May 2012 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#91) K3WWP Comments - (One late log made it 98 logs) For only the second time in the last 25 sprints we came up short of the 100 log mark, receiving only 97. That 'only' shouldn't be there, as 97 is still a great number. There may be other sprints that get more participation, but I think even at 97 we are tops among those who require complete logs to be submitted which are carefully cross-checked for correctness. That cross-checking is now finished. Now you have a week to question scoring changes or your GOLDEN LOG status. Next year in May we will adjust our schedule to avoid the conflict with the Dayton Hamvention which I am sure is the reason we fell short of 100 logs this month. Enough said except thanks to all 97 of you for submitting close to completely correctly formatted logs. For the first time ever no one used the wrong GenLog file as their log, and that really helped in the log processing as converting a wrong GenLog file is one of the really time-consuming tasks. Thanks also to Dean for yet another excellent job in producing this results page quickly and accurately. Final Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N2CN 33 33 66 20 1320 x2 2640 G5RV @40' KB1UOH 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Vert outside second floor window N1PQ 19 19 38 11 418 418 40 and 20 EFHW K1IEE 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 OCF wire @30' KQ1P 3 3 6 3 18 18 80 loop @30' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 56 54 110 24 2640 x2 5280 InvV @50' KA2KGP 21 21 42 13 546 x2 1092 Gnd mtd vert, dpl @25' W2JEK 18 18 36 13 468 x2 936 80 wire @20', 40 dpl, 20 gnd plane N2ESE 24 24 48 14 672 672 80 OCF @25' K2GLS 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 40 dpl@30', 20 dpl @20' WA2JSG 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Vert @12' KQ2RP 8 8 16 7 112 112 G0FAH @45' N2COD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Hustler mobile verts $KB4CMF 6 6 12 6 72 72 G5RV SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 39 39 78 19 1482 x2 2964 40 attic rnd wire, 20 dpl KG3W 31 31 62 17 1054 x2 2108 Dpl @24' KB3AAG 33 33 66 19 1254 1254 G5RV @30' KC2EGL 22 22 44 13 572 x2 1144 Folded dpl @25' AK3X 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40 mobile whip N3AEA 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 Slanted invV @20' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 45 45 90 24 2160 2160 40 dpl @40', 160 dpl @35' K2UFT 28 28 56 18 1008 x2 2016 Doublet @30' N3LL 28 28 56 16 896 x2 1792 InvV @40' AA4W 38 37 75 18 1350 1350 20 sloped dpl(2), 40 dpl @55' KQ4VY 32 32 64 18 1152 1152 InvL @50' W4DUK 22 21 43 11 473 x2 946 End fed Zepp @20' W4CUX 20 19 39 11 429 x2 858 80 loop @55' NA4O 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 Car Win @45' K4UK 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 160m invV&trap dpl@??' AI4SV 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 Attic fan dpl K3RLL 20 20 40 13 520 520 Temporary vert KB0ETU 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 Dpl @40' K4NVJ 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 88' non-res dpl @35' N2EMD 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 InvV @30' KJ4LEN 10 10 20 7 140 x1.5 210 20/40 dpl @40', 80 invL K7HAP 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Windom @20' W4CJV 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 G5RV @50' K4KRW 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 Windom @25' KK4CPO 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 OCF dpl @45' AK4LF 9 9 18 8 144 144 OCF dpl @30' K4JPN 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 Zepp K9IA 6 6 12 5 60 60 Dpl @12' WA2EDN 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 Dpls @40' KU4A 4 4 8 3 24 24 Sloping dpl @40' $N4JD 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 80 Loop @40' %KB4QQJ 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 ef@33' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5IQS 44 41 85 24 2040 x2 4080 Fan dpl @30' W5YDM 35 34 69 20 1380 x2 2760 Fan dpl @22' WD5EAE 19 18 37 14 518 518 OCF dpl @30' N5NK 11 8 19 7 133 x2 266 40 invV @45', 20 sloping dpl K5BZH 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 Gnd mtd 14AVQ vert WY5R 8 8 16 6 96 96 Dpl @15' KB5JO 7 7 14 5 70 70 Gnd mtd vert KE5YUM 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 InvV @30' K5TRI 5 5 10 3 30 30 G5RV @40' N5RDN 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 90' invV @35' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WY7N 14 13 27 8 216 x2 432 200' V @20' K6CSL 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 Delta loop, dpl, H-Sq loop, EF wire KA6AIL 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 40 vert, 20 vert SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KE7YTE 18 17 35 10 350 x2 700 20 Buddipole, 40 vert dpl @18' K7NEW 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Vert dpl @9' K7ZI 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Windom @50' W7GAH 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 InvV @50', 40 vert @8' AE7TG 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 Vert WU7F 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 G5RV @10' AE7CG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Dpl @10' NU7T 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 R6000 SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W3NP 42 42 84 23 1932 x2 3864 130' CFZ @45', w/ open wire W9VNE 63 59 122 27 3294 3294 Dpls @40' NF8M 46 45 91 17 1547 x2 3094 80 OCF dpl @35' AC8AP 48 48 96 22 2112 2112 80 delta loop @40' N8XMS 15 15 30 14 420 x2 840 R7 vert N8IUP 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 NVIS delta loop KB8FE 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 Dpl @30' WG8Y 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 80/40 dpl @20' N8BB 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 Dpl @50' W3HI 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 ZS6BKW @30' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB9ILT 53 53 106 22 2332 x2 4664 Gnd mtd vert W9GFB 18 17 35 12 420 x2 840 20 dpl @30', 40 dpl @20' W9UX 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 Dpl @25' KA9FQG 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 G5RV @35' N1RU 18 17 35 14 490 490 40 attic full wave loop K9JWI 19 18 37 12 444 444 80 invV KG9HM 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 Attic dpl @30' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 58 57 115 26 2990 x2 5980 CF Zepp @30' K0KCY 45 45 90 23 2070 x2 4140 Dpl @40' KD0V 23 21 44 17 748 x2 1496 CF Zepp @50' K0EUN 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 40 loop @20' NO2D 15 15 30 8 240 240 80 doublet @25' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3FUJ 36 35 71 22 1562 x2 3124 G5RV @50' VA3RJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40 Hamstik fourth floor balcony VE2KOT 2 2 4 2 8 8 99' CFD @27' VE5BCS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Loop @25' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 InvV dpl @27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K5GQ 27 26 53 20 1060 x1.5 1590 2el @22' NQ2W 36 35 71 19 1349 1349 Mini beam @25', invV @40' N7YY 25 24 49 14 686 686 2el quad @50' K4BAI 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 TH6DXX @55', 40 dpl @50' @ Non-member not eligible for certificate or prize $ QRO not eligible for certificate or prize % Late log not eligible for certificate or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: N2CN 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: W5IQS 1st SWA W6: WY7N 1st SWA W7: KE7YTE 1st SWA W8: W3NP 1st SWA W9: KB9ILT 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE3FUJ 1st SWA DX: CO8CML 1st Gain: K5GQ First time entrant high scorer: W9VNE Prize drawing winner: KB0ETU The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: W9PV - 16 W7OM - 13 WA4AN - 13 KB4QQJ - 12 WA1GWH (nm) - 11 KR9Z - 10 N9GGE - 10 AA5CK - 9 K0TC - 9 K5PSH - 6 K2JT - 5 If only they'd submitted, we would have been over 100. We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 97 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 139 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,708 States represented: 34 + BC ON QC SK + CM LZ GOLDEN LOGS - 50 of 97 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AE7CG AI4SV AK3X CO8CML K2GLS K3RLL K4BAI K4JPN K4KRW K4NVJ K4ORD K5BZH K5TRI K7NEW KA9FQG KB0ETU KB1UOH KB5JO KB8FE KB9ILT KJ4LEN KQ1P KQ2RP KQ4VY KU4A N2CN N2COD N2ESE N3AEA N4JD N5NK N5RDN N8XMS NA4O NF8M NO2D NQ2W NW2K VA3RJ VE2KOT VE3FUJ W3HI W3NP W4DUK W9UX WA2EDN WA2JSG WG8Y WU7F WY7NIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: N2CN - My first time -- had a blast (NW2K: Welcome!). All ops I encountered were top notch. KB1UOH - My second time trying. Rig is QRP and key is J-38. I will keep trying. N1PQ - 20 FB, 40 was noisy. See you again next month, Pete, N1PQ NW2K - Bands were in good shape here. Unfortunately, could not find activity on 80 and the QRN was low. Found Rumi, LZ2RS/QRP calling CQ and decided to ragchew for 10 minutes or so since the signals were strong. He is up to 820 US counties worked QRP! Thanks to all and see you next time. 5W, matchbox, inverted V at 50'. KA2KGP - Another good sprint. 20 and 40 were in good shape, but 80m was nil here in WNY. Noise was overwhelming on 80. Good turnout again. CU next sprint 73 K2GLS - A good number of stations tonight on 20M and 40M. I didn't hear any activity on 80M, just thunder crashes. A lot of fun with 5 watts and dipoles. Thanks to those who pulled out my signal from the noise. WA2JSG - Packing my bags for Dayton, so could only make a few contacts. Anyone going to the FDIM event Thursday & Friday nights, look for me wearing a red NAQCC hat. K3WWP - Murphy struck tonight. Never figure that everything will go smoothly and there is no use setting up early when all it takes is a couple minutes. So at 0028 I head for the shack with my thumb drive with the latest GenLog data file on it. I turn on the computer and the dang mouse wouldn't work. Second bit of advice - learn and remember how to work a computer without a mouse - remember all those keyboard shortcuts. I didn't and struggled between trying to do things without a mouse and trying to get the mouse to work. I wasn't getting too far with the keyboard. I remembered how to do a few things but not enough to get the sprint started. Finally after searching out some new batteries for the wireless mouse and finding they didn't help things any, I remembered the mouse has a reset button on it. Lo and behold, I pressed that and it works. By this time I've already blown the first quarter hour, so I decide I'll just do some experimenting instead of going for a big score. I thought I'd study to see if I could improve my results on 20 which are usually pitiful. So I stayed on 20 for quite a while jumping between S&P and calling CQ. I managed 12 QSOs in 7 states (thought it was the MN QSO Party at first with 4 MN QSOs) which may be my best effort in our sprints on 20 meters for me. I'll have to check and see. I definitely need a better 20 meters antenna though. This is getting way too long, so I'll just say the other part of the experiment was to try a centrally located frequency on 40 and one near the outer edge of our suggested frequency range. I found both performed about equally well, so it does pay to spread out as we've suggested. The end (finally). KC2EGL - With the exception of my beautiful Fiance calling (John K3WWP, Theresa says hello.) I was able to work just about the whole 2 hours. It was great running into two old friends, K3WWP and K3RLL. K3RLL, hope to CU shortly after you return North. I started out on 20M and had some success. Moved down to 40 and I was able to stay put for the rest of the sprint. Thanks to all who worked me. CU next time on the radio. Mike (Rig: TS 2000, Key: Begali Spark) KB3AAG - I did much better than I planned! Last Tuesday the little stream that flows past my cabin finally washed the roots out from under the walnut tree that my loop was tied to and down came tree and antenna! All I had was my G5RV and it doesn't talk so well. Then my auto tuner in the rig quit on me! So I turned down the power to three watts and hoped for luck! I think both Murphy and Kilroy ganged up on me. Still I enjoyed, thanks to all! Frank K4ORD - First time I made more QSO's on 20M in the sprint than on 40M. 20 was open short and long, it seemed. At first I didn't think the west coast was coming in until I got a call from W7OM in WA. 26 QSO's on 20M and 19 on 40M, several worked on both bands. Had usual 40M QRN from local storms. Was a fun sprint thanks to all 73/72 Riley K2UFT - Heard no one on 20, great conditions on 40, never got to 80 due to late start. Good to work some new members in the 6000 number range. FT1000MP @ 5W, 1943 Luftwaffe Straight Key. N3LL - Sorry to ask so many for repeats on call, etc. but QRN from storms was rough tonight...Thanks for hanging in with me ... 73's N3LL AA4W - 20 meters was wonderful tonight. I was experimenting with 2 sloping dipoles. One north and one west. They seemed to work well. I moved to 40 but the static crashes were awful! But we need the rain. I used my K1 on battery power. (New nano-phosphate batteries are the cats meow! Nearly 2 hours of operating and the battery dropped only .3 volts!) KQ4VY - I had a great time working the sprint using my K2. There were a lot of great signals heard. W4CUX - Very nice sprint. Lots of good signals. See you next time. 73, Bill - W4CUX NA4O - So much noise on 80 and 40, but 20 was very nice. Finally heard and had pleasure to log K3WWP! K3RLL - Early K2 to temporary vertical up close to house (Antenna Restrictions) - Used a different ploy this evening and enjoyed our Sprint much more. Just stuck with 20 meters, which was open and full, turned off the rig and spent the second hour working on what I hope will be my first Golden Log. If I can't do well in the Sprint, well maybe ... (Grin) Lots of really strong signals tonight and no digital QRM on 20 meters! I love it! 72, Don N2EMD - Was my first sprint (NW2K: Welcome and TU for the QSO!) and just relearning cw was a blast...73 KJ4LEN - 20 was hopping tonight. 40 had too much QRN and nothing heard on 80. I used my FT840@5W and Vibroplex Original bug. I think my longest contact was with Dean (NW2K)in NY. I'll see everyone next month K4KRW - Got a late start. But, had a great time. Thanks everyone! K4JPN - Got a late start, tried 80M and 40M but nothing heard but heavy QRN and could not raise anyone. 20M seemed good. 72, Steve K4JPN N4JD - Got in late still had a great time. WD5EAE - It was my first Sprint (NW2K: Welcome Steve!) and I got into it late but had a blast. It's not the best thing to be working on the antenna, reading contest rules and getting familiar with new software just prior to the contest! I hope to participate in future Sprints. Thank you for your work in running it. N5NK - Met a few non-members tonight. Had fun trying to explain about NAQCC and 5w contesting! Invited each of them to join us. I told myself we weren't playing for money anyway. Look out for me next time! WY5R - I'm new to contesting (NW2K: Welcome aboard!) and found the sprint stressful to start with. Towards the end of the time period, I was feeling quite a bit more comfortable. Already looking forward to the next sprint. KB5JO - Used my old SW+20 this time, and a different antenna than usual. Lot of fun working the Sprint as always. Nice hearing and maybe working old friends K5TRI - This was my first sprint as a CW operator with a whopping 29 QSOs under my belt before I started. I didn't make many contacts, but it sure was fun and I'll be back for the next one (NW2K: Welcome and thank you for joining the fun!). N5RDN - I got in late ( last 15 min) but had fun! Thanks to the few that worked me. 73 Rob, N5RDN WY7N - Managed to operate for an hour this month. Snagged 14 contacts. Would I have gotten 28 had I been able to go for the full time? K6CSL - 20 was good this evening. I should have stayed on 20, 40 was not nearly as good, as can be seen by my log. I went to 40 at 01:50Z and made only one contact there at 02:23Z. However, it was fun. 73's to all and to all a good night. Bert, K6CSL KA6AIL - Got a late start (0200 UTC). Still great time had. C U next month 72's Duaine KE7YTE - I was on my porch with the K2 watching the wind bend the vertical dipole. 103 F today in Tucson AZ. Good to get fresh air and work QRP 5w with you folks. It was a good day. Tnx. K7ZI - Only able to work an hour of this sprint. Lots of signals on 20m, some quite loud others unreadable. Too many interruptions to really get into this contest tonight. W7GAH - Rough night ... 20 QSB lost several without complete exchange. Several stations got only part of my call. 20 then went long got a couple on the east coast and then shortened up. 40 had considerable noise. A few less than last month, but a good time as always. AE7TG - First NAQCC Sprint for me in awhile and glad to be able to participate. Used my new (to me) FT-817 into a Hustler 5BTV Vertical - Kent straight key as usual. 20 seemed very crowded to the unfiltered FT-817, I may have been able to pull out a few more with the K1. Only had one contact on 40 right at the end of the sprint, courtesy K7ZI. Thanks everyone who heard me and I hope to do it again soon. -Allen NF8M - 20 was nicely open early but fraught with QRN that covered up a couple weak sigs. 40 was very productive except for the phone chatter probably from EU. 80 was noisy but still made a couple there. Strong sigs for the most part on all bands - even had to turn the RF gain down. AC8AP - That was a lot of fun tonight. This was the first time I really worked my new 80M delta loop and it seemed to work great. It is an upside down delta loop fed at the bottom point. The top flat wire is at 40' and the bottom tip is at about 10' fed with ladder line. I used the Icom IC-703+ battery powered at 5 watts. I worked the whole time this sprint. TNX 72 Alan AC8AP KB8FE - Relatively good conditions here in northern Ohio tonight on 40 meters. No static, no rain, cool temperatures. Plenty of stations heard. WG8Y - Hi all. Well, this is my last sprint from Ohio. I have all my antennas down and boxed up for transport to NC in a couple weeks. Can't leave till after going to Dayton! Did throw a HB 40-80 dipole up about 20 ft to get on tonight. Didn't get home till half way thru the Sprint but did get a few Q's in the log. W3NP was S9+ into NE Ohio for my last QSO. Good sig Dave. 72 from Ohio Mark WG8Y W3HI - Thank you for these Sprints and thanks to the stations that put up with my fist till we got it right. One day, I just might regain my CW ability from many years ago. 72 to all! KB9ILT - Started on 20 where conditions were very good for the first 30 minutes, then the QRN jumped up. Moved to 40 where conditions were good until the end. Planned to go to 80, but never got there. Great fun as always. Thanks to all! 73 and see you next month. W9UX - Another fun event. 72, Terry W9UX K9JWI - Used HW-9 tonight. Ok for its day I guess. KG9HM - A fine Sprint this month! NO2D - Wow! 20 meters opened like gangbusters here in Colorado. Wall to wall stations. Alas! It did not last. Switched to 40 meters and dug some out, but tried 20 meters again at the end. As always, lots of fun. I hope I am getting the hang of GenLog. Pete, NO2D K5GQ - Lots of strong signals! After being at home for two months, recovering from a total hip replacement, it is great to do something FUN. K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, TH6DXX, 40M dipole. Got in from a traveling Broadway production of Mama Mia at 0220Z and immediately heard and worked Rumi, LZ2RS QRP 5W, on 20M. No other action heard there, so changed to 40M for three quick QSOs before the end. Sorry to miss most of the Sprint this month. Hope to work most of you in CQ WPX CW at the end of the month from multi multi station NQ4I. We hope to work you on all six bands too. 73/72, John, K4BAI. W4DUK - I hadn't been on the straight key since last month's sprint, so it was good to pound some old-fashioned brass again. Thanks everyone for the contacts. 73 de Dave KK4CPO - Great job by all. Really pulling my 4 watts out of the noise. Fun. AK4LF - Not my best effort but fun. Using paddles for the first time to practice for Field Day. I am more comfortable operating with a straight key. TNX to all for the QSO's! Looking forward to next month. I had my Yaesu 857D down to 5W running to OFC dipole @ 30 ft in trees. I used Uni-ham paddles. 72/73 Ty AK4LF. W9GFB - Great Fun. Got crushed by a KP4 with a kilowatt tuning up right on me. Guess you need to listen for 5 WATTS. W5YDM - Lots of signals as usual, but tonight not many of them would answer me. Had to hunt and peck a little - something I don't normally do. I had 14 multipliers in the first 14 contacts, then hit a dry spell. Normally that would have been 14 Florida's. I had my usually trouble with Genlog - the old ENTER instead of TAB problem. John, get a Logitech mouse - never needs resetting, doesn't even have a reset button. KG3W - Started out on 20 with 2 QSO's in 14 minutes. Went to 40 and conditions were good. Tried 80 when things slowed down but calling or S&P , didn't hear anyone. QRN on 80 was S8 here in PA Back to 40 to finish. Heard some really strong signals tonight. Had a Fun time! See ya next month. 72 Scotty CO8CML - Another nice Sprint. QRN and QRM on 40m, conditions were better on 20m. Thanks to all worked stations and hope to CU AGN next month. Long live CW and QRP!!! W3NP - Started out on 20 and found condx there to be fairly good with decent signals for QRP stations with simple antenna. Went to 40 at a little over the halfway point and although having a higher QRN level, there was a lot of activity and I was able to snag some closer in states. I used my Junker straight key with my Ten Tec Omni 7. W2JEK - Started late. Glad to find 20 open. 40 was the workhorse band. Got 2 QSO's on 80. Rig FT-840 at 5w to wire antennas. Signal electric key. 72 and 73, Don Younger W2JEK #1135 AE7CG - Thanks to WD5EAE and WY7N for this month's QSOs on 20M. I use an MFJ Cub at 2 watts to a 10-foot high dipole. 72, Loren, AE7CG, Arizona. KB0ETU - Good Sprint! 20 was good, but too much QRM/QRN on 40 and 80 is absolutely worthless for me. I think this is the most contacts for me in the NAQCC Sprint, and defintely the first time (I think) that I've had the privilege of working John (K3WWP). Thanks John, and also to all the other ops. Love my K-2 - if I hear you, I can work you if you don't have me filtered out. Looking forward to the next one already, Along with the SKS and WES. 72, Phil VE3FUJ - Condx were good at this QTH and things went well, a fair amount of atmospheric noise and crashes. Enjoyed myself and thanks to all. And a special apology to Riley K4ORD for calling him John. Brion 3011 KU4A - Seemed like condx on 40 were worse than they have been in recent Sprints. A lot of stations couldn't hear me, and that's unusual. KD0V - Great Sprint! I should have worked the entire time. I am working almost full time and don't have the energy. Good to have John give me a call. Looking forward to the June Sprint. 73 Merlin WA2EDN - Only worked the first 20 mins. Real noisy here. NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5W to mini beam at 25' for 20m and inv V at 40' for 40m. Started out on 20 for 26 Q's...moved to 40 and made 10 for a total of 19 multis. Didn't make time to checkout 80...spent 1.5 hours on 20 and the other 1/2 hour on 40 with more stations to work than time allowed. Loads of fun! Thanks to everyone that participated - you all make this a very enjoyable sprint - and special thanks to John and Dean. Looking forward to next month. I've uploaded my log to LoTW and eQSL...hope you'll consider doing the same. 72/73 Will NQ2W AK3X - Decided to operate stationary mobile after my conflicting meeting this evening. Got in on the last 45 minutes of the sprint. Only had my 40M rig with me so was stuck with the noise on that band. However, 5 contacts is better than none. DSW-40 at 3 watts to a Hustler mobile whip/40 meter resonator. 72 til next month. Peter KB4CMF - Not a very good night for me - but I tried. I enjoyed the Sprint. Thanks and 73 NU7T - I am sorry not to be available for more contacts. After turning on the radio, I was reminded of our #2 daughter's going away party. W5IQS - Good Sprint - 20 was good almost to the end and 40 was OK also. Didn't try 80 meters. I had two non-member stations offer their FISTS number but I didn't think that would play on the Sprint HI HI...72 to all and see you next month. Evan, W5IQS W9VNE - I used my new Elecraft KX3 @ 5 watts output. My first Sprint (NW2K: Thanks and Welcome!). I had a lot of fun. Looking forward to getting bonus points next time. K1IEE - Started on 40M but the QRN was very strong. Changed to 20M which was very active. Finished out the first hour on 20M then had to QRT and disconnect all my antennas because of a wicked T storm. This might be my first 1 hour sprint. Still had a great time. Thanks to all 73 Dick VE5BCS - Not many stations heard up here K5BZH - Twenty didn't seem to be in good condition here in Amarillo. Forty turned out nice. A pleasant surprise to hear my friend Rondel, N5NK, from my old stomping grounds call me towards the end of the event as I completed a QSO with W5IQS. KQ2RP - As an avid NJ Devils fan, I had a big conflict with the Eastern Conference Finals game on sprint night. My only solution was to work the sprint between periods. I really enjoyed blending hockey and QRP CW sprinting into one evening. I think I might be onto something... TNX to all I contacted! 72, Chris AI4SV - I was wiped out from a long day at work and figured I'd try for one token contact just to get a log in. I had tried 40m about an hour earlier and it was a QRN mess, but 20m sounded good, so I set a goal of five qsos. When I got to five, I figured a few more couldn't hurt, and then a few more on 40m. I stopped when I started to nod off. Next sprint: more coffee! 72 & CUAGN next month. N2ESE - Had a great time, 20M was really good. I spent some time listening to KB0ETU sending his number as 3383, but when I checked my list it said his number was 3833 WOW! I hope they get that one fixed! John-K3WWP I heard someone work you on 20M but sorry I could not hear you. THANKS to all 73 Gary #5555. N2COD - Only had time for a few minutes this sprint. I hope I can do more next sprint. 73 N1RU - It was nice to hear so many signals across 20 and 40 and to have 20 open for the whole contest. Used my usual Yaesu FT-857D at 5 watts to the full wave loop in the attic. Thanks to everyone at NAQCC who makes these great sprints possible. 73, James (Northeast Indiana) N8BB - Had fun time here except for my cat playing pounce on my arm while trying to log. Seems it wants to play even if it means a collision of the key/log. Will see everyone next time. KQ1P - Got home late and tired. Sprint started off fine until a lid spent 10 minutes tuning up over my last and unfinished QSO. At that point I developed a fine headache and decided to try again next sprint. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, May 17, 2012 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |