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March 2022 QRP/CW Sprint (#209)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
K1MZM    32   31  63   20 1260  x2  2520  160 meter horizontal loop at 60 feet              
KN1H     28   28  56   16  896  x2  1792  400' END FED WIRE                                 
WB1GYZ   21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  sloping vee                                       
K1YAN    12   12  24    8  192  x2   384  G5RV Jr. @ 30'                                    
K1IX      6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  HB EFLW  250'                                     
W1VKE     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  80-10 EFHW slope 40 feet to 20 feet               
KQ1P      3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  80/40 dipole@30'                                  

W2 Division
KA2KGP   34   34  68   19 1292  x2  2584  G5RV up 25'                                       
W2JEK    24   24  48   14  672  x2  1344  20M GND PL ON ROOF, 40/80 110FT END FED UP 20 FT  
W2SH     21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  270' cf dpl @ 45'                                 
K2CWM    16   16  32    9  288  x2   576  Vertical (elevated)                               
KN2G     12   12  24    8  192  x2   384  80/40 fan dipole on portable tower at 30'         
WA2FBN    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  EFHW sloper at 25ft                               
N2RIC     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  EFWH, inverted L                                  

W3 Division
K3JZD    43   42  85   21 1785  x2  3570  40m Dipole @25', 80m 107' EFRW @ 20'              
KD3CA    35   33  68   21 1428  x2  2856  OCF  Windom @55 ft                                
KC3MIO   26   26  52   16  832  x2  1664  Doublet 125' @ 40'                                
AK3X     12   12  24   11  264  x2   528  102ft inv v doublet apex 35ft/tuner 290 ohm feed  
KE3V      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  80m horizontal loop @ 20'                         
WA3FIR    3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  dipole @ 20'                                      

W4 Division
KY4ID    39   39  78   28 2184  x2  4368  100' Doublet over the house; 35' AGL              
K4BAI    43   42  85   22 1870  x2  3740  20M dipole at 3' 40M dip at 30' 88' cv zepp at 45'
KC5F     35   34  69   21 1449  x2  2898  8                                                 
WG8Y     27   26  53   18  954  x2  1908  80m loop top at 50ft.                             
WB4OMM   23   23  46   16  736  x2  1472  G5RV at 35 feet                                   
W4NLT    21   21  42   15  630  x2  1260  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WX4RM    20   20  40   15  600  x2  1200  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
KA8VZB   13   13  26   10  260  x2   520  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
N2AWE    12   12  24   10  240  x2   480  vertical, roof mounted                            
WD4OHD   11   11  22    8  176  x2   352  Ground-Mounted Vertical                           
K9EYT     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  End feed wire 50ft in the trees                   
NA4O      5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  OCF@25'                                           
W4HH      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  end-fed 150-ft wire 20 feet up                    
W1BLU     3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  Dipole @ 36'                                      
WT4U      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
KK4ITX    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  65ft EF 17' to 9ft                                
KN4RQD    1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  40m EFHW @ 20'                                    

W5 Division
N5GW     23   23  46   14  644  x2  1288  doublet at 25'                                    
AI5EQ     7    7  14    4   56  x2   112  ham stick on car top                              
AC5BX     4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  G5RV over house into trees                        
KJ4WNA    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  Alex Loop on a 4 foot tripod, oriented E/W        

W6 Division

W7 Division
K7ZI      5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  OCF Dipole at 50 ft.                              
AE7TG     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  Cushcraft Multi-band Vertical                     

W8 Division
W8GG     20   20  40   16  640  x2  1280  doples at 35'                                     
KI8JY     9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  135' OCF Dipole at 20' AGL                        
K3CTN     9    9  18    6  108  x2   216  End fed antenna in condo attic.                   
NF8M      8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  6BTV                                              
N8RVE     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  g5rv up 30 ft.                                    
N8GZ      4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  5 BTV ground mounted                              
N8XMS     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  HyGain AV640 Vertical                             

W9 Division
WB9HFK   50   48  98   28 2744  x2  5488  Hustler 6BTV Gnd Mtd with 60 Radials              
N8HWV    27   27  54   15  810  x2  1620  EFHW AT 15 FT                                     
K9NUD    18   16  34   14  476  x2   952  130' efhw up 35'                                  
W9YO      6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  40M wire dipole at 20 feet                        
KD9EBS    4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  Attic dipole at 25'                               

W0 Division
N0TA     36   36  72   24 1728  x2  3456  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
KD0DK    14   14  28   13  364  x2   728  102 ft long wire                                  
N0IPA    11   11  22   10  220  x2   440  INV L up 65'                                      
AA5LH     6    6  12    6   72  x2   144  Delta Loop @ 25'                                  
NO2D      5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  80 M doublet at 30 feet                           
KD0V      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  Folded Dipole @ 25 feet                           
W0LMS     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Homebrew inverted V up 35 feet (facing East/West) 
$AD0YM    8    8  16    6   96  x2   192  OCF Dipole @ 30 FT                                

Canada Division
VE3KZ    24   24  48   17  816  x2  1632  40 vert, 80 dipole                                
VA3NU    15   15  30    8  240  x2   480  88' Dipole @ 25'                                  
VE3IIM   11   11  22    6  132  x2   264  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             
VE2KZW    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  EZWire end-fed, 52 feet, sloping from 21 to 16 ft 

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1ND     21   20  41   12  492 x1.5  738  84' Wire Sloper up 40'                            

W2 Division

W3 Division
NN3E      6    6  12    5   60 x1.5   90  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             
K3WWP     2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
K3RLL     9    9  18    8  144 x1.5  216  Black Stealth HOA-Special Night-Only Vertical     
KJ4R      5    5  10    5   50 x1.5   75  134' EFHW                                         
AA2MX     4    4   8    3   24 x1.5   36  80 MTR OCF DIPOLE                                 
W4EDN     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  inv v at 50 ft                                    

W5 Division
AA5AD    10   10  20    9  180 x1.5  270  G5RV inv vee up 35 feet                           
WI5H      4    4   8    4   32 x1.5   48  95ft loop                                         

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      2    2   4    1    4 x1.5    6  Butternut gnd mtd vert w/o radials                

W8 Division
K8NGW    18   18  36   14  504 x1.5  756  43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials                    

W9 Division
K9DRP    25   25  50   17  850 x1.5 1275  EFHW 80 @ 40 ft                                   

W0 Division
WD0K      0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  Dipole at 25'                                     

Canada Division
VE3HUR    1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  dipole                                            

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     22   22  44   14  616       616  40M EFHW                                          
N2CN      2    2   4    2    8         8  Attic vertical                                    

W2 Division
K2OID    23   23  46   16  736       736  OCF 80M Dipole @ 235'                             
WA1GWH   18   17  35   13  455       455  40m dipole at 15 ft                               
N2ESE     5    5  10    5   50        50  20&40mtr.dipoles                              

W3 Division
KC3RN    31   31  62   19 1178      1178  G5RV Junior @ 35'                                 
AC5XK    22   22  44   12  528       528  dipole at 40 feet                                 
KD3FG    20   20  40   13  520       520  80m horizontal loop                               

W4 Division
N4MJ     39   37  76   22 1672      1672  40M Windom @ 40 feet                              
K4KRW    24   24  48   15  720       720  Inverted V @65'                                   
K4KBL    21   21  42   14  588       588  Inverted V at 50'                                 
WB4IT     3    3   6    3   18        18  Extended Double Zepp (doublet) @ 60'              

W5 Division
W5WIL    11   11  22    8  176       176  inverted-v @ 35'                                  
KA6J      5    5  10    5   50        50  Ground mounted vertical                           
KE5YUM    2    2   4    1    4         4  80 meter NVIS dipole @ 25 feet                    

W6 Division

W7 Division
KF7Z     22   21  43   19  817       817  dpl @25'                                          
KI7LW     3    3   6    3   18        18  End Fed Vert 24 ft                                

W8 Division
WI8J     13   13  26   11  286       286  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN   11   11  22   10  220       220  End fed wire @ 25 Ft                              

W9 Division
KY0Q     24   24  48   19  912       912  EFHW 35 ft, trap vertical ground mounted          
AB9BZ     2    2   4    2    8         8  EFWH @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
N8LA     14   14  28   11  308       308  dipole @ 35'                                      
KQ0E     12   12  24   11  264       264  Inv-L @ 65'                                       
WU0A      8    8  16    7  112       112  Dipole draped over the deck railing               
KC2MJT    4    4   8    4   32        32  Random wire thrown off back deck, slope~16' to 6"
N0QBX     4    4   8    3   24        24  Fan Dipole at 30'                                 

Canada Division
VE7YU    13   13  26    9  234       234  20M EDZ                                           
VE3DQN    5    5  10    5   50        50  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division
DK1VD     2    2   4    2    8         8  GND MTD VERT                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key


NQ2W     49   48  97   26 2522      2522  mini beam @25', 40m dipole @ 60', 80m dipole @ 50'

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 111
Total participants:             145
Total QSOs:                     1491
States + Provinces represented: 41 + BC ON QC + DX


N8XMS - It's been a very busy day! I had about 6 minutes available to play and made 3 QSOs.

WB4OMM - Holy Kow!! 20M was OPEN! Could only do 30 mins tonight, but in that short time worked 23 members in 16 states! WY and CO out West, NH up North, TX to my SW and lots of Mid-America. Woowee! Maybe them sports ARE coming back! Band was pretty quiet too, although QSB was starting near the end of my session. What was really nice (other than working old friends!) was 3 of those folks ?I worked were 10K plus numbers, meaning newer members! GLAD TO SEE THAT!! Hope you all had as much fun as I did. Hope to see everyone in next month's Sprint. Stay safe! 73, Steve WB4OMM

K4KBL - Only on for an hour tonight but nice to work a few 5 digit club member. KY4ID with 11080 GREAT !! Also nice to work old friends like W8GG with his fancy new call ;)

KC2MJT - Tonight threw a random wire off my back deck combined with my Yaesu 817. Much better results than my ICOM 703+ wired into the raingutter. Stations were narrowly spaced on both 20 and 40m I didn't have a narrow enuf filter to separate them. Not complaining. The noise level finally took it's toll and pulled the plug after 45 minutes. The NR on the 703 was missed. Tnx to WB4OMM for going the extra mile to pull me out of the ether.

AB9BZ - Good sprint, glad I tried 20M. 72 ab9bz

W1BLU - Storms just passed. Lightening crashes making reception a big problem. Tnx to all for your patience. CU Agn. 73

N0TA - Great night on 20m - 26 Q's! Thanks for the Q's. K3 @5W, doublet & vertical, Amplidan key, NAQCC SprintLogger.

N8RVE - Did not do very well this time, but still had fun.

KE3V - It was a nice night for radio.

NO2D - Thanks to those who make the sprints possible. Lots of fun but my arm got tired. I need more practice on the straight key. Pete, NO2D.

K3RLL - "It was a dark and stormy night" here in FL, or what we now call QRN, but a fun "Old Timers Night" with very familiar low, low NAQCC numbers and some really nice contacts despite the QSB/QRN. This contest is worth twice what we pay for it! 72/73 ... Don

WD0K - What band conditions??

N2CN - I wasn't going to get on the air tonight, but after reading WB4OMM's comments about 20m being open, I gave it a shot. Antenna this month is a QRPguys 40/30/20 vertical in the attic, switched to 20m. Next month hopefully will be a full sized 20m dipole.

KQ0E - 1st Monthly Sprint for me. Good fun. Thanks to Ron (AC2C) for his e-consult to help me get SprintLogger configured for an IC-705.

W1VKE - Had a little bit of time to make a few contacts. Conditions were not that great, but still had a lot of fun. Was able to get a few new people and a few old friends. Operated with my K3 into an EFHW at 5 watts. See you all next month!

WD4OHD - Tough going this evening. Nothing heard on 80m. A few weak signals on 20m (worked two, couldn't work WA from TN). A lot of noise on 40m below 7.040 MHz. Not the best of conditions. Maybe next month will be better.

N8GZ - Great night, Didn't try 20, I guess I should have! Thanks to K4KBL for his patience with me, the shorting bar on the J-38 kept moving over and shorting out the key! Thanks to all, I always enjoy this sprint!

KN1H - Never found anyone to work on 20 or 80, but 40 was busy and conditions were good. Happy Spring everyone!

KY0Q - Lots of really strong signals tonight.

KJ4WNA - My first NAQCC Sprint! Not a home run, but I had a great time getting out of my comfort zone. Thanks and 73 to everybody!

VE3KZ - Nice to get back to this activity. Thanks for all the QSO's! 73 Bob

KD3FG - Great fun! Lots of stations but the wx around me made the conditions challenging. Worked 3 on 20m, 14 on 40m, and finished with 3 on 80m. Great to work CO and IA on 40m from east coast. Fired up the trusty K2 and it still performs well.

NF8M - Op time 1/2 hour. Great sigs on 40, no need to go to 80m. Tnx QSOs.

K2CWM - Used my old (1943) Lionel str key. Fun. Thanks for the contacts.

N8HWV - Has to be an all time hi for me at 28 QSO's. Found an open spot to run on 40m and somehow you guys heard me - Thank You. Why doesn't everyone do this? Fun!

W1ND - Wow, 40 was hopping tonight. Usually I get most of my contacts on 80, but I got about 4x on 40. QSB and QRN was rough, but heard and worked more in 1 hour of this sprint then the previous full sprints this year. The time change and an early morning meeting prevents me from going the full 2 hours, but this was so much fun.

KF7Z - Good Conditions tonight on 20 and 40 here in WY, lots of signals off the east coast. Elecraft K3s at 5w to a dipole at 25' Thanks for the Qs 72 Danny

K4KRW - Fun night. Bands were noisy here. Heard nothing on 80m. Got a couple of 20m. Some nice signals on 40m. Great hearing everyone. FTDX101 and Begali Pearl Paddles. Thanks everyone!

KC5F - 20m was quiet but not many heard here, and 80m was way too noisy. But 40m was "just right", although still plenty of QRN. A slow start ended up better than I'd expected. Thanks, all, for another fun night!

K1MZM - 40 Meters was the hot spot tonight. Had a great time seeing some old friends and making a couple of new acquaintances.

WT4U - Unfortunately had no time to Sprint tonight so got on for two minutes and made two contacts. Sounds like a missed a good one!

KC3RN - Good conditions on 40m tonight. I gave (and received) a number of 599's. Was able to work almost the whole 2 hours. That's a first in a long time. Hope conditions continue to improve.

K9NUD - My first sprint in quite a while. I usually miss it. I started on 20M and snagged three before moving to 40. I dipped my toes in 80 for one and came back to 40 for the balance. Good signals!

NQ2W - It was nice to have 20m open for quite a bit of this sprint. I started out there and made 8 Qs. Went to 40 and made some. Then back to 20 for 5 more. I'm glad AE7TG was patient. It took us some time to complete the QSO, but we did it. Finished up on 40 and 80. Quite a few 2-banders. The new dipole on 40m seems to be working much better than my delta loops. Thanks for the Qs and thanks to the organizers. I appreciate the opportunity to participate. Looking forward to next month. 73/72, Will, NQ2W

K9DRP - First sprint with my RGO One. It's a keeper! Lots of activity on 40 so I stayed there all evening. TNX to VA3NU who stayed until I got my bug "unstuck" to complete the QSO. Noticed QSB much more with stations North/South of me than East/West. Let's do it again next month!

K7ZI - Heard no stations until about half hour after sprint started, faded in gradually. Moderate QRN at my location (rain storm moving easterly) Many stations calling those that I worked--hard to make contact with, competition high! First time worked NAQCC in about a year.

AI5EQ - This is my first NAQCC Sprint. I had a lot of fun with this because I can only work QRP right now, so I felt like this was more of a level playing field. I also enjoyed the friendly spirit.

N4MJ - Late start but a FUN evening. Thanks everyone. Several new call/numbers for me. 73 and Happy St Patrick's Day. N4MJ

KY4ID - This was my second QRP event, and once again, I'm amazed with what 5w can do. 27 states and Quebec, and a number of stations sounded like 100w. Handed out a bunch of 599's. Incredible. Farthest contact was CA. The time change gives us some action on 20m which is nice. Worked some familiar calls including my good friend WB4IT, and some new (to me) calls as well. Thank for all the QSOs! Sorry that my fist was sloppy at times. I'm a bit rusty on the straight key. Looking forward to the next one... 73, Burton

K2OID - Best conditions on 40 in a long time. Band held up all two hours. Lots of fun!

WG8Y - Hi all, had computer trouble getting logging program up. I took longer than I should have messing with it. Loaded GenLog on my laptop, 20M was open a start of Sprint but by the time I got everything going 20M was dead here. Went to 40M. Made first Q at 0121. QRN was not too bad. Went to 80M and Wow. QRN was bad. Did hear & work NQ2W for 2 bands. Tnxs Will. Went back to 40M and worked 6 more Q's at end of Sprint. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

W4HH - 2 months ago 1 contact; last month 2 contacts; this month FOUR CONTACTS!! Good sigs on 40; see everyone next month.

AE7TG - Been awhile - glad I was able to make it. Sorry for being a bit rusty (and probably sloppy). I need to get practicing and sprinting regularly again. Rig is Yaesu FT-450D @ 5W, Kent Straight Key, Cushcraft Vertical. Next time, I'll try my (new to me) FT-817ND. It doesn't have the filter but I have a SCAF audio filter I can try. CU next time.

WB1GYZ - Nothing doing on 20 and 80, so 40 was the place to be... at least in NE. Lots of activity - tks for the Sprint.

VE3IIM - ..40 was in great shape here, 80 not so much. I'd like the sprint to be a little longer, maybe 30 mins on each side. Good fun all round! 72, Tim..

KI8JY - Thanks to all for a fun night. Used 49er xcvr at 2W output with HB VFO (40m only). First time with 49er in a contest. Connected HB BP filter to 49er audio output for better QRM rejection. 73 - KI8JY

VA3NU - Great signals tonite on 40M. Some true 599 rpts. Till next month 72.

KK4ITX - 20m was a disaster hr. Unbelievable noises, echos and phones ringing ? Clear frequency for 10 minutes and then someone at 599 for 5 seconds. 40m better & picked up a new QRP State. Good time !

N7QR - 63rd sprint - KX3 @ 5 Watts, 1958 Vibroplex, Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials. 20 was open as it is now still daylight here and heard a number of stations there but most too weak. 40 was OK, nothing on 80. Russ, Portland OR

N0IPA - Noise was really rough in the snowstorm in CO. Thanks all the chasers who stuck with me and all the ???'s.

N2RIC - I had "Daddy duty" for my sick 9-year old. Little guy got hit with a stomach bug that had him getting sick most of the evening. After I got him to sleep, I got on for the last 5 minutes and made one quick QSO with NQ2W before the clock struck 0230UTC. I'll try again next month! de Rich, N2RIC


VE7YU - Good to see the bands improving.Twenty was good but closed quickly.Forty was noisy with QSB.Nothing on 80 73 Gord K3 20M EDZ.

WX4RM - Daylight Savings Time helped with making contacts on 20 meters, and was happy to be heard in IA, CO, WY, and TX. The QSO with AI5EQ was special in that it was his first NAQCC sprint, and that he was using just a hamstick! Love it when 20 is open. Thanks to all who pulled my little peanut whistle out of the noise.

NN3E - Thanks everyone for the QSO.. Signal were strong tonight . 72 Kevin NN3E

KE5YUM - Great conditions on 20, the best I've heard in a long while. It enjoyable to see 20 open after dark here in Arkansas. FT 817 and Vibroplex Vibrokeyer.. All the best, Terry

KA6J - My first time using the new x5105. So far so good! Lots of noise on the band tonight. Thanks to all who pulled me out. I will be ready for the next sprint.

W4EDN - wow, lowest i ever did 1 contact on 20m an i rarely use 20m.

KC3MIO - It was nice to have 20 open at the start from NE PA. Only two contacts there, but they were my most distant (BC and FL). I floundered around in the first 30 minutes, but there was a lot of action on 40 for the next hour plus. Looking at a QSO map, my contacts on 40 were on a NE/SW axis and also to the NW. Nice to hear so many solid QRP signals. With the solar cycle in full swing and gaining 30 minutes of daytime per month, I expect that 20 will be open for most of the sprint in coming months, so here's hoping for transcontinental QSOs and maybe even some DX. As usual, thanks to all my contacts and thanks to the NAQCC. And Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!

K4BAI - 20M was wide open at the start for the first time in months. 40 was pretty good with the skip gradually getting longer. There was some bothersome QRN from the front that moved through here later in the night. I tried 80M twice, but got no answers and heard only two unidentified stations working each other. Thanks for all QSOs.

K8NGW - Spent the 1st half hour on 20M with good propagation South and West (yay cycle 25). Moved to 40M where there was lots of noise but also lots of signals! Never made it to 80M. Yet again, another well spent 2 hours.

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! I fired up the rig on solar pwr last night at 5 w to the trap dipoles. Key was a E.F. Johnson J-38. Good condx and time change helped make 20m lots of fun. I switched between 20 and 40 for the night. Odd propagation from Mich as i didnt work any of the New England stns that would normally grace the log. Yet Worked many of the "Ol Gang" , and some new members too. Welcome aboard to WU0A #10264 and AI5EQ #10951. I noticed that there are quite a few very FB ops in our ranks. Hope that trend continues ! Till next time 73 Gregg W8GG

K3JZD - Nice turnout. Being an hour earlier made 40m usable. QRN & QSB showed up here in WPA during the second hour. I was distracted by an intermittent connection in my key - the common goes though a bearing, which seems to be the culprit. K4 @ 4.9w - 40m Dipole and 80m EFRW. Jody - K3JZD

AD0YM - It was an evening of interruptions in during the heart of the sprint. Still, I was able to operate during the first and last half hour. Twenty meters was good early. Forty meters was quite noisy by the end. 73, Mike

WB9HFK - 40M for the entire 2 Hours this Month! Thanks for all the Q's! 72, Mark WB9HFK

KD3CA - Band's were pretty good here, but a lot of QRN at times. Worked all on 40 mtrs Many tnx to all for the call's. SRI I did miss a few in the QRN . Was fun as usual , even managed a couple good chats. 73 to all Don

KA2KGP - A very nice NA Sprint. Bands were in good shape here in WNY, even 20 meter sfor the first 1/2 hour. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. w/ old WWII German Junkers straight key. 73

KB1M - On 20 it seemed that the stations worked were not hearing me as well as I hearing them, on 40 it seemed to be the opposite because of the QRN here. Had a very fun evening, like eating a box of chocolates without the guilt. 72, Walt

AA5LH - Only had a short time for ops this evening. 20M was active and I stayed with it. Take care everyone. 72's.

AA5AD - My first NAQCC event, had a blast, will be back for more.

AK3X - Not a whole lot of time and my keying hand was all bandaged up from an injury but had fun anyway. 72 to all.

K3CTN - Conditions were reasonable, just did a little hunt and pounce. I had trouble updating the database; gave me "Max Mbr Nr in DB: 0". Did anyone else have this trouble ?

W9YO - Great 40M band conditions. Amazing how 3W, a battery and simple wire dipole can perform so well on QRP CW.

N5GW - KX3, hb straight key, hb tuner to doublet. I was thrilled to hear 20M open, including many good strong signals. Presumably the opening was due to an earlier start (daylight savings time) plus improving solar activity. I was on the air only for the first hour, but remained on 20M because the band stayed open the whole time!

WA2FBN - Not much time to operate tonight. Bands were pretty noisy. 73 Ken WA2FBN

N2AWE - Tough night. Didn't hear a lot of stations. Was trying something new. Used my Icom 7300 turned down to 5 watts. Think I like my Elecraft K2 for better for QRP work.

KQ1P - I decided to work 20m until it faded out...that didn't take too long. 73!

W2SH - Although the change to daylight saving time brought another hour of evening daylight, 20m did not seem to have greatly benefited. It was open but quite unstable with lots of QSB, and I only made four QSOs. On 40m the skip was very short, and although I've often worked W2JEK, 30 miles distant, on 80m, tonight was the first time we QSO'd on 40m. In the final half hour the skip had considerably lengthened and I had QSOs with CO, WY and Germany. One look at 80m showed almost no signals and heavy QRN. This was the first sprint in which I didn't make a single 80m QSO.

W0LMS - I thought I had my antenna issues resolved, I could hear ops but no one heard me, my swr is low, more testing required. Hope to be heard next month. On a positive note, spring has sprung in Minnesota! 73 de W0LMS

N8LA - KX3; 5W; 200' Dipole Up 35'; NAQCCode Warrior. Exhausting week. My flip phone 3G no longer functioned. Added iPhone handheld vice with its sin card soul to my numerous other vices. On day of sprint spent 5 hours assembling cat tree to replace the one our cats trashed within 2 years. Only wanted to get on sprint to make a few Qs. Was amazed to be able to make Qs on 20 (including with Da PREZ!) as well as on 40 and 80. Go Figure! Best wishes to all of you and all of your loved ones. Until next time, Lou N8LA

KN4RQD - Heavy storms while operating from a barrier island off the North Carolina coast. Lots of sand, QRN, and only two contacts ... but still fun.

KN2G - 40 was the place to be so I parked there for the whole night. Couple of dupes.... I wasn't at my best but still had fun. Love the 2 hour sandbox!

WA1GWH - Nice to be back in the monthly. I've had EMI racket since just after the November sprint and decided to just not listen to it while trying to copy. Seems to have subsided. Conditions were quite good on 40m for March I would say. Stations to work right up through 10 PM EDT when I quit. Thanks for the contacts! 72, Garry WA1GWH