Date and time:(Modified February 2021) The rules below apply to ALL sprints unless specifically changed for a particular sprint. In that case the webpage for that sprint will explain the rule changes. See the 'Contests/Sprints' link at the left for dates and times for the latest, current, and upcoming sprints. Bands - Frequencies: 80M - 3555-3565 kHz (Be courteous to FISTS operating on 3558 kHz) 40M - 7030-7045 kHz 20M - 14059-14065 kHz QSOs for our regular sprints are limited to those three bands. However the frequency ranges are expandable up and down to allow for our greatly increased participation. Don't stray overly far though, or you may not be found. For our special 160M sprint in January operating in the neighborhood of 1810 kHz is recommended. General: A particular station may be worked once on each band. Operate CW only. All licensed amateurs are invited to participate and submit logs, but only club members operating QRP (5 watts or less) are eligible for awards. All entries must be single-op, single-xmtr. No multi-op, multi-xmtr, SO2R, etc. We want our sprints to be basic simple events friendly and fair to all participants, and not favoring the big contest stations and operators. Call: CQ NA Exchange: Members send:
559 MI 675Non-members send:
559 NY 5WTo reduce confusion, it is strongly suggested that you include both your call and the call of the other party in your exchange, e.g. W1ABC DE K3XYZ TU 579 PA 13408Please do not append "/QRP" to your callsign in either your exchange or in your log. QSO Points: QSO with a member, 2 points. QSO with a non-member, 1 point. Multipliers: Each USA state Each VE province Each country except W/VE All multipliers count only once in the sprint. Categories: We have two operating categories based on the antenna used. The two categories are... Simple Wire Antennas (SWA) - for those using a simple wire antenna per NAQCC definition for all contacts. Gain Antennas (GAIN) - for those using an antenna other than a simple wire antenna. If you use a combination of SWA and GAIN antennas, all QSO's with both types of antennas count, but you must enter in the GAIN category. Within each of these categories there are three sub-categories (new for 2015) based on the keying device that is used. The three sub-categories are:
See the club FAQ's for our definitions of these keying devices. Bonus: In a tradition that dates back to our very earliest NAQCC sprints, bonus multipliers are given to participants using traditional keying devices.
Remember if you send even a QRL? with a bug or keyer, you can't claim the 2X bonus. It will have to be 1.5 or no bonus. Scoring: No need to figure your score, as we do that here from your report and log, but if you want to figure your own score, it's very easy if you do the following:
Log and Report Submission (Computer Logging/Autologger): By far the preferred (and easiest) method for logging your sprint and submitting the results is to use one of our supported logging programs in conjunction with our special Autologger page. We currently have 2 supported logging programs that you can choose from and they are described below. Regardless of which logger you use it is very important to always make sure that you have the latest membership data installed in your software. This data is updated monthly and can be downloaded from the main Contest/Sprint webpage. First, a comment about computer logging. The automatic fill-in of member information into the log that these logging programs provide should never be used as a substitute for accurate copy of the exchange. There are situations that come up where the data in the logging software is actually wrong. So carefully copy the exchange as sent and use the software as a convenient confirmation of what you heard.
Regardless of which software option that you use, once the sprint is over you will need to submit your text file log using our special Autologger page. The page will ask you to provide some basic information about your sprint operation and ask you to paste your log file into a special window. The details on how to do this can be found in the documentation for your logger. (Specifically, for GenLog carefully look over the sections in our tutorial labeled "Creating The Log File" and "Submit Your Log." In the documentation for the NAQCC SprintLogger by AC2C, look for the section labeled "Submitting Sprint Results to Autologger." Log and Report Submission (Manual Logging/Autologger): If you don't want to use one of the computer loggers you are more than welcome to log by hand and then enter your log into the appropriate window on the Autologger page. You can type your log into a text editor and then do a cut & paste into the Autologger form, or you can simply type the log directly into the form. The log format is fairly exact but the Autologger has some extensive automatic error trapping to help you get everything entered correctly.
The log itself that you enter in the form must be in one of the following three formats: The fields are:
Don't worry about formatting into neat columns, or padding the member numbers with zeros.
The important thing is to include all the items and keep them in the correct order as shown with at least one space between items. Log Cross Checking: Each month all logs received are cross-checked, as is done in any sprint or contest worthy of the name. This is done to correct any errors that may result in a score and/or position change in the standings. We feel this is the only way to be completely fair to all participants and ensure accuracy and credibility in our sprints. When the cross-checking is complete and the "Final" results are posted on the web site, usually the Monday following a sprint, you have the right to 'appeal' your results before 2400Z the following Sunday if they are different from what you feel they should be. The reasons for the score change will then be explained to you. If the score change resulted from one of your QSO's not showing up in the other person's log, you will be given the chance to check with that person to see why. If the QSO really should have been in his log, it will be restored to your log and added to the other person's log. Both scores will then be re-adjusted accordingly.
Here is what Charles, W2SH, had to say about our cross-checking procedure after he was involved in a 'not-in-log' situation: "And that is just one thing that puts NAQCC head and shoulders above ALL other similar clubs. May the amply demonstrated fairness and integrity of the Club's administrators, that also seems to prevail within the membership, long prevail!" Awards: As participation has grown over the years we have continued to adjust our awards program accordingly. We started with simply an overall first and second place award. This was soon expanded to first and second place awards within each time zone across the country. Our current sprint awards progam is very extensive and is described below: Awards are given in each of the following categories:
Within the SWA categories listed above awards are also given by geographic region: Prizes: A prize of of one of master woodworker Gregg's, WB8LZG, donations is awarded for each regular sprint to the winner of a random drawing among all participants (while supplies last). See the Prizes page in the main section of the web site for more info and pictures. Questions Or Concerns About Your Sprint Entry: If you have questions or concerns about your sprint log submission please send them to the email address listed at the top of the sprint scoring page for that specific month. You may also address questions to club president John KK4ITX, at ![]() |