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June 15, 2024
West Virginia
Chris KU4A #1960
Got lucky and got the minimum two QSOs about five minutes apart in the first hour. Found one more Q later for good measure. My FD operation is 1B-battery from Shelby County KY, 100% QRP CW. The forecast heat may curtail my operation just a bit this year.
Steve NI8W #11335
I was hoping to work WV on 20m to complete my Worked All States 20m CW (and all QRP), but it didn't happen. I could just barely hear a few but couldn't copy. So I made all of my 8 contacts (1 more than last year) on 40m and 80m. Maybe next year!
Will NQ2W #4839
WVQP - Got on early to try and get the multiplier. That took a few minutes because there wasn't anyone on that I could hear. After that, I checked back in throughout the QP to try and get a few more QSOs. Ended up with 12 QSOs working everyone that I could hear except for a few stations on 20m. Not a lot of activity heard from my station.
I'll probably do some FD operating from my home station...CW...QRP. Nothing serious...maybe go battery using my K1. Too much going on around the homestead for a serious effort....
Barry K6RM #11022
Well, I was pretty disappointed with making only 10 QSOs but then when I looked at other scores on 3830 I realized that even the "big guns" only managed to work 15 or so CW stations in this event. I run my K3 at 5.0 watts into a fan dipole that is about 25 ft up in my attic. Still I got answers on the first call mostly.
Brent WT4U #9019
Not one to rack up points on. The three stations I worked were the only ones I heard.

Earlier Events

June 1, 2024
Chris KU4A #1960
It was kind of a "barbell" for me. The bands were good the first 2-3 hours, then horrible for awhile, then good again the last 2-3 hours. I'm not sure if the slump was the typical summer mid-day propagation, or there was a solar flare involved. In any event, I ended up with almost the exact same QSO count as last year.
Stan K3PW #9637
I’m pleased to have done a little more than the minimum. That said it was still a bit tough in a couple of ways. First, the QSO parties compete with other weekend activities and KY is on the same weekend as a popular ME hamfest. At least I only needed to worry about KY when I got home. Second, was band conditions again. 20M between KY and ME was strange on Saturday evening varying between nearly dead and mediocre. My overall goal is still to get at least the minimum two contacts in all of the remaining parties.
Steve NI8W #11335
I didn't have much time to work this one, but I was able to squeeze in an hour or so in between other activities. All of my QSOs were on 40 meters and most were in the late afternoon.
Will NQ2W #4839
I knew I wasn't going to be home for this one and I debated whether or not to bring a radio. The radio won so I packed up my K1, 40m EFHW, and other accessories and headed out to my destination. I was in the Rochester , NY area and had a lot less time to operate than I thought...that's a whole different story. I started to set up my station at about 2300Z with only 2 hours left in the KYQP. With the EFHW up at about 20 feet, I made my 1st QSO at 2326Z, the 2nd at a few more. Ended up with 8 in the log, including KU4A and WE5P - both QRPers - and had the station down by the end of the party. Lots of fun and the grandkids gave me high fives for getting 27 for 27!
Don VE3DQN #5846
Propagation on Saturday afternoon on 20m was a wipe-out for me. I faintly heard a few KY stations. They couldn't hear me. However, NT4HI, the warship museum station in Charleston SC was blasting in at 599+. Go figure. I finally got one KY station on 40m in the evening and no more because I'd miscalculated the party end time :-( I now have 4 QSO parties where I got only one QSO.
May & 19, 2024
Stan K3PW #9637
One of the tough things about the State QSO Party Challenge is balancing it with other weekend activities. This past weekend, my wife, N3OA, and I activated a park as part of a statewide Maine POTA Day. Conditions weren't good enough for us to hear and work any AR QSO Party stations from the park, but I did get 2 QRP CW contacts after I got back home. It was a nice ham radio Saturday!
Will NQ2W #4839
ARQP - Spaceweather wasn't conducive for propagation between here and AR. It was slow going throughout the party. I made about half as many QSOs as I made last year. I'm happy the AR ops that I contacted were able to hear me. Part of the fun is the challenge.
Steve NI8W #11335
ARQP started slowly with only a few AR stations heard but a lot of stations replying. Eventually things calmed down, and I could get through. A couple multiple-county stations, with very good ops, made for a lot of multipliers. Despite other plans for the afternoon and evening, I was able to beat my score from last year.
Don VE3DQN #5846
Thanks to mobile station K5CM who operated from the intersection of AR county lines, I was able to get three counties and my AR multiplier with one QSO. Later I was able to catch a couple more QSOs, but it's a relief to be assured of the multiplier.
April 11 & 12, 2024
Canadian Prairies
Stan K3PW #9637
Canadian Prairies was frustrating, but still educational. VE5MX must be quite a station. It was a good loud 559 signal when everyone else I could hear was nearly buried in the noise. When I saw the signal come up on the panadapter, I thought "no way that's CP QSO party", but it was. Only one call and it was in the log. It's still hard to believe that signal from SK to ME in near RF blackout conditions!
Will NQ2W #4839
CPQP - Really tough conditions. Found VE5MX on 15m. About an hour later, I found him again on 20m. About 4 hours later, VE6BBP was found on 20m. Their signals were about S3-4, so I'm really happy they were able to hear me. I heard VE5MX on 40m later that evening but I wasn't making the trip...I never even got a di-di-da-da-di-dit! Thank goodness for the RBN as I was checking that throughout the party for any signs of activity.
Steve NI8W #11335
CPQP. It was certainly a rough one. I spent a lot of hours listening to get my 3 QSOs. When I did call a station, they seemed to copy my 5 watt signal with no problems. Good ears! I think most CP ops may have just assumed conditions were bad and skipped this one.
Don VE3DQN #5846
At the outset I thought I'm not going to get my multiplier on this one. Then after a few tries VE5MX came back to me on 20m. All told at some point I heard 4 different CP stations from the 3 provinces, but none of the others ever heard me.
April 27 & 28, May 4 & 5, 2024
FL, IN, DE, 7th Call Area, & New England
Chris KU4A #1960
Found some Delawares in the last two hours so have still not been shutout. Great band conditions overall. Indiana really came alive. Nice QSO count improvements in all parties for me.
Barry K6RM #11022
First of all let me say my activity in most QSO parties is usually just for a few hours and these past weekends were no different. I have an Elecraft K3 and use a fan dipole antenna in my attic at about 25 ft up.
I spent 2 hrs on the FL QP netting 28 Qs and 20 mults. All 20M and all QRP (5W) CW.
I worked the 7QP and IN QP on Saturday only for about 2.5 hours total. The 7QP yielded 21 Qs and 17 mults, more than half on 15 M and the rest on 20M. From Indiana I only worked 9 stations in 8 mults. All 20M, 5W CW again. I never heard any New England or Delaware stations.
As a general comment, I find QSO Parties to be fun and often recommend them to the new hams I encounter that are just getting started in HF ham radio.
Steve NI8W #11335
I know there was FL contest, and I worked it. I checked my score, and it was down quite a bit compared to last year, but I don't remember why.
I was worried about finding DE stations, and I had to do a lot of searching to find them, but I was able to find a few. 1-land, 7-land, and IN were all well represented again this year.
Will NQ2W #4839
FLQP - Lots of activity and decent propagation.
7QP - Was hoping to get some new states on 80m...I couldn't stay awake!
NEQP - Was hoping for some new states on the high propagation!
DEQP - Was hoping for some QSOs on the high propagation!
INQP - Lots of activity on 40 and 80.
While tuning through the bands during the 7QP, NEQP, DEQP, and INQP, I was able to work 3G0YA on 20, 15, and 10 for an ATNO on 3 is like a box of chocolates!
Don VE3DQN #5846
Caught a 10m opening in the 7QP, and several AZ stations were booming in here to Ontario. After working one of them it was a thrill to hear him right afterward work Ron VE3SIF, also QRP. If my scores appear low for a weekend with 4 SQPs, it's because that also happened to be the weekend that spring sprung in all its glory in eastern Ontario. Being outdoors won over radio :-)
Brent WT4U #9019
Just barely landed that 2nd DE to keep the multiplier streak going. As I've been neglecting my QSO count and watching my pace slide lower, the multipliers give me hope that I can put in another heroic effort or two and climb back up.
April 13 & 14, 2024
Nebraska, Michigan, Ontario, & Quebec
Will NQ2W #4839
NEQP - Worked every station that I heard. Not a lot of activity but I was able to get the much coveted multiplier!
MIQP - A lot of activity. Seemed like there was someone new to work when I had some BIC time.
ONQP - A lot of activity. I even worked some of the bonus stations.
QCQP - Propagation wasn't the greatest. Signals were weak early in the party. Later, signals picked up but they were few and far between. I even called CQ QC and self-spotted on the sponsor's website to try and drum up some contacts...I got one call. It was still fun and I managed to get enough Qs for the multiplier.
Steve NI8W #11335
20m had much less QRN here this week than last, which made hunting for QSOs much more enjoyable. For NE I was able to work 2 of the 3 stations I heard. I attended a motorcycle safety class most of Sunday, so I was only able to work the last couple of hours of the QC contest. Fortunately several QC stations were spotting themselves, and I was able to work them all near the end of the contest. MI and ON were very active and easy to work from here in OH on 40m.
Chris KU4A #1960
Well, actually got QC this year as I found a guy on a county line on 20m Sunday morning. The guy was in the mud then all-of-a-sudden came up about 30 dB for an easy QSO. So I have not been shut out yet this year. For the other three that weekend, I saw a slight improvement over last year.
Don VE3DQN #5846
It's always a treat in an SQP to hear a familiar callsign and make contact with one of you fellow NAQCCers. I had that chance in the ONQP with Brent WT4U and with Ron VE3SIF. Got skunked again in the Quebec party. Unless they're operating on 40m or 80m I won't hear them. A new idea popped into my head. I live less than an hour's drive from Quebec, so next year I should drive up there and operate in-province. I'm bound to get my multiplier that way :-)
Brent WT4U #9019
I second the idea of Don going to Quebec next year so there will be someone operating that event! The only QC station I heard was VE2FK straddling a line for the 2-fer. With that, I got all my multipliers, though not a lot of points. I could have racked up some Michigan, but I spent more of my shack time this weekend chasing DX in the CQMM event.
Ron VE3SIF #10033
I was happy to hear so many ops participating in the [ONQP] contest, not just Ontario stations. Saturday conditions were great; Sunday not so much. I was running an FTDX-10 at 5 watts into an end fed half wave (15, 40 and 80 meters) and a G5RV Jr for 20 meters.
April 6 & 7, 2024
Louisiana, Mississippi, & Missouri
Chris KU4A #1960
We finally had a break in the lousy weather around here so had to divert away from radios to do yard work. My QSO count in all three parties was lower than last year, significantly lower for Missouri. Band conditions were not exactly stellar.
Will NQ2W #4839
MSQP - Heard 9 stations, only worked 8. One on 80m couldn't hear me. The spotting page was sporadic for me. It seems like that spotting page for the QSO Parties doesn't work well for me. After actually turning the VFO, I often resort to RBN and DX Summit to find stations.
MOQP - Lots of activity. The mobiles did a great job hearing me. About one-quarter of my QSOs were with stations on county lines. Those contacts add up fast.
LAQP - Heard 2 stations, worked 2 stations. Never saw any others spotted using the technique mentioned earlier.
Don VE3DQN #5846
It seemed that prep for viewing the solar eclipse totality on Monday dominated my weekend. A granddaughter flew in for that occasion, so entertaining her took priority. I did sneak in a bit of radio time, got my multiplier in two parties, but was one Q shy for the LAQP. I generally check DXWatch for which stations might be on, but I'm looking to expand my repertoire of tricks.
Brent WT4U #9019
LA was tough going and it was a relief to finally land the 2nd. MS stations were reasonably well represented, but MO was everywhere. I could have run up a much better score with more time in the shack.
Mar 16 & 17, 2024
Will NQ2W #4839
VAQP - Not a lot of time during the second day. I liked the later op time Saturday evening local time for 80m QSOs. Mobiles did a great job copying my station. Serial numbers added some challenge to the exchange. 73, Will, NQ2W
Chris KU4A #1960
Managed to double my QSO count from last year. But it took a lot of BIC (butt in chair) time, and I had to give up a couple hockey games to do it. Anything for science!
Brent WT4U #9019
I considered running up to VA for this one, but it's a long drive and I had too much going on. Beat last year's 52 by 2. If they'd have kept it going another hour or two I might have doubled that, as the real action for me was on 40 and 80m in the evenings and a good chunk of my Sunday Qs were when I was able to get back to the shack for the final 15 minutes of the event.
Ernie N2DGQ #11090
Since I am in NNJ, 40 Meters was only the band for me. I occasionally went to 80 Meters but heard nothing there. Unfortunately having only one band to work, once you have worked those stations, that's it. Many stations parked themselves on 40 and did not move.
I did notice there were several Virginia stations moving from county to county. I did not work them again as I used the common rule of work once per band.
Mar 9 & 10, 2024
Oklahoma, Idaho, & Wisconsin
Bob N2EIM #10373
OK and ID were difficult to reach from NJ.
Chris KU4A #1960
Idaho becomes the first contest this year that I had fewer QSOs than last year, 9 vs. 10. But otherwise I am well ahead of last year's QSO count. Love those sunspots.
Stan K3PW #9637
This was a tough weekend for me. Storms rolled through on Saturday with some lightning close by for a while so that was lost time. Also, ID gave me a lot of problems. All of the ID stations I heard on my vertical were just above the noise and most with pileups. I did outlast pileups a couple of times to make the required two contacts. One thing for sure is that hunting for contacts at QRP power levels is teaching me patience. It also makes the victories pretty sweet!
Will NQ2W #4839
OKQP - Like most QPs I was in and out of the shack when I had a few minutes. Lots of OK participants. The mobiles did a great job!
IDQP - More than doubled my QSO count from last year. Worked 3 of the 4 bonus stations. Never heard a dit or a dah from K7P.
WIQP - Seemed like good participation from WI folks. Mobiles did an awesome job!
Steve NI8W #11335
Conditions on 20m were challenging here, which made ID especially difficult. 10m was much better and provided most of my ID QSOs. OK was about the same as last year, but my WI count was way down. Fortunately 40m to WI picked up in the late afternoon. There seemed to be more big pileups than usual, and patience was definitely a virtue.
Ernie N2DGQ #11090
I worked all three SQP's. I didn't work too many stations from Idaho. But OK, & WI was very active at my QTH. It was a challenge to differentiate each state with my desktop logger.
Looking forward to the VA QP this weekend, and making a move up from my current ranking.
Don VE3DQN #5846
It was "casual" operating for me this weekend. But the thrill was working ID--3000 km from my QTH--on three bands, 15, 20, and 40. The magic of working stations at that distance at QRP power to a low dipole never ceases to amaze and thrill me.
Brent WT4U #9019
I wasn't getting ID until I tweaked the RBN settings and chased them that way. Didn't get much radio time after making sure I had my multipliers, but WI stations were plentiful any time I spun the dial. Finally sat down Sunday evening and made half my QSOs in the last 30 minutes of the WI Party.
Feb 25 & 26, 2024
South Carolina & North Carolina
Will NQ2W #4839
SCQP - In and out of the shack throughout the day. Enough activity to keep it interesting but it seemed like in-state participation was a little sparse. I like the per band multiplier rule because it invites stations to try all the bands.
NCQP - I only had the latter part of the day to participate. Lots of activity and the mobiles were moving from county to county at a decent pace. Seemed like there was always someone new to work.
Steve NI8W #11335
I found a lot of activity for both of the Carolina contests and was able to better my scores for both compared to last year. I, too, like the format of having one on Saturday and the other on Sunday.
Don VE3DQN #5846
I approach these SQPs casually, but somehow, once I'm on the air I get drawn in. Maybe with the next QSO I'll work a new country :-) For the SCQP I wonder if I'll work a county where my in-laws live. [Richland, I didn't.] The highlight in the NCQP was working Brent WT4U in Madison Co. He had a solid strong QRP signal here in eastern Ontario, as he was perched up on a bluff 500 ft above a river. Good work, Brent!
Ernie N2DGQ #11090
My wife and I take our annual trip to Orlando Florida during the SC and NC QP. We stayed in a Hilton Resort in Orlando, unlike last year where we were on the top 15th floor, this year we are on the 14th floor so I had to lean my QRP Guys vertical on the balcony railing. See picture in the March Newsletter. For the SC QP I only worked the first hour and last hour unfortunately no one heard my punny signal. But for the NC QCP that was a different story. I had good results with the "sloping" vertical @ 5W and SWR of 1.2:1.
Brent WT4U #9019
Worked a few in SC, but had a busy day and wasn't able to get on in the evening.
Sunday I drove across the border to NC and hiked up a mountain. A few technical difficulties, but it turned out to be a good spot with 170 QSOs in a little over 3 hours. The POTA spot and rare rural county helped. Was tickled to work Don and a few other NAQCC friends.
Feb 3 & 4, 2024
Vermont, British Columbia, & Minnesota
Chris KU4A #1960
The "season" is off to a good start for me. I improved my QSO count in all three (MN, BC, VT) vs. 2023. I'm hoping band conditions stay good so I can smash my totals from last year.
Bob N2EIM #10373
MNQP - Was great. VTQP - very few stations heard in central NJ. BCQP - made most of my contacts in the last 2 hours.
Ernie N2DGQ #11090
QSO Parties are a sign of warm weather to come, so therefore I'm glad to start the QSO Party season. I was able to work the MN and BC Parties, but I could not hear any VT on 40 Meters. I am in NJ so the higher bands will not work. I think most of them were working only phone QSO's. I was able to attain the silver level last year. I'm Looking to advance to the next level of Gold.
Will NQ2W #4839
A busy weekend of SQPs. At times it was tough to decide where to concentrate my limited radio time. MN and BC were quite active. VT was a little sparse here but I was able to get it LoTW confirmed on 20 and 15m getting me closer to 5 band WAS QRP CW. Unfortunately, I was just too weak to complete a 10m QSO with a VT station. It's always fun trying. Thanks to the SQP organizers for the opportunity.
Steve NI8W #11335
Band conditions were very noisy here all weekend, but I was still able to beat my last year score for MN. The number of BC and VT stations I could hear and work was way down from last year. Still, it was a good start, and I'm looking forward to a fun year of contests.
Don VE3DQN #5846
I'm glad I spent time at the beginning of the VTQP on Friday evening to catch the early starters. VT being so close to my QTH, my only chance is to get them on 40m or 80m. (I didn't try 160m.) I got the multiplier for all three parties, but I'd forgotten that the MNQP was Saturday only, so missed the chance to rack up points. Glad to hear good activity from BC; I have the impression they got more stations on the air this year compared to previous years.
Brent WT4U #9019
No luck hunting VT on the low bands Friday night, but had no trouble grabbing all 3 events when I got back on late Saturday morning. All the action was on 15 & 20m, and the easiest pickings were BC.
Stan K3PW #9637
Even though I've been a member of NAQCC for some time, I'm a new CW operator and a new QRP operator. After 6 months of consistent practice and increasing proficiency, in December I decided 2024 was the year to go all in. I had a great first weekend and got a big charge out of working BC from ME with only 5 watts and a vertical. Not a lot of contacts for the first weekend, but I learned a lot and looking forward to the next bunch of parties!
Ron VE3SIF #10033
It was fun hunting stations from the three QSO parties. I had the best luck with MN on both 40 and 20. VT stations seemed few and far between for me but managed to contact a few. Only three contacts with BC, all on 20. I was using my FTDX10 at 5 watts into an end fed half wave. For the next SQP I might try the QRP Labs QMX transceiver.
April 13 & 14, 2024
New Mexico, North Dakota, & Georgia
Chris KU4A #1960
This was another weekend in which I couldn't devote full time due to having to take advantage of a rare break in our rainy weather for outside work. Net results were completely different from last year. ND was a total FAIL last year, this year I heard a couple Sunday morning. (Thank you, radio gods). Last year NM was just a couple stations, this year they were all over the bands. Having to leave early Sunday meant my GA totals were way down from last year.
Ernie N2DGQ #11090
GA Q's were in abundance this weekend. ND and NM not so much. I was concerned about qualifying for ND, as I only heard (2) Calls from ND. Worked them both but kudos to AI0Y as he was the only call except for K0AJW, that I work on 40, 20, and 15! AI0Y was heard throughout the weekend. Next week I will be on a hiking trip in the Catskills NY from Friday to Monday. So I will miss those valuable multipliers. Have fun, everyone. Catch you on the next QSO Party weekend.
Kevin KE3V #855
I worked the GA, ND and NW Qps this weekend, but only made one CW contact each in ND and NM. I just didn't find any other stations in those states. Not sure why. I heard many more GA stations. I submitted my logs and posted my scores to boost the number of NAQCC participants, but remember there is a minimum of 2 contacts each for QP Challenge credit.
Alan KR4AE #5847
As always, living in Ga., the GA QSO Party is a lot of fun. I have gone QRPp for all of my contesting and even operating in general most of the time ,but I have always used 5W in the past for this contest. I couldn't decide whether to use 500mw or 1 watt , but decided to go with 1w really not knowing what to expect. I ran the entire contest except for about 15 contacts. The first hour was totally amazing to me for 1w and I logged 61 contacts during that hour with 26 of them in the first 10 minutes! Either the first or second contact spotted me and it was pretty wild for 1w! This was on a 30,20 and 15m fan dipole at about 30 feet on 20m.
Looking at the solar numbers, I really thought I would make a lot of contacts on 15 and 10 m. SFI was around 160 both days. K index was 1-2 and the A index stayed low. When both of those bands get shorter during the middle of the day , I thought I would mop up, especially on 10 m out west , but it was not to be! I think I made less than 10 contacts on both bands for the entire contest. Another local ham with better antennas than I had the same experience. I don't know if both bands were extremely long or what?
I quit about one hour before the party ended on Saturday night with 288 q's and I thought I should be able to surpass 400 q's , but I was wrong! It was very slow for me on Sunday and because of that I really didn't operate that much . It was hard to keep my butt in the chair so I would operate for a while, do other things and finally try again. I only made 67 contacts on Sunday.
I hope everyone is having fun participating in all the great QSO Parties this year!!
Rig was an Icom 705 with a LP-100A Digital Vector RF Wattmeter to make sure my power setting was accurate! A 40m doublet, 20m doublet and the fan dipole!
Steve NI8W #11335
NM, ND, GA: I started the weekend with high SWR on my antenna but was able to track it down to a broken feedline wire at the balun. I was worried about qualifying in the ND contest because last year I only heard one station. This year, however, there were two very active stations on CW. I wasn't able to hear nor work any NM stations until the last hour of the contest when the bands finally cooperated with better propagation and a bit less QRN. GA was much more active than ND and NM. A couple roaming stations provided many welcome multipliers.
Will NQ2W #4839
GAQP - Lots of activity when I sat down at the radio. The mobiles had some big pile-ups on them. Some I could break, some I couldn't.
NDQP - Only heard AI0Y and K0AJW. I'm happy they tried multiple bands and they could hear me when I called.
NMQP - The mobiles did a really great job. They accounted for more than half of my QSOs!
Don VE3DQN #5846
My favourite "catch" of the SQPs this weekend was working Alan KR4AE in the GAQP. It's always fun to hear, and work, a fellow NAQCCer! And to learn later that he was operating QRPp 1 watt. Amazing! The 2nd favourite event for me was catching two ND stations in the evening, after not hearing a peep from ND when I was on the air in the afternoon.
Brent WT4U #9019
Happy not to get skunked again on ND. Looks like many ops were able to at least get the multiplier this year, so a big improvement all around. NM was also improved. Just like with VA, I could have used some more evening time in the shack to put up a decent GA score as it's too close for 20m, particularly with the bands long.