Jan 2012 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#87) From K3WWP - The time for appeals is over and the scores below are now 'etched in stone' with no further changes possible. 122 logs this month continues our impressive showing and big turnouts. Thanks go to you, our members who regularly take part in our sprints. We hope you will continue to do so. Someday we'd like to cross the 150 logs barrier and then move on to 200. I don't think that is out of the question. We've had 913 different call signs listed among those who've sent in at least one log in our 87 sprints. If only 1 in 4 showed up and sent in a log for one certain sprint, that would be 228 logs for that sprint. If 1 in 6 sent in a log, that would be 152 logs. Final Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K1IEE 20 20 40 15 600 x2 1200 ocf wire@30' N1PQ 21 21 42 15 630 630 efhw@40' KX1NH 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 dpl@35' N1IMW 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 50' dpl@20' KB1PBA 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 67' dblt@28' N1QLL 8 7 15 8 120 120 windom@??' KQ1P 2 2 4 2 8 8 lw@40' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W2SH 51 51 102 25 2550 x2 5100 180' dpl@35' NW2K 50 50 100 25 2500 x2 5000 fan dpl@50' W2JEK 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 110' efw@20' N2ESE 20 20 40 11 440 440 80 ocf dpl@25' K2GLS 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 80 dpl@20',40 dpl@30' K2JT 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 dpl@30' WA2JSG 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 el vert@12' KC2MJT 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 g5rv@20' N2JJF 3 3 6 3 18 18 attic G5RV $WA2CCD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 150' rnd wire@10' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 42 41 83 15 1245 x2 2490 ~110' attic rnd wire K3PXC 32 32 64 16 1024 x2 2048 g5rv@27' KB3AAG 44 43 87 20 1740 1740 80 loop@35',g5rv@40' WB3T 24 24 48 15 720 720 80 dpl@??' KG3W 27 27 54 13 702 702 83' rnd wire@??',ab dpl@24' KA2KGP 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 g5rv@20' N3AEA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 slanted invV@??' AK3X 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 40 invV@27' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 45 45 90 22 1980 x2 3960 40 dpl@40', 80 dpl@35' WD4E 38 38 76 20 1520 1520 hor vee@40' AA4GA 23 23 46 14 644 x2 1288 80 dblt@45' WX4RM 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 gnd mtd vert NY4G 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 g5rv@40' WB4UHC 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 80 invV@30' K4DXV 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 vert W4DUK 15 15 30 9 270 x2 540 efz@20' KJ4LEN 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 40 invV@25',80 invL W4JVY 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 40 invV@40' K4JPN 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 zepp@??' WB4MNK 14 13 27 11 297 297 s9 vert W4ONC 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 invV@50' K4NVJ 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 88' dpl@35' KB0ETU 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 dpl@40' AK4LF 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 dpl@30' K3RLL 10 9 19 9 171 171 nightime vert K4KRW 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 windom@20' WA2EDN 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 dpl@40' AI4VA 4 4 8 4 32 32 lw@??' KU4A 4 4 8 4 32 32 slp dpl@40' WA4RG 4 4 8 3 24 24 160' windom@??' K4NK 4 4 8 3 24 24 dpl@30' NA4O 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 cw@45' N9KY 2 2 4 2 8 8 slp rnd wire@200-60' N4ESS 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 dpl@50' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 48 48 96 24 2304 x2 4608 fan dpl@22' N5NK 20 20 40 17 680 x2 1360 20 slp dpl@??', 40 80 invV@??' W5IQS 20 20 40 10 400 x2 800 fan dpl@30' N5GW 23 22 45 17 765 765 cfz@50' KB5JO 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 88' dblt@20' N5QN 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 gnd mtd vert AE5KM 7 7 14 4 56 x2 112 g5rv@25' KE5YUM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 invV@30' KK5NA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 edz@50' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KA6AIL 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 gnd mtd vert, efw@??' K6CSL 2 1 3 1 3 x2 6 dlta loop,dpl,hor loop,efw@??' N6OSB 1 0 1 1 1 x2 2 car windom@20' $WY7N 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 200'V@20' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N7KM 34 33 67 17 1139 x2 2278 gnd mtd vert,dpl@40' WA2DFI 26 25 51 17 867 x2 1734 80/40 dpl@25',40 vert W7YSB 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 110' dblt@30' N7YY 11 11 22 10 220 220 dpl@30' K7ZI 9 9 18 9 162 162 ocf invV windom@50' NU7T 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 80 dpl@7',40 dpl@20' W7GAH 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 40 el vert@8' AA7CU 6 6 12 5 60 60 mobile whip@12' N7BO 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 gnd plane vert K7HAP 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 vert@10' AE7CG 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 dpl@10' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AE8M 44 44 88 22 1936 x2 3872 fan invV@50' NF8M 38 38 76 17 1292 x2 2584 80 ocf dpl@35' K8JD 28 28 56 20 1120 x2 2240 dpls@30' N8IUP 26 26 52 16 832 x2 1664 40 dlta loop,40/80 NVIS WG8Y 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 40/80 dpl@??', vert W8DW 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 vert K8AG 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 ZS6BKW wire@35' WA8SAN 8 8 16 8 128 128 g5rv@25' KB8FE 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 dpl@30' WB8LZG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 dpl@30' AD7TN 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 30'lw@15' WB8ENE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 102' dblt@15' N8XMS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 vert NX8L 1 1 2 1 2 2 dpl@30' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9FO 35 34 69 22 1518 x2 3036 20 dpl@35',40 dpl@50',80 invL@45' N9SF 30 30 60 19 1140 x2 2280 80/40 fan dpl@50' KB0KFX 30 30 60 15 900 x2 1800 vert KB9ILT 28 28 56 15 840 x2 1680 gnd mtd vert,attic dpl W9CC 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 80 loop@15' K9PL 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 dpl@25' KA9FQG 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 g5rv@35' AA9L 18 18 36 12 432 x1.5 648 trp dpl@50' W9UX 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 dpl@25' W9HLY 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 40 slpr@??',80 dpl@??' W9GFB 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 40 dpl@20' K9EYT 10 10 20 8 160 160 g5rv@25' K9IS 9 9 18 8 144 144 hor loop@30' N1RU 5 5 10 5 50 50 attic 40M fw loop SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 39 38 77 19 1463 x2 2926 cfz@30' N0TA 33 33 66 19 1254 x2 2508 vert, dblt@30' KD0V 30 29 59 16 944 x2 1888 dbl zepp@50' K0KCY 29 29 58 14 812 x2 1624 dpl@40' N8LA 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 dpl@35' K0EUN 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 40 loop@??' K0ALN 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 43' vert KA8HDE 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 g5rv@25 NO2D 6 6 12 5 60 60 80 dblt@25' W0CC 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 20 attic invV SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3RCN 29 29 58 18 1044 x2 2088 gnd mtd vert, 80 dpl@25' VA3PEN 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 gnd mtd vert VE3FUJ 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 g5rv@50' VE5BCS 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 loop@25' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 invV@27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 28 28 56 17 952 x2 1904 beam@55',dpl@50',invV@55' W7LKG 32 32 64 18 1152 1152 beam@50' NQ2W 25 25 50 17 850 850 mini beam@25',40 invV@??',gnd mtd vert KI0J 25 25 50 15 750 750 3el yagi@40',gnd mtd vert @ Non-member not eligible for certificate or prize $ QRO not eligible for certificates or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: K1IEE 1st SWA W2: W2SH 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: W5YDM 1st SWA W6: KA6AIL 1st SWA W7: N7KM 1st SWA W8: AE8M 1st SWA W9: K9FO 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE3RCN 1st SWA DX: CO8CML 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: AE8M Prize drawing winner: N1QLL The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: AB0TX - 30 AB9CA - 14 AB0XE - 10 K8NU - 10 KA8P - 9 N4PLK - 9 W4KRN - 9 K0TC - 8 W2NED - 8 WA4ZOF - 8 NI0R - 7 VE3HUR - 7 AK3S - 6 K0EVZ - 6 K5JYD - 6 KB3TEL - 6 K5HKR - 5 KE7YTE - 5 W2LJ - 5 WOW! If all those folks had submitted logs, we'd have broken our record by a big margin. We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 122 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 174 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,844 States represented: 36 + ON SK + CM XE GOLDEN LOGS - 53 of 122 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate, no not-in-log QSOs): AA7CU AA9L AE5KM AE8M AI4VA AK3X K0ALN K0EUN K1IEE K2GLS K3PXC K4KRW K4NVJ K4ORD K7HAP K9OSC K9PL KA8HDE KA9FQG KB0KFX KB1PBA KB5JO KB9ILT KE5YUM KI0J KJ4LEN KU4A KX1NH N1RU N2ESE N4ESS N5GW N5NK N8XMS N9SF NA4O NU7T NQ2W NW2K W0CC W2SH W4DUK W7LKG W7YSB W8DW W9CC W9GFB W9UX WA2DFI WA2JSG WA8SAN WB8ENE WG8YIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - I did one of my 'sit on one frequency and call CQ the whole two hours' sprints tonight. The designated frequency was 3559.6. I wish I didn't enjoy doing that so much. I could get a better score if I went S&P to add those stations who only call CQ themselves and probably get more multipliers also. I only got 15 SPCs tonight which will keep my score down. But really who cares? I don't get in these things to win, just to have fun and challenge myself to do better than the last time if I can. Conditions seemed fairly good tonight with very little QRN at all, and only a little bit of locust QRM which really didn't bother me at all. The locusts behaved quite well, I thought. NX8L - I signed up for a NAQCC # yesterday. Got on the radio late and first CQ I heard was from John, K3WWP, what a thrill. I will get into the next NAQCC earlier so I can share in the fun of NAQCC. 73 - NX8L - Gary near Cincinnati. KC2MJT - Dusted off the straight key tonight - now I remember why I like paddles. 4 Short exchanges and my wrist is letting me know it doesn't appreciate work outs. 40M closed down early, 80 wasn't much better. NO2D - Lots of activity on 40 meters. Had to use my narrowest filter to copy. Also some quick qsb on otherwise strong signals caused me to ask for repeats. Had fun. Look forward to next month. N9KY - My first NAQCC Sprint. Looking forward to the next ones! K3RLL - Nothing on 20 meters and no 80 here, so 40 is my window but the digital QRM was just too much for me tonight. It isn't fun to get QRMed over and over. Many thanks to those who pulled me through it. 73, ... Don KK5NA - ONLY WORKED A COUPLE...BANDS NOISY HERE Rig: K3 @ 5 watts Ant: EDZ @ 50' KX1NH - Just built my K3 this weekend so thanks for chance to try it out. CU next sprint 72/73 Randy W4ONC - 40 Meters was dead here in VA. 80 Meters was very good. (Same here in W PA - K3WWP) KB8FE - Very weak signals tonight on 40 meters. I was surprised to make as many contacts as I did. I really need to get up an eighty meter end-fed wire before the bad weather hits! W9UX - Poor conditions in Wisconsin. Had fun, looking forward to next month. Terry W9UX 0033 KJ4LEN - I had a great time. Did better than last month.Bands were in pretty good shape. Ray WB4MNK - Shut down when the RTTY just jumped all over me. Just covered up the station I was trying to work. What a shame to have this happen over and over. Had fun till the interference. KB5JO - 40M was only band working for me. Lot of digital traffic, still a fun time. Wish 20M had been open. W7YSB - Thanks everyone for another fun sprint. 73 Eldon K4KRW - I got a late start and had lots of interruptions. I guess 4 was my number for tonight. 4 contacts, 4 members, 4 states and 4 watts. I think my score should be 256 :-). But, still had a great time. Thanks everyone! N0TA - Seemed to have a lot more patience this time (which is what this contest requires)! 20m was good at the beginning, but few takers. 80m also seemed good, but no one there. N6OSB - Sorry, a data station jumped on top of you, Thanks for the Q's. K3 @5w, vertical & doublet, GenLog. KB0KFX - I'm glad to be back and give it the full two hours. Band conditions in Wisconsin seemed decent. Some QRM on 40M and 80M made it challenging at times while they picked on our peanut whistles. I had to work hard on a few exchanges to pull out the weak signals, so thanks for the patience. K9OSC - Several busted contacts on 40 due to lot of RTTY activity. 80 meters was terrible but kudos to Dale, K3PXC for hanging in there for my one 80 meter contact. Very nice to work so many new members tonight. Glad to have them participate. K4ORD - Well that was a fun sprint, conditions were good on both 40 & 80M, figured might get some qrm from the Locust QP so had a list of times they were on 40 & 80 do I could qsy if necessary, heard them on 80M but no problem, but did have some RTTY qrm near end on 80M at 3560. had a goal of 40 qso's but round up with 45 and all members at that, nice turn out. 37 qso's on 80 & 8 on 40. Thanks to all 72/73 Riley N5NK - If we take our cue from the politicians we should use this soapbox as a forum to try to drag the frontrunner down. Heck, this is amateur radio so I'll just congratulate the leaders and rejoice in all the fun I had! Many thanks to the volunteers who have learned how to put on one fine contest. As always, "wait till next time!" WA2JSG - Late start, but we made it. 5w from an IC-703 into a vertical using a 12v battery. Big ole English Kent Straight Key. AA7CU - Still in Arizona VA3PEN - This is the first time that most of my contacts were made on 80m. I heard only a few stations with QSB on 40 so decided to move to 80, and it seemed most of stations were hanging out there. Enjoyed another sprint.73. KB0ETU - QRM made 80 meters worthless to me - 40 meters was rough due to some very strong local QRM. Overall. a nice sprint even though only made one contact on 20 meters. Better luck next time. 72/73 Phill W7GAH - Only worked 40m tonight. A lot of activity early in sprint, tough breaking the pile-ups. Sorry KB3AAG, the band took a dive in mid contact and I lost you. RTTY competition very hard at times. Another fun sprint. WA2DFI - My first NAQCC sprint! Used my newly assembled ATS-4B and it was a blast! Dipole doesn't load up on 80 very well, but 40 was fun. Now I know why AGC is so nice, when those S9+40db RTTY stations fire up right in the middle of your QSO! 73 es CU next month! NY4G - Great way to open the year. K3WWP was the first contact - heard him calling on 80m at the start. 80m is the band that had the most contacts. Wasted too much time looking for contacts on 40m - could hear W77N but he couldn't hear me. Went back to 80m for a few more before closing out the night. Still using the K2. Key is the Navy Flameproof Straight Key. Till next time. Tnx for all the contacts. N9SF - Great fun! Would have liked to make more contacts on 40, but it seemed to go dead after 0200. No matter though, 80 was pretty hot. I gotta' get that loose connection fixed on the dipole before the next sprint. It drove me nuts. 72, Bob K6CSL - Started on 20M. Found 20M dead, moved to 40M. 1st QSO was K3Y/7 running in the SKCC Anniversary Event. 2nd & 3rd contacts were NAQCC member QSO's. 40M was very busy with numerous station running RTTY and a couple of PSK stations. The Sprint stations were scattered in between. Bert, K6CSL KA6AIL - First time that I try 80m. (New half wave end fed wire) Looks like it works. To all my Q's thanks for QRS for me. 72's and see you next month WX4RM - Had a good time, sure wish 20 meters would be open during the sprint. AE7CG - On 20M band conditions were bad--QRN "blizzard" prevailed. Only station that I heard was KB0KFX, Scott in Wisconsin. Was able to copy his NAQCC number, and I did hear him call me back. Otherwise, the band was pretty dead. At the low end, I heard QRO stations W6RO in California and KH7Y in Hawaii--and the rest of the band was empty white noise. Hope conditions will be better next month. 72 to all from north central Arizona K4DXV - It has been several months (maybe as far back as July)since I was able to make one of the sprints, but it was nice to be back and certainly a lot of fun. Good to hear some familiar calls on the air -- Dick K1IEE and I seem to always find each other -- as well as some new ones I don't remember. Not as many contacts tonight as I have had in past sprints, but that's probably because I couldn't get on 80. I'm having to work 40 exclusively right now since last April's storms took down my beam and all of my wires! 40 seemed to have lots of QSB here and much of what sounded like RTTY traffic. That's all enough to motivate me to get some wire back up in the air before February's sprint! Thanks to everyone who worked me, and apologies to those I just couldn't pull out of the mud! 72 AA4GA - Worked a handful on 40, nothing on 20, so decided to go to 80m...and the band was just a-buzzing with locusts! Almost gave up, but hung in there for a bit until that was over, which really helped the rate! Good time - almost as much fun as last month's mW sprint! ;-) N1IMW - Noisy tonight. Couldn't take the "rushing" waves overcoming 40 so I went to 80 for the first time ever. Worked 5 stations on 80 and then back to to 40 for just one more before the 10:30pm eastern time ending arrived. Thanks to all for working NAQCC. . .CW qrp is the best ! W5IQS - Another good Sprint. It seems I am working more and more stations that are regulars on the monthly sprints. Starting to recognize call signs. It feels like "Old Home Week". I worked W5YDM again. He really had a good clean signal. Keep the Sprints running. The good Lord willing and the Creek don't rise I'll see you again next month. K9PL - PFR-3 on 40-meters, Ft. Tuthill 80 on 80-meters and J-38 key. N8LA - Checked 20 just before Sprint began. Heard nothing. Went to 80 when Sprint began. Heard noise and some signals. Finally worked a station there. Tried 40. Signals weak, but worked six stations there after attaching spinach cans to headphones to strengthen signals a bit. After about 40 minutes on 40, weight of cans and cans became too heavy. Went back to 80. Able to work four more stations there after half hour of futile attempts. During Sprint, UPS delivered new dummy load. Happy not to have to use my brain anymore. Inserting SO-239 in ear really hurts! RCA or BNC might not be as bad, but probably would still cause pain. N7KM - Bands were fair but the RTTY QRM on 40 meters was awful. I really enjoyed the evening and appreciate those who made it all happen. I promise before the next sprint I will practice and improve my hand key skills, my J38 really gave me a workout. Love my K2! W7LKG - First time for a Sprint. Interesting on what 5 watts can do. Don't normally go QRP. 40M was fun with PJ4C running split RTTY on 7040. But with a K3, P3 and the SteppIR makes it a whole lot easier. Will be back again for sure. WB8ENE - Was very tired due to battling a cold, but wanted to see if I could make a contact or two before going to bed. Hope to do better next month. 73, Art K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W. Took 54 minutes out of the middle to participate in the annual Locust QSO Party. Thanks for all QSOs. 73/72, John KE5YUM - I enjoyed the sprint though I split my time with an Antique Wireless Sprint going on at the same time. I heard many signals on 80 meters, which may have been the hot band for the night. KA2KGP - Bad conditions in the PA hollow this sprint. QSB & low sigs prevailed. WB8LZG - K2 @ 5W HELLO AGN FELLOW SPRINTERS. TOUGH GG HERE LAST NIGHT. 1 QSO ON 20 ES THEN BAND CLOSED. LOTS OF STNS ON 40 , BUT LOTS OF NOISE TOO. HAD ALL INFO BUT RST ON K1IEE,ES THEN LOST HIM TO THE QSB ES QRN.(WE'LL TRY AGN NEXT TIME OM) TO COLD IN MY BASEMENT SHACK TONIGHT, 58 DEG WAS JUST TOO CHILLY FER THE OL BONES , SO I PULLED PLUG AT 9PM LOCAL. SEE U ALL NEXT MONTH. 73 GREGG WA2CCD - Lots of activity heard, but no QSOs N5QN - My first NAQCC sprint - finally - lot of Man-Made QRM on 40m around my QTH, thus I was able to copy only few stations Enjoyed a lot!!! Kari Thanks for QSOs and patience VE5BCS - Two hr of calling thanks to KB0KFX for my single contact. The -37 C must of slowed the signels (keep that cold up there, please - K3WWP) VE3FUJ - After looking at the posted scores and reading John Dairy, I have the distinct feeling I should have been on 80. That as it is, is unfixable now due to some strange thing about time travel and not being able to change history Hmmmm. Good sprint though, got a new state in the process, thanks to NU7T hanging in there. Came across one I just could not dig out, sorry OM. See you all next month. Brion VE3RCN - Lots of QRM moved in when working K9FO...but we made it. AB0TX had the strongest signal on 40m. I finally worked an ON station. Used a straight key off of a retired Canadian warship. WD4E - As usual, a fun sprint. It was nice to work several stations with member numbers higher than mine, as well as stations with very low member numbers. I think that shows new members participating in these sprints in addition to the long time supporters of NAQCC. I heard several VE's, but was only able to work one. K2GLS - 40m and 80m were the active bands tonight. Working WY7N on 40m with 5 watts was a thrill. Each sprint has a new or different thrill. Happy New Year to all. N1QLL - Operating is fun, logging is a painful chore. (??????? - It's a piece of cake with GenLog - K3WWP) No more logs from me but I may join in for sprints once in a while. Jerry AE8M - This was my first NAQCC sprint and my first experience with GenLog. The sprint was good fun and GenLog was easy to use in spite of my inexperience. Rig was K1. I busted 2 calls (N3AEA & KE5YUM) and removed them from my log. Sorry guys, but I will never get your calls wrong again. CO8CML - Bad conditions in my QTH:a strong QRM and bad propagation.A few stations working on 40m, but only 3 QSO's...Thanks to all and CU next sprint.Best 73, Carlos. W9GFB - 20 AND 80 SEEMED DEAD 40 SEEMED SPARSE ALSO GOING TO GET EARS CHECKED. STILL GREAT FUN AS ALWAYS. KB3AAG - I started on 20, called for 5 min, heard KI0J sent my exchange, heard nothing so droped him! Went to 40 and only got nine qsos. At this point I had no hopes for a big score! I went to 80 and found the bunch and made my second best score in 46 sprints!!! Oh I finaly got KI0J on 80, thanks. Hope to see youall next week. Frank AD7TN - First time to participate this monthly Sprint since I moved from JA in Sept 2010. I was not able to do lots of QSOs with my poor ant set up, but enjoyed it very much. Will try to particiapte as much as possible this year. K7ZI - Got several local operators interested. Worked one (N7KM) a good friend, and then struggled with noisy band and QRM from high power stations the rest of the sprint. Lost 30 precious minutes when got called to supper (can't upset the YL!) Wasted more time looking for CQ NA stations in the noise before going to 80. Enjoyed the sprint very much. 2 hours is much easier on the ears than 2 days!. AK4LF - This is my first sprint. I learned a lot and looking forward to the next one. It was fast and furious buts lots of fun. Used YOu Kit HB-1B, $14.00 straight key, and dipole for all qso's. Thanks to all. AI4VA - 40 meters was not in such good shape. Still, great fun. Thanks to all! K4JPN - Got a late start, listened on 40M, but nothing heard after several calls. Where are the midwest and west coast stations? 72, Steve N1PQ - another fun evening! KU4A - Condx seemed poor to me. Skip was long on 40m. Couldn't raise any QSOs on 80m. A big disappointment after several months of good condx. W2JEK - Got on late so did\'nt even try 20. 40 had rtty so went to 80 and found good conditions. Used my ft-840 at 5w to end fed wire using signal electric R-48 straight key. also used NEQRP SCAF audio filter. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 N8XMS - I squeezed in one QSO so that I could at least help out with the log count. 73, Paul N2ESE - Another fun sprint 80m was the best!Only 1 qso on 20m and 2 qso's on 40m. Nice to hear a lot of new members. TNX 73, Gary # 5555 NW2K - Fun sprint! 20M was long, 40M was quiet here (6 QSOs) and 80M was hoppin' (44 QSOs). Sorry to AA9(?) for all of the repeats; you were loud but I just could not complete the call. There was an AWA contester covering 1KHz and stopped me cold; I had to QSY. Thanks for all the QSOs and see you next time. 5W, matchbox, fan dipole at 50 feet. K8JD - Nice to be back in the QRP sprint. Started off on 40 and quickly dried up after 3 QSOs, moving to 80M I knocked off 19 QSOs anfd finmished back on 40 for the last 6 contacts. Never even tried 20 M because earlier in the evening, I heard no signals there. I got as far west as AZ on 80 but on 40 managed to get to AZ,UT and WA. Lots of LQP contesters beating up the QRPers on 40M ! Even with my filters on. KQ1P - Not feeling 100% just operated for 30 minutes. Plenty of strong signals here. K1IEE - Had a good first hour on 40 until QRM got really bad for me. Did the last hour on 80 which seemed to get better as the night went on. Had a great time . Thanks to all 73 Dick W4JVY - Had fun,Just can not understand why the sprint can not get out of the middle all of that RTTY and PSK31. Move up 15kcs would be a lot better. Just my comments. Don. (Give in to the digital bullies and we'll just lose more and more territory - K3WWP) K4NK - This is my first entry to the sprints. Used my Argonaut 515. Will try to get more time in the next one. 72 Les W0CC - Only had a chance to work the last 5 minutes. Anxious for next Sprint AK3X - Got home late and squeezed in 15 minutes of a poor 40M band. Using a straight key was the only multiplier I had, cuz both QSOs were with MN! Cu next month I hope. Two Q's are better than none! 72 - Peter W2SH - I only heard three stations on 20m. They had good signals but it took me several minutes to work them all. Abandoning that leisurely pace, I moved to 40m and was amazed to find the skip distances and signal strengths there as good or better than 20m had been. However, closer-in contacts could only be secured on 80m and that's where I finished up. TenTec 516 and Junker (German) straight key. KA9FQG - Didn't hear very many sprint stations on 40m from my location but 80m was sure hopping! Another enjoyable evening with QRP CW. 73's, Mark WG8Y - Hi all,Another fun time.Still get a kick out how well QRP does!Started out on 40.Worked a few thru the Rtty then QSy'd to 80. Thanks to all that heard me.See you in the next Sprint.73 from Ohio Mark AA9L - Decided to use the Vibroplex. Thanks to all that tolerated my scratchy dots. Started out like a house on fire on 40. Petered out in 30 minutes. Went to 80 but not much there so gave up early. Got to practice more with the bug! W5YDM - 40 and 80m were both very good here, as always. I had several mini pile-ups and lost qso's because I couldn't get to them all. The rtty signals showed up as usual, but they don't bother me. My good radio, plus a little concentration, can notch them out, and I don't move unless the calls stop coming. It must be humiliating to know their high power noise can't even cover up a tuna tin. (Amen! Bob - K3WWP) AE5KM - I'm rusty, and the bands were not that great. But still, lots of fun. WB4UHC - I missed the Dec Sprint, XYL had surgery, so wanted to do well. I wasted time on 20M, then made a few difficult contacts with QRN & weak signals on 40M, then late went to 80M and found a lot of strong stations, but too late to score really well. But had a good time and worked a lot of new stations. Only Sprint I have not worked John K3WWP. NF8M - Thought I'd have more luck on 20 but 10 minutes of CQ'n only produced 3 QSOs, so surely 40 would be hotter. Avoiding the RTTY wasn't easy so I gave up and moved to 80 early. Despite local noise and having to QSY around the traffic nets, 80 was productive. Worked my neighbor AD7TN on all 3 bands-tnx! NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter @ 5W to mini beam@25' for 20m, invV@40' for 40m, grnd mtd vert for 80m. One Q on 20, heard some others but they couldn't hear me. 18 Q's on 40, 6 on 80. 25 total is pretty good for my station but it was a tough sprint - lots of QSB and quick - stations would call and they'd be loud. Then they would almost be gone during the exchange. Lots of QRM, too. Thanks to everyone for the repeats and your unending patience. I'm wondering how far we can spread out to avoid the QRM and should we QSY up or down? I never checked...has anyone posted their frequency on QRPSPOTS and moved away from the digital QRM? Is that allowed? All in all, it was another enjoyable sprint and I look forward to the next one. Thanks to everyone for participating and thanks K3WWP for all of his work. 72/73, Will KG3W - Glad to be back on the air after 27 yrs. 1st contest since novice round-up. 7 min. on 20, 7 min. on 40. nothing heard. Everone is on 80 in a 10 khz spread. Some contest going on just below us and rtty in between. Stop calling CQ NA for 10 seconds and someone else had your freq. Wish I had heard someone on 40 cause it was wide open. Love this contest. I'll be a regular. Thanks everybody for working my little signal. Am amazed at what QRP can do. "72" Scotty K9FO - Hi All, Seems like I still can't get started on time! Only missed 20 min though. 20 dead, 80 good and then got 10 QSO,s on 40 and back to 80 to finish. I think this will be my best score ever. Thanks everyone! 73/72. Will WB3T - Wow! I had a great time this month, I think that was my record number of QSOs, or close to it even though I missed the first half hour finishing up work. I sat on 3.560, the 80m QRP calling frequency, for almost the last hour running a long list and feeling like the beast of the east! 20 was dead, 40 was slow, but 80 was jumping. NQ2W gets the Persistance Award for hanging in there and working out a tough one. I ran my Wilderness Sierra at 4 Watts and K1EL keyer into a half-in half-out dipole at 25 feet. A bit better antenna and a straight key, and I might take my division one day. Meanwhile thanks to everyone for a fun evening, and especially to the Club/Sprint coordinators! 72 to all. WA2EDN - Not much time this month but had a good time while at it! K8AG - Only worked 1 of the two hours. SRI for all those who had to pull my signal out of the mud. But this is my favorite activity. 73, JP N7BO - I may have missed it but i really had to drill down to find this form. there should be a link in the main links (submit logs)for easier access. (There's a link to the autologger in the main links of the Contest/Sprints section. Also one in the email promo we send to all members on the mail list the day of the sprint. Oh and on each individual sprint rules page. - K3WWP) N5GW - Hb one watt xcvr (xtal tx, dc rx) on battery to hb bal L-net tuner & cfz. Other ops hrd me cuz band was quiet. Fortunately was not crowded off my xtal fq until a rtty showed up. WY7N - It's a testament to how much I enjoy NAQCC that I find ways to be in the sprints notwithstanding a very demanding schedule. This month it was from a hill top, FD style with an unfamiliar rig (QRO--couldn't figure out how to reduce output power). Orange County, CA is one of the few places this is possible in early January. Last time it was from Monroe County, NY. I wonder where I will be for the next one? KB9ILT - Worked 40 for almost an hour until activity faded, then went to 80 where my CQs went mostly unanswered as I struggled with my attic dipole. Switched to search and pounce which was more successful. Thanks for another fun sprint. See you all next month. N1RU - Enjoyed the sprint (my second), but conditions on 40 were tough with QSB and high local QRN. Heard no one on 20 and have no antenna yet for 80. Look forward to next month. 73 James (NE Indiana) (I would think that fw 40M loop, as well as a lot of other non-80 meters antennas, would load on 80 with a good antenna tuner - K3WWP) See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, January 19, 2012 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |