Feb 2012 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#88) K3WWP's That's it. The results are carved in stone after the one week appeals period. No more changes will be made to the scores now In future sprints, be sure to check the times in your log entries, the point value of QSOs in your log entries, and be sure your call is right in your log entries. Those three things especially made cross-checking very difficult and time-consuming this month. Thanks. Thanks to Dean NW2K for volunteering to post scores and soapboxes for our upcoming regular sprints. That will ease my job considerably. We're working out details now and Dean should be ready to handle the March sprint. That will leave more time for me to work on just cross-checking and correcting logs. Final Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K1IEE 13 13 26 13 338 x2 676 OCF wire @30' N1PQ 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 EFHW 40' N1DN 8 8 16 8 128 128 multiband ladder fed dipole@??' KB1CKT 9 9 18 7 126 126 gnd mnt Hustler 6BTV vert SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 67 65 132 27 3564 x2 7128 invV@50' W2SH 39 39 78 21 1638 x2 3276 180' dpl @ 35'; 270' @ 45' K2GLS 21 21 42 14 588 x2 1176 80m dp @20', 40m dp @30' W2JEK 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 40m dipole, 80 end fed both at 20 ft. KA2KGP 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 gnd mtd 5 band vert. or dipole up 25 ft N2ESE 22 22 44 14 616 616 80m.ocf-dipole@25ft KD2MX 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 600' loop @30ft WA2JSG 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 Vert mounted @ 12' KC2VBU 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80m efhww @ 50ft WA2CCD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 150' rndm wire @ 10' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 43 43 86 19 1634 x2 3268 110' attic rnd wire KB3AAG 35 35 70 23 1610 1610 80 mtr loop@35 ft KG3W 20 20 40 15 600 x2 1200 all band dipole@ 24 ft W0EJ 18 18 36 13 468 468 G5RV@50' K3PXC 13 12 25 9 225 x2 450 g5rv@27' K3OQ 7 7 14 6 84 84 170' Long Wire 30 ft above ground AK3X 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 40M inv vee@27' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 52 51 103 23 2369 x2 4738 80 dpl@35', 40 dpl@40' N3LL 52 51 103 19 1957 x2 3914 invV@40 ft KB4QQJ 36 36 72 21 1512 x2 3024 EFHW @33 feet AA4W 25 25 50 19 950 x2 1900 20 meter vee @ 45 40 meter vee A 50 ft NY4G 22 22 44 16 704 x2 1408 G5RV at 40 ft inverted Vee KJ4LEN 20 20 40 16 640 x2 1280 40m Dipole@40' , 80m Inv L KG4UPO 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 Windom @ 40 feet K4DXV 19 18 37 11 407 x2 814 Gap Titan DX NA4O 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 windom@45',OCF dpl@30' AG4IP 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 100 Foot Random at 24 Feet WB4UHC 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 80M Invert vee @30' W4CUX 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 80m loop @ 50' AK4LF 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 OFC dipole@30' WD8RYC 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 Fan dipole @30 Ft AB4QL 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 Trap Vertical on roof W4DUK 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 efz@20' K3RLL 13 13 26 8 208 208 Night time Vertical K4JPN 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 Zepp K4NVJ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 88' non-resonant dipole @ 35' AI4VA 11 11 22 8 176 176 120' Attic Long Wire KU4A 12 12 24 7 168 168 slp dpl@40' W4HH 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 ocfdpl@25' WB4MNK 6 6 12 6 72 72 5btv KB0ETU 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dpl@40' WA4ZOF 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 ocf dipole @30 ft KD4UKW 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 45' vert W4ONC 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 Inverted V @ 50 feet K4UK 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 Unknown@??' WX4RM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 gnd mtd vert SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 51 51 102 23 2346 x2 4692 fan@22 ft W5IQS 42 40 82 21 1722 x2 3444 80/40 Fan Dipole @30' K5ACO 18 18 36 13 468 x2 936 40m dipole at 50'. 80m 37' vert KE9DR 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 420' rdn Lp @50' N5NK 16 15 31 12 372 x2 744 20m slp dipole @ 35'; 40m&80m inv @ 45' KA5TJS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80 mtr dpl@30' feed 300 ohm twn lead KK5NA 2 1 3 2 6 6 EDZ@55' KE5YUM 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 inverted v at 30' K5KGK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 180 ft end-fed longwire @ 15 ft SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K6MGO 12 12 24 10 240 240 indoor 50' doublet KA6AIL 4 4 8 4 32 32 grd mount vert, end fed wire @30' N6OSB 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 Windom @ 30' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WA2DFI 28 27 55 18 990 x2 1980 80/40 dpl@25', 40 vert NU7T 23 23 46 16 736 x2 1472 R6000 & 40 dpl at 20' W7LKG 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 SteppIR DB-18 @ 50' WY7N 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 90' wire@20' N7YY 21 21 42 14 588 588 dipole 30' W7GAH 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 el 40m Vert @8ft W7YSB 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 110' dblt@30' AE7CG 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 dpl@10' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N8IUP 25 25 50 19 950 x2 1900 40m delta loop es 40/80 NVIS @10' WG8Y 19 19 38 16 608 x2 1216 40-80 hb dp @30ft & 6btv grd mnted W8DW 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 6BTV Vertical, OCF Dipole @ 30' KU8T 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 INV L NF8M 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 40m dpl@30' KB8FE 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 dpl@30' N8QY 10 10 20 5 100 x2 200 G5RV 25' AND HF9V WA8SAN 11 11 22 9 198 198 G5RV @ 25' WB8LZG 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 dipole@ 30' N8XMS 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 R7 vertical WB8ENE 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 4BTV @ 25'/102' dblt @ 15' N8VAR 4 4 8 3 24 24 dpl@20' WB8WTU 2 2 4 2 8 8 fan dipole - 80/40/20 SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N9SF 57 57 114 27 3078 x2 6156 80/40 fan dipole at 50 feet AA9L 37 37 74 24 1776 x2 3552 trap dipole @ 50 feet KB0KFX 38 37 75 20 1500 x2 3000 Butternut Vert KB9ILT 30 30 60 18 1080 x2 2160 gnd mtd vertical, attic dipole KA9FQG 26 25 51 18 918 x2 1836 g5rv@35' K9EYT 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 G5RV @ 25' W9UX 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 dpl@25' W9CC 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 80M Loop @15' W9HLY 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 4O SLOPER @ 55 FEET N1RU 12 12 24 7 168 168 Attic G5RV Jr N9KR 6 6 12 6 72 72 EF Zepp @ 20Ft SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 61 61 122 29 3538 x2 7076 CFR Zepp@30' K6XT 48 48 96 24 2304 x2 4608 vertical & center fed wire K0EUN 20 20 40 20 800 x2 1600 40m loop@20' W0UFO 34 34 68 22 1496 1496 40M Inverted V dipole, 80M zepp N0OKS 10 10 20 8 160 160 Hustler 5-BTV N0AZN 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dipole at 25 feet WD0K 2 2 4 2 8 8 delta loop@??' KD0V 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 EDZ@50' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3RCN 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 Ground mounted vert, 80m dip @25 feet VE3FUJ 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 G5RV @ 50' VE3EDX 14 14 28 13 364 x2 728 Vertical Gnd Mtd VE5DC 10 10 20 8 160 160 Home brew trap dipole for 30/40 mtrs VE5BCS 5 4 9 4 36 x2 72 Loop wire at 25ft SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna C6AKQ 72 42 114 35 3990 3990 40 dpl@??' (op-N4BP) GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 56 56 112 25 2800 x2 5600 TH6DXX at 55'; 40M dipole at 50';80M inv AE8M 48 47 95 22 2090 x2 4180 80/40 DIPOLE @ 50', EL 20M BEAM @ 40' NQ2W 14 14 28 10 280 280 mini beam@25', invV@40', gnd mtd vert @ Non-member not eligible for certificate or prize $ QRO not eligible for certificates or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: K1IEE 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: W5YDM 1st SWA W6: K6MGO 1st SWA W7: WA2DFI 1st SWA W8: N8IUP 1st SWA W9: N9SF 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE3RCN 1st SWA DX: C6AKQ (op-N4BP) 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: W0UFO Prize drawing winner: AK3X The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: N3QE - 27 N3WT - 26 AE5VB - 19 W8RTJ - 18 WA1ZCQ - 14 N4BNO - 12 K0TC - 10 KR5RK - 10 KA8P - 8 N9GGE - 8 N3ES - 7 WB0P - 6 AB9CA - 5 AC5T - 5 K8NU - 5 NI5O - 5 W1PID - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 111 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 209 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,928 States represented: 43 + DC + ON SK + C6 HA HK LZ SP GOLDEN LOGS - 46 of 111 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA4W AK3X K1IEE K4DXV K4JPN K5KGK K9EYT K9OSC KA5TJS KA6AIL KB0KFX KB8FE KB9ILT KC2VBU KD0V KD4UKW KG3W KG4UPO KK5NA KU4A N0AZN N1RU N8QY N8VAR N8XMS NF8M NQ2W NU7T NW2K VE3RCN VE5BCS W4DUK W5YDM W7GAH W7LKG W9CC W9UX WA2DFI WA2JSG WB4MNK WB8ENE WD0K WD8RYC WG8Y WX4RM WY7NIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - An interesting sprint. I actually made some QSOs on 40 this month, but I think one or two may be a not-in-log for me. Well, one was, so I'm down to 43 QSOs. No big deal. I don't go out to win these things, just to have fun. I'm surprised I made that many as conditions weren't all that great. Not bad, but not as good as the previous couple months. 80 seemed rather deserted. I had just about a whole kHz. to myself for quite a while. The K2 RIT goes up and down about .5 to .6 kHz. and a lot of the time no one would be in that range at all. I've still got to break myself of this addiction to sitting on one frequency and just calling CQ if I want to improve my scores. I did actually get a couple s&p QSO's tonight though. Maybe that's a start. HI. Oh, thanks to Rich AA9L for being QSO #1 on 40 and #44 on 80 - first and last. Well, time to post scores now. Sure wish Ki VA3PEN was doing it like he did for our 160M sprint and will be doing for future 160 and mW sprints. Anyway it should go a tad faster with my new computer here. It will have to wait for me rather than me waiting on it like I often did with the old computer which incidentally is now in the shack. It worked great there with GenLog tonight. The display was much clearer with the LCD monitor vs. the old shack computer's CRT monitor. Also I could position it for better viewing. W4ONC - Too much noise, Too much QRM, Gave Up. N8VAR - The last two sprints I didn't do any good at all. This time I checked my antlers. I have two dipoles I could use. Turns out the one I was using was a mess. Changed to the good one and started making contacts again. I heard lots of sigs all over. It was a great night. W9UX - Great fun. Look forward to next month. 72, Terry #0033 K3OQ - 2nd month in a row for this sprint. I should have submitted last months log, but got busy and time just pass. Only got little over 30 minutes to play this month...but had fun. Will see you next month. AA4W - Many signals on tonight. Am glad to hear such a great turnout! 20 meters died 5 minutes into the sprint! KJ4LEN - Great condx. on 40m. I couldn't squeeze a cq in between 7030-7045.It seemed to die out about 10:00PM so I switched to 80m but only made 1 contact. This was a very fun evening. Thanks to the organizers. Ray WA2JSG - Rig Icom IC-703, 5w to a vertical. 12v battery pack. Bencher RJ-1 straight key. NY4G - A bit noisy but great conditions tonight. K2 on G5RV. Many signals on both 40 and 80m. I hope to keep it up and till next time - tnx for the qso's AA9L - 40 was great. I just don't get along with 80 but I tried. As always, first hour was great and second hour was a dud but I keep trying! Bella chewed her bone for the whole 2 hours. KB0KFX - 40meters seemed to be very good in WI, or maybe it's the refurbed antenna put up in a snowstorm that's doing the trick. K1 and 746Pro with Speed-x and a sore wrist. N0AZN - Had fun... Sorry I dropped one call band conditions terrible tonight. PSK,RTTY folks are not my friend any more... my RIGblaster is going in the trash...Thanks to all 72/73... Beam Me up Scotty/N0AZN/Nebraska... W0EJ - Another good evening on the air, 20 wasn't too busy so worked 40 then dropped to 80. 80 was quiet and good condx so enjoyed that last hour the most. Tnx to all who worked me. 72 bill W4CUX - Nice sprint. Lots of strong signals on 40m. Thanks to all. 73 - Bill, W4CUX N6OSB - After spending time with my sweetheart I jumped on the radio and got a few contacts. Maybe next time I'll get to spend more time on the radio. KE9DR - I missed the last several months, fun to get back. All three bands seemed fairly good, some QRN and QSB. I got 16 contacts, that might be a record for me. Some of the FISTS ops forget which sprint they are in and give their FISTS NR. Thanks to all. 73 Bert K3RLL - K2 to "Stealth Vertical", tonight trying 80 meter stinger. Very inefficient on 80, though many signals were heard. Tnx to those who heard me. 72, ... Don N9SF - Didn't try 20 meters. Amazing conditions on 40 meters this month. 80 didn't seem as good as last month. Still, it was a barrel of fun. 72, Bob KB0ETU - Only had the last 30 minutes. Used K-2 & Spark Key to the dipole. Hope to get the whole 2 hours next month. 72, Phil W7GAH - Good sprint. Started on 40m and was overwhelmed by the pile-ups. Went to 20m and heard a few but they couldn't hear me (sorry W8RTJ). Went back to 40m. During last 30 minutes I was able to get out. Still working hard to pull signals out of the crowd and through the digital. Until next time... 73/72 N3LL - Very good conditions, strong signals, and the noise was low. Had a blast, hope to see everyone in the next sprint. Thanks to all. N1PQ - tnx all cu agn next sprint pete quinn-n1pq WA2DFI - Seems like activity was down a bit, maybe due to Valentine's day distractions. 80/40 CCD dipole doesn't work very well on 20M, but I did manage to scratch out some QSOs there. There were some ops with very good ears out there this month! Have a new multiband vertical in the works for next sprint, so watch out! 72, Scotty K6XT - Although there's 48 Q's in log, claiming 47 since N5NK and I didn't finish B4 0330. But we did start before 0330. He wanted it logged so I left it in. Super conditions on 20 and 40. Rate evaporated on 20 early most back east must have gone to 40. Not much activity on 80 although it was open. My wrist was plenty tired at 0330. 73 Art K9OSC - Tonight 40 meters was the best in months! This is my best score so far in the sprints. Great to see so many members on tonight. K9EYT - Started on 20 made one contact after calling CQ for about five minutes moved to forty it was sounding pretty good near Chicago then finished on 80. This time I switch to the Bencher Key from the paddle, that key got a good work out (Hi Hi) Had a good time and that's what it's all about. 73 CUL K4DXV - Whew...what a night! Lots of activity; heard more calls than I was able to work, so it sounded like there will probably be many logs submitted. Due to Valentine's Day and other assorted domestic obligations, I got seated, the log loaded, and the rig fired up with only 41 seconds to go before zero-hour. A bit flustered, but got started okay. However, about 9:00 (ET) I was in the middle of a Q with W2SH when I heard the wife screaming at the dog, "No! Stop!" I won't go into what it was all about, but it cost me about 10 minutes. No biggie, and the laugh was worth it. Many thanks to W2SH for working me again. Many, many thanks also to K0EUN for hanging in there with me during some very heavy QRN & QRM. Good to hear and work my regular buddies K9OSC and K1IEE, although both were a little tougher than usual. I also always appreciate the mult from VE3EDX. I think I've worked non-member W5LA several times now. We need to get him a number! Still haven't got any wire back into the air for 80 meters, but I listened down there for a bit and didn't hear much activity at all. This was a really fun one. Looking forward to seeing how many logs are submitted and seeing the scores. Betting a lot of folks did really well, and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. See you all back next month!! N5NK - I synchronized my computer's clock with time.nist.gov moments before the Sprint started. I'm glad I did because when I "tailgated" on K6XT for my last call I had 10 seconds left when he answered and told me "time was up." We get to finish QSO's started within the time limits so I've got to give him a big Thank You for his last QSO. Thanks to all the volunteers that make the Sprint possible and thanks also to the players that make it fun. See you next month. K4ORD - Started off slow on 40M after hearing nothing on 20M, then on to 80M where I had a great run, 80 was very good noise level low and signal strengths good.Thanks for all the qso's look forward to next month. 73/72 Riley KB3AAG - Sure started out at a slow pace! I didnt get out to the hollar till well after dark and wondered if my loop had fallen down. Then it got wild and wooley. Got MT, AZ, and UT one after the other. Only 8 the first half hour but 16 the last!I guess every one took the xyls to dinner and started late! I heard some realy fast stations and chose to ignore them, I could copy okay but dont think Ill play that game! Also droped a 100 watt station from my log. GREAT SPRINT GUYS Frank AB4QL - QSB was interesting! Some failed QSO's because of it but a good time anyway. Many thanks to those who put up with my lousy straight key fist, sometimes I think I could set it on the floor and use my foot better. . . Hopefully the next sprint I can put in more time. Barry W4HH - Heard LOTS of activity, managed only a few contacts. Hope to see this much activity next month. AE7CG - Thanks to AE8M, W8RTJ, N5NK, and W7LKG for QSOs. Heard but could not work N0AZN. The rig here is an MFJ Cub on 20M at 2 watts, and a low dipole (10 ft. high) antenna. It pays to wait for QRN bursts to subside, and then to listen carefully. Best wishes to all from north central Arizona! - Loren KB8FE - Not the best of conditions in northern Ohio. Signals were rather weak on 40 meters and washed out because of the background 'fuzz' on 80 meters. I hope conditions are somewhat better next month. Sure is nice to be heading toward spring now! K3PXC - Had plenty of strong signals on 40 meters, but the band was tough on me. Very few QSO's for the condition of the band. The band seemed to jump around from region to region for the whole two hours. Better luck next Sprint. KD4UKW - I was even more distracted than usual because I was also competing in the QRP foxhunt. I got one fox, then made two NAQCC QSOs, then found the other fox. Later I made a 3rd QSO. Overall not a good effort on my part. I hope to be in better form in March! K5ACO - band condx vy gud WD8RYC - : I would like to thank all those who participated and had a QSO contact with me. This will not be my last, I had a great time. Keep up the great work that you all do. 73 James KD0V - Conditions were good on the bands. I was very tired after a long day and I didn't have the will to get past one QSO. 73, Merlin KE5YUM - I didn't get to the sprint until 0310 due to a Rotary Club Valentine's Party, but I am thankful for the one contact--K9OSC. I look forward to the sprints each month. All the best, Terry KA2KGP - Nice sprint. 20M was nil, 40 was weak but 80m was good. Rig: TenTec Argosy at 5 w. into either gnd mtd 5 band vert. or 5 band dipole up 25', straight key. WB8ENE - This sprint was a little different for me. I operated the first half hour and the third half hour, and I used the K1 this time. Could not make any contacts on 20, so I made them all on 40. The signal strengths of the stations I heard were definitely greater later on in the sprint. Fun time. 73, Art K2GLS - No activity heard on 20 M, but the noise level on 40M and 80M was as low as I have ever heard it. The weak signals were easy copy making this sprint easy on the ears and very enjoyable. K4BAI - FT1000MP at 5W. Took about 22 minutes out to work the two QRP Foxes on 80M to help my Fox Hunt team. Good conditions on all three bands and good activity. Band totals: 80M 22, 40M 29, 20M 5. Courteous operators. Thanks for all QSOs. Best DX: 20M CA. 40M VE3FUJ. 80M WA2DFI in AZ. 73/72, John KD2MX - Got off to a quick start on 40M and then could not buy a second QSO. Lots of QRM. Finally I find a quiet spot and made some points. 80M was a nicer place to be. VE3RCN - I thought with it being Valentine's Day that participation would be down...so I thought I would throw out one QSO to add to the log count for the sprints. One contact turned into a flurry of QSOs on 40/80m. Excellent conditions with contacts from ON as far as C6, SK and MT. Did not hear another ON station. Although only a partial effort, my Valentine appreciates these short Sprints. 72, Kevin AE8M - I sat down to operate 5 minutes late and forgot to enter the correct frequency. (You mean someone else does that besides me? - K3WWP) Hence time was lost editing the first 7 Q's. Furthermore, I forgot about the SWA rule and used my 20M beam thereby ending up in the Gain category. It pays to alot extra time to get the brain orgainized before the contest starts. Other than that, conditions were good on 20M, not so good on 40M, but 80M was full of stations VE3FUJ - The band seemed strange, lots of noise and yet distant station came in nicely. No nearby station like PA, NY, MI, OH and no local Ontarian's, I think my closes station was IL. Made for a nice high Multi count. I really enjoyed this sprint. Thanks to all I contacted. See you next mth. Brion 3011 WB8LZG - HELLO AGN SPRINTERS! JUST GOT BACK FROM BELIZE ES ONLY HAD TIME FER ABT 1/2 HR OF OPERATION (or risk the wrath of an irrate XYL hi hi). I LISTENED IN ON 20 AT THE START BUT IT WAS GG OUT QUICKLY. 40 WAS FULL TO THE BRIM WITH THE HAPPY TWEETS OF QRPers. HPE TO SEE U ALL AGN NEXT MONTH. 73 GREGG KA6AIL - Had to leave early. 20 was looking up, but some local qrn made it hard. Sorry AA? I could not get the rest of your call. Great time had by all, see you next month. AI4VA - NAQCC Ops are the best in the world! Courteous and they have great ears. Great fun! Thanks to all. KG3W - Tried the straight key this time. Apologies to all. Hi. Jumped around this time. One station was over S9. Couldn't work him for the life of me. Oh well, Had fun. Sorry to the last station I tried to work. at 0326 on 80 M. Just did not get enough info thru the qrn. 72 Scotty K6MGO - This was about my fourth Sprint, but the first one I operated for the full two hours. It was really a lot of fun, and I must say I'm getting comfortable with operating a Sprint, and learning how to relax and enjoy it. Thanks so much to all who put in so much effort so that we can have fun. 73, Bill N8IUP - Tnx everyone had a great time, lots of western states this time. 73 NW2K - Good conditions here. 20M seemed long at the start and only netted 6 QSOs. 40M was quite crowded and I left early (16 QSOs). 80M was hoppin' with lots of activity (45 QSOs). Great fists and ears and thanks to all for the fun! See you next time. 5W, matchbox, inverted V at 50 feet. W5YDM - 40 and 80m were both packed with continuous signals. I normally run the bandwidth filter at 800 kHz until I actually make contact, but tonight there were so many signals I had to run it at 300 kHz,then go to 100 Hz for the exchange. N2ESE- Great sprint started on 20m but did not get any one there! The low noise level on 80+40 was the best I've heard in long time.Worked 4 stations on 2 bands never did that before!Sorry to hear Merlin was too tired to hang in there.THANKS to all,73 Gary W2JEK - conditions seemed very good on 40 and 80. heard nothing on 20 and no answer to my cq's there. next month after daylight saving time should be better. had a good time. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 K4JPN - Got a late start and did not hear any sigs on 40M. 72, Steve KU4A - Could have easily set a new personal best record for QSOs if I didn't have hockey and basketball on the same night. Wouldn't it be great if we could have such great condx for every Sprint - HI! N8XMS - I had about a holf hour to play and enjoyed every minute. 73, Paul NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5W to mini beam@25' for 20m, invV@40' for 40m, grnd mtd vert for 80m. Worked WA on 20 and then nothing...don't know if the band shut down or everyone moved to 40. Went to 40 and heard lots of activity...oh boy. Strange, it seemed like everyone I zero beat was in QSO...just starting the exchange and I thought time's awastin' better move on to find another station but the same thing happened...I did a lot of tuning and little QSOing. I figured I'd call CQ...found a clear spot but not too much success as I think I was near someone else who I couldn't hear. QSY to another clear spot...and they were tough to come by...to give another try calling CQ. That scenario played out for the hour plus I was on 40. S&P and call CQ made some Q's but not nearly as many as could have been made. Moved to 80 and added three more. Great sprint with great participation...I think the lesson I learned was to be patient and work who you hear...then move on. Next month we'll see if I really learned. Thanks to everyone for the fun evening. Looking forward to next month. 72/73, Will KA5TJS - First time since last year for me. I will try a little harder next spring. Fun but very fast. 73's Alle W5IQS - K2 @ 5W to a Fan Dipole at 30 feet. Navy Flameproof key. No contacts on 20, 40 was great. Only 6 Q's on 80. Great Sprint!! See ya next month. KA9FQG - Great band conditions in NE Indiana this month. Lots of strong signals from our QRP power levels out there. Heard the most sprint activity in a long time on 40m. W7YSB - Only had time for 4 QSOs in the first half hour. All QSOs on 20m with Elecraft K2 @ 5w to 110 ft doublet @ 30 ft. W7LKG - Less QSO's, more points (good hand key, lousy code). Must remember, "DO NOT take a 25 minute break for spaghetti dinner" in middle of Sprint. And for NQ2W, glad to make WA a mult for you. You did have a very nice signal here. See you all next time. 73 VE5BCS - The band was not good tonite. I herd very few on the band. WB4UHC - Band condx not good here. 20M no good, only two qso's on 40 (lost one, W9HLY, to QSB). 80M was pretty good but not a lot of stations. Oh, also lost time to solder wire from key to RCA plug that broke. Still a great contest but would like to lose Murphy! K1IEE - Had high expectations for a better score with the HW-9 and a new audio filter. 40 seemed to slow down after the first hour then went to 80 and heard many of the same calls that were on 40. Had great fun and its a pleasure working such a courteous group of operators. Thanks to all.... Dick W2SH - On 20m I heard only one station, in CA, but could not connect. 40m and 80m were busy, but I was puzzled at only making four QSOs during the final 40 minutes. A day later I discovered that after having switched antennas the two alligator clips connecting the feedline to the antenna tuner were touching one another. N1RU - Good conditions on 40 in NE Indiana. Heard some faint signals on 20 at the start but couldn\'t work anyone there. These sprints are great! 72 James AK4LF - This is my second sprint. I need to call more... still learning the ropes..shooting for a Golden Log hi hi. Lots of fun..great way to pen 2 hrs. See u nxt time 72/73 KB4QQJ - Got a late start and 20 was fading fast. Moved to 40 and had some fun and finished up on 80. Bands seemed a little noisy in NC. Had fun as always. K2 @ 4w into PAR EndFedz at 33 feet Key this time was Swedish Military Pump 72 for now, Randy W0UFO - I finally made it to an NAQCC Sprint and enjoyed every minute. Hope to make it to next one. Thanks for so many nice qso's. 72 Mert K5KGK - Lots of firsts here. First CW contact with my Western Electric Mini straight key on my PFR-3 kit in a Sprint using an end-fed wire and a battery. Thanks for your patience Sam. I hope to get better at this soon! AK3X - Unexpectedly at home for the sprint, I turned on the DSW-40 at 0130Z and heard a wall of S9 plus noise that seemed to peak right on the 7040 band segment and ran down almost to 7030 and up beyond 7060. Checked again at a little after 0200 and managed a couple of QSO's, ... luckily C6AKQ was booming in and was not in the noisy segment. As usual, wife had other plans but did manage another few minutes at around 0300 for two more QSO's.. called CQ and got a those two. I am usually S&P only, but the only loud stations I heard were also operating S&P,, so I tried that and it worked. 40M has been very noisy here at night... I will have to do some investigating to find the source. 72 for now... Peter AK3X W8DW - Bands could have been better but still had fun. See everyone next month. N9KR - Good conditions. Had fun. 73 all. N8QY - TO MUCH NOISE AND QSB PULLED THE PLUG AROUND 0230. WG8Y - HI all, 20 sounded pretty good before the sprint but didn't last long for me.Did manage to snag CA & NV B-4 it faded. Was hearing 6 land on 40 but the 817 couldn't get there.Spent more time listening than working the guys. Had fun hunting though. 73 From Ohio,Mark KB9ILT - Fun as always. Forty meters was good for an hour or so, then tried 80 meters. Lots of signals there..just need a better antenna. See you next month. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |