Member List Searches Before we get to the searches, this important reminder. If any of your info (email address, call, street address, city, etc.) changes, please notify us on our member updates page. This search will return a wealth of info on a member: Picture, Number, Name, City, State (Province), Country, Old Calls, Other Calls, Web Site, Notes, QRZ Listing, and Featured Member Page. Type in an EXACT call to get the info. Alternately, you may use Ctrl-F on the Complete List page to see if perhaps the call you are looking for is not a member's primary call, but an old call or extra call. You may also search by State (Province), Name, City, or Country. Name returns anyone that matches your search string anywhere in the name, i.e. John returns John Shannon, Pete Johnson, etc. Enter only a city or town here. Do not include State, Province, or Country. How many hams and who are they in your country. Find out here. |