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December 2023 QRP/CW Sprint (#230)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     33   33  66   17 1122  x2  2244  END-FED 400' WIRE                                 
K1MZM    34   34  68   16 1088  x2  2176  160 meter horizontal loop at 55 feet              
K1YAN    16   16  32   10  320  x2   640  G5RV Jr. @ 30'                                    
WB1GYZ   14   14  28   10  280  x2   560  100' Doublet                                      
KB1CKT    9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  dipole at 50'                                     
K1IX      5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  OCFD @ 35'                                        
N1HQZ     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G5RV @ 35'                                        
KQ1P      2    2   4    1    4  x2     8  80/40 dipole                                      
W1PQO     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Dipole 25 ft                                      

W2 Division
KA2KGP   21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  G5RV up 25'                                       
KN2G     20   20  40   13  520  x2  1040  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
N2WBJ    21   21  42   12  504  x2  1008  EFHW @ 30'                                        
KB2GKC   11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  40m 1/2 wave endfed up 30 ft                      
W2SH      5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  270' cf dpl @ 45'; 72' wire vertical              

W3 Division
KC3MIO   31   31  62   17 1054  x2  2108  Doublet 125' @ 40'                                
K3JZD    25   25  50   17  850  x2  1700  40m Dipole @25', 80m EFRW @20'                    
W6WU     22   22  44   16  704  x2  1408  EFHW gnd to 70 ft, 40 and 20 loops @45'           
KD3CA     7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  132ft OCF Windom  @30 ft                          
K3EMS     5    4   9    5   45  x2    90  100 ft doublet                                    
WA3FIR    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  EFHW @ 20'                                        
N3CAA     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Old telephone wire EFRW up 25'                    

W4 Division
KC5F     46   44  90   24 2160  x2  4320  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
WG8Y     27   27  54   21 1134  x2  2268  10-80 OCF@40FT                                    
N2TNN    27   26  53   18  954  x2  1908  Loop up 55 FT                                     
WB0CJB   25   23  48   19  912  x2  1824  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
K7EK     21   21  42   14  588  x2  1176  Broadband inv V, apex at 65', 6BTV @ 12'.         
K4JPN    14   14  28   10  280  x2   560  80 M CF Zepp                                      
KN4ZXG   12   12  24   10  240  x2   480  EFRW up ~40'                                      
AB4QL    11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  40 & 80 M dipoles @ 40'                       
WX4RM    11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
WA4SPJ    8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  EFHW up 40'                                       
K4PQC     8    5  13    5   65  x2   130  160 meter loop at 35'  diamond shaped             
WT4U      6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
W8GG      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Gnd mounted vertical , 10 radials                 
W4HH      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  end-fed 150-ft wire 20 feet up                    
KK4ITX    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  65 ft EFHW sloper 33ft > 4ft.                  
NA4O      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  41'EF@25'                                         

W5 Division
N5GW      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  doublet @ 25'                                     
KQ7L      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  20/40m dipole at 15'                              
KE5YUM    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  80 meter sloping dipole at 28'                    

W6 Division
K6GPB     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  G5RV 20 feet                                      

W7 Division
KJ7KDB    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Ultimax 24' vertical dipole                       

W8 Division
N8DD      6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  EFHW up 30 feet                                   

W9 Division
K9NUD    34   33  67   17 1139  x2  2278  80M EFHW up 40'                                   
WB9HFK   11   11  22   11  242  x2   484  EFHW @ 30 Ft.                                     
K9QEW    10   10  20    8  160  x2   320  4BTV                                              
KA9FQG    9    9  18    8  144  x2   288  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    
N8HWV     9    8  17    6  102  x2   204  80m EFHW at 15 ft agl                             
AC9HP     4    3   7    3   21  x2    42  31 FT vertical Eagle One Antenna                  

W0 Division
N0TA     28   28  56   18 1008  x2  2016  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
N8LA      9    9  18    8  144  x2   288  dipole @ 35'                                      
W1TM      9    8  17    8  136  x2   272  30' EFLW                                          
AA5LH     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  40-10 Delta Loop @ 25'                            
KD0DK     5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  102 ft. long wire                                 
KA8HDE    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  G5RV @ 35' over house                             
AA0W      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  OCF Dipole@ 30 feet                               

Canada Division
VE3SIF   10   10  20    5  100  x2   200  G5RV Jr                                           
VE3IIM    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1TER    13   13  26    8  208 x1.5  312  40 meter end fed @ 35 ft5                         

W2 Division

W3 Division
NN3E      5    5  10    3   30 x1.5   45  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
K3RLL     5    5  10    4   40 x1.5   60  Flat black stealth After-Dark Only Vertical       

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      1    0   1    1    1 x1.5    1  Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials           

W8 Division

W9 Division

W0 Division
KD0V     26   24  50   16  800 x1.5 1200  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 
WU0A      2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  G5RV @35 feet                                     

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M      6    6  12    6   72        72  40M EFHW, 20 & 40m dipoles                    

W2 Division
K2OID    19   19  38   14  532       532  80M OCF Dipole @35'                               
AA2VG    19   19  38    9  342       342  Carolina Windom up 45'                            
N2ESE     8    8  16    8  128       128  40 mtr dipole @ 35ft                              
WA2FBN    4    4   8    4   32        32  EFHW sloper at 25ft                               
WA1GWH    5    5  10    3   30        30  40m dipole at 15 ft                               

W3 Division
KC3RN    20   20  40   15  600       600  40m EFHW @ 20'                                    
KM3D     11   11  22    8  176       176  80/40 inverted V @ 48'                            

W4 Division
K4KRW    30   30  60   16  960       960  Inverted V @ 65'                                  
K4KBL    25   22  47   15  705       705  ZS6BKW INV @ 60'                                  
AF4PX    15   13  28   11  308       308  Dipole @ 25', Delta LOOP                          
N4MJ      6    6  12    4   48        48  40 OCF at 40'                                     
K4BAI     0    0   0    0    0         0  40M dipole at 25'; 88' CF zepp at 45'             

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division
KI7LW     3    3   6    3   18        18  Inv Vee 20 ft                                     
WA7QCC    1    1   2    1    2         2  Attic Dipole 20' H                                

W8 Division
WI8J     17   17  34    9  306       306  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN    9    9  18    7  126       126  End fed wire @ 25 ft                              
NF8M      7    6  13    6   78        78  6BTV                                              
WB8ENE    5    5  10    5   50        50  41' end fed wire @ 10'                            

W9 Division
N9EEE    17   17  34   11  374       374  EFHW                                              
AB9BZ     1    1   2    1    2         2  EFHW @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
KC2MJT    1    1   2    1    2         2  EFRW sloper ~35' to 0'                            

Canada Division
VE3DQN    6    6  12    5   60        60  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           
VE6VIC    1    1   2    1    2         2  EndFed Half wave @30' down to 6'                  

DX Division
DK1VD     4    4   8    2   16        16  GND MTD VERT                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
NQ2W     30   28  58   17  986  x2  1972  3el yagi @ 32', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 90
Total participants:             131
Total QSOs:                     1006
States + Provinces represented: 39 + AB ON QC + DX


W4HH - Lots of sigs on 40. See u next month.

WA7QCC - Bands were not too good tonight! Did work W1AW/7 MT and W1AW/9 IN. Still fun!

K1YAN - All on 40m tonight. Quick check on 80m but nothing heard. On a W1SFR cootie and KX3. Happy holidays to all and tnx for the QSOs.

K4KBL - 40 meters great until about 9:30 then no contacts even after several calls. QSB was a factor as well. Still enjoyed the time I was on !

K3RLL - Really, really noisy here tonight. Must be Christmas lights, not mine of course. ;-) 20m: Zip 40m: Lots of signals but very high noise level. BIG signals here were N5GW, probably with his towering 160m inverted L (which allowed Gene to hear my weak sig). Also the voice of CO, N0TA just booming into FL tonight - louder than all the Christmas lights together! See you next week and let's hope for quieter bands for our mW Sprint. 72 ... Don

N1HQZ - My first sprint and can not until next time!

VE3SIF - thanks for the contacts. tough conditions on 40 meters here. hope to see you next month. Happy Holidays. 72 Ron

WT4U - 40m RFI is still getting me down, but some good contacts rose above it. Nice to work John N0TA with good signals on 20m and 40m (80 would have been a stretch).

WX4RM - Had fun as usual, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

NQ2W - Nice propagation between the Adirondacks in NY and Colorado at the start on 20m...3 stations worked there...all 3 from the great state of Colorado...that's cool! 40 was good up and down the coast and out to the midwest. 80 was good for neighboring states. John, KN1H, was in the noise on 40 but real loud and real clear on only two-bander. I hope to be on for the mW next week! I hope you hear me! Thanks for the contacts and the opportunity to participate. Happy holidays! 72, Will, NQ2W

KK4ITX - Wow, tough night here in FL. I was shocked to have WG8Y come back to me and I got all befuddled but got through it. I worked 20/40/80 and only managed one, wonder what will happen in the mW?

KD0V - 40M was good here. Thanks everyone for the QSO's.

N4MJ - Not a good night. Prop Princess is upset. At 0200z she turned off the propagation. Tnx to all participants. 73 and Merry Christmas to ALL de n4mj

KC5F - Welcome back, winter! Nothing much on 20m, 40m long and 80m wide open. Lots of fun. Thanks, all! Now to pack up for a POTA CW ATNO activation in the morning...

K1MZM - Not much action on 40 meters tonight but the signals on 80 were strong. Thanks to everyone for a good time. Hope to see you next week for the micro-watt sprint.

K9NUD - Had a great start on 40M but it kind of died. Moved over to 80 and after a slow start, I got a few pileups. Finally got to S&P a bit at the end. Thanks for all the great contacts!

NA4O - Very tough condx here tonight. Only heard 3 stations- finally got one of them. Better night ahead, I hope. KX3@5W, Vibroplex straight key.

N2TNN - Bands started slow but picked up. Some really low member number was nice to see. Great event as always.

AB4QL - QSB was rough tonight. My best Christmas wishes to all! 72 Barry

K9QEW - All QSOs on 40 meters. Nasty noise levels and QSB. Hopefully, better conditions for the QRPp Sprint. 72/73 & STAY TUNED! Daryl

N8DD - Total blast once again. Also doubled as a fox hunt, but I only bagged the one in GA. Wily they are. 72, Chas

K3JZD - Tough sledding on 40m. Moved to 80m. Seemed like a good turnout - just couldn't hear everyone. K4 at 4.9w Merry Christmas. 73, Jody - K3JZD

KN2G - Another great night even with the Foxhunt! Sorry for the double dupe (yes double dupe!) on Steve KC5F.... Forgot to change bands on the logger the first time and scrambled several calls on the second one because of the foxhunt. Gotta love the chaos. Every sprint is a new reason to laugh at myself for something! See you all on the Milliwatt sprint next week. 72

K4KRW - I actually got to work most of the sprint tonight. It was great to hear a bunch of familiar call signs. My contacts were evenly split between 40m and 80m. A fair amount of QSB tonight. KX3 with Bencher BY-1 paddles. Thanks everyone!

KN1H - Thanks to Will, NQ2W, for all the work pulling my S-nothing 40M signal out of the noise. 10 minutes later we were 599 both ways on 80! Should be real interesting next week in the MW! 72, John, KN1H

VE3IIM - Nothing heard on 20m tonight. Not too much time this evening.. 72!

AA2VG - Had fun with my AT Sprint 3 B. For the last few QSOs on 80m I took out the old Heathkit HW-9. 72 Peter AA2VG

K6GPB - Wishing all a Happy Holiday Season with many QRP QSOs in the coming year.

WB1GYZ - Glad I hung in there 'cuz bands kept getting better.

W6WU - Just got done antenna repairs yesterday. All my antennas had been down from two big branches dropping on the support lines. It's been a while, really enjoyed this evening. About half on 40 and half on 80, only 1 QSO on 20. Big shout out to Jim ND9M, great to hear you again. Thanks to all.

AA5LH - A tough night here in CO, Ladies & Gentlemen. With 20M DOA & no 80M ability, this only offered the 40M marginal option. Noisy conditions and deep QSB, it really challenged the K3. However, like all Sprints extreme Fun and our ability to 'have a GO of it'. Merry Christmas to All & tap at you next month. Take Care.

K7EK - I enjoyed this event. Looking forward to the next one. Lots of signals on 80m and 40m. 20m was mostly dead at this location.

K2OID - Conditions were a bit unusual on 40 tonight. Mostly longer skip with no "regular" skip (few mid Atlantic and no New England from Western NY) but got Florida, Colorado, Alabama. Glad to finally work N2ESE, Gary, after seeing him in the results almost every month. Fun as always.

WG8Y - HI all, Started on time. Made one Q on 20M and the phone rang. Only lost ten minutes on the phone but 20M was dead when I got back to the radio. Did some S&Ping on 40M then decided to call CQ. Worked a couple stations and my highlight for the night was having DK1VD, a fellow qrper call me. Pretty cool. Took a couple go arounds but got him solid. Fun stuff. Went to 80M. Worked up the band then went back to 40M and picked up KK4ITX, Fl, calling CQ. I then went back and called CQ on 80M till the end. Had fun. See everyone in the QRPp Sprint next week. Let's hope it's a "Silent night". Hi Hi 72 all from N.C. Mark WG8Y


KC3RN - Had to quit about 30 minutes early. My logging program stopped talking to my radio. Still had fun.

K4PQC - Interesting that the NAQCC and QRP Foxhunt overlapped and I was able to do both. Lots of fun and I am sure I could have done better if I had a sidetone monitor... My only Monitor for transmitting with the straight key was a blinking light. (You can use an expletive for blinking. hi)

NF8M - Op time about 30 minutes. Home station operated remotely, hence no straight key this month. Tnx qsos & cu milliwatting.

DK1VD - could not attend all months . But December was successful S&P and quiet signals could hear more but only 4 in the log thank you very much Happy holidays to all healthy start in 2024

NN3E - Thanks everyone for the QSO'S 40 meter was the band tonight for me Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Stay safe and healthy 72 Kevin NN3E

KE5YUM - I didn't hear many signal in this my 149th sprint, but the one I nabbed was a good one. Thanks to W1PQO for hearing me in less than ideal conditions. FT 817 CW Morse Straight Key

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Using FT857 at 5 w to Gnd mnt vertical wid 10 buried radials. 20 was just winding down at contest time, 40 was vy noisy hr in south Fla. DEEP QSB.Several stns were there one min gone the next. Lost 3 QSOs that way. I did bag a few QSOs tho to keep from being skunked. My ears were shot after 30 mins so i pulled the plug early. Hope to see many of u in mw sprint next week. 73 Gregg W8GG

KQ1P - The QRN here was S7 to S8 and it was tough making contacts. Had to QRT early.

KM3D - Only worked the first hour but had fun. Hope to see you guys in the MW Sprint next week!

WB8ENE - It was too late for 20 meters, and my antenna does not load up on 80, so I spent the duration on 40. The band seemed a bit long, and QSB caused some problems. Thanks for the contacts. 73 and Merry Christmas, Art

K1IX - Bands were active with other stuff managed only a few Q's but still fun quit early with back issues. tnx for the Q's 73 Frank

KC3MIO - Conditions were different than usual. I heard N0TA on 20 but he didn't hear my reply. No other signals were apparent so I switched to 40 and made more contacts than I usually do in the first half hour, but that band ran out here in PA and I switched to 80 where I made over half my contacts. Usually I find contacts difficult in the last 30 minutes, but 80 was active to the end. I am especially pleased to work Fred DK1VD on 40 - it took me a few tries to realize he was from Deutschland, because the ears expect NA stations. Hope to see you again next week in the MW sprint. 73 and thanks for the contacts.

KD3CA - Very tough band conditions here. QRN , QSB after loosing 4 stations in the QRM ,I gave up. 73 to all Don

KA2KGP - A pretty good turnout for this sprint. Both 40 & 80 were in decent shape here in WNY. Rig: IC-7000 w/G5RV up 25 ft. w/ old WWII German Junkers straight key. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone. 73

K4JPN - Only one QSO on 20M, and slow start, then 40M and 80M picked up. As usual a lot of fun. 72, Steve K4JPN

KB2GKC - 40m band was good !

N3CAA - Pretty bad condx here, especially on 40m. 80m wasn't much better. With only 3 in the log after 40 minutes, I decided to call it a night. Thanks for the QSOs and hope conditions are better for next week's event.

W1PQO - First Sprint in awhile so a little rusty

WA2FBN - Tnx Fun sprint 72 Ken

K4BAI - I was a fox the QRP Fox Hunt that started 30 minutes after the NAQCC sprint, so I thought I'd make a few Sprint QSOs before the fox hunt started. Listened only on 40M and keard only KD0V who could not hear me calling. But during the Fox Hunt, I did exchange NAQCC numbers with W1TM. so am submitting a log for that one QSO. Hope to work many more next month. Don't have a rig set up to run under one watt, so will miss the Milliwatt sprint next month. 73/72, John.

AA0W - Poor conditions 40 metes only usable band.

N5GW - Very little heard on 20M which had closed for the most part. 40M had QSB and sparse signals, so I elected to go outside and sit in a nice warm spot next to my fire pot!

W2SH - I only operated during the first half in order to join the 40m Fox Hunt where I earned the two pelts, but these took me a full hour and both events had by then concluded.

N8LA - KX-3; 5W; 200' Dipole Up 35'; NAQCCode Warrior With W8GG Finger Pieces Wired as Dual Paddle Side Swiper by AD0BI. Thanks to all who worked me and apologies, especially to AA5LH whose information I was unable to copy completely, to all I was unable to pull out due to QSB, QRN or QRM. Wishing you and all of your loved ones a wonderful holiday season and new year. Lou, N8LA