Sep 2014 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#119) Final Results KF0U Comments - Lots of great soapbox comments and several first-timers this month. Exciting to see so many enjoying the Sprints. See you next time and 73! K3WWP Comments - The period for appealing scores and SILVER LOG standings is over and as we always say, the results are now carved in stone with no opportunity for further change. SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K1IEE 19 19 38 17 646 x2 1292 OCF Dpl @30' KB1UOH 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 Vertical KQ1P 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 80-40 trap dipole @30' AB1VL 10 10 20 9 180 180 OCFD @30' N1JI 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 88' doublet @25' W1ZU 4 4 8 4 32 32 10-20-40 end fed SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K2YGM 43 43 86 27 2322 x2 4644 80- EFHW, 20/40- G5RV W2SH 43 41 84 25 2100 x2 4200 270' dpl @45' WB2LQF 20 20 40 16 640 x2 1280 44' attic doublet KA2KGP 18 18 36 16 576 x2 1152 Dpl @25' WA2JSG 17 17 34 14 476 x2 952 Vertical @10' W2JEK 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 20 gnd pl, 40/80 end fed both at 20ft KD2MX 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 600' loop @30' WA1GWH 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 40M quarter wave inv L w/grnd system WA2FBN 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 Multiband dipole up 30' K2JT 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Dpl @25' N2ESE 8 8 16 8 128 128 80M ocf @25' WA2NYY 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 80m OCF dpl @35' AA2VG 6 5 11 5 55 55 Carolina Windom 10-80 meters @45' K2GLS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 20M dpl @25' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K2DEP 45 42 87 22 1914 x2 3828 G5RV @30' KB3AAG 40 39 79 21 1659 1659 Dpl @20' K3WWP 20 18 38 12 456 x2 912 ~110' attic rnd wire AB3RU 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 18' wire vertical, G7FEK @33' WB3T 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 Hamstick dpl @23' KQ3Z 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 135' Doublet @30' K3RLL 10 10 20 8 160 160 G5RVjr N8XEE 6 6 12 5 60 60 G5RVJr @35' AK3X 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40m inverted vee @25' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB4QQJ 47 46 93 22 2046 x2 4092 Endfed @33' WH6LE 43 41 84 18 1512 x2 3024 215' horizontal loop @45' KG4UPO 40 38 78 18 1404 x2 2808 Doublet @40' WB4OMM 33 33 66 21 1386 x2 2772 268' wire loop @30' K2UFT 32 31 63 21 1323 x2 2646 Doublet @40' KR4OE 33 31 64 19 1216 x2 2432 40 mtr dipole @ 40 ft N4FZ 31 30 61 16 976 x2 1952 Dpl @35' WX4RM 22 22 44 18 792 x2 1584 4BTV gnd mtd vertical WG8Y 22 22 44 18 792 x2 1584 Homebrew ZS6BKW @45' W4DUK 22 22 44 17 748 x2 1496 End-fed Zepp @20' WD4OHD 22 21 43 16 688 x2 1376 Vertical 20m, Dpl 40m N4MJ 31 30 61 21 1281 1281 Extended Double Zepp K4KRW 20 19 39 16 624 x2 1248 Dpl @25' K4ZGB 23 23 46 12 552 x2 1104 Buddipole 40 mtr vertical @10' NA4O 18 18 36 15 540 x2 1080 Dpl @45' WB4UHC 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 80M Inv vee @30' WY3H 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Random wire, 120' long, 20' up WM3X 14 14 28 12 336 336 20m dpl@25', 40m vert@10' w 2 rads WD4E 13 13 26 11 286 286 Doublet @35' W4TZM 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 Doublet W4HH 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 OCF dipole @25' WB4MNK 7 7 14 7 98 98 Gnd mtd vert K4JPN 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Zepp @32' KU4A 4 4 8 4 32 32 Slp dpl @40' KK4BE 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dpl 230' @KI4MZC 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 Multiband dpl @30' $K4NVJ 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 88' dipole @30' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N5GW 46 45 91 20 1820 x2 3640 CFZ @50' W5TVW 35 34 69 18 1242 x2 2484 80 meter horizontal full wave loop @20' W5RZ 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Dpl @40' K5ZU 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 40 Meter Double Bazooka Dipole @50' WI5H 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 Loop @20' KA5TJS 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 80 mtr dipole @30' KE5YUM 5 5 10 5 100 x2 200 Inverted V @30' KE9DR 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 420' Loop @50' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WK6L 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 Windom(Inverted Vee), 35ft 40M/20M WA6OEF 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 53' Wire and a 9:1 UNUN to 25' of 8x coax K6MGO 10 10 20 5 100 x2 200 Indoor 50' doublet/20m end-fed dipole KA6AIL 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Delta loop @25' & 80mt Long wire K6CSL 7 6 13 5 65 x2 130 Vertical, Vert & Horiz Loops, Dipole WB0USI 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Vert @25' W6FPS 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 TRAPPED VERTICAL KG6UBG 5 5 10 5 50 50 Off-center dpl @30' W6IRA 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Inverted vee; peak 6 ft above roof peak, sloping to gutter line SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA7VW 44 44 88 23 2024 x2 4048 80M G5RV @70' KI6FCT 39 37 76 20 1520 x2 3040 20/40 dipole crossed at top @30' KF7WNS 29 29 58 19 1102 x2 2204 Inv Vee @35' K9JWV 25 24 49 17 833 x2 1666 Modified Windom @30' AA7CU 13 13 26 9 234 234 Mobile 6' whip @12' using 8 radials AE7CG 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Roof mtd vert AL7JK 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 longwire 95' long @20' K7ZI 2 2 4 2 8 8 Multi-band Windom, lazy "L", apex @50' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KD8RUQ 46 44 90 21 1890 x2 3780 InvV dpl @40' K8AG 22 22 44 18 792 x2 1584 ZS6BKW in trees at about 35' KB8FE 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 Dpl @18' WA8AXF 17 17 34 14 476 x2 952 40M - 130' Doublet, 20M - GND PLN W8DW 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 OFF Dipole @30' NT8P 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 40M dpl @25' KO8U 17 16 33 14 462 462 Inv V @30' AC8LJ 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 Fan dpl @30' W8SH 14 14 28 11 308 308 Dpl @65' NF8M 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 80m OCF dpl @35' KB3CXQ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Car wdm @30' & gnd mtd vrt N8XMS 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 R7 Vertical WA8SAN 8 8 16 7 112 112 End fed zepp @15' N8BB 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Dpl @40' K8FAC 2 2 4 2 8 x1.5 12 Gnd mtd vert SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WB9CIF 53 52 105 25 2625 x2 5250 Rotatable 40 Meter Dipole @56' AB9YC 34 31 65 18 1170 1170 Dpl @20' K9EYT 18 18 36 14 504 x2 1008 G5RV @ 25' W9CC 18 18 36 14 504 x2 1008 6btv KA9DVX 17 17 34 14 476 x2 952 G5RV jr @25' N9SE 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 30m invV @30' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N0TA 56 55 111 22 2442 x2 4884 Doublet @30', 1/4 wave gnd mnt vertical K0ALN 29 29 58 18 1044 x2 2088 Inv V @35' KI0I 17 17 34 14 476 x2 952 Hytower Vert 20m and 40m N8LA 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 Dpl @35' KA8HDE 18 18 36 7 252 x2 504 G5RV jr @30' WD0K 14 13 27 10 270 x1.5 405 Center fed zepp @30' KD0V 13 12 25 8 200 x2 400 CF zepp @50' WB0PYF 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 Dpl @55' W5GZT 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 InvV @56' WU7F 12 12 24 9 216 216 Dpl in parking lot 9' (sag to 3') K2HT 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Loop @40' AD0IV 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Loop @20' KJ0P 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Inverted inverted dipole, 35' at ends SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE5BCS 15 14 29 12 348 x2 696 Wire loop about 30' VE3FMW 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 OCF wire @40' VE3FUJ 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 G5RV @50' VE3DVC 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 Inverted Vee @40' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 Inverted "V" dipole @27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 55 55 110 29 3190 x2 6380 TH6DXX @55'; 88' cf zepp @50'; 40M dip W5ASP 36 36 72 16 1152 1152 3el Yagi @20' K5GQ 19 18 37 14 518 x1.5 777 2 ELE yagi @28'; 40m dipole @24' NQ2W 30 30 60 18 1080 1080 Mini beam @25', inv V @40' Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log
STATS: Logs submitted: 124 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 176 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2,143 States represented: 38 + ON QC SK + CM G KP4 SILVER LOGS - 102 of 124 (perfectly formatted): AA2VG AA7CU AA7VW AB1VL AB3RU AB9YC AC8LJ AD0IV AE7CG CO8CML K0ALN K1IEE K2DEP K2GLS K2JT K2YGM K3RLL K4BAI K4JPN K4KRW K4NVJ K4ZGB K5ZU K6MGO K7ZI K8FAC K9EYT K9JWV KA2KGP KA5TJS KA6AIL KA8HDE KA9DVX KB1UOH KB3AAG KB3CXQ KB4QQJ KB8FE KD0V KD2MX KE5YUM KE9DR KF7WNS KG4UPO KI0I KI6FCT KJ0P KK4BE KO8U KQ1P KQ3Z KU4A N0TA N1JI N2ESE N4FZ N4MJ N5GW N8BB N8LA N8XEE N8XMS N9SE NA4O NF8M NQ2W NT8P VE3DVC VE3FMW W1ZU W2JEK W2SH W4DUK W4HH W4TZM W5GZT W5TVW W6FPS W6IRA W8DW W9CC WA1GWH WA2FBN WA2JSG WA2NYY WA6OEF WA8AXF WA8SAN WB0PYF WB2LQF WB3T WB4MNK WB4OMM WB4UHC WB9CIF WD4E WD4OHD WG8Y WI5H WK6L WM3X WX4RM WY3HIf you're not listed as a SILVER LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: AC8LJ - Could only participate for about 30 minutes this evening, but glad I could join in.... N1JI - I only had 30 minutes to devote to the sprint but still had a nice time working six stations. Not the best conditions for me here in New Hampshire... It was difficult to copy a lot of the stations I heard. Many thanks to WB3T for working so hard to copy my RST report. 72 and see you all in October! K3RLL - K3 to G5RVjr @35' Just played on 20m tonight. Many strong signals and mostly all new ones to me. Something odd: whatever frequency I was calling on tonight soon came to be in great demand. That's a first for me in a NAQCC event. Must be funny band condx. Thanks for the contacts. 72 de K3RLL KB3CXQ - Lots of noise on 80. 40 wasn't too bad but sigs were down. 20 wasn't too hot. AB9YC - Good night, conditions wise. Some observations.... several stations were not well zero beat on me. I use a 300hz filter, so if you are not ? 150, I don't hear you well, especially if you are in the noise. I had a few people tuning up right on top of me while calling CQ. A quick tune up is fine, but a few took what seemed an eternity to get tuned up, one even caused a QSO to take almost 2 minutes. The oddest thing was when a PSK31 signal showed up. I was on 7035.5 for the entire time, so I was out of the normal DIGITAL band, but that was bad. WB4MNK - Had a little fun tonight. Thanks to all. 72, Art WB4MNK KA8HDE - Only a 45 min run on 20M - seemed to have a direct connection to NC - had fun.72 de chuck ka8hde K3WWP - I did my routine of late again tonight. Get to 20 QSOs, then QRT and rest my ears from the pounding they took from QRN. Of the three sprints I did so, this is the fastest I made it to 20 QSOs - 65 minutes. I almost thought I would go on since conditions were pretty good, but I didn't. Maybe next month if conditions are better I'll go the full 2 hours - maybe. Thanks to the 18 members and 2 non-members who got me to 20 this evening. It wasn't easy copying some of you, but I found by receiving on one of my other antennas, notably the 10 meters dipole, the S/N ratio improved and I was able to copy pretty good on 40 meters. But my left hand got a bit tired from all the antenna switching. HI CU all next month for our big 10th anniversary sprint. I might possibly have to use N3A as no one from W3 has volunteered for that duty yet. If so, then I will go the full 2 hours for sure. K2UFT - 20m not so good, 40 m lots of great signals. Speedex straight key rebuilt from the parts bin! W4HH - GUD CONDX ON 40 AB1VL - Good condx coast to coast except nothing heard on 80M and just a few weak stations on 20M. Time for better antennas. Thanks to all ops that worked me and as always, to the sprint organizers. 72, Chuck WH6LE - Seemed a good sized crowd tonight! Fun stuff this. PETE WH6LE N0TA - 20m was fantastic! 40m was noisy and slow. Thanks for the Q's! K3 @5w, doublet & vertical, Camelback, GenLog. AD0IV - My first NAQCC Sprint! Only got on for the second hour, but loads of fun! Thanks for the QSOs. NF8M - Got home late from assisting at a Cub Scout recruiting meeting so only had a half hour or so, but made good use of the time. 40 was nice and spread out, and worked everyone I heard with ease. Good to work some lesser-heard calls along with the regular gang. TNX all es 72 till next month. AB3RU - Had fun tonight. First sprint with new radio, and could hear stations a lot better than I have in a long time. 20m was quiet and lots of qsb. 40m was very busy. Great time as always. N9SE - Really enjoyed it. Seemed like a lot of activity. WA2JSG - Nice sprint, good band conditions, both on 20m & 40m. Thanks to all for the QSOs. Rig here IC-703, 5 watts to an all-band vertical (elevated) using a 12v battery. BIG ole Kent Straight Key (bigger than the radio hi hi). See y'all next month. KB4QQJ - Well the bands were alive tonight!! Several new members and all the regulars. I missed John tonight but had the pleasure of working NR 1 Tom!! That was a treat. All bands seemed in good shape. I started on 20 moved to 40 and had plenty to do there. I went to 80 with two minutes to spare and made two contacts there..what a hoot. Most surprising contact was catching Werner N8BB on a straight key!! ha didn't recognize him..... well done Werner, glad you are staying in practice.... heh heh 73 for now es BCN ya'll, Randy_KB4QQJ, Rig was a the K2 at 5w, Ant was LnR Quad at 33 feet, Key was the 2014 SKCC Club Key K2DEP - Great fun again. KX3 (Where is my PX3????), G5RV antenna @ 30ft and Schurr Mahogany Hand Key. Condx not too bad with some QRN. Thanks to all who answered my calls. See you next time. 73 K4KRW - Lots of great signals on 40m tonight. I got a couple on 20m. I tried 80 but no joy. Great fun as always. A local friend (W3CL-non member) called me at the beginning of the sprint. He is getting back into CW after not using it for many years. He is doing quite well. I hope I can talk him into joining us. He and I worked CW together at our local club Field Day this year. We had a great time. Thanks again everyone. WA2NYY - Due to other activities was only able to get on for the last 15 minutes of the sprint. Had to scramble to get Genlog up and then my wire to my Speed-X post broke, fixed that and managed to haul in 4 contacts on 40m. It was good to get on even for 15 minutes. 72 de Mark AL7JK - Lotsa fun ! Excellent propagation tonite into Alaska. Heard stations on the east coast. Used a HW-9 set at 2 watts output & Kent straight key, 95ft longwire @ 20 ft. Good DX to all ... Cheers ! KE9DR - Got in late. 20 was slow, 40 was busy with some QRN, 80 was noisy. Thanks to all. 73 Bert NT8P - I could have done a lot better if MURPHY would have stayed away. If it could go wrong it did. But I was still very pleased to get 13 member qso's. WG8Y I heard you making contact but had no way to get u tonight. Thanks for the qso's and cu next month I hope. Ron WG8Y - Hi all, Didn't get started till app. 20 min into the sprint.Little tired so just did S&P tonite.20M seemed good at start but didn't last.Guess I need to start on time for a longer band opening. Hi Hi That's ok,40M was loaded! Never heard my Ohio QRP buddy Ron,NT8P.Next time Ron. Always fun hearing & working everyone. Oh yeah,W5ASP was giving a 5W report when his no. is 7430.Asked about his no.and he said 5w again so that's what I logged. ?? 72 from N.C. Mark WG8Y KB8FE - Great band conditions tonight in northern Ohio. I could hear stations three deep almost the entire sprint. It was a real pleasure to work the stations tonight. I thought my low mounted dipole might be a problem but that was not the case tonight. K1IEE - Started on 20M, the band got real quiet the last half hour. However just before that I heard a wavering signal and it was Rick KL7CW in AK I called him and he returned my call. This was a treat for me as on two separate occasions I was in AK and worked the sprint. This time I worked AK that was exciting. Went to 40M and 80M. Great time. Thanks to all 73 Dick WB9CIF - Started 15 minutes late and still improved my score from last month. KF7WNS - Bands were in great shape and lots of activity, makes for lots of fun. Went to 40M for last half hour, but it was too crowded. See you next month. KA6AIL - Nice to be back after a missing at least 3 months. But I still need some ant work. 73's/72's until next month. WD4OHD - Best signals on 40m. Didn't hear much on 80m or 20m. My best QSO count so far on a Sprint. K8AG - It has been too long since I did this. These are the best contests. 72 JP, K8AG K5GQ - 20 M was great. There was not need for sending any item twice except for QRM. There were a couple of 33n handed out. And there was a station calling me that I could hear the signal echo. NO COPY. it was just too weak. 40M was very noisy. I can only imagine what TEXAS QSO party will be like. Just wish I had someone to either ride and operate with or drive for me.. (I do not have a contest type mobile station, just a FT-900) K6CSL - WOW! I believe this may be a station record in an NAQCC Sprint. 20m was in good shape, with lots of good strong QRP signals. 40m was quite noisy from lightning storms in Southeastern AZ and Southwestern NM this evening. I was 30 minutes late for the sprint. I was still on the road, returning from business in Modesto and got back at 17:45 local and had not pre-set up my rig. 73's and a good night to all from the Northern San Joaquin Valley, Bert, K6CSL WB4OMM - The XYL was out-of-town, so I was prepped and ready to go early, started on time, and was able to work the entire two hours uninterrupted! WOW! I had a blast! (as usual!!) Both 20m and 40m were a bit noisy, and had some QRM on my end, but I made lotsa Qs and good mults....ironically, all members! Never went to 80m as 20/40 were good. Look for all of you on the bands....72/73! Steve WB4OMM K5ZU - Really enjoyed this month's sprint. I was using my Emtech NW40 and my ears were wishing the thing had AGC! Nice to work WA4FAT again and also my friend Dennis - W5RZ who lives down the street from me. Lord willin' we'll catch ya again next month. 72 John WB3T - Well I got real lucky tonight. Only 11 contacts, but they were all members, all different SPC's, and I got the straight key bonus so my point total will be respectable. I guess propagation must have been good because they were coming in from all over on 40. Thanks everyone! K0ALN - Good band conditions on 20 and picked up a few on 40 as well. Hope it will keep up on into the winter season. See everybody next month! K2YGM - 20 was active for the first hour or so and it was nice hearing the west coast with decent signals.. when that faded. 40 provided a good run of QSO's but was crowded.. only one 80 mtr qso, even though I checked a few times there.. Plenty of old timers around as well as new members.. looking forward to next month already. 72 Bob WX4RM - Had a good time as always. Did notice New England just was not there tonite. They always come through like the BBC here in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but not tonite. Hope it had nothing to do with the Scottish vote (hihi). N8XEE - Only had a short time to operate, but had a blast! NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5 W to a mini beam at 25' for 20 and an inv V at 40' for 40. Pretty good conditions. Thanks for the contacts. Hope to hear you all next month! 72, Will, NQ2W KQ3Z - Only worked the last 30 minutes but had a lot of fun. Lots of station heard here in Pittsburgh. Love those Sprints KE5YUM -I enjoyed the sprint as always with the FT-817. 20 meters was hot in my area with no shortage of contacts. Looking forward to next month. All the best, Terry KA2KGP - Another nice sprint! Bands were in good shape here in WNY. Lots of nice signals. 73 CO8CML - Again a nice sprint, using FT-80C running 5W to inverted "V" dipole and operating my old straight key.See all next month!!! N8XMS - I was able to slip away from a family activity a couple of times to make two quick contacts and I later finished up the last 20 minutes of the sprint. Participation and conditions seemed good and I wish I could have had more time to operate. KQ1P - Another great sprint, I was sorely tempted to chase TY1AA on 20 M (599 when we started). Worked AB1VL, only two towns away from my QTH for just my second Maine contact in all of the NAQCC sprints! Plenty of new numbers, it is great to see the interest in QRP CW. N4MJ - Fair evening. Increased number of states worked. 20m was almost a wash. N5GW - J38 to K1 to HB tuner and CFZ. 20 was in good shape, and 40 was fair. Lots of participation, which increases the fun. CU all next month. K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, WM2 QRP Watt Meter. 31 QSOs on 20. 25 QSOs on 40. Didn't try 80. Band conditions were generally pretty good. 20M was short at the beginning, but went longer at 0041Z in middle of my QSO with K8CV in MI. Could hear KB9ILT and KB4QQJ on 20M backscatter, but they didn't hear me calling them. Lot of west coast activity this time and I worked AA7VW in OR on both 20 and 40. Nice to QSO G3RSP (2W) and CO8CML on 20M. Activity dropped on 20M after about an hour. 40M sounded really good, but I had a hard time finding a CQ frequency. The zepp outperformed the dipole on 40 except to the west where the dipole was better. Hope to work you all next month when I will carry the flag as N4A. 73/72, John, K4BAI. VE5BCS - I'm sure that was one of my better sprints. 20 died after first hour and half and I even made a 40m contact just one. It's suprising how the band lights up at the crack of 0030z. cu in oct W5TVW - Conditions seemed good this sprint. I was using a new antenna just erected last weekend. An 80 meter full wave loop at 20 feet, pentagon shaped. Seems to work very well on 75 meters but have not fully tested it on 80CW yet. Hope to be able to participate more as I get things done around the house. The little Yaesu FT-817ND doing a pretty good job. 72's to all. N4FZ - Operated 40m only. I used a new to me J12 Army key, and I like the "feel" of it. Strung up the 40m dp just before the Sprint. I heard many loud stations,W2OR,N0TA,but neither heard me, maybe next time. Enjoyed every QSO. 73 to ALL. WA6OEF - Operating portable in the Sierra Mtn's WB2LQF - Used my new W1SFR TBKII sideswiper tonight. After two hours my wrist felt as fresh as ever and no one complained about my fist My KX3 and attic doublet continue to produce great results. I should do these Sprints more often; I had FUN! KJ0P - TU NA DE KJ0P/QRP/LIDFIST WA2FBN - As always a fun sprint 73 Ken KI6FCT - Fun Sprint. My goal was to beat 9, my last effort in July, but the calls just kept coming. Thanks everyone for putting up with my terrible fist. I've been doing a lot of SOTA with an internal keyer, so it has been a while since I've used a straight key. QRP CW - Real radio. K37LOY from ID gave me a fists number, so I spent 20 minutes going through the membership list trying to figure out how I butchered his call and number haha. Nice trick. Alan AA7VW - 20m was great up to about 0200Z then went to 40m. First time I've heard signals on 40m and there were many.I got to run the entire 2 hours this time. At the end I was tired but it was again it was fun. Thanks to those who remembered my name. I'll do better next time. K6MGO - Condx were better than they had been in a long time, 20m was kind of short, but open, and 40m was long. Nice to see more Sixerland ops participating lately. Thanks to all who contacted me and who made the sprint so much fun, once again. 72 de Bill, k6mgo AE7CG - There was moderate QRN at my QTH at the beginning of the sprint. Conditions got better later, and I was able to make a few QSOs. Thanks to KF7WNS, KB4QQJ, K4BAI, and KI0I for this month's QSOs. 72 from Arizona, Loren, AE7CG. WA1GWH - Lots of operators and quite a few strong sigs. Sorry I was not able to get into more than the last half hour. Thanks for the contacts! W2JEK - got on late. Only one local qso on 20. 40 was busy but not as good as it might have been. Had five qso on 80 in the last ten minutes. It was fun none the less. Rig FT-840, wire antennas and Signal Electric key. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK # 1135 W8DW - Got a late start bet still had a good time. My second contact was N5GW , sent report but had no reply, probably band conditions, sorry i had to remove from my log. Band are coming back some. hope every one has a nice month and see you next sprint. 72 Dave N2ESE - Well lets see how the Silver Logs GO ? "W5ASP" was sending "5W" and not his member number-7430,, So had to log him in as non member 5W ?? 73 Gary # 5555 VE3FUJ - Good sprint enjoyed it. Stns calling CQ-NA were sparse in the beginning, that improved later on. Tnx all. Brion 3011 W5RZ - First sprint! It was fun, but 20 meters had bad line noise, and 40 meters had a very high static level. Conditions were so bad I may have messed up a call or number or two. It was my first time using a straight key in awhile, so I need to practice! KA5TJS - Had a great time. Did not get to stick around and see how 40 was. I just got to play on 20 meters. Used the 7410 at 5 watts and the 80 meter dipole. The band was in good shape and a lot of great signals. CU next month: Allen AK3X - Conflicting interests kept me away from the Sprint until the last minutes. Got home at 0225, ran to shack and worked K2DEP, also in MD, and then turned the rig off to do my other evening duties. Good thing I used a straight key to double my score HI. 72 til next month.. Peter AK3X KI0I - Looked up and the sprint was getting away. Worked the last hour and bands seemed pretty decent. 40m had more activity that I could hear than on 20m. Missed hearing some regulars on the bands.K3WWP? Not heard John! Thanks all for a little fun in the middle of the week. 73/72 Mark ki0i W6IRA - Came to the party late, after stumbling on the activity around 14060. KB3AAG - KB3AAG Single band again, thankfully 40 loaded! Still making headway on the new ham shack, the John is in and working! (Now just electric and heat to go!) Lots of fun tonight and the first time I ever worked DX in a sprint and in the last seconds too! Hope to see you next month. Frank AA2VG - Couldn't stay long but glad I jumped in. Tried something new. I decided to see if I could have Genlog log and send cw to my KX3. I built the interface needed with a resistor, transistor, diode and capacitor all on a RadioShack 2 inch square project board. I purchased the USB to R232 convertor and set the CW in GenLog to send the call I entered, my rst, state and NAQCC nr. I plugged the jack into the key port on the KX3 and I was all set. I was able to hand send with the KX3 paddle when needed. The neat thing is that this set up works on my old KNWD TS 850 and will work with any rig. Chute me an email if interested in doing the same. As usual had fun and learned to do something new!.. 72 Peter AA2VG (petersdeluca@gmail.com) W1ZU/P - Worked portable from ME for this sprint. WB0PYF - GOOD CONDITIONS ON 20M, ONLY SHORT TIME OPERATING 72, Ray W2SH - Worked John, K4BAI, on 20m for my opening QSO, and then again on 40m for my final QSO. Having G3RSP, a NAQCC member running 2W, answer my first 20m CQ with a sig reaching 579 was a pleasant surprise. Quite deep QSB made 20m fairly difficult. 40m was active. 80m was unfairly neglected and only yielded two QSOs. VE3FMW - Another fine evening pounding the old speed-x ... thanks all for taking part and thanks to the leadership for their efforts to preserve W/T .... bcnu .. 73 Ron N8LA - FT-817, 5W, 200' dipole up 35' around roof parapet of condo complex fed with 450 ohm window line through MFJ-901B tuner and MFJ-9211 QRPocket 4:1 current balun, American Morse Equipment KK1 hand key. QRN/M conditions on 20 about medium. QRN/M conditions on 40 nasty, but made more contacts on 40. My apologies to WB4NMK for losing him due to fading, etc. I hope we can work next time. I will listen for you. Worked WB0PYF across town on 20 for SKCC contact just before sprint and again on 20 for my second sprint contact. Many thanks to all you wonderful QRPeople for the Qs! 72, Lou N8LA/QRP WD0K - Nice time! Real nice conditions for a change. The Ole Electric Company has done a real nice job of cleaning up their problems here in Lil Canada. Tnx fer the q's. 72 Rich/wd0k WM3X - First sprint. Great fun, and looking forward to the next one. K2GLS - Got a late start this month and then got interrupted and could not get back to the Sprint. So only three contacts but hope the log gets you to the 125 log goal this month. A fun time and good propagation on 20 while it lasted. 72, 73 to all. KB1UOH - There were a lot of very strong QRP signals tonight. It was fun and I look forward to the next one. K4VNJ - Signals were extremely weak! N8BB - Not bad for the few minutes I had. Randy, KB4QQJ, with so few contacts I need the straight key for the 2 multiplier,hihi. Thanks for the contacts. KX3 5w dipole J-38 W8SH - Hello fellow sprinters , great condx agn fer this sprint. 20m was up n down but gud qsos there. 40 was packed ! I heard many stns that didnt hear me. probly cuz of the chaos of stns. still had a great time operating W8SH from MSU club stn. CUL Gregg WB8LZG#1444 K9EYT - Rig KX3 G5RV 25 ft 40 was very busy 20 not so good here near Chicago. 73 Ray WU7F - Very fun - was in rental car in parking lot with dipole in nearby tree. Heard more signals there than what I usually hear at home QTH in UT! KG4UPO - Great sprint. Thanks to all who heard my call, could read my code, and strained their ears in the 40 meter noise and congestion. My highest QSO count. K2, "Ham Key HK4", home brew doublet. WY3H - I believe I worked about 17 stations but somehow the papers on which I had kept track of my contacts got thrown in the trash inadvertently!!! Oh well, things happen. I'm not going to worry. I accept my submitted score. Best 73/72 to all. WY#H WB4UHC - 40 Mtrs was really good, 11 of 16 QSOs there were 599. However lots of QRN. Tnx to K5ZN for Arkansas, N4FZ for KY, & WD4OHD for Tenn. I missed first 40 minutes so it was a good sprint for the time I had. 73 John WB4UHC Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for the contents of your logs and the eventual cross-checking, so if after submitting your log, you discover any mis-information in your log itself - missing entry, wrong call, etc. that doesn't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, September 18, 2014 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: The Sunday following the sprint at 2400Z TIME TO SUBMIT LOGS IS NOW OVER UNLESS YOU STILL WANT TO SUBMIT AND BE LISTED AS A LATE/CHECK LOG WITH NO CHANCE FOR CERTIFICATE OR PRIZE Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |