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     Jun 2022 mW
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June 2022 QRP/CW mW Sprint

VA3PEN Comments - The scores are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
K1MZM    23   23  46   15  690  x2  1380  40 Meter Dipole at 40 feet                        
KN1H     21   21  42   14  588  x2  1176  400' END FED WIRE                                 
WB1GYZ   17   16  33    8  264  x2   528  Sloping vee                                       
K1YAN     9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  G5RV Jr. @ 30'                                    

W2 Division
KA2KGP   24   23  47   13  611  x2  1222  G5RV up 25'                                       
KN2G     20   20  40   12  480  x2   960  55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE                   
W2SH     15   14  29    7  203  x2   406  270' cf dpl @ 45'                                 
K2CWM     7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  Vertical (elevated)                               
WB2LQF    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  iNVERTED L AT 30 FEET                             

W3 Division
K3JZD    29   28  57   15  855  x2  1710  40m Dipole @25                                    
KC3MIO   25   24  49   13  637  x2  1274  Doublet 125' @ 45'                                
WB8YYY    6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  80m EFHW at 30 feet                               
AK3X      6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  102 ft inv vee @35ft. 300 ohm feeders             

W4 Division
KC5F     22   22  44   15  660  x2  1320  80m EFHW up about 40'                             
K4JPN    15   13  28   12  336  x2   672  80 M CF Zepp                                      
N4SD     11   11  22    6  132  x2   264  EFHW 40-10 @ 35'                                  
N4OW      8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  Butternut HP6V  Elevated 8'                       
WD4OHD    9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  Ground-Mounted Vertical                           
W4NLT    11   11  22    4   88  x2   176  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WT4U      6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
NA4O      7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  ocf@20'                                           
WG8Y      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  Hustler 6btv grd mnted                            
KN4RQD    4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  40m sloping EFHW @ 20ft                           
AB4QL     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  20M gnd mtd vert  40M dipole @ 40'                
W4HH      0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  end-fed 150-ft wire 20 feet up                    
$W1BLU    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  dipole at 36'                                     

W5 Division
N5GW     22   22  44   13  572  x2  1144  doublet at 25'                                    
AC5BX     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  G5RV over house                                   

W6 Division
K6GPB     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  65' end fed 15' high                              

W7 Division
N7KM     12   11  23   10  230  x2   460  80 meter endfed @ 75 '                            
N7QR      1    0   1    1    1  x2     2  Buddistick                                        

W8 Division
NF8M      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  6BTV                                              

W9 Division
WB9HFK   11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  Hustler 6BTV Gnd Mtd with 60 Radials              
K9NUD     8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  132' end fed half wave inverted L up 35'          
K9QEW     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  4BTV GP                                           

W0 Division
AA5LH     3    2   5    2   10  x2    20  delta Loop @ 25'                                  

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1ND     12   11  23    9  207 x1.5  310  41' Wire in a tree + CHA Vert                     

W2 Division
KF6C     23   23  46   13  598 x1.5  897  dipole @40 feet                                   
N2RIC     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  EFHW inverted L                                   

W3 Division
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
KJ4R     16   15  31   10  310 x1.5  465  134*EFHW                                          
K3RLL     8    8  16    4   64 x1.5   96  44' Unun wire up over garage roof (HOA Tyranny)   

W5 Division

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
K8NGW    11   11  22    7  154 x1.5  231  43' gnd mtd vert w/ base loading coil & 32 radials

W9 Division
K9DRP     9    9  18    7  126 x1.5  189  EFHW 80 @ 40'                                     

W0 Division
KD0V      4    4   8    4   32 x1.5   48  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     16   15  31    9  279       279  40M EFHW, 20 & 40m dipoles                    
W1ZU     11   10  21    6  126       126  Doublet @ 40 feet                                 
K1IX      3    3   6    3   18        18  40m  OCFD  30'                                    

W2 Division
WA1GWH   11   11  22   10  220       220  950 mW to 40m dipole at 15 feet                   

W3 Division
KC3RN    24   23  47   12  564       564  G5RV Junior @ 35 feet                             
AC5XK     8    7  15    6   90        90  dipole at 40 feet                                 
KM3D      4    4   8    4   32        32  ground plane vertical (base at 14')               

W4 Division
K4KBL    12   11  23    9  207       207  dipole @ 50'                                      
K9EZ      8    8  16    6   96        96  G5RV 30'                                          
K4KRW     7    7  14    6   84        84  Inverted V at 65'                                 
NG2J      7    7  14    5   70        70  40/20 Fan Dipole                                  
$N4BIY    1    1   2    1    2         2  dipole 25 feet off ground                         

W5 Division

W6 Division
W6JIM     2    1   3    2    6         6  Vert                                              

W7 Division

W8 Division
WI8J      8    8  16    5   80        80  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              

W9 Division
AB9BZ     1    1   2    1    2         2  Dipole @ 25'                                      
K9EYT     1    1   2    1    2         2  g5rv  20ft                                        

W0 Division
KC2MJT    0    0   0    0    0         0  Rain Gutter                                       

Canada Division

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key


NQ2W     27   27  54   17  918       918  mini beam @25', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 63
Total participants:             94
Total QSOs:                     614
States + Provinces represented: 29 + ON


KD0V - The wx has been good enough to get my cf Zepp repair and back in the air. What a difference a good antenna makes. That for the contacts everyone.

K4KBL - A good bit of QSB and QRN tonight for the mW event but thanks to K1MKM and WB9HFK for hanging in there to complete our contact. Great time for sure...

AB4QL - That was interesting. Only made two QSOs. No answers to my CQ on 40 or 20. Got tired of QRN and shut down.

W1ZU - Appreciate all those who patiently worked me tonight!

WB2LQF - Extremely noisy band but lots of signals under all that crashing static. I only had a half hour and that was quite enough pain tonight. Amazing what one watt can do!

AB9BZ - Challenging night trying to dig out sigs. Thanks for the contact. 73 ab9bz

AC5XK - Thanks everyone!

N4OW - High band noise on 20 & 40 not many stations heard. Some very nice sigs for QRpp. I used my KX3 at 800mw and battery power.

W1BLU - Surprised to see 20M still open for me after sunset in S. FL. Band was quieter than 40M. Thanks to all.

KC5F - Half on 40m, about a third on 20m and the rest on 80m. Not a bad night, other than storm QRN on 80m. Didn't seem like a lot of activity, but more likely I just couldn't hear it. Still lots of fun, as usual!

K9EZ - My new TX-500 arrived 2 hours before the Sprint. Of COURSE I had to use it :-D Unfortunately Mr Line Noise reared its ugly head. Made it real difficult to hear people. Only heard people on 40 m.

K2CWM - I usually don't participate in this QRPp stuff but thought I'd give it a try. Set the MAX POWSET in my IC-703 to one watt, then turned it down to 800 mW. Surprised myself with 7 contacts (hi hi). Used my big wooden-based Kent Str Key and vertical antenna. See y'all next time.

K9QEW - Somewhat surprised by my first MW Sprint. Only operated one hour and managed 6 SPCs all on 20 meters. Tried pounding the brass on 40m but soon gave of on that band with its S7-8 noise levels. Guess my old 4BTV is working well. 72/73s & STAY TUNED!

KC3MIO - Usually I wait till the next day to submit my log, but I sent it in right after the sprint and I was tired and forgot to make any comments about band conditions. I tried 20 at the start and after 10 minutes shifted to 40 where almost all the action was from NE PA. More than half of my contacts were from PA, NY, NJ and VA - local from here. Worked one non-member from OH who was running 100 watts. It's always surprising to work one. Tried 80 a few times and didn't hear anything until W4NLT who I also worked on 40. Fun as usual and thanks to the NAQCC and my contacts and apologies to ops who I could not pull out.

KJ4R - Only able to operate for about an hour. Stayed on 40M. Always amazed at the QSO's that can be made with less than a watt. KX3 @ 900mw to EFHW / Vibroplex bug. Thanks for the QSO's and 73 to all.

K1MZM - I have been unable to participate in the Sprints for the last few months and I have missed them. I had a great time tonight although the noise level was pretty high. Many thanks to N7KM for digging me out of the noise on 20 meters--you were my only contact on 20.

K3WWP - Hooray, my worst noise has been gone the past couple days now and I could actually hear some of the QRPp signals in the sprint. I only had time to make one QSO but sure great to hear mW signals. Hope the noise is gone for good. Fingers crossed.

W6JIM - Been gone for a while. Good to be back! :-)

K4KRW - Wilderness Radio Sierra, WM-2 and Begali Pearl. I was only able to play for 45 minutes due to work. All of my contacts were on 40m. I did hear signals on 80m and 20m but it was right at the end of the sprint and I didn't manage a contact. Thanks for digging me out of the noise. Great fun as always. Wish I could have played the entire sprint. 73, Richard

KN4RQD - Band conditions on 40m were very noisy with lots of static crashes. Still, lots of fun was had chasing mW signals. Thanks for the QSO's and 72

N2RIC - Hooked up my TX-500 to my home station EFHW inverted L. Band conditions weren't great for me -- may need to do some antenna work. Called CQ on 20m and 40m, no replies. Replied to the few CQs I heard but only got one QSO (with KA2KGP).

K9DRP - What a tough night for a mW sprint! I heard KG6OKI and KC3MIO, but couldn't get them to hear me. I think my Argo V hears better than is heard. But it's still amazing what one watt can do on a night with QRN. TNX to KF6C for the work in pulling out my sig. I heard no activity on 80, splitting time between 20 and 40. TNX fer the QSOs and the fun. 73 Don

K3JZD - Tonight the special treat was QRN from the very high humidity. Not real ideal for a milliwatt event!! Quite a few times I think I was trying to make the noise sound like a CW signal. Or maybe there was someone there, but not copy quality. Used my K4, with it loafing along at 900mW into a 40m dipole. That rig will go down to 100mw, but with the noise tonight I did not drop down below 900mW. 73, Jody - K3JZD

N4SD - Lots of QRN from tonight's thunder storms.

W1ND - Woo hoo. Camping this week in Grand Isle, VT at a campground on lake Champlain. I had my CHA Non Resonant Vertical on a Buddipole tripod and a 41' wire in a maple tree. I even packed my Begali Intrepid in an Apache case for this sprint. Only worked a little more than the first hour of the sprint, but did pretty good. Mosquitos and spiders did me in. 20 wasn't too bad. 40 was good between the lightning crashes I cannot get on 80 here Fitting that my final contact was Steve, KC5F who sounded like AC5F at first :-)

WB9HFK - Icom 7300 at a measured 950 mW into a Gnd Mtd Hustler 6BTV vertical with 60 Radials and a J-38. 40M only. Conditions not the best for sure. Thanks for the Q's and sorry to those I just could not pull out of the noise. See everyone in the next Sprint! 72, Mark WB9HFK

WD4OHD - Pretty slow going tonight. Only 40m was active here in SE Tennessee. Lots of NA signals were very marginal, down in the noise. About half way through, propagation picked up briefly with signals suddenly jumping up into the easily readable range. It didn't last, though. By the end all I could hear (and barely so) were stations I had already worked.

NQ2W - Better late than never...grandson's baseball game and I had to eat some dinner! I fired up, no down, the K1 to 900mW and used my keyer to help my fist be as readable as possible. Conditions here on 20 and 40 were pretty decent...QRN on 40 was a little troubling but the resent info seemed to almost always be in the clear. I never tried 80. Amazing what QRPp can do...K9DRP gets the loud award on 20m and K8GNW wins the honor on 40m...Great job...armchair copy at sub-peanut power! Thank you for the very enjoyable evening. I appreciate the opportunity to play radio with all of you! 72, Will, NQ2W

K6GPB - Was hoping to better my zero score of last week. No such luck. Glad to see I could make the RBN on 20 and 40 with my 1 watt. Did not hear any NAQCC members. Maybe next time.

W4NLT - First time I tried the mw sprint. Cranked the 705 down to 0.5W. Heard several on 20 but only worked one. More action on 40. 80 was very noisy. Worked Rich KC3MIO on 40 and 80. 72 TX for the QSOs. ZUT

WG8Y - Hi all, Was really looking forward to working the whole 2 hours of the QRPp Sprint. Not to be. Had trouble with my Ole' desktop computer Gave up on it and I Went to my new laptop. Had a different issue. We'll just call it operator error. Anyway, Made 2 Q's on 20m, 1 on 80m and one on 40m. Ran my FT-817 at 600/700mw into my hustler 6btv. Pulled a Ham-Key off the shelf. Well, still fun. I worked UT,N7KM on 20M. FUN Stuff. Have fun at Field Day all. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

K8NGW - I was hoping 20M would provide some good stateside DX. However, I never made it west of the Mississippi River! My farthest QSO was N5GW at 796 miles. Had to concentrate A LOT to pull mW signals out of the noise. Great Fun! See you all next month.

KC3RN - A lot of noise here on 40m, but signals were still surprisingly good, especially for QRPp. Amazing what 1 watt will do. I missed a couple of QSO's because of the noise. If I missed you, my apologies.

NF8M - Op time about 30 min. 900 mw from KX1 on the internal battery. Got pushed around by the WSPR beacons on 40 and a POTA activation on 20 but got through. TNX QSOs es 72

N7QR - 3rd mW, KX3@1W, QRP paddles worked sideways as a straight key, Buddistick with long whip clamped to a rocking chair at our cabin in Flagg Ranch Resort between Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks in WY. First half on 20, 2nd on 40. Pretty noisy for being in the middle of nowhere. SRI N7KM couldn't copy me, maybe next time! Russ

W4HH - For this month's milliwatt sprint, I fired up my 0.5 Watt Rockmite on 7040, called lots of CQ's, heard a dozen stations exchanging info but made no contacts.

KM3D - K9QEW has great ears! -an amazing contact using my NN1G MkII built from Jan 1993 QRPARCI article 'way back when'. Incredible what 900 mw and a wire can do! 72 de KM3D

K9NUD - I tried 20M for a while. Despite hitting plenty of beacons, nobody seemed to be there. 40M was more productive, with 80M providing one more. I usually run my KX3 at one watt but opted for 900mw this time. It seemed that others were hearing me better than I heard them. Sorry to the one station I just couldn't pull out of the noise.

K1IX - Good activity but I quit early - tired tnx for Q's

K1YAN - K1YAN - Only 40M for this sprint. Some decent propagation under that layer of QRN.

NG2J - I had some station configuration issues and there are a few QSOs thet were not logged. I did not expect to be able to work many stations with only 1W given the recent band conditions. Managed to work some "locals" on 40 and one NY station on 20 (which was a bit noisy.) Had to quit early.

WB1GYZ - 40 meters started out noisy here but kept getting better. Seems I had a pipeline to NY with 6 Q's to that state, and 1 non-member doing a Lewis/Clark special event. Tks to all fer a fun evening.

KC2MJT - Temps here in high nineties so decided to forgo throwing out a wire and moved inside and workedoff my raingutter. Although heard some QRO signals on 20 and 40, nothing else. Listened and and threw out my call for about 40' to no avail before throwing in the towel.

KA2KGP - Very good conditions on 40m. for the MW Sprint.20 & 80 in were poor shape. Rig: IC-7000 at 1 watt into a G5RV up 25 ft. with an old WWII straight key. 73

N7KM - A friend and I decided to go big time. We setup at just under 9000' near Cedar Breaks National Monument. It turned out to be very cold but our noise floor was S0. We wish we could have shared the beauty of the area with each of you. The bands were awful and it was work to get 12 contacts on 20 meters. I used my KX3 @ 1 Watt, solar powered, and an 80 endfed held by a rope I shot over a majestic dead pine tree with a potato cannon. N7QR it was a challenge but I did log you, thanks for WY! Nice mW sprint.

K4JPN - Conditions good on 20M for a while, then slid down to 40M and 80M and they finally came around. Lot of fun. 72 Steve K4JPN

WT4U - I was late getting on, but made 6 Qs in 6 states on all three bands in 30 min of operating. This was after discovering that the 'dead' bands were caused by my station battery still being on the RF-noisy charger. Oops. After that, lots of fun. Steve K9NUD #10575 deserves a Tenacious Terrier Award for not letting go of my reply to his 40m CQ until the QSB edged us up over the noise long enough to copy.

KB1M - Started at 300 mW on 20 and worked N4OW and then K4JPN at 400 mW all other Q's of evening were at 500 mW. No luck on 40 for sub 500 mW pwr. QRN on 40 was bad, neither antenna made any difference for reception. Thanks for the fun evening! 72, Walt

WB8YYY - maybe my first event in a while. wow needed to get my K2 below 1 watt - we did it too much QRN here on 40m

N5GW - 20 meters was in fair shape; 40 meters a bit noisy this time of year, but still usable; I try to avoid 80 meters during summer. It was a struggle to copy some of the QRPp signals at times; however a few were rather strong.

KN2G - ANOTHER GREAT NIGHT! Amazing what 9/10ths of a watt can do! Almost tuned up for Field Day now... See you there with 100 watts and club call N2MNT.

AK3X - Made the last 23 minutes of the sprint. Fun while it lasted. Icom 7300 dialed down to 1watt. 40 meters only and band seemed good.

WI8J - IC-705 at 1 Watt. Thanks to Rich, KC3MIO, for the patience to pull me out of the noise.

W2SH - Got a late start due to an open connection in the power supply, and by then 20m had closed. 14 QSOs on 40m where the skip was short and all stations worked were less than 500 miles distant. Only one QSO on 80m.

WA1GWH - Was using my SW-40+ and static crashes with that radio were pretty rough on my ears so I quit early. 950 mW to a dipole at 15 ft. Thanks for the contacts and repeats! 72