Mar 2016 QRP/CW Sprint (#137) K3WWP Comments - The time for questions about scoring is over. The results below are now final. KF0U Comments - Finished with 116 logs for this month. Great job everyone. I appreciate all your help in catching the errors. See you in May. Final Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division KN1H 31 31 62 19 1178 x2 2356 Dpl @50' K1IEE 21 21 42 14 588 x2 1176 OCF long wire @30' K1IX 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 HB OCFD @38' AB1DQ 12 12 24 12 288 x2 576 OCF dpl @20' K1SX 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 Dpl @30' KB1WXC 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Inv V @50' K1PJS 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80M dpl @35' KB1WOD 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 OCF Dpl 80-6m W2 Division W2SH 40 40 80 23 1840 x2 3680 270' dpl @45' KA2KGP 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 Dpl @25' WA2NYY 23 23 46 13 598 x2 1196 80m OCF dpl @30' WA2JSG 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 Vertical elevated @10' W2JEK 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 110' end fed wire @20' W3 Division KQ3Z 31 31 62 19 1178 x2 2356 135' inverted doublet @40' KD3CA 30 29 59 19 1121 x2 2242 132' ocf windom @33' N3MLB 20 19 39 14 546 x2 1092 Grnd Vert w/50 radials K3JZD 17 16 33 14 462 x2 924 Dpl @25' AB3RU 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 G7FEK @33' W3TTT 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 80M 1/2L dpl @60' ladder line WB3FAE 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 90' end fed @30' W4 Division K4KRW 42 40 82 23 1886 x2 3772 Dpl @25' WG8Y 30 30 60 20 1200 x2 2400 40-80 hb dp @40' & grd mt 20m vert AF4HL 28 28 56 19 1064 x2 2128 LW @60' KJ4R 25 24 49 17 833 x2 1666 1/4 wave vertical NJ4V 27 27 54 13 702 x2 1404 Fan dpl for 40m & 80m @55' W4KRN 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 InV @50' K4JPN 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Zepp W4DUK 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 End-fed Zepp @20' NA4O 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 Dpl @45' N4FI 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Attic dipole - 120' random wire @25' WA4SPJ 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 EFLW @30' KK4BE 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Dpl @30' KC6CNN 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 InvV @40' $K6BFA 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @50' W5 Division KA5TJS 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 80 mtr dpl @30' KG5HCF 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Grnd mnt vertical 40m & dpl @30' WB5UAA 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 300' Dpl @30' KA5PVB 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 G5RV @30' AB5XM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Elev 1/4 wave 20m wire vert @24' WI5H 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Loop @20' KE5YUM 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Buddistick W6 Division K6MGO 11 11 22 6 132 x2 264 50' Doublet in garage rafters WB0USI 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Vert @25' W7 Division AA7VW 28 26 54 17 918 x2 1836 20m dpl @40', 80m dpl @40' K7EW 21 19 40 13 520 x2 1040 Gnd mtd vert +2 rad/bnd WD7Y 22 22 44 12 528 x2 1056 88' Doublet @30' KC7DM 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 135' dpl @60' KF7WNS 13 12 25 8 200 x2 400 3 Wavelength 20M Long Wire @45' K9JWV 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 Inverted U wire antenna - 160 through 20 W7YSB 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Fan dpl @30' W8 Division WB8LZG 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 Dpl @30' N8BB 21 20 41 10 410 x2 820 Dpl @50' N8XMS 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 R7 Vertical N8ZYA 13 12 25 13 325 x2 650 Indoor Random Wire NF8M 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 80m OCF dpl @35' AB8DY 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Off Center Fed Dipole @40' AB8SA 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Inv V @25' NX8L 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Dpl @30' KA8KUF 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 Windom @30' WB8ENE 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 40M dipole @15' W9 Division W9CC 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 6BTV WA9VEE 18 18 36 10 360 x2 720 30' wire across roof @17' at peak AA9L 10 9 19 8 152 x2 304 Trap dpl @45' KA9FQG 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @37' N9SE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Inverted Vee @68' W0 Division N0TA 39 38 77 22 1694 x2 3388 Doublet @30' & 1/4 gnd mtd vertical KA8HDE 26 25 51 19 1063 x2 2126 G5RV @30' AA0W 20 20 40 11 440 x2 880 Dpl NN0SS 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 80 meter inverted v @30' K0FNR 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Vert @5' w/2 radials KB0ETU 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Dpl @35' Canada Division VE3DVC 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 Inv Vee @40' VE3DQN 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 20/40m vertical, 80m dpl @25' VE3EDX 8 8 16 7 92 x2 184 Gnd Mtd Vertical DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division W2 Division W3 Division K3WWP 30 29 59 24 1416 x1.5 2124 ~110' attic rnd wire W4 Division AK4NY 18 18 36 14 504 x1.5 756 G5RV @35' W5 Division W5ODS 18 18 36 15 540 x1.5 810 G5RV @50' NF5U 15 15 30 11 330 x1.5 495 40/80m trap dipole @33' W6 Division W7 Division N7QR 8 8 16 6 96 x1.5 144 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials W8 Division W9 Division W0 Division KD0V 34 33 67 15 1005 x1.5 1508 CF Zepp @50' Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division N2CN 35 35 70 23 1610 1610 ZS6BKW @60' KB1M 9 9 18 7 126 126 40 mtr dpl, 20 mtr invV @30' N1JI 9 9 18 6 108 108 163' doublet @25' KC1DVT 6 6 12 5 60 60 EFHW @50' W2 Division K2YGM 40 40 80 21 1680 1680 80- EFHW, 20/40- G5RV mini N2ESE 20 20 40 9 360 360 80mtr ocf @25' K2EYS 6 6 12 5 70 70 G5RV @40' W3 Division KB3AAG 38 38 76 18 1368 1368 Vert loop top @30' KC3RN 24 24 48 19 912 912 G5RV Junior @45' W3ZR 1 1 2 1 2 2 Dpl @35' W4 Division N4MJ 38 38 76 18 1368 1368 Windom W2BJN 12 12 24 9 216 216 End Fed 65' Wire @18' K3RLL 10 10 20 8 160 160 HoA Special Black Vertical KW4MG 10 10 20 8 160 160 Multi-band trap dipole in attic KU4A 9 9 18 8 144 144 40m slp dipole, 80m 1/4-wave sloper K4RHG 7 7 14 6 84 84 Stealth Long Wire K4WLW 5 5 10 4 40 40 End Fed Sloper AA4MI 5 5 10 3 30 30 Dpl @20' W5 Division N3CI 2 2 4 2 8 8 33' EF wire W6 Division N6IET 12 11 23 7 161 161 Hy-Gain AV-680 vert @70' KG6UBG 6 6 12 6 72 72 OCFD @30' NT6N 1 1 2 1 2 2 Comet vertical @20' W7 Division AA7CU 1 1 2 1 2 2 6' mobile whip @12' using 8 radials W8 Division KE8DI 44 43 87 23 2001 2001 130' doublet @40' N8DNA 41 40 81 23 1863 1863 End fed 130' wire @30' AB8FJ 29 29 58 19 1102 1102 Inverted L @15' WV8DH 14 14 28 11 308 308 ZS6BKW(G5RV) @32' WA8SAN 11 11 22 9 198 198 G5RV @25' W9 Division KD9VT 1 1 2 1 2 2 G5RV @38' W0 Division K9OSC 48 48 96 26 2496 2496 CF Zepp @30', HB Rotary Dipole NO2D 10 10 20 8 160 160 80 M doublet @30' WD0K 7 7 14 7 98 98 Delta loop @30' KA3LOC 6 6 12 6 72 72 40M Delta Loop N0AR 5 5 10 5 50 50 43' vert & 80 mtr loop Canada Division VE3GNU 9 9 18 7 126 126 Multiband-dpl @35' DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key NQ2W 12 12 24 10 120 x2 240 Mini beam @25', Inv V @40' Bug Keyer/Keyboard Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
STATS: Logs submitted: 116 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 169 Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,723 States represented: 38 + AB ON + CMSOAPBOX: W3ZR - First sprint ever since getting a job that allows me to be here, and wouldn't you know it a thunderstorm decided to stop. AB3RU - Fun night tonight and many stations on 40. Made 10 contacts and called it a night because I'm super sleepy. See you all next time! K3WWP - Not bad at all! 30 QSOs in under an hour. Wonder how I would have wound up had I not made a commitment to help my neighbor with a dog walk and a couple other things at 9:30P. Superb conditions on 40 this evening all the way out to KS and NE and down to FL. Apologies to Bob K9OSC. I suffered brain freeze while working you, but finally got you in the log correctly. Everyone was well above my unusually low S4 to S5 noise level. If I feel it will be this good again in April, I'll change the arrangements with my neighbor and go for the full two hours again. Well, I'm late. Got to get over next door now. K3RLL - K3 to subversive HoA temporary vertical - Nice to hear 20m open this evening, if only for a little while down here. Some good signals tonight and nice to end up my string of ten with John, K3WWP. Hope to do more P-Ops with you this summer in PA, John. Tnx for the fun hour. 72/73 ... Don N1JI - This was the first time that I've made sprint contacts on all three bands. Conditions were good in NH tonight, but it seemed that I was hearing everyone on 40 meters better than they were hearing me. Furthest contact was AA7VW (2516 miles) and closest was K1PJS (3/10 of a mile). KB0ETU - Sorry guys, but a bit under the weather tonight. This sprint was very irritating to me. Think the noise got to me. Anyway, not much to report, but at least I participated. Hope to hear some of you in the SKCC SKS coming up shortly. Used a K-2 @ 5 watts to G5RV up 35 feet. 72, Phil WD0K - Greetings Gang! Really nice signals into MN here tonight. 40 and 80 were actually quiet. 40 was long for so early in evening. Short sprint due too other events. 72 to all! Rich / wd0k KC6CNN - Will try harder next month. My frist time doing this. Harder than I thought and running qrp made it hard too, but it was fun. K9JWV - Using a new Inverted U antenna and very happy with the results. Operated for .5 hours and enjoyed 80 meter QSOs. AB1DQ - As usual had fun, thanks. WA2JSG - Nice casual easy going sprint this evening, and bands here were decent shape. Ran my IC-7000 at 5 watts to an all-band vertical on 40m and 80m. Big ole Kent Straight Key. After a long day in the salt-mines, it's nice to relax with my friends here in the sprints. Thanks to all that worked me, and always thanks to those that put this event together. KE8DI - Another exciting NAQCC Sprint. This month I decided to run in keyer mode - mostly becuase I was busy diving into another project right up intil sprint time and didn't want to reach around the radio to switch keys. I worked 20 40 and 80 tonight as the DST change gave some early propagation to the west on 20. Would like to see more zero-beating. See you all again next month. - Dave KE8DI WV8DH - Bands were noisy but better. Still having a lot of fun. 72 Dave WV8DH K1IX - Good activity with great signals...fun time ! AB8FJ - Great sprint this evening. Decided to try running on both 40 and 80 and enjoyed working everyone who dropped by my frequency. Rig used was my K3/10 at 5W to the Inverted L. Looking forward to the next sprint! AB8SA - Had a great time! Unfortunately it was quite noisy this evening. Look forward to next month. KJ4R - Good band conditions tonight on 40. Dusted off my old straight key and plugged it into my PFR3B. Thanks to everyone who put up with my rusty fist. Looking forward to next month. 72 NJ4V - Good to be back in the sprint been away for a few months. Most of the action was on 40 until the second hour then all the action shifted to 80 down here in GA. Bands seemed to be in good condition for the sprint. WA2NYY - Got a late start tonight with a few QSOs on 40 and then on to 80. Strong signals on 80 tonight. Had a few good runs and think I got everyone I could hear. Another enjoyable sprint. 72 Mark K3JZD - 40 meters was pretty free of QRN this evening - made it a good night for QRP. Had a couple callers I just couldn't quite pull out of the noise level though. RXTX SDR with MX-PA50M running 5 watts. 40m Dipole. Jody - K3JZD - Pittsburgh PA KN1H - Static crashes caused a lot of requests for repeats, sorry about that! Now that we're in DST, 20 was a lot more usable. Great to hear everyone on tonite. 73, John, KN1H NO2D - 20 m open and quiet with good sigs. But everyone seemed to be down on 40 m, so I went down there. Thanks to all who make the sprints possible. They are fun, entertaining, and educational. Pete, NO2D K4KRW - A fun night as always. This was the first time in a while I was able to work the entire sprint. 40 meters was great here. I didn't hear much on 80m until the last half hour. Welcome AI2T. Join up and get a number. It was great hearing everyone. I had to pull a few out of the noise with the peaking filter. That is always fun. The rest of the signals were quite good. Thanks everyone. Richard KF7WNS - Didn't have much time to operate this month, but 40m was in great shape. Sorry to those I missed, see you next month. N2CN - There was activity on all bands this evening, but QRN at times everywhere. 80m was the most productive, with lots of local stations heard, and a few distant surprises. Rig was K3 with Begali HST-2 paddle. K1IEE - Another great sprint. Started on 40M and stayed until last half hour. Then 80M. Both bands had good conditions. Thanks to all 73 Dick WG8Y - Hi all,Worked in the yard all day & was beat. Just planned on making a few S&P Q's then go relax. Well wound up playing the full 2 hrs. Some gud signals on 20M but only made 3 Q's then went band hoping.Settled in on 40 and called a bit.Last half hour went back to 80m. Lots of really gud signals. Lots of fun.Hey John, K3WWP,you were coming into NC great tonite. Also N2CN was really loud on 80M Started out tired but was feeling pretty gud after the sprint. Thanks all for a relaxing 2hrs. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y W7YSB - I was only able to operate the last half hour. 72 Eldon K2YGM - Great time as usual. 40M was the better band tonight with a few QSOs on 80. Didnt hear anything on 20. See you all next month. 72 Bob K2YGM K2EYS - Bands were good tonight. Started a little late and then go into a rag chew for quite a while but I had fun. Been a while seen I have do one of these sprints. Thanks for having them, Terry K2EYS KB3AAG - A fine sprint tonight! Our members have to have the best ears around! Tonight I ran only 2 watts and still did fine (I think!). Thanks to KC7DM I even got to the west coast again! All but one of my contacts were replies to my 2 watt CQs. I think the last few days it has rained green grass here in the holler, darn mowing time comes again but by local tradition not before Easter. Hope to see youall next month. I plan to run 1.5 watts unless I am beat this time. Frank AF4HL - Not the best condx but still great fun! N8YZA - Great conditions tonight into WV. The first contact with a coast to coast contact with AA7VW in Oregon and N0TA coming in second from Colorado. The signals then turned Northward mostly with stations from Ontario, Maine, New Hampshire, NY etc to NC, Alabama,and Georgia -- up and down the eastern coast. My very last contact was CO8RRM in Cuba. I've worked Raphael several times before on 40 meters. It was nice to hear him again. The station here is pretty simple with an indoor random wire and living next to an eleven story apartment building in town. It was one of my better nights! WA9VEE - Back after 5 years QRT. Great stuff. N7QR - IC706 with a 1958 Vibroplex presentation. (Oops, started out working split left on from chasing DX. Wondered why no one answered at first.) Noticed that even though I do call CQ, all my contacts are hunt and pounce. Heard about a half dozen more but couldn't pull 'em out or make myself heard. Took out 20 minutes to work our local 10 M slow speed net. Personal best for QSOs and points. See ya all next month. N3CI - Very high noise level here. Had several busted QSOs as a result. About 40 minutes into the test my wife reported a pack of coyotes near our residence so I went QRT to handle that. Better luck next time. NQ2W - Survivor was on so I started late. 3 QSOs on 20, the rest on 40. Thanks to the NAQCC for the opportunity. Hope to hear you all next month. 72, Will WI5H - Got home in time to catch the last half hour. Plenty of QRN and QSB here in West Texas. Thanks to the guys that pulled me out. 72 ,til next time, Mike KB1WXC - A good deal of static crashes on 80m tonight but many strong signals. Thanks for another enjoyable sprint! KA5PVB - Not many Q's this Sprint, BUT lot's of fun getting contacts at 5 watts output into G5RV antenna. Answered a lot of CQ's but NO JOY, got some activity with my own CQ-ing! Be back next month for more FUN! KE5YUM - I could only spend 30 minutes on the sprint, so I was low on contacts. 20 meters was long and I worked W4DUK right off the bat, but QRM kicked in and made copying difficult. Thanks to W2NRA for trying to work me. All the best, Terry N8BB - Think I worked a few new ones tonight. Had a fun evening and really enjoyed seeing some higher numbers getting into the fun. KC3RN - I had a little over an hour of operating time. Then my grandson (who just turned 2) came for a sleep-over, so it was time to shut the radio down! Conditions seemed pretty good here, and I enjoyed operating the IC-7100. Thanks to KF7WNS for OR (a new QRP Sprint "DX" for me) and to Jon, AB3RU, who I missed last month. Best 72 to all from KC3RN. N4MJ - A good evening of chasing. Worked several new calls/numbers. Congrats to new Ops. Looking forward to working you again. 73 de n4mj WB8ENE - Didn't see any activity on 15 meters, so I switched to 40. Later, I realized that 15 meters was not a valid band for the NAQCC sprint. I guess I was really tired. Made a few contacts on 40 though. Thanks, and see you next time. 73, Art KQ3Z - Wow what a night! Started the first hour on 40 then the band just died. Went to 80 but it wasn't as good as 40. Still not a bad night and worked a lot of new ones. No problem tonight with the straight key after a rebuild. Thanks to all for the contacts and sorry to those I couldn't pull out of the noise. Special thanks to all who work behind the scenes to make these Sprints and the Newsletter. It's much appreciated. Might not be on next month. Getting total knee replacement 3 days before April Sprint. But back in May with my new knee as an extra radial. HI HI. 72's Bernie KA2KGP - Decent band conditions here in WNY, even 20m. open a while. Nice turnout this sprint. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. and a straight key. KA5TJS - I got 3 on 20 meters but not real good here in East TX. Dropped down to 40 and picked up 4 more. Just played for about 1 hour. Used the Icom 7410 @ 5 watts and the 80 meter dipole. See you all next month. I will be used to the time change by then! K4WLW - Missed the last few Sprints, and only had the first hour for this one, but had fun. 40 was the only band working for me here in Florida. 20 was dead and didn't hear anyone on 80. Thanks to all who worked me. KX3 at 5W. 125' End Fed Sloper. See you next month. 72 AB8DY - This was my first NAQCC Sprint, really enjoyed myself. KD3CA - A Fun evening, Many thanks to all for the contacts, & those that stopped by to say hello . 72 , 73 Don WB8LZG - Hello Sprinters ! I fired up the Argo 509 on battery power agn last night. Good night on the bands last eve. at least there were lots of signals to work ! Plus with the time change 20m was open fer a bit and I gathered a few mults there. 40 was good , but I did not hear ANY 1 landers, and my usual "beeline" into Texas was not there. I did work many states 2 and 3 times tho. (5 fer MN !) Also worked several new members as well as Old Friends.I even jumped to 80m fer a few QSO's . Lots of fun. see u all next month. 73 Gregg KW4MG - Only my second NAQCC sprint and enjoyed it very much. Don't usually operate QRP, but the contest makes me realize how power isn't everything. K7EW - KX-3 + battered/salvaged McElroy TAC condx sinif'better than numerous previous, but still, no WA, ID, MT BC, WY, AK heard! 80 was nil heard but not worked = NH CT OK...I apparently topped my (pathetic) previous best score/HOORAY! plus a vy nice 20min QSO with KB0W above Lake Tahoe many thanks to all! KU4A - Best signals I've heard on 40m in quite awhile. But that meant more QRM. Only put a half-hour in but enjoyed it as always. VE3GNU - Been absent for a while, and good to be back to share the experience will quality operators--- K4JPN - Did not work anyone on 80M due to QRN, heavy QRN on 40M and 20M could not raise anyone. 72, Steve K4JPN K1SX - Easy to get 10 in a half hour. Wish I had time to try 80 as it looked very active. tnx 73 KB1WOD - So other station can get credit for qsos KG6UBG - band conditions very gud. heard more stations than I cud work (lousy op) 73 mike/kg6ubg KB1M - Wasted way to much time trying to get a west coast station, also must get confidence to call CQ. AA7VW - Another fun event. Signals on 20 meters were not strong but generally good copy. Plenty of 20m activity up to 0130Z but after that they were as rare as rain drops on the Gobi Desert. 40 meters had a few signals and 80 meters had none that I heard. Pretty typical for this part of the country. This is an event that I always enjoy especially now that I am back in my home with wire back up in the air. Always looking forward to the next time. Thanks to all of you. N8XMS - As usual for one of our Wednesday sprints I was late starting due to church activities. I operated for a little over an hour and had a pretty good evening with 18 QSOs. All on 40 meters. NN0SS - Lots of action on 40 meters K6MGO - Started out 20m was open, so worked 20 for an hour before it closed then went to 40m for the rest of the sprint. There was a member who was calling CQ on 20m who just kept calling CQNA and sending his call, over and over without thaking a break to listen very often. I won't embarrass that person by giving his call, but if you think it was you, you missed at least one contact by not keeping your CQs and Call sign brief and listening for a responce. The band was pretty decent and had fun making contacts just about from start to finish. CU next month, 73/72 to all. W3TTT - TNX AGN FOR THE BEAUTIFUL SPRINT. IT WAS JAM PACKED ON 40. GLAD I HAVE AN AUDIO FILTER. IT PROVES WHAT CAN BE DONE WITH 5 WATTS. PEOPLE WITH LOW (THREE DIGIT) NUMBERS SHOULD SEND IT WITH A LEADING ZERO (FOR CLARITY). W2JEK - Got on late. Started on 40, then to 80. Good conditions. Rig Yaesu ft-840 at 5W to end fed wire. SPEEDX key. Had a good time. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 AA4MI - Condx were better than last month but fewr stations were QSOed. Noise level was stil "Winter" type; no Tstorms. But still fun. 72, Carl AA4MI KG5HCF - TNX NAGCC ENJOYED THE SPRINT AS ALWAYS N8DNA - Tried 20M at start of the sprint. I heard nothing. Too bad! I could have maybe worked some farther west multipliers! This sprint was fun-glad I participated! NF8M - Best condx on 40 that I've heard in a long time. Quiet and gud sigs all around. Even 80 wasn't too noisy. TNX es cu next month. AA9L - Used a Ten Tec Century 22. Realized that a DC receiver takes a lot of skill to operate. It reminded me of the days when I used a Heathkit HW-8 while camping and on a fishing trip to Canada. It was challenging but fun. 40 meters was loaded with NAQCC calls. Thanks to all that put up with my requests to repeat. 73, Rich WB2BJN - O7 @ 5W to end fed wire up 18 feet. Band condx on 20m and 40m seemed improved over last month. Hope to be on 80m soon from my 'restricted' neighborhood. See ya'll next month. 72, Joel AA0W - East coast early West coast late 40 open thru the sprint. N6IET - All worked using Ten-Tec Patriot on battery pwr w/SKCC straight key. W2SH - Conditions were extremely nice. A brief mid-afternoon thunderstorm took away the QRN. 20m behaved predictably, giving a healthy upward burp a few minutes before it died at 0100Z, making it possible for me to QSO three west coast stations that I could hear but not work in the sprint's first 20 minutes. 40m was full of signals in an otherwise quiet environment with stations spread out over a 10 kHz range. Activity on 80m became respectably active in the final half hour. Participants steered clear of the traffic nets that are QRV at 0200Z. Almost all sigs were 599. A TenTec 539 and Junker straight key were used. K4RHG - AA7VW was my sprint's first QSO 2,600 miles away in Oregon. Vernon boomed into Naples, FL all evening with a great signal. W4KRN - On 80m last 40 mins of the Sprint. All 579 to 599 signals. Thanks everyone for the contacts. Hope to cu all next month. 72 KD9VT - I am brand new to CW and QRP. I am also a brand new member. I didn't get started until 0200 and only had two contacts but it was fun and I will be ready next month. N0AR - The luck of the Irish sure wasn't with me tonight. Computer issues and finally gave up on that for a paper log. Then things really went nuts made a couple of Q's an that was it. Frustration set in, the dog caught on and wanted her walk (hey if all you're going to do is sit there and look at the radio, lets go!) OK back in the saddle and issues worked out, of course operator error. Once again I know why we practice. Good to work those that I did. 72's Scott N0AR AA4MI - Condx were better than last month but fewr stations were QSOed. Noise level was still "Winter" type; no Tstorms. But still fun. 72, Carl AA4MI Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: None Date and time: Thursday, March 17, 2016 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |