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January 2024 QRP/CW Sprint (#231)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
K1MZM    36   34  70   14  980  x2  1960  160 meter horizontal loop at 55 feet              
KN1H     30   29  59   13  767  x2  1534  END-FED 400' WIRE                                 
K1YAN    12   12  24    6  144  x2   288  G5RV Jr. @ 30'                                    
K1IX      5    5  10    3   30  x2    60  K1POO  OCFD  @35'5                                
KQ1P      4    3   7    4   28  x2    56  80/40 dipole @ 30'                                
N1BRI     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  OCF                                               

W2 Division
KA2KGP   22   22  44   16  704  x2  1408  G5RV up 25'                                       
KN2G     18   18  36   12  432  x2   864  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2SH     16   16  32   11  352  x2   704  72' wire vertical; 270' cf dipole at 45'          
KB2GKC    5    5  10    3   30  x2    60  40m 1/2 wave endfed up 30 ft                      

W3 Division
KC3MIO   22   22  44   16  704  x2  1408  Doublet 125' @ 45',135' OCF @40                   
K3JZD    25   24  49   12  588  x2  1176  40m Dipole @25', 80m EFRW @20'                    
AK3X      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  102' inv vee apex 35' with tuner                  
N3CAA     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  EFRW 84' long up 25'                              

W4 Division
K4JPN    31   31  62   17 1054  x2  2108  80 M CF Zepp                                      
WG8Y     23   23  46   15  690  x2  1380  10-80 OCF@40FT                                    
K7EK     24   23  47   11  517  x2  1034  120' broadband inverted vee, apex @ 65'           
WX4RM    16   16  32   12  384  x2   768  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
W4NLT    13   13  26    8  208  x2   416  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30 ft         
WT4U     11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
N2TNN     8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  EFHW   up 35 ft N to S                            
KO4TFE    5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  1/4 Wave Vertical                                 
K9EYT     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  60' wire 15' up HOA stealth                       
KA8VZB    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
W4DUK     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  72 ft long at 12 ft high "Gutter-Tenna" 
KK4ITX    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  EFRW                                              

W5 Division
N5GW     10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  doublet @ 25'                                     
AC5BX     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  G5RV over house                                   
KE5YUM    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  80 meter dipole at 28'                            
KQ7L      0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Wolf River Coils portable ground mounted vertical 

W6 Division
K6GPB     6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  G5RV 20 feet                                      

W7 Division
N7KM     31   29  60   19 1140  x2  2280  80 METER OCF DIPOLE @ 40 FEET                     

W8 Division
NF8M      7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  OCF dpl @35ft/bev                                 

W9 Division
K9NUD    46   46  92   20 1840  x2  3680  132' EFHW up 40'                                  
WB9HFK   42   42  84   21 1764  x2  3528  EFHW @ 30 Ft. - End Fed 150 Ft.                   
K9QEW    16   16  32   12  384  x2   768  4BTV                                              
AA9L     11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  160 80 40M trap dipole                            
N8HWV     7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  80m EFHW at 15 ft agl                             
KA9FQG    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    

W0 Division
N0TA     33   33  66   24 1584  x2  3168  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
W1TM     11   11  22   11  242  x2   484  EFLW resonant on 40, 20, and 10 up 30 feet.       
AA0W     15   15  30    8  240  x2   480  OCF Dipole @ 30 feet                              
NO2D      8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  80 m doublet @ 30 feet                            
N0RZ      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  dipole@35'                                        
N8LA      3    2   5    2   10  x2    20  dipole @ 35'                                      

Canada Division
VE3IIM   10   10  20   10  200  x2   400  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             
VE3SIF    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  End Fed Half Wave                                 

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
WB1GYZ    7    7  14    5   70 x1.5  105  100' Doublet                                      

W2 Division
N2DGQ     8    8  16    7  112 x1.5  168  OCF Diploe @ 25-Feet                              

W3 Division
NN3E      4    4   8    4   32 x1.5   48  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
AA2MX    36   36  72   20 1440 x1.5 2160  OCF DIPOLE                                        
K3RLL     5    5  10    5   50 x1.5   75  44' wire up and over garage roof                  
KJ4R      3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  134 foot EFHW                                     

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      4    4   8    3   24 x1.5   36  Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials           

W8 Division
K8NGW    16   16  32   12  384 x1.5  576  43' vertical w/ 32 radials and a base loading coil

W9 Division

W0 Division

Canada Division
VE3HUR    4    4   8    4   32 x1.5   48  vertical                                          

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1TER    14   14  28    9  252       252  40 meter EFHW                                     
KB1M      5    5  10    4   40        40  40M EFHW, 20 & 40m dipoles                    
N1DN      5    5  10    4   40        40  EFHW at 25 feet                                   

W2 Division
K2OID    21   21  42   14  588       588  80M OCF Dipole@40'                                
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  20&40mtr dipole@35ft.                         
WA1GWH    8    8  16    4   64        64  40m dipole at 15 ft                               
WA2FBN    2    2   4    2    8         8  EFHW sloper at 25ft                               

W3 Division
K3ES      8    8  16    5   80        80  40m EFHW Inverted V up 30 ft.                     
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2         2  ~110' attic random wire                           
KQ3Z      0    0   0    0    0         0  135' Doublet at 65'                               

W4 Division
KR4AE    40   40  80   19 1520      1520  dipoles @35 feet                                  
N4MJ     32   32  64   17 1088      1088  80M OCF @ 40'                                     
AF4PX    22   22  44   13  572       572  Dipole @ 25'                                      
K4KBL    20   20  40   14  560       560  ZS6BKW INV @ 60'                                  
K4KRW    12   12  24    9  216       216  Inverted V @ 65'                                  
K4EAK     8    8  16    6   96        96  EFRW                                              
W8GG      4    4   8    3   24        24  Gnd mounted vertical , 10 radials                 

W5 Division
KN5EE     1    1   2    1    2         2  EFHW @40'                                         

W6 Division
KD0FNR    0    0   0    0    0         0  20 m halfwave dipole sloping parallel to hillside 

W7 Division
WA7QCC    1    1   2    1    2         2  Attic dipole up 20'                               

W8 Division
WI8J     18   18  36   13  468       468  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN   11   11  22    8  176       176  End Fed Wire @ 25 ft                              

W9 Division
N9EEE     9    9  18    7  126       126  EFHW sloper up to 40 feet                         
N9SE      6    6  12    4   48        48  160M vertical, 40 ft top loaded                   

W0 Division

Canada Division
VE3DQN    2    2   4    2    8         8  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
NQ2W     18   18  36   12  432  x2   864  3el yagi @ 32', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 82
Total participants:             113
Total QSOs:                     970
States + Provinces represented: 34 + ON


N9SE - First sprint in a quite a while. Forgot how much I enjoy them!

K3RLL - RBN was pretty kind to me but the QRZ Propagation Chart sure didn't match my conditions this evening. 20m: Didn't hear a peep. On 40m, Happy for my five contacts. I think this is my 173rd regular NAQCC Sprint. You'd think I'd be more successful at it by now. (GRIN) 72, ... Don

NO2D - Thanks to all who help make the sprints possible. NO2D, Pete

NQ2W - Happy New Year! Glad that 20m was open at the start. 40m was in pretty good shape but my fist got a little tired so I called it quits. Thanks for the contacts and the opportunity to participate. I appreciate the efforts of those NAQCCers that make these sprints possible. Thank you! 72, Will, NQ2W

K4KBL - On for an hour tonight...first time for deliberate QRM on frequency. No call sign just letter, numbers and nonsense...too bad, even on a QRP sprint !

N2DGQ - Could only hang in there for about an hour. Where were the little signals? 40M was quite. Hope to be able to stick around more next month. 73

W1TM - Good cold night to play radio! Thanks

K4KRW - Thanks everyone! Bands seemed pretty quiet here. I got a late start and 40 was already winding down. Great hearing everyone. 73, Richard

N1BRI - Got home late after CERT training and was happy to make a couple q's. 72

N3CAA - Was good to get in the first few QSOs of 2024 this evening. Only a few stations heard, but the antenna might be to blame more so than band condx. Probably time to build that EFHW for 80m. Thanks for the QSOs es 72!

N0RZ - Got a late start but the reception was good on 40. until next month 73 Charles n0rz

AA9L - Good to be back.

K9EYT - Snow bird QTH Tarpon Springs FL .20 was dead ,40 was not real good . ICom 706 to a wire at 5 watts. Thanks for the Q 72

N2TNN - Very not friendly conditions

KQ7L - Very few signals heard here in Texas. But I tried,,, :) Joel

K9NUD - Wow, great signals and low noise on 40 and 80 tonight! I used the KX3/PX3 and my trusty KN4YB cootie key tonight. Sorry for the ones I could not pull out tonight :-(

K4JPN - Tried 20M but nothing heard, 40M was hopping and then down to 80M with more fun. 72 Steve K4JPN

K1MZM - Weird noise on both 40 and 80 tonight but there were some very strong signals. Thanks to everyone for the contacts. Hope to see you on 160 next week.

WA7QCC - Didn't hear many NAQCC to onight. Did work K3Y/KH6 and K3Y/5 and a couple POTA and CWT stations though, so did add a few to the log.

AA2MX - The bands started slow but finished strong, especially 80m. Thanks everyone for a great sprint 72's Bill

K9QEW - Fun Night. All QSOs on 40 meters using my Homebrew rockbound "FUNMITTER". This little jewel does the job. Band gave out after the first hour. 72/73s & STAY TUNED! Daryl

KN2G - I have been working on my paddle to make it less crunchy. It lasted most of the sprint but got rough again in the last bit. I may have to silver solder the contacts since stainless to stainless has never worked out that well for me. My weakest contact tonight was N8LA. Fine work to get me! 20 lasted only a little while, 40 was nice until it faded and 80 was noisy but active. See you next week at the most amazing sprint of the year!

K3JZD - Started on 40m, but it seemed like it got too long. Went to 80m and played some more. K4 running 5w to cold wire antennas with cold coax. 73, Jody - K3JZD

KD0FNR - It was a lot of fun to operate, but 20 meters seemed to be completely shut down out here in CA! At least by the time I got Project TouCans on the air. Still, it's fun, thanks for putting this on!

N9EEE - All going good for 30 minutes until I received an urgent message that our club website was down. Decisions, decisions.

KN1H - Thanks to all for a very enjoyable sprint! Looking forward to 160M next week. 72, John, KN1H

WG8Y - Hi all, Started on 20m. Worked CO. & UT then the phone rang. Back at it 15 min. later and 20m was dead here in NC. Worked 5 on 40m but band was a little down here. Spent last hour on 80M. I lost a couple contacts in the QRM. Thanks for trying guys. I was tilting my head from side to side on a couple Q's trying see which hearing aid was better. Hi Hi. Still fun working everyone. Now gotta get a wire up for the 160M sprint next week. 72 all from N.C. Mark WG8Y

W4NLT - Nothing heard on 20. 40 was noisy with QSB. Lost several QSOs part way through. 80 was active buy noisy also. Thanks for the QSOs 72/73 Andy

K3ES - Lots of fun, despite heavy QRN. Thanks to those who stuck with me!

K2OID - 40 had lots of QSB but some unusually long skip (UT and CO from NY) but died completely after the first hour so had to QSY to 80. Not very many stations, but the signals were strong. Great fun as always.

N4MJ - Was fun while it lasted on 40m. Band died at/about 0245Z. Tnx to all participants.

K8NGW - 20M was open to the west where I picked up 2 CO's, a UT, and a CA. 40M had a high constant QRN which drowned out the light signals. With low noise, 80M was the place to be! See you all next week on 160M!

K7EK - Great turnout on all bands. I look forward to future sprints. Happy New Year!

NF8M - About 15 minutes between other things to do. 80 in great shape tonight. 72 all!

N7QR - 78th - nothing on 80 but 20 and 40 were cooking. KX3 with '58 Presentation Vibroplex for the first hour and a half. See ya next month. Russ Portland OR

WX4RM - Had fun as usual, I always look forward to these sprints. At 0300Z a very high speed contest took over 40 meters, glad I had 80 meter band to migrate to.

N7KM - Nice bands for an hour and a half. When 20 died I went to 40 and had a hard time finding a frequency to use. It was great hearing so many NAQCC stations on, even though it was crowded. I was using my old K2 I build in 2001, it's still a great rig. Thanks to every one for making it a very enjoyable evening.

KE5YUM - This sprint was number 150 if my count is correct. Signals were great on 20 for the few minutes I could spend. VE3IIM had a big signal in Arkansas and it was great to hear NQ2W again. FT 817 5watts CWMORSE straight key. Terry

KB2GKC - Good to hear everyone

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! Gud conx fer sprint last nite. 20m was just open but weak sigs at start. 40m was busy wid lots of signals. I heard abt 20 stations that didnot hear me. I sure do miss my dipoles at 35 ft. The vertical works but dosent pack the punch the dipoles have. Somehow my time in the logging program went south??? I played wid i fer a bit and it did not cooperate. Congrats to W2SH, Charles, on his 200th sprint. Time flys when ur having fun ! See u all next month. 73 Gregg W8GG

KQ1P - Very loud QRN here plus QSB made for hard work, but fun of course!

K1IX - Lost antennas in recent storm so operated with patched up OCFD. quit early tnx for Q"s 73 Frank

KR4AE - Lots of fun es tnx fer the q's!!

KJ4R - Long days at work.... Early to bed early to rise. Only time for 3 quick contacts. Thanks to N0TA, N4MJ, and K9NUD. Hope for more time next month. 73 to all.

WB9HFK - 40M was good until about 0230Z or so when the activity went away. Moved to 80M and it was noisier than normal. Thanks for the Q's and see everyone next week on 160M! 72, Mark WB9HFK

KA2KGP - Only 2 on 20m. but 40m. & 80m. were good here in WNY. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a G5RV up 25 ft. w/ old WWII German Junkers Straight Key. Keep warm out there ! 73

WT4U - My 40 meter noise went away. Fixed or just snowed in? Anyway, first Sprint in a while I've made contacts in all 3 bands. Welcome our newest member, Jake KC7WXD #11676 who heard folks calling "CQ NA" and looked it up. The Sprints are a great advert for the club. See ya on top band!

WB1GYZ - Thanks for a fun Sprint.

KN5EE - This was my first CW contact ever! Thanks KR4AE, hope I wasn't too much of a lid. 72!

NN3E - Enjoyed the sprint . Until next time . 72 Kevin NN3E # 9851

WA2FBN - Penntek TR35 into 40m EFHW sloper. TNX 72 Ken

N5GW - KX3 to doublet. Only stayed on a short time after a long day.

AK3X - I got the reminder email, checked the website and still forgot about the sprint until there were only about 30 minutes left. 40 meters was awash with the CWT guys so I went to 80. Managed a few contacts and had some fun. 72 to all and HNY.

VE3IIM - ..Nice to see 20 was still open. Heard nothing on 40!

N8LA - KX-3, 5W, 200' Dipole Up 35', NAQCCode Warrior With W8GG Finger Pieces Wired as Dual Paddle Side Swiper by AD0BI. Did not get on for almost first half hour. Conditions sucked. (Hope XYL doesn't find out I used that word as she never allowed her students to use it in English class. But this ain't English class.) Took a break and tried again with almost no luck. Thanks to the three stations who worked me and apologies to those I couldn't copy completely, especially the station I probably miscopied as W4LNM. Best 72 for the new year, and beyond, to all. Lou N8LA

KC3MIO - First time with my newly acquired KX3, but was very frustrated at the start. I did work N7KM in UT and AA0W in NE on 20 but nothing else so I turned to 40. By the end of the first hour I was about ready to give up, but 80 was good for the next 40 minutes. It looks like some pretty decent scores were made so conditions were good. I found out the next morning that one of the feed lines were detached on both doublets, which explained the SWR going nuts. It has been windy here, so I should have checked. Happy New Year to all and congrats to KN5EE for your first CW contact - many more will come. Looking forward to next week's 160 sprint.

AA0W - Good conditions from here. Lots of signals. Fun times on 20.40 and 80 meters. Thanks to all. Copy on N2TNN @ 03:10 no contact

KK4ITX - More SOB stories. 20m was dead here in WCF, tried 40m which had been working well but I couldn't and still can't get a tune on 40m! Put new wire and transformer up and still no 40m. Every other band works !

W2SH - 20m was just beginning to close and I only managed one QSO. 40m did not seem to be heavily populated, but 80m was thankfully more active.

N1DN - Good to get back on the air after being away for some time. Thanks to all for the contacts. 72 Phil