Sep 2013 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#107) Corey KF0U is responsible for the contents of this page - the results and soapbox. Any questions about that go to ![]() John K3WWP is still responsible for the contents of your logs and the eventual cross-checking, so if after submitting your log, you discover any mis-information in your log itself - missing entry, wrong call, etc. that doesn't affect anything on this page, send the info to ![]() Final Results KF0U Comments - My final count is 116. Thanks to all in getting your logs in. It makes a big difference to all participating. K3WWP Comments - The time for appeals is over and the results are 'etched in stone' as they say. Thanks to all for participating and reporting in. Don't forget next month is a special sprint during anniversary week. We'll be giving away nine nice prizes for our ninth anniversary. They will be given via a random drawing like we did in February for our 100th sprint. Also all ten of our N#A special event calls will be active in the sprint. So see (hear) you there. SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W1SFR 33 30 63 20 1260 x2 2520 OCF Dpl @80' WI1B 21 21 42 11 462 x2 924 Dpls @25' KB1UOH 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 Vertical K1IEE 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 OCF long wire @30' KM1N 10 10 20 5 100 x1.5 150 Loop 180' @15' K1SX 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 120' end fed wire @15', 20m only KB1ZMX 3 3 6 2 12 12 OCF Dpl @30' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W2SH 49 47 96 28 2688 x2 5376 270' dpl @45' WK2T 48 46 94 21 1974 x2 3948 80M OCF on 20 and 80 Cage Dipole on 40 WA2NYY 39 36 75 21 1575 x2 3150 80m OCF dpl @35' K2YGM 35 33 68 18 1224 x2 2448 G5RV Mini @40', 80M PAR ENDFEDZ KA2KGP 21 21 42 16 672 x2 1344 Dpl @25' K2GLS 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 80M dpl @20' 40M dpl @40' 20M dpl @30' N2ESE 29 29 58 17 986 986 80m OCF Dpl @25' K2ARM 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 40M dpl @20' W2JEK 15 14 29 11 319 x2 638 20 gnd. plane, 40 dipole ,80 end fed WA1GWH 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 1/4 wave inv L w/ground radials N2JJF 14 14 28 12 336 336 Par end fed antenna @20' N2SO 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 Folded Dipole inv V @35' WA2JSG 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Vert mounted @12' KD2MX 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 600' loop @30' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 49 45 94 22 2068 x2 4136 110' attic rnd wire, attic dpl (20) WA3YLQ 18 18 36 15 540 x2 1080 End fed 66' wire @20' KM3D 12 12 24 9 216 216 R8 vertical @12' KB3KJS 10 10 20 7 140 140 160 Meter Inv L N3COB 7 4 11 6 66 x2 132 80 Meter Carolina Windom @95' KG3W 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 All band dpl @22' K3RLL 8 7 15 6 80 80 G5RVjr @35' AK3X 2 2 4 2 8 x1 16 40M Inv Vee @27' N3AEA 2 2 4 2 8 8 OCF Sloper SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB4QQJ 59 55 114 30 3420 x2 6840 EFHW Doublet @33' W4AGT 45 42 87 29 2523 2523 Dpl @60' WB4OMM 33 31 64 19 1216 x2 2432 280' wire loop @35' ND9M 34 32 66 18 1188 x2 2376 OCF dpl @25' WB4MNK 37 35 72 21 1512 1512 Gnd mtd vert WG8Y 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 Homebrew 20-40 dpl @25' WX4RM 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 6BTV vert gnd mtd K4JPN 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 Zepp K4KRW 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 Dpl @25' WA4ZOF 15 14 29 11 319 x2 638 260' OCF dpl W4DUK 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 EF Zepp @20' K4NVJ 17 17 34 8 272 x2 544 88' Dpl @30' W4KRN 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 Inv V @50' KB0ETU 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 Dpl @35' KU4A 15 15 30 13 390 390 Slp dpl @40' KK4BE 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dpl @30' NZ1D 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 G5RVjr Inv V @20' W4LDA 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Dpl @25' K7HAP 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Windom @25' NA4O 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 19' wire vert !AK4JA 21 19 40 14 560 560 Unk SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5IQS 38 38 76 23 1748 x2 3496 Fan dpl @30' W5ODS 37 37 74 20 1480 x2 2960 G5RV @50' N5GW 46 45 91 24 2184 2184 CFZ @50' KE9DR 22 22 44 15 660 x2 1320 420' random loop @50' W5WIL 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 240' Doublet @35' W5EST 14 14 28 11 308 308 Dpl @25' KA5TJS 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 80m dpl @30'/twine lead, tuner NM5S 11 11 22 7 154 154 100' dpl with open wire feed KE5YUM 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Inv vee @30' AA5XQ 2 2 4 2 8 8 100' wire @15' No feedline. @AC5GG 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 G5RV dpl @25' @KF5PFU 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 End fed @20' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KA6AIL 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 20m Vert ground mounted NQ6E 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 20m dpl @33' K6MGO 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 Indoor Mag Loop K6CSL 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 Delta Loop, Horiz Loop, Dpl SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KE7YTE 14 13 27 13 351 x2 702 Buddipole 20M Vert. Dipole @18' K7RNO 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 G5RV invV @40' W7GAH 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 240' Rand Wire @60' K7QAT 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 Dpl @15' ladder es tuner KF7TDF 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Dpl @15' AA7CU 9 7 16 8 128 128 Screwdriver mobile 6' whip @12' KF7WNS 5 5 10 3 30 x1.5 45 Inv vee @35' NU7T 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 R6000 K7JFD 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Attic Dpl SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NF8M 51 47 98 22 2156 x2 4312 80m OCF dpl @35' NI8N 40 38 78 25 1950 x2 3900 Dpl @40' W3NP 32 29 61 17 1037 x2 2074 130' CF Zepp @ 45' - 600 ohm open wire WB8LZG 20 18 38 13 494 x2 988 Dpl @35' N8IUP 16 16 32 15 480 x2 960 20M vertical dipole - 40M delta loop WB8ENE 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 20m dipole @20' / 102' doublet @15' WV8P 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 80m dpl @45' N8XMS 6 5 11 6 66 x2 132 R7 Vert WA8SAN 8 8 16 5 80 80 End fed zepp @10' N8ZYA 5 5 10 5 50 50 Indoor Isotron SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB9ILT 45 41 86 23 1978 1978 Delta Loop W9CC 24 22 46 14 644 x2 1288 80m loop @15' K9EYT 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 43' Vertical AA9L 17 16 33 12 396 x1.5 594 Trap dpl @50' N1RU 8 8 16 7 112 112 Full wave attic loop KA9FQG 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @35' N9RLO 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 CF Zepp @45' AB9YC 6 6 12 5 60 60 Dpl @20' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KI0I 41 39 80 24 1920 x2 3840 Hytower 20m & inv vee @55' 40m KD0V 38 36 74 22 1628 x2 3256 CF Zepp @50' K0ALN 18 18 36 14 504 z1 1008 DXCC Inv V @38' N8LA 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 Dpl @35' NO2D 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 80m doublet @30' WD0K 11 11 22 8 176 x1.5 264 Center fed Zepp @30' KE0ER 6 6 12 6 72 72 107' random wire @20' N0CVW 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 23' loaded whip - Comet CHA250 K2HT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV JR @25' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3KI 56 54 110 24 2640 2640 G5RV @35' VE3FUJ 25 24 49 13 637 x2 1274 G5RV @50' VE7YU 30 30 60 18 1080 1080 20M Extended Zepp at 60' pointed 75 deg VA2SG 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 Windom VE3KLX 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 EndFedz 20m @25' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Inverted "V" dpl @27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KC5NX 43 42 85 23 1955 1955 3 element Yagi @45' K4BAI 24 24 48 15 720 x2 1440 TH6DXX at 55'; dipole at 40, inv vee 55' N4MJ 27 24 51 15 765 765 OCF (WINDOM) AND 3 ELE TRIBANDER @60' NA6MG 19 19 38 16 308 x2 616 Tribander @42' NQ2W 17 15 32 13 416 416 Mini beam @25', inv vee @40' W7GB 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 3-el yagi @40', Roof mtd R7 vertical N2OUV 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 3el yagi @38', gnd mtd hf2v vert @KF5J 3 3 6 3 18 18 40 M LOOP @40', 3 EL 20 M BEAM Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log
STATS: Logs submitted: 117 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 190 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2014 States represented: 41 + BC ON QC + CM SILVER LOGS - 100 of 116 (perfectly formatted): AA5XQ AA7CU AA9L AB9YC AC5GG AK3X CO8CML K0ALN K1IEE K1SX K2GLS K2HT K2YGM K3RLL K4BAI K4JPN K4KRW K6CSL K6MGO K7HAP K7JFD K7QAT K7RNO K9EYT KA2KGP KA5TJS KA6AIL KA9FQG KB0ETU KB1UOH KB1ZMX KB9ILT KC5NX KD0V KD2MX KE0ER KE5YUM KE7YTE KE9DR KF5J KF5PFU KF7TDF KF7WNS KG3W KI0I KK4BE KM1N KU4A N0CVW N1RU N2ESE N2JJF N2OUV N2SO N3COB N4MJ N5GW N8IUP N8LA N8XMS N8ZYA N9RLO NA4O NA6MG ND9M NF8M NI8N NO2D NQ2W NQ6E NU7T NZ1D VE3FUJ VE3KLX VE7YU W2JEK W2SH W3NP W4DUK W4KRN W4LDA W5EST W5IQS W5ODS W5WIL W7GAH W7GB W9CC WA1GWH WA2JSG WA3YLQ WA8SAN WB4OMM WB8ENE WD0K WG8Y WI1B WK2T WV8P WX4RMIf you're not listed as a SILVER LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: AB9YC - Only had a short while to work, and based on conditions I wish I had been able to operate more. Thanks again to all. AA5XQ - First sprint. Fun, but couldn't find anyone on 40 or 80. Need to dig out straight key. Using KX3 with attached key. Thanks for emailing reminders! VE3KLX - My first use of my new Elecraft K2. Have built the basic unit and wanted to see if it works....apparently it does. Now to add the option boards. 5W and a simple end fed wire antenna works quite well. 72 DE VE3KLX K3RLL - FT-817 to G5RVjr: Only had a half hour to play tonight but enjoyed the strong signals on 20 meters. Big signal was WB4OMM. Lots of FL stations on tonight. Must be time to go back to the land of bugs and gators. 72 de Don KM1N - Twenty meters died about 0055z here. Moved to forty and it was quite noisy. Finally went to 80 for a few more contacts. Plenty exercise running up to the tuner in the attic. Great fun thanks all. 72/73 de Bill - KM1N. KF7TDF - very fun sprint on 20 meters, I could hear you on the east coast and texas but my signal just was not making it back till around 1:00. 40 meters was very noisy till the very end. KB1ZMX - Much better condx this month. Low stress, more fun. Practice is gradually paying off. Thanks to all the organizers for their great work! Big thanks to patient ops who worked me. KB1ZMX NO2D - Dinner, dishes, and a snake in her back yard kept me from working the entire sprint. But, I did make some contacts. As always, John, K4BAI had a very good signal into Colorado. Thanks to all who make this possible. Pete, NO2D N0CVW - Just had a few minutes, and band Cx were terrible! K3GW - Very busy evening, but wanted to put in an entry. Only on for the last 20 minutes of sprint. Lots of very nice signals tonight and lots of static also. Used the bug tonight. Thanks all. See you next sprint. 72 de Scotty KG3W K4KRW - Bands were nice here tonight. WB4MNK and W5EST, I enjoyed listening to you pull each other out of the noise. I got one contact on 20m at the start. The rest were on 40m. I heard a few folks on 80m near the end (heard you John K3WWP). This was a fun night. Thanks! K3WWP - 49 QSOs the most for me in a while now. All three bands productive tonight with 40 being the most productive. Still horrendous local noise here as usual, but either the sigs overrode it or I got a better S/N ratio by listening on a diff antenna from that on which I was transmitting. All QSOs made by calling CQ. Four non-members is the most I've had in a sprint log in a long while. One was running a KW! Missed a lot of local multipliers like OH PA WV MD MA. Bottom line - great fun as are all of our wonderful sprints. What a fabulous way to spend two hours on a weekday evening. Thanks to all for the QSOs. I am guessing I missed some answers as I thought I heard sigs under my noise here. If so, I'm sorry. Keep trying in future sprints. WA4ZOF - Many strong sigs thanks to all who went into my log..TOM WA4ZOF KI0I - 20m was pretty good ,40&80m were noisy here from storm QRN but signals gud enough to get thru.Thanks to all for the q`s.73/72 Mark WB4OMM - FT-2000 @5W, Speed-X key, 280' loop antenna - another blast! I love the short contests....and everyone is courteous! FB!! I had a lot of fun, and it never ceases to amaze me how little power is needed for a solid signal. Just about all worked were 599 here (a few 599+++!) and only a few that were 559. Bands were in good shape too, no loud static. Thanks to all of you I worked, especially when I asked for multiple repeats because of the heavy QRM! (I'd almost rather have that problem than the 229 signals or QRN!). 72 to all and have a great week...look for you Friday morning when the FL NAQCC Chapter is out and about! Steve WB4OMM WB4MNK - Sure had a good time tonight. Want to thank everyone I worked for the contact. Some nice signals out there tonight. See everyone next time. 72, Art WB4mnk K6CSL - I only got to get on the 2nd hour. Rig was already set up with 5 watts on 40, so I stayed there. Band was very noisy this evening, apparently from severe thunder storm activity between Eastern AZ and Western NM. I hope to be able to make the full time in next month Sprint. 73's to all. Bert, K6CSL W7GAH - 20m was open and long and lots of activity. My pipeline to TX has dried up. Called a couple of TX stations but unable to make contact. Fun sprint as always. Looking forward to the winter months, less outside projects and more time for radio. 73/72 WK2T - 40 Was a tough go. But it is always fun running a QRP pile-up...See you all next month. KF7WNS - Enjoyed the sprint. First time out with new homebrew xmtr(TUBE TYPE). Wow no T-R switch. Got to work on that. CU next time. 72, Gary/KF7WNS KM3D - Enjoyed the sprint IMMENSLY! Haven't done real QRP in a LONG time; built the K1 last winter and had only half dozen Q's in log 'til now. Nice rig and wonderful event . . . CU agn! 72 de Harry, KM3D KB4QQJ - That was a really fun sprint! Bands were strange but great. My antennas pointed e/w were working all North and the ne/sw was working south...but a lot of new members. It's always encouraging to see that. I worked several non members which is always good to see the interest. (future members) Had a good friend local operator in this one also. W4AGT Allen was having a good run on 40. I think he may be back...heh heh...I stayed busy on 20 and 40 and never made it to 80. Thanks to all and BCNU. Randy_KB4QQJ KX3 at 5w LnR EndFedz and doublet at 33 feet Marconi AS-300A hand key WG8Y - Hi all, Didn't get into the shack until a couple min. before the start of the Sprint.The easy chair almost got me.Hi Hi. Started on 20 but after 30 min. only had 5 Q's.I spent too much time going back and trying to work VE7YU. Maybe next time. Went to 40. Lots of signals and not much QRN here in NC. Had a good time. 72 from NC Mark WG8Y K1IEE - Conditions seemed to be fair on 20M. Made many call with no returns. Tried 40M after the first hour and had very little luck. S&P does nor produce high scores for me but its fun to participate. Thanks to all 73 Dick WA2NYY - Started off slow on 20m, but it picked up after about an hour. Went to 40m and found it noisy, but had a good run for a bit and then it went dead about 15 minutes before the end of the sprint. Tried 80 and made 4 contacts. Another fun sprint after a tough start. KA2KGP - The bands were all in good shape here in WNY. Good signals tonite & good turnout for sprint. Rig: Ten Tec Argosy II, MFJ Tuner into dipole up 25'. 73 all. KB0ETU - Left 20 meters about 0200 for a few minutes and when I went back, it was gone! It was nice while it lasted. A BIG thanks to KB4QQJ for his patience in pulling me out of the mud. Good sprint. Another thanks to all who participated and to those who made this sprint possible. 72, Phil K7QAT - Just started into QRP. It's exciting to communicate with low power..My converted TS-50 is abt 800MW on low and abt 4.5W on medium by adjusting two small pot's..Nice to QSO with K3WWP..I read his column in the keynote, and check out his web-site for interesting info..73's and 72's to all Dave K7QAT N2JJF - only had 1 hour to play. 20m had very low noise level. very easy to copy weak signals. Perfect for QRP K9EYT - 20 and 40 not to good here in the Chicago area, storms moving in during sprint. Rig KX3,j38, antenna 43 ft Zerofive vertical. Always a challenge CU next time Ray KA6AIL - Best ever on 20, to bad I had to leave before the end. C U next month N8LA - 20 and 40 were crowded. Could hardly get a dit, let alone a dah, in edgewise. Now that I think of it, a dah edgewise is probably the same as a dit, edge or other, wise. Thinking of it at all is probably "dit"sy. Did find some space to work a few via my CQ. Kudos to N7RNO who hung in there to copy my 419 signal, and K2ARM who put up with my frequent requests for repeats. Kujos to all the three kilohertz wide signals on 40! K7RNO - This was my first sprint and it was fun. However, I had to cut it short as it was getting dark and I was operating portable, from a park. Future sprints may have to be skipped because our winters are verrrrry cold (and I cannot transmit from home). Thank you for making this possible, and 73! NF8M - First time in several months that I've been able to operate the full 2 hours. Started on 20 which was going well for the first half hour, then found a good run frequency on 40 and stayed there the rest of the night except for grabbing a couple on 80; probably would have worked more but for the S8 noise level. Worked a few non-member QRO stations. 72 to all and see you in October! N8XMS - Some family business necessitated setting my alarm clock for 3 AM. In the old days I could have operated the full sprint, watched Johnny Carson, and still been OK with the 3 o'clock wake up. But Johnny is no longer here and neither is the young guy who could do that! I only operated for the first 15 minutes and then hit the sack. Next month I'll be operating N8A and I promise to stick around for the entire sprint no matter what! W4LDA - Hoped I could do the sprint while listening to a ballgame. Couldn't do it. WB8ENE - Started off on 20 meters. Switched to 40 meters after about 20 minutes, but the noise was much worse, so I went back to 20 for a while. My 40 meter antenna IS closer to the power lines. I usually spend most of my time on 40, so I made several new contacts this sprint. Thanks, and see you next time. 73, Art KE5YUM - Signals were strong on 20 in my part of the world. I certainly enjoyed a contact rich environment tonight. I only worked four however, and I want to thank all who worked me, especially WB4MNK for digging me out of the noise. All the best, Terry CO8CML - Used FT-80C running 5W into wire antenna,20m was open and there were many stations calling, but only can complete 6 QSO's...I hope see all in the next sprint!! NZ1D - Fun nite, but had to take time off to watch detective show on BBC America...priorities, priorities. 2600-plus miles to VE7YU in BC on 5w, junk box antenna and QRN on 20m. QRP, I'm convinced. WB8LZG - TEN TEC ARGONAUT @5W HELLO AGN SPRINTERS! GUD CONDX TONIGHT ON 20 ES 40M. 20 WAS PACKED AT START ES HAD A HARD TIME "SQUEEZING" IN , SO WENT TO 40 ES IT WAS FULL OF SPRINTERS TOO! WORKED 10 QSO's ON 40M ES WENT BACK TO 20M ES WORKED A BUNCH MORE THERE. CA COMING IN NICELY TONIGHT, BUT NOT MUCH FROM STRAIGHT SOUTH,i DIDNT HEAR A "peep" FROM OUR SOUTHERN GENTILEMEN, I ALMOST ALWAYS HAVE A "BEELINE" INTO DIXIE, ES I USUALLY WORK SEVERAL FLA, GA, AL,es MISS STNS , BUT NOT A ONE TONIGHT. GUD TO WORK A COUPLE NEW MEMBERS THO. WELCOME ABOARD KC5NX #6808, ES W4AGT #6615. HOPE TO SEE U AS REGULARS. 73 TILL NEXT TIME GREGG WB8LZG K4JPN - Just heard a few stations from the Midwest on 20M the band seemed to be open to just the East Coast from this QTH. Worked a couple on 40M, called off and on 80M, but nothing heard or worked. 72, Steve K4JPN W1SFR - Had a lot of fun QRP to QRP with West coast from VT. Some very weak sigs, but solid copy. I didn't hear as many ops as previous sprint, but maybe that's just me. We'll see how many logs are submitted. 72/73 Steve/W1SFR WD0K - Nice sprint; prop mostly N/S with 20 a real haven and 40 a usual nightmare! QRN drove me off at 9pm or so. Good to hear many good ops. Tnx fer the Q's! 72/wd0k K4NVJ - NY and NJ but not much else heard in AL. KU4A - Some really nice signals out there. Thanks for all the QSOs. K2YGM - Couldn't find the right pillow in my operating position and thus I got off to a slow start. 20 mtrs was still open to the South a bit but never really materialized here with the QRN levels I have.. 40 was crowded but I couldn't seem to get a good run going this time around. So I lurked around and called new stations that I heard. During the last 15 minutes of the sprint, I went to 80 and worked the few stations that were there WK2T, WA2NYY, K3WWP, K4BAI and N2ESE (ya gotta love that call on CW, right?)..As always, lots of fun and some great QRP operators. See you all next month 72 Bob K2YGM W5ODS - Good band condx on both 20 and 40. Hard to give up the BUG for the straight key but I needed the practice, as you probably could tell. Thanks to all participants for being there. NQ6E - 20m was pretty active when I got on and it wasn't easy picking out some of the calls. The Knwd TS480 got a good workout along with its op. Gud fun and tnx to all. 72, NQ6E KB1UOH - I could hear lots of activity on 40. Pretty good night. Looking forward to the next one. Charlie KD0V - Good Sprint. Used my Almost NEW K3 set at 5 watts. Different than the K2 in many ways. Still learning. The filtering is different. Good to work many old friends again. CU all next month. (I hope!?) K0ALN - Was able to re-connect the antenna just long enough to make it for most of the 2 hours! 20 was strong until about 0206 when I had to shut things down again. Heard a lot of activity on 40 through the QRN. Too many storms close by to even try 80. Looking forward to better conditions as fall moves in. W3NP - Got a bit of a late start (church on Wed eve). Started on 20 and the condx didn't seem to bad for the first 30 min or so but sigs started dipping into the noise. Went to 40 and found the band fairly noisy with QRN. I had trouble hearing the weaker stations in the noise. I later found out that I had left a Sears power tool battery charger on and it produces a hash on all bands of about S5 - so apologies to those stations that called and I couldn't pull out and those that I asked for repeats from - make note to self to check for that next time!! It no doubt cost me some multipliers. Rig was the Elecraft K2-10 and the Ten Tec Eagle. I used my "new" Czech Army straight key as well as my German Junker straight key. 72 de West Virginia KE7YTE - I tried to stay on 20m the intire 2hrs. Not much happening the last 30 min. CW QRP is a blast. WX4RM - Another great sprint, thanks for having them!!! Also, thanks to all who heard my peanut whistle from the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC. Score not great, but made contacts with Cuba, Canada, California and that doesn't happen too often. I had fun. N8ZYA - Very little time for the sprint but wanted to hand out a few contacts from WV. 40 meters was in great shape. K6MGO - 20M WAS OPEN, HEARD LOTS OF SIGNALS BUT THEY WEREN'T HEARING ME, USING MY MAG LOOP INDOORS. N8IUP - Lots o fun.......... N4MJ - 20M DIED ABOUT 0130Z, AS IF SOMEONE PULLED THE SWITCH. HI WA1GWH - I thought folks were more spread out than usual with some activity down around 7030 also. This seemed better to me and my SW-40+ and 900 mW with SWA! TU N5GW - 20M was good for the first hour, as in recent sprints. Usually I do hunt and pounce, but somehow I found myself at 14.060 calling CA NA (a good spot to be), and was running stations till the band fizzled. Maybe it was because I never heard N4BP in his usual spot. HI! 40M was QRNish, but a few strong sigs appeared. The new KX3 helped a lot. CU all next month. W5IQS - I used my K1 for the Sprint this time. 20 was good until about 0130Z then began fading out. Went to 40 for the rest of the Sprint. I logged K7RNO at 0049 then worked him again at 0129 and didn't notice the Dup. I struck the 2nd contact - Sorry. Best signal heard was Karen, W4KRN. See you all next month. W5IQS WI1B - I didn't do as well as last time but it's fun no matter what, 73 everyone.. -Ken W2JEK - Got on late. Got a couple on 20 and then to 40 and then to 80 then to 20, 40 and 80 again. Used my FT-840 at 5W and Signal Electric key with wire antennas. Was lots of fun. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 K2GLS - I wokeup Wed. to the sight of my 20M dipole on the ground. I finally got a rope over a tree and had the dipole back up just in time. Good propagation on 20M and 40M. Lots of activity. N2SO - I really enjoyed my first NAQCC sprint. The speeds were easy to handle and the best surprise was that my 5W signal could be heard from Ontario to North Carolina and west to Michigan! What great fun. 73. Charles N2SO KF5PFU - Forgot that the NAQCC sprint was tonight until I heard "CQ NA." Couldn't resist jumping in! KC5NX - KC5NXA is now KC5NX..back with a shorter call sign...WB5UDA as control operator again.. I stayed on 20 meters the entire time and lasted 1 hour 43 minutes.. running 5 watts into a Yagi at 45'....only found 1 non-member this time but did find a few strong stations out west..many thanks to CO8CML in Cuba. Thanks to Utah, Montana, Colorado also...special thanks to N2JJF who put out extra effort for me.. 73 to all Jay KB3KJS - This was my first NAQCC event! Very fun. I had trouble getting Genlogger working during sprint so I had to copy paper log today. VE3FUJ - I enjoyed this sprint. abt 45 min into the sprint I got a terrific QRM I stood it for abt 10 mins then went to the sand-box and got caught in other things for a while as the QRM was still there. I left thing for about 40 min and it was gone. My score iis in the low end as the accumulated multies are a bit on the short side. Thank to all I contacted. Brion 3011 NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5W to a mini beam at 25' for 20 and an inv V at 40' for 40. Survivor started so I got a late start. Worked a few during commercials but really didn't sit down until 0130 UTC. Most contacts were on 20. Didn't have any two banders - came close with W5IQS but I never heard him after I sent my exchange - maybe next time. Thanks to all and I hope to hear everyone next month. 72, Will, NQ2W KA5TJS - Great sprint, thanks to VE3KI for the Canada and collected a lot of new calls on this one. Hope to see you next month. Did it with the IC746 Pro and 80 mtr dipole at 30 ft. with the help of the MFJ 949E tuner. Allen KA5TJS WA3YLQ - Happy to get in the full operating period....73 wa3ylq W2SH - At the start 20M yielded 23 QSOs with 17 multipliers. 80m showed a bit of activity in the final half-hour where nine QSOs produced but one multiplier. 40m was noisy and the skip wasn't particularly long. W7MBR had a very strong 40m signal. His CQs contained no reference to the sprint, but he didn't acknowledge my three calls to him. I figured he was a transplanted local. Today I viewed his impressive QRO set-up on QRZ.com and it may be that he was the 1kW non-member whom K3WWP worked. If so, John got a Utah multiplier that I missed. W4KRN - 40 and 80m lots of QRN. 20m seemed the best, but couldn't get very many stations there. Used my Czech Army straight key. Thanks for the contacts. See you all next sprint. 73 NA40 - Using experimental wire vertical antenna and recovering from minor surgery, so thanks to both stations that worked me. I did not want to miss it. KE0ER - 40 was working good for me! N1RU - Family commitments kept me from operating for more than 40 minutes, but it was good to be back in the NAQCC sprints after some months away. I used GenLog for the first time, having just changed from a Mac to a Windows station computer--logging and reporting was easy and efficient. Had a great time as always. 73, Jamie (Northeast Indiana) AK3X - Another token appearance... a total of 5 minutes operating time... some day I will be home for the entire sprint, but as it stands I have an obligation every month that keeps me out until nearly 0200, and then I have lots to do when I get home. 40 was in great shape for the 5 minutes I had to play. CU next month.. 72 Peter ND9M - Great contest as usual! Not much QRN on 40M, so that was a big help. Winter must be on the way! See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, September 19, 2013 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |