Aug 2015 QRP/CW Sprint (#130)
K3WWP Comments - All scores are now final after cross-checking and a week for you to check and question any revised scores.
N2CN Comments -
We received a total of 127 logs.
Final Results
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
K1IEE 21 21 42 16 672 x2 1344 OCF long wire@30'
KN1H 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 End Fed Wire @50'
WB1GYZ 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 80M LOOP, OPEN WIRE FED (SLOOPER)
K1IX 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 HB OCFD @38'
K1SX 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 270' open wire fed doublet @ 15'
W2 Division
K2YGM 46 46 92 25 2300 x2 4600 80- EFHW, 20/40- G5RV
WA2NYY 33 33 66 18 1188 x2 2376 80m OCF Dipole at 35'
W2SH 26 26 52 19 988 x2 1976 270' dpl@45'
KA2KGP 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 Dipole up 25 feet
K2JT 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 Dpl@25'
W2JEK 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 20m gp, 40 end fed both at 20ft
WA2JSG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 G5RV/Jr @ 22 ft
W3 Division
N3HEE 34 34 68 21 1428 x2 2856 40 Meter Dipole @ 35 Feet
K3PXC 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 G5RV@27'
KQ3Z 17 17 34 15 510 x2 1020 135' doublet @ 35 ft
KE3HL 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 80/40 dipole, 20M Delta Loop
KD3CA 18 15 33 13 429 x2 858 132 ft Windom@33 ft
AB3RU 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 G7FEK@33', 18' wire vertical
W3TTT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 DIPOLE @ 50'
WB3T 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 40m Dipole @ 20'
WB3FAE 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 90' end fed at 30'
AK3X 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 meter inv vee @25'
W4 Division
WH6LE 46 45 91 23 2093 x2 4186 215' horizontal loop@45'
WG8Y 45 45 90 23 2070 x2 4140 HB OCF 10-80M @45ft
N4KS 40 40 80 20 1600 x2 3200 40m cf zepp @ 30'
N4SX 34 34 68 19 1292 x2 2584 W5GI Mystery Antenna 38'
WB4OMM 29 27 56 20 1120 x2 2240 268' wire loop at 35'
WD4OHD 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 40 meter dipole at 30'
W4DUK 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 End-fed Zepp @20'
KB0ETU 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dpl@35'
KA8VZB 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 60’ End Fed Wire @ 20’
N4FI 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 Attic G5RV jr
KI4WFJ 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 OCFD @ 30ft
K4ARQ 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 EFZ@50'
WA4FQN 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 68' attic loop
AI4VA 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Long Wire
N5XTH 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 GAP 20 meter Vertical
W5 Division
WI5H 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 13'x31' loop top @ 21' broadside EW
W5WIL 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 240' doublet @ 30'
KA5T 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 40M dipole flattop @ 25' coax fed
K5ZU 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 End fed 66' wire@40'
KG5HCF 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Dipole@20ft-40M
AB5XM 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 20m QTR~ vert 2 cntrpoise hb @ 24'
KE5YUM 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 Inverted v at 30'
W6 Division
WK6L 14 14 28 13 364 x2 728 Windom(Inverted Vee),Up 35ft, 40M/20M
W6FPS 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 Trapped Vertical
W7 Division
K9JWV 38 37 75 21 1575 x2 3150 36' vertical with 12 elevated radials
KF7WNS 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 3 Wave Length 20M Long Wire @ 45'
WD7Y 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 88 ft Doublet 30 feet high
K7ROH 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 G5RV/JR @ 25'
KF7Z 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Dpl@ 25'
KC7DM 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 135' dpl @ 65'
K7EW 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 VERT+1 1 RAD ALT=6K FT MT HOOD
W8 Division
N8XMS 31 31 62 17 1054 x2 2108 R7 VERTICAL
WA8AXF 27 27 54 15 810 x2 1620 130' doublet @40'
K8RJW 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 6BTV @ 15'
W8LU 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 135 ft doublet @ 25 ft
WB8LZG 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 Dpl @ 30'
NF8M 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 40m hamstick/magmount on car
KB8FE 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 EFW @15'
N8BB 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Dipole@50'
W9 Division
W9CC 42 42 84 24 2016 x2 4032 6btv
N9SE 42 42 84 22 1848 x2 3696 Dipole @70 feet
W0 Division
WB0PYF 38 37 75 23 1725 x2 3450 Dipole @ 55'
AA0W 26 26 52 16 832 x2 1664 Dipole
N8LA 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 Dipole@35'
NO2D 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 88' doublet @ 25 feet
K0FNR 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Bent dpl-4' ro 20' then horiz
K0EUN 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 20 mtr Hamstick
Canada Division
VE2TH 46 46 92 18 1656 x2 3312 INV VEE @ 32 FT
VE3RCN 27 26 53 19 1007 x2 2014 GMV, 80m dipole
VE3DVC 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 Inv Vee @40'
VE3EDX 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 Gnd Mtd Vertical
VA3KOT 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 End-fed long wire up 40ft
VE7KBN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 20m-vert. 8 ft off grnd. 40m b/pole vert
VE3DTI 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 Endfed vert @ 43'
VE3FUJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV @ 50'
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
W2 Division
W2IU 13 13 26 10 260 x1.5 390 66 ft doublet @ 30'
W3 Division
K3WWP 21 21 42 15 630 x1.5 945 ~110' attic random wire
NR3P 14 14 28 12 336 x1.5 504 Trap dipole 35 ft.
W4 Division
AK4NY 25 25 50 15 750 x1.5 1125 G5RV @ 35'
W5 Division
NF5U 15 15 30 14 420 x1.5 630 OCFD at 33ft
W6 Division
W7 Division
N7QR 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 Butternut HF6V gnd mtd vert w/o radials
AL7JK 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 Dpl@25'
W8 Division
AB8FJ 9 9 18 7 126 x1.5 189 Inverted L@15'
W9 Division
W0 Division
KD0V 20 20 40 14 560 x1.5 840 Cf zepp@50'
WD0K 8 8 16 7 112 x1.5 168 Center fed zepp.
K5JFB 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 Small Loop
Canada Division
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
W1 Division
N2CN 17 17 34 11 374 374 ZS6BKW @ 60'
N1TF 7 7 14 6 84 84 WINDOM@50'
KA2RVO 5 5 10 5 50 50 Dipole in attic
K4RHG 4 4 8 4 32 32 Inverted doublet
N1JI 3 3 6 3 18 18 40m hamstick on car roof
W2 Division
N2ESE 26 26 52 18 936 936 80mtr OCF+40mtrDipole
WA2FBN 13 13 26 10 260 260 End fed sloper
W3 Division
KB3AAG 31 30 61 19 1159 1159 Vert loop top @ 30 ft
W2JAZ 23 23 46 16 736 736 OCF Windom @50'
N3NFL 12 12 24 10 240 240 Windom @ 30 ft
K3RLL 10 9 19 8 152 152 G5RVjr
W4 Division
K4YA 41 41 82 25 2050 2050 Inverted V @ 50'
WX4RM 29 29 58 18 1044 1044 4BTV Gnd Mtd Vert
WM4AA 30 30 60 16 960 960 Zs6bkw@50'
K4KRW 36 35 71 13 923 923 Dipole@25'
K4WLW 16 16 32 11 352 352 125' End-Fed Sloper
N4MJ 16 16 32 10 320 320 Extended Double Zepp about 50'
KU4A 9 9 18 7 126 126 Sloping dipole @ 40'
K4WRZ 7 7 14 6 84 84 LNR End Fed 4 bander up 30' as a sloper.
K9VON 3 3 6 3 18 18 DPL@25'
N4PBQ 1 1 2 1 2 2 WND@25
W5 Division
N5GW 44 44 88 21 1848 1848 CFZ @ 50'
N5RWK 16 16 32 9 288 288 Gnd Mtd 6BTV Vert-20m, dpl@30'-40m
W6 Division
W4NJK 5 5 10 4 40 40 Half SQ 40M wires
KG6UBG 3 3 6 3 18 18 20M-INV V@30'/40M-Windom@40'
W7 Division
K7EY 2 2 4 2 8 8 Loop@40'
W8 Division
N8ZYA 12 12 24 12 288 288 Indoor 50' random wire
WA8SAN 10 10 20 7 140 140 End Fed @ 20 Ft
N8NK 5 5 10 5 50 50 Indoor 16' wire in bedroom
W9 Division
K9EYT 10 10 20 7 140 140 G5RV at 25FT
AB9YC 6 6 12 5 60 60 Dipole @20'
W0 Division
Canada Division
VE7YU 15 15 30 9 270 270 80 meter OCF dipole at 70 feet
VE3DQN 11 11 22 10 220 220 Vertical @4mtrs; 40M delta loop @8mtrs
VE2DDZ 4 4 8 3 24 24 End fed random wire @ 25'
DX Division
Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna
Straight Key
K4BAI 49 48 97 26 2522 x2 5044 TH6DXX at 55'; 40m dip at 40', zepp 50'
NJ4V 36 35 71 25 1775 x2 3550 20m-hex beam 50', 40m-dipole 50'
NQ2W 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 Mini beam @25', inv V @40'
AF7OS 1 0 1 1 1 x2 2 MFJ 1899T
NN9K 48 48 96 24 2304 2304 3el yagi@45'. 40M dipole@45'
Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s):
@ Non-member
$ QRO power
! Late log
~ Submitted as check log
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | K1IEE | KN1H | - |
W2 | K2YGM | WA2NYY | - |
W3 | N3HEE | K3PXC | KQ3Z |
W4 | WH6LE | WG8Y | N4KS |
W5 | WI5H | W5WIL | - |
W6 | WK6L | - | - |
W7 | K9JWV | KF7WNS | - |
W8 | N8XMS | WA8AXF | - |
W9 | W9CC | - | - |
W0 | WB0PYF | AA0W | - |
Canada | VE2TH | VE3RCN | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | - | - | - |
W2 | W2IU | - | - |
W3 | K3WWP | - | - |
W4 | AK4NY | - | - |
W5 | NF5U | - | - |
W6 | - | - | - |
W7 | N7QR | - | - |
W8 | AB8FJ | - | - |
W9 | - | - | - |
W0 | KD0V | - | - |
Canada | - | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Division | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
W1 | N2CN | N1TF | - |
W2 | N2ESE | - | - |
W3 | KB3AAG | - | - |
W4 | K4YA | WX4RM | WM4AA |
W5 | N5GW | - | - |
W6 | W4NJK | - | - |
W7 | K7EY | - | - |
W8 | N8ZYA | - | - |
W9 | K9EYT | - | - |
W0 | - | - | - |
Canada | VE7YU | - | - |
DX | - | - | - |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| K4BAI | - | NN9K |
First time entrant high scorer |
Key type | SK | BUG | K/K |
| N4KS | NR3P | K4YA |
Prizes | W4NJK |
Logs submitted: 127
Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 180
Total QSOs in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2,049
States represented: 39 + BC ON QC
K3RLL - FT-817 TO G5RVjr @ 40' - Kept casting out my line on 20 meters for quite some time with not much activity tonight but when I switched to the 40 meter side of the boat, signals seemed very strong and plentiful. Almost felt like I had the wrong night until I changed bands. :-) Interesting novelty - worked only short call signs tonight. Hmm... Thanks for the contacts, the patient ops and the fun tonight. 72 ... Don K3RLL
N4PBQ - First NA sprint I've tried to participate as a new CW operator. A lightning storm delayed me connecting the station. I admit I had to listen quite while to copy even one member's number. It was a bit intimidating for a new CW operator who copies as lousy as I do.
N1JI - Testing a stationary-mobile antenna on my wife's car tonight. I parked in an open area and attached 40-meter hamstick to the roof with a 4-inch mag mount. Signals were much lower than at home with my doublet, but I managed to make three contacts. Thanks to Don, KD3CA, for working so hard to copy my 339 signal! .
N2CN - Bad local QRN; had trouble hearing a lot of you. Thanks to all who stuck with me.
W5WIL - Interesting night. 20 seemed open to the west and 40 to the east. IC-703 with TS1 key. Always fun . . 73. Dennis
N8XMS - A great evening with a lot of fun. I was testing my new sprint logging spreadsheet for Mac computers and it seemed to work perfectly. It will be available for everyone on the club website next month. .
N9SE - I took a break for a few months. Nice to be back. Lots of activity!
AB3RU - Short night for me tonight - had a long day at work and took it easy. Still made a few contacts and happy to get in the sprint tonight. 20 meters didn't seem so hot, so search and pounced on 40 for a little while. Fun sprint as always.
K3WWP - It was a struggle getting to my 20 QSOs tonight. It took 90 minutes. 20 had nothing to offer and 40 was bad with s6-s7 local noise and QSB galore. Thanks to those I was able to work. Hope I didn't miss any answers to my CQs, but I imagine I probably did. If so, my apologies. What a difference a half mile or so in distance and maybe 100-150 feet in elevation can make. Sunday in wide open Community Park on top of the hills, conditions were great and QSOs easy to make. Not so down here in the crowded valley tonight. Hey, I did make my monthly goal of 20 QSOs though with 1 tailender making it actually 21.
KI4WFJ - Another fun sprint, second NAQCC sprint for me. Forgot to keep track of the QSO times for the log --oops-- I'll remember next time. New-ish to QRP and still amazed the footprint I can have with 5W and the IC-718. I'll be back next time!! --Justin
KD0V - Band conditions were very poor in southern Minnesota. CU next month. Merlin - KD0V
W8LU - Thank you for the fun sprint!
KB8FE - Had a little rain pass through northern Ohio during the sprint. Very little QRN.
K7EY - Thanks.
WA8AXF - Another good time... fell two QSO's short of my goal of 30. Conditions were a little strange in Michigan the band seemed to come and go constantly. Spent a few minutes on 20 heard no one and spent the rest on 40. CUAGN NXT MNTH 73 DAVE
KA2RVO - First time, hope I got it right. .
KF7Z - Only got to play about the last half hour but 40 was pretty good here in Wyoming. Thanks for the Qs and will see you next time, 72 Danny
K1IX - Nothing heard on 80m, 40m was money band.
N3HEE - Fun again! Lots of QRN tonight but did OK. Not much time to play tonight but had fun. Thanks for the Q's everyone. K3/5W with wires in the trees. 72 -Joe N3HEE
WH6LE - 20m didn't seem to cooperate so roosted on 40m and thanks all for working me. Vy 73 PETE WH6LE
WA2NYY - It was good to get back after missing last month. 40m was the band tonight. Signals seemed a bit weaker than usual but I only missed a couple of you. There's always next month! 72 Mark
N7QR - FT840 driven by a 1961 Vibroplex Presentation. Nothing on 80. Heard a couple more in the mud on 40 and 20 but not good enough to pull them out. Thanks all for listening. See you next month.
WB0PYF - Had fun, 20m dead only 2 contacts. 40m was gud, made 36 contacts, KX3 rocks, 72 Ray #3092
K4KRW - A great night here in Charlotte, NC. I used the KX3 and my Bencher paddles tonight. I heard a lot of great signals on 40m. I only got one contact in my 15 minutes on 20m. I heard a few on 80 but did not have time to sneak in a contact. I thought I was going to break 40 contacts tonight but I got caught up in a QSO for about 20 minutes. Hopefully, he'll look up NAQCC and join in on the fun (W3MT). Thanks for another fun sprint! 73, Richard
KB0ETU - My entry @ 0212 (N5GW) is questionable. I had good copy on him but he just faded away before I received a QSL. I hope he copied all of my info, but not sure, thanks to QSB. Good sprint. Thanks to all of my contacts and the organizers. Hope to hear all of you in the SKS coming up. Used a K-2 with G5RV up 35 feet. 72, Phil .
KN1H - Almost missed this one. Something made me check the web page to see when this month's sprint was, and it was already going! Glad for the assistance, wherever it came from. Amazing to see 15 khz of qrpers on 40M on a Tuesday night, great turnout. .
VE3DTI - First time using the Paul N8XMS' logging Numbers spreadsheet, which performed flawlessly. Rig was the ICOM 703+ (w/FL-F2A) at 5W and the 43' endfed vertical wire with single 1/4 wl elevated counterpoise. TU es 73. Jose VE3DTI. .
WB4OMM - Yaesu FT-2000 running 5W, Speed-X 301 Key, GenLog, AT-1000 Pro AutoTuner to a 268' loop antenna at 35 feet. The bands here on the East coast of Florida were HORRIBLE. S5 noise on 20M, s7 noise on 40M, and could hear nothing on 80m. 20m died an early death, with QSB on most of the signals at the start of the contest. 40m had signals I had to really work at a few times. Got a good number of mults, and some decent range (UT, QC, MN). BUT.....like I always do, I had a blast! Always a good time no matter what. Thanks to all who were here tonight, look forward to seeing you next time! 73, Steve WB4OMM .
AB5XM - Bands were better than over the weekend. Worked all 20m, couldn't get anyone to hear me on 40m. Thanks to who worked me and to those running the sprint. Hope to get more next time. .
KB3AAG - Wow what a nite! I had S5 noise all the time on 40 with what is normally a quiet loop antenna. I ran 2.5 watts tonight and called CQ only on 40 which is how I normally operate (keeping all the same) and sure enough my score dropped! But I got across the river, two TX and one MO and a lot of 7000 numbers good work! May see you next month at 2 watts! Frank
WG8Y - Hi all, Started on 20M but not to gud here in NC.Went to 40M & did some S&Ping. Worked K3WWP,John first off then caught Peat,WH6LE here in NC & a couple guys then decided to call CQ.Must have had a pipeline into the N.E on 40M.Worked 43 on 40M. 1 on 20m & 1 on 80m. My best qso total.Great to work my Ohio QRP buddy Ron,NT8P.Pulled you out of at least 3 calls. Gud timeing Ron.Tnxs to a few of the guys I had to ask for repeats. Had some pretty heavy QRN at times. did you ever notice that if you miss a letter in a call and ask for a repeat that when you get another clash of QRN. Hi Hi. Had fun guys. Hope everyone else did. 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y
NO2D - 20 & 40 both good tonight. Did not try 80. Took a break to watch an unusual Ferruginous hawk sitting on telephone pole in back yard, then returned to work more on 40 meters. Enjoyed, as always. Thanks to the gang that makes this all possible. Pete, no2d.
K8RJW - Thank goodness for 40M. 16 on 40M, one on 80M and no one on 20M. What r u gonna do? Still a good time.
W2JEK - Got on late Only one qso on 20. Did the others on 40. 40 was busy and noisy. lots of fun just the same. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135
K9JWV - 20 and 40 were THE bands - equal Qs on both. Actually went to 80 and called CQ a couple of times but nada/zero - a little early BUT not much noise and RBN showed me solid in CO and UT so thought..."what the hey"!
K1IEE - Again started on 20M but the band got heavy QSB during the first half hour. I did listen on 80M but heard lot of static crashes, T Storm was all around me. 40M had good signals and not much QRN. Worked W3KC who was not in the sprint but after a short QSO and explaining about the NAQCC sprint he said he was a member and did not realize the sprint was on. So we exchanged info and hope he will be back next month. Thanks to all 73 Dick
WM4AA - Great fun on 40m tonight! I didn't hear much on 20m or 80m. The Elecraft K2 was a joy to use as always. 72 DE WM4AA, Matt.
AB8FJ - K3/10 at 5W to the Inverted L. Used my old Lafayette Radio Electronics bug purchased back in 1971. Already looking forward to the next sprint. .
WD4OHD - No propagation to speak of for me tonight on any bands except 40 meters, but conditions there were quite good. Enjoyed it as usual, and I send my thanks to everyone. .
N8ZYA - Got a late start but had lots of fun working everything on 20 and 40 meters. I was selective when working stations. I handed out WV to 13 club members in 13 different states. West direction was Colorado, North was Quebec City, South to Florida and East was Maryland. Clear skies tonight and looking for the Meteor showers for the next few days.... .
KE3HL - Last did a Sprint in July of 2013, so good to be back! Not a lot heard on 80M, but I made three QSOs on that band by calling CQ in the last few minutes. Maybe I need to make more noise calling rather than hunting and pouncing?
KF7WNS - 20M was in poor shape again this month and died early. QSB took it's toll also. At times the band would go quiet. Had more contacts on 40M than 20M. Great turn out tonight. Nice to hear some new calls. K1 with a 3WL long wire still doing the best for me. 72 and see you next month.
KA5T - Lot'sa fun. Thanks.
WA2JSG - Used a G5RV/Jr at 22 feet for this one, as my Butternut vertical is down for refurbishing and cleanup (after almost 30 years service). Rig IC-703, 5 watts off a 12v battery. Kent Straight Key. Fun stuff as always.
WI5H - TNX to all who pulled me out. 20 was better than I expected, for a while. 40 was QRN & QSB but I had a good time. Thanks to the NAQCC folks for having these events. 72 CUL Mike - 7128
K5JFB/0 - This was my first sprint & QRP contest. I used the loop antenna we designed for the "all Cedar Rapids, IA Clubs" FD 19A Entry. It will be interesting to compare with the inverted V & vertical at my home QTH in TX. I used a new bug.
KQ3Z - Not many stations heard tonight. 40 was the only active band for me. High noise level and tough copy. Antenna was going in the opposite direction. Several states I usually don't hear. Lots of fun. Thanks for the contacts and thanks to those who do all the work to make the Sprints happen. .
N8NK - A family medical issue prevented me from working the whole 2 hours- but in the half an hour plus 2 minutes at the end was FUN! And once again- my bedroom 16' wire antenna performed spectacularly :) .
N4SX - Conditions tonight were......let's say different.......at least for me. I started on 20, but there was nothing doing there. I could hear a station calling me, a N3 I think, but never could make him out. Stayed on 20 for 10 minutes with nothing to show for it before moving to 40 where things picked up a bit, but still not much activity. At 0113 I went back to 20 and picked up 9 of my 34 qso's and then back to 40 for the rest, with none on 80. I passed out more 229/339 reports tonight than I can ever remember. I needed fills from quite a few and could tell some stations were calling me that I just could not copy.....just a letter here and there, and yet they apparently could copy me OK. Many stations gave me reports that were considerably better than I gave them. It was almost like one way propagation. Heard some unfamiliar calls tonight as well as some of the regulars. I look forward to this Sprint each month and truly appreciate all the hard work the guys do to m ake this possible. 72 till next month and TU for all the fun. Randy N4SX .
K2YGM - Lots of fun tonight with signals still strong on 20. Switched to 40 when I couldn't hear much more. 40 was alive with signals in all directions here.. Not much noise either. Happy to hear a few new members and of course to say hi to some of the old timers.. THANKS to all that called and made this a fun night. 72 Bob .
VE7YU - Band cndx very noisy making copy difficult. Thanks for pulling me out of the crud! 73 Gord .
NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5 W to a mini-beam at 25' for 20, an inv V at 40' for 40, and my Vibroplex Know Code straight key. 20 was pretty quiet with only 7 QSOs - 40 was hopping with stations spread out from around 7030 to 7045...nice. N9SE had strong signal on 40. Thanks for the opportunity and thanks to the NAQCC for organizing these sprints. Hope to hear you all next month. 72, Will, NQ2W
AB9YC - I had S8+ noise on 40M at the start, so I tried 20M - nothing heard. I went back to 40M and pulled out a few contacts. Conditions in my area just were not very friendly. See you next month.
N4KS - My first Sprint and it won't be my last. Lots of fun!
K4WLW - Another great Sprint. 40 was the band here in North Florida. Sigs on 20 were very weak and heard nothing on 80. Still not scoring up there with the big boys, but did manage to beat my old high of 14 with 16 this month. Maybe next month I will try calling CQ instead of the S&P strategy. KX3 at 5W, 125' end-fed sloper, Begali Sculpture Mono key. Thanks to those that were patient and pulled out my little signal. See you next month. 72, Bill
K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W. Got off to a very slow start on 20M. Heard and called a lot who couldn't hear me, including NQ2W. 40M was much better, although noisy from thunderstorms in the general area. I listened to 80M near the end and heard two sprinters working each other and one was in NY. So 80M QSOs would have been possible if the rate had dropped on 40. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John, K4BAI.
VE3FUJ - Again condx were very poor at this qth, noise floor registered s9 at times. And not many stns were heard, called one stn several times with no luck tried another were heard, then back to the first stn still calling cq were heard this time and got a 599. See you all next month. Brion 3011 .
WB8LZG - Hello agn sprinters! Fired up the Argo 509 agn last night. Band condx seemed gud at start of contest on 20m but I had a vy hard time getting thru. I could hear several stns but they didn't seem to hear me. Went to 40, es it was very tough wid QRN es QRM. SRi to the K1 stn (K1STX?? ) I didn't get any of the nr es when I tried fer repeates there was another stn right on u OM, we'll get thru next month! A warm welcome to all the newcomers. I think I worked several in the 7000's. Hope to see u all in the next sprint. 73 Gregg .
VE3RCN - Glad to have had the evening away from the Navy. Good ops out there.
WA2FBN - Fun sprint as always. Some rough band conditions. Icom 703, power: 4 watts into 41 ft end fed sloper. Key: Bulldog iambic key (paper clip design). Tnx to all who copied my signal. 72 Ken .
AI4VA - Great fun, thanks to all! .
K5ZU - Band was in great shape but very congested on 40 meters. I was operating an Emtech NW40 with a Bencher RJ-1 key. Looking forward to next month's sprint. .
KU4A - The noise on 40 was bad, but still got some QSOs in the books. Worked K3WWP for the first time in awhile, but he was as weak as I've ever heard him. .
N8BB - Conditions not the best but guess we all had that issue. Here is a log to count anyways. See every one next time. .
NR3P - First ever 'Sprint' for me of any type. Not too difficult to figure out.... I see now the reason for the term sprint. This CW stuff is getting to be more fun as experience is gained. Thanks all, for yer patience! 72 de NR3P /Paul
N5RWK - Decent band conditions tonite. Thx everyone for the QSOs! .
W4NJK - Great to hear better CONDX and activity! TNX all for the event, 72, W4NJK .
AF7OS - Ok, so I only made one contact. But, this was my first successful CW QSO ever and turned into a rag chew which lasted over 30 mins. I'm not exactly sure of the wattage he was sending because I was so nervous. Sorry. .
K1SX - Tnx all! How many times was it really K1IX instead of me? The cross checker will tell. .
W2IU - 2 watts on KX1. Lots of QRN, but thanks to those who picked me out of the noise. .
N5GW - The wind blew my CFZ antenna down the day before the sprint, so I was out next morning with a pneumatic tennis ball launcher, putting a new line over a high limb. Next problem: my KX3 would not put out any power at the start of the sprint, so I had to switch to the Argo V. That cost half an hour. (Later I realized I had accidentally switched off the enabling VOX). However, 20M and 40M were in good enough shape to allow a decent QSO total. .
VE2TH - Hi all, A nice sprint again, with new ones, a lot of QRN but the filters took care of it, but sometimes, need more filtering All the very best to all and Good luck, see you in september, 72 Michel VE2TH
KA2KGP - What happened to 20m.? Only 1 contact on 20. 40m. was the band to use this sprint, with only a couple more contacts on 80m. with hi-QRN. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into a dipole up 25 ft.
WA4FQN - Not many Q's for my first entry into the sprint as a member (gave out one contact in July as a non-member). I'm new to QRP operating and think I learned alot from this sprint. Hope to be able to do better next time. Thanks to those who worked me and were patient with repeat requests. Rig: Heathkit HW-16 at 5 watts to attic loop antenna. .
KG6UBG - rig is KX1. QTH had QRM last month; hopefully gone. 73 Mike .
N4MJ - Band condx were terrible at this QTH. QRN & QSB made it difficult to make Qs with some stations. Population seemed a bit sparse as well. Only heard two stations on 20m but no Qs. Cooler wx coming before long. Condx should be better then. .
WX4RM - Half of my qso's on 20m, half on 40m. Was definitely a headphone night to pull out the signals from the air. Besides the noise level, qsb was also doing its thing. Felt really tired after the 2 hours, a good workout and lots of fun! Ron WX4RM
K4ARQ - Wretched cndx in North Florida. 20M was totally dead, and 40M noise was continuous at S8-9. Not much joy in the hour I had to work. CUL es 72 .
AK4NY - Another fun spring - started on 20, even though QRN appeared to be low, I had a lot of trouble copying there, moved to 40, lots of QRN but lots of QSO's. I would have had more except folks won't give one another a chance when there is a pileup, so everybody looses in that case.
AL7JK - Howdy all. Up north here 20 mtrs was quiet during the sprint only heard two stations, VE7YU and VE7KBN. Managed to work VE7KBN after several tries, due to Qsb. Enjoyed every minute of the sprint, was able to put on my headphones spend some quality time with my HW-9. We had fun. Yes I often refer to my radios as a living thing or person. After all, mariners refer to their boat as "she" ... :) 72/73 to all de AL7JK
VE3DQN - So much more fun now with a receiver with ears. And with a 40M antenna that gets my signal out. You'll likely see me in more sprints.
N3NFL - Although I had lots of QRN I improved from the June Sprint. I am looking forward to September.
N8LA - Greetings to all and many thanks for all of the contacts. Apologies to any I was unable to copy. KX-3, 200' Dipole @ 35', Wounded Warrior J-37 hand key. Acquired key on eBay. Found out it was glued to 3/4" x 3 1/2" x 7" steel base because key frame was broken in half! (Hence the name Wounded Warrior.) Took several applications of Krud Kutter and Super Krud Kutter and much prying to remove it from base. (It's not easy being a junk key junkie!) Glued frame together, but it separated when I tried to screw it to a 1/4" oak base. Finally made large holes in base and screwed frame to it through several layers of thin cardboard on bottom of base. This sprint was first use of W W. First contact, neighbor Ray, WB0PYF, across town on 20 meters! Must have messed up connections of 3.5mm stereo plug I made up with zip cord because key would only work if partially inserted into jack and it kept slipping out and was difficult to reinsert in just the right place. Dr. Fra ud will have a "Field Day" if I tell him about this!!
N5XTH - This was my first sprint. Not many contacts but thoroughly enjoyed it.
WD0K - Greetings! 20 was the pitts; 40 was a life saver. I think I worked kd2mx Paul; but not sure on 40 at 0155z. Tried but qrm was just to bad. 72's all! Rich/wd0k
AK3X - Got home in time for the last four minutes of the sprint. Two 40 meter contacts with my DSW-40 and the clock ran out. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. 72 to all, Peter .
K4RHG - Had trouble hearing and being heard. May have been conditions or more likely my new homebrew doublet and 4:1 balun. My longest QSO was AA0W in Nebraska -- 1,346 miles. Thanks Ron for your patience.
VE7KBN - Usual HB1B and Bencher straight key. Used stn Cushcraft 3 band vert for 20m. Also tried 40m with buddipole vertical. 40 was just coming to life when the 'game over' time came. Thanks for the sprints. CUL! .
W2SH - It’s been 20 days since I came down with a QRO summer flu. This sprint was a real struggle; I attempted some dupe QSOs and fell asleep a couple of times. Eight QSOs on 20m, some of which I gave 579/589 RSTs, only to get 339s. A weather front had moved through earlier today bringing much needed rain but also huge atmospheric noise. It was nice to see NAQCC activity stretching solidly from 7,031 through 7,046 kHz, and the skip was quite long. 80m was actually less noisy than 40m. I went there just at 0200Z only to hear three traffic nets being called up. When those finished I made four mutually 599+ QSOs during the final quarter hour.
WB3T - Ran my battery powered Ten Tec T-Kit 1340 again, with J-38 key and a dipole, and it all adds up to basic fun. 40 sounded good compared to lately but still a bit weak. Better than a couple of weeks ago though. Some weak ones but persistence paid off proving skill can overcome less than perfect conditions even at low power. Thanks guys, see you next time, Bob.
W2JAZ - I was working portable in this sprint from our vacation house at Paupackan Lake in Lakeville, PA, Grid FN21IL which is about 35 miles east of Scranton. I've seen better band conditions, but always fun! W2JAZ/3
NF8M - Another month with compromise antennas away from home. Had a decent 20 meter dipole up but the band seemed to die off right around 0030, so I stuck the magmount hamstick on the car and worked a few. Thanks to those who heard me. Next month will be better, hopefully! 72
WB3FAE - Band conditions poor. Lots of noise here on 20 meters. Did here a very strong R8IA from Tomsk on 14.050 Mhz. Attempted a contact but no luck. Thanks for those who gave me a contact. 73's
Andy N2CN is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to .
John K3WWP is still responsible for cross-checking of logs, so if after submitting your log, you discover any discrepancies that don't affect anything on this page, send the info to .
See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint.
RULES specific to this month's sprint:
Date and time:
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 0030-0230Z
Entry Deadline:
All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint.
Log submission for this sprint is closed.