June 2018 QRP/CW mW Sprint Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division WB1GYZ 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 80' DOUBLET W2 Division KA2KGP 27 27 54 14 756 x2 1512 G5RV up 25 ft. W2SH 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 inverted L; V 86 ft, H 68 ft KN2G 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 fanned inverted vee @55 ft W2JEK 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 110 ft end fed wire up 20 ft KC2VBU 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80M EFHW up about 50 ft W3 Division K3JZD 23 23 46 12 552 x2 1104 40m dipole @ 25' AH6AX 20 20 40 11 440 x2 880 Windom OCF Dipole @ 50' KD3CA 17 15 32 12 384 x2 768 132ft ocf Windom @33 ft AK3X 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 OCF doublet @27ft W3TS 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 80m40m fan dipole at 60 feet K2DEP 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 G5RV @ 27 ft W3TTT 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 inverted vee at 45' W4 Division W4DUK 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 End-fed Zepp @ 20' WG8Y 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 HB 10-80M OCF dp@30ft & 6bvt K4KRW 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 Dipole @ 35' NA4O 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 dipole@45' K4JPN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Zepp at 32 Feet AF4OI 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80m dipole at 25ft KJ4R 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 34' Vertical W4HH 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 OCF dipole at 25 ft W5 Division N5GW 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 CFZ at 50' & 75' K5UP 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 84' wire 17' high W6 Division W7 Division KC7DM 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 450' horz loop @ 60' W8 Division WB8LZG 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 dipoles @ 30' N8XMS 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 R7 Vertical W8ES 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80m doublet @ ~30 ft W9 Division WB9HFK 11 10 21 8 168 x2 336 OCF Dipole at 25 Ft. W9CC 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 6BTV KD9EBS 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Dipole at 25 feet in the attic. W0 Division W0ITT 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 40m inverted vee @ 32', 20m loop @ 20' NN0SS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 80 meter Inv Vee @40ft AA0W 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Vertical R5 N8LA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dipole @ 35' KA0OBI 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 135' OCF Dipole @ 40' Canada Division VE6BIR 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 HF6V vertical, 80m dipole@ 35 feet DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division W2 Division W3 Division W4 Division W5 Division NF5U 5 5 10 4 40 x1.5 60 40m/80m trap dipole @33ft W6 Division W7 Division W8 Division W9 Division N9SE 12 12 24 8 192 x1.5 288 Dipole @70' W0 Division Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KB1M 22 22 44 10 440 440 20 mtr inv V, 40mtr dipole @ 30ft W2 Division WA1GWH 9 9 18 5 90 90 40M DIPOLE @ 15 FT WA2FBN 6 6 12 6 72 72 EFHW at 25 ft K2YGM 7 7 14 5 70 70 alpha mag loop 40-10 mtr W3 Division W4 Division AA4W 14 14 28 12 336 336 43' vertical WB4OMM 4 3 7 3 21 21 G5RV at 35 feet KB4DE 3 3 6 3 18 18 attic inverted v at 30' W5 Division WA5IEK 4 4 8 4 32 32 G5RV W6 Division W7 Division W8 Division N9CX 7 7 14 5 70 70 G5RV jr 20 ft W9 Division W0 Division Canada Division DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key K4BAI 28 27 55 20 1100 x2 2200 TH6DXX @ 55'; 40M dipole, 88' cf zepp 50 Bug Keyer/Keyboard WU4B 7 7 14 7 98 98 dipole @ 50'; hexbeam @ 50' Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
SOAPBOX: KB1M - Very much a fun filled evening with 20 in good shape, I made one QSO with 500 mW but my faith was not strong so went to 900mW. 40 was noisy and did not expect much but was surprised with 13 QSO's, several S9 plus. Rapid QSB made for several repeat request. Thanks for QSO's 72/73, Walt WB1GYZ - Forty in good shape, fair sigs, QRN and QSB tolerable...piece of cake, right? Pulled the plug ten minutes into the Sprint for unexpected company. Two contacts are better than none. C U next time. KA2KGP - 20m. was in very good shape this MW sprint.. 40 & 80 were good too, but the usual summertime QRN on 80m. A good turnout this MW sprint with nice QRPp signals. Rig: IC-7000 at 1w. into G5RV up 25 ft. 73 to all. W2SH - 20m was in good shape for the few sprinters I heard. A thunderstorm was approaching (the first raindrops fell just after the sprint when I went out to loosen my antenna halyards) and rifle-shot QRN made 40m communication difficult. Many repeated calls went unacknowledged and I only made eight QSOs in 66 minutes, whereas on 20m eight QSOs were achieved in 16 minutes! Few were on 80m, but strong signals prevailed over QRN that was no worse than on 40m. KN2G - Now THAT was fun!! About half a watt (according to my HM-9-A wattmeter) and 10 contacts! Patient and persistent ops lead the way for me to be patient and persistent too. Nice slow code and plenty of noise to bring the challenge up a notch. W2JEK - Got on late after meeting. Just used 40 and 80. Bands seemed good with good signal reports. Rig Oak Hills OHR-500 at 1 Watt. SPEEDX key. Had fun. 72 and 73 DON W2JEK WA1GWH - Not too many folks for the mW Sprint. Close in sigs were very loud here in central NY. K2YGM was knocking my ears off! Was using an SW-40+ at 900 mW and a 40M dipole at 15 ft. 72, Garry WA2FBN - Pleased to hear so many stations in this sprint. Although 40m pretty noisy, hard to pull stations out of noise. MTR 3B dialed down to 1 watt into EFHW antenna. Palm Paddle single lever paddle. Thanks to all who pulled my sig out of the noise. 72 Ken K2YGM - Tonites MW sprint was a challenge. I decided to try a new Alpha Mag Loop indoor antenna. Set it up in my living room on a tripod. Its only 36 inches in diameter. It works surprisingly well and receives as good as my wire dipole at 45 feet... Conditions weren't that good so I didn't try very hard, but everyone I called responded. I'm definitely taking this antenna to my HOA condo in Fl this winter....Tnx for the qso's and I'll see you all next month. Bob K2YGM KC2VBU - Took the massive power of my Mountain Topper down to 900mw,,, Fun Fun! K3JZD - It was a dark and stormy night. I kept getting Flood Alerts on my cell phone. I watched www.lightningmaps.org instead of watching www.reversebeacon.net like I normally do to see where my CQs are being heard. Activity on 40m lasted until 0200 UTC, which is better than a lot of the regular sprints have been. Maybe we need more mW sprints!! KX3 @ 900 mW and [very wet] 40m dipole @ 25' Jody - K3JZD AH6AX - Another fun event! Thanks! KD3CA - Was fun as usual ,but with storms about QRN was bad most of sprint. Sri I missed a few who was calling .was using the KX3 with 950mW, and a ViZ Cootie Key . Best 73 to all. Don AK3X - 20 meters was short but with lots of activity. I also go a few contacts on 40, but it was very noisy here. Had to cut it short for other priorities, but a fun sprint. Rigs were Small Wonder Labs DSW 20 and DSW 40 running on about a 10 volt supply coupled with an attenuator to get them down to 900 mw. 72 to all and see you next sprint. Peter W3TS - Very noisy night but fun K2DEP - Had lots of fun. Condx were not really bad for a little under 1 watt on my KX3. Heard MI 549 but just not enough on his end for a QSO. W3TTT - Amazing what a watt can do. I used my Small Wonder 40, with eight AA cells as power supply (internal to the rig). When I first built the rig (1995 or so) could do not much. But lately it is hoppin. Especially during MW Sprint, where 'party come looking for you...' (joke) I also had a 10 minute QSO with a station not in the contest. And then a friend came to the door, so I ended the contest and showed him around the 'shack'. The SW 40 is nice. I replaced the final transistor and now the transmitter works too. A great big THANK YOU to the people running and supporting the contest. 73 to all. W4DUK - Ran 900 mW tonight. Was surprised to hear so many signals on 20m even after it got dark at my QTH. Then 40m supplied several more contacts. Switched to 80m near the end but was not able to work anyone due to high QRN from storms about 25 miles away. Overall, another good time! AA4W - Was glad to see such a great turnout! 20 was much better than 40. Much better. Didn't her many stations on 40. And 40 had severe QSB. Ran 750 Mw on Elecraft K1. Antenna is a 43 foot vertical tuned at the bottom with many radials. WG8Y - Hi all, Started way late.Was helping my son-in-law with a camper & took way longer than planned. Doesn't it always? Hi Hi That's ok, he was happy. Got on app 0140Z & was surprised to hear 20M open. First Q was with Oregon, KC7DM with app. 700 Mills on my end. Fun. Worked WB8LZG on 20m then found him on 40m. Thanks Gregg for the MW double. I called a bit at the end on 80m but no luck. Went back to 20m in the last minutes & it was open. Caught W0ITT in MO. for one last Q. Tnxs all an hope to hear you during Field Day! Will be playing CW with the N4UH gang from our local club. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y K4KRW - Thanks everyone! 1 contact on 20, the rest were on 40. I tried 80m, but no joy. Great fun pulling everyone out of the noise. 73 - Richard AF4OI - This QRPp Sprint's band conditions were challenging. Worked 20m and 40m bands which had lots of QSB and static crashes from passing thunderstorms. Used my KNWD590SG with ALC circuit to power down to 1 watt output, calibrated with oscilloscope, sending with J-38 straight key and logging with GenLog. Thanks to NAQCC for a fun event. 73 Bob - AF4OI KY #8923 KJ4R - Used PFR 3B with homemade attenuator for output of 900mw. Didn't get started until 0130, and got chased off by nearby storms. Storms made it rough with the PFR 3, since it has no AGC. Turn up the volume to hear weak stations and the crashes blow your ears out! Had fun and would have worked more, but don't relish the idea of getting zapped. Thanks to the 3 stations who heard me. WB4OMM - Horribly noisy night here on FL East Coast...just had bad thunderstorm pass thru before Sprint. S7-8 noise on all bands with some big crashes! Heard nothing on 20M, nothing on 80M. Only heard a few on 40M. Quit after 1 hr and 15 mins as the old ears couldn't take the noise any longer! KX3 running 1W to G5RV. Always fun! 73, Steve WB4OMM W4HH - Got on for last 20 minutes of contest. N5GW - KX3 at 900 mW to CFZ. I was pooped out from working outdoors in the heat all day. On 20M I heard several sprinters, some of which could not hear me. After 20M started weakening, I switched to 40M which was very noisy from local T-storms. No sprinters were heard, and I was reluctant to call CQ, fearing poor copy of any replies, so I hung it up till next month. NF5U - Rough copy tonight. S9 plus noise level, storms moving into north Texas from the north. Thanks to the stations who pulled me out of the mud. 73's till next month. Using a Yaesu FT-817nd at 1W into a dipole, Vibroplex blue racer K5UP - ONLY 45 MIN TO OPERATE. ONLY TWO QSOS ON 20M AND NONE ON 40M. MUCH FUN ANYWAY. IC7300 WITH POWER ALL THE WAY DOWN. KC7DM - In between Thor's blows, 20M banded together with AA4W, WG8Y and K4BAI for three nice X-country QSOs. Tnx all. WB8LZG - Hello fellow mw men ! WOW, great condx fer the mw sprint last night. I started on 20m, band was open nicely es many callers from FL to OR.I missed a few callers I couldn't pull out SRI.... But I did 10 QSOs on 20 before checking 40m. 40 was gud es plenty of signals, but also some heavy QSB. got one QSO on 80 wid W8ES but not much other activity es lots of noise. Managed to work old pal Charles W2SH on 2 bands es WG8Y as well. TNS to KC7DM fer hanging in there to make QSO. super gud fun ! hope to hr many of u at FD this weekend ! 73 Gregg WB8LZG N8XMS - I got home late and only had about the last 45 minutes to play. Conditions were a little bit tough but I still managed to make 11 contacts and it was a lot of fun. N9CX - Great fun. Will have to find my straight key for the next one! WB9HFK - IC-7300 @ 900mW to OCF Dipole and J-38. Lots of QRN from storms moving across IL. Sorry to those I just could not pull out of the QRN. As always as fun time, and see you the next Sprint. 72, Mark WB9HFK W0ITT - Very high QRN here (S8) due to a storm front moving through, but the FT-817 CW filter helped. Unusual propagation, too: On 40, at night, I worked 2 other MO stations, about 100 and 125 miles away. I really like the QRPp event, thanks to NAQCC for sponsoring it. NN0SS - Condx not the best this evening for QRPp. AA0W - Frequent QSB on all signals N8LA - KX-3; 900 mw; 200' Dipole Up 35'; Western Union 2A Legless Hand Key. Got on late. XYL was protest marching and attending fund raising dinner so that I had to prepare my own dinner when I realized that she would not return home until after 0100z !! Only tried 40 and, for only a few minutes, 80. Was happy to make two contacts, although I think I heard friends Gregg, WB8LZG, and Larry, W9CC. Listen for N0SA, the Saint Louis QRP Society station, during Field Day. I may be the 80 meter op. Best Wishes to All, Lou N8LA. KA0OBI - Great challenge for the band conditions and only 1 Watt. VE6BIR - Tough sledding with 1 watt. K4BAI - 20M was quite good with QSOs at the start from NY, NJ, ON, NH, VA, KY, MS, SC. 40M was very noisy and I heard and called many stations who could not hear me. There was no skip zone and I worked GA and FL stations and heard two in SC. 80M was a mass of QRN with no signals near 3560 including no traffic nets that I could hear. Went back to 20 for the last 5 minutes for QSOs with MO, OK, and OR (KC7DM was the best DX for this milliwatt sprint). Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI. WU4B - My first sprint. Rigs used: K2 and 1Watter, power measured by LP-100A. Ki VA3PEN is responsible for the contents of this page. Questions should go to him at ![]() IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to operate in the sprint from a state other than your home state - OR - will be using a callsign that is different from one that you have used in previous sprints we need to know about it for our cross checking and record keeping. Please email Ki with this information before the start of the sprint. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Operate at 1 watt or less (the lower the better) to be eligible for any awards or prizes. Others are welcome to participate and submit check logs. Date and time: Thursday, June 21, 2018, 0030-0230 Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |