June 2019 QRP/CW Sprint (#176)
Andy N2CN is responsible for the contents of this page. Questions should go to him at .
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
KN1H 30 30 60 13 780 x2 1560 400' End-fed wire
K1IEE 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 OCF 120FT long wire @ 30FT
WB1GYZ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Sloping vee
W1RVY 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Inv trap V @ 50 ft
W2 Division
W2SH 31 31 62 18 1116 x2 2232 270'dpl@45'; inverted L,86'V,68'H
KA2KGP 29 29 58 15 870 x2 1740 G5RV up 25 ft.
W2JEK 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 End fed wire 110 ft long, up 20 ft
KN2G 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 55FT FANNED DIPOLE INVERTED VEE
AA2VG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Carolina Windom @ 42'
WA2JSG 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 G5RV/jr @ 16ft
WA2FBN 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 EFHW sloper at 25 ft
W3 Division
KE3V 29 29 58 15 870 x2 1740 Inverted L @30'
AK3X 18 18 36 12 432 x2 864 40 M EDZ at 27 ft
K3EMS 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 31' end fed wire @ 22'
W4 Division
K8LBQ 33 33 66 17 1122 x2 2244 Inverted vee @ 30'
N4PIR 35 35 70 13 910 x2 1820 Loop @ 55'
K4KBL 22 21 43 14 602 x2 1204 OCF dipole @ 45'
N4OW 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 BUTTERNUT HP6V ELV. 7'
WG8Y 20 19 39 12 468 x2 936 Maxcon 10-80ocf & 35ft.
WT4U 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 132' end-fed inverted V @ 35'
N3CKI 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 Dipole @ 30'
KB4QQJ 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Doublet at 33 feet
K4EOR 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 G5RV@ 25'
K4ARQ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 EF Zepp @ 45'
WX4RM 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 6BTV gnd mtd vert
N4FI 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 Attic dipole
N4API 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 6BTV ground mounted vertical
W4DUK 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 135' end-fed wire @ 20'
W5 Division
N5GW 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 CFZ at 50' & 75'
K5MBA 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 40M EFHW inverted vee abt 25 feet
WB5UAA 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Inv V @ 30 ft
KA5TJS 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 80 mtr inverted vee @ 30ft
KE5YUM 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 End Fed Half Wave @ 25 feet
KG5HCF 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole @ 20'
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7KM 15 13 28 11 308 x2 616 OCF 80 DIPOLE @ 40'
KC7DM 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 480' horizontal loop @ 60'
KF7WNS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 82' Portable Doublet @ 30 feet
KH7AL 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Inverted L @ 30'
W8 Division
WB8LZG 28 28 56 17 952 x2 1904 Dipoles @ 30'
NF8M 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 40m hamstick on car
N8XMS 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 R7 Vertical
KK8J 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dipole up 25 feet
W9 Division
WB9HFK 35 33 68 18 1224 x2 2448 OCF Dipole at 25 Ft.
W9CC 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 40mtr endfed
K9QEW 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 GP Vertical
N8HWV 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 EFHW AT 15 FT
KA9FQG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 G5RV @ 37 FT
KD9EBS 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 Attic Dipole at 25 feet
$K9EYT 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 32 ' vertical / G5RV
W0 Division
W0ITT 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 40m inverted vee @ 32 feet
AA0W 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 Dipole @ 28 feet
N0TA 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 1/4 wave Gnd Mnt Vertical
N8LA 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 Dipole @ 35'
AA5LH 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 Sloping Delta Loop @ 25'
AD0YM 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 OCF DIPOLE @ 30 FT
NN0SS 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 80m inv vee
K2HT 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 ZS6BKW @ 40' center 20' ends
KD0DK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 130 ft long wire
Canada Division
VA3NU 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 H4BTV vert
VE9BEL 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 END-FED DIPOLE @ 25 FT
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
WB2LQF 7 7 14 5 70 x1.5 105 Inverted L at 30 feet
W3 Division
K3WWP 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 ~110' attic random wire
W4 Division
KJ4R 27 27 54 14 756 x1.5 1134 40m 33' vertical 80m 67' wire vertical
KQ4MM 10 10 20 9 180 x1.5 270 132' EFHW Up 30 feet
AA2MX 7 7 14 5 70 x1.5 105 Roof mounted vertical
W5 Division
WD5RS 8 8 16 7 112 x1.5 168 40 meter vertical
WB4BIN 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 Attic random wire @ 15'
W6 Division
W7 Division
$WT8P 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 End-fed 60'
W8 Division
K8NGW 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 43' gnd mtd vert w/ 32 radials
W9 Division
K9DRP 11 11 22 10 220 x1.5 330 EFHW 80 @ 40'
AA9L 8 8 16 7 112 x1.5 168 160-80-40 trap dipole @ 50 feet
N9SE 2 2 4 2 8 x1.5 12 Inverted Vee @ 50ft
W0 Division
W0KFG 9 9 18 6 108 x1.5 162 20m wire loop in attic @ 16'
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W1NU 11 11 22 10 220 220 G5RV @ 50'
KB1M 13 13 26 8 208 208 20m inv v, 40 m dipole @ 30'
K4RHG 10 9 19 7 133 133 End-fed dipole at 30 feet
N2CN 5 5 10 5 50 50 ZS6BKW at 60 feet
W2 Division
WA1GWH 15 14 29 10 290 290 40M dipole at 16 ft
N2ESE 5 5 10 5 50 50 80M dipole@35FT
W3 Division
KD3CA 2 2 4 2 8 8 Windom @ 33 ft
W4 Division
K3RLL 7 7 14 5 70 70 HB 9:1 Unun to 53' Wire over garage
N4MJ 6 6 12 4 48 48 40M Windom @ 40 feet
KU4A 4 3 7 4 28 28 40m slp dip @ 40'
K4WLW 3 3 6 3 18 18 EFHW Sloper
W5 Division
WI5H 8 8 16 6 96 96 95ft wire loop
W6 Division
W6JIM 1 1 2 1 2 2 60' End Fed Sloper fed high at 40'
W7 Division
W8 Division
W8EWH 12 12 24 8 192 192 OCFD at 35ft
K3CTN 9 9 18 7 126 126 Inverted L @ 30'
WA8SAN 7 7 14 6 84 84 End Fed wire @ 15 ft
WB8ENE 6 6 12 5 60 60 135' doublet @ 15'
AB8SV 3 3 6 3 18 18 Indoor attic dipole
W9 Division
AB9CA 33 33 66 19 1254 1254 Vee @ 40 ft
K9CW 10 10 20 9 180 180 40m/80m inverted V at 60'
AB9BZ 6 5 11 4 44 44 Fan Dipole at 15'
W0 Division
WB4OMM 5 5 10 5 50 50 31 foot end fed wire
K0EW 2 2 4 2 8 8 OCF Dipole @ 25'
Canada Division
VE3DQN 10 10 20 8 160 160 80/40 trap dipole @18ft
VE3GNU 2 2 4 2 8 8 End-fed @ 35'-20'
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
KF6C 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Steppir DB18 at 50 ft.
K4BAI 27 27 54 13 702 702 Th6DXX @ 55; 40M dip; zepp; 80M inv vee
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | KN1H | K1IEE | WB1GYZ |
W2 | W2SH | KA2KGP | W2JEK |
W3 | KE3V | AK3X | K3EMS |
W4 | K8LBQ | N4PIR | K4KBL |
W5 | N5GW | K5MBA | WB5UAA |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7KM | KC7DM | KF7WNS |
W8 | WB8LZG | NF8M N8XMS (TIE) | KK8J |
W9 | WB9HFK | W9CC | K9QEW |
W0 | W0ITT | AA0W | N0TA |
Canada | VA3NU | VE9BEL | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | WB2LQF | - | - |
W3 | K3WWP | - | - |
W4 | KJ4R | KQ4MM | AA2MX |
W5 | WD5RS | WB4BIN | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | - | - | - |
W8 | K8NGW | - | - |
W9 | K9DRP | AA9L | N9SE |
W0 | W0KFG | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | W1NU | KB1M | K4RHG |
W2 | WA1GWH | N2ESE | - |
W3 | KD3CA | - | - |
W4 | K3RLL | N4MJ | KU4A |
W5 | WI5H | - | - |
W6 | W6JIM | - | - |
W7 | - | - | - |
W8 | W8EWH | K3CTN | WA8SAN |
W9 | AB9CA | K9CW | AB9BZ |
W0 | WB4OMM | K0EW | - |
Canada | VE3DQN | VE3GNU | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | KF6C | - | - |
BUG | - | - | - |
K/K | K4BAI | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | N4PIR | KH7AL | - |
BUG | - | - | - |
K/K | W1NU | - | - |
Prizes | AA9L |
Logs submitted: 100
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 128
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1000
States represented: 35 + NB ON QC
N4PIR - This was my first real sprint that I ran for 2 hours and submitted a log. 40m worked really well for me and I made QSOs with 13 states so I am very pleased with the results of my night with QRP.
KQ4MM - Used a 1928 Vibroplex lightning bug that my late grandfather used at western union and my KX3 (old and the new .. hi hi) .. Lots of QRN on 40 and heard nothing on 80m.. only had 1 hour to operate but made the most of it ... Thanks to all who put up with my bug fist .. 72 de KQ4MM dit dit
NN0SS - Very poor conditions in MN tonight
KN1H - Lots of activity tonight, even 20M was open. Worked AB9CA on 3 bands and several stations on 2 bands. Great fun! .
W2SH - 20m was open during the first half hour with just a medium skip zone. 40m was deluged with QRM between 7.040 and 7.043 mHz. I checked 7.031-7.034 mHz which occasionally has some sprint activity, but nil this time and not very much below 7.040 or above 7.044 mHz. Let's spread it out! 80m had strong signals over a medium skip zone, good for 800 miles here.
KD3CA - Was only on a few minutes , lots of QRN , with storm about. Best 73 to all Don .
VA3NU - Some nice strong signals tonite on 40 meters. .
K3RLL - K3 to HB 9:1 Unun feeding 53' wire up and over the garage. (No, not much of an antenna but my HOA hasn't yet noticed it.) At exactly 00:30z, the skies opened and brought lots of lightning which let up for a while but returned. Oh well, thanks to 7 great ops, tonight was not a loss. Thank you. 72/73 ... Don
AB9BZ - Tried out my QCX's tonight - not much heard on 20M, but 40M was very active. Thanks for the sprint and the QSO's. 72 de ab9bz
KF7WNS - Heard lots of activity, but not getting a good signal out. Nice to hear so many stations on 20m.
N4API - 2nd only Sprint. Able to worked 40 meters only for about 45 minutes due to having to get ready for the salt mines in the morning. Lots of signals out there, but must have been some other contest.
N4MJ - Not a good evening of Sprinting. .
W6JIM - Wow, rough one tonight. Sounded like everyone on my street was running their blenders at the same time! .
W8EWH - Tough going tonight. Lots of noise on 40 and just did not hear many ops tonight. Didn't seem to matter if I was running or searching. Picked up on contact on 20 before it shut down.
KK8J - The first sprint for me and I used a 100+ year old telegraph key stamped The American Telegraph Company, that's AT&T before the telephone its from an old telegraph station. Only 3 contacts but hey that's better than 0 contacts. I had a great time everyone qrs and repeated as needed. Cant wait till next month got an old US Navy Key for it listen for me. 73 KK8J #0980
K5MBA - Low noise on 20M but heard no signals. Low noise on 40M, but QRN kept increasing during the evening until it drowned out signals. I managed to snag 9 contacts using S&P. Thank you for another enjoyable sprint.
WB8LZG - Hello Fellow Sprinters ! Great night fer a sprint! I fired up the ft1200 on battery power and had a blast. 20m was open gud fer the first 1/2 hr. 40m was quite noisy here in mid Michigan but plenty of signals to work. SRI to a few of u who called es I couldn't pull u out of the noise. 80got better as the night went on. I ran into several old friends tonight Don, Louis, John, es Charles ! Busy nite ! I didn't set any new records, but the QSOs were coming steady all evening. Hope to see u all in the mw sprint next week. 73 Gregg WB8LZG
K4RHG - Another fun sprint. 40M very busy. 20M dead, at least here in Massachusetts. Looking forward to milliwatt sprint July 20. .
KE5YUM - Wow! My 100th sprint if my count is correct. Conditions were really bad in north Texas. I heard very few signals, and I am grateful to N0TA for digging me out of the noise. FT-817, 5 watts, Qrpguys EFHW @ 25 feet. .
K4EOR - First time using NAQCC Sprint Autologger. Haven't been on in a while. Logger worked most of the time, but didn't copy freq and band from rig on a couple of occasions. IC 7300. .
VE3DQN - Glad to be back after missing a couple sprints. .
WT4U - This one was harder for some reason. I wasn't getting out very well on 40 and the storm QRN on 80 has been especially bad. Lots of fun as always.
K9EYT - KX3/PX3 did a lot of switching between the Vertical and the G5RV heard a few guys on 20 to weak to work 40 was in and out all night 73 Ray .
VE3GNU - Nothing on 80 here, so stuck to 40 for the short duration, but 'gave up' trying to endure the poor conditions. TT Jupiter @ 5 W and Begali Paddle, and yes, there will always be 'next time'. 73--- .
WB1GYZ - Pulled the plug after 45 minutes of noise. A tip of the cap for all those who hung in there.
WG8Y - Hi all, Worked 1 Q on 20m. That's all I heard. Was on my Ft-817D at 5 watts but switched to my QCX-40m rig & went to 40m with 3 Watts for the rest of the sprint. Pulled the plug with half an hour to go. 40m was gud here in NC. The little QCX hears great and the 200Hrtz filter really helps & all for 50 bucks. Had fun & see ya'all in the QRPp next week. the little QCX runs app 800MW on a 9 volt. 72 form N.C. Mark WG8Y
WB9HFK - Thanks for all the Q'S! Sorry to those I just could not pull out of the noise. See everyone next week in the mW event! 72, Mark WB9HFK
KG5HCF - Rough conditions still enjoyed the sprint as always. Thanks NAQCC. Rig here You Kits EK1C to a dipole 20 ft up. 73 Dave .
N8HWV - Lots of noise here on 40m. Glad I could hear a few of you; always fun regardless of the outcome. .
N5GW - I was worn-out tired from working outside all day in the nice weather, so I only lasted the first hour. 20M was barely open - 40M was fair. Did not try 80 due to QRN.
KJ4R - Got started a little late but 40 was in good shape. Lot's of QRM from storms but able to copy most stations okay. Moved to 80 for the last 20 min or so. Always fun and good to work a few stations for the first time. Used KX3 and Vibroplex Bug. 73 to all
WX4RM - Was hoping 20 meters would cooperate like last month, but this month not so much. Still looking forward to increased solar conditions.
N7KM - Rough night, the bands went completely dead a couple of times. I only get to operate one or two sprints each year so it's something I relish. Tonight I was home sick and this sure beat watching TV! Thanks to all the facilitators.
K4BAI - Got home from a business dinner and had missed the first nine minutes. 20M was apparently open only to New England and NJ. Worked two NH stations anc couldn't get an answer from Chas, W2SH, who was quite strong. Slow start. 40M was quite good for a while. After 0140Z, it was an effort to make any other QSO. One QSO on 80M with KJ4R for the SC mult. Total QSOs on 40: 24. It seemed to me that local K8LBQ was running well from start to finish and must have doubled my score. I will be out of town without a rig and will miss the milliwatt sprint next week. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
K1IEE - Did not hear much on 20M or 80M so stayed on 40M for another fun sprint. 72 to all Dick
KA2KGP - 20m. was dead, 40 & 80 were in good shape but QRN on 80. Rig: ICOM IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. 73 to all
AA2VG - Hello I was able to jump into the sprint using my Weber Tribander KD1JV on 40 meters. Nice to hear everyone. Special tnx to W0KFG for his patience. So much QRN I final got his call correct. 72 Peter AA2VG .
NF8M - Had time for a few from the car after tonight's SMPTE Section Meeting (we heard about QRO transmitter tech). Sorry for the rough keying as I was using one side of the paddle as a straight key while driving at times. Very FB sigs on 40 meters tonight. .
KB1M - Not an easy sprint, generally weak signals and with QSB, seemed at times like chasing ghost in the fog. 72/73 Walt
K4WLW - 40m was the only band open for me here in NE FL last night, and with thunderstorms in the area the QRN was horrific. KX3 with a Begali Sculpture Mono key. Hope to see you next month. Bill .
K4KBL - Had to quite about 20 minutes early due to heavy rain and static crashes in the area. As usual, had a great time with my K1. If toy haven't checked into our NAQCC FB page take look....
AB9CA - K3 @ 5w to Vee at 40 ft. Thanks to KN1H for 3 bands and KC7DM, W1NU, and W2SH for 2 (hope I didn't miss anyone). 40 was the main band but seemed to have some skip. Some activity on 20, but not much. 80 was noisy but still managed a few. Thanks to everyone for the Q's. See you next month!
WB8ENE - I just got my 135' doublet re-installed so I could work 80 meters, but only managed to make one contact on that band due to high power line noise level and lack of stations on the band. Apparently, 40 meters was the place to be for this sprint. Rig is an Elecraft K3; using Bencher paddles. Thanks for the contacts. 73, Art .
WI5H - Flex 6500 @ 5W remote (about 50 feet away) via WiFi using my iPad and Bluetooth keyboard while watching Texas Rangers & Boston Red Sox on Fox Sports. 72 until next time . .
WB4BIN - Only 6 QSO's and I'm not too confident about one of those. Still, it was fun. 72/73, Dave .
W1NU - Had fun, first time participating in the sprint; pleasantly surprised at what I can do QRP. Only had one station that couldn't hear me, and this with a fairly substantial noise floor. 73 all de W1NU .
W0ITT - I haven't been on a sprint for a while, nice to be back. 20m was very noisy here, no QSO's but heard N0TA and N4OW. 40m was very good. Thanks to everyone who worked me. See you MW sprint. 72 de Gary W0ITT #9113
WA2JSG - Operated away from home again (same state, grid, county as my home). Ran 5 watts from my IC-703 to a temp G5RV/jr at 16ft . Bencher str key. .
AA0W - Conditions poor, storms in the area deep QSB on 40 meters Thanks to all for the effort.
WD5RS - Used the Blue Racer 2000 bug for the first time in a contest. Static was bad from thunderstorms to the south, & QSB was there too, but managed to make some QSOs.
W2JEK - Got on late. Conditions seemed pretty good. Just worked 40 and 80. good fun. 72/73 DON W2JEK .
N8LA - KX-3, 5W, 200' Dipole @ 35', Western Union 2A Legless Hand Key. Started on 20, listened, heard nothing, called, heard nothing. Went to 40, noisy, but worked some. Went to 80 worked friend Gregg, WB8LZG. My apologies to those I was unable to work. I hope we can work each other next time. My sympathies to Bruins fans. GO BLUUUUUES !!!! Lou, N8LA
K9QEW - Great to hear a lot of activity on 40 meters. Band condx were good tonight. Still using my HB "Funmitter" rock bound to a 4BTV. Stay Tuned and 72s Daryl .
AD0YM - Nothing on 20 meters tonight. Forty meters was noisy, but that is where I found folks to work. Lost one QSO to QRM. Also checked 80m, but I did not hear much activity. .
W0KFG - Hoping for a little remaining 20m propagation where antenna is more efficient, but it was not to be. So 40m all the way! Tnx all. 72 de W0KFG .
AK3X - Missed the first hour. No signals heard on 20 meters so dropped to 40 where I spent a pleasant hour. Most signals were nice and strong and my QRN level was low for a change. Thanks to all for a fun sprint, and hope to work a few in the Milliwatt sprint next week.. 72, Peter
KE3V - There were lots of signals tonight, making for a very fun sprint.
K9DRP - Wow! Lots of activity this month. Even witnessed a couple pile-ups! Got to work some new stations. I tried starting on 20 again to work some west coast stations, but only got response from the east coast (TNX guys!). Was surprised to hear so many 5W stations thru the QRN on 80.
KA5TJS - Nothing heard on 20 mtrs so camped out on 7.041 for a short time and called CQ. Got a good run for me. Band was not in great shape but TNX for those who pulled me out. CUL .
WB4OMM - On a work assignment in Pueblo, CO.....so stopped by a local park, got out my KX-3, and threw a 31 foot end fed wire into a convenient tree. Worked from the inside of my rental car. Had S8 noise on both 20Mand 40M, but managed to make 5 Qs in 5 different states in just over an hour. Had at least two call me I just couldn't pull out of the noise. Had a blast! Portable next moth too (AL). 72/73, Steve WB4OMM #5913
WB2LQF - First Sprint with my new IC-7300. Forty meters seemed OK but my bug was acting up and the phone kept ringing and the dog threw up on the carpet. Not my best evening...... .
KB4QQJ - Only got to play the last 15 minutes on 40m but as always it was fun. .
WT8P - Alternated between 20 (14.061) and 40 (7.040). Just unable to pick out faint signals over the noise yet. .
N4OW - Lots of local QRN from storms made copy rough at times. Always fun to work 2x QRP. Thanks to all the ops that heard me :) 72 de AL, N4ow 7700
WA2FBN - CRKits HT-1 into EFHW sloper at 25ft. CWmorse straight key. Tnx to all who copied me. 72 Ken
AB8SV - Had another great time! Thank you so much to the ops who pulled my signal out! .
AA5LH - Heard quite a few stations but most were very weak and could not be worked. This happened on both on 20/40. Still have bunches of fun and look forward each monthly quest. Challenge in itself with the stormy conditions. Take care.
N8XMS - A lengthly phone call with a long-time friend took up most of my available operating time. I did manage a few minutes for 5 QSOs on 40-meters. Conditions seemed pretty good. I hope to have a full two hours available for next week's QRPp sprint.