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     Feb 2022 Sprint
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February 2022 QRP/CW Sprint (#208)

N2CN Comments - Results are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KN1H     31   31  62   16  992  x2  1984  400' END FED WIRE                                 
WS1K      8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  200' Doublet @ 35'                                
W1VKE     2    2   4    1    4  x2     8  80-10 EFHW slope 40 feet to 20 feet               

W2 Division
KA2KGP   25   25  50   17  850  x2  1700  G5RV up 25'                                       
W2SH     22   21  43   13  559  x2  1118  270' cf dpl @ 45'                                 
KN2G     11   11  22    7  154  x2   308  160/80/40 fan dipole on portable tower at 40'     
K2CWM     9    8  17    7  119  x2   238  Vertical (elevated)                               
W2JEK     5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  end fed wire 110 ft long, up 20 ft                
N2RIC     2    2   4    1    4  x2     8  Inverted L EFHW: 40' vertical, 95' horizontal     

W3 Division
KC3MIO   18   18  36   13  468  x2   936  Doublet 125' @ 40'                                
AK3X      4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  102 ft inv vee apex 35ft. Tuner                   

W4 Division
KC5F     37   37  74   17 1258  x2  2516  80m EFHW up 40 ft                                 
WG8Y     31   31  62   19 1178  x2  2356  80m full wave loop                                
KY4ID    27   27  54   15  810  x2  1620  100' Doublet over the house, 35 OGL               
K4BAI    25   25  50   15  750  x2  1500  40M dipole at 30'  80M inverted vee dipole apex 50
WX4RM    23   23  46   15  690  x2  1380  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
N2AWE    22   22  44   14  616  x2  1232  vertical, roof mounted                            
WT4U     24   24  48   12  576  x2  1152  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
W4NLT    15   15  30   12  360  x2   720  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WB4OMM   10   10  20   10  200  x2   400  G5RV at 35 feet                                   
KA8VZB    6    6  12    5   60  x2   120  60ft End Fed Wire @ 20ft                          
W4HH      2    2   4    1    4  x2     8  end-fed 150-ft wire 20 feet up                    
K4JTP     1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  g5rv jr  22'                                      
NA4O      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  ocf@25'                                           

W5 Division
N5GW     29   29  58   14  812  x2  1624  doublet at 25'                                    
K5MBA     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  Novice 90 @ 15 feet                               

W6 Division
W6STR     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  EFHW @ 30'                                        

W7 Division
N7KM     22   20  42   16  672  x2  1344  OCF DIPOLE @40FT                                  
K9QEW     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  1/4 wave HB vertical                              

W8 Division
W8GG     37   35  72   19 1368  x2  2736  dipoles @ 30'                                     
KI8JY    14   14  28   11  308  x2   616  OCF Dipole at ~20'                                
N8GZ      8    8  16    7  112  x2   224  5 BTV ground mounted                              
AB8RL     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  80 DIPOLE                                         

W9 Division
WB9HFK   29   29  58   18 1044  x2  2088  Gnd Mtd Vertical and End Fed Wire                 
N8HWV     8    8  16    8  128  x2   256  EFHW AT 15 FT                                     

W0 Division
KD0V     21   20  41   16  656  x2  1312  Folded Dipole @ 25 feet                           
AA5LH     2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  25' Delta Loop                                    
W0LMS     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  Homebrew inverted V up 35 feet (facing East/West) 

Canada Division
VE3IIM    8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  fan dipole...160-10 metres at 30 feet             
VE2KZW    5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  EZWire end-fed, 52 feet, sloping from 21 to 16 ft 
VA3NU     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  40M EFHW                                          

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1ND     13   13  26    9  234 x1.5  351  84' Wire Sloper up 40'                            

W2 Division

W3 Division
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  ~110' attic random wire                           
NN3E      0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             

W4 Division
KJ4R     20   18  38   14  532 x1.5  798  134' EFHW                                         
K3RLL    10   10  20   10  200 x1.5  300  Black after dark only 4-BTV HOA Special           
AA2MX    10   10  20    7  140 x1.5  210  80 MTR OCF DIPOLE                                 

W5 Division
K5GQ     15   15  30   10  300 x1.5  450  40m - Inverted V - 50';end feed 132' wire 20m/80m 

W6 Division

W7 Division

W8 Division
K8NGW    14   14  28   12  336 x1.5  504  43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials                    

W9 Division
K9DRP    12   12  24    8  192 x1.5  288  80 EFHW @ 40'                                     

W0 Division

Canada Division
VE3HUR    2    2   4    2    8 x1.5   12  40 metre dipole                                   

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     12   12  24   10  240       240  40M EFHW                                          
N1JI      1    1   2    1    2         2  88' Doublet @ 30 ft.                              

W2 Division
N2ESE     5    5  10    5   50        50  40mtr dipole@35ft                                 

W3 Division
AC5XK     5    5  10    5   50        50  dipole at 40 feet                                 

W4 Division
K4KBL    39   38  77   20 1540      1540  inverted V at 50'                                 
K2OID     7    7  14    6   84        84  40M Dipole @ 10'                                  
N4MJ      6    6  12    5   60        60  40M Windom @ 40 feet                              
W4CMG     5    5  10    5   50        50  G5RV Inverted vee up 35 ft                        
W2QL      2    2   4    2    8         8  Mag Loop                                          

W5 Division
W5WIL    11   11  22    7  154       154  inverted-v @ 35'                                  
KA6J      6    6  12    6   72        72  Ground mounted vertical                           
KE5YUM    0    0   0    0    0         0  80 meter dipole at 25 feet                        

W6 Division

W7 Division
KF7Z      6    6  12    5   60        60  dipole at 25"                                

W8 Division
WI8J     11   11  22   10  220       220  130 ft EFHW at 20 ft                              
WA8SAN   11   11  22    8  176       176  End Fed Wire @ 25 Ft                              
NF8M      5    5  10    4   40        40  6BTV                                              

W9 Division
NN9K     38   37  75   21 1575      1575  130ft end-fed @25ft                               
AB9BZ     5    5  10    5   50        50  EFWH @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
N0TA     36   36  72   17 1224      1224  Doublet at 25 ft, Vertical                        
K9OSC    21   20  41   15  615       615  4BTV Ground Mounted                               
N8LA     11   11  22    7  154       154  dipole @ 35'                                      

Canada Division
VE3DQN    6    5  11    5   55        55  80/40 trap dipole @20ft                           

DX Division
DK1VD     1    1   2    1    2         2  gnd mtd vert                                      

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key


NQ2W     33   33  66   18 1188      1188  mini beam @25', 40m d-loop @ 50', 80m dipole @ 50'

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 75
Total participants:             107
Total QSOs:                     942
States + Provinces represented: 33 + MB ON QC YT + DX


NF8M - Op time 10 minutes. Great condx at least during that brief period.


K4JTP - I'm still here.

W4HH - My two QSOs is twice what I did last month!! Things are looking up!!! Hvy QSB, lots of sigs. CU next month.

K3RLL - 40m sounded noisy with weak signals but N5GW was booming in from MS. Sometimes we have a pipeline. Thought I heard K3WWP call me but ... This should be #150 for me tonight. Just send the check here to FL. :-) 72/73 ... Don

AB9BZ - Glad to hear more stations at my QTH tonight. Thanks for the sprint. 73 ab9bz

WB4OMM - Really rough conditions here tonight, noisy and deep QSB. Nothing on 20M to start, 40M and 80M had some looooong signals! Surprised to work UT and CO...and they both had good signals here. Worked newer member Jim KA6J #10990 in TX, and really new member Mike KY4ID #11080 in SC....welcome fellas, hope to see you again! Thanks to all you played! I quit after 90 mins, couldn't take the noise anymore! See you all next month. 72/73 Steve WB4OMM

N1JI - Band conditions not as good here as last month. I only had time for one QSO tonight - Hopefully I can do more next month.

W1VKE - Only had a short amount of time, but it had been a while since I had joined in on a NAQCC Sprint. Thanks to the 2 stations that picked me up. Conditions were not that great. Hope to try again next month.

N8GZ - Great sprint as always, Thanks everybody!

VA3NU - Only on for 1/2 hour, all on 40 till the band dropped out. IC 7300 into a 40M EFHW.

W1ND - Wow, slogfest tonight. On 40 m, I worked everyone I could hear, the problem is, I didn't hear many. 80 m was OK but local QRM is killing my setup Still fun though

NA4O - Logging program not working, but was not much of a problem since I heard only one station. Glad I snagged that one! Now to dig into the program issues...

N0TA - Good evening - thanks for the Q's. QCX Classic on 20m; QCX+ on 40m, and QCX Mini on 80m. Doublet & Vertical. Sprintlogger, and Amplidan key.

N4MJ - Terrible band condx at this QTH.

KF7Z - Got a late start and band looked pretty good, but went long real fast, I heard John K4BAI in GA just before I lost everything, so sorry for missing you John. Running a Elecraft K3s dialed back to 5 watts to a dipole at 25 ft. Thanks for the Qs and see you next month Danny

KD0V - Thanks everyone. New 40M folded dipole only up at 25 feet max in the air. I am surprised that it worked so well. See all next month, 72's. Merlin

K4KBL - What a great night !! Worked many new folks with many of the "usual suspects" Started on 40 then the bottom dropped out around 9:45 local. 80 put one with my all time high. Thanks to all and glad I got W8GG in there with his new call.

VE3DQN - With my low antenna surprisingly I could hear quite a few stations tonight. High noise level as usual limited solid contact, but I was pleased to have made at least a few Q's in the little time I had.

KC5F - Not as good conditions or score as last month, but still lots of fun on 40 and 80. Thanks, all!

KN1H - Thanks for a very nice sprint. Don't know when I've heard so many 599 QRP stations! Worked many on both 40 and 80 and great to work VE3IIM for the first time! IC7300 and Nye Viking Master key

W0LMS - The ZYL had other plans for my evening, but I made it for the last 20 minutes of the sprint, one minute the signals were booming in, then they faded out, I eventually called cq until the last minute of the sprint, great to be on for another sprint.

K2CWM - Always fun event, but I always try to keep it relaxed on my part. One of my contacts was a member but he wasn't giving out his number but he was QRP, so I had to list him as a non-member in my log. Perhaps he didn't know about the sprint. See y'all next month!

N2RIC - Another late start, and band conditions seemed a bit rough. But I participated and made two QSOs. Next month, I think I'll break through the last barrier of nerves and call CQ NA. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

WB9HFK - Fun evening of QRP! I also worked both QRP Foxes on 40M! See everyone next time! 72, Mark WB9HFK

K5GQ - Lot of noise - Tried out inverted V for 40M seemed to work as good as dipole at 17 '

K9DRP - Another evening working both a fox hunt and the Sprint during concurrent runs. With a late start I didn't hear much activity on 40, but did work N0TA on both bands. Didn't seem to be as many on 80 this month, but signals were pretty good with some noticable QSB. TNX fer the QSOs ES FUN. 72 Don

WG8Y - Hi all, Started a little late then after a few Q's the phone rang. 10 minutes later back to radio. Worked a couple guys on 20m then it faded.Only worked 3 on 40m. Band was long and qrn here in NC.Went to 80m. did S&Ping for a few then called CQ till the end. Had 3 doubles tonite KA2KGR, 20 & 80,W8GG,20 & 80 and N5GW, 40& 80M. Cool. Always fun doing the Sprints. I was only going to work a few but forgot about being tired. Next thing I knew the Sprint was at it's end. Best 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y

VE2KZW - Started on 40m; 1 QSO, very quiet. Moved to 80m; 4 QSOs, again, very quiet. Considering my poor antenna, I am pleased with the results. 73, Robert.

VE3IIM - Better condx than my last one! Lots of good fists tonight..Hope to around for another sprint soon.. 72 Tim..

K2OID - On Vacation in GA. Hated to miss sprint, so brought my 40M QCX+ and a simple dipole. Could only get antenna 10 feet up. Still managed 7 QSOs in relatively poor conditions. Challenging but lots of fun (and the XYL is still speaking with me!). See everyone next month.

N2AWE - Another successful sprint. Tried 40m but the band was not co-operating. Spent most of my time on 80. Instead of search and pounce, I stayed on a frequency and called cq, a first for me. Slowly my confidence is growing. Thanks to all.

KY4ID - First time participating in this contest. What a blast! I've dabbled in QRP for a QSO or two before, but nothing serious. I would have been happy with a handful of contacts. I was really surprised with how things turned out. It felt/sounded like a regular 100w contest with suboptimal band conditions. It's amazing what 5w will do. Some of the stations I worked were loud! Thanks for all of the QSOs! There we're a couple of stations that I just couldn't dig out of the noise. Sorry about that. I had to stop with 5 minutes left in the contest because my arm wouldn't work right anymore. Haha. Will have to work on that. See you next time...

K8NGW - Oh the noise ... the noise! 40M was filled with good signals but the high noise level made it hard at times! Moved over to 80M and the whole band seemed to fade away at 3:00 UTC! What a GREAT NIGHT!!!

KC3MIO - I was idly tuning around on 20 meters and I heard N0TA calling CQ NA and then I realized that the sprint was tonight! I told my XYL, poured myself a martini and dove in. Band conditions were weird (I can't put my finger on it) but some of the signals were very strong. I really felt in the groove with my straight key - just digging tapping out the code. As usual, thanks to my contacts, thanks to the NAQCC and looking forward to next month's sprint.

NQ2W - I started out on 20m and landed 4 QSOs. The move to 40 netted 10 more. 80m finished the session with 19 more QSOs. 2-banders with WX4RM and WT4U on 40 and 80. Thanks to W2SH for his patience and persistence...rough copy on my end but we made the QSO! All in all, a pretty good Sprint. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. I hope to hear you all and more next month. 72, Will, NQ2W

K4BAI - First time since the scoreboard was changed that I used the straight key. Took time out to work both of the QRP Foxes and also TU5PCT (was QRO for that one). 40 went long early and I lost K2CWM when the skip went past him before I could copy his exchange. 80 was pretty good, but some QRN. Best DX - CA, UT.

W5WIL - Using new Inv-V resonant trap dipoles this month. Nice not to adjust a tuner! 40m so-so til 8:30, then 80m gradually opened a little til 9:00. 73, Dennis

W4CMG - Missed my calendar reminder, so I only had a short time before class to operate. Wish I had remembered to use my straight key instead of my paddles. Next time!

W2JEK - Got on late. Best dx was k7km in utah on 40. Had fun 72 and 73 DON W2JEK

WX4RM - Had a good time as always, but wish 20 meters had more activity. Good signals out there tonite on 40 and 80.

N7KM - Nice hour and a half opening on 40 meters. Long skip from the first. The highlight of my evening was when I called CQNA and had Allen, VY1KX in the Yukon Territory replied. What a nice surprise! Sorry to the 5 station using a bug that I missed when someone called CQ over and over again on top of us. Thanks to the organizers it was a delightfull evening.

AC5XK - Thanks everyone

KE5YUM - Conditions were poor in western Arkansas. I only heard N8LA calling CQ, and in spite of my many CQs, I made no contacts. Will hope for better conditions next month. Terry

WS1K - CQd on 20M with no luck. It was closing as the sprint started. Bounced around between 40M and 80M. 40M had very high QRN. 80M a little of everything to make it difficult. Strange conditions on 40 and 80 for sure. And fun as always. Key used was a BRELCO Navy Flameproof.

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Great condx for sprint last night. Gud signals on all 3 bands. Started out on 20 es grabbed 3 QSO there before it faded. 40 es 80 were quite busy with sprinters. I worked several new members as well as a bunch of the "old gang" too. Got several on 2 bands,and thats always fun. SRI to a few of you who i didnt get the whole call, or who called with other callers. I DO hear you, so keep trying. I dint plan on operating the entire sprint, but the bands were producing gud results, so i just kept going. One of my best QSO totals. Feb. marks my 50th year as a ham. Time sure flies when your having fun ! See u all next month. Gregg W8GG

KA6J - Rough conditions here in central Texas. S8 noise floor tonight. Hopefully better next time! Thanks all!

N5GW - KX3 to doublet. Late start - I had almost forgotten about the sprint because I was involved in the overlapping Classic Exchange. Didn't listen to 20M but apparently it was open for a short time. 40M was in good shape, but there is a bit of noise on 80M at my QTH.

K5MBA - Another fun evening. Participated in the sprint for 45 minutes and snagged four contact on 40M. High noise level on 80 meters - heard signals but just could not pull them out.

WT4U - Got a slow start on 40, but things picked up after about 0215. Things were hopping on 80 toward the end as my arm was wearing out and my fist was getting sloppy. Heard one of the QRP foxes, and a loud Cuban station, but my only logged non-participant signed off before I could get his pwr. Fun Sprint and good to see lot of new and old members.

N8LA - KX-3; 5W; 200' Dipole Up 35'; NAQCCode Warrior WITH W8GG FINGERPIECES! Thanks to all who worked me: apologies to all I could not pull out of QRN. Lots of QRN as usual here, but sometimes intelligible signals were heard! This is what intrigues me about being on the air, especially QRP/QRP. It differs form much cacophonous human speech, especially human political speech, where intelligible signals are almost never heard! All the Best to All of You and Yours. Lou, N8LA

KB1M - Slow going but persistence gave a nice assortment of states. Thanks for a fun evening. 72, Walt

KA2KGP - 20m. was open for only 2 QSO's, but 40 & 80 were in good shape here in WNY. Rig: IC-7000 at 5 w. into a G5RV up 25 ft. w/ straight key. Think Spring !

W2SH - I was surprised to learn that there were some QSOs on 20m. Just before the start I had found the band devoid of any signals. Conditions on 40m were not good. Nevertheless, DK1VD was the first European worked during a sprint for a long time. 80m had QRN and, rather unusually, there was also QSB. My 22 QSOs were evenly divided between those two bands.

KI8JY - Alternated between 40m and 80m tonight. Heard a few signals on 20m but did not spend much time there. Thx to all for participating.

KJ4R - Got a late start and only operated for about an hour. Nice to work new member KY4ID. Welcome Mike and good to hear another SC station! Got called by 1 non member looking for SKCC number swap and always glad to do that. Thanks to all for the QSO's and all the best until next month. FTDX3K at 5W / Vibroplex Bug and EFHW.

AK3X - Just a few contacts due to time constraints. Fun while it lasted. Never got to see what was happening on 80 meters. 72. Peter

AA5LH - Surprised early with some very weak signals heard on 20M. Sorry to the 2 gents tried, 0033-0037z. Just couldn't pull you out. Amazed that 1 Q was worked. Decided to QSY to 40M which was not much better. Only 1 Q worked there. Better times to come. Take care all.

KN2G - Another great night. I was awake, my antennas were matched, and there were plenty of sigs. QSB was a bear though! Then as S8 hiss visited me part way through the night. I got my last few after the hiss died out.