Jun 2013 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#104) This page maintained by N2CN - ![]() Final Results K3WWP Comments - The time for appeals is past and the results below are 'written in stone' now. 125 logs makes it one of our top dozen sprints in that regard. SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N1IMW 22 20 42 12 504 x2 1008 Dpl @ 20 ft WU1V 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 33' dpl sloping 20-40' KB1UOH 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Vertical K1QO 29 28 57 15 855 855 OCFdpl@30' K1IEE 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 OCF long wire@30' KB1OIQ 15 14 29 12 348 x2 696 G5RV@30' KQ1P 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 Trap dipole @ 30' WI1B 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dpls @ 25' NZ1MT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 280ft skywire full loop N1DN 7 6 13 7 91 91 Multiband Dipole W1OH 4 4 8 3 24 24 40m doublet @ 35' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 74 71 145 33 4785 x2 9570 Fan dpl @40' K2YGM 50 49 99 28 2772 x2 5544 G5RV Mini @40' WK2T 56 54 110 24 2640 x2 5280 Dipoles at 35 and 50 WA2NYY 45 43 88 24 2112 x2 4224 80m OCF at 35' AA2VG 40 40 80 21 1680 x2 3360 Windom@45' KA2KGP 23 23 46 13 598 x2 1196 Dipole up 25 ft. W2JEK 21 20 41 11 451 x2 902 20 gp, 40 dipole, 80 end fed @ 20ft WA2JSG 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 Vert mounted @ 12' WA1GWH 12 11 23 10 230 x2 460 40M 1/4 wave inv L w/grnd system K2QPN 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 Ground mounted vertical & 40M dipole KD2MX 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 600' loop@30' N2ESE 10 10 20 9 180 180 80mtr.OCF@25ft. K2RFP 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80m loop, up 22 ft SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 49 48 97 25 2425 x2 4850 ~110' attic rnd wire 40, attic dpl 20 KG3W 34 34 68 19 1292 x2 2584 All band dipole @ 22 feet K2DEP 30 29 59 14 826 x2 1652 G5RV at 28' AB3RU 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 G7FEK@30' W3NCR 19 18 37 13 481 481 G5RV @ 45' WB3T 15 14 29 11 319 319 Portable base-loaded vertical AK3X 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Inv vee @27' KE3HL 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 AlexLoop - small mag. loop N3COB 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 80 Meter Carolina Windom at 95 Feet KB3SLA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Dpl@30' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N3LL 42 41 83 22 1826 x2 3652 20/40/80 meter dipoles @ 40' KG4UPO 34 33 67 22 1474 x2 2948 Doublet @ 30' WX4RM 30 29 59 22 1298 x2 2596 6BTV vert gnd mtd K2UFT 37 35 72 17 1224 x2 2448 80 mtr doublet K4ORD 48 46 94 25 2350 2350 160 dpl@35', 40 dpl@45', 80 dpl@35' WM4AA 35 34 69 21 1449 1449 InvL@50' K4ZGB 20 20 40 17 680 x2 1360 4BTV vertical @ 15' KB4QQJ 20 18 38 17 646 x2 1292 EndFedz at 33 feet WB4UHC 23 22 45 13 585 x2 1170 80M Inv vee @30' AI4SV 20 19 39 14 546 x2 1092 Attic fan dipole NJ4V 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 Dpl@45' WG8Y 21 21 42 12 504 x2 1008 Grd mtd 20,40 1/4 wire verts. W4DUK 21 21 42 12 504 x2 1008 EF Zepp @ 20' WA2EDN 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 Dpls @ 30' K4JPN 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 Zepp N4MJ 21 21 42 11 462 462 Windom 160 - 10m , vertical, grnd mtd KK4BE 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 80MTR DIPOLE @30FT NA4O 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 40m Vert Delta Loop@40' K4KRW 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 Dipole @ 25 ft K4DXV 10 9 19 8 152 x2 304 Gap Titan DX Vertical KU4A 9 8 17 9 153 153 Slp dpl@40' KB0ETU 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 Dpl@35' AB4QL 10 10 20 7 140 140 20 M vert & 80 M dipole @ 25' KU8S 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 All Band doublet 25' W4TZM 9 9 18 6 108 108 Doublet@60' K4NVJ 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 88' dipole at 30 ft W1SGC 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dpl@30' KR4OE 4 4 8 4 32 32 40mtrdpl@40' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N5NK 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 Sloping 20m dipole fed at 35 feet up WB0CLL 6 6 12 5 60 60 G5RV@35' KE5YUM 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Inverted v at 30' W5IQS 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Fan dpl@ 30' $K5SGE 15 15 30 13 390 390 G5RV Modified SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WK6L 12 11 23 11 253 x2 506 Windom(Inverted Vee), 35ft 40M/20M NS3C 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Dpl@20' NQ6E 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 Dpl inV@33' K6CSL 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 Delta Loop, H. Square Loop, Indoor Dipol SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WY7N 29 29 58 17 986 x2 1972 250' wire@40' KE7YTE 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 Buddipole 20M Vert. Dipole @ 18 ft W7GAH 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 El Vert @ 8' NU7T 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 R6000 KF7TDF 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Dpl @15' AA7CU 10 10 20 9 180 180 6' whip at 12' 8 radials WB7EUX 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 Windom @ 30ft K5TRI 4 4 8 3 24 24 OCF Dipole @30ft. WU7F 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Vertical SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W3NP 51 50 101 20 2020 x2 4040 130' CF Zepp @ 45' - 600 ohm open wire N8XMS 43 42 85 23 1955 x2 3910 R7 vertical AC8LJ 44 42 86 21 1806 x2 3612 Fan dpl @ 40 ft. KI8R 37 37 74 19 1406 x2 2812 Dipoles for 40/80 and wire vertical 20m NT8P 22 22 44 11 484 x2 968 Dipoles at 23 ft N8QY 20 18 38 12 456 x2 912 G5rv K8RJW 13 13 26 12 312 x2 624 6BTV Vertical @ 15' W8IYD 12 11 23 11 253 x2 506 Wire KB8FE 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 Dpl @30' WB8LZG 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Dpl@ 35' NF8M 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 40m hamstick on car $WV8P 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80mtrdpl@45' @W8IQ 38 38 76 20 1520 x2 3040 Carolina Windom 40; 101-foot OCF Dipole SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB9ILT 45 44 89 24 2136 2136 Delta Loop AB9YC 36 35 71 20 1420 1420 Dipole@20' K9EYT 19 19 38 12 456 x2 912 G5RV @ 25' W9CC 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 80Loop15' AA9L 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 Trap dipole @ 50' AI9IN 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 Dpl on 20m, wire on 80m NA9N 15 15 30 10 300 300 G5RV@35' N9RLO 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Cf zepp@45' K9IS 10 10 20 6 120 120 330" horrizontal loop @ 35" KB9IVA 4 4 8 3 24 24 160' Cobra up 50' N9KR 3 2 5 3 15 15 Inv Vee @ 25 feet SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N0TA 25 25 50 18 900 x2 1800 Doublet@30' & 1/4 wave vertical KI0I 21 21 42 16 672 x2 1344 Hytower vertical KD0V 21 19 40 13 520 x2 1040 Folded dipole @ 8feet K0ALN 16 16 32 15 480 x2 960 EFZ 40/20/10 @ 15' NU0S 18 18 36 13 468 x2 936 Hustler BTV4 gnd mtd vert K0CW 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 Gnd Mtd Vert K0EUN 11 10 21 9 189 x2 378 40 loop@20' N8LA 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Dipole @35' WD0K 7 7 14 4 56 x1.5 84 Center fed zepp@35' N3PDT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Inverted L SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3FUJ 31 30 61 15 915 x2 1830 G5RV @ 50' VE5BCS 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 Loop ant 30' in the trees VE2ZA 7 7 14 4 56 56 Random wire all around my lot VA3RJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Mobile whip mounted on 4th floor balcony SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna ZP5BAB 0 0 0 0 0 0 InvV@25' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 69 68 137 32 4384 x2 8768 TH6DXX at 55'; dipole at 40. N1IX 52 50 102 27 2754 2754 3el Yagi@70' W5ODS 30 30 60 19 1140 x1.5 1710 3EL Yagi @ 50 ft',& G5RV @ 50 ft. NQ2W 40 39 79 21 1659 1659 Mini beam @25', inv vee @40' NM5S 20 18 38 14 532 x2 1064 Hex beam at 8m K7RE 21 20 41 14 574 574 3 ELEMENT TRIBAND BEAM AT 20 FEET Not eligible for certificate or prize for the following reason(s): @ Non-member $ QRO power ! Late log
STATS: Logs submitted: 125 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 195 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2,322 States represented: 42 + ON QC SK + UA1 UR SILVER LOGS - 102 of 125 (perfectly formatted): AA2VG AA7CU AA9L AB4QL AB9YC AC8LJ AI9IN AK3X K0ALN K0CW K0EUN K1IEE K1QO K2QPN K2RFP K2YGM K4BAI K4DXV K4JPN K4KRW K4NVJ K4ORD K4ZGB K5SGE K5TRI K6CSL K7RE K8RJW K9EYT K9IS KA2KGP KB1OIQ KB1UOH KB3SLA KB4QQJ KB8FE KB9ILT KD2MX KE3HL KE5YUM KE7YTE KF7TDF KG3W KG4UPO KI0I KI8R KK4BE KQ1P KR4OE KU4A N0TA N2ESE N3PDT N4MJ N5NK N8LA N8QY N8XMS N9KR N9RLO NA4O NA9N NF8M NQ2W NQ6E NT8P NU0S NU7T NW2K NZ1MT VA3RJ VE3FUJ VE5BCS W1OH W1SGC W2JEK W3NCR W3NP W4DUK W4TZM W5IQS W5ODS W7GAH W8IQ W8IYD W9CC WA1GWH WA2EDN WA2JSG WA2NYY WB0CLL WB3T WB4UHC WD0K WG8Y WI1B WK6L WU1V WU7F WV8P WX4RM WY7NSOAPBOX: K5TRI - Nothing to write home about. Rather dim conditions with not much action. Maybe next time. 72 de Mike es tnx fer contacts. VA3RJ - Gotta join the slow speed CW practice nets and get used to sending with a straight key once again! ;o) KB8FE - Nice conditions tonight here in northern Ohio. Nice to hear so many stations active on 40 meters this evening. Most stations were quite strong. AB4QL - I came in from working in the yard today, very tired, wondering what are all those dit dah thingys blurred together. . . duh. Didn't play long, I am going to bed. . . :) Barry WD0K - 20 meters was really nice here in MN. Signals were strong and not on top of each other, nice to copy! 72; Rich/wd0k AB3RU - 20 meters was a little difficult tonight - 40 was great. Lots of noise. Fun night as usual. . KI8R - Lot's of fun again. 72! WM4AA - I had a great time with the K2 tonight. See you next time. Matt WM4AA KI0I - Good condx on 20 and 40 but qrn a litle loud on 40.Got to fooling around and missed first hour of op time but sure was gud to get back in a qrp sprint after having missed many. Great to hear all the loud qrp sigs on .73/72 Mark KI0I WA2JSG - 40m was great here for me. 16 contacts in the 65 minutes I had to spend, all search & pounce. A good rate for me. Plenty of stations calling CQ to choose from. (hi hi). Rig here IC-703, running 5w off a 12v battery to an all-band vertical (elevated). Big ole Kent Straight Key. Fun sprint. . WY7N - Started out search and pounce. I couldn't find an open frequency to call CQ! Glad I did... the second station worked was John K3WWP. This is only the second time we've worked each other during a sprint. (I also answered K4BAI's CQ for a change. He usually answers mine.) I agree with John that it's really fun to call CQ during these sprints. Where else can a QRP station run a pile-up? When I finally did find an open frequency to call CQ, there were times when there were a couple stations calling at the same time. Last month there were times when there were three or four at once. What fun! KB4QQJ - Well I got a late start but 20 seemed in good shape in NC so I stuck with it to the end. Didn't make a single contact on any other band. It was great to see a lot of new numbers out there for the sprint. I've missed the last couple of sprints so it was good to get back. Rig KX3 #85 PAR EndFedz at 33 feet Key was Marconi AS-300 A K4KRW - Managed to get contacts on 20, 40 and 80. Had a great time. Thanks everyone! (Wilderness Radio Sierra, fan dipole and E. F. Johnson straight key) . NA4O - Good condx here tonite. Still mad at myself for not reporting my results in time last month, so lesson learned: Don't put it off. . K2UFT - Great short signals on 20, could not get a run going on 40 meters. Fun as always. AI9IN - Got to operate the whole time for a change. 20 mtrs was good most of the evening. MFJ 9020 on 20 mtrs and MFJ Cub on 80 mtrs. . KB0ETU - Only had an hour tonight due to club meeting. With Field Day coming up, thought I had better attend. 40 meters was noisy, but 20 meters just faded away. Oh well, still fun. I hope N5IX (non-member) who took part tonight gets a number and works next month. Another good sprint. I enjoyed it. K-2 with dipole. 72, Phil . N3LL - Lots or QRN from T-storms here in Florida but fun as usual. Finally got a cushcraft D-3 dipole. Having a 20 meter antenna up sure helped a lot for the score and also worked a few guys I never worked before when I just was running 40 meters only. KB1OIQ - K1@5W with G5RV@30', with my CJB Navy Flameproof key used for the first time (I like it!). Thanks for the fun, and 72 de Andy KB1OIQ . KB9ILT - Conditions were fair on 20 meters and good on 40 meters where signals were strong with little QSB. Tried 80 meters towards the end, but only heard one station who didn't hear me. Thanks to all! K2DEP - What fun with 9.3 MW. 40M was very nice tonight for me. Used my recently built QRP-o-meter to monitor my power. Nice unit. Tnx to the many who answered my CQ NA. Almost all good signal reports. This was one of the most fun sprints that I have been a part of. 73s to all. Steve W1OH - Getting my FT-897 ready for Field Day use as the club VHF station, getting N1MM logger talking to rig and WinKeyer talking to PC, so between testing and working a few DX stations on 30M, I thought I'd see how the sprint was going on 40M. 40M sounded pretty good (as did 30M into eastern Europe and the Caribbean). First time to work a few folks in a sprint in a while (too much DXing :-) Lots of big member numbers! Fun! Thanks, NAQCC! . NJ4V - Stayed on 40 the whole time. Band was open, QRN was OK. Had a great time again. See you in the next sprint! . WG8Y - Hi all, Another great Sprint.Did my usual S&P.Started on 20.It was all 2&3 land at first.Nabbed John,K3WWP as my 1st Q .also caught John on 40.later.That's rare from here.worked N3COB as my only 80 Q.Good ears Glenn.I was using a 40m VERT wire.Sorry Glenn.You were a gud S7 here. Went back to 20 which was still open and worked UT ,NE & AZ at the end. Fun. Also Hi to Ron,NT8P in Ohio.Gud to work an old friend! 72 all from N.C. Mark WG8Y K9EYT - 20 meters was OK here in metro Chicago lots of signals but not to strong. 40 meters sounded like everyone was next door almost everyone was 599 for a change. CU next time 73 Ray NZ1MT - Fun evening had here. I was using my recently installed 280ft full loop antenna, bands were good with only a little QRN on 80M. The first hour I was using an HB1B (R4040), then switched across to the KX-1 for the last hour. Both radios were running on NiMh batteries and putting out about 3W. TNX to those who worked me. 72, Mike. N1IMW - First time breaking 20 Q's !! It's still hard to believe. . .from the corner of the U.S. here in New Hampshire I worked 40 meters as far south as Georgia and as for west as Wisconsin on QRP/CW. Totally, Absolutely and Remarkably Cool !!! NM5S - It was warm in my shack and the extra effort to pound out with my hand key was quite a challenge and workout. Oh yeah....it was fun! K4ORD - That was a fun sprint, bet we get 100 plus logs this time! Started on 20M had a nice run for an hour and made 29 qso's skip was long and short from NJ,WI TO WA. Then on to 40M which was loaded with NAQCC stations only s&P there with 16 more qso's, tried 80M which had heavy qrn 4 qso's there. Never ran out of stations to work,just time! Ran my K3 @5W using a bencher paddle,(not so good with a straight key anymore). Thanks to all 72/73 Riley AA2VG - Had fun tonight. Great making qrp contacts with all the members. 73 Peter AA2VG K6CSL - Sinals on 20 were mostly weak. I did quite a bit of calling with no replies. At 01:50Z I moved to 40. 40 was very noisy due to isolated thunder storms occurring high up in the Sacramento Valley, northwest of my QTH. K6JJR was up in Sacramento, about 90 miles north of me. I called several other stations I could hear, but it's obvious, I was not being heard. Hopefully conditions will be a little better for next months sprint. 73's to all and to all a good night. Bert, K6CSL KB9IVA - This is the !st NAQrpCC Sprint that I have worked for a long time FUN but I was RUSTY K3WWP - Great conditions tonight. Even 20M was kinder to me than usual. I also mixed in some S&P. Mostly I just sat around 7044.3 and called CQ. I just love calling CQ in our sprint as it is one of the few contests I can be successful doing that with my minimal QRP setup here. Nice to work Bruce WY7N. I mention him especially since he has been a long-time active NAQCC member. It was also nice to work everyone else also, of course. Our soon-to-be new NAQCC leader Paul N8XMS was booming in here on 40M. You know, I just can't say enough good things about our sprints. One thing I must say though is how much a suggestion made way back in 2004 by Gary K8KFJ that we emphasize straight key use in our sprints has added to the enjoyment over the years. I see I made 12 QSOs on 20. That has to be a record for me, or at least very close. Also my 49 QSOs tonight is the most since December. The 25 multipliers is one more than my previous record of 24 which I had four times previously. My 4,850 po ints is my second best ever to 5,376 in December 2010. We talk a lot about competition vs. participation. Well, the only competition I'm referring to in this soapbox is competing against myself, not against any others. That's the only real fair type of competition after all, since everyone's setup and location is not the same. OK, enough rambling. Now it's everyone else's turn. W7GAH - On 20m all sprint. Lots of activity. Most stations light and seemed like 20m was long. QSB early in sprint, seemed better later. Most contacts were new ones this time. Enjoyed it as always. 73/72 WA2NYY - My best sprint so far. 20m was great for the first hour and then I went to 40m. I was able to run for the better part of the 2 hours. Had a few pileups going that were real fun. My apologies to those I heard but just could'nt pull out. 72 de WA2NYY AI4SV - I just finished building a K3 and used it in the sprint this evening. There are a lot of features --and I don't claim to understand half of them at this point-- but I understood enough of the rig to benefit from its narrow roofing filters and the noise reduction, particularly on 40 and 80 meters. Signals were plentiful but relatively watery on 20m, and I got no responses to CQs, so after a little S&P, I spent most of the evening on 40m, with a handful of close-in contacts on 80m. Thanks for a fun sprint. 72. N8LA - OK, here's my story and I'm stuck with it. After celebrating Morse's 222nd birthday and my 70th birthday on April 27, I came down with what turned out to be whooping cough leading to pneumonia. Was in bed with a fever over three weeks. This resulted in my missing not only the May Sprint, but also FDIM in Dayton. Shortly before my illness, I picked up a tricked out HW-8 but never had a chance to get it on the air. Three different antibiotics plus five teaspoons of codine syrup per day gave me strange -- OK, stranger! -- dreams. I dreamed I was operating the HW-8 using my Brelco leg iron key and the following lyrics kept going through my head. "I come from Michiana my true love for to see. In Saint Louziana, my Brelco on my knee. QRPers now don't you cry for me. I'll make it through this illness and get back to QRP." I did use the tricked out HW-8 in this evening's sprint, but not the Brelco. I used my old war horse J-38, but not on my knee. I could hear a lot of 'em, but I couldn't work a lot of 'em. Still had a ball! W3NCR - Worked it for about 45 minutes. Found 20 spotty but 40 in good shape. This was my first time running! So tnx to everyone who called and also for your patience. Using a KX3 to a G5RV. Had a blast and will hopefully try for longer next time. 73, John N5NK - Some day I'd like to work one of these 2-hr sprints without any interferance and nothing goes wrong! This time the XYL had a good supper served in plenty of time for me to eat before start time. I got the member data file downloaded for General Logger. Then the phone rang--we had Field Day preperation to discuss. I'd been trying for days to contact the guy so I couldn't tell him to pound sand. When I did start my sprint nobody would answer me--even the strong signals ignored me. Then I noticed my radio was still set for split frequency operating. I just can't be the only operator to step in that trap, can I? The 20m band wasn't great but the operators were patient. Thanks to all who helped me finish with a flourish. I just hope you had as much fun as I did. NU0S - Thank you to all sorry to those I could not pull out of the mud. And thank you to those who gave me several repeats. I tried 40m for a short period with no luck. I used the newly finished Elecraft K1-4 at 5 watts, the Junkers key, and the ground mounted Hustler BTV4. I was happy the reverse beacon showed me on frequency so the K1 is aligned very nice. See ya all next time at the MW sprint. 72/73/Scotty/Nebraska/#3715 NA9N - The Sprint slipped my mind, so I started half way through. Nevertheless, I had a great time in my very first Sprint! . K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, TH6DXX, diipole. 20M was great at the start with good signals from most of the country and Canada with stations as close as VA and IN. Stayed on 20 until 0145Z. There were still other stations to work on 20, but the rate had slowed and I needed to get the close in multipliers. 40M was noisy, but there were good signals from the east coast and west as far as MO and MN. Missed GA this month. Thanks for all QSOs. Hope to work you all in the NAQCC Summer Milliwatt Sprint next week. 73/72, John, K4BAI. K2YGM - Enjoyed a very active sprint tonight with stations on both 20 and 40 mtrs. 20 stayed open for the duration and as the skip changed around, was able to get some needed multipliers... 40 seemed short but was a welcomed addition for multiplier fills. The storm had passed by a few hours and the noise level wasn't too bad tonight.. Nice to hear some west coast stns in the mix.. Be back next month for more great fun. 72 de K2YGM KF7TDF - I sure enjoyed the sprint tonight, thanks to all the hams that participated. 20 meters was open to the east coast but nothing happening going west. see you next month. N9RLO - Thanks to all, I had alot of fun. See all of you next month. 73, John N9RLO . K4DXV - Could only work 40 meters tonight. Tried starting on 20, but heard no one. 80 meter wire still down. Heard lots of activity, but had to deal with a lot of QSB in several of the contacts I made. I may have to give up the straight key bonus in the future. My wrist started really giving me fits tonight. Cut out a bit early because of that. Thanks to all who worked me! NF8M - Was operating from the mobile (while stationary), using one side of the paddle as a straight key, so sorry if I sounded QLF at times. Glad to hear so many newer members on tonight. 72! . ZP5BAB - Well I have been licensed since 1962 but this was my first *really focused* trip into QRP except for WSPR. It was a successful ride because I DID hear about a dozen (QRP?) cw stations down in the contest 20m band spread, and was completely surprised by that. Learned a lot, got my feet wet, and had myself some new fun! Greetings from Paraguay and thanks to all the NAQCC volunteer organizers and participants. 73 Bruce NW2K - Conditions were good here in WNY. 21 Q's on 20, 47 on 40, and 7 on 80. It was a lot of fun and thank you for the QSOs! W4TZM - Not much time to participate but it served to remind me of how much I enjoy CW after a number of weeks away from radio. KU8S - Despite some QSB/QRM on the bands at times, I had a good time. Problems trying to work the log and work QSO's. Work some of my old friends in OH which was cool. Heard K3WWP, but my 5W didn't seem to excite his antenna! It didn't make my personal goal, but hope springs eternal for next time. 72 es Qrp ROCKS! Hank KU8S . WA2EDN - WOW, my best effort yet.20 and 40 were great. WU1V - Very enjoyable sprint, logged 1 1/4 hours, my best performance ever. Not many far away stations heard/worked, though 20 meters was quite lively. Conditions were good on 20m, not great. Didn't try other bands. 72, Rick WU1V KQ1P - Good conditions and if I could hear them, they could hear me. Just too tired to last much into the second hour. John AB9YC - This was my best sprint ever, the bands were very friendly. I had some local QRM early, but that cleared up. I started on 20M, and it was a bit slow. I moved to 40M and it was a steady din of activity. I setup a run and begin logging contacts. I could hear others just above and below my frequency, so I know the band was open, to the east anyway. I made a quick spin on 80M but didn't find anything, so it seemed that 40M was the place to be. Everyone I could hear sounded pretty good. At the end I ended up with a contact that was unaware of the sprint. Funny thing was, they were calling "CQ NA"; a quick non-sprint QSO. I also logged my first non-member contact, and hope they join in for future sprints. Great sprint. KD2MX - Glad I was able to spend a little time participating in the sprint. 20M was fun tonight but 40M was still pretty quiet by the time I had to QRT. W4DUK - Worked 20m for first hour (made my first Sprint contact with NM from my QTH in VA), then moved to 40m. Another fun time! 73 to all, Dave K1IEE - After the first hour on 20M the band seemed to fade away so went to 40M for the last hour. Thanks to all 73 Dick W3NP - First NA sprint in some time. Condx seemed good. I stayed on 40 the entire time. A lot of activity. Rig: Ten Tec Eagle @ 5W and Junker straight key. Antenna CF Zepp up at 45' and fed with 600 ohm open wire through a Viking KW Matchbox. K4NVJ - Getting heard not easy! . KA2KGP - Another nice sprint. Bands were in good shape here in WNY. Rig: TenTec Argosy II at 5w. into dipole up 25 ft., straight key. K2QPN - Rig is a KX3 at 5 watts. Nice time. I look forward to Tuesday sprints. Wednesday nights are bad for me. WB0CLL - AMAZING WHAT 5 WATTS WILL DO! KD0V - Greeting from Gun Flint Pines Resort in Northern Minnesota about a half mile south of the Canadian Boarder. Very good sprint. The band conditions were good and noise levels were very low up here and helped make up for the poor antenna location, 7 feet off the deck. The real winner was the mosquitoes, I had to operate outdoors and averaged more than one mosquito bit per minute. At sun set, 0150Z, they got really bad and I quite. John should consider extra bonus points for hardship cases: HI, HI. The coax I brought was not any good, so I had to hook up to the short stub on the dipole, which was not long enough to reach into the cabin. Thanks everyone for the QSO's and generous signal reports. Merlin - KD0V. VE5BCS - A fine evening with a key thanks to all for being there. N8XMS - When I saw the solar flux numbers earlier in the day I thought that this was going to be a rough one. Boy, was I wrong! Participation was good and signals were too. I think that this was my 68th sprint and it is my all-time personal best score! It was a ton of fun! 73, Paul - N8XMS KG3W - Fun evening. Started on 20 looking for multipliers, but things were slow,so went to 40. Lot's of very strong signals tonight. I worked Ron, W4IA and he sent 5w. When looking things up I see that he is a member, so claimed him as such. Missed John K3WWP, cause I sort of stayed put on 40 once there. All the best! "72" de Scotty K8RJW - Only my second Sprint. Not too many QSO's but better than the first time. Really enjoying QRP! WB3T - Got a late start setting up the portable antenna. Nothing doing on 80 early so went to 40 and did well for a while using S&P. Then sent a few CQs and got a few more. Once I had wrung out 40 I went to 20 and had some fun, then two on 80 later. After the contest 80 really seemed to open up. I experimented with my new portable base-loaded vertical mounted in an iron patio umbrella stand with 8 radials laying on the ground. Seems to do the job. Nice to have an antenna in the open field for a change. $&^*&^ CC&Rs! Since it was dark most of the time nobody saw me sitting out in the middle of the common area with an 18-foot antenna. It was fun operating under the stars! Thanks to K4JPN for Qs on two bands. (I take it that is still one multiplier per state regardless of number of bands?) Also to RA6GW who popped in to tell me I was 599 in Russia, thanks for the point! He was 1kW and I was 5W and it was 599 both ways. Sorta proves something about QRP doesn't it? K1QO - Lots of activity!!!! Looking forward to the mW next week...thanks for the fun 72/88 de K1QO (Ann) VE3FUJ - I enjoyed this sprint much or though the band didn't sound promising it turned out not too bad. Brion 3011 K7RE - This is actually my very first NAQCC Sprint, and I really enjoyed it. I used my newly built KD1JV MTR, and it worked very well with one of my 3 element triband beams. A severe thunderstorm very severely curtailed my participation in the second hour due to QRN. I had planned to drop down to 40M, but the storms prevented that. I plan to be a bit better prepared next time out. WB8LZG - HELLO AGN QRP SPRINTERS ! HAD A GUD TIME IN THE SPRINT LAST NIGHT EVEN IF I ONLY GOT TO PLAY ABT 40 MINS. sTARTED OUT ON 20M ES THE SIGS WERE BOMMING IN FROM THE SOUTH. BAGGED 4 QSO'S IN THE 1ST 8 MINS ES THOUGHT TO MYSELF "hmmmm this is gonna be easy" NOT SO ! HAD SEVERAL STNS I HEARD BUT THEY DIDN'T HEAR ME. A QUICK TRIP TO 40M BAGGED 2 QUICK Q'S ES 2 MULTS ALSO. i WORKED 2 STNS WID #S OVER 6000. WELCOME ABOARD TO WK2T # 6638 , ES K5SGE #6242 , HOPE U GUYS HAD A GUD TIME SPINTING WID THE NAQCC. HOPE ALL OF U OUT THERE ARE GOING TO PARTICIPATE IN FIELD DAY NEXT WEEKEND. FD IS A SUPER WAY TO "HONE UR SKILLS" PLAYING QRP WID THE "BIG BOYS" REALLY GET UR MOJO ROLLING ! WE HAVE A SECRET WEAPON HERE IN MID-MICHIGAN, THE BRUCE ARRAY. IF U WANT A WIRE ANTENNA THAT WORKS. THIS IS IT. 73 FER NOW , SEE U IN THE mw SPRINT NEXT WEEK.GREGG N9KR - Only a few minutes to operate this month. 73, all. W5ODS - Lots of activity on 20 & 40. KX3 makes it even more fun to pick out weak signals and work them. Thanks to all participants. K2RFP - Just testing. I might try this again. 72, Dick . N8QY - Great sprint as always 72 NT8P - Glad to work Mark WG8Y again. We're like a magnet at the last 15min to half hour. Nothing for me on 20m. Missed a lot of my regular contacts. Pipeline must be shut off with orange barrels. Used my HB1B the whole "event" Does a good job. Hpe c u all when I'm in the boonies. RLE KU4A - Wow, a big night for newbies. One member number in the 4000s, one in the 5000s and the rest in the 6000s. One non-member who will hopefully join and get a 6000 number as well :-). K0EUN - Having recently built a SoftRock RXTX software defined radio kit, this was my first foray using it during a contest. What an interesting experience - ease of tuning, a very quiet noise level (in spite of tsm's in the area). The real challenge was getting anyone to hear my 1w signal. Special thanks to W8IQ and K3WWP for patiently requesting signal report repeats. After 1 hour I confess I upped the power to 5w using my IC-706. Would I do it again? Perhaps; in the mean time, I am actively searching for a wideband RF amp kit. W8IQ - First entry; very enjoyable. Met a lot of stations for the first time. 73, Kurt, W8IQ W5IQS - House full of Kids and Grand Kids. Two of them wanted to see/listen Grandpa "do" Morse Code. Lots of Questions. Gave up after 2 QSO's. Lot's of fun though. At least I will send a Log. WX4RM - Had a good time, even with high qrn levels. Worked many members for the first time. 20 meters was long, helped to get those western state multipliers. 72 de wx4rm NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5W to a mini beam at 25' for 20 and an inv V at 40' for 40. Started out on 20m with only 6 Q's in the first half-hour, then things picked up and I was able to get 15 more. I switched to 40m and ended up making 19 Q's. 40 Q's is my personal record for a 2-hour sprint. 21 multipliers ties my personal best. Funny thing...I was tired and didn't plan to operate the whole two hours...the sprint won. Thanks for all the Q's and thanks to the NAQCC. Hope to see you all next month. 72, Will, NQ2W N4MJ - A fun evening. Why are people insisting on RST report? Did I miss something in the rules? Believe it is optional. ??? W2JEK - Got on late. Only 1 qso on 20m. Then went to 40 where the band was hopping. went to 80 near the end of the contest. Guess conditions very good after looking at some of the scores that have been posted. Had a good time. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 and KB1UOH - QRN on 40 made for a tough go at my QTH. . K0CW - Some housekeeping distractions but managed some participation. . KR4OE - I hope I did this correctly. This is only my third attempt at logging by computer. The first two times were for the last two Ten-Ten contests. I only had a little time to play this time and spent the better part of it learning the program. I particpated in the sprint a couple of months ago I believe it was but did not send in a log. I hope I can participate more in the coming months. . AC8LJ - Got a late start, but great fun, as always. 40m very noisy here in WV... WU7F - 72 WI1B - Band in good shape here. Didn't have much time though. See you next month 73 to all -Ken KE3HL - Well, I returned after a hiatus of building the new basement shack ... the shack was ready, but I heeded the call to operate from the field! With another local ham (Travis - W3TMB), we set up at a local park. I had the opportunity to try out his new AlexLoop antenna (I suppose you could say that it is a "simple wire antenna" - I wouldn't call it a "gain" antenna ...) To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from it, but it turns out that I was very pleasantly surprised! I operated the sprint for about an hour and came away with the desire to try my hand at building my own loop. By coincidence my issue of QST arrived today with an article about just that. It was good to be back in a sprint after a few months off! AK3X - 40 meters only with my DSW-40. Good condx, and only a few distractions. Had nearly an hour to play in this sprint. Had fun as usual...worked old friends, and new ones. CU all next sprint. 72 Peter KG4UPO - Conditions were outstanding for me tonight on 20M. Special thanks to those in six and seven land who were able to dig my RF out of the clutter. Special thanks to my most distant contact, W4NJK, California from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. My battery powered K2, J-38 key, and doublet gave me my best score ever. Slim pickings for me on 80M and fair results on 40M. Thanks to all who are now in my log. Wiley, KG4UPO NQ6E - Got on a little late but managed a few contacts despite the noisy conditions.Tnx to those ops who copied my call and exchange. 72/73 Frank K0ALN - Hi winds forced me to keep the antenna low. Lots of sigs on 20, but too much noise on 40. Hope to make mW on the 20th, and CU for FD and July Sprint. WB4UHC - Had fun again. Missed last month taking care of XYL after car accident so really happy to be back. Did not hear anything on 20M, after reading some other comments wonder why - Operator error?. 40M was really good here in SE VA. K3 + 1960's ball-bearing key. VE2ZA - It took 30 minutes to find the first QSO buried into wall to wall 40m QRN. Paused for 45 minutes and snagged a few others with better luck and band conditions. Worked John K3WWP again, so it _was_ a good sprint! See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |