November 2018 QRP/CW Sprint (#169)
KF0U Comments - Between the holiday and band conditions, just not meant to be. A total of 80 reports turned in before deadline. I consider that a win:) Enjoy the holiday season and see you in January! 73 de KF0U
N2CN Comments - Cross-checking is complete, and the results are final. Thank you all for your participation.
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
KN1H 15 15 30 8 240 x2 480 400' End-fed wire
KQ1P 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Dipole@30'
WB1GYZ 7 6 13 4 52 x2 104 Sloping vee to pine trees
N1JI 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 163' doublet @ 25'
K1IEE 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 OCF 120FT long wire @ 30FT
W2 Division
W2SH 16 15 31 9 279 x2 558 Inverted L-V86ft,H68ft;270ft dpl at 45ft
KA2KGP 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 G5RV up 25 ft.
W2JEK 7 7 14 4 56 x2 112 110 ft end fed up 20 ft
WA2FBN 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 Multiband dipole at 25ft
WA2NYY 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80m OCF at 35'
WA2JSG 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 Temp G5RV/Jr
W3 Division
K3ESE 20 19 39 13 507 x2 1014 20M EDZ @ 50'
K3EW 19 19 38 11 418 x2 836 160 Mtr Horiz Loop , 540 ft lg, 65 ft up
KD3CA 9 8 17 8 136 x2 272 OCF Windom @33 ft
AK3X 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 OCF Doublet at 27 ft
W4 Division
KB4QQJ 29 27 56 14 784 x2 1568 Five band doublet @ 33'
WG8Y 23 20 43 15 645 x2 1290 HB 10-80M OCF dp@30ft & 6bvt
K4KRW 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 Dipole @ 35 Ft
N4OW 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 80m loop @12 feet
N4FI 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 115' random wire @ 25 '
W4NLT 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 84' END FED @ 30'
W2BJN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Zero-Five 30 ft Flagpole
K4KBL 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 OCF dipole @ 45'
K4ARQ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 EF Zepp @ 40'
W4DUK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 End-fed Zepp @ 20'
W5 Division
N5GW 36 35 71 19 1349 x2 2698 CFZ at 50' & 75'
NA5N 6 5 11 6 66 x2 132 4BTV vertical, 36 radials
W6 Division
N6IET 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Sideways Hustler Mobile @ 24'
K6MGO 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 45' indoor doublet approx 12' high
W7 Division
KC7DM 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 480' horizontal loop @ 60'
KF7WNS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 135ft Doublet @30ft
W8 Division
K8AG 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 EFHW @ 25' high
WB8LZG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dipoles @ 30'
NF8M 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 OCF dpl @ 35 ft
N8XMS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 R7 Vertical
N8BB 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole @50'
WB8ENE 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 40M dipole @ 15'
W9 Division
KC9IL 21 20 41 13 533 x2 1066 G5RV at 45 feet
WB9HFK 18 17 35 13 455 x2 910 150 Ft. Random Wire
N9SE 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Inverted L
K9DRP 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 OCF @ 35'
KA9FQG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV @ 37 FT
N8HWV 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 EFHW AT 15 FT
W9CC 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 Gnd mtd vert
KD9EBS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Fan Dipole at 25 feet, in the attic
W0 Division
K0FG 10 9 19 9 171 x2 342 Carolina Windom @ 50 ft
NN0SS 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 80meter inverted v @40 feet
KD0DK 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 117 ft end fed long wire
N0TA 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 1/4 wave Gnd Mnt Vertical
N8LA 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Dipole @ 35'
N0RZ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Ground mounted vertical
K2HT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Gnd Mted 14AVQ
Canada Division
VA3KOT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 End-fed long wire up 60ft at apex
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
W3 Division
K3WWP 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 ~110' attic rnd wire, attic dipole
W4 Division
KJ4R 4 4 8 4 32 x1.5 48 34' Vertical
W5 Division
NF5U 12 11 23 9 207 x1.5 311 40m/80m trap dipole at 33ft
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7QR 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials
W8 Division
W9 Division
W0 Division
KD0V 17 17 34 13 442 x1.5 663 Cf Zepp @ 30 feet
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
N2CN 4 4 8 3 24 24 ZS6BKW @ 60 feet
KB1M 3 3 6 2 12 12 20 mtr inv V, 40mtr dipole @ 30ft
W2 Division
NK1N 13 13 26 7 182 182 G5RV @ 35'
N2ESE 10 10 20 6 120 120 80MtrDipole@35Ft.
K2YGM 3 3 6 3 18 18 40 mtr inv vee. 80M EFHW
KC2MJT 0 0 0 0 0 0 G5rv 2 30'
W3 Division
W4 Division
N4MJ 23 22 45 14 630 630 Windom @ 55'
K4JAZ 20 20 40 15 600 600 ELHW @ 30ft.
WB4OMM 10 10 20 7 140 140 G5RV at 35 feet
KU4A 3 3 6 2 12 12 40m slp dip @40', 80m 1/4-wave slp @40'
W5 Division
K5MBA 1 1 2 1 2 2 40M EFHW inverted vee abt 25 feet
W6 Division
NR5NN 7 7 14 4 56 56 67 foot doublet on 80m
KX6A 2 2 4 1 4 4 60' End Fed in a tree
W7 Division
N7YY 4 4 8 3 24 24 Full size wire vertical ground plane
AA7CU 1 1 2 1 2 2 Mobile 10' whip on the roof @ 12 '
W8 Division
N8IFU 2 2 4 1 4 4 PackTenna Mini 9:1
W9 Division
K9CW 22 21 43 13 559 559 40m/80m inverted V at 60'
WO9B 3 3 6 3 18 18 150' Doublet up 30'
W0 Division
K9OSC 1 1 2 1 2 2 CF Zepp @ 30'
K0EMT 1 1 2 1 2 2 End fed wire @ 15'
AC0I 1 1 2 1 2 2 DOUBLET @ 35'
Canada Division
VE3DQN 5 4 9 3 27 27 Trap dpl@18ft
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | KN1H | KQ1P | WB1GYZ |
W2 | W2SH | KA2KGP | W2JEK |
W3 | K3ESE | K3EW | KD3CA |
W4 | KB4QQJ | WG8Y | K4KRW |
W5 | N5GW | NA5N | - |
W6 | N6IET | K6MGO | - |
W7 | KC7DM | KF7WNS | - |
W8 | K8AG | WB8LZG | NF8M |
W9 | KC9IL | WB9HFK | N9SE |
W0 | K0FG | KD0DK | NN0SS |
Canada | VA3KOT | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | - | - | - |
W3 | K3WWP | - | - |
W4 | KJ4R | - | - |
W5 | NF5U | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7QR | - | - |
W8 | - | - | - |
W9 | - | - | - |
W0 | KD0V | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | N2CN | KB1M | - |
W2 | NK1N | N2ESE | K2YGM |
W3 | - | - | - |
W4 | N4MJ | K4JAZ | WB4OMM |
W5 | K5MBA | - | - |
W6 | NR5NN | KX6A | - |
W7 | N7YY | AA7CU | - |
W8 | N8IFU | - | - |
W9 | K9CW | WO9B | - |
W0 | K9OSC AC0I K0EMT (TIE) | - | - |
Canada | VE3DQN | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | - | - | - |
BUG | - | - | - |
K/K | - | - | - |
Key Type | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
SK | KC9IL | NA5N | K9DRP |
BUG | - | - | - |
K/K | K4JAZ | WO9B | KX6A N8IFU (TIE) |
Prizes | N0RZ |
Logs submitted: 80
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 125
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 576
States represented: 36 + ON
KA2KGP - Nasty bands, bad wave on 20 & 40, but 80 was barely usable here in WNY. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. Happy Thanksgiving to all. 73
K3EW - 40 Dead, 80 was like pulling teeth. Most signals in and out of noise- AGC off, 250 Hz BW was order of the night. Thanks for all of QSO's- most were indeed toughies. Happy Thanksgiving to all 72 Phil
W2SH - Both 20m and 40m were closed. Later on a couple of quick peeks at 40m showed no change. All QSOs were on 80m where the skip was quite long, with one QSO 200 miles distant and 15 over 400 miles away.
KD9EBS - Greetings: Some bad condx on 40 and 20. "Youkits" HB-1B, running 5 watts into fan dipole at 25' in the attic. Str. Key -J-38. Thank you DE KD9EBS 73 72 .
KC2MJT - ARGGHHHH. Sounded like my rig was tuned to a blender full of ice. Heard a handful of signals on 80m - none were calling NA. I'll be listening for you all next month unless we have a redo in the interim.
KQ1P - Hard work on 80m with QRN; 40m was dead hr. 73 and thanks all!
WA2NYY - Terrible conditions. 20 dead, 40 high noise floor. Spent 30 minutes on 80, called CQ to no avail, worked 2 stations and then shut down.
N8XMS - Well, I managed to work everyone that I heard. The problem is I only heard one, very weak, signal and that was from someone located about a dozen miles from me! Thanksgiving preparations severely limited my available time and that was probably true for a lot of people but on top of that conditions seemed to be about the worst that I can remember. .
N8LA - KX3, 5W, 200' Dipole @35', Western Union 2A Legless Hand Key. Listened and called on 40 and 80 for over an hour before made a contact. Finally was able to make 5 contacts on 80. Thanks to all contacts and apologies to those, including K3ESE, whose information I was unable to copy. Spending Thanksgiving at home. Was able to avoid going to Illinois for dinner with XYL and inlaws. They didn't need me; they already had a turkey! Happy Thanksgiving to all and hope to C U next sprint. Lou, N8LA/QRP (mostly)
KB1M - 40 was nearly dead, no need to use the CW filter. Thanks K1IEE and N4OW for the QSO's. 73 Walt .
KC7DM - Thanks to 80M for giving up a few QSOs. At this QTH, 40M was a turkey.
WB9HFK - 80M a bit noisy at my QTH. Sorry to those I just could not pull out. Happy Thanksgiving, and see everyone next month! 72, Mark WB9HFK
K9OSC - Awful conditions up here tonight. 40 meters was dead. 80 meters was slightly better. Heard and worked one NAQCC station ... many thanks to KG4UPO. Look for all of you again next month.
KD3CA - Conditions here not very good , QSB and QRN pretty bad ,TNX to all that called , Best 73 to all Don
WB4OMM - Not many signals heard here.....20M was dead, 40M had a few (3); went to 80M and found few there too. Lotsa noise here on both bands. Musta been the holiday eve! (and with my puny results, I'm sticking to that story!). BUT...I did get to work old friends Karen K4KRN and Randy KB4QQJ that I haven't seen QSOed in a while. Also got the pleasure of working Gene N5GW on two bands....haven't heard from him in a while either. So it was a good night!!. Quit after an hour as the noise was giving me a headache! My sincere wishes to all for a safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday! And a SPECIAL THANKS to those who showed up tonight for the Sprint! See you next month! 73, Steve #5913
KB4QQJ - Wow, this was a tough mess. Didn't make a single contact on 20 or 40 and 80 was so deep QSB and heavy QRN I nearly gave up...LOL Did manage to stay active most of the sprint though. Tough one this time but still fun and I hope you all have a very nice Thanksgiving!
K3ESE - Sub-par conditions tonight, sadly. Nothing at all was heard on 20. I squeezed out two QSOs on 40. One of them, though, was with Paul, NA5N, the propagation goo-roux, who I haven't seen in a lot of years, so that was great. 80 was hopping, though, happily, so I got into the double digits. I used my K2, and my TBFB cootie, by W1SFR. A thin, but fun, sprint.
K8AG - Band was very bad at first. Came back slowly to the end. Fun.
K0EMT - First time catching a sprint. Was working on some stuff in the shack with the rig on. I heard a CQ NA, looked up the sprint info. Crazy static crashes and deep QSB. I need to do more sprints in the future!
KC9IL - My very first NAQCC Sprint. Picked a night with pretty poor conditions, but it was a good chance to exercise the Icom 7610. Thanks to all who answered my calls.
N0TA - Tough night in CO! Sorry to need so many repeats - 80m was super noisy here. Thanks for the Q's.
W4DUK - Terrible conditions at my QTH in southwest-central Virginia tonight, the worst I think I've ever encountered for a Sprint. Worked only one station (thanks Warren KC9IL), but the good news is that he was a new contact for my next Friendship Club endorsement. 73/72 de Dave .
K5MBA - Very challenging conditions on 40, then two CQs from Oregon. KF7WNS sent his exchange information and I did also, but could not confirm as he faded out. I also heard N8LA many times during the evening with a nice signal, but he never heard me. Enjoyed the event.
NF5U - 40m was not open here in TX tonight. I didn't even try 20m. Made 2 contacts on 40m and then moved to 80m. Made a few on 80m. Had fun as usual. Happy Thanksgiving to all and 73's. Jerry NF5U
KN1H - Very strange conditions tonight. Lots of QSB, it seemed the louder a station was the less likely to hear me. Lost at least 3 QSOs due to QSB, sorry to those I faded away on! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
N4OW - 40 was in the dumper here, 80 covered with plasma --- a grim experience :) Happy Holidays to all ! 72 de N4ow
WB8ENE - Tried for almost 1/2 hour and heard no NAQCC members on 40 meters. Hope to have better luck next time. 73, Art
W2JEK - Very poor conditions on 80 last night with qsb. Nothing heard on 20 or 40. One of the worst nights forthe sprint. 72/73 DON W2JEK .
K2HT - Conditions ruff in MO. Missed a QSO that I could not pull out of noise. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
K9DRP - My first NAQCC sprint! I about gave up as I heard nothing for the first 45 minutes. But band conditions improved for the last half of the sprint. A special thanks to W9DLN, who really stuck with it to make the contact with me. I cranked down the old TS-530 for the event. I found it held a steady QRP output (5W), but the VFO is too course when working with such poor band conditions. Looking forward to next month.
KU4A - I haven't missed a Sprint in several years, and this easily has to have been the worst conditions I've ever seen. Two QSOs on 80m were both with New Hampshire, but it wasn't a "pipeline".
VA3KOT - This was a tough one. Heard nothing on 40m and 80m was very noisy. Doesn't help that my QTH is in a deep RF hole.
N5GW - KX3 at 5W, rake tine straight key. 40M was fair at the start but no sprinters heard after 30 min. 80M was fair with generally weak sigs, QSB & occasional static crashes. However participation seemed rather good under below avg. condx. I am looking forward to the milliwatt and 160M sprints.
NF8M - Wow, 40 was just totally dead. Nothing heard. Even later during the CWT there wasn't much there. Maybe we really are at the bottom of the cycle! 80 was very weak - just couldn't pull it out with a couple stations. TNX to my neighbor N8IFU for a solid QSO though and a belated welcome to the club! Happy US Thanksgiving & cu next month.
NR5NN - NR5NN: Many THANK YOUs to the FarnsWord Net members that participated - 5 of the 7 I worked were FRN members - without them 80m would have been desolate indeed. This was a 80m only experiment for me - here in the west at sprint time 20m is dead, traditional 40m QRP is a mis-mash of QRO and RTTY signals, and surprise(!) 80m was a bunch of QRO nets. My last Q was at 0212, then called CQ while monitoring the adjacent waterfall, for 30 minutes, found/saw nothing. This time of year, for those of us in the sparsely populated west, the sprint would be more interesting if NA sprint participants were to concentrate in the fairly quiet 40m QRP area of 7055-7065 - I regularly work into the central time zone at night QRP, but it is mostly SKCC members around 7050. Just my $0.02 worth. 73/JB.nr5nn
WO9B - This is my first entry. Wonderful time. I had a couple of stumbles and a lot going on so I only participated at the very end. Next time I will have a number to share. Vy 72 to all and thanks for the wonderful sprint.
WB8LZG - Hello Fellow Sprinters! Fired up the FTDX1200 at 5w on battery power. Tough night last night. 20m dead, 40m not a peep! even down in the "extra" part of 40m nothing heard. SO I went to 80m There were some signals on 80 but most very weak. I smiled when I worked W2SH, Charles. I did manage to work 4 QSOs in about 45 mins. but it was rough. Possibly the worst condx ive seen this year. I heard 6 or 7 other stations , but they did not hear me. pulled the plug at 915pm. Hope all of you have a safe Thanksgiving week. See u all next sprint. 73 Gregg WB8LZG
K1IEE - Glad I heard Walt KB1M because I thought I had the wrong night for the Sprint. Very few signals on 40M. 80M had some but also heavy QSB. Pretty poor overall. Still fun trying to make it happen. Thanks to all 73 Dick
N2CN - Nothing on 40 or 20. A few on 80. .
N8HWV - Heard nothing on 20m or 40m and only two or three NAQCC stations on 80m. Low noise and bit of QSB. Glad to get two!
NN0SS - 20 and 40 meters dead. 80 meters only band with signals. WG8Y NC and AB9CA IN very strong signals
WA2FBN - WOW horrible band condx tonight. Thought my antennas were down!! No sigs heard on 20, 40 or 80 for the first 40 min - finally heard a very weak AB9CA on 80. Tnx Dave for sticking with me. Sigs picked up a little on 80, but still very poor. 72 Ken .
N0RZ - I have been on the NAQCC member list and this is my first sprint and maybe the first time I have used my NAQCC number. The noise and the straight key were a challenge but I had fun and will try again. 73 n0rz
NA5N - Only worked 40M. CWT test took me out 2nd hour, but worked a few and had fun. My six contacts were all the southeast coastal states. Strange for a vertical. Then again, all bands have been strange lately.
KF7WNS - Tough night, I heard quite a few stations, but they couldn't hear me. I had K5MBA on 40m, but his signal faded before I could get the exchange...sorry. Finally made a contact on 80m. Looking for the low band prop getting better for the season. 72 .
K2YGM - Well tonight was very different for me here on Long Island. I turned the rig on at 0130Z and both 40/80 Mtrs were dead. Just a few weak signals could be heard. I worked who I heard and went QRT shortly thereafter. Maybe next month will be better. 72 de K2YGM .
WG8Y - Hi all, Started half hr late & thought I had the wrong nite.Did a quick look at 20m.It was dead.Went to 40m and heard a couple NA's on my 2nd pass thru the band. 40m was not gud. Went to 80 & heard a couple of the guys and decided to call CQ in hopes of making a couple more Q's. Wound up working 22 more with some really nice signals and a short rag chew with a 100w station thrown in. Sorry to a couple I couldn't pull out of the QRN. Pulled the plug with 20 min. to go. My ears said that's enough. Still really enjoy the Sprints.72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y
AC0I - This was my first sprint. I spent much of the evening getting to know the GenLog software. There was nothing on 20 or 40 m, and a only afew on 80m. The only station that had a good signal level was AB9CA. I did hear a couple of 3 land stations with good signals but they were pouncing not calling. Enjoyable all in all.
K4JAZ - This was my first NAQCC Sprint and I had a great time. Wish I had more time but had some honey do's. TNX fer the Qs K4JAZ
K6MGO - Nice to be back after long absence due to illness, too bad the bands were so bad, but thanks to those who tried to pull me out of the noise. Hope next month is better.
N8BB - Bands were terrible here so I gopt my one and that was it. Did not hear many calls at all. .
AK3X - I got a late start, missing the first 40 minutes or so. I could hear absolutely no signals on 40 meters.. I even went out to see if the antenna had fallen down. 80 meters was very noisy with lots of QSB but at least there was some activity. Thanks to all and happy holidays. Peter
WB1GYZ - First contact took 20 minutes to make. Bands were so nasty that even my regulars didn't get through. Big sigs were KB4QQJ and WG8Y. Was tempted to forgo the Sprint and just rag-chew with non-contester W8HOG, who answered my CQNA.
KJ4R - PFR 3B 40M only. Poor conditions in SC for Sprint. Band seemed to be long. Able to work NM, AZ, MS and TX, but nothing else. Gave up early after calling CQ for 20 mins with no reply. Started to wonder if my antenna was working so tuned around and worked VP2V/WJ2O and W1NN/VP9 on first call so I guess I was getting a signal out, just not able to work many sprint stations. Some months are better than others. Hope December will have better propagation on 40. Wish everyone a great Thanksgiving holiday.
WA2JSG - Spending the week at another home and had full intentions of participating in this one (even strung up a temporary G5RV/Jr), but didn't get home from TG shopping 'till late. Called CQ in last half hour, but heard nothing anywhere on 40m. Happy Thanksgiving!
K4KRW - I didn't get a lot of time tonight. We were cooking for tomorrow. I didn't hear anything on 40m. I heard a lot of great signals on 80m. Thanks everyone!
N6IET - A few of us FRN participants decided to work the sprint on 80 meters. Signals were noisy and weak, but it was fun.
K4KBL - Wow...could be the worst band conditions Ive experienced for several months. Sure hope next month is better. .
N4MJ - 40M was a lost cause here. Heard only 1 or 2 stations throughout the Sprint on 40m. First time I've worked 80m only Sprint but that was the place to be for this one. QSB was awesome. Would get part of a callsign then BOOM it was gone into deep QSB; sometimes the signals would come back, sometimes NOT. Several stations could not hear my calling them, NF5U for example and there were others. Thanks to all participants. 73 & Hope everyone had a SAFE and Happy Thanksgiving. N4MJ//Glenn
N8IFU - This was my first Sprint. Won't be my last. Hoping for better conditions next month. .
N7YY - I was excited to try out the new home brew vertical antenna, but conditions were not great here in Oregon. Started out OK on 40 and progressed to really crappy on 80. Had fun anyways though. 72 to all .
N7QR - Heard 3 or 4 speed demon stations on 40 who were not part of the sprint. only on fer a half hour. Russ Portland OR .