Nov 2015 QRP/CW Sprint (#133)
N2CN Comments - 121 logs received, a very good turnout. Thank you everyone for your participation.
K3WWP Comments - One person sent his log to Corey instead of Andy so we actually have 122. I added him to the page below. The cross-checking is complete and the time for score questions is past so the results are now completely final.
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
KN1H 20 20 40 17 680 x2 1360 END FED WIRE @50'
KB1WOD 13 13 26 8 208 x2 416 Ocf 80-6m dipole@40'
W1ZU 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 100' Doublet at 35 feet
AB1DQ 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 OCF DIPOLE UP 20'
K1IX 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 HB OCFD @35'
N1JI 5 5 10 2 20 x2 40 163' doublet with drooping ends
KQ1P 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80m loop@30'
KB1UOH 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 Vertical
W2 Division
W2SH 31 31 62 16 992 x2 1984 270' dpl@45'
KA2KGP 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 Dipole up 25 ft.
NQ2W 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 Inv V @40', gnd mtd vert
N2HTT 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 135' doublet at 35'
WA2JSG 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 Vertical elevated at 10'
W2JEK 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 End fed wire up 20 ft
KD2MX 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 600' WIRE @20'
KC2VBU 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Carolina Windom @45ft
WA2NYY 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80m OCF dipole at 30'
W3 Division
KQ3Z 44 43 87 20 1740 x2 3480 135' Doublet @ 40'
AB3RU 33 33 66 18 1188 x2 2376 G7FEK@33'
KD3CA 29 29 58 13 754 x2 1508 132 ft Windom @33 ft
WB3FAE 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 90' end fed at 30' & 20M delta loop
W3TTT 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 80M DIPOLE UP 60 FT LADDER LINE TUNER
K3JZD 7 6 13 7 91 x2 182 40m dpl @ 25'
W4 Division
N4KS 49 49 98 21 2058 x2 4116 40m CF Zepp @ 33 ft
NJ4V 42 42 84 23 1932 x2 3864 80m & 40m fan dipole at 50'
WG8Y 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 HB 40-80 DP @40ft & hb 20m grd mt vert
N4SX 20 20 40 16 640 x2 1280 W5GI Mystery Antenna at 38'
WX4RM 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 6BTV gnd mtd vert
WD4OHD 22 21 43 13 559 x2 1118 80m & 40m dipoles, 20m vertical
WA2EDN 21 21 42 11 462 x2 924 Dipole up 30 ft
NA4O 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 Inv L 45' tall, dpl@45'
N4FI 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 110' random wire @ 25'
N2WZP 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Dipole @ 20'
K3RLL 7 5 12 4 48 x2 96 Nighttime Stealth Vertical
W4DUK 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 End-fed Zepp @20'
N4TMM 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Cushcraft R7 Vertical at 10 feet
K4JPN 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Zepp
W5 Division
WI5H 13 13 26 12 312 x2 624 Loop@20'
W5WIL 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 240' doublet @ 30'
WB5UAA 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 300'dpl@30'
W5IQS 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 OCF Dipole @ 30'
KK4UGD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dpl@25'
KE5YUM 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Random wire at 20 feet
W6 Division
WK6L 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 Windom(Inverted Vee),Up 35ft, 40M/20M
K6MGO 6 5 11 4 44 x2 88 50' doublet in garage
WH7TT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 20M Delta Loop@30' and 40M Dipole at 30'
W6FPS 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Vertical
W6SQQ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 G5RV as inverted vee, 45 ft at apex.
W7 Division
KF7WNS 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 3 Wave Length 20M Long Wire @ 45'
KC7DM 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 135' dpl @ 60 ft
WD7Y 20 20 40 9 360 x2 720 88 ft doublet 30 ft high
KE7YTE 8 7 15 7 105 x2 210 Vertical Dipole fed @ 18'
K9JWV 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Top loaded 30' vertical
K7EW 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Gnd mtd vert + 2 rad/band
W8 Division
WA8AXF 31 31 62 23 1426 x2 2852 130' Doublet @ 40'
WB8LZG 15 13 28 9 252 x2 504 Dpl @ 30'
N8XMS 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 R7 Vertical
NF8M 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 80m OCF dpl @35ft on 40/160 inv L on 80m
K8RJW 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 6BTV @ 15'
KA8KUF 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 Windom at 30'
N8BB 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dipole@50'
WB8ENE 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40M dipole @ 15'
W9 Division
W9CC 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 80M End Fed
KA9FQG 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @ 37ft
W0 Division
N0TA 35 35 70 19 1330 x2 2660 Doublet @30' & 1/4 wave vertical gnd mnt
WB0PYF 23 22 45 14 630 x2 1260 Dipole @ 55'
K0EUN 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Hamstick 40m dipole @ 15'
K0ALN 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 QSO King @ 40'
AA0W 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Dipole
K8UDH 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Inv V @ 30'
Canada Division
VE2TH 17 16 33 13 429 x2 858 INV V @ 32 FT
VE3FUJ 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 130' long wire @ 12-30'
VE7HI 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Cushcraft vert 8 ft off ground
VE3DVC 6 6 12 3 36 x2 72 Inv Vee @40'
VA3NU 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 88' invertedv @25'
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
W3 Division
K3WWP 21 21 42 17 714 x1.5 1071 ~110' attic random wire
W4 Division
AK4NY 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 G5RV @ 35'
W5 Division
NF5U 26 26 52 19 988 x1.5 1482 40/80m trap dipole at 33ft
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7QR 3 3 6 2 12 x1.5 18 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials
W8 Division
AB8FJ 10 10 20 6 120 x1.5 180 Inverted L@15'
KD8WA 7 7 14 5 70 x1.5 105 G5RV@32'
K8SMS 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 Elev. vertical
W8LU 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 Elev. vertical
W9 Division
AA9L 19 19 38 13 494 x1.5 741 Trap dipole @ 50 feet
W0 Division
KD0V 32 30 62 19 1178 x1.5 1767 Cf Zepp @ 50Ft
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
N2CN 33 32 65 19 1235 1235 ZS6BKW @ 60'
KB1M 4 4 8 4 32 32 Dpl@25'
W2 Division
K2YGM 40 38 78 17 1326 1326 80- EFHW, 20/40- G5RV mini
WA2FBN 9 9 18 8 144 144 Dipole@25ft
N2ESE 5 5 10 5 50 50 80mtr.OCF@25ft
N2JJF 4 4 8 4 32 32 G5RV JUNIOR at 25 Feet
K2ZC 1 1 2 1 2 2 Dipole@ 25'
W3 Division
!WB3T 1 1 2 1 2 2 Dipole@20'
W4 Division
N4MJ 41 39 80 21 1680 1680 Extended Double Zepp
WA4SPJ 12 12 24 9 216 216 Long wire @ 30'
KU4A 8 8 16 6 96 96 Slp dip @ 40 feet
W5 Division
N5GW 42 41 83 24 1992 1992 Vert T metal roof gnd
N5RWK 3 3 6 3 18 18 EFHW-8010@35'
N5BGZ 2 2 4 2 8 8 Dpl@15 ft
W6 Division
KG6TGI 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long Wire in Actic
W7 Division
W4OEP 10 10 20 7 140 140 160M Inverted L at 30 feet
N0DA 9 9 18 7 126 126 G5RV@50'
AA7CU 3 3 6 3 18 18 Mobile whip @ 12'
W8 Division
AC8JW 13 13 26 9 234 234 Horizontal loop
WA8SAN 11 10 21 8 168 168 G5RV @ 25 Ft.
K8AX 7 7 14 5 70 70 InvL@36'
N8NK 8 8 16 4 64 64 25 foot indoor end fed wire
N8ZYA 5 5 10 5 50 50 Indoor Random Wire- 50 ft.
NX8L 5 4 9 5 45 45 G5RV
W9 Division
N9SE 49 49 98 21 2058 2058 Dipole @68 feet
K9FO 30 30 60 17 1020 1020 20, 40 dipoles; 80 long wire
N9KR 11 11 22 8 176 176 DIPOLE
N9WAY 5 5 10 4 40 40 40m OCF dipole @ 30 ft.
AB9YC 1 1 2 1 2 2 Dipole at 20 feet
W0 Division
WD0K 11 11 22 7 154 154 Center fed zepp
NO2D 7 6 13 7 91 91 80 M doublet @ 32 feet
KE0CU 5 5 10 5 50 50 Grnd mntd vertical
Canada Division
VE3DXK 17 17 34 10 340 340 95ft EFLW
VE7GM 2 2 4 2 8 8 2 bnd EFHW@4m
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
K4BAI 54 52 106 26 2756 x2 5512 TH6DXX at 55'; 40M dip, 80M inv, zepp.
K7TQ 29 27 56 21 1176 x2 2352 2el yagi@60'
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | KN1H | KB1WOD | - |
W2 | W2SH | KA2KGP | - |
W3 | KQ3Z | AB3RU | - |
W4 | N4KS | NJ4V | WG8Y |
W5 | WI5H | W5WIL | - |
W6 | WK6L | K6MGO | - |
W7 | KF7WNS | KC7DM | - |
W8 | WA8AXF | WB8LZG | - |
W9 | W9CC | - | - |
W0 | N0TA | WB0PYF | - |
Canada | VE2TH | VE3FUJ | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | - | - | - |
W3 | K3WWP | - | - |
W4 | AK4NY | - | - |
W5 | NF5U | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7QR | - | - |
W8 | AB8FJ | - | - |
W9 | AA9L | - | - |
W0 | KD0V | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | N2CN | - | - |
W2 | K2YGM | WA2FBN | - |
W3 | - | - | - |
W4 | N4MJ | - | - |
W5 | N5GW | - | - |
W6 | KG6TGI | - | - |
W7 | W4OEP | - | - |
W8 | AC8JW | WA8SAN | - |
W9 | N9SE | K9FO | - |
W0 | WD0K | - | - |
Canada | VE3DXK | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| K4BAI | - | - |
First time entrant high scorer |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| AB1DQ | KD8WA | WA4SPJ |
Prizes | VE3DVC |
Logs submitted: 121 + 1 late log
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 177
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1573
States represented: 43 + BC NB ON QC
N1JI - I had a pipeline into PA tonight with 80% of my contacts being in the keystone state. I only had 15 minutes to devote to the sprint so this might be my lowest score ever, but it was still fun. 72! .
K3RLL - K3 To Antenna Restrictions Special Stealth Black Temporary Vertical, (or ARSSBTV). Many thanks for those extremely patient and highly perceptive ops who so kindly came back to my first on-air experience with a Cootie Key. Wow, there is a big difference between practicing with my Code Practice Oscillator and going 'on the air' with it! Funny how that works. NAQCC obviously has the most tolerant ops in the hobby. Thanks to all. 72 de Don and yes, I'll go back to the keyer next time. (Smile)
VE3DXK - Was active first hour only. This time best condx were at 80mtrs, until I was hit with an S9+ local QRM, just as I was finishing exchange with K3WWP. As QRM was too strong I had no choice but to finish early. Thanks for another fun sprint! 72
NO2D - Wanted to make sure I showed up. New doublet up 10 feet higher. Not sure it made a difference, but it works! Always fun. Thanks to the committee for making the sprints possible. 72's, Pete, no2d. .
K7EW - only a few stns heard vintage gear this time: Johnson Navigator set to 5 w, 75A-2, McElroy model 600 (Deluxe/marblelite) turned onto its( T-bar) side, so: dashes only = straight key...fun to operate! Thank you! .
N9SE - Great participation tonight. I stopped after 50 QSOs. Lots of fun as usual.
WH7TT - Great fun to be back at the NAQCC Sprint. .
K3WWP - I seldom get headaches, but I have one right now after battling S9 to S9+5 noise on 80 meters. Only the excellent top notch receiver in the KX3 allowed me to dig signals out of that noise, and even then it wasn't easy. It was so bad that I got most of my QSOs from S&P, the first time I've ever done that in our 133 sprints. I was afraid of stepping on someone I couldn't hear if I tried to call CQ so only about 7 or 8 at most of the 21 QSOs came from CQs. Thanks to all I worked and sorry if I missed you or stepped on you. Check out my web diary at k3wwp.com. I hope to post a picture in the next couple days of my 80 meters noise on the PX3 panadapter so you can see what I go through here. A picture is worth a thousand words. Nice to work our WPA snowbird Don K3RLL now down in FL for the winter. Also nice to work another WPA Chapter member Tom WB3FAE. Well, enough said for now. 73
KD0V - Good Sprint on 40M, TNX for all the contacts. 72's Merlin KD0V
N8NK - Drats you K index! Drats you 'CWT' ops! Gave up at 0300 when the NAQCC participants got buried in a sea of 'CWT' callers .
WA2JSG - Just 10 contacts for me this evening, 5 on 40m and 5 on 80m, 10 states. Rig Icom IC-703 running 5 watts to an all-band vertical from a 12v car battery. Kent Straight Key. 73 'till next time.
K8SMS - No time tonight. Sorry. .
W8LU - Sorry -- no time to play this evening. 72, See you next month! .
WA2EDN - slow start but a wild finish.. my best effort and score yet ! .
AB8FJ - Great evening on 80 meters. Just casual S&P to enjoy the sprint. Rig used was my K3/10 at 5W to the Inverted L. Back again with my Lafayette Radio Electronics Bug purchased back in 1971. .
KN1H - Thanks for another fun evening on the straight key. An unusually high level of QRN here in NH tonight, no stations heard on 20 at all. .
AB3RU - Tonight was really fun. I started on 40 and stayed for and hour and a half and finished up on 80. At one point I had a direct pipeline to Oregon and ended up getting three OR ops in a row. Finally got to work N0TA on 40 and that gives me CO on LoTW :) Some QRM from the CWt but I don't think I bothered them... xD Looking forward to next month already.
N4KS - Thanks for the Qs. See you next month.
N2HTT - worked the whole sprint this time - 40 wasn't so good but lot's of activity on 80, good fun, thanks! 72, Mike
NF8M - Not one of my better nights and certainly not one of the bands' better ones either. 40 was noisy, weak and lots of QSB. 80 was a bit better but it was hard to hear some stations and they evidently had trouble hearing me. Sounds like winter on the way to the bottom of the cycle. 72 & cu next month. .
WB0PYF - Only got to work for about one hour. Thanks you for the Veteran's who have served and currently serving. The KX3 rocks at 5w. 72, Ray .
VE2TH - Hi! very Noisy band tonite, I used all the filters of the KX3 to be able to do this one, and finally the band fade out at 03:00Z But had fun and worked new ones. See you next month into the regular one & the milliwatt sprint. 72/73 to all, Michel .
KB1WOD - Sprint number two had a good time
WA8AXF - Another great sprint. 1st hour 40M, 2nd hour 80M. 80M was the band! I don't know if it was better conditions or more people getting a late start. Worked both my neighbors WE8UPJ and AC8JW too! 73 til next time friends!
NJ4V - Things seemed to start slow tonight. This time I stuck to 40 and 80 using my fan dipole. Noticed we mixed it up with CWT on 40 also. Had a lot of fun as usual. I love the sprint format.
VA3NU - Heard many calls just fading in and out of noise level. Lots of fun as usual. .
W5IQS - Good Sprint. 20 did not sound good but worked one station on it. 80 was no go for me. 40 meters was LOADED with fast high powered stations in Freq. spectrum where I got most of my Sprint QSO's. S&P was all I worked. Hope to see you next month. .
N5BGZ - This is my first time trying the NAQCC sprint. I did not get on until the last 30 minutes and made 2 contacts. I really appreciate W4OEP sticking with me. It took us a long time through the QSB to get the exchange. We were both having a terrible time hearing. Many thanks to you folks for the fun sprint! Mike Dooley N5BGZ .
K7TQ - A good turnout for my second sprint. Thanks to all who stopped by.
K3JZD - Conditions seemed pretty good this evening on 40m. But, whenever the CWops Mini-CWT Test boys came in, they cleared a big path for themselves in a hurry. So, when they show up at 0300z, the best idea for us is to just quietly yield to them and run on up to around 7045 or so. Jody - K3JZD - Softrock RXTX with MX-P50 Amp at 5W and Dipole. .
W2JEK - Got on late but had a good time on 80M. Nothing heard on 20 or 40. Rig Yaesu FT-840 at 5 watts to end fed wire up 20 ft. Used SPEEDX key. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK # 1135
N2CN - Wow... 80m was the band to be on. Thanks WB5BKL for that last minute TX multiplier. K3 @ 5W with Begali HST-2 single paddle.
WD4OHD - Best propagation was on 80m tonight. A fun evening as usual. Thanks to all. .
WG8Y - Hi all,Started off with puter trouble.Had to paper log N0TA at start. Then got OR,KF7WNS than 20m faded.Went to 40.What a mess.Lots of signals but QRN&QRM beat me up.Sorry to K4BAI. I couldn't get your report back on 40.You got covered then you faded. Finally went to 80m at end of first hour.Much better.Did S&Ping then called the last 15 min.or so.K4BAI you were 599 plus on 80M. Also,W4OEP gave me 7780 as his number.I asked for a repeat.Same no. given.Genlog said 7980. I logged 7780 cause that was what he sent.Hope I don't get dinged.Oh well,it happens. I always enjoy the Sprints. Happy Thanksgiving everyone from Mark,WG8Y in N.C.
N2WZP - great fun...my first. Too bad CWT started right about the time I started but that's the way it goes. I'll be back for sure. .
W6FPS - Rough night tonight. Worked the only two that I heard. 72, Ron .
N7QR - IC706 with a 1958 Vibroplex presentation. S8 noise level on all bands made it challenging but fun. Only did the first hour. Heard a couple more but there were buried in the noise. See you in December.
KD8WA - This was my first "cw contest" and first real cw contacts in 33 years. It was a blast and am looking forward to next month. 73 Dave KD8WA
KF7WNS - Great fun tonight. Bands were in pretty good shape. My K1 and Long Wire still working well. 72, Gary .
WX4RM - Well, I thought with all the rain pouring down tonite, my vertical might get out better and wash away the qrn. So much for that idea. Only 2 qso on 20, and the rest split evenly between 40 and 80. I could not hold a frequency, so mostly search and pounce for the stronger signals I could hear. It's still amazing to me that our 5 watts can still battle the qrn and qsb conditions tonite! Love my hobby!
K2ZC - I was getting ready for the CWT on 40M when I heard N4KS calling "cq na". I had a qso with him/her and looked for others. But nothing heard. I guess I should have tried 80M. I've got to start marking the sprints on my calendar. I'm relying on memory now and everyone knows that doesn't work anymore.I hope to do better next month. 73/72. .
N4MJ - Good sprint. Lots of new stations/nbrs. Tnx for the fun. 73 de n4mj .
NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5 W to an inv V at 40' for 40 and a near bottom-loaded, homebrewed, ground mounted vertical for 80, and my Vibroplex Know Code straight key. Started late...had to watch Survivor! Nothing happening on 20. 40 offered the majority of my QSOs. 80 was pretty good but I had some usual, intermittent QRN. Thanks for all the QSOs and thanks to the organizers. Happy Thanksgiving! 72, Will, NQ2W
WB8ENE - Well, partially due to the time change, 20M was dead, so I spent my entire time on 40M since I no longer have an antenna for 80M. Slim pickings on 40M as well, but managed a few contacts. Did not hear any "local" stations though. Strange night. Thanks for the contacts. See you next time. 73, Art .
N8XMS - An overbooked personal schedule, poor band conditions, and a bad cold all conspired against me but my 45 minutes and 10 QSOs were still a lot of fun. .
N5GW - I was using my totally homebrew 80M QRP station: "Color Burster" TX (VXO), "Eighty Lady" RX (superhet), keyer, paddles, SWR bridge, and base loaded T vertical with metal roof ground. 80M was in good shape for a change, and the different antenna loading of the CFZ must have helped. Ten new states were added for a total of 32 toward WAS with the station. I monitor my own signal instead of using a side tone, and it's amazing how many ops will answer my CQ way off frequency. It's important to find where zero beat is to avoid missed calls. Also don't forget to reset the RX or TX offset. I was thrilled to work KC7DM in Oregon right at the end. That's a long stretch for 80M QRP!
AK4NY - We had severe thunderstorms rolling through during the sprint, so I took chances when things eased up a bit. Looking forward to next month and hopefully better conditions.
W4DUK - Was only able to be on for two brief periods, hence a lower score than usual this time. But the silver lining was that I did make a couple of new contacts toward my next Friendship Club endorsement. 73, Dave
KA8KUF - Rig: Yaesu FT-817. Key: Bencher straight key. Antenna: Windom
N9KR - Good condx 40 & 80 this evening in southern Indiana. Haven't participated in quite a while. Lots of fun as usual.
KQ1P - Strange QSB for sprint and fun as always. John .
KD2MX - I was able to grab only a few minutes to participate but was happy to make it after missing the last couple of sprints. The loss of trees over the summer has cramped my style as my long-wire loop has devolved into some wire lying atop bushes while I try to come up with a new configuration. It is always fun to see how a bad antenna performs.
KG5HCF - Had a rough time here but still enjoyed the sprint. Thanks for putting it on every month. Dave KG5HCF es 73 .
WA2NYY - Got on for the last 10 minutes of the sprint. due to competition with my other hobbies. Tried 40 first and didnt hear much, so I jumped to 80 and made 2 contacts. It was good to get on after missing last month. 72 de WA2NYY Mark
K2YGM - 20 dead, nothing much there. 40 was ok for awhile but when I checked 80 and heard the crowd there, I switched over. Surprised not to hear K4BAI and a few other regulars. KA2KGP, W2JEK, and W2SH were very strong on 80. Heard WA2NYY towards the end of the sprint, but he was in the mud and couldn't pull him out. Looking forward to Dec sprint. Until then, happy QRP and 72 Bob K2YGM
K4BAI - FT1000MP, WM-2 QRP Wattmeter, 5w, THDXX, dipole, inverted vee, zepp. 20M was open at the start and worked W2SH in NJ on 20, 40, and 80. Otherwise, QSOs were from the west. Five QSOs on 20. 40M was quite good to most areas of the country. Skip zone prevented QSOs in the 4th district and perhaps the eastern 5th district and maybe Indiana. 31 QSOs on 40. 80M was a good as it has been since the sprint. It was quiet in spite of being only a few hours after the cold front had brought us a lot of rain. Best DX among the 18 QSOs on 80 was N2CN in CT. Good activity, good ops, fun contest. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
N8BB - It has been a bad week, mother just got out of the hospital and staying with us so only picked up a few to keep a log entry in the active zone. Sounded like we need more CQ'ers on. I went to 80 and called and got all 4 right away, otherwise I would have thought nobody was on. Got to throw a log on the fire, getting cold. 72
W4OEP - My first NAQCC Sprint running HB1A MK2 - Worked some very talented OPs!
K8RJW - From Ohio the bands were as lousy as I felt. Oh well, better health...better luck...better score...next time. Thanks to all.
WA2FBN - All contacts on 80m; the only band that seemed to be open. Power was 5 watts into dipole at 25ft. Key was Vibroplex Vibrokeyer single paddle and internal keyer. Thanks to all who copied my sig. 72 Ken
KD3CA - Many tnx to those I worked , sorry to those I missed , with the QRN & QRM it sure did give me & the KX3 a work over. Sure great fun , Many tnx to those that work so hard to make NAQCC what it is. 74 to all CU next go around , Don
VE3FUJ - Nice sprint really enjoyed it. had to scrub 1 QSO as I had got things all wrong. Its happens I'm afraid. Brion .
KA2KGP - 20m. was flat here in WNY, only 1 QSO with K4BAI. 40 was long, but 80 was the best band. Worked K4BAI on 3 bands. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. using straight key.
KE5YUM - Really bad conditions restricted my activity. S-9 noise on 40 and 80 plus no activity on 20 allowed for only contact. I do hope conditions improve this fall and winter. All the best and Happy Thanksgiving to all. Terry .
KC2VBU - Having missed a bunch of Sprints after a short antennaless time, it was good to get back in the game :) Used my new high power rig, the Mountain Topper Tri-Bander at 3w. .
K6MGO - Only worked the first hour, but found 20m dead so went to 40m for the hour and worked 6 stations. Thanks to all who participated, CU next month. .
N2JJF - Only had an hour to play but got a few contacts .
WD0K - Now that was fun! 40 and 80 was pretty quiet, but low on activiety. 80 was so quiet that it reminded me of my novice years in the 70's Tnx for the Q's. 72 Rich/wd0k
KG6TGI - Rig Hendricks DC40B, long wire in attic @ 1.5 watts. Tried several times on 7.30, 7.40 and 7.122 no response. Heard quite a few CQ calls in the noise.
K1IX - not feeling well and could not get "into it", quit early. Cheers !
KE0CU - All the stations I contacted were very weak on this end. Felt like my antenna was down!
N5RWK - 20m was pretty dead, but lots of activity on 40m. .
VE7HI - Used HB1B and Bencher straight key as usual. First time for the new call sign in the sprint. Things went well until 20m shut down, then..... Thanks for the QSO's and the sprint. Always enjoyable. CU next time
KB1M - I've been off the air for many years and have never done cw contest type exchanges before, so very timid, looking forward to next month
WA4SPJ - Conditions on 80 meters were pretty good in NC which made for an enjoyable evening all around.
WB8LZG - Hello Fellow Sprinters Fired up the Argo 509 agn this eve. 20m closeing just as the sprint started wid just a few "peep squeaks" heard, but no answers to my call. 40m was gud but LONG early, es DEEP QSB. One min 599, the next min, DOWN in the MUD ! But all the more fun es challenging ! I had my usuall "beeline" into the south, working GA , Fl, TX, several times. Not a thing heard from 1-land ??? Tried 80 wid my 40m dipole es was pleased to pick up a few more Q's there. Had 2 QSO's with Non-Members es wished them GL invited them to the club. Next month will be my 100th sprint ! WoW ! Time flys when ur hvg fun ! hope to work a bunch of u ! 73 Gregg
KQ3Z - Another fun filled Sprint. 80 was the band for me tonight. The signals just kept rolling in and then back out one after another. Thanks to all for the contacts and sorry to those I just couldn't hear. Special thanks to all who make these Sprints happen. You give a bunch of old worn out CW hams something to look forward to each month.
W2SH - 20m closed soon after the sprint began. 40m wasn’t in great shape, both around 7.040 mHz and 10 khz below, but its long skip, made for a NJ-to-ID QSO. 80m condx were perfect with QSB and QRN absent. 80m yielded 3 QSOs in 15 minutes; 40m: 9 QSOs in 60 minutes; 80m: 20 QSOs in 45 minutes. Clearly, 80m operation was both efficient and joyful. It was nice to have a tri-band triple QSO experience with that prince of QRP CW contesting, John,K4BAI.
K8AX - My first Spring and getting my feet wet with GenLog.
K9FO - TenTec orion @ 5 Watts, 20 dipole @35 feet, 40 dipole @ 50 feet, 80 long wire up to 70 feet. 80 does not work as well as the dipoles. Made 5 qsos on 20 then went to 40 and 80. GenLog works very good. Nice to hear lots of stations on. 73/72 Will, K9FO
N4SX - Hey folks, another fine Sprint! I only worked about 1:15, and not steady all of that time, but sure had fun. Thanks for all the contacts. Looking forward to the MW sprint next month. Randy
KE7YTE - I was not able to work the entire sprint but did squeeze in a few contacts. As always, thanks for the fun evening on 40 meters.
K0ALN - Fun Sprint, but conditions were a bit tough out this way. Just didn't seem to hear as many stations as usual. QSB was fast and furious! Hope to see everybody again next month! 72's
WB3T - (late log) - Only one, 40 meters seemed swamped with high-speed ops. Rig = K2 w/ 40m dipole @ 20'.
Andy N2CN is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to .
John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to .
See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint.
RULES specific to this month's sprint: None
Date and time:
Thursday, November 19, 2015 0130-0330Z
Entry Deadline:
All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible.
Log submission has ended for this sprint.