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April 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#234)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     20   20  40   11  440  x2   880  END-FED 400' WIRE                                 
N1BRI     8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  ocf up 30 feet                                    

W2 Division
KA2KGP   26   26  52   15  780  x2  1560  G5RV up 25'                                       
KN2G     18   18  36   11  396  x2   792  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2SH     13   13  26    8  208  x2   416  72' wire vertical                                 

W3 Division
K3JZD    44   43  87   19 1653  x2  3306  40m Dipole @25'                                   
KC3MIO   34   34  68   19 1292  x2  2584  125' Doublet up 45'                               
W6WU     29   28  57   14  798  x2  1596  40M Loop @ 45'                                    
W1BLU     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  EFHW @ 20'                                        

W4 Division
KC5F     47   45  92   24 2208  x2  4416  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
WZ2N     41   40  81   21 1701  x2  3402  G5RV @ 25'                                        
WB0CJB   26   26  52   18  936  x2  1872  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
N2TNN    21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  160 meter loop up 55 feet                         
W4NLT    21   21  42   10  420  x2   840  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
NA4O     15   15  30   11  330  x2   660  EFRW@25'                                          
WX4RM    14   14  28   10  280  x2   560  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
WT4U     11   11  22    7  154  x2   308  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
KN4RQD    9    9  18    8  144  x2   288  40m EFHW                                          
KA8VZB   10   10  20    6  120  x2   240  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
WD4OHD    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  40m dipole                                        
K4JPN     5    5  10    3   30  x2    60  80 M CF Zepp                                      
WG8Y      5    5  10    2   20  x2    40  10-80 OCF@40FT                                    
KK4ITX    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  65FT EFRW SLOPPER                                 

W5 Division
N5GW      9    9  18    5   90  x2   180  doublet @ 25'                                     
KD5ZCQ    7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  G5RV @ 30'                                        
KE5YUM    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  40 meter dipole @ 22 feet                         
N5MHI     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  dipole laying on roof                             

W6 Division
W6IRA     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  grnd-plane trap vertical on roof                  
K6GPB     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  G5RV                                              

W7 Division
KI7LW     3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  Inv Vee 20 ft                                     

W8 Division
NF8M     12   12  24    7  168  x2   336  6BTV                                              

W9 Division
K9NUD    51   50 101   26 2626  x2  5252  80M EFHW up 40'                                   
WB9HFK   30   30  60   18 1080  x2  2160  EFHW @ 30 Ft.                                     
K9QEW    11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  4BTV                                              
AA9L      8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  160 80 40M trap dipole                            
KD9EBS    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Attic Dipole at 25 Feet                           
KA9FQG    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    

W0 Division
N0TA     36   35  71   20 1420  x2  2840  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
KA8HDE   19   19  38   12  456  x2   912  G5RV @ 35' over house                             
W1TM     16   16  32   12  384  x2   768  EFLW up 30 feet                                   
NN0SS    12   12  24    6  144  x2   288  inverted v @30 ft                                 
N8LA      7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  dipole @ 35'                                      

Canada Division
VE3IIM    7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             
VE7HI     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  3 band Cushcraft vert 8 ft off ground.            

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
WB1GYZ   12   12  24    7  168 x1.5  252  100' Doublet open-wire feed                       

W2 Division
KF2P      5    5  10    3   30 x1.5   45  END FED LONG WIRE                                 

W3 Division
NN3E     10   10  20    7  140 x1.5  210  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
K7EK     27   27  54   15  810 x1.5 1215  135' OCFD, inverted V configuration, 20' at apex. 
K4TNE    13   13  26   11  286 x1.5  429  EFHW SLOPPER 9FT-50FT                             
K3RLL    10   10  20    9  180 x1.5  270  After-dark stealth HOA Vertical                   

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
K8NGW    14   14  28   11  308 x1.5  462  43' vertical w/ 32 radials & base loading coil

W9 Division

W0 Division
KD0V     21   21  42   13  546 x1.5  819  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 
WU0A     14   14  28   10  280 x1.5  420  Vertical @ 18'                                    

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1TER    17   17  34    9  306       306  40 meter EFHW                                     
KB1M      2    2   4    2    8         8  40M EFHW                                          

W2 Division
K2OID    23   22  45   16  720       720  80M OCF Dipole @40'                               
N2ESE    10   10  20    8  160       160  20&40 mtr dipole                              
WA1GWH    6    6  12    6   72        72  40m dipole at 15 ft                               

W3 Division
KC3RN    28   27  55   14  770       770  40m EFHW @ 20'                                    
KE3V     10   10  20    8  160       160  40m delta loop, 30' apex                          
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2         2  40m Dipole @ ~30'                                 
KQ3Z      1    0   1    1    1         1  Doublet @ 65'                                     

W4 Division
N4MJ     25   25  50   16  800       800  40 OCF at 40'                                     
K4BAI    18   18  36   10  360       360  88' cf zepp; 40M dipole, 80M inv v dipole         
AF4PX    11   11  22   11  242       242  Delta loop                                        
KO4TFE    6    6  12    5   60        60  DX COMMANDER                                      
K4KBL     5    5  10    5   50        50  ZS6BKS INV @ about 60'                            
K4KRW     5    5  10    5   50        50  Inverted V @ 65'                                  
W8GG      5    5  10    4   40        40  Gnd mounted vertical , 22 radials                 
W1RCP     1    1   2    1    2         2  5BTV Vertical Ground Mounted                      

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
WI8J     15   15  30   10  300       300  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN   14   14  28    9  252       252  End Fed Wire @ 25 ft                              

W9 Division
WD9F      4    4   8    4   32        32  85 foot inverted L 30 feet height                 
N9SE      3    3   6    2   12        12  Dipole @30ft                                      

W0 Division
NO2D      6    6  12    6   72        72  80 m doublet @ 30 feet                            

Canada Division
VE3DQN    9    9  18    6  108       108  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           
VE3SIF    5    5  10    5   50        50  End Fed Half Wave up 25 feet                      

DX Division
DK1VD     2    2   4    2    8         8  GND MTD VERT                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
NQ2W     26   24  50   18  900  x2  1800  3el yagi @ 32', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 79
Total participants:             107
Total QSOs:                     1054
States + Provinces represented: 31 + BC ON + DX


K4KBL - Terrible static crashes with pending storm on the way...

N9SE - QRN was a killer tonight!

NO2D - Always enjoy the sprints. One time I will dig out the hand key and go for broke. But not tonight. All 20 meters and the copy was not easy. Thanks to those who make the sprints possible. Pete, NO2D.

N1BRI - Lotta QRN here, but some guys were booming in right over the top. Beat up from the feet up today so I'm calling it early. Thanks for another fun sprint. 72 and happy Spring from CT!

WG8Y - Hi all. Worked 6 Q's in 3 states on 20M then pulled the plug. Long day today and early start tomorrow. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

WD4OHD - Some good signals tonight, but also significant QSB and QRN. Finally gave up early due to the constant static crashes, making reception difficult. Better luck next time, I guess. Thanks to those who managed to dig my signal out of the noise.

W1RCP - I was testing a prototype capacitive key on an unsuspecting victim. Will took it in stride. It wasn't quite working reliably, but I was able to gather enough information during the test/evaluation to make some changes to the circuit. KX2 @ 5W, 5BTV ground mounted vertical with 125 feet of coax to get there. -Rob W1RCP

N0TA - 20m was really good; however, 40m was a bit noisy. Suggestion: If you're running QRP, you really need to zero beat the station you're calling. K3@5w, doublet and vertical, Amplidan key, NAQCC Sprint Logger.

KD0V - Very good sprint, but the band died about 0130Z. Thanks for the fun time!

K3RLL - It too 15 years, but my neighbor finally trimmed his tree so my HOA stealth, after-dark vertical actually worked tonight! (But now is easily seen.) Got more RBN spots from Europe than US. ;-) Big signals tonight into FL were KC5F & NF8M. Tnx for the fun. 72, ... Don

KK4ITX - Lots of noise and deep QSB

KO4TFE - Used my newly built QMX!

KE3V - I was only on for a bit less than an hour tonight. Only heard signals on 40m, but there were plenty there. All in all a good night for radio.

WB1GYZ - Thanks to all for the fun Sprint.

K4KRW - Thanks everyone!

NQ2W - Late start and early finish. Happy to have so many Qs on 20m. 40 was a little noisy but signals were pretty strong. Thank you for the contacts and the opportunity to participate. I hope you hear me in the next one! 72, Will, NQ2W

VE7HI - First NA sprint in a long time! Glad I was able to make a couple of QSO's. Thanks for the sprints. CUL!!


K3WWP - Did my one sprint QSO tonight at the SkyView Club with their IC7300 turned down to 5 watts out and using their 40 meter dipole.

W1BLU - 20 dried up fast here. 40 was perfect for listening to lightning crashes. Still, as always, it was fun. 72

W6WU - Stayed on 40M the whole time. As always a lot of fun. Thanks to all.

K9NUD - Wow, tough bands tonight! 20M was very long but Europe was asleep. 40M was busy but QRN was intense. Thanks for all the hard-won contacts! KX3 @ 5W using a cootie. 72!

K9QEW - Operated 1st hour only. QSB/QRN heavy. 72/73s Daryl

KC5F - QRN made me miss a few, but things ended up well. Pipeline to CO on 20m, a few on 80m, but 75% on 40m tonight, including DK1VD as a surprise. Lots of fun, as usual. Thanks, all! - Steve

KC3RN - A pretty good night, despite high noise levels here. Stayed on 40 the entire sprint, and it was pretty good to me. My FT-817 performed beautifully, although it got a little warm at the end. I was even able to make my last 2 QSO's at 1 watt. I worked K3WWP early in the evening, and it was great to hear him again. John, K4BAI was my last contact. We seem to work each other in every sprint. I also worked a non-member QRPer, which is a first for me during a sprint.

K7EK - Great turnout again tonight, however it was hampered by severe thunderstorms in the region. I had to use the narrowest filters and back off on the RF gain to copy some stations.

KN2G - I got off to a slow start because I was digesting some well grilled hotdogs..... I got three 2 band contacts. Still hoping for a hat trick someday. Just for grins of course. 20 was ok and 40 started ok got crunchy and 80 was just crunchy. I always appreciate those who work extra hard to sift me out of the ether. Next one will finally be my 50th! The joy never fades with qrp and good ops. 72

KQ3Z - Got on for the last 14 minutes

KN1H - Got a very late start due to family activity, glad to be able to get on for a while. Nye Viking Master Key, Solar battery powered IC-7300. 72, John, KN1H

VE3DQN - Good signals tonight. Had planned to be on the air longer. But today's my birthday, and I was twice "interrupted" by lengthy phone calls from my kids wishing me happy birthday. The kind of "interruptions" we can always welcome :-)

NA4O - Plus was that 40 and 20 were pretty quiet. Minus was that sigs were generally not very loud. But a good solid night all in all! Another showing for the Vibroplex straight key and KX3.

K4TNE - First NAQCC Sprint. Thanks for the patience!

WZ2N - Haven't participated in quite a while. Really good overall conditions for me tonight and a ton of top notch operators as per usual. Managed QSO's on all bands with a respectable (for me) number of stations in the log by the end of the night. Thanks to all who make this happen! Best 72/73 de WZ2N

K8NGW - Strong signals but also strong noise (especially on 80M). Not many stations on 20M tonight. My bug began to act up half way through the sprint with scratchy dits. Still fun! See you all next month.

WX4RM - Seemed that there was considerable QRN tonight on the bands, making it hard to pull in the weaker signals. The ionosphere must have been hung over from yesterdays eclipse. Had fun as always.

KE5YUM - 40 meters was very noisy due to storms to the east. I heard only a few CQs and was able to snag WB9HLK. Thanks. Until next month de KE5YUM in Arkansas. FT 817 with CWMORSE straight key.

W1TM - Had a good run on 20 meters, but after having to put my ducks in the barn I came back and 40 was terrible here. Good to have the old Drake (rig not duck) up and running again.

WD9F - First time in the sprint. Could only operate the first 30 minutes. Next time I will do better. Thank you!

N5MHI - Thunderstorms nearby causing lots of atmospheric noise

K4BAI - Late start due to 9-year old grandson's little baseball game. His team came from way behind to win and he scored the winning run. Then met with Jeff, KU8E, who is temporarily installing my mobile rig and antennas in my car for the GA QSO Party this weekend. Please join us. There is a QRP category. Had 42 minutes left to operate in this, one of my favorite contests. 40M band was fair, but no stations heard or worked west of MO. 80M had only a medium signal from Steve, KC5F, in NC, so returned to 40M for the last few minutes. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI

NN3E - Thanks everyone for the QSO's CU next month .. 72 Kevin NN3E

KC3MIO - Xiegu G90 running 5 watts into 125' doublet up 45'. Sidetone was too loud in my phones and had to dig up manual to fix. 20 was good for first half hour and then moved to 40 which was good until 0200. 80 was quiet here but didn't have many signals; made one more contact on 40 and that was it. Good conditions here in NE PA after a beautiful and warm day. Tnx to the NAQCC and all my contacts. 73, Rich

NF8M - Nice to have 20 open again. Strong sigs on 40. TNX QSOs.

N2TNN - Poor band conditions with no signal strength but still a fun event. 73, Dean

K2OID - 40 condx were good again tonight. Had nice chat with AC9HP during sprint. TNX to K3RLL for sticking with me for a tough contact.

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! Running 5w wid FT857. I laid out 12 more temporary radials under the vertical in anticipation of the sprint. Had visitors and only had time for first half hour. I HAD TO make a few QSOs just to keep my streak alive. 20 was fairly active with some really gud signals. Yet many of them didnt hear my calls. Still Lots of fun as always es nabbed 5 QSOs before pulling plug. Hope to hear you all in the next sprint

WB9HFK - A fun time as always. The QSB and QRN were a bit high - sorry to anyone I just could not hear. Looking foward to the next one! 72, Mark WB9HFK

KA2KGP - A good turnout this NA. 20m was open short in beginning, but 40m was the best band. 80m has some QRN but a few contacts made there. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a G5RV up 25 ft. w/ WWII German Junkers Straight Key. 73 to all.

AF4PX - I was on the struggle bus trying to pull stations out of the QRN, still great fun!

K6GPB - Ruff evening. Did not hear any NAQCC members. RCVR did work as I heard stations elsewhere on the bands. RBN showed my CQs were going out. Still, I look forward to activity next month.

K3JZD - 40m was a bit noisy here, and folks seemed to be hearing me better than I was hearing them. So, I needed some repeats whenever I was being called. Nonetheless, I stuck with 40m for the whole two hours. Thanks to all of you who worked me. Seemed like a whole lot more low member numbers this month. K2 and 40m Dipole. 72, Jody - K3JZD

WT4U - 20m was good. 40m was noisy with all the thunderstorms down south. Nothing but QRN on 80m. Another fun event.

VE3IIM - ..Thunderstorms locally, so crashes made it harder than usual! Thanks to all who tried, but no luck..

W2SH - A new low number of QSOs for me in these sprints. I got a few signal reports below 559 and very few replies to my CQs. I hope to get my 270' center-fed dipole back up again for it performs much better than the 72' vertical that I used.

N8LA - KX-3; 5W; 200' Dipole Up 35'; NAQCCode Warrior with W8GG Finger Pieces Wired as Dual Paddle Side Swiper by AD0BI. Hand recorded QSOs on blank backs of junk mail. Missed last month's sprint because was under the weather. Got late start because watched a bit of Cardinals game. Nothing heard on 20 and 80. Made seven contacts on 40. Thanks for all of the contacts and apologies to all I could not pull out of the noise, especially KA2KGP whose information I was unable to copy completely. Hope to see you all next month. Best 72/73, Lou, N8LA

N5GW - A storm front was rapidly approaching, but I decided to try 20M just before it hit my QTH. After 9 contacts I heard thunder boomers, so it was time to hit the big switch!