Jun 2016 QRP/CW Sprint (#140)
N2CN Comments - Final log count is 110 logs. See you next time!
K3WWP Comments - Thanks to all for participating. The logs keep getting better and better slowly, but still each month there are a few that require some agonizing over before cross-checking can be completed.
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
K1IEE 18 18 36 15 540 x2 1080 OCF long wire@30'
WS1K 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 200' Doublet @ 30'
WB1GYZ 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 80M LOOP, OPEN WIRE FED (SLOOPER)
KB1UOH 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Vertical
KB1WXC 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 InvV@50'
W2 Division
W2SH 31 30 61 18 1098 x2 2196 270' dpl@45'
KA2KGP 23 23 46 15 690 x2 1380 Dipole up 25 ft.
WA2JSG 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 Vertical elevated at 10'
W2JEK 11 11 22 6 132 x2 264 110 ft end fed wire at 20 ft
W3 Division
AB3RU 26 26 52 18 936 x2 1872 18' vertical w/radials, g7fek@33'
KD3CA 25 23 48 15 720 x2 1440 132 ft ocf windom @33 ft
W4TYD 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 End fed halfwave @25 ft (slopper)
KQ3Z 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 135' Doublet Vee
WB3T 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 40m Dipole @ 20'
W3TTT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Inverted vee at 60 feet
W4 Division
WZ2N 35 32 67 16 1072 x2 2144 G5RV @ 35 ft
WX4RM 31 31 62 17 1054 x2 2108 6BTV Gnd Mtd Vert 32 radials
N4KS 27 27 54 18 972 x2 1944 40m dipole @ 33 ft
WG8Y 32 32 64 15 960 x2 1920 HB 40-80 DP 40ft & hb 20m wire vert
W4OEP 23 23 46 14 644 x2 1288 InvEll at 50'
WD4OHD 23 23 46 12 552 x2 1104 40m dipole@20', 20m vertical
KJ4RV 21 19 40 13 520 x2 1040 G5RV inverted V @45'
WA4ZOF 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 80 meter dipole @ 50ft
W4DUK 21 21 42 9 378 x2 756 End-fed Zepp @20'
N4WD 15 14 29 9 261 x2 522 80 mtr OCF@40 Ft
NA4O 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dipole@45'
N4FI 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Attic G5RV jr
K4ARQ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 EF Zepp @ 50'
KC4GIA 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 40 Mtr Inv Vee at 30 feet
KB0ETU 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Dpl@35'
AA4MZ 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Attic long wire
WB4OMM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 268 ft wire loop at 35 ft
KI4EZL 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Ultimax 100 single simple wire antenna
KK4UGD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dpl@25'
$K6BFA 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 G5RV @ 50 feet
W5 Division
N5GW 43 42 85 23 1955 x2 3910 CFZ @ 50'
WB5UAA 28 28 56 19 1064 x2 2128 GndPlane@20'
KE9DR 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Delta Loop @35'
WI5H 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 Quad Loop 13x31 top @ 21 ft
KG5HCF 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Grnd mnt vertical
W6 Division
WK6L 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Windom(Inverted Vee),Up 35ft, 40M/20M
K6MGO 8 6 14 3 42 x2 84 INDOOR DOUBLET 50' ON 40M, EFD VERT 20M
W7 Division
KC7DM 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 135' dpl @ 60 ft
KF7WNS 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 3 Wave Length 20M Long Wire @ 45ft
AE7CG 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Dpl@10'
K9JWV 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Inverted U with 20 elevated radials
K7EW 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Gnd-mtd vert + 2 rad
AL7JK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 20 mtr Vertical
W8 Division
K8RJW 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 6BTV @ 15'
KI8JY 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Ocf dpl@20'
WV8DH 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 End Fed Zepp Sloper @32 FT
WB8ENE 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 40/15M dipole @ 15'
N8XMS 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 R7 Vertical
NF8M 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 80m OCF dpl @35ft
N8BB 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole@50'
W9 Division
KD9VT 48 48 96 21 2016 x2 4032 G5RV in inverted V at 38ft
N9SE 15 15 30 9 270 x2 540 Inverted Vee @68'
KA9DVX 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 G5RV JR@25FT
KA9FQG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 G5RV @ 37ft
$WB9HFK 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 OCF Dipole @ 25 Ft.
W0 Division
N0TA 40 39 79 17 1343 x2 2686 Vertical & doublet@30'
WB0PYF 34 33 67 17 1139 x2 2278 160M Dipole @ 55'
K0CW 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 Gnd Mtd. vert.
AA0W 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 Dipole
AD0BL 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 Loop at 30ft
NN0SS 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 20M EDZ@35ft
K2HT 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80 Meter Horizontal Loop @ 40'
KD0DK 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 117' end fed QSO King
NO2D 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80 m doublet @ 30'
Canada Division
VE3FUJ 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 G5RV @ 50'
VE3DQN 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Delta loop @45ft
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
W3 Division
K3WWP 36 36 72 16 1152 x1.5 1728 ~110' attic rnd wire, attic dpl (20)
N3MLB 10 10 20 8 160 x1.5 240 Grnd Vert w50 radials
W4 Division
W5 Division
NF5U 9 9 18 7 126 x1.5 189 40m/80m dipole at 33ft
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7QR 3 3 6 2 12 x1.5 18 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd w/o radials
W8 Division
K8SMS 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 270 ft horiz loop
W9 Division
AA9WP 4 4 8 4 32 x1.5 48 Indoor dipole 20 feet
W0 Division
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
N1JI 27 27 54 14 756 756 163' doublet@25'
AB1VL 17 17 34 14 476 476 G5RV @ 25ft
KB1M 11 11 22 8 176 176 40 mtr dpl, 20 mtr invV @30ft
N2CN 10 10 20 7 140 140 ZS6BKW @ 60'
K4RHG 9 9 18 7 126 126 End-fed dipole
W2 Division
K2YGM 44 44 88 25 2200 2200 20/40 G5RV@40' 80 EFHW
K2ZD 19 18 37 17 629 629 OCF Dipole @ 45 ft
WA1GWH 15 15 30 12 360 360 40M dipole @ 15 feet
N2ESE 12 12 24 10 240 240 80mtr.dipole@25ft.
WA2FBN 8 8 16 6 96 96 64 ft end fed sloper
W3 Division
KB3AAG 29 29 58 15 870 870 Vert loop top 30ft
KC3RN 15 15 30 12 360 360 Carolina Windom 40+ @30'
WA3FIR 10 10 20 9 180 180 18' vertical, inverted L @ 25'
K3RLL 11 11 22 8 176 176 G5RVjr
W4 Division
W2BJN 36 35 71 19 1349 1349 End Fed 65' Wire @ 18'
N4MJ 26 26 52 17 884 884 Windom
KU4A 16 16 32 10 320 320 Sloping dipole @ 40 ft
AC4PA 14 14 28 11 308 308 Dipole @30'
K4WLW 15 15 30 10 300 300 125' End-Fed Sloper
K4KRW 11 11 22 8 176 176 Dipole@35'
AA4MI 8 8 16 7 112 112 Dpl@25'
W5 Division
W6 Division
W7 Division
W8 Division
KE8DI 43 43 86 25 2150 2150 130' Doublet @ 40'
AB8FJ 21 21 42 13 546 546 Inverted L@15'
N8ZYA 9 9 18 7 126 126 Indoor Random Wire
WB8LZG 8 8 16 6 96 96 Dpl@30'
W9 Division
NN9K 46 46 92 22 2024 2024 OCF DIpole@25ft
W0 Division
N0MII 4 4 8 4 32 32 Delta loop@25'
K9OSC 3 3 6 3 18 18 HB Rotary Dipole
N0WKZ 1 1 2 1 2 2 12 X 12 Horiz Loop fed by T Match @ 15ft
Canada Division
VE3GNU 9 9 18 4 72 72 Multiband dpl@35'
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
K4BAI 62 61 123 25 3075 x2 6150 TH6DXX at 55, dip at 40; zepp at 50; vee
K7TQ 24 24 48 15 720 720 2el yagi@60'
G3RSP 3 3 6 3 18 18 3 Element Bean up 40ft
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | K1IEE | WS1K | - |
W2 | W2SH | - | - |
W3 | AB3RU | KD3CA | - |
W4 | WZ2N | WX4RM | N4KS |
W5 | N5GW | WB5UAA | - |
W6 | WK6L | - | - |
W7 | KC7DM | KF7WNS | - |
W8 | K8RJW | KI8JY | - |
W9 | KD9VT | N9SE | - |
W0 | N0TA | WB0PYF | - |
Canada | VE3FUJ | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | - | - | - |
W3 | K3WWP | - | - |
W4 | - | - | - |
W5 | NF5U | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7QR | - | - |
W8 | K8SMS | - | - |
W9 | AA9WP | - | - |
W0 | - | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | N1JI | AB1VL | - |
W2 | K2YGM | K2ZD | - |
W3 | KB3AAG | - | - |
W4 | W2BJN | N4MJ | - |
W5 | - | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | - | - | - |
W8 | KE8DI | - | - |
W9 | NN9K | - | - |
W0 | N0MII | - | - |
Canada | VE3GNU | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| K4BAI | - | K7TQ |
First time entrant high scorer |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| WZ2N | - | AC4PA |
Prizes | WB4OMM |
Logs submitted: 110
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 173
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,634
States represented: 38 (incl KH6 KL7) + ON + G
K9OSC - Heavy thunderstorms were rolling through the area from late afternoon through the period of the Sprint. Even a few tornadoes to the south and west of us. Extreme QRN on 20 meters and 40 meters was unreadable. Pretty risky to continue tonight. Many thanks to K4BAI for hanging in there with several repeats and to the two other stations I worked. See you again next month.
W3TTT - Only one QSO this time gotta get going to another task tonight. Thanks to those who are working on the contest and adding up the scores, and so on. I tried my small wonder 40 heard lots of signals but no answer to my calls. Went back to my ICOM at 5 watts.
K8SMS - Had to sneak away from family gathering to make one contact! CU in the mW sprint. .
N9SE - 40M was really good. Lots of QRN on 80M. Great to hear all the activity!
WA2JSG - Used my Icom IC-703 running 5 watts from a 12v battery to an multi-band vertical. Big ole Kent Str Key. 7 QSOs on 20m, and 3 on 40m (40 was noisy here this evening). 73, Curt
N8XMS - A family activity gave me just enough time to squeeze in 8 QSOs. Conditions seemed pretty good and I heard a lot of participants so I hope that will hold true for the QRPp sprint next week.
N0TA - Thanks for the Q's. K3, vertical & doublet, Gen Log, & Begali Spark
KE9DR - Another fun sprint. Stayed on 20, some QRN and QRM. Thanks to all -KE9DR Bert .
AD0BL - Thanks. I really had fun!
AB3RU - Fun sprint tonight as usual. I started on 20m and planned to only stay for half an hour. I made a few calls but had better luck hunt and pounce. I stayed longer than I'd planned just because 20 was acting weird for me, with a deep qsb that took sigs from 9 to nothing. Maybe I was just hearing the band close, but it was interesting enough to hang around and listen. I moved to 40 and that was booming, then 80, which was also good until about the last 5 minutes when everything just sort of died out. Real fun night - see you all in the mW sprint - I finally have a QRPp rig :)
WV8DH - I had a rough start Because I forgot to download the latest data file so the first station I worked came up as a not member in GenLog. But it worked out and I still had a lot of fun. Thanks to all who put up with my sloppy CW tonight. I was tired. 72/73, Dave
N4WD - QRN, but lots of station, just hard to copy. Logging program locked up when light blinked, but rig still turning on battery..
KC4GIA - Missed a good bit of the sprint but had fun nevertheless. Thanks to all. .
KE8DI - Started on 20 and ended on 40. QSB was deep... Most reports were 599 or else I couldn't copy hihi. Hope everyone has a fun and safe field day! 73 Dave KE8DI
N4KS - Got in late, because I the utc date wrong. Operated 45 mins. Thanks for the Qs and 73, Ken
NO2D - Joined late. 20 quiet. 40 watery. 80 zippo. Only 3 contacts. Wore out my wrist calling cq na on 80 m during the last 15 minutes, but to no avail. Nevertheless, enjoyable, I guess. The sunspot cycle is going down fast here in Parker. Pete, no2d. .
N8ZYA - 20 meters was open longer than usual but still most contacts were on 40 tonight. There were some very strong signals from the NY area tonight. I was using a new radio so need to find out what method works best for me. The Sprint is always fun and a learning experience. .
KQ3Z - Rough conditions tonight at my QTH. Really worked hard to make the few that I made but one more than last month! Thanks for the contacts and thanks to those who make these Sprints and Newsletter happen. .
K3WWP - Strange condx this evening. I just wasn't being heard well on 40. Many many unanswered CQs. Either that or I wasn't hearing those answering me. I know there were three stations who called that I couldn't pull through the QSB/QRN. It was just storm QRN this evening. My local noise remains low. 20 meters wasn't at all good here - just two QSOs. 80 was a pleasant surprise even with the storm QRN there. I finished with 11 QSOs there in 17 minutes to close out the sprint. Lots of fun nevertheless as usual. Thanks to all whom I worked. Several on both 40 and 80 - W2SH W4DUK N1JI WG8Y.
N1JI - Thanks for the fun sprint everyone. Conditions weren't as good as last month, but I could still hear a lot of you out there. Sorry to the station who was calling me in the first hour that I couldn't copy... I tried! 73 & 72
AB1VL - Slow start, most activity was on 40M. Mixed S&P with some running on 40M and 20M. 40M got much better toward the end of the contest; picked up Qs from CO to FL. Heard many faint ones I that could not hear me. Good fun. Tnx as always to contest organizers!
N0MII - First NAQCC Sprint! Wish I'd have swapped antennas - would have been better off on 40 tonight.
NF8M - Got home and on late but 40 was in good shape. Welcome to the new members I worked - glad to have you in NAQCC. CU all next time es 72.
WB4OMM - Made the last 20 mins of the Sprint! And got two on 20...... Sorry folks...was prepping for the Sprint around 7:30pm local (around 2334 to be exact) and started hearing 6M phone signals BOOMING in on the radio. Short version - WOW! I quit my 6M "run" at 0132....and made 108 Qs - 65 grids (45 of them new!)- 29 States (17 new) - an average run of 66 per hour rate! (I had a 120 per hour and 90 per hour for two 10 min periods). I have NEVER heard 6M open like that before! So that's my pitiful excuse for missing most of you!!! 20 lashes with a wet noodle on me! (Yes, I made VUCC tonight.....). But I did mange the two Qs..in the last few minutes.....so, see you all next month! 72/73! Steve WB4OMM
KB3AAG - Another enjoyable evening. I ran only 8/10 of a watt but still 30 of you heard my CQs! I expect to be beat on this one as the band had noise and 5 watts would have done better. One more QRPp this month then I intend to whip up the power to 5 watts for field day. Frank
K1IEE - Started on 40M then went to 20m got 2 Q's on 80M and finished on 40M. Signals seemed to be weak on all bands. Some QRN on 40M but that was the band to be on. Good Sprint again. Thanks to all 73 Dick .
WD4OHD - Good propagation on 40m but a bit noisy. Conditions were very good on 20m tonight. First sprint I've been able to work in a while. Lots of fun, especially when band conditions are favorable. Best regards to all participants.
KI8JY - Thanks to all for a nice first NAQCC sprint - 73, Dave
WG8Y - Hi all,stayed on 20m 1st hr.Loaded with signal agn this month.Did Some S&Ping then called a while on 40m. 40 was also loaded with some gud sig. Worked my ole' QRP buddy from OH.Ron,NT8P.Gud to hear you Ron.Went to 80m the last 15 min.Wow,QRN from the storms south of me was S9+ at times.Called a couple times & worked John,K4BAI for the 3rd band.Thanks John. Had a couple more call me but the QRN was too much. Moved up band & found John,K3WWP calling for the 2nd band with him. Cool. It was great hearing so many signals tonite. Hope everyone had a fun time. I did.See ya all in the MW Sprint next week!72 From N.C. Mark WG8Y
W4DUK - Made a half dozen contacts on 20m before moving to 40m where I made the bulk of my contacts. Spent the last 20 minutes on 80m, where I made a few contacts before the Sprint ended. Some QRN on 80m but otherwise conditions not too bad. Another good time. Looking forward to the mW Sprint next week. 72/73 de Dave
AB8FJ - Very enjoyable sprint. Had to use the RIT control to tune in a few stations calling off frequency. 40 Meters only this evening. K3/10 at 5W to the Inverted L at 15 ft. Looking forward to the Milliwatt Sprint next week.
AL7JK - 72/73 to all ! Had fun this evening, trying out a new 20 mtr vertical mounted on the roof top @ 25ft, with a dozen elevated radials. Signals came and went down in the noise level, I heard but didnt work, K7TQ, KF6GC, N0TA and WK6L. Kept at it, KF7WNS Gary rose out of the noise floor here in southcentral Ak long enough for a Qso. Thanks for the contact Gary ! de AL7JK, John .
KB1WXC - Thanks for the fun - ! .
KJ4RV - 2nd time submitting log. This time with straight key. I had more fun. Thanks to Steve, KI4EZL for only instate QSO and multiplier.
KD9VT - I had a great time. I really enjoy sprints and contests. Thanks to all of you that put up with my sloppy code. I was trying a new key and am not very good with it. You are a great bunch and I am proud to be a part it. 72/73 Dave KD9VT
WZ2N - These things are an absolute blast. Thanks to all that make them happen! Worked "Back yard portable" tonight. The mosquitoes were brutal and next time I am going to throw a chair into the mix instead of sitting on the ground. Also, bugs don't work well when held or set on the ground as I learned before I made a single QSO so I opted to pound brass instead for the entire sprint. I started on 20m tonight but only managed a few before local QRM took over. 40m was hopping...After a S&P for a while, I inherited a frequency and worked the best string I ever have had the pleasure of being on the calling end of. I managed to nearly triple my previous best score! Thanks to all the stations I worked and great operating by everyone! Greg WZ2N
KF7WNS - Fun night...but only had an hour to play. Sorry to the stations I lost. 20m was there one minute and gone the next. I usually switch to my N/S wire to see if I can pick up John/AL7JK...yep good copy, and a bonus of Dick/AH6NM booming in from Hawaii. Thanks to all. 72, Gary .
AE7CG - Thanks to K2YGM, WB0PYF, KE8DI, K4BAI, AA2VG, and NN9K for 20M QSOs this month. Sorry I couldn't make the 2-way exchange with KF7WNS due to the QRM. Maybe we can try again next month, Gary! 72 to all from northern Arizona, Loren, AE7CG. .
N7QR - FT840, 1958 Vibroplex Presentation. 40 and 80 were dead. Only on for the first hour (had soccer tickets.) Appreciated contact with KF7DS, he took time to pass his handle. Thanks Don! My notes say I copied K7EW in WA, but I know he's in OR. Was he portable or mis-copied? Heard WB0PYF, N6IET and a couple of others, but couldn't connect. See you next month. .
WS1K - A great time as always. Conditions were fairly decent with some QRN. Most contacts were on 40. Had 2 on 80 and 1 on 20.
WB8LZG - HELLO SPRINTERS ! I only had 1/2 hr to play in sprint, my son visiting from N.D. es spending time wid family. 20m was barely open. Made a few q's there ,but tough going. 40 was playing well in Mich but seemed "short". Abig welcome to new mwmbers wid #'s over 8000. I worked 3 new ons tonight ! hope to hear many of u in the mw sprint next week. 73 Gregg .
KI4EZL - I had a load of fun using my Special Edition, Solid Brass, Kent Straight Key. Once again, the NAQCC event was a blast! 72, Steve KI4EZL. .
K4WLW - 20m was good for the first hour, but everyone was on top of each other and made it hard to copy. Spread out a little! 40m opened up for the last hour. 80m was impossible due to storms in the area. Had a great time, and thanks to everyone who puts on these sprints. KX3 to 125' end fed sloper. See you in the mW Sprint, and thanks to everyone that worked me and put up with my little peanut signal. 72 - Bill
N4MJ - Missed first half hour. Ouch! that hurts. 40m was noisy (QRN). 20m was fair. Didn't seem to be as much activity as usual, vacation time for some...73 de n4mj
K4RHG/1 - Another fun sprint. 40 Meters was working well. Thanks WX4RM for all your efforts trying to copy my call through the QRM. Maybe next month we'll have more luck.
VE3DQN - A discouraging evening at the Sprint. Couldn't hear folks, they couldn't hear me. Well, there's always next month....
K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, TH6DXX, dipole, zepp, inverted vee. 20M was wonderful for more than an hour, with strong signals from everywhere and no skip zone. Some of the loudest signals were from adjoining states, AL, TN, NC and FL. Also worked G3RSD, a member in England and stations from the W7 area. Heard one station in CA, but didn't get his call. No Canadians for some reason. 40 and 80 were very disappointing. Got all but one mult (CT) on 20. Activity low on 40 and almost none on 80. Thanks to WG8Y in NC for all three bands. QSOs by band: 20: 41. 40: 20. 80: 1. Lots of good fists out there. Thanks for all QSOs and look forward to next month. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
WB8ENE - Only heard a couple of very weak signals on 20 meters, so I had to make all of my contacts on 40 (don't have an antenna for 80 at this time). Thanks for the contacts. Elecraft K3 and Begali Blade. See you next time. 73, Art
K8RJW - Considering the band conditions lately I thought the score would be much worse. 40 meters was the band for me. Thanks to all those who participated. 72, Bob
K9JWV - In preparation for the milliwatt sprint next week, was on for a few minutes to ensure my QRPp rig is working fivers.
WA1GWH - Lots of QRN heard from up here near Syracuse, NY, but most sigs fairly strong. 72, Garry
AA4MZ - Band wasn't too good but had a good time. Thanks to all! .
KD3CA - As usual great fun , many thanks to those that called, sorry to those I missed. Bands a bit QSB at times . Many thanks for a couple that called & the nice chat. 73 to all Don .
N5GW - I was giving the K1 a workout using the J38 straight key. 20M sounded pretty good, staying open the whole time, but 40M was full of QRN from local rainstorms. Since my K1 board doesn't cover 80M, I did't have to worry about QRN there. It was good to hear lots of activity and run into some new call signs. I hope to hear many of you next week in the milliwatt sprint. .
K2YGM - Conditions here tonight were reasonable due to no line noise for a change. Heard many stns on 20 mtrs until the band died for me. Switched to 40 and had many stations calling CQ. Not much doing on 80 except the few regulars which always fill in the closer states for me such as W2JEK,W2SH,KB3AAG,N1JI, and of course K3WWP John. > Hope to see you all again next month. 72 de K2YGM Bob .
K2ZD - 20M was good, 40m poor, surprised to pick up QSO's on 80M. Looking forward to the next NAQCC Sprint. 73 Mario K2ZD .
WB5UAA - My IC-7300 into a 20M quarter wave ground plane at 20 feet seems to be a killer combo. Lots of new numbers this time around. A couple of you gave me your SKCC number? Was fun pounding on my Begali and Kent! Look forward to next month, 72!
WB3T - Used my new HW-8, just restored. I heard a lot of stations on the bands but not too many NA's, just a lot of ragchews so Q's were hard to come by, but it was fun hunting. Thanks for the contacts guys! .
W2SH - 20m was in good shape at the start and it was nice to have my CQ answered by G3RSP. 40m seemed lightly populated; the skip lengthened considerably in final hour. Few sigs were on 80m but all were strong.
W2JEK - Got on late. No activty heard on 20. Had one qso on 40. Then went to 80 and made ten qso's. Conditions not very good. Had fun on 80. 72 and 73 don W2JEK #1135
WB1GYZ - I never worked so hard for so few Q's. Let's blame sunspots, but a good time none the less. Three cheers for our volunteers!
WX4RM - I have heard intentional QRM on DXpeditions, but this is the first time I had somebody intentionally holding down their key while I was listening to my CQ responses, lasting half an hour till they got board. I am not DX, so why? Oh, well, changed bands and it stopped. Very good conditions on 20 tonite, even tho a thunderstorm rolled thru and knocked out the power once. I do not give up easy, was not going to let these good conditions go wasted. Storm passed over, I had a very good time all in all. Note: if there is lightning in your area, pull the plug and antenna! I am old, common sense has gone away hihi.
KB1M - 20 turned out better than I expected it was going to be, despite deep QSB. Was called by a G3, sadly not my frequency to reply on. Great evening, 73 Walt
K6MGO - Bands were strange this time, they started out bad and got worse, till the last half hour and then 40 opened a little, just enough to make 4 more contacts before the end of the sprint. Hope next month will be better. Tnx to all who answered me, and Tnx to all who work so hard to make this sprint happen. CU next month, 72, Bill k6mgo
K7EW - conditions here on 20 interesting but quite weak: nearly everything = faint! Still, I clearly heard MO, MI, NY, IL, FL, -and OR (nearby) 599 do the middle-westerners and eastern ops pay much attention to us "QRP weakies" 'way out here? 40 and 80 were nil! -that was my half-hour's worth! 72 .
KA2KGP - Good propagation & band conditions this sprint. 20m. was open for the first hr. Minor QRN on 40m. & 80m. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. and a straight key.
NN0SS - Thunderstorms passed thru the area prior to the sprint. Lots of QRN on the bands after.
WB0PYF - Good sprint condxs on 20m, not able to work entire sprint, KX3 ROCKS, thanks for all the contacts, 72 Ray
K3RLL - SOAPBOX: FT-817 to G5RVjr - Back in PA for the summer where it is SO much cooler and where there is an actual, genuine outdoor antenna. Wow, what a difference compared to the antenna restrictions of FL living. Thanks for all the skilled ops who pulled me out of the din this evening. 72/73 ... Don
N3MLB - I didn't get a chance to operate the full length of the sprint, but sure did have fun doing it. It was nice to hear the chirps and beeps on the ether.
AA4MI - AA4MI- after waiting for more than 3 weeks since the last SPRINT, a thunderstorm arrives over my QTH. Lightning included. After the storm lessened the QRN became dominant. Stil I'm looking forward to our next event.
K4KRW - Great hearing everyone. Sorry I couldn't spend much time with the sprint. 73 Richard
WA2FBN - Another fun sprint. LNR LD5 at 5w into end fed sloper antenna. Used a CW touch paddle; still getting used to it. Thanks to all who worked me. Bands were noisy at my location. 72 Ken
N0WKZ - Thank you!
AA0W - Hvy QRN Local Storms
AA9WP - It has been quite some time since sending in a log. Noisy night with thunderstorms in the area. But 40 m did a good, although signals sometimes came and went. See everyone soon
AC4PA - My first NAQCC Sprint. It was fun! I like sprints!
W2BJN - Ten-Tec O7 @ 5W to 65 ft end fed wire up 18 ft. Started on 20m and found good band conditions. Picked up first 30 contacts in little over an hour. Really enjoyed this Sprint! Thanks to all for your patience, repeats and fills. See ya'll next week. 72, Joel
VE3GNU - lots of noise here in Eastern Ontario---slow starting, and getting better as the evening progressed. Argonaut V and a Bencher paddle. Thanks to all for participating---and for the patience required.
KB1UOH - Enjoyed trying although the conditions were not so good here.
Andy N2CN is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to .
John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to .
IMPORTANT: If you operate the sprint in a different state from your home state - OR - If you operate the sprint with a call different from what you used in previous sprints, please notify us in a separate email to the NAQCC33 email address. Thanks to W4TYD, AA4MZ (ex-AI4VA), and KM5DY for doing so this month.
See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint.
RULES specific to this month's sprint: None
Date and time:
Wednesday, June 15, 2016 0030-0230Z
Entry Deadline:
All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint.