Dec 2012 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#98) K3WWP Comments - That's it. All scores are now final as the time for appeal has expired. We came close to 150 logs this month with 148. I think the time is close now when we will eclipse 150 logs, and then head on to 200. Far-fetched? Maybe, but who knows... We have continued to grow ever since starting our sprints way back in late 2004. Final Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N2CN 40 39 79 20 1580 1580 G5RV @45' KN1H 22 22 44 13 572 x2 1144 Random wire @50' W1SVU 19 19 38 11 418 x2 836 Inv V @55' K1IEE 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 OCF wire @30' KQ1P 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 Dpl @35' N1IMW 14 13 27 11 297 x2 594 Dpl @25' N3ER 22 22 44 13 572 572 80 dpl @35', 40 vert KB1OIQ 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 G5RV @30' KB1UOH 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Base loaded vert K1YAN 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 G5RV @30' N1PQ 12 12 24 9 216 216 80 Dpl N1DN 4 4 8 4 32 32 Multiband dpl @72' NZ1MT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 20 EF attic dpl SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 71 70 141 26 3666 3666 Fan dpl @40' W2SH 38 34 72 18 1296 x2 2592 270' dpl @45' KD2MX 24 23 47 13 611 x2 1222 600' loop @30' KA2KGP 22 21 43 13 559 x2 1118 Dpl @25' K2YGM 25 23 48 16 768 768 80 Par EFZ, 40 G5RV Jr N2ESE 22 22 44 14 616 616 80 OCF dpl @25' W2JEK 16 16 32 9 288 x2 576 110' end fed K2ZC 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 80 40 dpl @30' NQ2W 15 15 30 13 390 390 Inv V @40', gnd mtd vert WB9G 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 Inv L @50' WA2JSG 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Vert mtd @12' WB2LQF 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 44' attic doublet @30' K2JT 4 4 8 4 32 32 Dpl @30' KC2VBU 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80 EFHWW SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 53 51 104 22 2288 x2 4576 ~110' attic rnd wire KG3W 36 34 70 16 1120 x1.5 1680 Multiband dpl @24' KE3HL 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 80 dpl @30' KB3YOW 10 10 20 6 120 120 EF Long Wire @30' W4SR 8 8 16 5 80 80 Gnd mtd vert WM4P 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 G5RV Jr @30' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W4AU 60 57 117 26 3042 x2 6084 Dpl @40', Dbl ext Zepp @45' KB4QQJ 48 45 93 23 2139 x2 4278 EF @33' K4ORD 60 59 119 24 2856 2856 80 dpl @35', 40 dpl @45' AA4GA 37 36 73 19 1387 x2 2774 80 doublet @40' WG8Y 24 24 48 14 672 x2 1344 80 40 gnd mtd wire verts WB4MNK 35 32 67 20 1340 1340 Gnd mtd vert WX4RM 23 22 45 13 585 x2 1170 6BTV gnd mtd K4UK 23 22 45 12 540 x2 1080 160 inv V WA4ZOF 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 80 Windom @35', 40 loop @30' K4ZGB 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 4BTV @20' K5FSE 20 20 40 13 520 520 Eagle 1 31' gnd mtd vert KK4BE 13 13 26 9 234 X2 468 Dpl @30' KT4OM 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 Dpl @60' K4KRW 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 Windom @25' NA4O 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 80 OCF dpl @30', 40 loop @45' W4DUK 15 15 30 6 180 x2 360 EF Zepp @20' W4TZM 13 13 26 10 260 260 Dpl @40' NA4SO 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 OCF dpl @45' K3RLL 13 13 26 9 234 234 Stealth vert N4FI 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 112' rnd wire @25' WA2EDN 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Dpls @40' WD4E 10 10 20 9 180 180 80 loop @40' W4HH 8 8 16 6 96 x1.5 144 OCF dpl @25' K4NVJ 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 88' non-res dpl @35' AJ4SB 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 Inv V @20' K2UFT 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Temp Long Wire K7HAP 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Windom @20' KB0ETU 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Dpl @35' KG4UPO 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 efhw@60' KU4A 6 6 12 6 72 72 80 slp 1/4 wave, 40 slp dpl WT5L 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Gnd mtd vert K9EYT 5 5 10 2 20 x2 40 Gnd mtd mobile vert KS7D 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 Dpl @25' NU4M 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Horiz Loop @40' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 43 43 86 24 2064 x2 4128 Fan dpls @18' N5GW 28 28 56 19 1064 1064 CFZ @40' K5GQ 18 17 35 9 315 x1.5 473 Trap dpl @18' W5IQS 10 9 19 9 171 x2 342 40 20 fan dipole @20' W5ODS 11 11 22 8 176 x1.5 264 G5RV @50' W5WIL 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 OCF dpl @25' WB5UAA 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 305' dpl @30' W5OXM 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 OCF dpl on flat roof KE5YUM 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 Inv V @30' K5ND 6 6 12 5 60 60 HF2V Vert KD5MMM 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Dpl @40' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N6VOH 11 11 22 8 176 176 ZS6BKW dpl @35' WK6L 8 5 13 6 78 x2 156 40 Windom V @35' KA6AIL 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 31' vert, half wave 80 long wire K6MGO 5 5 10 5 50 50 50' indoor doublet AB7DG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Windom dpl @25' NQ6E 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 51' doublet @33' K6CSL 2 1 3 1 3 3 Delta loop, Horiz. loop, Coax Dpl SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AE7UT 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Dpl @35' KE7YTE 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 Buddipole 40 vert dpl fed @6' AA7CU 8 8 16 6 96 96 Mobile 6' whip @12' AF9W 5 5 10 5 50 50 52' long wire @20' K7NEW 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Vert Dpl @10' NU7T 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 80 dpl @7' WB7EUX 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Windom @30' AE7CG 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Dpl @10' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W3NP 56 54 110 21 2310 x2 4620 130' CFZ @45'- 600 Ohm Open Wire N8IUP 51 50 101 20 2020 x2 4040 80 horiz loop, 80/40 NVIS NI8N 44 44 88 20 1760 x2 3520 Dpl W8RTJ 59 57 116 23 2668 2668 Dpl apex @50' W8DW 35 34 69 18 1242 x2 2484 Dpl @30' AC8LJ 37 36 73 17 1241 x2 2482 Dpl @45' AB8FE 21 21 42 13 546 x2 1092 Dpl @70', sloper @50' NX8Y 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 OCFW @60' KB3CXQ 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 80 Carolina Windom @30' WB8LZG 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 80 vert, dpl @35' N8ME 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Gap Challenger vert N8XMS 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 R7 Vert KB8KIK 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 EF half wave @25' N8BB 7 7 14 4 56 x2 112 Dpl @50' KB8FE 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 End Fed @20' WA8SAN 6 6 12 4 48 48 G5RV @25' WB8ENE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 102' doublet @15' NF8M 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 dpl on roof #KO8U 4 4 8 3 24 24 InvV@30' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W9CC 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 80 loop @15' K9FO 22 21 43 14 602 x2 1204 80 LW @45' 40 dpl @50' KA9FQG 21 21 42 14 588 x2 1176 G5RV @35' NI9Y 19 16 35 14 490 x2 980 40 Inv V dpl @15' KB9ILT 21 21 42 16 672 672 Delta loop @25' WR9H 15 15 30 12 360 360 Gnd Mtd Vert AA9L 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 Trap dpl @50' AB9YC 8 8 16 7 112 112 Dpl @20' N9RLO 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 CF Zepp @45' W9UX 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Dpl @30' K9ANF 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 Inv V @40' AB4KJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Delta loop @40' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KI0I 38 36 74 20 1480 x2 2960 Inv V's @55' K9OSC 33 33 66 20 1320 x2 2640 CF Zepp @30' N0TA 23 22 45 15 675 x2 1350 Gnd Mtd Vert K0EUN 24 24 48 14 672 x2 1344 40 loop @20' WB0PYF 19 19 38 12 456 x2 912 Dpl @55' K2HT 19 19 38 9 342 x2 684 80 Dpl, 40 Loop K0FTC 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 Random wire K0PE 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 EF Dpl @15' KA8HDE 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 G5RV @30' KI0J 13 13 26 9 234 234 AD DX-B sloper @35' KD0V 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 CF Zepp @50' N3PDT 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 148' Inv L K4EQ 4 4 8 4 32 32 End Fed @22' NO2D 4 4 8 4 32 32 80 doublet @30' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3EDX 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 Gnd mtd vert VE3GNU 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 Multiband dpl @40' VE5BCS 7 7 14 4 56 x2 112 Loop in trees @30' VE2KOT 7 7 14 6 84 84 110' V dpl @30' VA2SG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Carolina Windom @40' VE3XT 6 6 12 4 48 48 Vert VE3FUJ 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 G5RV @50' VE3DQN 2 2 4 2 8 8 Vert @6' VA3KUG 1 1 2 1 2 2 5BTV gnd mtd SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 64 62 126 28 3528 x2 7056 TH6DXX @55'; dpl @40'; inv V @ Non-member not eligible for certificate or prize $ QRO not eligible for certificates or prize # Late log not eligible for certificates or prize
The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: KB3AAG - 46 AB8KT - 35 WB4UHC - 21 K3VIG - 12 NT8P - 12 KC2EGL - 11 WS8K (nm) - 11 K5LY - 10 K7ZYV - 10 AB4QL - 9 W4UX - 9 K0TC - 8 KT5X - 8 W3SM - 8 W7OM - 8 WA1ZCQ - 8 W7IEX - 7 AI2T - 6 K5PSH - 6 VE7TL - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 148 (new record) - including one late log Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 221 (new record) Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2,234 including 4 from late log States represented: 36 + AB BC ON QC SK GOLDEN LOGS - 73 of 147 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA7CU AA9L AB7DG AB9YC AE7CG AF9W K0EUN K0PE K1YAN K2UFT K2ZC K4EQ K4KRW K4NVJ K5ND K9ANF K9EYT K9OSC KA6AIL KA8HDE KA9FQG KB0ETU KB3CXQ KB8FE KB9ILT KC2VBU KD0V KD2MX KD5MMM KE3HL KE5YUM KE7YTE KG4UPO KI0J KQ1P KU4A N1DN N2CN N2ESE N3PDT N8XMS N9RLO NA4SO NF8M NQ2W NQ6E NU4M NW2K NX8Y NZ1MT VA2SG VA3KUG VE2KOT VE3DQN W2SH W3NP W4DUK W4SR W5OXM W5WIL W5YDM W8DW W9CC W9UX WA2JSG WA8SAN WB7EUX WB8ENE WB8LZG WB9G WK6L WT5L WX4RMIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: W9UX - Had fun. C U next month. 72, Terry K2UFT - Temporary Antenna not effective, conditions miserable, gave up after 45 minutes. Nothing heard on 80 meters. W7OM heard but not worked. K4EQ - Terrible conditions here with my 22' end fed. Nothing on 20m. Noise on 40m. Gave up after 45 minutes and 4 contacts. Not even sure one was confirmed. No fun tonight. W5IQS - Enjoyed the Sprint. Only worked first 30 minutes but heard a good selection of states. It is with some regret that I announce the demise of my 'magic' Fan Dipole. We are moving to a new house on a hill overlooking the (Texas) Colorado River Valley and all the antennas must come down this week. I hope to be back on the air by mid January. Thanks to all, Evan, W5IQS N8XMS - Well, what can I say? Conditions were bad and 40-meters seemed like an empty wasteland. I was lucky to make double digits with 10 QSOs! But even the worst day of hamming is better than the best day of ____! Merry Christmas and 73 to everyone. - N8XMS AF9W - Tough from out here in my hole in AZ. Heard more stations than I could work. Only worked an hour but it was fun. Too bad there were so many digital stations in the middle of the contest segment. KB3CXQ - 40m was absolutely terrible. No one was hearing me. AJ4SB - I haven't worked a NAQCC sprint in quite awile. Only 8 QSO's, but a lot of fun. Next month I'll work it from Tennessee with my Rockmite 40!! Hopefully the bands will not degrade anymore. K0FTC - Thanks to all. Its been a while since I did QRP, and it was fun. N1PQ - Only on 80. QRT early. TNX es cu agn next month. N6VOH - Had fun, band conditions on West Coast horrible lot of QRN. Maybe better the next time. Thanks to everyone who pulled out my weak signal, 73 Barry NI8N - Great fun! Only stayed on 80 meters. W4TZM - With me it's less like a sprint and more of an 'amble' but I still have a lot of fun. N3PDT - Totally forgot this was NAQCC sprint night, so only got to work last 10 minutes. 80m was noisy and lots of QSB, but heard a number of good signals. WA2JSG - Late start, but better late than never. IC-703 at 5w from 12v battery. Vertical antenna, and big 'ol English Kent Straight Key. Happy Holidays to all. VA3KUG - Didn't have time to be serious in the sprint this month. I was able to work N8IUP on 80m, but I was unable to hear other stations in my limited operating time. Rig was my TS-480 into 5BTV ground mounted vertical at 5 watts. W5YDM - FT-950 @ 5 watts into a 7 band fan dipole at 18 ft. Plenty of signals on both 40 and 80 although most were weak. I worked every ham in Illinois, I think. WR9H gave me #4336 for his number instead of 4226. W5PEH gave me his SKCC number of 2398T instead of his NAQCC #4332. KB0ETU - Only had the last hour to play. Nothing on 80 meters and nothing on 20 meters. Only had 40 meters and it was in pretty poor condition. Still, it was fun. Happy Holidays. See you next year. 72 Phil W1SVU - Best time yet... and I got to work John K3WWP!! KB1OIQ - This was my first NAQCC sprint and it was fun! (NW2K: Andy, Welcome Aboard!) I used my Signalling Equipment Ltd. straight key, IC 746PRO, 4 watts, G5RV. 72 de Andy KB1OIQ #6062 K4KRW - Conditions in Charlotte pretty nice. Spent most time on 40m. Finished on 80m. Great fun as always. Thanks! WB2LQF - The forecast called for a 'good' band tonight but I had an S5 noise level and deep QSB here in New York. Stations seemed to hear me a lot better than I could hear them. I ended up with four contacts and a sore wrist! WB0PYF - My first NAQCC Sprint (NW2K: TNX for joining in!). Good time. Will be better prepared next sprint. 73's Ray, WB0PYF NR. 3092 KA6AIL - Not a good night here on the west coast. Thanks Mark KI0I for hanging in there with me. 72's and 73's, C U next month. K3RLL - Flex-1500 to stealth vertical: Signals were plentiful here tonight but not many strong ones. Apparently mine wasn't either. Thanks to those who pulled me out of the noise tonight. 72/73 ... Don WB9G - Got a late start. Lots of QRN on 40m. 80m was great but crowded. Thanks for the QSOs. 72! K3WWP - A good sprint tonight despite some problems. I decided at the last minute to change my computer keyboard because the way it is set up, I must hunt and peck when entering data into GenLog, and I am a touch typist, not a H&P typist. Anyway to make a long soapbox a little shorter, the letters on the old keyboard were getting hard to read, so I replaced it. That took longer than I thought. I had entered a dummy QSO into GenLog, so it would save my log. Then when I restarted the computer, I deleted the dummy QSO, but GenLog still counted it in my total. Also I never got to update the GenLog data file. Shame on me, after telling you that's one thing you must do. So I had to enter the new members from 6312 on up manually, and then fix the log afterwards to change them from 1 point QSOs to 2 points. See, that's something we all need to do if not using the very latest GenLog file. Then along the way a couple times, I got messed up in my data entry somehow. With all that, it should have been a disaster, but I wound up with 53 QSOs which is very close to my personal record of 57 and 22 multipliers. And 52 of the 53 were on 80 meters. 40 just wasn't working here. Or at least not at the start nor when I checked it again around 0300Z. Anyway that's enough blabbing from me, except to say thank you much for all the QSOs - it was fun despite all the hassles. KD5MMM - Made a few tonight, was fun. 73 all VE3FUJ - The condx tonight were probably the worst I've encountered so far. They were as bad as could be. Thanks to the 3 contacts that I did make. See you all in the mW. Brion 3011 W5ODS - Serious QSB and foreign broadcast QRM here in OK. KB8FE - Weather in northern Ohio was quite good but the radio signals were not really standing out well, even with 589 and 599 meter readings. Guess there was lots of something else the rig was picking up. Very odd. However I did work more than I thought I would with a late start and a compromise end-fed wire for 80 meters. To date, no snow worth mentioning. KI0I - Good band condx on 40 and 80 but a deep QSB on 80 so needed some repeats. Had a lot a fun and it went by real fast! Icom 746 5w navy flamepruf 80 and 40 Inv Vees at 55ft 73/72 Mark AE7CG - Thanks to John K4BAI for my only contact on 20M at the start of the sprint. Soon after our QSO, a QRN blizzard covered the entire CW segment of the 20M band--at which time I went QRT. The rig here is an MFJ Cub running 2 watts to a 10-ft. high dipole. 72, Loren, AE7CG, AZ, NAQCC 0523. NI9Y - This is my first sprint (NW2K: Dan, Welcome!). Please excuse any mistakes. I pasted the GenLog32.txt I don't understand only 8 across as the txt file is more than that. Sorry. Dan, Ni9Y #1060 K4ORD - Started on 40M things seemed slow made 14 QSO's made quick check of 20M heard nothing, then on to 80M where all the action was at had a great run until the last 15 minutes when things slowed down a bit. A few stations were 40 DB over S9 at times. Qrn wasn't bad so made for pleasant operating. Nice to work VE5BCS on 80M wasn't too strong but we made it. Thanks to all and have a nice holiday season 73/72 Riley NZ1MT - This evening was tough going so I only managed to double my QSO's from last month to two :) The 20M band was dead at my QTH. So hunted around 40M and found and logged N1IMW (my only QSO from last month). Heard a nice signal from WB0PYF (MO) but no luck logging him or K5LY (TX). But got logged in NC tnx to WX4RM. I can tune 80M but at the cost of efficiency, hence no one was logged on 80M. I may need to look seriously at that skywire 80M loop. Rig tonight was my early Xmas present the YouKits HB1B, which BTW has a very hot receiver. 73 Mike N1IMW - Greetings all. . .lots of fading tonight. . .worked a fair amount on 80 which is rare for me. . .still noisy like last month on both 40 and 80 - never under s6 on the noise here in New England. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. . .and good brass pounding to all in 2013 !! WB7EUX - My first sprint (NW2K: Tom, Thanks for joining in on the fun!). Wow! I made two contacts with my old Junker hand key and my new KX3. What a Blast! KD2MX - 80M was the place to be. Tough going on 40 although I managed a couple of QSOs. Did hear W5s with good signals here in NNJ but they weren't hearing me. WB4MNK - Had a good time and some nice signals tonight on 40 meters. See every one next year. AB7DG - Only my second NAQCC sprint and only two contacts, but had fun and got plenty of practice. I am looking forward to the next event. 73 de Tony KE3HL - Much nicer conditions than last month! Somehow I was off on my UTC and didn't get started until almost an hour in ... I had a real ball, breaking in a new Speed-X key, what a nice chunk of brass! N9RLO - Well, I completely forgot about tonight's sprint until about a quarter after 10pm. I was tuning around and heard someone send CQ NA, so I tuned up on 80 and made 4 contacts before it was over. I knew the sprint was going to be tonight, but somewhere along the way my brain had a short circuit, as it seems to do alot lately :) My rig was my IC 718 with my Junker key and center-fed Zepp up about 45 ft. I'll try again next month. Happy Holidays and 73, John N9RLO KB3YOW - Having just received my tickets 25 April 2012, December 2012 was my first time in participating in a Sprint (NW2K: Bob, great work and CU next time!). Always been interested in QRP and CW .... it really does work. Thanks to K3WWP for the encouragement to participate. 73, Bob K0PE - Only ten QSOs but had a blast. I think it's been 20 years since I last used a straight key! WR9H - I had a blast!! No one on 20 which is to be expected!!! 72 Herb/WR9H AA4GA - Glad to get back in an NAQCC Sprint again! Fair number of static crashes made tonight a little bit of a struggle - started on 20 and CQed there a bit, but never heard anyone...so it was all 40 and 80 for me. Also took out a bit of time to go QRP Foxhunting! K2YGM - Rushed to put up the PAR ENDFEDZ 80M this week in anticipation of poor band conditions.. 80 was hopping for awhile, and then I switched to 40 for a few contacts.. Conditions were not so great on 40 and only a few stations were heard here. 80 on the other hand was busy right from the start, however I noted a very quiet band half way through the 2 hour time frame.. Checked 20M twice but the band was dead here. Thanks to all that answered my CQ, and to those who were patient enough for the repeats and fill-ins. All in all I had fun once again and look forward to next months sprint. 72 and Merry Christmas to all my QRP friends. Bob K2YGM KB4QQJ - Fun Sprint as always. Bands were a conundrum though. I heard nothing on 20 meters except Africa. Moved to 40 and it was long and very quiet, very low noise level. Signals were strong but sparse. Moved to 80 and found everybody!! It was wild for about 10 minutes and then leveled off to a steady flow of contacts. Most all signals were S9 and several were well over. Band was very short. K4ORD was solid 40 over and Stan, K4UK was 20 over peaking 40! Rig was Kx3 #085 at 3 to 5 watts Antenna was a Prototype Trail Friendly EndFedz from LnR at 33 feet. Key was a Marconi AS-300A Straight Key 73 es BCNU, Randy_KB4QQJ NX8Y - Had fun. Started a little late and had some interruptions but glad to get on the air. Conditions on 80 were really good. Lots of strong signals. Till the next one...72, Ron NX8Y WX4RM - Rough nite - glad I was able to get these fine qso's with hams with good ears! 20 was dead from the start which gives those west of the Mississippi multipliers, 40 had s9+ noise level and 80 was the band of choice for most of my qso's since only s5 noise level. I wish I had ESP, wudda helped. Still had fun! AE7UT - This was my first sprint. Had a ton of fun (NW2K: Welcome, and .... fun, that's what it's all about!). I have a lot to learn. Thanks to all who helped me. 73 Stan AE7UT N8BB - Only got on for about 1/2 hour but enjoyed it. Happy Holidays to everyone, hope you get lots of toys for xmas. KE5YUM - I enjoyed the sprint this month. I was able to work 4 through the noise on 40, and enjoyed one new contact (NI9Y). Thanks to all who worked me. See you next month. Terry K1YAN - Conditions here were not great. Nothing heard on 20 and 40 was in and out. Hoping for better bands for the mW Sprint. AB9YC - This was my first sprint (NW2K: Welcome and thanks for the QSO!), and 2 hours was not enough to work all the stations I could hear. I look forward to the next one. WB8LZG - HELLO AGN FELLOW SPRINTERS! GUD SPRINT TONIGHT EVEN IF CONDX A BIT DIFFERENT. 20M DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO, 40 WAS LONG, ES HAD MY USUAL BEELINE TO THE SOUTH WITH MS,AL,GA,TX ALL IN THERE, NOBODY HEARD OUT EAST, ES NO CANADIANS HEARD HERE EITHER. 80M WAS GUD BUT NOISY HR. I WAS USING THE TRUSTY TT ARGO AGN, WITH THE 'WIDE AS A BARN DOOR' RECIEVER, SO AT TIMES IT WAS QUITE CHALLENGING TO DIG U GUYS OUT. WORKED 1 WEST COASTER, N6VOH ON 40 , BUT ONLY FAINT PIECES OF OTHER WESTERN CALLS. ENDED UP ON 80 WORKING 2 OF OUR NEWEST MEMBERS RIGHT IN A ROW, KEN AB8KT #6338, ES JOHN W4AU #6360. WELCOME ABOARD TO BOTH OF U NEW SPRINTERS! GLAD U JOINED THE FRAY HERE IN THE NAQCC ES HPE WE WORK AGN SOON. FINISHED MY ICE CREAM ES PULLED THE PLUG AT 10PM. HOPE TO WORK MANY OF U IN THE mW SPRINT IN A COUPLE WEEKS. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. 73 GREGG W4HH - Gud condx on 80. 40 not so gud -- weak sigs, QRN, QSB. KA2KGP - Another NICE sprint. 20m. was nil, 40m. was weak here in WNY but 80 was very good. Noise levels were low and little QSB. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all and 73! KB8KIK - In process of moving and hurriedly put up antenna. My first sprint (NW2K: Welcome and thanks for sprinting!) though I have worked many NAQCC members. Had to work through the digital qrm and band conditions but gave it a shot. Hope to be more prepared for next sprint. Had a ball trying. WA2EDN - Rather poor conditions here, but held on for 7 contacts. KQ1P - Great conditions on 80 meters and fun to see how the propagation varied during the sprint. I wish there was this much activity every night. Amazing 599+ signals for QRP! Nice to work some 6K series members. Thanks everyone, I had only two attempts that could not be completed. John VE5BCS - 20 and 40 were dead up here tnx for 80 Merry Christmas to all NA4SO - Gud sprint. 40 a little long but 80 great, 20 nil VE3GNU - With 40 pretty well 'dormant' at this end, 80 was the only choice---although conditions were fairly poor at first, they did get better as the evening progressed. Argonaut 5, multiband dipole up 40 ft. and a K4 straight key. Thanks to all for another great Sprint---and 'best wishes' to all for the coming New Year. 73---VE3GNU W3NP - I was able to work the entire 2 hours this time. Started on 40 and found condx to be not so hot. Went to 80 and stayed there for the rest of the sprint. After 5 or 6 S&P contacts, I went to 3559.25 and stayed there calling CQ for the rest of event. Condx on 80 were pretty good considering everyone was running 5w or less. Lots of stations from Virginia were on. I used my Ten Tec Eagle at 5 watts. Key was the German Junker straight key. 72 from West Virginia. W8RTJ - Getting ready to hang it up after only 3 q's on 40, but glad I went to 80. Been awhile since last playing in the sprint. Lots of fun thanks to the guys for the email reminder. Look forward to the next one. 72 JIM W8RTJ KE7YTE - I set up in the back yard here in Tucson AZ and played until I got too cold (NW2K: Cold? In AZ? HI!), then QRT. It was fun in the fresh air. I was able to reach across the country on just 3w with the KX3. Thanks to Rowlan, KB4QQJ for hanging in there to snag my call. NW2K - 40 (13 QSOs) and 80 (58 QSOs) were in good shape here. Thanks for the QSOs and new numbers toward the NAQCC Friendship Club! WG8Y - Hi all. Added a 1/4 wave wire 80 vert. Just tied it into the other wires, and ran it 10ft vert. Rest slopes into a tall tree. Was limited to 20 and 40 last couple Sprints and 20 has been dead by Sprint time. Caught one of my buddies in Ohio, NT8P, 2 minutes b-4 the end. That was fun. 72 all from N.C. WG8Y Mark K7HAP - In VA here very poor qrp conditions on 20 and 40 but 80 was doing well. WB8ENE - Only spent about 10 minutes in this sprint. Thought I'd turn the rig on just before going to bed and make a couple of contacts. Looking forward to the milliwatt sprint. Maybe I can spend more time on that one. 73, Art K5GQ - It was too cold to go to another scheduled event OUTSIDE! So I enjoyed the readable signals that called me. Most were in the noise and would fade in and out of in the noise to not being able to hear. Listened to W1AW on 20M earlier and thought 20 might be open but did not hear anyone. WK6L - Great Fun even with conditions bad on 40M, out here on the Majove Desert of California. K6MGO - Band was long, never heard one CA station, also was very noisy, S7 noise level. But, still had fun, thanks to all. KB1UOH - I had a tough time on 40 Meters. It was fun and I will try again. K0EUN - My first attempt loading up the 40 mtr loop on 80 meters and was pleasantly surprised and pleased to receive a number of responses. Will have to try it again when 20 goes silent. I've enjoyed every sprint; many gratious operators patiently work to make each contact complete even in minimum conditions. Many thanks! K9EYT - Working portable from the Tampa Bay Florida area. Antenna is a ground mounted Hustler mobile with a salt water ground, Rig Icom 706 at 5 watts. 40 could have been better, did not hear much on 80 meters. Always a good time hope to work you next month from FL. 73 Ray K9EYT/4 W4AU - I had a lot of fun in my first NAQCC Sprint (NW2K: John, Welcome!). I apologize for my rusty straight key performance. I did seem to get better in the last hour until my wrist started to give out... As I normally operate QRO, I was pleasantly surprised to be heard and to hear some of the more distant stations on 80. There are some ops with good ears in this organization. Hope be on for more of these events. Tnx fer the Q's - John, W4AU W2JEK - WAS ONLY ON THE LAST HOUR. SEEMED LIKE ALL THE ACTION WAS ON 80M. USED MY YAESU FT-840 AT 5W AND END FED WIRE. 72 AND 73 DON YOUNGER W2JEK #1135 KU4A - First time I've strayed from 40m in awhile. Don't have much of an antenna for 80m, but it seemed to work. WM4P - Great fun. Thanks for being patient with me, my CW is rusty. I only worked 3 stations, but now I have a goal for the next Sprint, 4 stations. N5GW - There was mild QRN on 40, improved over the past two days, so I didn't even listen to 80. 20 sounded dead here. I was using a K1 with Ni-MH internal battery pack and its internal memory keyer. If I used a bug or straight key, everyone would suffer. Instead of sending QRZ? the other op would be sending QLF (which means 'try sending with your left foot'). HI! KA9FQG - Another enjoyable sprint this month... 80m was especially busy with well over half of my QSO's. This sprint was extra challenging for me since right now I am recovering from a recent surgery and my 'normal cw sending arm' is in an immobilizer; thus this sprint also tested my cw sending ambidexterity using a straight key. Lots of fun as always - Merry Christmas to all, Mark NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter at 5W to an inverted vee at 40' (40) and a ground mounted, homebrewed, near bottom-loaded vertical with too few radials (80). Started on 20 and heard nothing...saw some activity on the RBN but it looked like southeast to northwest propagation. Moved to 40 and made some Q's there...mostly to the southeast. Heard some TX but they couldn't hear me. Heard nothing from 6's and 7's. After about an hour went to 80 to finish out the sprint with 9 Q's from VA to MI and east to MA and CT...not bad considering my antenna. Thanks to everyone for an enjoyable evening...looking forward to the mW coming up...Have a great holiday season. 72, Will, NQ2W WT5L - No action on 20M so stayed on 40M. I really need to get some wire strung out for 80M. Anyway, this was the first time I've ever used a straight key! KG3W - Gave up on 40 after 1 qso. Deep qsb. Stayed on 80. Quite a few high club numbers. Always nice to see. I'd like to wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Hope to catch you on the milliwatt sprint later this month. 72 de Scotty, KG3W P.S. Thanks to John and Mike for the nice qsl and picture of their operation on the submarine Requin, last month. Very nice! K1IEE - Started on 80M and ended up staying there for the 2 hours. Lot of S9 signals with some QRN at my location. Thanks to all. 73 Dick K4NVJ - Rig K3/P3 NO2D - 40 meters was hopping here in Colorado. Hopping with both the NAQCC Sprint and the Fox Hunt. Tried to do both. After snagging the Foxes I turned to 80 meters, but did not have much luck. Nevertheless, the sprints are always both a challenge and fun. Pete, NO2D. KB9ILT - Terrible conditions here - even checked to make sure my antenna was connected! Eighty was better than 40, but I don't have an effective antenna for 80. Sorry to those that called and weren't copied. I think K2UFT was one. Called N6VOH, but I wasn't heard. K4BAI, who is usually strong, was weak and in the noise. Missed N2ESE again - two in a row which is unusual. NW2K and K5ND were the only standouts with true 599+ signals into Illinois. A nice addition to the Log Submission Form would be a field for rig used. It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between money spent and score. I would think so, but operator skill surely is a big factor. Might be fun. AB4KJ - Got home from work late. Heard more stations than I was able to work. Still fun to make a few contacts. Look forward to the next one. N8IUP - Man that was fun ..... N8ME - I just got back on the air after a 3 year hiatus with no antennas. Enjoyed the Sprint. I think this is the first time I've ever submitted a log for a NAQCC sprint (if not, it was over 3 years ago) (NW2K: Welcome Back!). K5FSE - WOW! What fun. My first time to submit a log (NW2K: Perfect timing on our way to 150 logs!). KC2VBU - Raced home from a business meeting hoping to get a QSO in for the log and wow...ten million sigs all over 80M :) Great fun as always! Hope we set a new record,,,,,always a pleasure John. 73 Steve KC2VBU K9FO - Fun to do a sprint again! 20 dead so 40 and 80 only. Both pretty good. Rig: Flex 1500 at 5W and 1960 SpeedX key. Thanks for all the contacts. Merry Xmas 72, Will K9FO KD0V - I wish I had had time for more operating, but I had an extremely long hard day. See you all in the mWatt Sprint, if the End of the World doesn't come first. 72, Merlin NQ6E - First timer here! (NW2K: Welcome and thanks for joining in!) W2SH - 20m was nil, and 80m was very good, but with a couple of traffic nets below 3.560 mHz that I was asked to steer clear of (and did!). Here in NJ 40m was in wretched condition. Not only was the propagation bad, but the QRM around 7.040 mHz was just not our kind of QRM; I only made four 40m QSOs. I looked twice at 7.030 mHz, but found no sprint activity. Beginning to think that it might be more sprint-friendly there than 10 kHz higher. Of course old habits are difficult to break. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |