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December 2021 QRP/CW Sprint (#206)

N2CN Comments - Scores are final.

Final Results
Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1GF     21   20  41   11  451  x2   902  Dipole @ 45', Gnd mtd Vertical                    
WB1GYZ   11   11  22    9  198  x2   396  Sloping Vee fm gnd rod into pines.                

W2 Division
KA2KGP   25   24  49   16  784  x2  1568  G5RV up 25'                                       
W2SH     19   17  36   13  468  x2   936  270' cf dpl @ 45'                                 
K2CWM     7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  Vertical (elevated)                               
W2JEK     4    4   8    3   24  x2    48  110 ft end fed wire up 20 ft                      
KN2G      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  12ft buddipole ground mounted                     

W3 Division
KC3MIO   25   25  50   17  850  x2  1700  Doublet 125' @ 40'                                
K3JZD    14   13  27   11  297  x2   594  107' efrw @ 20'                                   
KD3CA    13   11  24   11  264  x2   528  OCF  Windom @55 ft                                
AK3X      2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  102' inv vee @35' 300 ohm twin lead /tuner        

W4 Division
K4KRW    27   26  53   17  901  x2  1802  Inverted V @65'                                   
WB4OMM   23   23  46   16  736  x2  1472  G5RV at 35 feet                                   
WD4OHD   17   17  34   13  442  x2   884  Ground-Mounted Vertical                           
KC5F     15   15  30   11  330  x2   660  80m EFHW up 40 ft                                 
W4NLT    12   12  24    7  168  x2   336  84 ft end fed in V configuration at 30ft          
WX4RM     7    7  14    6   84  x2   168  6BTV gnd mtd vert                                 
N4FI      8    8  16    5   80  x2   160  125' randow wire @ 25'                            
W4SKB     5    5  10    5   50  x2   100  Inverted-L                                        
W4LSV     6    6  12    4   48  x2    96  22' gnd mtd vert                                  
KK4ITX    5    4   9    5   45  x2    90  65ft Inv V                                        
K4ARQ     6    5  11    4   44  x2    88  EF Zepp @ 35'                                     
AB4QL     5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  40 & 80 M dipoles @ 40'                       
WT4U      5    5  10    4   40  x2    80  80m EFHW Inv-V @ 35'                              
WG8Y      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  80m full wave loop                                
NA4O      3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  OCF@25'                                           
K9EYT     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  60 FT 28 gage wire at 20 feet HOA stealth         
KN4RQD    2    2   4    2    8  x2    16  40m EFHW @ 20'                                    
W4HH      1    1   2    1    2  x2     4  end-fed 150-ft wire 20 feet up                    

W5 Division
N5GW     28   28  56   14  784  x2  1568  doublet at 50                                     
KN1H      7    7  14    7   98  x2   196  30' END-FED WIRE                                  
K5MBA     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  Novice 90 @ 15 feet                               
KE9DR     3    3   6    2   12  x2    24  80M LOOP @70FT                                    

W6 Division
K6FA      7    7  14    4   56  x2   112  Vertical (Butternut HF9V) Ground Mounted          
K6GPB     2    2   4    1    4  x2     8  65' end fed 15' high                              

W7 Division
K9QEW     0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  1/4 wave vertical                                 

W8 Division
W8GG     12   12  24   10  240  x2   480  dipoles @ 30'                                     
K8NGW    12   12  24    9  216  x2   432  43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials                    
K8KUF     4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  WINDOM UP 35 FEET                                 
N8GZ      0    0   0    0    0  x2     0  5 BTV on ground w / radials                       
$NF8M    11   10  21    9  189  x2   378  6BTV & dipole/beverage                        

W9 Division
WB9HFK   17   17  34   12  408  x2   816  End Fed 150Ft. Wire                               
KA9FQG    7    7  14    5   70  x2   140  G5RV at 37 ft.                                    
N8HWV     3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  EFHW AT 15 FT                                     

W0 Division
NO2D      4    4   8    4   32  x2    64  80 meter doublet ladder line fed at 30 feet       
AA5LH     3    2   5    3   15  x2    30  40-10 Delta Loop @ 25'                            

Canada Division
VE2KZW    3    3   6    3   18  x2    36  EZWire end-fed, 52 feet, sloping from 21 to 16 ft 

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
W1ND     11   11  22    7  154 x1.5  231  84' Wire Sloper up 40'                            
W1TER     8    8  16    8  128 x1.5  192  doublet@ 35 ft                                    

W2 Division
WA2FBN    9    9  18    7  126 x1.5  189  dipole at 25 ft                                   
WB2LQF    4    4   8    3   24 x1.5   36  iNVERTED L AT 30 FEET                             

W3 Division
NN3E      3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  40-80 Trap Dipole inverted vee @ 50 '             
K3WWP     1    1   2    1    2 x1.5    3  ~110' attic random wire                           

W4 Division
KJ4R     36   36  72   19 1368 x1.5 2052  134' EFHW                                         
K3RLL    10   10  20    6  120 x1.5  180  HOA Stealth black, after-dark only 4-BTV          
WD4CFN    7    7  14    6   84 x1.5  126  140' doublet up about 40'                         

W5 Division
NF5U      8    8  16    7  112 x1.5  168  40m/80m trap dipole at 33ft                       

W6 Division

W7 Division
N7QR      0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  Butternut gnd mtg vert w/o radials                

W8 Division
N8XMS    12   12  24    8  192 x1.5  288  HyGain AV640 Vert                                 

W9 Division
K9DRP    22   21  43   16  688 x1.5 1032  EFHW 80 @ 40 ft                                   
K9NUD    15   15  30   11  330 x1.5  495  132' end fed half wave inverted L                 

W0 Division
KD0V      3    3   6    3   18 x1.5   27  cf Zepp @ 30 feet                                 

Canada Division
VE3HUR    0    0   0    0    0 x1.5    0  40 metre dipole                                   

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

W1 Division
KB1M     11   11  22    7  154       154  40M EFHW                                          
N1JI      8    8  16    6   96        96  88' Doublet @ 30 ft.                              

W2 Division
K2OID    20   20  40   13  520       520  80M OCF Dipole @ 35'                              
N2ESE     5    5  10    5   50        50  40m dipole@35ft                                   

W3 Division

W4 Division
K4KBL    30   28  58   14  812       812  dipole @ 50'                                      
N2AWE    11   11  22    9  198       198  vertical, roof mounted                            

W5 Division
K5WX     12   12  24    9  216       216  G5RV inverted Vee at 40 feet                      
KA6J      4    4   8    4   32        32  ground mt vertical                                
WA5RML    1    1   2    1    2         2  40M dipole at 5' - hanging on backyard fence      
KE5YUM    1    1   2    1    2         2  80 meter dipole at 25 feer                        

W6 Division
NS3C      4    4   8    1    8         8  Vertical @ 30'                                    

W7 Division
AB9CA     1    1   2    1    2         2  vert                                              

W8 Division
WI8J     10   10  20    8  160       160  130 ft EFHW at 20 feet                            
WB8ENE    6    6  12    3   36        36  135' doublet @ 15'                                
WA8SAN    3    3   6    3   18        18  End fed wire @ 25ft                               

W9 Division
WR9R     15   15  30   10  300       300  Vertical quarter-wave, 80M Dipole @ 30ft          
AB9BZ     0    0   0    0    0         0  EFHW @ 30'                                        

W0 Division
N0TA     12   12  24    9  216       216  Doublet at 25 ft                                  
N8LA      8    8  16    7  112       112  dipole @ 35'                                      
KC2MJT    0    0   0    0    0         0  9:1 BALUN INTO RAINGUTTER                         

Canada Division
VE2VAB   22   22  44   13  572       572  Multiband dipole at 40 ft                         
VE3DQN    7    7  14    7   98        98  40/80m fan dipoles @40ft                          
VE3GNU    2    2   4    2    8         8  DXCC@40'                                          

DX Division

Call   QSOs Mbrs Pts  Mul  Sco Bon Final  80-40-20 Antenna

Straight Key

KF6C     15   12  27   13  351 x1.5  526  40 Steppir DB18 at 50 ft. 80 dipole 50ft          

NQ2W     32   32  64   18 1152      1152  mini beam @25', 40m d-loop @ 50', 80m dipole @ 50'

Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
Key Type1st2nd3rd
Key Type1st2nd3rd

Logs submitted:                 88
Total participants:             122
Total QSOs:                     812
States + Provinces represented: 32 + ON QC


W4HH - Noise wiped out 40 here; 80 not much better.

K3RLL - Back in FL for the winter and life under the tyranny of HOA antenna restrictions. That said, many thanks for those who heard me. Great mix from 56 - 10,980. Sri I didn't recognize Gregg with his new call. Fun 23 minutes! 72 ... Don

KC2MJT - Skunked second month in-a-row. Heard only one station, WB4OMM, on 40M. Signals heard on 80M, but rag chewers. 20M was a blank landscape.

N8XMS - My available time was limited but it was a lot of fun while it lasted. I'm going to try and get on for the QRPp sprint next week as well. Merry Christmas and 73

VE3DQN - Reasonably good conditions tonight. Wish I could have stayed on the air longer.

KC5F - Limited time due to a medical procedure prep that kept me, shall we say, running...! But I couldn't miss a Sprint. Thanks all, and see you next week!

WB4OMM - 20M was dead at the start. Started calling CQ on 40M, did pretty steady for the first hour, then the band pooped out here. Signals were pretty good, but some QSB on a few. Called some on 80M, nada answer (finally worked a member and had a short rag chew)....didn't really hear any other signals either. And just like the bands, I was pooped so I called it quits after 75 minutes. Thanks to all I worked and safe and happy holidays to all...hope Santy Klaws bring lotsa nice ham toys, er, I mean presents!!! Maybe see you on the mW Sprint next week! 72/73, Steve WB4OMM

WB2LQF - What a weird night! QSB taking signals from over S9 (K3RLL; WB4OMM; K9DRP) down below the noise which was pretty significant. Band seemed long when I actually heard signals. Seemed like there was a lot of activity but it was all way, way down. Would have stayed on but my KX2's internal batteries went low, causing me to lose the beginning of the first character from my bug, so called it an early night. Looking forward to 2022. Season's Greetings to all!

VE2KZW - I started on 40m but RB never picked me up. Moved to 80m where things were quite a bit better. It seems that I was heard better than I could hear. But I am happy with my 3 QSOs. Thanks to all and 73.

N0TA - Slow night in Colorado. Thanks for the Q's.

KF6C - Long time since doing NAQCC sprint Mess up quite a lot!

N8HWV - Abysmal.

KN1H - Set up portable station while camping in Truth Or Consequences, NM on the banks of the Rio Grande river. Could only manage a short end-fed wire but had a lot of fun. Used KX2 @5W and Electrovoice KY-605 straight key. Thanks to all who heard me!

KE9DR - Noise was high, QBS, tuff. Enjoyed trying. 73 Bert KE9DR

K4KBL - Wow...started on 40 and thought my antenna was on the ground. All contacts on 80 which was far better but not great after about 1.5 hours. Called it a night.

W1ND - First NAQCC Sprint from our new QTH and it went better than I expected. 40M was pretty dead and 80M is mostly lost for me here due to interference that doesn't originate from our house. I got a good run going, then lost 80M due to S8 noise. I waited it out and was able to get one more. Gone are the days of endless 80M contacts for me.

WD4CFN - Ant 140' doublet up 40'. Thanks for the Q's and for putting up with my poor bug fist!

K6FA - Not much activity out here in CA. Did hear KR0U but he was being a FOX so did not work him. Hope fully there will be better conditions as sunspot improve and more activity. Happy Holidays and 73, David K6FA

K3JZD - No joy on 40m - seemed like it was too long here in WPA. So, it all 80m for me. Because of the beautiful !*%$*^% seasonal LEDs that are cluttering up my neighborhood, I had to deal with a variable noise level on 80m. So, if you tried calling me and I did not hear you, that would probably be why. K4 running 5w with 107' EFRW. Jody - K3JZD

NA4O - Very tough copy here. Only 3 contacts, but that is all I heard in 2 hours.

W4SKB - This was my first attempt. I was surprised what 5-watts into an Inverted-L can accomplish. I would like to say a big Thank You for all your patience with my very poor fist.

K5WX - Tough, rough night!!! There are some pretty amazing ops out there to be able to copy the signals tonight.

K9NUD - Fun event. 40 was deadsville but 80 was respectable. A big thank you to everyone who I worked, and also that "N4" that couldn't crack my noise floor (sri om)

K2CWM - Got off to a slow start because of 'technical' problems, so only 7 for me. 40m not good here. Ran my old IC-703 set at 5 watts to a vertical, using an old (1943) Lionel J38 straight key. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Curt K2CWM NJ

K9DRP - Lots of sigs on the bands tonight! First run for me on a sprint with the 703. Took time out to go fox hunting during the sprint. Hope to hear everyone in next week's MW sprint. 72, Don

NF8M - Realized during the third QSO that I hadn't dialed my power back so the first three were at 100 watts, so I'm submitting as QRO. Op time about 1 hour. 40 was okay. On 80 the local noise level's up, probably due to the thousands of noisemaking LED holiday lights in the area. Good sigs nonetheless. Worked one guy not in the contest who said he was using a 1929 Hartley oscillator and it chirped like it. See you next week for the mW.

WB9HFK - Part time this Month. I was also chasing in the QRP Foxhunt on 40M. Sorry to those I could not pull out of the noise. Seemed to be quite alot of QSB also. I was using a new to me J-37 tonight. Happy Holidays to all, and I hope to see everyone next week in the mW Sprint! 72, Mark WB9HFK

NO2D - 40 Meters was not in good shape here in Parker, either for the NAQCC sprint or for the Tuesday night Fox Hunt. I was happy for the few contacts that I did make. Peter, NO2D

K4KRW - Wow. 40m was pretty lousy. I started there and got nothing. 80m was better but there was a bit of QSB and a fair amount of noise. I ended up going back to 40m about 1 and a half hours in and did pick up a couple. I'm getting a lot of contacts with members with 5 digit numbers. Nice to see newer members having fun. Great hearing everyone. 73, Richard

WA5RML - First NAQCC Sprint in about 10 yrs. Elecraft KX3 @5W to 40M dipole at 5 feet - hanging on a fence. Only one QSO (KC3RN - tnx). Heard a few other stations down in the noise, but no general not much activity heard. I see that others had much more success, so looks like I need to get the antenna back up in the air! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

KN4RQD - Ran my QCX Mini with a J-38 key. Tricky conditions on 40m produced few QSO's, but still lots of fun.

AB4QL - When I first got on I thought my 40 meter antenna must have fell to the ground. I went to 80 and found a few contacts. I built a cootie key last week and have been trying to learn to use it. Somehow the ops on the other end managed to copy my rough sending! Thank you! I promise I will get better! After over 40 years on a paddle it is a bit difficult changing over.

WB1GYZ - I keep hoping the bands will return to the way they used to be... unless, of course, the sun has run out of spots.

K8NGW - To help get into the holiday spirit, this month I left my bug on the shelf and used one of my Morse Express Christmas (2017) keys! Called on 20M for 5 minutes to no avail. 40M and 80M seemed to be in good shape but there didn't seem to be many participants. (?) I'll turn down the power and see you all next week!

WD4OHD - Every QSO was a struggle for the first half of the Sprint on 80m and for the whole Sprint on 40m. Lots of weak signals, QSB, QRM, and QRN for the full two hours. Thanks to all who stuck it out.

K2OID - 40M was mediocre tonight, but 80M was fantastic. Had a great time. Thanks everyone for your patience.

K6GPB - 40 meter band was a little better than last month. Look for a great opening next month.

N7QR - Sprint 61 for me, KX3, 5 Watts, '58 Vibroplex, Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials for the first 1.5 hours. Heard a couple on 40 but too weak. Nothing on 20 or 80. CU for the mW. Russ, Portland OR

W2JEK - Got on late Rig KNWD725D at 5W. Speedx str key. Had fun 72/73 DON W2JEK

NN3E - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Thanks for the QSO'S KEVIN/NN3E/9851

WI8J - Thanks for the contacts! 72

KE5YUM - Weak conditions prevailed on 80 meters so I was only able to work one. Thanks to N8LA for digging me out of the noise. FT 817 at 5 watts with Vibroplex Vibrokeyer.

KA6J - Thanks all for my first NAQCC sprint. Only had 40m available to me. 5 watts to a ground-mounted vertical, iambic key. Enjoyed it! I will be back!

WB8ENE - It's been quite a while since my last sprint. Couldn't seem to make any contacts on 40, so I switched to 80. Had about an S4 noise level here. Had fun using my K3NG Arduino CW Keyer with a keyboard to transmit. Rig is Elecraft K3. 73, and thanks for the contacts.

K9QEW - Snowbird portable operations from Mesa,AZ. 20 meters only. Called CQ NA until blue in the face--NO CONTACTS! 20 meters dead! 73s & STAY TUNED, Daryl

VE3HUR - Another night with no one to play with. Only heard NF5U and K3WT who was 549 but neither heard my calls.

KK4ITX - Welcomed Jeff #11008 as a NEW member. He had joined after I downloaded the member list earlier in the day..... lesson learned ! Fun time.

WG8Y - Hi all, Didn't stay on long. C everyone in the QRPp next week. 72from N.C. Mark WG8Y

VE3GNU - Terrible conditions at this QTH---and 'hard on the ears' too, but remaining optimistic just the same. 73, Ernie

W8GG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! I fired up the FTdx1200 last night, es broke out the straight key. Just got a new call, W8GG. i threw a few of you fer a loop. After 50 years as WB8LZG i got the chance to get a real contest call. love it. Started out on 40m to hear WB4OMM loud n clear. 40 was going long early, es 8o had plenty of activity, but lots of noise hear in Mich. Nice to hear old pal Louis N8LA, es many others regulars too. Hope to hear all of you in the mw sprint next week. Merry Christmas to all. 73, W8GG #1444

K5MBA - My last NAQCC contest was November 2020 because my work schedule changed. This past weekend, I put up a Novice 90 so the antenna would fit my HOA post stamp lot and give me access to 80 meters. It worked! I heard many signals on 80 and snagged the three that were calling CQ NA. It also worked on 40 on the Novice 90, but with noise and band conditions I only snagged one. I had a great time and happy to be back on 80 meters, 73s Bob

WT4U - I was surprised to see how well some ops did. I couldn't hear much on 40, which seemed to be long but weak on RBN, with stations I wanted skipping over my head. Oddly, the only 40m contact I managed was with Ed KJ4R, just over the mountains in SC. Worked him again later on 80m. Good to see Jerry K4KBL on the air instead of email. Even when John N0TA are both having rough conditions we usually manage to make a CO / TN connection. 72, and let's try it again next week!

NQ2W - I started out on 20m but had no success there. 40m was good for 5 QSOs. I'm not satisfied with the performance of my 40m delta loops and I am looking for an alternative. I'm not sure if it's the band or the antennas but 40m has been a struggle since I got back on the air. 80m allowed for 27 QSOs, mostly all solid copy. My 80m dipole seems to be working quite well. KJ4R and WD4CFN were worked on both 40 and 80. I believe this is the first time I worked 2 VE2s in the same sprint, thanks VE2KZW and VE2VAB. All in all, a very enjoyable evening at NQ2W. It's great to be back! Thank you all for the opportunity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 72, Will, NQ2W

WA2FBN - Bands didn't seem very active tonight. Xiegu X5105 into dipole. KN4YB DL150 (dual lever rt angle) bug. Forty died fairly early so switched to 80. 72 Ken

N8GZ - Thought the antenna was down, heard little, gave up after an hour. Thanks to all and Merry Christmas!

WX4RM - I couldn't believe how bad the band conditions were for the first half hour of the sprint, QRN and QSB big time. Glad I didn't give up, was able to log 7 contacts, first time being able to reach New Mexico, tnx KN1H. Merry Christmas to all, and a happy New Year!

W4NLT - Tough night. Only 80M worked for me and noise level was tough on my one good ear. Appreciate WD4OHD's effort to complete our QSO though a lot of noise. 72 r

KD3CA - Band pretty tough here with QRN Did work a few, and had 2 nice QSO Thanks to Ted in DE K3RTA for FB qso , don't hear DE much here . Merry Christmas to all . Don

KA2KGP - 7 QSO's on 40m. but 80m. was the best band this sprint. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. w/ straight key. 73 & Merry Christmas to all.

KC3MIO - I was going to use the G90 but I inadvertently bricked it and switched to the 7300. I had nothing for 12 minutes, but then things picked up after I switched from 40 to 80. I kept going back to 40 in the hope of a contact and I did work N0TA, KN1H in NM and N5GW, but 80 was the place to be. Nice to work some new members, nice to work VE3DQN and VE2VAB after a VE/A drought, and I am looking forward to the Milliwatt Sprint next week. I thought the G90 was kaput but I think I know what happened to the G90; I need to reinstall the firmware. Merry Christmas, 73/72 to all and the NAQCC.

W1TER - 40 meters was like a ghost town in Ct.

N5GW - 20 was dead before dark. 40 was fair - 80 a bit noisy. Looking forward to the mW sprint next week.

K9EYT - Did not hear anyone on 20 , 40 was open , I had just put my winter shack Back on the air here Nr Tampa Bay Ant 28 gage 60 ft wire 20 ft up and a icom AH4 tuner seemed to load and worked out well. 706mk11 at 5 watts Thanks for the QSO,S Ray

W2SH - The skip on 40m was long, and my first three QSOs were with FL stations, all very loud. The band was very noisy and other signals weak. After spending 30 minutes in the 40m Fox Hunt, I went to 80m, staying there for the final hour. There was less noise than on 40m and signals were much louder.

N8LA - KX3, 5W, 200' Dipole @35', NAQCCode Warrior Paddles. Heard no sprint signals on 20 or 40. S9 noise on 80 but was able to work some stations through the QRN including old homeboy GRE(W8)GG with his new call. Congratulations to you, Gregg, on your "upgrade." The sound of QRN had a lullaby effect that put me to sleep at the rig for an hour. When I awoke (NOT WOKE!!) more stations were there than before I fell asleep. Thanks for all the contacts and apologies to those I could not pull out or who worked me though I did not record because I was asleep. Best Wishes For A Blessed Holiday Season And New Year! Lou, N8LA

N2AWE - Rough night. 40 was dead. 80 wasn't much better. Thanks to everyone who responded to me.

AA5LH - One Q on a very dull 40M. A Non-Sprinter Bonus guy in OH. The positive news was working my first 80M Sprint station-N0TA. Thank you. Take Care & a Merry Christmas to All.

AK3X - Missed the first 30 minutes and was participating in the 40 meter QRP Foxhunt which took most of my attention.

KN2G - I am at my new valley bottom qth. last sprint I heard nothing. I spent some time trouble shooting connections and fixed an intermittent coax connector. this sprint I heard several on 40 but could not work them. I let the ldg tuner match up the buddipole on 80 and after an hour got one glorious contact! watch out though, i've planted seeds for my new antenna farm!