Jun 2014 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#116) Final Results K3WWP Comments - Everything is now final as the time for appeal is over. Nothing can be changed now. 118 (including one late log) logs is excellent considering conditions, QRM, and QRN. Thanks for your dedication to our sprints and our club. You should be proud of yourselves. We certainly are proud of you. N2CN Comments - The final log count stands at 117. Thank you all for your participation. SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N1DN 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 Dipole at 50 feet N2CN 21 21 42 15 630 630 G5RV@60' W1ZU 18 18 36 8 288 x2 576 125' Doublet - 40' at center NR1D 20 20 40 14 560 560 40 meter loop K1EDG 16 16 32 11 352 x1.5 528 OCFD @ 75' K1IEE 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 OCF long wire@30' KB1UOH 13 13 26 8 208 x2 416 Dpl@14' K1IX 11 11 22 7 154 x1.5 231 HB OCFD dipole @35' KQ1P 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Loop at 25' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 59 57 116 29 3364 x2 6728 Dpl @40' K2YGM 52 51 103 30 3090 x2 6180 80- EFHW, 20/40- G5RV W2SH 26 25 51 18 918 x2 1836 270' dpl@45'; inverted L, 76'V + 90'H WA2NYY 34 34 68 13 884 x2 1768 80m OCF Dipole at 35' KA2KGP 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Dipole up 25 ft. N2ESE 20 20 40 12 480 480 80m.OCF@25ft. N2SO 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 Folded Dipole Inv V @ 32ft W2JEK 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 20m gnd pl., 40 m end fed, both at 20 ft WA2JSG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Vertical elevated at 10' AA2VG 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Carolina Windom 80 meters at 45 feet WA2FBN 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Dipole@30ft K2JT 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 Dpl@25' K2QPN 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 260 FT WINDOM KG2LO 5 5 10 4 40 x1.5 60 Dpl@30 KC2MJT 2 2 4 2 8 8 G5RV@20' $KD2MX 6 6 12 2 24 x2 48 600' loop@30' !KC2YNC 3 3 6 2 12 12 Not given SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 31 31 62 20 1240 x2 2480 20m attic dpl, attic rnd wire KD3CA 15 15 30 14 420 x2 840 OCF 132 ft Windom @33 ft AB3RU 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 18' Vertical, G7FEK@33' KB3AAG 8 8 16 8 128 128 Dpl@20ft AK3X 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40M inverted vee @25' KG3W 7 7 14 6 84 84 44 foot doublet ,inv v at 28 feet. WB3T 5 5 10 3 30 30 40m Homebrew Wire Vertical SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WB4UHC 26 26 52 16 832 x2 1664 80 invV@30' N4FZ 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 Dipole @35' KG4UPO 21 21 42 17 714 x2 1428 Doublet at 40 feet W4DUK 25 25 50 14 700 x2 1400 End-fed Zepp @ 20' AF4LB 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 Dipole @ 55 feet K4ZGB 22 22 44 14 616 x2 1232 4BTV vertical K4ORD 34 33 67 17 1139 1139 80M V @30'. 40M dipole @35' K4KRW 18 17 35 11 385 x2 770 Dipole@25ft WX4RM 15 14 29 13 377 x2 754 6BTV gnd mtd vert KR4OE 21 20 41 15 615 615 Cushcraft 5 band vert, 40 meter dipole WB4MNK 21 20 41 13 533 533 Gnd mtd vert K3RLL 18 18 36 12 432 432 AFTER DARK VERTICAL K4EOR 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 G5RV 30 ft high K4ARQ 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 EF Zepp @ 50' AI4SV 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Attic dipole 40m; gnd mtd vert 80m KK4BNC 11 11 22 8 176 176 20 and 40 m dpls @ 30 and 40 ft W4KRN 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 InvV@50' WG8Y 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 HB 20M EFHW @30' Jacktite Vert. WA4ZOF 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 40 mtr loop @ 25ft NA4O 7 7 14 4 56 x2 112 Dipole@40' AE4FZ 6 6 12 6 72 72 G5RV@40' WD4EXI 6 6 12 6 72 72 Dipole@25" K4NVJ 5 5 10 4 40 x1.5 60 Dipole @ 30 ft KU4A 5 4 9 5 45 45 Slp dipole @ 40' W4LDA 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dpl@25' K3IRV 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 ZS6BKW at 30' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N5GW 39 37 76 18 1368 x2 2736 CFZ @ 40' W5TVW 25 25 50 12 600 x2 1200 115ft end fed wire at 20 feet KE5YUM 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Inverted v at 30' AE5KA 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 GROUND MOUNTED TRAP VERTICAL NF5U 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 G5RvpV@30' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WK6L 18 17 35 15 525 x2 1050 Windom(Inverted Vee), 35ft 40M/20M W6FPS 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Trapped 20m/40m Vertical K6MGO 8 7 15 5 75 x2 150 Indoor 50' doublet K6CSL 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Delta Loop, Dipole, Vertical, Horiz. Loo NS3C 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Dpl@20 KA6AIL 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 40mt dipole @30' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9JWV 28 27 55 22 1210 x2 2420 Windom style up 30' WB4SPB 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 44' doublet@25' WD7Y 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 DOBLET @ 30' WU7F 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Inv-Vee @ 33' AA7VW 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 G5RV at 70' KF7WNS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Inv Vee @ 35' AA7CU 6 6 12 5 60 60 Mobile 6' whip at 12' using 8 radials K5TRI 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 OCF Dipol@30ft. N7QR 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Gnd mtd Butternet HF6V vert w/o radials SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WB8LZG 27 26 53 20 1060 x2 2120 Dpl @ 30' KD8RUQ 31 29 60 14 840 x2 1680 Inv vee alpha delta dx-cc 40ft. NT8P 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 DPL@25FT 40M AND 80M KB3CXQ 13 12 25 9 225 x2 450 Car wdm 80 & Hus 4BTV AC8LJ 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Fan dpl @ 35' & DL @ 50' AC8JW 11 11 22 10 220 220 End Fed Halfwave AD7TN 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 45' Random Wire in the attic NF8M 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 80m OCF dpl @35ft KB8FE 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Dpl@35' KC8AAG 9 9 18 5 90 90 Mini g5rv @ 30' N8XMS 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 R7 Vertical WB8ENE 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 102' ladder line fed doublet @ 15' N8BB 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dipole @ 40' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9EYT 18 18 36 12 432 x2 864 43 ft Vertical grd mounted W9CC 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 6BTV KA9FQG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 G5RV @ 37ft AB9YC 3 3 6 3 18 18 Dipole @ 25' KC9UNL 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Gnd Mtd Vert W9ILF 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 Ground mounted vertical SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N0TA 51 50 101 27 2727 x2 5454 Doublet @30' K9OSC 31 31 62 15 930 x2 1860 CF Zepp @ 30' KD0V 24 23 47 14 658 x2 1316 Cf zepp@50' WB0PYF 23 21 44 14 616 x2 1232 Dipole @ 55' K0EUN 20 20 40 9 360 x2 720 Car-mounted Hamstick 20/40 N8LA 13 12 25 11 275 x2 550 Dpl@35' K0MIS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 OCF dipole - 25' high NU0S 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Hustler BTV4 gnd mtd vert K0FNR 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 End-fed vertical dipole in fir tjree SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE7YU 18 18 36 14 504 504 20 Meter Extended Zepp at 60' VE3FUJ 11 10 21 9 189 x2 378 G5RV @ 50' VE3DTI 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 43 ft. vertical wire VE5BCS 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 Loop 25ft in trees VE2DDZ 3 3 6 3 18 18 End-fed random wire @ 30' VA3KOT 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 OCF dpl@30' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Inverted "V" dipole @ 21 feet GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W2GN 39 39 78 24 1872 1872 80 dipole,40 delta loop array, 20 yagi N4MJ 32 31 63 15 945 945 3 ele yagi @ 60' NQ2W 21 20 41 14 574 574 Mini beam @25', inv V @40', grd mtd vert W3NP 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 KLM KT-34A @ 50' Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log
STATS: Logs submitted: 118 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 156 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,610 States represented: 39 + BC ON QC SK + CM SM SILVER LOGS - 103 of 117 (perfectly formatted): AA2VG AA7CU AA7VW AB3RU AB9YC AC8LJ AD7TN AE4FZ AE5KA AF4LB AI4SV AK3X CO8CML K0EUN K0FNR K0MIS K1EDG K1IEE K2QPN K2YGM K3RLL K4EOR K4KRW K4NVJ K4ORD K4ZGB K5TRI K6CSL K6MGO K9EYT K9JWV K9OSC KA2KGP KA6AIL KA9FQG KB1UOH KB3AAG KB8FE KC2MJT KC8AAG KC9UNL KD0V KD2MX KD3CA KF7WNS KG2LO KG3W KG4UPO KK4BNC KQ1P KU4A N0TA N1DN N2CN N2ESE N2SO N4FZ N4MJ N5GW N7QR N8BB N8LA N8XMS NA4O NF5U NF8M NQ2W NR1D NS3C NT8P NU0S NW2K VA3KOT VE2DDZ VE3DTI VE3FUJ VE5BCS VE7YU W1ZU W2JEK W2SH W3NP W4DUK W4KRN W4LDA W5TVW W6FPS W9CC W9ILF WA2FBN WA2JSG WA2NYY WA4ZOF WB0PYF WB3T WB4MNK WB4SPB WB8ENE WD4EXI WD7Y WG8Y WU7F WX4RMIf you're not listed as a SILVER LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K2QPN - Rig was a KX3 5 watts. Antenna 260 ft Carolina Wyndom. N8XMS - I only had 30 minutes to play and during that time I only made 5 QSOs so it doesn't look like I missed to much by having to shut down early. Band conditions were not very good and participation seemed to be way down. I hope that we will still be able to hit 100+ logs. 73, Paul KC2MJT - After the second interruption I just conceded defeat. Thanks for the nice exchange Dennis, nice to slow the sprint down once in a while. We should have a slow sprint night that requires we actually have a chat with each member. VA3KOT - First sprint; new CW op. What fun. Looking forward to the July sprint. TU. . KB3CXQ - Noisy condx with storms coming in. Good sprint though, esp. for QRP WB4MNK - Had a one hour blast. Thanks to all that called me. 72, Art WB4MNK KA9FQG - Thunderstorms heading in cut my sprint time short tonight but 20m was alive and well. 40m had lots of non-sprint CW activity but that's a good thing; nice to hear the bands full of signals. K5TRI - Pretty bad conditions. Very high noise on both 20m and 40m. Thanks for the few contacts I made. Maybe next time conditions will be better. 73 de Mike K5TRI K3RLL - Early K2 to "After Dark Vertical": 20 meters was really good here tonight, and probably everywhere but I didn't realize why until I went down to 40 and saw what was going on there. Thanks for the contacts and special thanks to KR4OE for his patience. Biggest signals of the evening here were K9EYT & AC8LJ. 72 ... Don AB3RU - Spent most of the sprint on 20 and tried a new vertical antenna today. Did the last 30 minutes or so on 40 but lots of noise from the W1AW stations. Fun night as always. WA2JSG - Thanks to all that contacted me. Here IC-703, turned down to 5 watts off a 12v jumper box into an all-band vertical (elevated). Big ole Kent KT-1 Straight Key. WB0PYF - Ran the KX3 again, thanks for all the qrp contacts, 72, Ray . WB3T - 40 was packed tonight and I couldn't fit a QSO in edgewise. I still have trouble making contacts on 80 with a quarter wave 40m vertical and tuner although it loads up fine. 20 was a little batter and I managed a handful of contacts. Still fun to be in the hunt though! Thanks to everyone and see you next time. EQ: HW-9 with all station accessories. After more than a quarter century, still a great rig! N0TA - Used my KD1JV MTR tonight and had a bunch of fun, all on 20m. Its always amazing to me how well that little rig works. Thanks for the Q's! MTR, doublet & Gen Log. KC9UNL - Too much QRN here in IL tonite. First time in this sprint. Will be back agn. . N2SO - Hi, this was my first submission this year. I had a great time. Worked Stations from VT and NH in the north to NC and VA in the South and MI & OH in the West. Only 40 meters this evening. A lot of pileups in the band due to W1AW centennial. 73, Charles Staten Island NY. K3WWP - Utterly horrid conditions. Two, maybe three different noise sources attacking from all sides. W1AW and another contest of some sort on 40 meters. Propagation not all that great with rapid deep QSB on 20M. Sigs from S9 down to nil in under a few seconds. Still it was a lot of fun fighting the above to make contacts. Builds character. HI Especially enjoyed 20 where most of my QSOs were made. Nice to work folks out west there I haven't worked in a while. 20 also had short skip to WV and VA. Very interesting band tonight. Might be a real push to make it to 100 logs if most other folks had conditions like mine and didn't stick it out like I did. Thanks to all I worked. Apologies to those who may have tried, but I couldn't copy. K4KRW - Tonight was the first time I tried to hold a frequency in one of these sprints. The conditions were not the best here. But, I still had a great time. I managed contacts on three bands. Most of my contacts were on 40. Thanks everyone! AI4SV - Joined last 45 minutes. It's been a while, glad to get back into a sprint and to see some new (to me) member call signs. Heard stations on 20m, but no responses. 40 and 80m both seemed reasonable; 40m cleared up somewhat in the last ten minutes. 72! - Jack N2CN - 20 was pretty good. 80 and 40, not so much. WA2NYY - Tonight was work. Started on 20 and made one qso, had high noise level here and moved to 40. Lots of CQing and some S&P. Heard a lot of NY and NJ tonight. Moved to 80 and worked another three, then back to 40. Conditions didnt seem as good as previous sprints, though I missed last month. My fist was a bit shaky for the first 20 minutes but then I got back into the groove. Down on the mults tonight but managed to break 30 qsos. 72 de Mark. NT8P - Goal was 10 on the noisy band with another contest and dx going on. Got 13. Mark, WG8Y Sorry I missed you tonight Ron W1ZU - I had very high noise levels at my QTH tonight. That combined with my new CW skills meant I needed lots of repeats! Thank you to all who answered my CQ and for your patience!! This was my third sprint and my first with the straight key - sorry everyone! HiHi KG3W - Got home late from mother in laws 89th birthday dinner. Love her dearly. Got lucky in the mother in law department. HI! Only had 30 minutes to play. Band sounded scratchy but storms moving in soon. Had fun and will be here for all of the milliwatt coming up. 72 de Scotty KG3W . KB3AAG - Well when the snake bites he just keeps chewing! Tonite I operated from the WA3COM radio room [they knew I had lost my shack to a fire so invited me to use their room and rig] My first contact was on forty but when I entered it I found I was in some w/w ssb contest! I had to reset and lost him! Then at 109 the time stopped running! I have used the program in over 50 sprints and never had any of these problems before! So there will not be a silver log tonight. I hope I wont keep any one from there's. If anyone says they worked me they did all of the people I worked were solid but I sure wasn't! frank . K6CSL - Wow! Solar Flux 161 + 2 X class Flares since 11:00Z yesterday. I figured conditions would be bad. No, even though I was a half hour late to the party, QRP stations all over the place. I stayed on 20, figuring I wouldn't do nearly a swell on 40, as on 2o. I did lose 2 QSO's in the QSB. TNX to W2SH and K4ORD for the try's. Very fun sprint. 73's and good night to all, from the beautiful San Joaquin Valley. Bert, K6CSL . KF7WNS - 20M was in good shape…wish I had more than the last 20 minutes to work. Looking forward to next week with the mW sprint...see you then. 72, Gary . VE3DTI - Glad to be back... Rig: KX3 ant 5W. Ant: 43 ft. vertical wire. Key: Scheunemann Kleine. 73 to All. Jose VE3DTI, NAQCC Nr. 6008. . KA6AIL - I am glad I made these 5 Q's. The band here on the left coast where not very good. C U next month 72/73 . W5TVW - 20 meters seem to be the only busy band tonight! Listened a few minutes on 40 and nothing. 80 meters has very heavy QRN. signals were not the greatest on 20, but there seemed to be more than last sprint. Heavy rain at times locally but no static. The FT-817 seems to be doing a creditable job anyway considering. Wish the band was more lively Maybe next time will be better. This is second time I have done this in almost 10 years since my stint as "caregiver" to my now "SK" XYL. See you guys next time. KC8AAG - Thanks! I had fund working in my first sprint, even if I could only participate in the 2nd hour. . N4FZ - I used a 20m dipole instead of my vertical this time, several stations called me but were just too weak to work. The logging program gave me fits for some reason, and I'm having a rough time updating the member list into Genlog. It was fun to use the KD1JV tribander again, it's been too long! I enjoyed working each one one you, and sorry if I missed you. Maybe next Sprint! 73 Gene AD7TN - I started about an hour late and made only 7 QSO this month. Love my LNR Precision's SKCC Club Key. 72/73 de AD7TN Noz . K9EYT - Again 20 meters was good here in the midwest, lots of QRN heavy rain so 40 and 80 had to much noise . Rig KX3, ZeroFive 43 ft vertical, Lionel J38 key that I've used for 53 years. 72 C U next week for the QRPP sprint. Ray NF8M - Despite a solar storm and the W1AW/5 AR operation cutting our watering hole in half, 40 was decent. Only had less than an hour between meetings and errands so didn't spend as much time as I would have liked. 72 till next time. . N4MJ - As always - FUN. 20m was better this round than in the past several sprints. NW2K - Good conditions on all bands, although 40 was a bit crowded (27 Q's on 20, 27 on 40, 7 on 80). NAQCC has great Ops! 5W, fan dipole at 40 feet. W4LDA - Great conditions on 20 but thunderstorms kept me off off the air. AB9YC - There was a large rain system parked over the Chicago area tonight. I couldn't hear very much. Even the W1AW operations were very weak into my location. So it goes. See you again next month. WB8LZG - Hey agn fellow sprinters! I used the trusy ol ARGO 509 agn this sprint. WOW ! condx were really super this month, but a bit unusall propagation. Nothing heard from Southland around GA , AL , Fla. where i usually work many stations. But 20m was open so i started there. It was tough gg on 20 so i went to 40 after 2 Q's. 40m was HOT! I had a nice run going on the QRP calling freq. I ran into several ol friends there. Brothers Louis N8LA ,Charles W2SH, es Frank NF8M, as well as Sister Karen W4KRN ! A BIG welcome to 2 newer members i worked, NR1D # 7145 es VA3KOT # 7155 . Glad to have u aboard gents es hope to see u in many more sprints. I only had till abt 10pm to PLAY , so i tryed 20 agn to find it was open still. A few CQ's strated a little run there too, es i worked 8 more new mults as a result. Wish i could have run the whole sprint. I think i may have gotten close to my personal best score! Had a great time! see u all in the mw sprint ! 73 ,GREGG WB8LZG K9JWV - Acceptable condx on 20. Went to 40, heard lots of activity but never heard one CQ NA! KA2KGP - Band conditions were poor here in WNY. QRN was high & hard to hear calls. Rig: IC-7000 at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft. See everyone on the mW sprint . KD0V - My experience mirrored K3WWP's, but only heard two stations in the Sprint on 40M and they were far to weak to attempt to work through the QSB and QRN. The mW Sprint next week should be very interesting. Merlin - KD0V WB8ENE - Rig is Peaberry V2 SDR at about 3 watts. Not much heard here on 20, so I made all of my contacts on 40. See you next time. 73, Art . VE5BCS - 20 was ok lot qsb 40 was not good very little on cu next week . WX4RM - Those X class solar flares making high noise levels got me good! But was able to work a lot of new callsigns, and was heard on the west coast, which doesn't happen too often. . KQ1P - Cdx very poor hr for sprint, QSB, QRN, etc. but made a few QSO's. AC8JW - Band conditions not all that great, but lots of people this doing the sprint. WA2FBN - Always fun to work sprint. Thanks to all who were able to pull my signal out. 73 Ken KD2MX - I got to the shack for just the last minutes of the sprint. A quick listen on 40 found nothing but noise. Heard one weak one on 80 so I didn't expect much. Called a quick CQ and ran off a quick six Qs. Only this morning did I notice that I had not adjusted the power output on the FT897 and had run at 20W making for my first ever QRO entry in a sprint. WD7Y - Thanks for another Sprint Ed/WD7Y K2YGM - Hello to all. After experiencing poor band conditions all week due to solar flares etc, I was surprised to hear reasonably good condx on 20M.. I started there and after working through the many stations calling me there, switched to 40 where I found pileups for W1AW around our center frequency.. Conditions there were also noisy and I didn't stay there long.. Had a few contacts on 80 but left there and went back to 20 only to find that skip went long and I was now hearing the west coast and nearby states.. Happy to work K6CSL and NS3C both in CA, K9JWV and WU7F both in UT, and one DX CO8CML in the mix also. I believe this sprint resulted in my all time high QSO count of 52 which was rewarding as well. Also worked was Don, K3RLL on both 20 and 40M with his "After hours vertical".. Nice going Don Not to be un-mentioned and plugging away was John K3WWP who always has a nice signal here on Long Island.. Thanks again John for all the work you do for the organization.. Thats it. Very long winded this time. 72 & DX Bob K2YGM N8BB - Qrn was not fun. . WB4SPB - I operated from my front porch using batteries, an HB1B and SOTA antenna. I wanted to hang the antenna between two trees, but throwing the line did not go well, and after finally getting a good line into one tree, I found a place on the house to attach the other support. So: 90 min to set up, 30 min to take down -- needs work but good practice. The only participating station I heard on 40M was VE7YU, who answered my CQ. K6MGO - Both 20m and 40m were open although noisy and made one of my best scores sofar. Lots of fun using my K3 to indoor doublet in the garage rafters. W4KRN - Did not hear as many stations as usual, but the stn's I did hear had strong signals. Things to all I worked. Hope to cu next month. 72 CO8CML - Again a nice sprint.Worked only the first hour, electrical storm made me get out.Thanks to all stations that came to my call.See you next sprint!!! K0EUN - Enjoyed excellent 20m conditions. Couldn't compete with the other contest going on 40m. W2JEK - Got on late. Had 3 qso on 20. Then QSB and QRN set in and was unable to pull WB0PYF through - sorry Ray. Went to 40 for 8 QSO amid the pile ups for the special event stations. All in all was fun despite the challenges. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 KU4A - Not a whole lot of signals on 40, but the ones I heard were strong. N5GW - I had the KX3 and J38 running again. 20M was the band I thought would be the best - Man! was I correct. 40M was heavy QRN from local storms. Even worse, when I took a quick listen to 40 later in the sprint, W1AW/5 in AR was calling very near 7040(the QRSS beacon frequency and the former(?)QRP calling frequency)and listening up. That was strike three for that band. But I am not complaining, as there are a lot more hams looking for W1AW/ than there are QRP sprinters. I was just glad 20M was in fine shape the entire sprint. NU0S - Took a short brake from planting pumpkins to operate radio great fun I heard K3WWP on 20m but the band went bust on me. Still need a better computer genlog is not working properly... 72 Scotty NU0S Nebraska #3715 KB1UOH - It was a tough night with the DXers and qrn. always nice to hear the stations in ME that I usually get. . KR4OE - It sure was fun and a good warm-up for Field Day. Thanks to all who worked me. The bands were noisy here and had to put with some bad qrm-ers but that only made the challenge greater. Long live qrp and cw. WG8Y - Hi all,Ran portable while in Jackson,TN.Mother-in-law went into intensive care Sat. nite.Loaded the car and drove over Sunday.Always have the 817 & portable backpack ready to go.Good thing.Mother-in-law doing better.In Rehab. Got back from rehab center in time to throw up the Jacktite pole & the HB 20M EFHW and work app. last half hour. Glad 20M was still open here in TN.as it was to dark to put up anything for 40M. I sent TN. 3 times on every Q so hope everyone got it.Sorry Ron,NT8P,couldn't get on 40 or 80 to listen for you.I sat in the car an put the Key on the console and cranked out 8 Q's.Thanks guys for hearing me. Hope I'm able to get back home for the QRP/p Sprint.If not ,I'll set up something for 40M during the day.Hi Hi. 72 From Jackson,TN. WG8Y/P Mark NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5 W to a mini beam at 25' for 20, an inv V at 40' for 40, and a ground mounted, near-bottom loaded, homebrewed vertical for 80. Interesting conditions...only a few strong signals...only 2 QSOs on 40...20 was open everywhere (but weakly)...80 was very short. Still, a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to all the participants and thanks to the organizers. Be safe during Field Day. 72, Will, NQ2W AA2VG - Back home in New York. Jumped in for a while and was glad to make contacts. 73 Peter AA2VG KB8FE - Conditions were not great here in northern Ohio. 20 meters was not as good as the previous sprint so I remained on 40 meters. Some stations were very strong, others very weak. I did not hear as many stations as I expected to hear. Thanks to NAQCC for the Email heads-up about the sprint taking place that night! AK3X - I usually stick to 40M for the sprints, but since my DSW-20 was all set to go, I used that for this one. Only had about 45 minutes and even that was broken up by short chores.. Had fun.. 20 was somewhat messy with lots of sigs on top of each other. That's what makes it fun. 72 til next month. Peter AC8LJ - Had to bow out 30 minutes in due to a major storm in the area. Was a great 30 minutes, though! AA7VW - Amazing how the QSB was so deep and fast. . VE3FUJ - I enjoyed the sprint up until the QRM started a few mins after 0100, all of a sudden stns popped up out of nowhere and completely filled the band, I could no longer make heads or tail of it, stns where doubled up in a Gopledegoop. I listened for a while then gave up. Brion N8LA - KX-3, 5W, Dipole up 35 ft, American Morse Enterprises KK1 hand key. Still trying to figure out KX-3 that arrived last week. Using KK1 hand key that recently assembled from kit purchased at FDIM. Had to phone Elecraft to find out how to set KX-3 to work with hand key. After about six attempts to wire stereo plug for key, finally got it to work only if plug partially inserted into jack. Time for sprint to begin but could not figure out how to make KX-3 transmit. After much cussing and stomping, finally got it to transmit. 20 was good, even worked WB0PYF, KX-3/KX-3 across town on 20. 40 was overrun by W1AW/whatever and stations trying to work them. Was told to QSY by station whose KW was being being covered up by my 5W CQ!! 80? Nada! Adult supervision (XYL) phoned from Louisville to check on me in middle of sprint. Nonetheless, was fun: CA and OR on 20 and brother Gregg, WB8LZG, only 40 contact. Tnx to all and hope to work you in mw sprint. Lou . K4EOR - I ENJOYED USING A STRAIGHT KEY FOR A CHANGE! LIMITING THE WORKABLE FREQUENCIES MADE THE SPRINT MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE. . W2SH - QRM on a fairly noisy 40m was heavy, with a W1AW surrogate operating near 7.030 mHz and another all around 7.040 mHz. 20m was the place to be. It stayed open and with increasing darkness the skip zone lengthened. As a consequence, 80m was neglected. KG4UPO - 20 meters was hot for me here in Virginia. Was delighted to work all but especially pleased for the folks on the west coast who dug my RF out of the soup. Battery powered Elecraft K2 @ 5 watts and my trusty J-38 key. You would think that QRP would stop amazing me ...... but it still amazes me every time! Thanks again for all the help from a great group. 73, Wiley N7QR - FT840, Johnson Speedx key. 80 and 40 dead. 20 had slow QSB. Worked a couple but couldn't get a confirmation, lost 'em after the first turnover. Wait 'til next time! K4NVJ - Short of time, still had fun. Condx seemed good. . K4ORD - 40M was fairly good here in VA signals up and down, moved to 20M later and found long and short skip was surprised to hear John, K3WWP from PA heard OR and CA who got my call but just couldn't get the exchange. Best DX worked were UT & CO. I have missed several of these sprints lately nice to be back lots of fun, had to quit early this time due to having to get up early and take down our club Antennas at the Red Cross building as they are moving. thanks to all 72/73 Riley W3NP - Wasn't up to the sprint but I did fire the K2-10 up for a few minutes and worked 4 stns. I didn't realize that I was on the yagi until I finished - I thought it seemed awfully easy to make the contacts!! Big difference between the gain ant and my usual CF Zepp. 72 de West Virginia WB4UHC - Had a good time but the QRN from storms was bad. One of the first QSOs was with Dan AF4LB accross the creek from me all of 2200'. Prop was strange to me again no FL, TX or much of the MidWest. Thanks to all for a nice evening. Andy N2CN is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for the contents of your logs and the eventual cross-checking, so if after submitting your log, you discover any mis-information in your log itself - missing entry, wrong call, etc. that doesn't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, June 11, 2013 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |