Sep 2015 QRP/CW Sprint (#131) K3WWP Comments - The scores are now completely final for another month. We were down a bit in logs this month for some reason, but 110 is still very good. KF0U Comments - Great job everyone (110 logs processed). I appreciate the help getting my errors caught early. Lots of good Soapbox comments. First timers sending a log and found in the Soapbox include K7TQ and KW4MG. See all of you in Novemeber. Final Results SWA - STRAIGHT KEY CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division N2CN 42 40 82 22 1804 x2 3608 ZS6BKW @60' KN1H 29 29 58 18 1044 x2 2088 End Fed Wire @50' K1IEE 18 18 36 14 504 x2 1008 OCF long wire@30' N1JI 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 88' doublet @25' W1ZU 15 15 30 9 270 x2 540 LNR 10-20-40 Endfed K1IX 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 HB OCFD @38' KB1UOH 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Vertical KQ1P 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80/40 trap dipole @30' W2 Division KA2KGP 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 Dipole up 25 ft. W2SH 23 22 45 13 585 x2 1170 270' dpl@45' W2JEK 19 18 37 12 444 x2 888 20m gnd pl 40/80 end fed wire both at 20 N2SO 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 OCF Dipole @35' WA2JSG 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Vertical elevated at 10' W3 Division K3PXC 45 40 85 22 1870 x2 3740 G5RV @27 Ft. N3HEE 45 43 88 21 1848 x2 3696 40 meter dipole @30 Feet AB3RU 26 26 52 17 884 x2 1768 G7FEK @30' on 40, 18' wire vertical on 20 WB3FAE 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 90' end fed at 30' AK3X 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 40 M inv vee @25' W4 Division N4KS 50 48 98 23 2254 x2 4508 CF Zepp @ 33' WH6LE 42 40 82 24 1968 x2 3936 215' horizontal wire loop @45' N4SX 41 40 81 24 1944 x2 3888 W5GI Mystery Antenna at 38 ft WG8Y 45 45 90 20 1800 x2 3600 HB 40-80 DP @35ft & 20m hb gd mnt vert W4DUK 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 End-fed Zepp @20' N4FI 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 Attic G5RV jr KB0ETU 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 Dpl @35' K4KRW 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Dipole @25' KW4MG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 20 meter dipole in attic KA8VZB 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 60' End Fed Wire @20' K4NVJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 88' long dipole up 30 feet K4JPN 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Zepp KV4XD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 20m attic dipole W5 Division WI5H 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Loop 13'x31' top @21' broadside EW W5IQS 15 12 27 11 297 x2 594 OCF Dipole @30' KG5HCF 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dipole @25 Feet WB5UAA 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 300' dpl @30' AB5XM 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Elevated 20m qtr~vert@24' homebrew KE5YUM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 20 meter homebrew vertical W6 Division N6IET 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 AV-680 vert @ 70ft K6MGO 13 11 24 7 168 x2 336 50' DOUBLET IN GARAGE WB0USI 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 vert @25' W6FPS 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Homebrew Trapped Vertical WH7TT 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 20M Delta Loop W7 Division N7KM 32 29 61 15 915 x2 1830 ZS6BKW DIPOLE @ 40 FEET K9JWV 25 23 48 16 768 x2 1536 36' vertical & 16 elevated radials WD7Y 19 18 37 15 555 x2 1110 88 ft doublet 30 ft high KC7DM 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 135' dpl @60 ft K7EW 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Vert + 2 rad/band KF7WNS 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 3 Wave Length 20M Long Wire @45' W8 Division NX8Y 48 48 96 20 1920 x2 3840 Fan Dipole @60' N8BB 38 36 74 19 1406 x2 2812 Dipole @50' AC8AP 27 26 53 18 954 x2 1908 Dpl @55' WA8AXF 25 24 49 15 735 x2 1470 130' doublet @40' WB8LZG 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Dpl @30' K8RJW 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 6BTV @15' WB8ENE 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 40 meter dipole @ 15' NF8M 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80m OCF dpl @35ft WV8P 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 long wire up 60ft. N8XMS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 R7 Vertical W9 Division W9CC 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 6BTV N9SE 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Inv. Vee @68' KA9FQG 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 G5RV @37ft W0 Division WB0PYF 41 40 81 25 2025 x2 4050 Dipole @55' NO2D 24 23 47 16 752 x2 1504 88' doublet @20 feet N0TA 24 23 47 13 611 x2 1222 Doublet @30' & 1/4 wave vertical gnd mnt AA0W 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Dipole K0EUN 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Car-mounted Hamstick 20/40 Canada Division VE2TH 44 43 87 17 1479 x2 2958 INV VEE @32 FT VE3DVC 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 Inv Vee @40' VA3NU 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 88' inv V@25' VE3DQN 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 40m loop@45ft; 80m dpl@30ft DX Division SWA - BUG CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division W2 Division W3 Division KD3CA 31 29 60 15 900 x1.5 1350 OCF 132 ft Windom@33ft KA2PBO 30 30 60 15 900 x1.5 1350 80mtr dblet @50' K3WWP 21 21 42 17 714 x1.5 1071 ~110' attic rnd wire, attic dpl (20) W4 Division AK4NY 31 31 62 17 1054 x1.5 1581 G5RV @ 35 Ft in center 50 Ft at ends W5 Division NF5U 8 8 16 8 128 x1.5 192 40/80m trap dipole at 33ft W6 Division W7 Division N7QR 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials W8 Division W8LU 21 21 42 14 588 x1.5 882 Elev. vertical AB8FJ 9 8 17 8 136 x1.5 204 Inverted L @15' W9 Division KA9DVX 8 8 16 5 80 x1.5 120 G5RV JR @25FT W0 Division KD0V 19 19 38 13 494 x1.5 741 Cf zepp @50' WD0K 3 3 6 2 12 x1.5 18 Center fed zepp Canada Division DX Division SWA - KEYER/KEYBOARD CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1 Division K1SX 10 10 20 9 180 180 270' doublet @15' KA2RVO 6 6 12 4 48 48 Dipole in attic N1DN 4 4 8 3 24 24 Ladder Line Fed Dipole W2 Division WA2FBN 8 8 16 6 96 96 Dipole up 30ft K2ZC 5 5 10 5 50 50 Dipole @25' N2ESE 5 5 10 4 40 40 40mtr Dipole @72ft. KC2MJT 3 3 6 3 18 18 G5RV @25' W3 Division KB3AAG 35 35 70 18 1260 1260 Loop top 30ft N8XEE 16 16 32 12 384 384 40m Delta Loop @40' K3RLL 10 10 20 9 180 180 G5RVjr @40' W4 Division KU4A 38 38 76 20 1520 1520 40m slp dipole, 80m 1/4-wave sloper WX4RM 25 25 50 16 800 800 6BTV gnd mtd vert N4MJ 11 11 22 8 176 176 160 - 10 Windom K6BFA 3 3 6 3 18 18 G5RV @50 feet W5 Division N5GW 33 33 66 17 1122 1122 Cfz at 50' N5RWK 14 14 28 10 280 280 EFHW-8010 multiband @35' KK4UGD 3 3 6 3 18 18 End fed wire 40' W6 Division KG6UBG 3 3 6 3 18 18 20m inv@25', 40m OCDP W7 Division W8 Division WA8SAN 15 15 30 13 390 390 End fed wire @15 ft N8NK 17 17 34 10 340 340 Indoor end fed wire 20 feet long N8ZYA 13 13 26 10 260 260 Indoor Random Wire 50 ft W9 Division K9EYT 20 20 40 13 520 520 G5RV at 25FT AB9YC 16 16 32 14 448 448 Dipole @20' W0 Division Canada Division VE3DXK 2 2 4 2 8 8 95' endfed @20' DX Division GAIN ANTENNA CATEGORY Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna Straight Key KI0I 25 24 49 19 931 x2 1862 3el triband yagi 25ft 40/80 inv vees 55 NQ2W 27 27 54 17 918 x2 1836 Mini beam @25', inv V @40', gnd mtd vert Bug Keyer/Keyboard W8RTJ 51 50 101 28 2828 2828 2ele Force12 C4SXL @50FT K7TQ 23 22 45 11 495 495 2 el yagi@60 ft W4NJK 4 4 8 4 32 32 Half SQ 40M wires Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log ~ Submitted as check log
STATS: Logs submitted: 110 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 184 Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,905 States represented: 37 + ON QCSOAPBOX: KE5YUM - First post-retirement sprint from my new QTH in TX. Looking forward to many more. AB9YC - Only had a short time this evening so I settled for a 40M effort. I had S5+ noise, but managed more contacts than I was expecting, working CO to QC to FL and NY. AA0W in NE was S9+ in to Chicagoland. I was running nicely until an Olivia signal parked nearby, so it goes. See you all next month in the Anniversary sprint! K3WWP - One of my quicker journeys to 20 QSOs. Worked # 20 at 0120Z which makes 50 minutes. Then got a tailender to wind up with 21 QSOs. The bands were great tonight and a harder effort probably would have netted 50 QSOs if 80 was good. I never checked it. Then right after I quit I went searching for my DX streak QSO and found, then worked C6ASL on 30 meters for DX day # 931 in a row. Just about everyone in the sprint had a great signal. The panadapter looked like a major contest was going on with all the many strong peaks. It was hard to squeeze in a CQ, but I found a spot around 7,046.5 and hung there most of the sprint after leaving 20 meters. Thanks to all for the easy QSOs. CU next month. K3RLL - FT-817 to G5RVjr @ 40' - Thought I was off to a fast start when I heard Bob N4BP's ever-loud sig right out of the starting gate on 20m, but #0002 beat me to him (again). 40m was again the money band here tonight. Heard WB3FAE loud and clear all the way over from Chicora but ... Tnx for the fun. 72/73 ... Don KC2MJT - Good to be back. 40M was crowded and QRN. Heard only QRN on 80M. Didnt' try 20M Fun as always, even if just on for 25 minutes. N9SE - Came in late, sat down and called the first station I heard, KB3AAG. When he turned it over to me, I just sat there and stared at the rig, thinking "now what am I supposed to send?" --and then I couldn't remember my member number. I must be getting old : ) K6BFA - It's still fun! N1JI - Good conditions here in New England tonight, but I only had about an hour that I could work the sprint. Thank you for the contacts and 72! N3HEE - Great conditions tonight. Lots of strong signals. Had some nice pile ups. I only had 50 minutes to operate. I stayed on 40 meters. Lots of fun! Thanks for the Q's. -72 Joe N3HEE N0TA - Nice evening on 20 then 40. I just finished work on an MTR 5, so decided to hook it up and try it out. No case, so looked like an octopus on the table. Worked just fine, but RX is a little wide for contests. Thanks for the Q's. Navy Flameproof key and Gen Log. AB3RU - Fun sprint tonight. Started on 20 as usual and then stayed on 40 for the rest of the sprint. Got to chat with N8XEE for a bit and pulling K0EUN out of the noise after a few tries count as highlights for me. See you all next month! WA8AXF - I only had an hour to work the sprint tonight, but it had to be a record hour of the NAQCC sprint. Thank you to all the great ops out there. It was another fun one! CU Next Month! Dave. WH6LE - Conditions better than I expected and always a pleasure to work the NAQCC Sprints. Until next month, 73. PETE AB5XM - 20m good for first half hour then not much after that. 40m lots of noise. Hope I can get confirmation on all of my few contacts. Regardless it's always fun. Thanks every one for QSOs and for the SKCC ops who manage the logs. WH7TT - First sprint in a while and I could tell the bands were poor. K1IEE - 40M was the place to be with conditions pretty good . 20M was very quiet made 2 contacts on 20M one each at the start and finish. Thanks to all 73 Dick N8XEE - Glad to be back. I missed the last 2 sprints due to prior commitments. Got to work my buddy Jon (AB3RU) for the first time in a while. Started out on my old TS-130, but ended up switching back to the IC-718. WA2JSG - Spent 2nd hour in sprint, all on 40m. Nice time. My rig Icom IC-703, running 5 watts to an all-band vertical. Big ole Kent Straight Key. See y'all next month. NF8M - Got home late from helping with Cub Scout recruiting so only had time for a few Qs. Finally got the 80m OCF dipole replaced last month so this was the first time I used it in our sprint. Was glad to hear quiet condx tonite, at least on 40. 72 til next month! KI0I - Note to self: Update database before test not after! Had a good time , bands a lil noisy but some good 5w sigs out there tonite. Thanks for the Q`s, 72 Mark KI0I KF7WNS - Fun time tonight. Used my new "One Watter" 20 meter Xcvr, running 880 mW to a 3 Wave Length Long Wire @ 45 feet. Worked four new states FL-NY-NH-TX. Thanks to all and see you next month. WB0PYF - Band conditions on 40m were good. Thanks for the contacts. The KX3 worked well, 72 Ray #3092 N2SO - Back after a long hiatus due to change in QTH. Thanks for the QSOs! KB3AAG - Well my score drooped a bit tonight it wasn't the band, it was due to me only running 8/10 of a watt! I decided to kill two birds with one stone am going to submit this log for this months challenge too. Thanks to the fellows who dug me out, pat yourselves on the back you got good ears. The furthest was PA to NE has to be over 1000 miles per watt. I enjoyed! Frank KN1H - Thanks for another fun sprint! Great to see more activity on 80. IC-7200 at 5W and Nye Viking Master Key. W1ZU/P - I was portable in ME (Acadia National Park) for the September sprint. The noise level at my location was higher than I had hoped, but I had a great time. I strung up the LNR antenna, broad side N to S as that was all I could do. I was outside on a deck and the weather was great. Only had to swat a few mosquitos too! N4KS - Enjoyed it very much! Looking forward to next month. KG5HCF - Really enjoyed sprint. I had lots of fun. Thanks to the people who put it on. 73 Dave N2CN - For this sprint I used my NorCal 40A QRP transceiver, running 2 watts, and my old J-38 straight key, and I had one of my best nights ever. Conditions on 40m were excellent. NO2D - Really messed this one up. Tried calling CQ instead of my usual search & pounce. Also tried using GenLog exclusively without my paper log crutch. Neither worked very well. Must be a bunch of errors in the log. But I am leaving everything in just in case someone else got me right, and I don't want them to lose points. You can throw my log out if it looks too bad. Left N5MEG in even though I did not get a power report from him, but did not count him. Next month back to paper logging!!! Thanks. Pete, NO2D. N8NK - FINALLY! West Virginia! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, W8LU !!! I attribute this wonderful contact to his ears- and to my 'extended' indoor wire... which is now 20 feet long. YES! W8LU - 40 Meters was noisy but decent right up to 10 minutes before the end and fell out from under me. Didn't try any other bands. Tonight, I ran the KX3 at 5W with my 1922 Vibroplex bug. Sorry for those occasional extra dits! Antenna was a new 27 ft vertical, elevated 12 ft, that I built and just got running. Thanks to those who exhibited extreme patience to get the QSO completed thru the QRN -- especially KI0I. Thanks, Mark! 73 to all from WV. See ya' next sprint! W6FPS - Bands were a little noisy tonight. Only worked a few load ones. 72 for now, Ron N8ZYA - Only heard stations in Texas on 20 meters. The rest of my contacts were on 40 meters. Canada to Florida and West to Missouri. Still concentrating on the number of states and not the amount of contacts. Got started about a half hour late. Thirteen contacts in 10 different states tonight. The bands seemed "down" tonight. Was it due to the Presidential debates?- Hi Hi W2JEK - Was a great sprint. Started with 2 QSO on 20, then 13 on 40 and ended with 5 on 80. Glad to see 80M active again. Rig Yaesu FT-840 at 5W with 20m Gnd Pl and end fed wire antennas. SPEEDX key. Much fun. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 WG8Y - Hi all,Started on 20 & worked UT,NV & CO. Thought,great way to start but that was it. Heard Ca.but no Q. After 1/2 hour of S&Ping I called CQ on 40M.Wall to wall signals. Sure is cool hearing So many great signals coming out of QRP rigs.Sorry WH6LE,Peat. I finally got your call out of the noise but never heard your report.Worked hard getting my last Q with WD7Y.Thanks for pulling me out Ed. Had fun.Hope everyone else did. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y AB8FJ - Much better conditions tonight on 40 meters. K3/10 at 5W to the Inverted L and used my Lafayetter Radio Electronics bug purchased back in 1971. K4KRW - Sorry I could not join for the whole sprint this time. Bands sounded OK. Thanks KA2KGP for digging me out of the noise on 80m. 73, Richard VE2TH - Hi! Another great nice sprint on 40. Got new ones again tonite: Utah, Ark, and MS. ;--))) See you again next october. All the best to you and yours. 72, Michel VE2TH # 0214 N8BB - Started out a bit slow but it became apparent conditions were going in our favor. I mixed it up with a fair amount of CQ'n and even had a few pileups. Very enjoyable and I appreciate everybody that joined in with us. Hey, one odd thing, worked W2VT, then AB3RU back to back, then realized their member numbers are consecutive 6430 and 6431, cool. KX3 Dipole 5watts. dit dit............. K9EYT - one QSO on 20m 19 on 40 last hour on 40 was very good .Rig KX3 G5RV at 25 ft. Bencher Paddle Tnx for the QSO's 73 Ray VA3NU - Conditions were not too bad on 40 meters. Lots of fun. N7QR - FT840 keyed w/ Vibroplex presentation bug. Nothing on 80 but noise. 20 was the band, heard a lot in the noise that I just couldn't raise. Thanks to all who strained their ears to pull me in. Personal best for me in QSOs. Only on for an hour (had to go to the water board.) N4SX - Another fun night guys!!!! I stayed on 20 for about the first 50 minutes and then down to 40 where I stayed. I did check 80 a couple of times and heard a couple of stations there, but very difficult conditions. Things here were steady tonight, not great, but steady. The bands were quieter and not much qrm although a bit of qsb which is normal at sprint time. It was great to work a few newer numbers as well as some older ones and quite a few which I don't remember seeing before. It was great to work K5MBA who is not yet a member and this was his first sprint with us. Get signed up and welcome aboard!! Several regulars were missing from my log this time, but hope to see them next month. Thanks for everyone who makes this sprint possible and to all you guys like me who just have fun! 72 till next month......Randy N4MJ - Almost missed it. Other commitments tonight. Got home late. Fun anyway. Band seemed in fair shape. Still a little QRN. Tnx to all who I worked & who worked me. HI 72/73 de n4mj K7TQ - My first NAQCC Sprint and it was a fun two hours. I used a 1 Watter transceiver at 1 W on 20 for the entire sprint and got 4 new states for my quest to work all states with 1 W on 20 m. I'll be back for more. Thanks for all the Qs. K8RJW - 40 Meters forever...never heard anyone on 80 or 20...again! Still a good time! KA2PBO - Didn't have to touch a knob ...parked on 7043 the whole time. Thanks to all who make these Sprints possible! 73 Rick KQ1P - It is our busy season at the QTH. The garden is overloading us with food to set by. We processed a bushel of sweet corn then took a few minutes for the sprint, then back to the kitchen to freeze some summer squash. All fun, but I can't wait for quieter times this winter. N5RWK - Fun Sprint. New end fed antenna worked well. Nothing on 80m, lots of QSB on 40m. KW4MG - My first sprint. Had fun, even though band conditions were terrible. First time using my straight key and 5 watts. Was surprised at the contacts I made with my dipole in the attic! Look forward to the next one, now that I have the first under my belt! HI HI K3PXC - Need to download a newer version of GenLog. The program would not show me the correct amount of QSO's. For some reason, the log file was off by one QSO, not that it really matters. But had a great evening for the September Sprint and looking forward to the October Sprint, and especially the milliwatt sprint in December. Last night I finally picked up Utah, QRP, towards WAS. Need Alaska, Hawaii and Wyoming yet. I really enjoy working QRPp and looking forward to the December milliwatt sprint. 40 meters last night was very crowded, but made good for a nice 2 hour sprint. Thank you all who participated in the September Sprint. Dale, K3PXC WB8LZG - Hello Sprinters! Good Sprint last night. I started out on 20m but after 1 QSO it was tough going so went to 40m. 40 was hoping ! went back to 20 nw n agn to grab another mult. but still "slim pickins" there. Pulled the plug a bit early. Welcome to newcomer KG5HCF #7880, hope to see you in future sprints. See u all in the big OCT sprint ! 73 Gregg K1IX - Good participation. Did all S&P KU4A - Got off to a slow start, so was surprised that I ended up setting a new personal best. 38 QSOs beats my previous record of 33 in June, 2015. KA2KGP - Only a few contacts on 20, then it went dead . 40m. was in good shape this sprint, 80m. had hi-QSB but useable..Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a dipole up 25 ft. KB1UOH - I was at 1W and finished the monthly challenge. 5W is easier than one watt. Hi Charlie K7EW - Band condx somewhat better! -but spotty in time and geography. Got my first FL! Elecraft K1 = US Navy pilot surplus leg key. TNX to all! WX4RM - Noise level much lower than last sprint! But 20 meters just was not working tonite. Farthest west qso was TX and CO. Majority of qso's on 40 meters, and wow it was crowded. Last 15 min checked 80 meters, lots of activity there, I should have spent more time on that band! Live and learn, I guess.... Ron WX4RM K4JPN - Conditions very poor at this QTH. 72, Steve K4JPN W5IQS - Enjoyed the Sprint even tho I only spent short time on it. Thanks to all who worked me and see you next month. WA2FBN - Only able to make the last part of sprint. Fun as always to work sprint. Paddle: Te Ne Ke paddle. Thanks to all who copied my signal. 72 Ken KD3CA - Many thanks to all stations I worked . Sorry my CW a bit rough at times? trying to tame a Vibroplex bug that I haven't used in a long time. Conditions were very good in spite of QRM & QRN . I even managed a couple very fine Rag chews, hoping at least one may result in a new member. Thanks again to all who pulled out my Signal using a KX3 @ 5W through a OCF Windom. 73 to all KD3CA Don KG6UBG - 40M gud conditions NX8Y - Great fun! 40M was very good into Central Ohio. Other than moving a bit to avoid QRM, I stayed on one frequency calling CQ. For the most part, signals were strong. I only remember one caller I couldn't pull out. Looking forward to next month. Thanks to all who called...72, Ron NX8Y N5GW - KX3 to CFZ. 40M seemed the best band - 20M was fair. 80M is still very QRNish. In the middle of the sprint I had to take my dog outside for a walk. While I was replacing a dead flashlight battery, the dog came back inside without me, and the xyl locked me out of the house! By the time I found a spare key, I had lost about 30 minutes. Murphy works in strange ways! WV8P - THANKS TO ALL THAT HEARD ME 72 DAVE W8RTJ - Had been some time since the last time I played in the Sprint. Started on 20 for a few but 40 seen the action the rest of the way. Tried 80 toward the end but nothing. Thanks to all I worked and look forward to more fun...........................72 JIM W8RTJ AK3X - I was fiddling with the alignment of my OHR-100A 80 meter rig and remembered the sprint. Lots of other stuff going on domestically but did manage four contacts, and I got the transmit offset dialed in, along with tweaking the receiver sensitivity. Surprised anyone heard me as I was using one leg of my 40 meter inverted vee as a random wire antenna, total length of wire was about 55 feet. Following the sprint I worked some "DX" into Canada.. Sort of new on 80 meters.. looks like it will be fun with a proper antenna. 72.. Peter WB3FAE - Started on 20 meters. Big signal from N4BP. About the only strong signal that I heard on 20. Switched to 40 for the remainder of the Sprint. Thanks for the QS0's. N7KM - Now I know why the old telegraphers got a glass arm from using a hand key, I was a bit shaky by the end! I enjoyed the sprint even with the not so great bands. Thanks to those who make it possible. I used my KX3, homemade ZS6BKW dipole and the old faithful WWII J37 hand key. Thanks to VE2TH for sticking with me until we got it done, good job. I'm not able to make the Tuesday night sprints so its nice when the fall on Wednesdays. KB0ETU - Started 45 minutes late. but surprised myself with number of contacts. Had one contact (N0SE Nr 7925, QTH IN) that I couldn't find. QRZ didn't list the call either. Oh well, guess I'll have to be more careful in the future. Good sprint! Used a k-2 with G5RV up 35 feet. AK4NY - Another fun sprint, thank you for the QSO's and a nice evening 73 de tom K9JWV - Fickle propagation on 20 - lots of signals for 10 to 15 minutes and then nuthin' heard for 5. Forty sounded far better than what I've heard all summer so...c'mon low band propagation, the contest seqson is right around the corner!! Great to hear plenty of new calls - NAQCC keeps right on growing, membership wise. WB8ENE - Stayed on 40 meters the whole time. Not sure where WG8Y was. I copied NC, but I see he is listed in the W5 Division. Thanks for the contacts, and see you next time. 73, Art N8XMS - A longer than usual activity at church followed closely by a family activity gave me exactly two 5-minute windows of operating time, which is too bad because it sounded like there was a lot of good activity. I did manage 5 QSOs in those 10 minutes. Next month with our 11th anniversary sprint it?s going to be awesome! NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5 W to a mini-beam at 25' for 20, an inv V at 40' for 40, a near bottom-loaded, homebrewed, ground mounted vertical for 80, and my Vibroplex Know Code straight key. Another great sprint! Thanks for all the QSOs and thanks to the organizers. See you all next month. 72, Will, NQ2W KD0V - Had to quit early strong thunderstorms in area. 72 Merlin KD0V W2SH - Apart from the ubiquitous N4BP, 20m was empty. 40m was the band of choice, but I soon learned that all replies to my CQs were barely RST 229. As a result, my activity thereafter was strictly "search and pounce", and yet many QSOs did not materialize. Sprinters only began to appear on 80m after the traffic nets went quiet several minutes after their opening at 0200Z, and I managed a more satisfying activity level there with five QSOs in 13 minutes. W4NJK - Odd variable conditions; some stations strong briefly and others never clearly for QSO K6MGO - 20 meters was not very productive, making only 2 contacts but 40 meters was pretty good, so stayed there most of the sprint. All in all a good evenings fun for me with record (for me) number of contacts. Thanks to all who participated and made this another fun event. 72 de Bill k6mgo K4NVJ - Short time. Condx okay in AL. 73, Joe Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: None Date and time: Thursday, September 17, 2015 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |