Nov 2017 QRP/CW Sprint (#157) KF0U Comments - Crazy sprint given the conditions. Ended up with 93 total logs and probably lucky to get that many. See everyone next month. K3WWP Comments - All results are now final for this sprint. Final Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KN1H 25 25 50 15 750 x2 1500 END FED WIRE @50' KA1DBE 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 Off Center fed Dipole@40' K1IEE 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 OCF 135' long wire@30' WB1GYZ 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 80 foot dipole, HB open-wire at 35' W2 Division W2NRA 27 27 54 19 1026 x2 2052 EFHW-8010 @ 35ft W2SH 23 23 46 16 736 x2 1472 dpl. 270'@45'; inverted L, 86' V & 68' H AA2VG 18 18 36 13 468 x2 936 Carolina Windom @ 40ft W2JEK 20 20 40 11 440 x2 880 end fed wire at 20 ft WA2JSG 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 Vertical@10ft K2JT 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 Dpl@30' KA2KGP 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 G5RV up 25 ft. W3 Division AH6AX 26 25 51 15 765 x2 1530 Windom OCF@50' AF3Z 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 80m inv vee 30' at center KQ3Z 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 135' Doublet V @35' W3TU 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 BNUT VERT GND MTD 10 RADIALS KC3DOF 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 ZS3BKW G5RV @ 25FT AK3X 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 OCF doublet @27' K3JZD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dpl@25' W4 Division WG8Y 42 42 84 22 1848 x2 3696 HB 40-80dp@ 45 ft & 6btv grd mt N5GW 35 35 70 17 1190 x2 2380 CFZ @ 50' N4OW 14 14 28 13 364 x2 728 80M LOOP AVG HT 12' W4NLT 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 84FT END FED @30ft W4DUK 15 15 30 8 240 x2 480 End-fed Zepp @ 20' K4JPN 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 Zepp K4KBL 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 OCF dipole @50' N4FI 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 115' random wire at 25 ft N1IIX 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 InvV@25' KB0ETU 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 dpl@35' NA4O 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dpl @45' WX4RM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 6BTV gnd mtd vert KA4DRB 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dpl@45' W4HH 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 OCF Dipole at 25 ft W5 Division W5WIL 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 240' dblt @ 30' WB5UAA 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Inv V @ 30' W6 Division W7 Division KC7DM 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 450' skyloop @ 65' KF7WNS 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 232ft OCF Long Wire W8 Division KX4S 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 80M doublet at 30 ft WV8DH 17 17 34 10 340 x2 680 ZS6BKW (G5RV) @ 32 Ft N8BB 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Dipole @ 45' WB8LZG 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 DPL@30' NF8M 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 6BTV (40m); OCF dpl@35' (80m) W3NP 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 160 meter Horizontal loop @ 45' N8XMS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 R7 trap vertical W9 Division KD9VT 36 36 72 23 1656 x2 3312 OCF Dipole at ~40' WB9HFK 36 36 72 19 1368 x2 2736 150 Ft. Random Wire W9CC 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 6btv N9RLO 11 11 22 6 132 x2 264 Inv. V @ 35ft. KK0I 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 INV VEE @ 20' W0 Division NN0SS 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Inv Vee @40ft N8LA 8 7 15 5 75 x2 150 200' Dipole Up 35' N0TA 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 1/4 gnd mnt vertical W0ITT 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 dpl@30' AA0W 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 NoCal 40 2W Dipole KE0CU 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 gnd mtd vertical KD0DK 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 end fed long wire Canada Division DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division W2 Division W3 Division K3WWP 50 50 100 25 2500 x1.5 3750 ~110' attic ef random wire W4 Division KJ4R 26 25 51 20 1020 x1.5 1530 Vertical W5 Division NF5U 8 7 15 7 105 x1.5 158 40m/80m dipole at 33ft WI5H 5 5 10 5 50 x1.5 75 90ft loop @ 21ft W6 Division W7 Division W8 Division W9 Division W0 Division KD0V 5 5 10 5 50 x1.5 75 CF Zepp at 50 feet Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KB1M 8 8 16 6 96 96 40 mtr dpl, 20 mtr invV @30ft KB1CKT 4 4 8 3 24 24 6BTV at GND $N2CN 17 17 34 10 340 340 ZS6BKW@50' W2 Division K2YGM 29 29 58 14 812 812 20/40 G5RV@40' 80 EFHW N2ESE 12 12 24 7 168 168 80mtr. OCF@25ft WA1GWH 4 4 8 2 24 24 40M dipole @ 15 ft KC2MJT 2 2 4 2 8 8 G5RV @ 30 FT WA2FBN 2 2 4 2 8 8 64 ft end fed sloper up 25 ft W3 Division W3PNM 45 45 90 23 2070 2070 135 foot long wire KC3RN 11 11 22 9 198 198 74' end fed W4 Division WB4OMM 26 25 51 18 918 918 G5RV Sloper at 35 ft K4KRW 28 28 56 15 840 8470 Dipole@35' N4MJ 21 21 42 13 546 546 Windom N4EEV 15 14 29 9 261 261 Dipole @ 35ft AB4QL 12 12 24 7 168 168 40M v @ 38' 80m dipole @ 25' K3RLL 10 10 20 8 160 160 Clandestine Black Vertical AF4OI 11 11 22 7 154 154 80m dipole @ 25' KU4A 8 8 16 8 128 128 40m slp dip @40', 80m 1/4-wave slp @40' K4RHG 6 6 12 5 60 60 Stealth Long Wire up 40 feet on roof KJ3V 4 2 6 3 18 18 Mini G5RV at 25 feet W5 Division K5MBA 4 4 8 4 32 32 EFHW 40M invL @ 20' KE5YUM 0 0 0 0 0 0 OCF 40 at 20 feet @$AA5OY 1 0 1 1 1 1 vertical HF6V W6 Division W7 Division KF7Z 7 7 14 7 98 98 dpl@ 25' W8 Division WA8SAN 13 13 26 7 182 182 End Fed wire @ 25 Ft AB8FJ 2 2 4 2 8 8 Inverted L@15' W9 Division N9BIL 25 25 50 13 650 650 G5RV 30' Inverted Vee N9SE 5 5 10 5 50 50 Inverted Vee @70' K9CW 1 1 2 1 2 2 InvV@60' W0 Division NO2D 5 5 10 4 40 40 80m doublet & 40 M dipole @ 30' Canada Division DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key KK6EME 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Steppir DB18 @45f east slope hill Bug Keyer/Keyboard NN9K 32 32 64 18 1152 1152 3el yagi@50ft, 135 ft wire@23ft K7TQ 6 6 12 5 60 60 2 el yagi@60' for 40, 1/2 sloper 80 Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
STATS: Logs submitted: 93 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 120 Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,145 States represented: 36 + ONSOAPBOX: WB5UAA - RI1ANO CQing and "listening up" from 7031 took a lot of room away from us NAQCCers! (I had to break a way and get him...) Haven't had much time for CW lately. It was good to get on for a little while tonight. TNX and CUL! KC2MJT - As usual only had a half hour. Tonight used my ICOM718 with a Code Warrior. Low noise tonight, but signals seemed weak. Not many stations heard me this evening. Fun as always! N4EEV - K3 turned down to 5w. First sprint in a few months with hurricane cleanup ongoing and jury duty took me out of commission. Thanks for the QSO, 72 Mike KD0V - Very poor condition in Southern Minnesota. K3RLL - K3 to the vertical nobody saw (HOA Restrictions): 40m sounded really noisy down here in the sunshine state this evening for some reason with signals coming and going like hurricanes in Florida. Couple that with QSB and copy was pretty challenging for the first 30 minutes. But signals picked up in the second half hour with really big signals from N5GW, WG8Y & WA4MQN. Good evening overall. 72/73 ... Don N2ESE - Too much static only did one hour,73 Gary N2ESE N8XMS - Possibly the worst conditions that I have experienced in recent memory! I didn't get home from church until almost halfway through the sprint and when I turned on the radio there was nothing but a lot of QRN. I fought it for about a half-hour and made 3 QSOs but then I quit and waited for ringing in my ears to settle down. N2CN - D'oh! I left my power on 100 watts for the first few QSOs, so I was QRO for this sprint. 80 was a dream this evening, even without the extra power (HI). Thanks to all who came back to me. K1IEE - The noise level was very high on 40M. Had one contact then went to 80M and stayed there. Lots of weak signals and strong signals band had QRN and QSB. Thanks to all who stayed with the poor condx 73 Dick KK6EME - little hard to compete with cwt after 7 pm KC7DM - ugh WB4OMM - FT-2000 5W to G5RV Sloper at 35 feet, GenLog, WinKeyer, Mini Black Widow Paddle. Wow! Nothing heard on 20M.....and 40M was horribly noisy! Signals were kinda OK, but heavy QRN made for some challenging copy! Heard a few (including K3WWP) but they quickly faded away, never to return. Went to 80M just after 0300Z, heard nothing - and the QRN there was bad too. Went back to 40M, now the CWT contest folks were all over. Made two more Qs and then quit! Can't wait to have some propagation again...and hope this is not what the NOV SS SSB 'test will be like this weekend! Worked some regulars that I am always happy to work,and a few new folks.....good number of states. Surprised at how the bands were.... 72/73 to all...and a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to all of you! See you soon! 73! Steve WB4OMM #5913 K4KBL - Don't know about the rest of our crew but between the noise and what seemed to be a contest that began about half way through our Sprint, I had a heck of a time to make just 9 contact in the full 2 hours... Terrible. KK0I - ... tough night tonight. Managed to catch a few. Lots of noise on 80 meters. Maybe next time better conditions for me. Thanks for the contacts. 72, jack WA2JSG - 40m was bad here, but thank goodness for 80m. Ran my IC-703 at 5w to a vertical. Kent Str key. Fun event. WV8DH - Rough night tonight. 40 meters did not work for me at all as it appeared dead until the CWT guys got on and took over. 80 meters was noisy but did manage to make some contacts. Thanks to all who pulled me out. Running my IC-746Pro and JJ-38 key. Fun as always and look forward to next month. Best 72 & 73 from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia, Dave NF5U - Late start tonight, was able to work the last hour, a few good signals out there and a lot of noise, thanks to all who pulled my signal out. I used my FT-817nd and dipole with the Vibroplex standard bug. I worked 6 on 40m and 2 on 80m. 73's thanks for another fun sprint. See you all next month. NN9K - Interesting Sprint but I spent too much time at the start looking for west coast on 20-meters--then it turned into an 80-meter fun fest--but still had fun. AC2C's beta Spring logging program is GREAT!! Hope it available to the membership soon.....72 and Happy Thanksgiving to all! AB4QL - Heavy QSB on 40. 80 was better. I am glad I got to spend a little time on this evening. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving with family! 72 Barry KX4S - All on 80M. I need to get my hearing aids tuned to cancel QRN! I checked 40M once and didn't hear a peep. Maybe we should add 160M to our Sprint bands for the next few years... Thanks to all who worked the club station. I appreciate the contacts and I appreciate all the work NAQCC does behind the scenes for us. Thanks! 73 from a high valley in the WV Appalachians. -- KX4S op: Jay W8AIM 72 KN1H - Thanks for another interesting sprint! Couldn't make a single contact on 40, luckily 80 was awake. I think W3TU was giving his SKCC nr as it is out of range for NAQCC, but I left it in the log as it is what was sent. 73, John, KN1H, Nye Viking Master key and IC-7200. KJ4R - Got a late start and only operated for a little over an hour. Good band conditions on 40. Enjoyed it as always. 73 and thanks to everyone I worked. K4KRW - This was the first time I was able to work an entire sprint in a while. Great hearing everyone. I got contacts on 3 bands and had contacts on 2 bands with 3 other participants. QSB was pretty bad at times and I couldn't pull out a few of you. Fun night though. Thanks everyone! N4MJ - 80M was the place to be tonight. Unfortunately I spent too much time on 40m. that's the way it goes sometimes. HI HI Fun anyway and good to work some new ones. Thanks to all who participated. See ya next month. 73 de n4mj//glenn K2YGM - Band conditions were as bad as I've ever experienced.. Even the close in stations were somewhat weak.. Not much heard on 20 so spent most of time on 80.. Thanks to those who make these sprints possible and to the log checkers as well. 72 de K2YGM NF8M - Got on for about 45 minutes. Not much on 40 lately. KJ3V - This was my 3 sprint and I still can't get a lot of stations. But had a great time. I broke out my Ten Tec Argonaut V and put it to use for this one. Next time it's going to be either my Heathkit HW 8 or 9. Can't wait for the next one. Hopefully the bands will be quieter since it will be more into winter for the next one. I still had a lot of QRN on 40 meters for this time of year here in AL. WG8Y - Hi all, No 20m in NC tonite. Went to 40M & heard VP2MDL call QRZ on 7.030 & up one. Said what the heck lets try.Hit the VFO on the 817 went up one and got him on one call. Must not have been many calling him. Hi Hi. Then only worked 5 Q's in 40 min.on 40M. High QRN & signals were not to strong. Went to 80M & decided to call for a little bit. Wow. One of my best Sprints in awhile. I usually don't call CQ that much but wrked 37 Q's on 80m in the last hour & 20 minutes. Again,a lot of great signals and the qrn only made me have to ask for a few repeats tonite. Tnxs all for a fun 2 hours. Hope everyone has a Great Thanksgiving! 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y W4NLT - Didn't hear anything on 20; 40 was weak; lots of action on 80. KQ3Z - Not the best of conditions but got better with time. 80 was better than 40. Had a 30 minute QSO in the middle of the Sprint. Sorry K0NIA, just couldn't pull you out of the crud. Thanks for the contacts and to those who make these Sprints, News Letter and Swap n Shop happen. NA4O - I thought I would miss this one, but did manage to jump in for a few minutes at the end. 40 was covered up with another event, but 80 came through for me with a few contacts. Glad to be a part of another fine NAQCC Sprint. KX3, 5W, Vibroplex Straight Key. W4HH - Operated for 45 minutes on 80, 40, 20 -- not a single contact. Heard a few weak, fading signals; called a dozen stations, wore out my arm calling CQ. Deep QSB. 40-meter QRM was as bad as the days of the Russian Woodpecker. W4DUK - An enjoyable evening. Started on 80m for a couple of contacts, then to 40m for a few more, and then back to 80m for the bulk of my remaining time. Happy to pick up a few more member numbers for my next Friendship Club endorsement. K3WWP - Let's go back to the evening before the sprint. Had someone told me then I'd make 50 QSOs from 25 states in the NAQCC sprint tomorrow evening, I'd have told them no way with the way conditions are tonight. Well conditions did pretty much of a 180 degree turn from last night to tonight and I did make 50 QSOs in 25 states. It really surprised me. I even made 11 QSOs in 9 states on 40M. All the rest on 80M. I did get an inkling things might be different when 90 minutes before the sprint RI1ANO and TO2SP were both booming in on 30M, but it still came as a pleasant surprise when the sprint started with both 40 and 80 hot here. Thanks to all I worked and apologies to the couple I couldn't pull through the QRM even with the great filters in the KX3. It was really crowded and with anything less than a KX3, I probably wouldn't have come close to 50 QSOs. AF3Z - Enjoyed getting back on; it's been a while. Noise here is high but I managed, though on my last contact what I copied didn't add up... I had to delete that one. Sorry, whoever you were! KF7Z - Tough sledding with condx tonite, most of the calls I got were just whispers, but had a great time while it lasted. Thanks to organizers. 73 Danny W0ITT - High noise levels made things difficult on 40, and when CWT overlapped the last 30 minutes nothing was possible. Will try again next sprint. I hope to have an 80 meter antenna up for next time. NO2D - Only had time for a few contacts. Enjoy the sprints. Thanks for those who make them possible. Pete, no2d AA5OY - First Contact ! W3TU - GOT A LATE START THIS MONTH. HAD QSB ES QRN TONITE BUT HAD FUN ANWAY. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. THANKS TO LL WHO WERE ON THE BANDS. W3NP - Worked on my loop today and it was still halfway on the ground and hung up in some trees when it got dark. Got home from church and took a listen and then fired up the K3 @ 5 watts and was surprised to work 5 stations in 5 states in just a few minutes on 80 meters. Used my GHD cootie. 72 de West Virginia KF7WNS - Only had a half hour to spend tonight and conditions on 40 pretty bad. Will be hoping for better bands next time. 72 W2NRA - Band conditions were to good. Quite a few stations couldn't hear me though I could hear them. As always, it was fun. Thank you for the QSOs. 73 de Art W2NRA #8866 AB8FJ - Terrible conditions here at my QTH. Managed a couple of contacts. Looking forward to the next sprint. K3/10 @ 5W to the Inverted L. Running trlinux on Ubuntu 16.04. WB8LZG - HELLO AGN FELLOW SPRINTER'S BANDS WERE NOT ALL THAT HOT LAST NITE. NOTHING ON 20M, ES 40M WAS VERY NOISY HERE IN MICH. I DID MANAGE TO GRAB DON K3RLL AT THE START , BUT WENT TO 80 SOON AFTER. 80M WAS THE BEST BAND CONDX, BUT VERY CROWDED. WORKED 7 NEW MEMBERS WID #'S ABOVE 8000, WELCOME TO ALL U NEW GUYS ! I DID HR BUT NOT WORK MY FRIEND ,N8LA,LOUIS IN MO , BUT HE GOT ANSWERED BY A NON-MEMBER AND WAS BEING POLITE, BY HAVING A QSO WID HIM, SO I MISSED HIM AGN, MAYBE NEXT TIME OM ! FUN SPRINT AS USUALL, HOPE TO SEE U ALL NEXT MONTH, 73 WB8LZG GREGG KE5YUM - No contacts tonight! Conditions were not good at my QTH, so this is the first log in years that I have submitted with zeros. Hopefully better conditions will prevail next month. Terry in North Texas KD9VT - 80m was the money band tonight. I got run off twice (CW OPS and a digital station) I worked some great OPs including my three best friends. Thank you to all that called or answered me. 72 Dave, KD9VT AH6AX - Enjoyed another fun sprint, despite getting a late start. 40m was 'fair' but lots of activity on 80m! 73/72! KA4DRB - When the mini-CWT cranked up at 0300 it squeezed out us slowpokes. Thanks for the practice and apologies for my rusty fist and mangled prosigns. AF4OI - Thanks to NAQCC for running this well-organized event. In KY, I found the 80m band was most productive for S&P with lots of stations shoulder to shoulder. I was running 5 watts into 80m wire dipole up 25 ft and using Genlog. Till next month, 73, Bob AF4OI AA0W - Long band conditions on 40CW East and West coasts no north ,south or middle. W3PNM - What a blast! 80 meters was awesome tonight. Tnx to all the hams I contacted. WB9HFK - 80M Only. I thought the band was in pretty good condition - however, there was quite a bit of QSB. Thanks for all the QSO's - and see everyone next month. Happy Thanksgiving! 72, Mark WB9HFK WB1GYZ - Agreed, poor cdx so pulled the plug early...but always a fun event. WA2FBN - Very poor condx tonight. Nothing on 20m and poor on 40m. LNR MTR3B at 4w into EFHW up 25 ft. Vibroplex Vibrokeyer. Thanks to all who heard me. 72 Ken K3JZD - Tried this event for the first 45 minutes. 40m only. Tried getting back to KE0CU in CO who was way down in the mud. He never heard me or anyine else and gave up. Tried getting back to a K4 in GA who was also way down in the mud. He never heard me or anyone else and he gave up. I was able to get back to K4KRW in NC, who was also way down in the mud. I never heard any others calling CQ. I could not find any focal point of NAQCC activity on 40m so I just kept tuning up and down and up and down until I got tired of doing that. I tried calling CQ periodically on various different frequencies for 5 minutes at a time - but no replies. Not a fun event for me. Jody - K3JZD N8BB - Another fun night. Juggling between the hockey game on tv anf the sprint. Both were winners.......... KX3 5w Dipole Werner N8BB KE0CU - Not especially noisy here but all signals were very weak. Thanks for staying with me! W2JEK - Got on late. Found 20M dead and no activity on 40M. All the action seemed to be on 80M. Band was good with some QSB. Lost N4OW due to QSB and could not make a complete QSO. Otherwise had a lot of fun. 72 and 73 Don W2JEK K4JPN - Nothing heard on 20M and could not raise anyone on 40M, 80M sum QRN, but was good. 72, Steve K4JPN N8LA - KX-3, 5W, 200' Dipole up 35', W.U. 2A Legless Hand Key. 20 morbid: made me livid. 40 QRN city: left town. 80 only place where anything happenin': took me ~45 minutes to figger it out. Sincere apologies to station I couldn't dig out 'cuz of QSB, QRN, and bit of QRM on the side. Hope we can do it next time. Some "spectral harassment" from QRO stations also. Called CQ and WB4YHJ running 100W from AL answered. We had a FB QSO for 22 minutes: FB with me, love regular QSOs even more than contesting. Anyone hearing me, in contest or whatever, and wanting to QSO should give me a call. I will do it. Glad to work friend Werner, N8BB, just before finish. Have missed a few sprints looking for new therapist after Dr. Sigmund Fraud defenestrated himself. His name is Dr. C. G. Jungk-key. 72s to all. Lou, N8LA/QRP(mostly.) K4RHG - 40 Meters wasn't too bad until some high power contest started blasting away at 25-30 wpm and pretty much covered our freqs. They were going so fast I couldn't copy what the contest was about. WA1GWH - The 40M VP2MDL operation sort of messed things up for me. Never did get a NR from WA2JSG. WB8YXF kept throwing his call on top of us for VP2MDL to hear. Oh well. Thanks for the contacts! Garry NN0SS - Conditions very poor in MN. Lots of QRN es QSB 8 out of 9 QSO on 80 meters KA2KGP - 20m. was near dead here in WNY, 40 was VERY weak & 80 had hvy QRM. Rig: TenTec Argosy II at 5w. into G5RV up 25 ft. W2SH - 20m was barely good for two QSOs before it closed. 40m was unstable with QSB that fairly often required repeats to complete a QSO, and then the CW ops showed up anywhere and pretty much everywhere between 7,030 to 7,045 kHz. 80m was the best of the three bands, but not by much. A Tentec 539 was manipulated by a Junker straight key. AK3X - Missed the first 30 minutes or so, and was interrupted several times with other distractions. Signals on 40 at my location were very weak so went to 80 where conditions were better. Used my OHR-100A at 5watts and had a good time as usual. See you all next month. 72 Peter AA2VG - I was not able to stay long tonight. After seeing how poor the conditions were on 40 meters I decided to make a couple of contacts on 80. Having only several contacts is at times like eating just one potato chip, it's not easy! I just couldn't leave 80 meters and had fun for the next 40 minutes. Tnx to all who make these fun sprints possible. 72 Peter AA2VG KC3RN - Been away from QRP/CW for several months, but glad to be back. Was only able to work the first hour, but had a lot of fun. 80m was better at my QTH. KA1DBE - Good to be back on 80 meters. Thanks for the Qs. N4OW - Good first hour on 40, 80 meters was a slog for me. Some great sigs (599) heard on 40. QRp can do amazing things. Happy Holidays to all the fine ops in NAQCC 72/73 de N4ow 7700 N5GW - I was staying at a cabin up on the Cumberland Plateau of TN. I had a new rake tine key hooked up to the KX3, tuner and CFZ. At first I tried 20M which was almost dead but got two contacts. Moving to 40M it seemed sparsely populated. Then on to 80 which was in great shape, allowing most of my contacts. Since I was away from my MS home, I sent "TN" twice on each contact to limit confusion. W3TU sent me his SKCC # but I looked up his NAQCC #. Am looking forward to the milliwatt and 160M sprints. N9RLO - 20 Meters nil, 40 Meters good, 80 Meters better here in Indiana. Rig was Icom IC-718 at 5 watts. Key was my Junker straight key. Antenna is an inverted V up 35 ft. in a tree. Thanks to everyone! I had alot of fun. See ya all next month and Happy Thanksgiving! 73, John N9RLO Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to operate in the sprint from a state other than your home state - OR - will be using a callsign that is different from one that you have used in previous sprints we need to know about it for our cross checking and record keeping. Please email this information to John K3WWP before the start of the sprint using the NAQCC33 address shown above. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: None Date and time: Thursday, November 16, 2017, 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |