD    41   40  81   21 1701  x2  3402  40m Dipole @25'                                   
AK3X      8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  102' inv vee, 300 Ohm feed/tuner                  

W4 Division
KC5F     38   35  73   24 1752  x2  3504  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
KO4NDP   25   24  49   14  686  x2  1372  homebrew speaker wire G5RV Jr in attic            
N4ARY    20   17  37   12  444  x2   888  Folded dipole at 25ft                             
KN4RQD   19   18  37   11  407  x2   814  Inverted V @ 35ft                                 
W4NLT    14   14  28   12  336  x2   672  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WX4RM    11   10  21   11  231  x2   462  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
KA8VZB    9    9  18    7  126  x2   252  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
WG8Y      7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  10-80 OCF@40FT                                    
WT4U      7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
K4JPN     7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  80 M CF Zepp                                      
KO4TFE    6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  1/4 wave vertical                                 
NA4O      5    5  10    2   20  x2    40  41'EF@20'                                         
KK4ITX    2    0   2    2    4  x2     8  65FT EFRW SLOPPER                                 

W5 Division
N5GW     12   12  24    9  216  x2   432  doublet @ 25'                                     
W5WIL     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  ETF-MTR 40-30-20 @ 16'                            
KE5YUM    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  80 meter sloping dipole @ 28 feet                 

W6 Division

W7 Division
KC7DM     3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  450' loop @ 50'                                   
KJ7KDB    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Ultimax 100 24' vertical                          

W8 Division
W8GG     23   21  44   19  836  x2  1672  Dipoles @ 35'                                     

W9 Division
WB9HFK   29   28  57   15  855  x2  1710  EFHW @ 30 Ft.                                     
AA9L      7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  160 80 40M trap dipole                            
K9QEW     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  4BTV                                              
KA9FQG    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    

W0 Division
NN0SS     9    9  18    9  162  x2   324  inverted vee @30 feet                             
KD0DK     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  102 ft. long wire                                 
AA0W      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  OCF Dipole @30 Ft                                 
KA8HDE    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  G5RV @35' over house                              

Canada Division
VE2KZW   22   21  43   15  645  x2  1290  EFRW 58ft, sloping from 33ft to 2ft               
VE3IIM   13   13  26   12  312  x2   624  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
WB1GYZ    6    6  12    5   60 x1.5   90  100' Doublet open-wire feed                       

W2 Division
N2DGQ    26   21  47   13  611 x1.5  916  OCF Dipole @ 25'                                  

W3 Division
W1BLU     4    4   8    4   32 x1.5   48  EFHW @20'                                         
NN3E      2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
K3RLL     9    7  16    9  144 x1.5  216  44' wire up and over garage roof                  

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  Butternut gnd mtd vert w/o radials                

W8 Division
K8NGW    14   14  28   10  280 x1.5  420  43' ground mtd. vertical w/ 32 radials            

W9 Division

W0 Division
WU0A      7    7  14    6   84 x1.5  126  G5RV @35 feet                                     

Canada Division
VE3HUR    3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  vertical                                          

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1TER     7    7  14    6   84        84  40 mtr end fed                                    
KB1M      1    1   2    1    2         2  20 Mtr dipole                                     

W2 Division
WA1GWH    8    8  16    8  128       128  40m dipole at 15 ft                               
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  40&20 mtr dipole @ 35ft.                      
WA2FBN    6    6  12    6   72        72  dipole @ 25 ft                                    

W3 Division

W4 Division
AF4PX    20   18  38   14  532       532  Delta loop                                        
N4MJ      8    7  15    7  105       105  40 OCF at 40'                                     
K4KBL     7    4  11    6   66        66  ZS6BKS INV @ about 60'                            

W5 Division
KA6J     11   11  22    8  176       176  Ground mounted vertical                           

W6 Division

W7 Division
KF7Z     17   16  33   12  396       396  Dipole at 25'                                     

W8 Division
WI8J     15   15  30   12  360       360  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN   14   14  28   11  308       308  End Fed Wire @ 25 ft                              
NF8M      5    5  10    5   50        50  6BTV on ground                                    

W9 Division
N9EEE    20   20  40   13  520       520  EFHW sloper at 40 ft                              
AB9BZ     1    1   2    1    2         2  EFHW @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
N0QBX     3    3   6    3   18        18  Dipole at 30'                                     
KC2MJT    1    1   2    1    2         2  EFRW feed @ ~25'                                  

Canada Division
VE3DQN    3    3   6    3   18        18  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division
DK1VD     1    1   2    1    2         2  GND MTD VERT                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 67
Total participants:             104
Total QSOs:                     712
States + Provinces represented: 34 + ON QC + DX


K4KBL - Truly weird conditions tonight. Got many non member calls from within state and signals were generally poor overall.

K3RLL - 20M noisy here but propagation was great - deep into Eastern Europe; a little less so for those skilled ops who had to work to hear me tonight, but thank you. 40m very high noise level and I couldn't hear anyone. ... 72, ... Don

WG8Y - Hi all, Busy day getting ready for leaving early Thursday morning for Dayton then up to see family east of Cleveland, Ohio. Worked 8 Q's into 8 states on 20M while loading the car. Hi Hi Pulled the plug after an hour. Was surprised that 20m was even open after the last few days of solar activity. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

KF7Z - Poor condx tonight after the first half hour, but was able to get a few QSOs, Elecraft K3s dialed down to 5 watts to a Dipole up 25'. Always a pleasure to work these sprints, nice fists and good ears 72 Danny

KO4TFE - Newly built QMX

N9EEE - 40m noise was solid S5 as usual. No static crashes made for a nice run tonight.

KN2G - I would say the bands were hotter than I was. 20 was muted but workable and 40 slowly got crunchy as the evening progressed. 80 gave nothing to me. Still, an enjoyable romp in the ether.

K1IX - Seen better condx but still fun trying out a new HB 40m NVIS. seems to work as good as ofcd

NA4O - Very tough band conditions tonight. The plus was that I got more GA stations than ever before! Always a challenge in some way, but that is one reason I am here. Vibroplex Straight Key, KX3 @ 5W.

K9QEW - All QSOs on 20 meters except one of 40 meters. Band condx improving since big solar storm. 72/73 Daryl

K1MZM - 80 was impossibly noisy here tonight. A few QSO's on 20 tonight but 40 was the best band by far for me. Many thanks to DK1VD for his patience and for the DX QSO.

KC5F - Quite the slog tonight to get calls. Sorry for a few I couldn't make out. Several non-members tonight. 20m was good for distance, but only 24% of QSOs, with the rest on 40m. I tried 80m and had one station call, but the QRN kept me from completing it. Still fun, as always. Thanks, all!

N4ARY - My first sprint in a while. Conditions were great on 20. Noisy on 40, but worked many stations. Glad I remembered this week!

KO4NDP - Had loads of fun, lots of good qsos. Hard to believe the bands have been demolished lately but were hopping so well with QRP sigs tonight!

VE2KZW - First sprint in quite a while. Tried a new antenna and I am quite happy with its performance. Worked 20m and 40m, but no luck on 80m. Thanks for all the QSOs. 72, Robert VE2KZW

N2DGQ - Plenty of signals on 40M tonight. Maybe we are at the end of the solar flares.

AF4PX - Conditions were tuff, many thanks to all I worked,and sorry to you guys I just couldn't get all of your call

K3JZD - 40m only. And 40m was really noisy here in WPA. With all of the static crashes it was a true test of the quality of my receiver's AGC. The tone on many signals was warbling due to conditions, making copy difficult - thanks for the repeats and corrections. It was probably Fred-DK2VD who called me repeatedly - but I simply could not get a complete call sign due to the QSB and the loud static crashes - so sorry. K4 running 4.9 watts with a dipole. 72, Jody - K3JZD

K8NGW - Not a lot of activity on 20. Limited activity on 40. No activity on 80. Did everybody leave early for Dayton? :-)


WX4RM - Well conditions improved over the last several days, but my noise level was still S9. 20 allowed me to work Canada, WY, TX,and OK. 40 gave closer in stations, but that QRN was rough. I was just happy to work these stations and glad they had good ears to hear me :)

W4NLT - Almost missed the event but managed to get on the last hour. Brief shot on 20M but most QSOs on 40M which had some QRN locally. Thanks for the QSOs 72 Andy

K2OID - My first time with a straight key. Thanks everyone for your patience. Conditions on 40 better than I expected given the recent solar activity. Lots of fun as always.

N7QR - 81st: 20 only for an hour. The Sun has been acting up lately and may have influenced us. CU next month! Russ PDX

VE3DQN - It's a relief to hear so many signals after the days of compromised propagation. 14.061 MHz was jammed up with several signals right on top of each other. I'm sure they couldn't hear each other. I'm sorry I had to make a short night of it.

NF8M - Hello from Dayton! Remote op from hotel. Good activity tonite if a bit noisy. 72 es cu at Hamvention.

WB9HFK - QSB and QRN were troublesome this evening. Thanks for the QSO's! 72, Mark WB9HFK

AA0W - Thunder Storms and radio blackout (X-ray flare). Bands were MT.

DK1VD - due to the sun activity the conditions were not good during the week.I could hear some stations but the signals had very strong fading and were quiet I think my signal too But Alan K1MZM had patience and good ears thanks for the time it was fun again

W5WIL - Crowd on 14061 at start. Managed a few contacts nearby with old IC-730 into EFT-MTR just off the porch.

W1BLU - Kp factor was dropping from this last weekend's CME effect but the noise still persisted. I only heard a handful of stations but worked those,

N4MJ - 40M was terribly noisy. 20m was quiet but lacked participants. AA2YO was working a Flying Pig sprint. Fun as usual but had to cut it short. Thanks to all participants.

KA6J - Thanks for the sprint! Tough condx from So Cent TX tonight. Sorry for the few stations I couuldn't pull through the noise!

AA2VG - I ran my Appalachian Trail Sprint 3B (ATS3B). I was glad to see the bands open. The ATS3B is one amazing CW radio. It is built into an Altoid Tin and covers 6 bands, from 80 to 15 meters. It's my favorite rig. Steve Weber KD1JV designs the best CW rigs. Had Fun. 72 Peter AA2VG

KE5YUM - Started on 40 but the noise drove me to 20 where signals were much better. Worked two in the time that I had but could not pull in WY. Looking forward to next month. Terry

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Good nite fer sprint. Using my E.F.Johnson J-38 straight key. Forgive my rusty fist gents. 20 meters was open at start, and 40 had some really strong signals. I kept hopping back to 20 to pick up a couple there. Called a few CQs on 80 but just noise. 40 was the money band. always fun working old friends and new ones. This is my 200th sprint. Wow, time does indeed fly when ur having fun. See all of you next month. 73, Gregg W8GG

KA2KGP - 20m. had only 2 contacts, none on 80 with hi-QRN, but 40 was OK. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. w/ straight key. 73

WT4U - Couldn't stay on for long, but was pleased that the bands were doing reasonably well. 20m was working into Canada with a lot of QSB, and 40m seemed solid.

WA1GWH - Boy, lots of static crashes on 40m from the nearby fronts. Luckily no thunder at my QTH. Thanks for the contacts! 72, Garry

KB2GKC - QRN rules the evening !

K4JPN - Only had a 1/2 hour at the beginning but had fun. On a side note, could not get the NAQCC Logger to work. Uninstalling it and reinstalling it fixed the problem. 72, Steve K4JPN

WA2FBN - Fun sprint. Signals were much better than I expected. TNX 72 Ken

KK4ITX - Pretty tough tonight. Did FP at first and heard no one. Good thing is.... it can only get better!

W2SH - The recent solar flares left the bands in poor shape. 20m was open for the first half hour, but the skip soon seemed stuck at 1,000 miles or less. However a welcome exception was a loud QSO with KF7Z in WY, 1,830 miles distant. 40m was fairly noisy and nothing was heard on 80m.

AK3X - Missed the first hour and was called away several times. 40 meters only. Most signals were good but lots of QRN. Thanks to all.

N5GW - 20 and 40 in good shape, but 80 QRN. Some signals strong. Looking forward to milliwatt sprint next month.

KN4RQD - Lots of noise on 40m which gave me trouble copying calls and NR's. Thanks for the repeats and see you all next month.

W1TER - A real tough night. Got more sri's than contacts.