Jan 2017 QRP/CW Sprint (#147) KF0U Comments - Ended at 109 reported logs. Given conditions, I'd say a successful Sprint. Thanks for all the help cleaning up the errors. See everyone in March. 73 K3WWP Comments - 25 fewer logs than in December. Poor conditions in a good part of the country probably the reason. The cross-checking is completed and the time for questions is past so the results are now final. Final Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KN1H 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 END FED WIRE @50' WB1GYZ 11 9 20 9 180 x2 360 End-fed sloper fm gnd rod to treetop K1SX 10 9 19 9 171 x2 342 135' cf doublet @50' K1IEE 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 OCF long wire @30' KC1GSL 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 G5RV Lt @10' W2 Division AA2VG 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Carolina Windom 10-80 @40 feet W2SH 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 270' dpl @45'; Inv L, 86' V; 68' H. W2JEK 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 110' end fed wire @20' K2JT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Dpl @30' KA2KGP 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Dpl @25' KD2MX 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 600' wire @20' WA2FBN 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dpl @25' W3 Division AB3RU 25 25 50 17 850 x2 1700 g7fek @33' KD3CA 17 11 28 14 392 x2 784 132' ocf Windom @33' KQ3Z 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 135' Doublet Vee WB3FAE 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 100' end fed/L at approximately 30' AK3X 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 OCF doublet @25' W4 Division K4BAI 50 48 98 29 2842 x2 5684 40M dip @40', 88' cf zepp @50', vee WH6LE 30 30 60 20 1200 x2 2400 215' horizontal wire loop @45' AA4XX 31 30 61 18 1098 x2 2196 80M Dpl @55' WG8Y 23 22 45 17 765 x2 1530 HB coil loaed 40-80 dp @45' WX4RM 20 20 40 16 640 x2 1280 6BTV gnd mtd vertical WD4OHD 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 80m Sloper Dipole W4DUK 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 End-fed Zepp @20' KG4UPO 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 Carolina Windom @40' K4KRW 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 Dipole@35' WA2JSG 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 Big Stick on car roof N4FI 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 115' random wire @25' N4WD 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 OCF80mt @ longwire KG4MTN 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 Long wire @5' WZ4M 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Doublet @45' KB0ETU 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dpl @35' WE4SGA 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 100' Random Wire with Tuner NA4O 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dipole @45' KA3OCS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 23' vertical N1IIX 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 InvV @30' W5 Division N5GW 35 35 70 23 1610 x2 3220 CFZ @55' WB5UAA 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 Inv V @30' K5MBA 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 HWEF Inverted L WI5H 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Loop @21' KE5YUM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Random Wire @20' W6 Division K6MGO 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Indoor doublet W7 Division KF7WNS 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 232' OCF Long Wire @45' KC7DM 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 450' Skyloop @60' AL7JK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 100 ft longwire @30' W8 Division AB8RL 43 42 85 23 1955 x2 3910 80M Dipole - 40M Vertical WV8DH 18 18 36 10 360 x2 720 ZS6BKW (G5RV) @32' NF8M 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 6BTV (40m); OCF dpl @35' (80m) WB8LZG 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Dpl @30' N8QY 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV 30' WB8ENE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 meter dipole @15' W9 Division WB9HFK 29 29 58 17 986 x2 1972 150' Random wire KD9VT 21 21 42 14 588 x2 1176 G5RV in inverted V @38' W9ILF 17 17 34 10 340 x2 680 Ground mounted vertical W9CC 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 6btv N9RLO 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 Inv V @35' KA9FQG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 G5RV @37' KC9TQR 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dpl @25' KD9EBS 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 End-Fed Wire @25' W0 Division AA0W 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Dipole KD0DK 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 End fed long wire KE0CU 9 8 17 7 119 x2 238 Gnd mntd vertical NN0SS 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 80 Meter Invert V @25' K2HT 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 80 Meter Horizontal Loop 40' K0PF 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Ground mounted vertical KA0OBI 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 OCF @30' Canada Division !VE2BZO 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 ocf 135' 35 pi DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division K1TB 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 7MC DPL 30' UP W2 Division WB2LQF 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 40 meter doublet W3 Division K3WWP 50 49 99 24 2376 x1.5 3564 ~110' attic random wire W4 Division KJ4R 27 27 54 18 972 x1.5 1458 40m Vertical 80m Longwire WA2EDN 8 8 16 8 128 x1.5 192 Dpl @30' @W4MJE 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 Inv V @28' W5 Division W5ODS 32 31 63 17 1071 x1.5 1607 G5RV @50' NF5U 9 9 18 8 144 x1.5 216 40/80m trap dipole @33' W6 Division W7 Division N7QR 1 0 1 1 1 x1.5 2 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials W8 Division N8XMS 6 6 12 6 72 x1.5 108 R7 trap vertical W9 Division W0 Division WD0K 3 2 5 3 15 x1.5 23 Delta loop @35' Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division N2CN 26 26 52 17 884 884 ZS6BKW @60' KB1M 8 8 16 6 96 96 40 mtr dipole N1JI 4 4 8 3 24 24 163' doublet @25' W2 Division N2ESE 10 10 20 10 200 200 80mtr, OCF @25' K2ZD 7 7 14 6 84 84 OCF Dipole & Vertical Ground Plane W3 Division KC3RN 20 20 40 12 480 480 Carolina Windom 40+ @30' K3JZD 7 6 13 7 91 91 Dpl @25' N3IOD 5 5 10 4 40 40 80 meter ocf dipole @30' N3AEA 0 0 0 0 0 0 InvV @30' tilted W4 Division WB4OMM 37 35 72 15 1080 1080 G5RV Sloper (30') K2YGM 31 30 61 17 1037 1037 16' whip trunk mt w/coil N4MJ 24 24 48 17 816 816 Windom KU4A 17 17 34 10 340 340 40m slp dip @40', 80m 1/4-wave slp @40' AB4QL 13 13 26 9 234 234 80M dipole @25' K3RLL 10 10 20 6 120 120 Black Phantom HOA Vertical W2BJN 10 10 20 6 120 120 End Fed 65' Wire @18' K4WLW 4 4 8 4 32 32 End Fed Sloper K4VOZ 4 4 8 3 24 24 InvV @30' W5 Division W6 Division W7 Division KF7Z 10 10 20 9 180 180 Dpl @25' AA7CU 5 5 10 5 50 50 6' whip @12' using 8 radials W8 Division WA8SAN 10 10 20 9 180 180 End fed wire @25' KB8FE 8 8 16 6 96 96 EFW W9 Division NN9K 41 40 81 21 1701 1701 135' end-fed @23' K9FO 39 36 75 21 1575 1575 40 dpl, 80 long wire AB9YC 6 6 12 6 72 72 Dipole @20', inverted L K9CW 6 6 12 5 60 60 InvV @65' W0 Division K9OSC 17 17 34 16 544 544 C Zepp @30' N0TA 18 16 34 12 408 408 Doublet @35' Canada Division VE3IDS 10 10 20 8 160 160 Doublet @35' VE3GNU 2 2 4 2 8 8 DXCC multiband dpl @40' VA2GLU 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comet vertical @20' !VA7CDB 9 9 18 7 126 126 40 single loop DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key Bug Keyer/Keyboard K7TQ 8 7 15 7 105 105 2 el yagi @60' Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
STATS: Logs submitted: 111 (incl two late logs) Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 155 Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,345 States represented: 40 + BC ON QCSOAPBOX: AB9YC - It's been a while since I have been able to get on for the monthly sprint. It was as fun as I remember. I look forward to being on more in 2017. There was one station calling me that was just too far down in my noise, and I was just unable to make you out. K3RLL - K3 to highly compromised HOA stealth night time only vertical: Nice to hear so many signals on tonight. Too bad so many of them were RTTY. (GRIN) Seriously, a pretty good evening despite terrible Propagation numbers on QRZ.Com. Some pretty strong sigs down here in FL. Biggest signals of the night included WA8SAN, W3KWH and KC3RN - all just booming in here. Thanks to our hard working staff for a nice Sprint this evening. 72/73 ... Don AA2VG - It was not easy tonight. I felt like I was competing with the static crashes on 80 and 40. Sri that I needed to ask for so many repeats but even when the signal was 579 the static crashes blocked a call letter or two! Ran the Icom 7300 and had fun. My ears told me that it was time to give them a break after one hour. 72 Peter AA2VG WB5UAA - Fired up the homebrew 6L6. Built a new power supply which ups the plate voltage. Now I get a full QRP gallon out of it. Could only operate for the first hour, QRO and RTTY stations started QRMing my rock frequencies. Thanks for the honest signal reports! (I like a little chirp, it adds character!) C U AGN next sprint! KQ3Z - Wow. What a night. QRN was so loud I won't be able to hear the rest of the week. Really hard to pull the signals out of the high noise level. Sorry to those I couldn't hear. But did manage to work for one hour before I threw in the towel. Thanks for the contacts and special thanks to those who make the Sprints and Newsletter a reality. WB2LQF - My little KX1 on half dead AA cells convinced my 40 meter doublet to give me one contact on 80M - thank you AA2VG! My XYL looked over my shoulder and commented that the bug was bigger than the transceiver. KD0EBS - Thank you all HB-1B End-Fed Wire @25' attic 72/73! KE0CU - Much better conditions here this month than last. Still I only heard stations on 40 m. W9ILF - Rig: MFJ 9040. I thought it would be fun to be super simple for this sprint. 40M seemed to be in pretty good shape and the band changed as things went along. I learned to tune up and down the band slowly and listen carefully. It was very different than a high performance radio but great cheap fun! Thanks for the QSO's! I enjoyed the night. N1JI - I got home late and turned on the rig around 10:00 PM when I heard WH6LE calling CQ exactly on the frequency my rig was tuned to. Conditions seemed good as I made four QSOs in about ten minutes on 80 meters. Unfortunately, the alarm goes off early in the morning, so that's all I could do. 73/72 to all KF7Z - K3s RUNNING 5 WATTS TO A DIPOLE UP 25' LAID NORTH TO SOUTH, GOOD CONDX FROM EAST COAST, NOTHING FROM THE WEST COAST TONIGHT. THANKS FOR THE Qs 72 DANNY N2CN - Had a great run on 80m, despite the static crashes. KB0ETU - Got a late start and then had to fight to stay awake. Decided it was time to call it quits. Thanks to the organizers and to the contacts I managed to make. 'Till next time, 72 Phil WA2JSG - Operated from car on a causeway between Anna Maria Island and Bradenton Florida. Water on both sides and the Gulf just behind me. What a fun time!! But had to cut it short as very tired from drive. Typing this on a tablet as no internet here, so hope all OK. 73 Curt WA2JSG/4 KN1H - Thanks for another fun sprint. Pretty tough sledding tonight, sometimes 80 and 40 seemed dead, sometimes really long. Could not raise anyone with a CQ. IC-7200 and Nye Viking Master Key. KB8FE - Pleasant weather here in northern Ohio. Antenna is a sloping wire 66 feet long and end-fed. WE4SGA - Thanks for a fun event. My thanks to WA2EDN, KG4UPO, KJ4R and K4BAI. Nice to work you again, John. WA2FBN - Not much time for sprint. Band condx poor, very noisy. 73 Ken NF5U - Was only able to work the last 50min, 80m was hopping, as usual, it was a great joy to work the stations logged. 73's KC1GSL - Very new to CW. Starting to get better at hand-keying. Still need to work on better recognition with (and without) QRN. K1IEE - Got a very slow start on 40M, soon went to 80M which had more signals but the static crashes and noise was very high. Thanks to all 73 Dick WV8DH - Well, another fun sprint for me. One contact on 40 and the rest on 80. Band was not too bad this evening but I did get a late start. Thank to everyone who sets up these sprints. Best 72/73 from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia. N3IOD - Had lots of fun and messed up the times for the 1st 2 qso's. Anyway the bands were sure full of noise tonight. 73/72, Bill N3IOD Delaware 3360 N4WD - Lots of station, but qrm on OCF caused me to move to long-wire. Better RST's for station, but fewer contacts at 2 watts on long-wire. Got to charge batteries before next contest. ) ; KC7DM - Nice condx on both 40 and 80 into OR tonight despite (due to?) the ice on the wires. Tnx all. AB8RL - 80 meters was in excellent condition - most of my contacts were on 80 compared to 40 which was very quiet. AB3RU - Slow start this time. I stayed on 40 for an hour and it was a little hard copy from places that are usually open for me. Southern US is usually easy but not this time. Moved to 80 and had much better luck, with nearby stations coming in solid and clear. I worked two very new members, one of whom was extra patient and worked hard to make the contact and gave many repeats. Always a fun night - see you all next time! WB4OMM - Wow! 40M started out HOT!!! No noise, all decent signals; pretty much about the same across the board - even switching between N-S or E-W slopers - a few 599 but mostly 579. Nice copy! Ran a frequency on 40M for an hour with 30 Qs.....then went to 80M...and not as much joy! A bit noisy, only a few signals. Got to work good old regular John K4BAI and his 579 to 599 signal, rest were 559 or so. John and I mus have a "pipeline" he sounds great just about 99% of the time! Only added 6 more on 80M and it got noiser as the time flew by. Had Paul N8XMS, but lost him in the QSB, and a few other that were there, then "disappeared" into the ether. Went back to 40M, found a hoard of high speed CW working each other in another contest! Only one more Q on 40M then two more on 80M. But very happy with the total for the Sprint. Yaesu FT-2000 running 5W out; GenLog with Vibroplex paddle and straight key. It was a great night! Hope everyone had as much fun as I did. 72/73, See you all in the trenches! Steve WB4OMM KJ4R - Spent first hour and a half on 40m. Tried 80m for the last half hour. This is the first time I've been on 80 during the sprint. I tossed some wire in one of my pine trees earlier this week and used it on 80. Not sure it works too well but was able to work 7 stations on 80. Good condx on 40 with a few contacts in 7 land. Thanks to everyone I worked. 72/73 until next month. K4KRW - I stayed on 40m for too long just to see what I could get. I hadn't used my OHR-100A in a while. It was nice to give it some exercise. The band was pretty rough but I managed a few contacts. I used my Sierra on 80m and things were a bit better there. Not a lot of contacts tonight. But, that is OK. I had a great time anyway. It was great fun digging signals out of the noise. There were a lot of static crashes here. Great hearing everyone. 73, Richard KC9TQR - Finally able to make another sprint. Really rusty, but things started to come around near the end. Seemed to be a decent amount of QSB, at least on my end. Had a great time and looking forward to the next one. WD4OHD - I got a late start this evening, but propagation on 80m was quite good, so I still did pretty well. Good signals, not too much interference from non-NA stations, and moderate noise. Glad I read my email around 6:00 PM this evening or I would have forgotten tonight's Sprint for sure. Thanks to all the usual contacts and to a few new ones. K0PF - Got on the air very late, so I tried 80. Heard several, bad QSB - lost KC7DM, who was great then I fell in a hole during exchange. Thanks for all the folks who get on to work CW! KF7WNS - 40m was really busy tonight...nice for a change to have the band open for awhile. Fun time tonight. 72 K3WWP - Fifty! Yes, my first time at 50 since April last year. Actually it seemed longer ago than that after all the poor sprints I've had up till the last four now. 24 SPCs ties my second highest total, and all were on 80 meters as were all 50 QSOs. Never even checked 40 or 20. My noise was intermittently bad, usually at inopportune times when a weak station called. I think I got everyone who called though, except for N4WD. He called twice and both times I lost him after I sent my exchange. I had some brain freeze when working Tom KA2KGP. We've worked so many times over the years that I felt foolish trying to figure out it was he I was working. My noise really knocked some folks around. There was also some strange propagation. KN1H usually booms in here. Tonight it was a real struggle to get him in the log. Well, enough rambling. Thanks to the 50 folks I worked. A lot of them were new including KC1GSL who got his number within the past couple days. NF8M - Another noisy night. Seems like the only good band these days is 160. TNX fer the Qs es hpe to cu next week on topband. WG8Y - Hi all,listened on 40m to start but only a couple weak signals & the QRN was pretty bad.Went to 80m & heard John,K3WWP calling & worked him. I thought, ok, John sounds pretty gud so here we go. Wrong!I was using a new computer with Windows 10 for the 1st time with GENLOG. I should have did a dry run.Everything else had loaded & ran ok. I had to reload the program for some reason. Ok, app 20 minutes later were up again. 80m had some gud signals but QRN was pretty tough. Thanks for the repeats guys & sorry to a couple that I just couldn't put your calls together. Still wondering about a call that kept sounding like nr0ss?? Still enjoy the Sprints & looking forward to the 160m sprint next week.72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y W4MJE - recommended by K5GQ CWOPS Level 2 instructor. K9FO - Finally got to do the WHOLE THING! My first time to hit 40 QSO's. Tried 20 at first but nothing there. 40 was good but long, nothing under 500 miles with quite a number of stations on. Went to 80 for final 45 minutes with my poor antenna. It is a 160 meter INV-L fed with 70 feet of RG-8U and an in-shack tuner so I must be getting miliwatts out. I have to get something better up soon. Rig: TenTec Orion at 5W, MFJ-962D tuner, a Vibroplex mimi paddle and a UM XT-4 memory keyer. This is a great little keyer for QRP and portable use. It runs forever on a 9 volt battery. That's it for now. Thanks for the contacts and I hope to do the next one. 73/72, Will, K9FO AB4QL - Well, it was interesting QRM, QSB, QRN and I will be hearing static in my sleep tonight! Thanks all it was fun. N7QR - IC706 with a 1958 Vibroplex presentation. My 29th sprint. Only worked the SKCC Anniversary Station. 20 was dead, heard a couple of stations on 40 at the noise level including Mexico. Was only on for an hour. CU next month! Russ AA4XX - It was good to be back in the sprints after a many-year hiatus. The QRN was pretty heavy tonite, but everyone took it in stride. I was surprised to be called by AA0W (NE) on 80M. Looking fwd to the next sprint on 160 next week. Thanks to all for a fun evening. AL7JK - Hello to all, did the search and pounce routine with signals rite at the noise floor hr in Ak. Heard several stations on both 40 and 80 mtrs got several Qrz ? Thank's to Randy K7TQ for pulling my signal outta the noise. 73 to all de AL7JK N8XMS - After a busy day that started at 4 AM and with another 4 AM start scheduled for the next day I really didn't have the steam to operate for very long. But I did enjoy my 30 minutes. I used my old 1967 Vibroplex Original bug and should probably apologize to the 6 people that had to try and copy my fist! Thanks and 73. N4MJ - Noticeably late start, then 40m fail. 80m was fairly hot with NA calls. Thanks to one and all for the contacts. 73 de n4mj/glenn KE5YUM - Band conditions were good but noisy on the Texas Oklahoma border last night. I could only stay for 30 minutes, and I appreciate those who worked me. WB8LZG - Hello fellow sprinters ! Noisy condx here in Michigan last night. 20m was ZIP at the start. 40m was hopping with all kinds of sigs. SKCC, rtty boys, reg. QSOs,and the NAQCC gang too, and most sigs were down in the mud. Very callenging to pick some of them out. Thanks to Curtis , WI5H for hanging in there. Lost him on the 1st attempt, but he stayed in there and got the QSO 5 mins later. Had my usuall beeline to the south, but most sigs were very weak. Nothing heard from out east except Charles W2SH, and nothing "close in". 80m was solid noise here, and my CQs there went unanswered. also worked WB5UAA running tube gear. "the friendlyest lil chirp on the band !" Hope to hear many of you next time. 73 Gregg WB8LZG VE3IDS - Had fun again, sigs were a little weak but thanks to everyone who listened harder! 72 Don VE3IDS N5GW - KX3 to CFZ & J38. 20M sounded dead earlier so I started out on 40M. The band was in fair shape allowing 14 Q's. After the first half hour, 40M began to be sparsely populated, so I moved down to 80M. Initially it sounded pretty bad with QRN from rainstorms passing through plus only a few stations heard. However after several minutes things really picked up, probably a combination of improved propagation plus more ops moving from 40M to 80M. It was tough trying to copy through the static crashes, but only a few stations were lost. As usual it was a fun challenge. WA2EDN - Long noisy band got john k3wwp early then band started to go shorter.only worked first hour plus a little but hd a good time with a new to me bug. needs tuning. WB8ENE - Since I'm basically limited to 40 meters (nothing here for 80 meters currently, and I didn't even consider 20 meters at such a late hour), it was slim pickings. I did manage to make two contacts in about 45 minutes though. I tried using my Peaberry V2 at a low enough power level to produce 5 watts out of the Hardrock-50 amplifier, but it was a bit unstable. The output occasionally dropped out. I guess it was good enough to complete the two contacts though. Thanks for the contacts. 73, Art KA3OCS - Operated only thirty min as maritime mobile from naval air station key west. QRN here was just too loud. KA2KGP - Only 20m. was usable here, 20 & 40 were dead. Lousy bands this sprint. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. and a straight key. VE3GNU - Propagation here getting worse by the month---couldn't tolerate more than 30 min. but will try again next month. Icom 7200 @5w and Begali key. K4WLW - Managed a few contacts the first half hour but I think my ears started to bleed from the S9++ noise levels I had and just couldn't take it. But had fun as always. K3s at 5W to a 125 foot end fed sloper and used my Begali Sculpture Mono key. Many thanks to everyone that gives their time to put on the Sprints. Hope to see you in the 160m Sprint! 72 - Bill K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, dipole, inverted vee, zepp. Old surplus(?) hand key. 20M was dead at the start of the sprint. 40 and 80M were both quite good. QSOs on 40 as far away as CA, BC, QC, and ME. Closest QSOs on 40 were FL and LA. 80M didn't seem to have any long skip as GA and bordering state signals were quite good. QSOs out to TX to the west and MI and PA to the north. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI. KG4MTN - I did not have an 80M antenna so cobbled together a long-wire out of speaker wire and draped it across shrubbery in the yard. 40M was dead, action was on 80 with high QRN level, but tnx to members with good ears I was able to work all stns I could hear and worked a K3Y stn also. Had a great time and am always amazed at what QRP can do!! 72 and tnx to all! KD3CA - Band up & down with lots of QRN for me ,only worked 80 mtrs. Thanks to all we worked, sorry to those I missed , & know there were a few I couldn't pull out . Thanks to several stations that stopped just to say hello & a Report. TNX to K0RKS for the great QSO, 72 ,73 to all . Don K2ZD - One leg of my OCF Dipole was down on the ground from the recent ice storm. So I had half an antenna on 80 meters which was quite active but many stations didn't copy me. Forty Meters was poor here and my log reflects that as a result. Only made 7 QSO's but feel it's important to the NAQCC Club to submit a log even if it's not what you would like it to be. CU on the next Sprint, 73 Mario K2ZD 8316. K1SX - All 80m, where there was plenty of distance. tnx all! K7TQ - Haven't been in a Sprint for too long. Good to return. QSB very deep with strong signal one minute and gone a few seconds later. Thanks to all who stopped by. WX4RM - Propagation tonight favored midwest,west,and south. Had 5 qso's on 40 and 15 qso's on 80. Overall, a good time. W2JEK - Got on at 9:00 PM. Nothing on 20 and a few weak signals on 40. Went to 80 for the rest of the time. Band was very noisy but worked ME, FL, and IL and others despite noise and Index of K4. Had a good time. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 K6MGO - 20M was closed down and 40m was very long with no short path, and QSB was very strong with stations heard for a few seconds then fading out so no contact was possible. We may have to start using Hamsphere for our Sprints if the propagation doesn't improve. AA0W - Good Conditions on 80 W2SH - Operated for the full two hours and recorded only 14 QSOs. It's been over eight years since I did fewer than that. 20m was closed. The skip was very long on 40m and 80m. The ambient noise level was no higher than usual. What was deafening was QRN as badly as I’ve ever experienced. When I heard K3WWP I initially considered him a VE3! What is so strange is that weather conditions, both present and forecast, that invariably cause QRN are very settled. K2YGM - Im wintering in Florida and with HOA antenna restrictions, one of my only options was to operate mobile with a collapsible whip and tunable coil from wolf river coils. I was amazed that it tuned down on 80 and signal reports weren't too bad. Great fun working all the regulars up north and some new ones to the west. When 80 became too noisy, I switched to 40 and worked a few more stations. Florida is a great location for ham radio because the water table favors good ground conductivity. I thank all who called and to those that make these sprint events possible. 72 de K2YGM West Palm Beach NN0SS - Not much on 40 meters here in MN. 80 meters was the busy band. N9RLO - Lots of static and QRM. I heard alot of stations but they would fade out before I could make contact. I had to take a few breaks to give my ears a rest. Static crashes were getting to me. FT-450 at 5w, Junker key, inverted V 10m - 160m, up 35 ft. I had fun. Thanks to all and 73, John W5ODS - Another great Sprint. Band conditions were good on both 80 and 40 tonight in OK. 73's Gary W5ODS K4VOZ - My first Sprint, it was fun. 73' KD9VT - Had a great time. NAQCC is awesome. KU4A - 80m was good here with low noise. It's becoming the bread-and-butter band for me with the solar flux so low. N3AEA - I tried but too much QRN didn't hear anything N8QY - not much time but had fun WB1GYZ - Thought cdx were horrendous until I listened to the bands on a Tentec 580 Delta, after the contest. Turns out the rcvr in my trusty TS-940 is failing. Sigs sounded like they were underwater and the stronger ones all splattered several KC's away. 30 yrs w/o a problem is a remarkable engineering achievement. Thanks to all for a fun evening. W2BJN - Interesting conditions with 20m very quiet, and 40m running long. Look forward to hearing everyone next month. 72, Joel WB3FAE - Didn't hear much on 40 except noise. Nothing on 20 either. 80 meters seemed to be in good shape. Ran with 3 watts off of a small wall wart switching supply since my Astron linear supply blew a fuse. AK3X - Only had about 30 minutes to participate... stayed on 80 meters which had good signals. Fun time as usual... MFJ9296 at 4 watts to OCF doublet at 25'. 72 to all, Peter WD0K - Normally if I can hear a station. I can work it; not tonite! 72's de wd0k/664 VA7CDB - Fun sprint, but QRPers got clobbered by CWops CWT! Date and time: Thursday, January 19, 2017, 0130-0330Z Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to operate in the sprint from a state other than your home state - OR - will be using a callsign that is different from one that you have used in previous sprints we need to know about it for our cross checking and record keeping. Please email this information to John K3WWP before the start of the sprint using the NAQCC33 address shown above. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: None Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |