Nov 2016 QRP/CW Sprint (#145) KF0U Comments - Didn't quite make it to 100, but given the rough conditions I'm not surprised. I appreciate everyone getting back to so quick to correct any typos/errors. See you in January! K3WWP Comments - The results are now final. Nothing further can be changed. Final Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division WB1GYZ 25 25 50 15 750 x2 1500 Sloping wire verticals with counterpoise KN1H 26 26 52 13 676 x2 1352 End fed wire @50' K1IEE 14 14 28 13 364 x2 728 OCF long wire @30' K1IX 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 OFCD @38' N1JI 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 163' doublet @25' W2 Division W2SH 27 26 53 18 954 x2 1908 270' dpl @45'; Inv L 65' up, 95' out W2JEK 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 100' end fed @20' WA2NYY 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 80m OCF dipole @30' K2JT 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Dpl @30' WA2JSG 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 Vertical elevated @10' KA2KGP 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dipole @25' W2JLK 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 Dipole @35' W3 Division AB3RU 31 31 62 18 1116 x2 2232 G7FEK @33' KD3CA 25 24 49 20 980 x2 1960 132' ocf windom @33' KC2EGL 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 G5RV @25' WA3FIR 13 13 26 7 182 x2 364 OCF inverted vee @25' WA3YLQ 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 66' end fed wire, @25' KQ3Z 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 135' Doublet Vee WB3FAE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 90' end feed @35' W4 Division WG8Y 33 33 66 19 1254 x2 2508 HB 40-80 DP 40' & hb 20m vert W4OEP 34 34 68 17 1156 x2 2312 InvEll @30' K4KRW 37 37 74 15 1110 x2 2220 Dipole @35' K4JPN 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 Zepp N4WD 18 18 36 12 432 x2 864 OCF 80meter dipole @40' WX4RM 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 6BTV gnd mtd vert W4KKY 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 End fed wire @40' N4FI 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 115' rnd wire @30' NA4O 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 Dpl @45' W4DUK 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 End-Fed Zepp @20' WA4ZOF 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 80 meter dipole @40' N1IIX 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 InvV @30' WE4SGA 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 100' long random wire from tuner K4NVJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dipole @25' W4HH 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 OCF Dipole @25' W5 Division N5GW 42 40 82 25 2050 x2 4100 CFZ @50' W5WIL 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 240' doublet @30' WB4BIN 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 Horizontal end-fed @12' WI5H 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Quad Loop 14x31 top @21' KF5RZG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 G5RV @30' WB5UAA 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 InvV @30' KE5YUM 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Random wire @20' W6 Division WK6L 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Windom Vee, 40 & 20 Meters W6STR 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV @30' K6MGO 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 50' doublet in garage rafters W7 Division KF7WNS 12 11 23 7 161 x2 322 Inv L @25' KC7DM 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 450' skyloop @65' K7EW 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 VERT GND MTD + 2 RAD/BAND W8 Division WV8DH 18 18 36 10 360 x2 720 ZS6BKW (G5RV) @32' N8BB 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Dipole @50' WB8LZG 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Dpl @30' AB8FJ 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 Inverted L @15' KI8JY 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 OCF dpl@20' !NF8M 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 none given W9 Division WB9HFK 33 33 66 18 1188 x2 2376 150' Random Wire KD9VT 23 22 45 16 720 x2 1440 G5RV @38' N9RLO 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 Inv V @35' KA9FQG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV @37' W0 Division WB0PYF 22 22 44 16 704 x2 1408 Dipole @55' N0TA 20 19 39 12 468 x2 936 Vertical & doublet @30' AA0W 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 Dipole NN0SS 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 20 meter EDZ @30' N8LA 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 200' Dipole @35' KD0DK 3 3 6 2 12 x2 25 End fed long wire Canada Division VE3IDS 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 130' doublet at 35' VE3DQN 2 2 4 1 4 x2 4 Dipole @10' DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division K1SX 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 135' cf doublet @50' W2 Division W3 Division K3WWP 41 41 82 22 1804 x1.5 2706 ~110' attic random wire KB3MOW 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 Fan DP @25' W4 Division AK4NY 23 23 46 16 736 x1.5 1104 G5RV @35' W5 Division NF5U 18 15 33 12 396 x1.5 594 40m/80m trap dipole @33' W5ODS 8 8 16 6 96 x1.5 144 OCF Dipole @50' W6 Division W7 Division W8 Division N8XMS 5 5 10 5 50 x1.5 75 R7 Vertical W9 Division N9SE 16 16 32 11 352 x1.5 528 Inverted Vee @68' W0 Division KD0V 12 12 24 10 240 x1.5 360 CF Zepp @50' Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KB1M 7 7 14 6 84 84 40 mtr dpl, 20 mtr invV @30' W2 Division K2YGM 35 34 69 17 1173 1173 80- EFHW, 40- G5RV mini N2EI 10 9 19 7 133 133 Dipole @35' N2ESE 7 7 14 6 84 84 OCF Dipole @25' W3 Division WB4OMM 10 8 18 7 126 126 Vehicle mounted 40M hamstick W4 Division W4QO 12 12 24 11 264 264 80M Loop @75' K3RLL 10 10 20 7 140 140 After Dark Vertical K4EOR 5 5 10 4 40 40 Inverted G5RV KJ4R 3 3 6 3 18 18 Vertical K8LBQ 2 2 4 2 8 8 Dpl @20' KU4A 1 1 2 1 2 2 Sloping dipole @40' KG4MTN 0 0 0 0 0 0 EFHW @30' W5 Division K5MBA 3 3 6 3 18 18 EFHW 40M invL @20' W6 Division W7 Division AA7CU 1 1 2 1 2 2 6' whip @12' using 8 radials W8 Division KE8DI 33 33 66 17 1122 1122 130' Doublet @40' WA8SAN 11 11 22 9 198 198 End Fed Wire @25' W9 Division N1RU 22 22 44 16 704 704 Gnd mtd 80m/40m vertical W0 Division K8UDH 8 8 16 5 80 80 Multiband InvV @ 30' K9OSC 6 6 12 6 72 72 CF Zepp @30' NO2D 5 5 10 5 50 50 40m dipole; 80m doublet WD0K 2 2 4 2 8 8 Delta loop @35' Canada Division VA2GLU 1 1 2 1 2 2 Comet vertical @20' DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key Bug Keyer/Keyboard Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
STATS: Logs submitted: 95 + 1 Late Log Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 131 Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,140 States represented: 35 + AB ON QC + XESOAPBOX: N1JI - I only had 15 minutes to devote to the sprint tonight. Fortunately the local noise level dropped from S7 to S4 right before the sprint started. Thanks for the contacts! W4HH - Rotten condx on all bands I tried -- 80, 40, 20. Worked only half hour, heard two stations. N9SE - I was only able to work about forty minutes. 40 meters was a virtual ghost town. 80 meters was a little better, but activity seemed a little light. 73 de Marty N9SE K3RLL - K3 to flat black stealth night-only vertical (darned HOA): WOW, conditions were so much better this evening with some very strong signals and lots of participation. Got my ten contacts in less than a half-hour. Really enjoyed this evening. Many thanks to those who called. Sorry I missed Tom KA2KGP when I got chased off my freq. 73/72 to all... Don K3RLL KD0V - Both 40 and 80 meters appeared to be dead by 0220. Thanks for the QSO's Merlin - KD0V #2002 W4QO - Tnx for digging me out. Loads of fun, as always. Take care; happy turkey day! jim/w4qo/qrp KJ4R - Poor band conditions here on 40M. Called CQ for 30 minutes and only got 3 responses. Tried to tune around for others but really could not hear anyone well enough to work. Also lots of QRM from digital stations from 7040 - 7050. I gave up after an hour since I need to go into work early in the morning. Hoping for better band conditions next month. Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. 72 until next month. N8XMS - Some of the worst conditions that I can remember! After getting home from church I turned on the radio expecting to hear the sprint in full swing - nothing, not a dit or dah anywhere! I eventually found a few stations to work on 40 and 80 but it was really tough. 339's and 449's were actually generous reports! NO2D - Interrupted by a long, long, long distance phone call. Managed to get back and found some contacts on 80 meters. Copy was very tough on 40 meters. I wish we could spread out more. Everyone wants to be on 7.040. Even a 200 Hz. filter can't always do the job. I know, I am whining. Really enjoy the sprints. Thanks to all. Pete, no2d. KE8DI - Tried 40M first, very deep QSB and few signals into MI. Spent most of the sprint on 80M. Happy Thanksgiving CUL 72. KC2EGL - Glad to be back in the monthly sprint. Had a blast as usual. Thanks to all who logged me. Hope to CU on the radio next month if not sooner. Rig: KX3, Key: US Navy Flameproof, 73 Mike AB3RU - Really had a great night tonight. Straight key fist was a little shaky at first due to no practicce, but I got warmed up. Started on 40 and my first four contacts were to Texas - very interesting. After that, CA and CO before switching to 80. 80 was alive tonight and I made most of my contacts there. Conditions were good to just about everywhere, northeast, south and west, with even a contact to WV. Fun night! See you all next month, 72! WA4ZOF - Many sigs on the air.. 40 went really long..80 was hopping. Always fun.... Tom WA4ZOF WA2JSG - Heard nothing on 20m so I went to 40m. Terrible condx there on 40m... initiated 4 contacts but had to scrap two of them because could not get their information. Then, thank goodness for 80m! Not my favorite band, but condx much better there. Anyway, fun event as always. WV8DH - Well another fun sprint for me. All contacts were on 80m except one of 40m to CO. Not sure what the problem was on 40m. Anyway it was still a lot of fun running 5 watts again. Best 72/73 to all from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia!! Dave KN1H - Thanks for another fun Sprint! All the action was on 80, worked a lot of new calls, a lot of fun. IC-7200 @ 5W and Nye Viking Master key. K4KRW - Wow. I managed 2 contacts to TX on 40m. All of the rest were on 80m. QSB was pretty bad. Thanks John K3WWP for my first contact of the night. Also thanks to KD9VT for pulling me out of the noise. Great hearing everyone. It was nice to work a complete sprint for a change. 73 - Richard WE4SGA - I had a great time. Only band open for me was 80 Meters, but it was a lot of fun. KG4MTN - Both 20M and 40M were dead tonight in Middle TN. Called CQ unsuccessfully, and no stations heard for S&P. Will try again next month!! NA4O - On 20 and 40, I was wondering if I still had an antenna outside. But 80 saved the night and was unusually good for me. WX4RM - Conditions 20-dead as a doornail, 40-lots of noise, but worked CA and CO, 80-lots of qrn but everybody was here. Good operators were out there tonight, pulling the signals out of the noise. Conditions have been so bad I have not operated in a long while, but sprint forced me to give it a try. Had fun again. K3WWP - I had a good time in the GA QSO Par..... er I mean the NAQCC sprint this evening. It sounded like the GA QP at times. Six of my 41 QSOs were from GA, and I never worked K4BAI. Usually I get maybe 3 GA QSOs tops. Anyway I got out of the gate at full speed and slowed steadily the rest of the race. 7 QSOs by 0137Z. By half-hours - 15, 11, 9, 6. All on 80 meters but one - W4OEP on 40. Great signals the first 45 minutes or so, then the band seemed to change, go long, something. Only 4 QSOs from adjacent states the last 75 minutes. Thanks for all the fun. See you next month. WB4BIN - Stayed on 40m for the entire sprint. Not a lot of QSOs, but the band seemed to be in pretty good shape. Nearly lost one in some QSB, though. Lots of fun, and looking forward to the next sprint! 73/72, Dave N4WD - 40 meters where are you? Not much on 40. WG8Y - Hi all, Started 20 min.late.My old puter is needing replaced.20M has been sounding pretty gud the last few days so spent the afternoon today piecing together a 20M vert.for the sprint.Ground mounted it with 12 radials.Gud SWR.Was hearing pretty gud on it then 20M shuts down before the Sprint.Never got a chance to use it.Went right to 40M but it was squirrely.Worked N0TA in CO.to start then NF5U in TX then heard a couple more calls fade in and out.Nothing in close.Went to 80M & it was wall to wall as they say.I was wishing I had something tighter than the 500 hertz. in the 817.S&Ped my way up the band then went a bit higher & called CQ.Really crazy nite. At the start I thought I'm not gonna get 10 Qs but 80M was great tonite. Had fun. Hope everyone else did.72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y K2YGM - Heard nothing on 40 tonight, not even 1 cq NA. Headed for 80 and spent all my time there.. conditions not that great but had enough activity to make it a real fun evening. Thanks to our members who make this fun sprint possible for us to enjoy. N1RU - This was my first NAQCC sprint in two years. I've moved to a new house free of HOA restrictions and was able to use an outdoor antenna in the sprint for the first time (I had used an attic loop at the old place). TS590 at 5 watts to an 80/40 ground-mounted vertical. Good to be back in the sprint! 72, Jamie N1RU (NE Indiana) KD9VT - Conditions were bad. Only band that was usable was 80M. But, I still had fun. Thanks to all of you that called or answered me. 72/73 Dave K1IEE - The first hour I used the HB-1A prize rig on 40M, made 5 contacts until i realized how awful the band was, the little rig did pretty good considering band conditions. The last hour I used the HW-9 on 80M, (HB-1A is 40M, 30M and 20M), which turned out to be the better band for sure. Thanks to all 73 Dick KF7WNS - Operated portable from NW Utah. Only had 40m and a compromise antenna, but did well and had a great time. WI5H - 20 was dead, 40 was long and 80 was QRN. Worked the first hour and got 6 Qs. One UT, two PA and three MI. Always fun even when condx are poor. Gary KF7WNS had the best signal I heard. 72 CU next time. WB0PYF - Only had a short time to work. The KX3 rocks. 72, Ray WA2NYY - It was fun to get back on a sprint after many months away. Got on the last hour and started on 40 but found nothing. 80m was the band tonight. Signals were decent and I think I worked everyone I heard. 72 Mark KQ3Z - Good news and bad news. The good news was the best rate of QSO's per hour I ever had. The bad news ... I only had 8 minutes to operate. Still lots of fun. Thanks for the contacts and thanks to those who make these sprints and the newsletter happen. VE3DQN - I'm amazed that I made ANY contacts. At my son's house in Alberta I set up a makeshift dipole up 4 ft at the center, one leg going up to 8 ft and the other to 15 ft. With my ATS-3A I worked the only two stations I heard, both in MN. Tnx fer pulling me out. WB4OMM - Operating portable in Gettysburg, PA at Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg National Military Park, NPOTA MP03. Operating an Elecraft KX-3 running 5W to a 40M Hamstick on the top of my car. When I first powered up, I was on 20M - and heard NOTHING!! No propagation here at all! Went to 40M, and heard some, so stayed there for the entire sprint. WX was great, 55 deg, but in the car it was comfortable. Thanks to all who patiently pulled my puny signal out of the ether - I was quite surprised several times with the 559/579 reports with this marginal setup! For the record, I was parked on Reynolds Road just North of Buford Road (Seminary Ridge), adjacent to Gen Lee's Civil War HQ....Gettysburg, PA. Long: 77 deg, 14 min, 51 sec; Lat: 39 deg 50 min, 19.1 sec. Elev 583 feet, Grid FM19ju. I will be uploading all 11 to LoTW for the NPOTA on my return home this weekend, and a "special" QSL card out to all. 72/73, See you in the November SS Phone Contest this weekend! Steve WB4OMM AK4NY - Interesting evening - started on 40 and heard absolutely nothing between 7030 and 7045 - I thought my radio had died. Moved down to 80 and found life there. Played for about an hour and really enjoyed it, had a few pileups but folks were courteous to one another. Hoping to be able to spend the full two hours next month. 72 all, thanks for the QSO's, Happy Thanksgiving. de Tom K5MBA - 40M was very noisy here. KB3MOW - First NAQCC Sprint! Limited op time but fun anyway! KA2KGP - WOW ! The bands were all crappy here in WNY this sprint. Very poor conditions. Thanks to all who pulled me out of the mud. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. and a straight key. KE5YUM - 80 meters was really rough in north Texas, so I am thankful for my one contact with KD9VT. Looking forward to better conditions. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Terry N5GW - I dusted off the Argo V for a much-needed workout using the J38. 20M sounded dead, the expected finding this time of day and year. 40M was fairly good, but fizzled out after the first hour. 80M was good with little QRN, although QSB was bad at times. As usual it was fun. WB8LZG - Hello Sprinters! WOW ! what a night fer poor propagation. Worst condx iv'e heard on 40m fer a while. Deep QSB es weak sigs , sounded more like the MW sprint wid lots of barely perceptible "peeps". Tough going on 40 wid only 4 QSOs. 80 was a bit better here in Michigan but very noisy. Thanks to several of you ops out there who "hung in there" to complete the QSO ! Still lot's of fun digging them out of the mud. Hope to hear u all next month. 73, Gregg WB8LZG KD3CA - Was a pretty good evening for me , some QSB at times . Many thanks to all that called, and those that called & stopped to say hello .Was using the KX3 rig with an old Viz Cootie key. 72, 73 to all . Don K7EW - Ran for nearly 1.5 hrs. 20 = zilch 40 = no NAQCC heard, although a bunch of CWT activity. 80 = nearly zero 2 perfectly solid contacts, local and up and down west coast KX-2 J47 MaeWest. I tried lots of CQ NA sets in 5 min blocks; except for AE7US with a nice 1/2 hr chat, nothing even heard! (N6ZO may have been at his CA QTH/still no difference to my claimed tally) 73 W5ODS - Unfortunately only had 30 minutes to operate. Lots of activity on 80 tonight. KB1M - Good time as always, 40 seeded like a MW sprint, mostly weak sigs. 73 Walt W5WIL - Interesting evening. Hit and miss on 40; band was quiet but signals were weak. 80 was very busy between 3560-3562. Difficult to pick out stations. Fun to finish with Steve, WB4OMM/3 doing NPOTA from Gettysburg. 72 . . Dennis N8LA - KX-3; 5W; 200' Dipole Up 35'; Western Union 2A Legless Hand Key. I thought sprint participation would be a refreshing break from my recent unsuccessful campaign for the presidency of the United States as the nominee of the IDIOT(I Do It Offensively Too) Party. Actually, I was also the vice presidential nominee, campaign manager, etc., as I was unable to persuade anyone else to take a nomination, party position, or even party membership. I am the leader (the IDIOTSYNCRAT) and only party member. The QRN here during the sprint, however, proved to be almost as stressful as the campaign. My sincere apologies to those (among them an N4, I believe) I was unable to pull out of the QRN. My thanks to those who pulled me out of the QRN for a contact. I am happy to be participating in the sprints again and, barring anything unforeseen (being chosen for a position in the administration, etc.), I hope to participate in the sprints during the coming months. 72, Lou, N8LA/QRP NN0SS - 80M WAS THE BAND TO BE ON. ONE QSO ON 40M WITH W4OEP. K6MGO - This was the strangest sprint I can recall. 20m was closed by the time the sprint started, so went to 40m. No activity on 40 for almost an hour except for Richard, N6IET who lives close by. Then after an hour or so, I started hearing QRO stns from 2 and 3 call areas, all QRO and in a contest, calling CQ CWT. I never heard one NAQCC member calling CQ NA at all. Sure hope next month is better. K4JPN - Tried 20M and 40M with no luck, 80M was hopping. 72, Steve K4JPN K1IX - 80M was the place to be for me could not hear anything on 20, just a few sigs on 40m. Still fun, tnx for the Q's WA3YLQ - QRN,QSB,Long Skip, what a combination! STILL FUN, WA3YLQ N2EI - 80 Meters was really nice tonight. Glad the band is back. W2JLK - Not much air time and poor condx hr.. N8BB - ell that was a rather tough night, 40 was a downer but 80 had some decent signals. I nwas going to use the MFJ Cub that I won in the October drawing but conditions were not going to be close to good for the 700mwatts I currently put out and is 40 meters only. Thank everyone, had another fun night and look forward to the next sprint. Thinking 80 will be a good one next time. K8LBQ - K8LBQ NAQCC NR. 7584 LOG FOR NAQCC SPRINT 17 NOV. 2016 KU4A - Worst conditions I have seen on Sprint night in the 10 or so years I've been a member of NAQCC. Thanks to N0AT who called me on 40m, my only QSO! W2JEK - Got on late. Nothing on 20. Worked n5gw in MS on 40. Heard no other stations there. Spent the rest of the time on 80 with good results. Rig Yaesu FT-840 at 5W. Antenna 110 ft. end fed at 20 ft. SPEEDX straight key. Had a good time. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK # 1135 WB5UAA - Didn't hear any NAQCCers on 20. On 40, I had a pipeline to Pennsylvania and Maine (from east Texas). And then one California. I'll try 80 next time. WB4OMM/3, whatever you were doing with that 40M Hamstick on the top of your car, you did it right. Do it again next time. By the way, you sent me you number mixed up. 5319? No, 5913. That's why I asked again. No worries, I corrected it before submitting. K4NVJ - Short time. W2SH - 20m was closed and 40m very busy with another activity. Made just two QSOs on 40m. 80m conditions were wonderful, with the skip lengthening in the Sprint's final 45 minutes. Using the inverted L antenna helped me log seven easy QSOs at 600 to 1,200 mile distances. VE3IDS - Pretty rough conditions up here too. QRN and QSB was terrible. I think I worked most of the guys I could hear on 40 and 80. Did hear John K3WWP, but the QSB was so fast he was gone by the time I could try to get back to him. 72, see you next month, Don VE3IDS AA0W - 80 was open thru the sprint 40 was long and 20 was closed. K4EOR - Wasn't familiar with new rig. Hadn't been on for a while. Hope to do better in the future. KF5RZG - First TIme using Gen Log. Tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it it's really a time saver WB1GYZ - Enjoyed another fun sprint, thanks for making it happen. K7EW - All bands condx poor, altho some N-S west coast. I hung in there for 1.5 hrs, tried 5 min blocks of CQNA (5 to 8 approx 30 sec\' call sets) on 20, 40 and 80, and heard neither responses nor- a bunch of tuning around, too, for -NAQCC activity! Still, a good 1/2 hr chat with AE7US, and a good amount of CWT activity, and N6ZO did me a favor/QSO. Sorry/disappointing! KX-2 + J47 MaeWest key, 73 N9RLO - I had alot of fun even with all the noise on 40 and 80m. It seems I had a pipeline to Florida with W40EP, KB4RGK, and K4RHG being the only contacts I made on 40m. I put up a new inverted V just in time for the sprint, and it seems to be working great. I used my FT-450 at 5 watts and my old German Junker key. Thanks to everyone and I plan on being on the next sprint. K1SX - Good condx on 80, tnx all! K8UDH - We also had high noise levels and very poor band conditions at my QTH in northeast NE. At first I thought I had a major problem with my rig. The Sprint was challenging but still really fun. Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are planning to operate in the sprint from a state other than your home state - OR - will be using a callsign that is different from one that you have used in previous sprints we need to know about it for our cross checking and record keeping. Please email this information to John K3WWP before the start of the sprint using the NAQCC33 address shown above. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: None Date and time: Thursday, November 17, 2016 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |