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May 2023 QRP/CW Sprint (#223)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
K1MZM    45   45  90   17 1530  x2  3060  40 Meter Dipole at 40 feet                        
AC1KV    32   32  64   17 1088  x2  2176  40M Ground Mounted Vertical / 20M Dipole @ 30ft   
K1YAN    19   19  38   10  380  x2   760  G5RV Jr. @ 30'                                    
N1BRI    16   16  32    9  288  x2   576  g5rv up 50ft                                      
K1WOR    14   14  28    9  252  x2   504  inverted vee up 25'                               
KN1H      8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  28' VERTICAL WIRE                                 
WB1GYZ    7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  Doublet                                           
K1IX      7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  K1POO  OCFD  @35'5                                

W2 Division
KA2KGP   41   41  82   17 1394  x2  2788  G5RV up 25'                                       
W2SH     32   32  64   16 1024  x2  2048  270' cf dpl @ 45'                                 
KN2G     26   26  52   13  676  x2  1352  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2JEK    21   20  41   12  492  x2   984  20M gnd plane on roof--40/80 end fed wire 110 ft l
K2CWM    13   13  26   10  260  x2   520  Vertical (elevated)                               

W3 Division
KC3MIO   39   39  78   18 1404  x2  2808  Doublet 125' @ 45',135' OCF @40'                  
K3JZD    32   31  63   15  945  x2  1890  40m Dipole @25'                                   
W6WU     21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  EFHW on 80, Loops on 40 and 20                    
AK3X     13   13  26    8  208  x2   416  102' inv vee with tuner and twin lead feed        
N3CAA     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  EFHW inverted vee up 18'                          
KD3CA     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  132ft OCF Windom  @30 ft                          

W4 Division
KC5F     44   44  88   22 1936  x2  3872  80m EFHW as Inverted L, about 40' up              
W4NLT    24   24  48   17  816  x2  1632  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30 ft         
WX4RM    19   19  38   12  456  x2   912  4BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
WT4U     18   18  36    9  324  x2   648  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
N2AWE    12   12  24   12  288  x2   576  vertical, roof mounted                            
K4WM     11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  40 m attic dipole                                 
KI4MZC   11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  dipole @ about 50 feet                            
KN4ZXG    9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  EFHW ~30'                                         
WD4OHD    6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  Ground-Mounted Verticals                          
WA4CHQ    6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  40m Delta Loop                                    
WG8Y      5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  10-80 OCF@40FT                                    
W1BLU     5    4   9    4   36  x2    72  EFHW @36'                                         
NA4O      4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  W3EDP Jr end fed@20'                              
KK4ITX    3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  Inv V & L 53ft                                

W5 Division
KD5ZCQ    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Homebrew G5RV at 30'                              
KE5YUM    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  80 meter dipole at 25 feet                        
KI5FZV    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  VERTICAL MFJ-1622                                 

W6 Division
K6GPB     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  G5RV 20 feet                                      

W7 Division
KC7DM     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  420' loop @ 50'                                   
KI7LW     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  End Fed Vert 24 ft                                
KJ7KDB    0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Ultimax 100 24' vertical                          

W8 Division

W9 Division
WB9HFK   49   48  97   23 2231  x2  4462  EFHW @ 30 Ft.                                     
K9NUD     7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  132' doublet up 35'                               
KD9EBS    7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  Magnetic Loop Antenna                             
K9QEW     7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  4BTV                                              
KA9FQG    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    

W0 Division
N8LA     14   13  27   11  297  x2   594  dipole @ 35'                                      
W1TM     12   12  24    8  192  x2   384  HF kits end fed 40-20-10 meter.                   
AA5LH     8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  40-10 Delta Loop @ 25'                            
KD0DK     6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  102 ft end fed long wire                          
AA0W      5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  OFC Dipole @ 30 Feet                              
NO2D      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  80 M doublet at 30 feet                           
$W8GG     6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  fence mounted vertical                            

Canada Division
VA3KRJ   21   21  42   14  588  x2  1176  Endfed random wire 105' long 20' up               
VE3IIM   16   16  32   10  320  x2   640  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             
VA3NU    15   15  30    9  270  x2   540  88' Dipole @ 25'                                  
VE3SIF    8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  G5RV Jr                                           

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1TER    17   17  34   11  374 x1.5  561  dipole @ 35 feet                                  

W2 Division
AC2YD    37   37  74   19 1406 x1.5 2109  gnd mtd 1/4-wave fan vertical with 32 radials     
N2DGQ    38   38  76   17 1292 x1.5 1938  OCF Dipole @ 25'                                  

W3 Division
NN3E      8    8  16    7  112 x1.5  168  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             
K3WWP     2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
KG4IKQ   43   41  84   22 1848 x1.5 2772  Dipole @ 30'                                      
K3RLL    12   12  24    6  144 x1.5  216  Flat Black After-Dark_Only Vertical               

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
K8NGW    16   16  32   12  384 x1.5  576  43' gnd mtd vert w/ base loading coil & 32 radials

W9 Division

W0 Division
WU0A      7    7  14    6   84 x1.5  126  vertical, 18' from ground                         
KD0V      5    5  10    5   50 x1.5   75  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 
AE0IB     3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  End Fed vert 24' into a tree branch               

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     32   32  64   17 1088      1088  40M EFHW, 20 & 40m dipoles                    
N1JI      5    5  10    3   30        30  88' Doublet @ 30 ft.                              
N2CN      3    3   6    3   18        18  Attic dipole                                      

W2 Division
K2OID    25   24  49   14  686       686  80M OCF Dipole @35'                               
WA2FBN    9    9  18    7  126       126  EFHW sloper at 25ft                               
WA1GWH    8    8  16    7  112       112  40m dipole at 15 ft                               
N2ESE     7    7  14    7   98        98  20&40mtr dipole@35ft                          

W3 Division
KQ3Z      4    4   8    4   32        32  Doublet at 65 ft                                  

W4 Division
K4KBL    30   28  58   16  928       928  ZS6BKW INV @ 60'                                  
K4KRW    20   20  40   14  560       560  Inverted V @ 65'                                  

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
WI8J     15   15  30   13  390       390  130 ft wire at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN    9    9  18    9  162       162  End fed wire @ 25 ft                              
NF8M      6    6  12    5   60        60  6BTV                                              

W9 Division
N9EEE    20   20  40   14  560       560  EFHW sloper up to 60 feet                         
K9EYT     8    8  16    6   96        96  Dipole at 20"                                
AB9BZ     2    2   4    1    4         4  16' Vertical                                      

W0 Division
KC2MJT    5    5  10    4   40        40  EFRW Sloper feed ~20'                             

Canada Division
VE3DQN   14   14  28   12  336       336  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division
DK1VD     1    1   2    1    2         2  GND MTD VERT                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key
AE7AP     8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  2el @ 30 feet                                     



Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 87
Total participants:             117
Total QSOs:                     1193
States + Provinces represented: 37 + ON + DX


K3WWP - Doubled my usual 1 QSO tonight and could have stuck around and made more, but I didn't.

KD0V - My father-in-law and Ham Elmer, W7OZJ became a SK yesterday evening. He had been a Ham since 1946! Live is a bit gloomy around here today. Sounded like the making for a good Sprint. Take case everyone, - Merlin

W1BLU - Radar shows wx approaching. QRT for safety. 20M was so much better tonight. My condolences to KD0V.

NO2D - Very hard to dig out the info. Several were well under 559. All a long way from Colorado, so band obviously quite long. I gave up after making 5 contacts. Too much QRN from local storms. Thanks for the contacts and thanks to those who make the sprints possible. I enjoy them, even when conditions not so hot. NO2D, Pete

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! Visiting the kids in North Dakota so signing /ND tonight. i was using a fence mouted vertical and yaesu FT990. SR i hv to claim "hi pwr" cuz the FT990 only goes down to 7 watts. Still fun to hand out ND even if only fer 6 qso's. Heard N8LA but he didnt hr me. Still always fun on a sprint night. See u all next time es at FD. 73 Gregg W8GG

AB9BZ - I had fun transmitting 610mW to a homebrew 16 foot vertical fed with 300 ohm twin lead. Contacts are in the 1000 Mile per watt range. Thanks for the Q's 72 ab9bz

WD4OHD - Had to duck out early this evening but ended up dividing my six QSOs pretty evenly between 20m and 40m. Pretty quiet conditions on 20m and some good signals but also some vicious QSB. Nothing heard on 80m. Glad to work KG4IKQ who apparently lives only a few miles from where I grew up in NC.

K4KBL - 20 was great for about the first 30 minutes then gone here in GA. Went to 40 and confronted the static crashes for as long as I could. Called it a night at 930 local. Always a great time...

K9NUD - I wish I had some more time. The bands seemed to be pretty good, with contacts on 20 and 40

AA5LH - A good time on 20M as it was very workable. Switched to 40M @ 0130Z but nothing heard. Enjoy it as with every month. Take Care all. CUL 73/72

N1BRI - Testing out another homebrew. This one was built by Dave NZ1J, had a lot of fun and was pleased to make the qsos. 72!

KC2MJT - 20 was very good to me tonight. 40 very crowded. Lost a few contacts due to QSB. Credit to VE3SIF for giving it one hell of a try to pull me out of the ether - unfortunately to no avail

N2CN - 20 was surprisingly good tonight.

KI4MZC - IC-7300 to a dipole, 5w, using a straight key. I need to check to see when the last time I did this sprint - it's been a while, I think! I had to cut out for a while tonight to do the Georgia cw training (traffic) net, then resumed the sprint. I could not get on 80m because of tuner problems and I might have had a few more QSOs otherwise. So, I stuck to 40 & 20m; 40 was a bit noisy here tonight. Oh well, 72/3 all!

KN1H - Operating from a campground on the NH-ME border. 20 was dead, 40 noisy and short and I had insufficient wire for 80M. Thanks to those who actually heard me tonight! KX2 on battery to 28' wire, KY 605/U straight key. 72, John, KN1H

WA4CHQ - First sprint using my DIY 1 tube (6T9) xtal controlled transmitter (3w)...RX was the Drake 2B and antenna was a Delta Loop. Key was a mini cootie. Operated only an hour. Now for the best part...I actually had 6 QSO's but only looked at my watch for the first one! geeze.... I still had fun.

K9EYT - 20 sounded so good for the first Hr. K3s K line at 5 watts .next time 72 Ray

W1TM - First challenge with the new to me Drake TR-7 at 5 w. Signals were very weak on 20 but made plenty of contacts.

KJ7KDB - No luck tonight. Sounds like most of the action was in the eastern part of the country. Still fun to try! 73 Tim

K9QEW - High noise levels on 40m. 72/73s STAY TUNED! Daryl

WG8Y - Hi all, Couldn't spend much time tonite. Too bad. 20m sounded gud here in NC. Worked 5 Q's on 20m and pulled the plug. Getting ready to head to Ohio.Not going to Dayton this year but headed to NE Ohio to see family and friends. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

K4KRW - Fun night, Thanks everyone. Quite a bit of QSB. Started out rough. I sent K1WOR three different numbers before I sent my correct NAQCC number. LOL 73, Richard

K3RLL - Fun night on 20m and, once again, I think I qualified for the WANJ (Worked All New Jersey) award. ;-) The Garden State Thruway must have had a 20meter access ramp this evening. Great mix of new & 'seasoned' ops made for an enjoyable half-hour. 72/73 ... Don

KQ3Z - Got a really late start. 40 was the only band with activity.

VE3DQN - 20m was actually crowded tonight! Signals very close to each other, not hearing each other :-) Also caught the last half hour on 40m. Lots of activity.

VA3NU - Was nice to have 20 Meters open at start of Sprint. Worked 20M then switched to 40M to finish the Sprint and conditions were good on both bands. Nice to hear everybody tonight. Larry 72

WB1GYZ - Half an hour was more than enough tonight. Lots of good sigs but I faded and pulled the plug. 72 till next time.

K3JZD - Could not give this event my full attention. But as always, enjoyed working familiar calls as well as new calls. 40M only. K4 at 5 watts with a 40M Dipole at 25'. 73, Jody - K3JZD

AC1KV - Another fun sprint. Thanks for all the Q's.

KC5F - 20m and 40m nice here, with lots more activity on 40m. Didn't hear anyone on 80m. I'd just fixed a local QRN problem here, or I wouldn't have heard anyone! Thanks, all!

N2DGQ - Enjoyed my second sprint with NAQCC. Forty Meters was pretty good tonight. Not too much noise. Looking forward to many more sprints in the future.

N3CAA - Nasty QSB this evening; had to really strain my wet behind the ears CW ears for at least a few of the contacts. Great time as always, TNX everyone for the QSOs.

WB9HFK - Another great evening of QRP fun! QSB and QRN was a bit of a challenge, however. Thanks for the QSO's - sorry to any that I just could not pull out of the muck. 72, Mark WB9HFK

KD3CA - Forgot sprint was on, only made it for 6 minutes.73's to all Don

AC2YD - Thanks for good ears/antennas out there! I wanted to practice my bug technique, so entered that way tonight. Focused on Run mode to keep my fingers busy with CQs and sending a variety of callsigns, instead of just my own callsign with my exchange. Had some nice runs going on 20 and 40, and a very modest run on 80; thanks for the calls!

WX4RM - Most of my contacts tonight were on 20 meters, since 40 was so noisy with qsb. Had fun as always.

KK4ITX - NO2D and I tried hard but nada, heard K4KBL and KC5F and tried but no luck. Storms to the East. Best night for some time. Ran FT-818 on batteries from the screen porch, at least I could hear tonight. Great to hear everyone.

K2OID - 40 Meters was very good. Actually had a pile-up for nearly half an hour. Lots of New England this month. Great fun as always.

W2JEK - Got on early. Had 4 QSO on 20,. 12 on 40 and 5 on 80. R ig KNWD 570D and J-38 key. Had fun. 2/73 DON W2JEK

K2CWM - Tired so quit a little early, but always a fun sprint. Always a straight key.

KE5YUM - Great sprint. Thanks to those who worked me. Terry

NN3E - Thanks Everyone for all the QSO's See you next time .. 72 Kevin NN3E

WT4U - 20m was hopping! For some reason it was mostly hopping to NY & NJ for me, so not so great on multipliers, but the best it's been in a while. 40m noise level was high and a lot more work to pull out the signals, and 80m was a wall of QRN.

KC3MIO - Icom 7300 at five watts. Interesting evening. Took a quick look at 20, heard some signals but no contacts and switched to 40. Went back to 20, made four contacts and returned to 40 which was very active for almost an hour. During a lull, I went back to 20, called CQ and AK7AP in MT came back at 0203 - I got a big charge out of that. Finished on 80. Worked some two digit numbers and three 11000 numbers - welcome to the NAQCC. Finally, Rest in peace Steve Szabo, WB4OMM, who was a great President of the club.

KA2KGP - 40m. was the best band this NA. 80m was noisy. Good turnout too. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a G5RV up 25 ft. w/ old WWII German Junkers straight key. 73 to all & tnx for contacts.

K1WOR - Living in MA, I got mostly eastern states, but was pleasantly surprised toward the end with a MT qso. Thanks to the runners -- I'm more comfortable with the S&P, although my score will be lower. Fun!

AA0W - Storms in the area. 20 Meters open long QSB. 40 Meters lots storm noise. Thanks to all for QSO's.

WA2FBN - Fun sprint; 40m condx were good, band seemed short. Tnx to all. 72 Ken WA2FBN

KN2G - Another good night. I thought I might just jump in and out but the calls just kept popping up! It is always so amazing to send a few watts into the ether and get a response from someplace exotic like TN, ON or PA..... 72

KB1M - I had planed to run QRPp again tonight but the possibility of working a Dx station won out in my mind and I was rewarded with DK1VD. 20 was good but to crowded around 14060, to work some stations I heard. Thank You for very enjoyable evening. 72/73, Walt

N9EEE - This is my first QRP sprint. This was truly fun to work only QRP signals where we all know the game to make a contact, and we're not afraid to work a station that barely moves the needle. It goes both ways. I'll be back for more. --73-- Dick N9EEE

K8NGW - Started out on 20 with solid contacts. Everyone, however seemed to vacate at 0100. I moved to 40 for another round of solid contacts. Just before the end of the sprint, I went back to 20 and there, just above the static was AE7AP in Montana. We exchanged 339 and 229 signal reports seconds before the sprint ended. What a great night!

VE3IIM - ..Condx pretty good. I was actually the subject of a pile-up..! Good fun, all round..

W2SH - 20m was open but the skip zone wasn't long and I heard nothing from over 700 miles distant. The absence of a vertical antenna doesn't help this situation. 40m was very active and accounted for 23 QSOs, plus five each on 20m and 80m.

AK3X - Fun sprint as usual, although I missed the first hour. Stayed on 40 meters.

N8LA - KX-3; 5W; 200' Dipole @35'; NAQCCode Warrior with W8GG finger pieces wired as dual paddle side swiper by AD0BI. 20 had much noise but was able to work a number of stations through it. 40 was fairly good and was able to work a number of stations there also. Sorry was not able to hear friend W8GG. Sorry, also, to learn of the passing of NAQCC friends W9CC and WB4OMM. May they rest in peace. Hoping we can get together again next month. Best 72, Lou N8LA

NF8M - Remote operation of home station in Michigan from Dayton. No straight key through the internet, however, so keying was via Mortty through N1MM+. TNX es 72

K4WM - Still amazed with amateur radio after 61 years and particularly CW and lately QRP! Thank you all those who listened for my signal and QSO'd with me during this sprint. Till next time, stay healthy and keep listening! 73, Joel/K4WM