Nov 2011 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#85) Final Results From K3WWP - We received one very late log that can only be listed as a late check log. That does bring out log total to 113 overall though. That was a rough cross-check with many errors that needed correcting even before putting the logs in the cross-checking program. Anyway it is done now, and it's your turn to check me and my program by questioning any scoring changes or why you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG. Of the 112 logs submitted, 31 had a scoring change. You have until next Sunday (27th) at 2400Z to ask questions, then the results are written in stone for all ages. Email ![]() SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KB1PBA 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 67'dblt@28' K1IEE 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 g5rv@30' N1IMW 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 dpl@20' KQ1P 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80 loop@25' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 58 55 113 23 2599 x2 5198 80 loop@30' W2SH 43 42 85 20 1700 x2 3400 180'dpl@35',invL@85+85' W2JEK 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 40dpl,80ef,both@20' KA2KGP 19 19 38 12 456 x2 912 abdpl@25',gnd mtd vert K2GLS 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 80dpl@20',40dpl@30',20dpl@25' N2ESE 21 21 42 12 504 504 80 ocf dpl@25' WA2JSG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 el vert@12' N2YI 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 vert KB4CMF 7 7 14 7 98 98 g5rv@30' KC2JKU 9 9 18 5 90 90 g5rv@15' WA2WUH 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dpl@45' WA2CCD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 150' rnd wire@10' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 33 33 66 16 1056 x2 2112 110' attic random wire KB3AAG 31 31 62 19 1178 1178 80 loop@35' N3QE 21 21 42 12 504 x2 1008 dblt@75' AK3X 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 40 invV@27' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K2UFT 44 43 87 20 1740 x2 3480 80m dblt@30' WD4E 35 33 68 21 1428 1428 80 hor loop@40' WX4RM 22 21 43 14 602 x2 1204 gnd mtd vert KG4UPO 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 windom@40' AE4RV 26 26 52 13 676 x1.5 1014 invL@25',invV@20' AF4LB 20 20 40 11 440 x2 880 dpl@55' WA4ZOF 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 ocf dpl@30' K4NP 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 force12 flagpole vert W4OTN 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 carolina wndm@30' K4NVJ 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 88'dpl@35' KB4QQJ 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 efz@33' K3RLL 15 14 29 13 377 377 indoor dpl K4ORD 18 18 36 8 288 288 40dpl@45',80dpl@35',160dpl@35' KB0ETU 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 dpl@40' AB4QL 13 13 26 9 234 234 trp vert on roof W4DUK 10 10 20 5 100 x2 200 efz@20' K4KRW 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 windom@30' KD4UKW 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 45' vert KA8VZB 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 rnd wire@20' K7HAP 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 windom@20' KQ4VY 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 loop@50' K4JPN 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 80 cfz@??',40 sloper@??' KU4A 8 8 16 6 96 96 slp dpl@40' AA4W 3 1 4 3 12 x2 24 20m dpl@??' W1SGC 2 2 4 2 8 8 dpl@30' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5ODS 15 15 30 14 420 x1.5 630 g5rv@50' K4LJA 13 13 26 10 260 260 windom@50' KE5YUM 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 invV@30' W5IQS 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 fan dpl@30' KE9DR 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 rndm dlta loop@35' *WB5BKL 17 17 34 12 408 408 dlta loop@??',efz@??' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KA6AIL 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 gnd mtd vert,40dpl@30' N6OSB 3 2 5 3 15 15 sloper@20-??' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WD8KRV 26 25 51 17 867 x2 1734 cfz@40' K7DJO 11 10 21 8 168 x2 336 gnd mtd vert KE7YTE 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 vert dpl@8' AA7CU 8 8 16 8 128 128 mobile whip@12' KF7EST 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 vert AE7CG 3 2 5 3 15 x2 30 dpl@10' NU7T 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 80dpl@7' N7QR 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 gnd mtd vert W7YSB 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 110' dblt@30' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NI8N 46 46 92 23 2116 x2 4232 dpl@40' NF8M 49 48 97 21 2037 x2 4074 80 ocf dpl@35' W8DW 25 24 49 18 882 x2 1764 windom@30', vert N8IUP 24 24 48 13 624 x2 1248 40 dlta loop@35' KD8HES 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 100' rnd wire@0-30' WG8Y 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 dpl@30',gnd mtd vert WB8LZG 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 dpl@30' WA8SAN 14 14 28 9 252 252 g5rv@25' WB8ENE 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 trp vert@25', 102' dblt@15' N8XMS 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 r7 vert N8BB 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 dpl@50' KB8FE 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 dpl@30' N8VAR 6 6 12 5 60 60 dpl@20' KD8HCT 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 dpl on roof SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA9L 48 48 96 23 2208 x2 4416 trp dpl@50' K9FO 36 36 72 22 1584 x2 3168 20 dpl@35',40 dpl@50', 80 invL W9UX 33 33 66 16 1056 x2 2112 dpl@25' W9GFB 30 30 60 16 960 x2 1920 dpl@20' KB0KFX 21 21 42 16 672 x2 1344 50'dpl@20' W9CC 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 80 loop@15' KA9FQG 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 g5rv@35' K9EYT 18 18 36 13 468 468 g5rv@25' N9KR 15 15 30 12 360 360 efz@20' N1RU 10 10 20 8 160 160 attic 40M loop W9HLY 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 dpl@30' NN9S 2 2 4 2 8 8 hor dlta loop@25' WA9NPS 2 2 4 2 8 8 250' hor loop@15' @KB9ILT 30 27 57 18 1026 x2 2052 gnd mtd vert SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KD0V 35 33 68 19 1292 x2 2584 zepp@50' WI0S 39 38 77 22 1694 1694 dez@??' K0HJC 21 21 42 17 714 x2 1428 cfz@35' N8LA 23 23 46 14 644 x2 1288 dpl@35' K0KCY 24 24 48 17 816 816 dpl@40' KA8HDE 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 g5rv@25' WD0K 14 13 27 10 270 x2 540 cfz@38' AB0XE 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 invV@35' K0JQZ 12 12 24 10 240 240 gnd mtd vert K0LAR 4 4 8 2 16 x1.5 24 carolina windom@20' W0CC LATE CHECK LOG 20 invV in attic SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VA3PEN 22 22 44 16 704 x2 1408 gnd mtd vert VE5BCS 9 8 17 9 153 x2 306 loop@25' VE4WI 12 12 24 8 192 192 32' vert VE7KBN 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 3b vert@8' VE3FUJ 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 g5rv@35' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 invV@27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 62 61 123 27 3321 x2 6642 TH6DXX@55',40dpl@50' AB0TX 51 49 100 26 2600 x2 5200 triband@63',40 rotary dpl@67' K4ZGB 30 30 60 22 1320 x2 2640 yagis@??' NG7Z 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 7el yagi@60',full wv 80m loop@??' NQ2W 28 27 55 15 825 825 mini beam@25', invV@40' WA2EDN 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 5el yagi@40' @ - QRO not eligible for certificate or prize * - Non-member not eligible for certificate or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: KB1PBA 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K2UFT 1st SWA W5: W5ODS 1st SWA W6: KA6AIL 1st SWA W7: WD8KRV 1st SWA W8: NI8N 1st SWA W9: AA9L 1st SWA W0: KD0V 1st SWA Canada: VA3PEN 1st SWA DX: CO8CML 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: N3QE Prize drawing winner: NN9S The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: W7IEX - 21 W5CUB - 13 W7OM - 8 AA2YK - 6 AB9CA - 6 WA1GCT - 6 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 113 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 165 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1832 States represented: 37 + BC MB ON QC SK + CM F GOLDEN LOGS - 49 of 112 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA4W AB4QL AE7CG AK3X CO8CML K0HJC K0KCY K2GLS K4JPN K4KRW K4ORD KA8HDE KB0ETU KB0KFX KB1PBA KB4QQJ KB8FE KD4UKW KD8HCT KD8HES KF7EST KG4UPO KQ4VY KU4A N1RU N3QE N7QR N8BB N8LA N8XMS N9KR NG7Z NN9S NQ2W NU7T NW2K VA3PEN W2JEK W4DUK W5IQS W7YSB W9UX W2SH WA2EDN WA2JSG WA8SAN WB8ENE WD8KRV WX4RMIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. There will no longer be any automatic notification of score changes or "not in log" QSO's due to the greatly increased participation in our sprints. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Well, I did the best I could with poor conditions here tonight, and it wasn't all that good. I thought the new K2 would help me dig a few more signals out of the noise, and it did. That wasn't the problem. It was just that the propagation wasn't that good. I didn't hear a thing on 20 meters. 40 meters was OK, but it was pretty much long from the start. It seemed like not a lot of folks were on 80 except at the very end. I had my best run of stations in the last 5 minutes of the sprint. It will be interesting to see when I process the logs if I had a black hole here or if conditions were poor most everywhere. KA8HDE - Bands started out good, but not much the last 30 minutes. Glad to finally get you John (K3WWP) - great job pulling me out on 80m. (I think the K2 here gets the credit - K3WWP) See everyone next time - 72 de chuck NG7Z - I only had one hour available. Had to make dinner. First time using GenLog and it sure makes things easy. (That's what we've been telling everyone. Thanks for confirming it. - K3WWP) No Qs on 80. Thx for the Qs and 72 all. KQ1P - HF conditions have been great lately, but not for our sprint. Just to tease me, I could hear some central Asia stations on 20M half an hour before we started. Very light sprint activity here- nil on 80M, some on 40M, and weak on 20M. Managed to make a few contacts at 1 watt. Still fun! John WB8ENE - Only operated for about 40 minutes this time. Nice to see some new members. Four of my seven contacts were with members with NAQCC numbers greater than 5400. W4OTN (# 5758) wasn't even in the latest list I just downloaded (Should have been. The list I uploaded the morning of the sprint around 1500Z went through #5769 - K3WWP). See you in the next sprint. 73, Art KE5YUM - Great sprint as always. Conditions were good here in Oklahoma, and I look forward to the next sprint. WB8LZG - Hello agn to all radioteers! A gud sprint tonight even though i only got in on the 1st hour. At the start i listened on 20m. several signals ,but weak, es no answer to a cqna. quik switch to 40m. Wall to wall signals there. worked a couple new #s over 5000. Nice to see our membership expanding, es give me more stns to work ! Had a brain freeze tho, worked AE4RV early on , es then later his call sounded farmilier , so i called him , Oooops DUPE. Happens to the best of us. ( es worst too ! hi hi) Went to 80m a couple times es called CQ but noise level there was vy bad es no answers to my calls there. 40 was the place tonight. Hope to see u all agn next month. 73 Gregg K4BAI - 20 was open only to the North and West with nothing east of MN heard except for one AL station who couldn't get my call. Strong signals, but not a high rate on 20. Nice to work Canadians VE5BCS and VE7KBN. 40M was quite good to most areas including neighboring states of AL, NC, and FL. Also good signals from stations in AZ, WA, and MA. 14 QSOs on 20M in 36 mins. 48 QSOs on 40M in 84 mins including CO8CML in Cuba. Glad to work neighbor George, K4EOR, from his new mountain cabin in NC. He was louder from NC than he usually is from GA. Only one non member worked: WB5BKL. Hope Nick will join soon. (Yes, come on Nick, it's FREE - K3WWP) He is a very good QRP sprinter. Rate was so good on 40M that I never got to 80M. May have missed some mults by that decision, but did get some mults on 40 fairly late in the contest period. Thanks for all QSOs and Happy Thanksgiving to all. Please look for me from the new DXCC entity of Bonaire next week Nov 23-29 as PJ4/K4BAI and with KU8E, K1XM, and W1FJ as PJ4A in CQ WW CW Contest. 73/72, John, K4BAI. KB4QQJ - Bands sounded great for a lot of people, but alas, not me. (Nor me, I sympathize - K3WWP) Bummer! Had to wait to start because of thunder boomers and only got to play less than 40 minutes before had to shut down again for the lightning. The 20 meter seemed a little weak but 40 was chock full!! Made a few quick calls and had to shut down. Hope everybody had fun and I'll see you next sprint. 72 for now. Randy N8LA - Unable to operate in the Sept. and Oct. sprints. I found it impossible to do so while confined in a straitjacket. Checked 20 first tonight and made 2 contacts. Then checked 80 and heard nothing. Went to 40 and hit the jackpot -- for me. Most sprint contacts ever for me. Found a skirted SpeedX key at a hamfest the weekend before halloween. May try it in the next sprint now that I know that using a key with a skirt doesn't mean that the op has to wear one! K4ORD - Only able to get on for last 34 minutes of the sprint, heard nothing on 20M and 80M qrn was very bad only 1 qso there and made 17 qso's on 40M which had lots of good signals.Nice to work Carlos,CO8CML on 40M. Used my little Bull Dog paddles and K3 @ 5W. Hope to make the full 2 hours next month. Thanks to all 72/73 Riley W9GFB - Great fun as always! K0LAR - My very first NAQCC Sprint. I enjoyed it and look forward to many more! (Welcome aboard the sprint train. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay - K3WWP) NF8M - Despite great upper band condx of late, 20 had quieted down by sprint time so I spent most of the time running on 40 until I was chased away by a QRO op on the west coast who didn't ask QRL?. Took that as a cue to go to 80 (noisy tonite) and work a few, then back to 40 for the end. AA7CU - Worked the sprint from Arizona WD8KRV - Great sprint night. Worked only 40 meters with a Ten Tec 1340 and a J-43 key that I recently acquired at a hamfest. Nice action on the key and lots of action on the band. Started with the usual TX, AZ, CA contacts and a few nice surprises like VA and AL. The band stayed steady around the west with UT, NV, CO, WA, but began to lengthen to MN, Manitoba, then into the Midwest (OH, IN, IL) and NY to finish. (Great analysis of conditions! - K3WWP) Thanks as always to all I worked. 72 de WD8KRV WX4RM - Whew! It was a rough one tonite, with the qrn from the passing storms. Started on 20 meters as usual, but my high noise level made me switch to 40 meters. Still lots of qrn, but at least the signals were stronger. Gave 80 meters a try, got to work John K3WWP. A good nite afterall. KF7EST - A little better month for me - got to work almost an hour. Happy Thanksgiving! 73, Allen KB0ETU - After the first hour, 20 meters died for me. 40 meters was very noisy, but I did better with the noisy band. Good sprint. Hope to work everyone on the bands before the next time - which will probably be January for me. 72, Phil N1IMW - Great fun! Worked ab0tx. . .almost same mem # 2470 vs my 2460. . .that was cool. 40 was a bit noisy and I was a little late getting on after working our local simplex emergency net. Lost my dipole in the Northeaster Halloween storm and just got it back up for this sprint. Long live naqcc sprints! (They will, as long as members like you, and many like you, are around. - K3WWP) W4OTN - My first NAQCC Sprint! Had a great time with my J-38 key. Thanks to everyone that took their time with my QRS operation. (That's what our sprints are all about, and I echo your thanks to our members - K3WWP) Hope to participate in future sprints as well. W5IQS - I just got in from the Ranch for the last 1/2 hour. No, I didn't kill any pigs but I did see one nice 8 pt. buck. 20 meters was dead here in Texas and I didn't hear anything on 80 meters either. 40 was pretty good but lots of QRM/QRN. Not much of a score this sprint but there is always next month HI HI...Lots of fun 72, Evan KB1PBA - Tried out my new SW+ 40 at 1.5W for this sprint and just worked 40m which was in good shape. All S&P to preserve battery life. WA2JSG - IC-703 5w to a vertical, 12v battery. English Kent straight key. KE9DR - Only operated last five minutes, busy with Church work. I called VE5BCS on 20M but no luck. I listened to all three bands but did not hear a lot of activity, but maybe too late in game. Hope everybody had good time. 73 Bert AE7CG - Thanks to K4ZGB Tom, WD4E Jack, and WB5BKL Nick for the QSOs. Band conditions on 20M were not the greatest, but QRPers are great at copying weak signals. I ran an MFJ Cub at 2 watts to a 10-foot high dipole. QRP-to-QRP QSOs are just simply wonderful! AE4RV - A new personal best, even after John weeds out a busted QSO or two. Such friendly OPs, and so much fun. I really appreciate my newest rig's receiver (IC 7410) for the selectivity, noise reduction and sensitivity, it is the best I've ever used. It is not good for QSK but I'm going to keep it for now because of the fantastic receiver. VA3PEN - My first time to make more than 20 contacts in the sprints :-) The 40m band condition suddenly improved for the later portion of the hours. See you at the next sprint. 73. KA6AIL - Tnx NU7T for hanging in there for me. You where the only 80m Q for me. 20 was going great and then the bottom drop out. Lots of fun, see all of you next month. 72 K2UFT - 80 useless due to thunderstorm activity, heard no activity on 20. Would have had one more multiplier from CO8CK who answered my CQ but I guess the exchange scared him off. KB8FE - No storms in the area so 40 meter signals were fairly good. Still have not gotten an 80 meter antenna installed. End of the leaf raking season here in northern Ohio so maybe I will work on antennas for a change! K4KRW - Wow! Lots of signals tonight. Got started late. But, had a great time (as always). My Sierra did a great job picking out signals. Love this radio. Got a contact on 80m this time. Thanks everyone! Can't wait until next time. VE3FUJ - Didn't feel up to more than 30 mins. Seeyou all next sprint. Brion WI0S - Wow, what a great qrp sprint. I should have stayed on 40 meters but had to see what was happening on 80 for awhile. Great to work a NAQCC event again. Missed John this time. 72, Kieth wi0s 1334 KB0KFX - It's great to be back to the sprint from this past spring. I put up a new portable antenna last night in the front yard with a crappie pole up ~20ft fed with 80ft of TV twinlead. It seems to work ok on 40 and 20m. The plan is to use this over the Thanksgiving holiday and put North Dakota on the air for the QRP ARCI Jubilee. It should be fun. NN9S - Heard only one CQ on 20m, and it went away. Called on 20m for a while, got no reply. On 40m, it was endless overlapping conversations across the whole 15khz; it was tough for this new ham to narrow the filter enough just to hone in on a single caller! Managed to get 2 at the very end of the sprint, though. Phew! K3RLL - K2 to attic dipole: Spent too much time on 20 but signals were nice and little QRM. 40 was busy but good to see us spreading out a little more. Tnx to those who pulled me out of the noise. 72, Don K0JQZ - My first sprint. I had a lot of local QRM on 40. I literally got my K2 back together after installing a KAT2, KIO2 ad the internal battery 5 minutes before the sprint started. I know I did not burn up the bands but I had fun. W9UX - Good signals and a lot of activity. 72, Terry AA4W - Short Sprint for me tonight. I haven't used my IC-703 in a while and I received a 456 signal report from my third contact on 20 meters. (Thanks to W1AFF for letting me know) He said I needed to look at my rig. I found TERRIBLE chirp. I was hoping it was an antenna but it looks like rig problems. See you all next month. Rick VE7KBN - Heard lots of activity. Had fun. What else is there??? Thanks for the work running the sprint. N8VAR - This was my first sprint. Yes, there's still some of us out there who haven't yet joined in the fun. :) The description of the events are pretty accurate. It was a relaxed contest type of environment which really helps with the jitters. My goal was to get in and make some contacts. I've been a little lax about getting on the air and wanted something I could get into, not spend lots of time, and make contacts. This was it. I have the next years events on my calendar and I look forward to jumping into the fray. K4JPN - Got a late start as there had been storms in the area, that finally passed. Only QSOs on 40M, I tried 80M and 20M, but no luck rough copy on 40M. 72, Steve KD0V - It was a good Sprint in Waseca, MN. Band conditions for most of the evening were excellent. Work many members I have never worked before. It was great. I am looking forward to the Sprints in December. See you all then. KC2JKU - I had a lot of fun Glad I had the time again. Terry N8XMS - I only had about 20 minutes of available time and that 20 minutes was definitely the highlight of the day. Thanks and 73. K9FO - Rig: Flexradio 1500 with dipoles on 20 & 40 and Inv L on 80. Sorry I missed a couple due to log operating error. Still getting used to the setup with log and radio on one computer. Lots of fun and the Flex RX is GREAT! Thanks for all the nice QSO's 73/72, Will KD8HES - My first sprint with my MFJ-9200. Decent condx on 40, but also managed a mult on 20 thanks to K0JQZ. My last QSO was at 0305, and after that the band completely dropped out. No signals to be heard by 0320 and I called it a sprint. ~Zeke~ N9KR - Good overall conditions from Southern Indiana. Stayed on 40 the entire sprint. Heard lots of good signals. See everyone next month. W2JEK - heard nothing on 20 even after a couple of cq's. 40 seemed to be in good shape. not much activity on 80, was pleased to work K3WWP. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 KA2KGP - Another nice sprint. 80 & 40 were good, but 20 was pretty bare by the time the sprint started. Nice conditions & signals here in WNY. Rig: Ten Tec Argosy 2 at 5w. into either 5 band gnd. mtd. vert. or a 5 band dipole up 25', straight key. Thanks to all 73. W4DUK - Conditions not the best, with QRN and several stations that I could hear but they couldn't hear me. Looked at 20 and 80, but made all contacts on 40. Apologies to NW2K for the dupe early-on (first time I've done that in a sprint). My ears were tired after two hours in the chair, but it was great fun as usual. 73 de Dave WD0K - Greetings Fellow CW Ops! Stayed on 40 for the entirety. Band was weak but long,and crowded. Most signals were down and noisey. Managed to work a few with my ole trusty Knwd TS530. So that answered the quedtion why I used the straight key. Thanks to all who copied my bad fist on that key. Nice to hear a new MN station; K0LAR! Welcome Scott! 72; Rich/wd0k #664 NI8N - Great Fun. Maybe some guys can practice their zero-beat skills more. K4LJA - Wow! Bedlam. Just my second NAQCC Sprint -- but more relaxed and had more fun this time. Operated Ten Tec Argonaut V. I picked a 40-meter spot and stations actually kept calling me. I felt like rare DX. Thanks for all your work putting it together each month. K4NVJ - Good condx on 40. VE5BCS - The test was quite up here. Not to many on 20m 40 was no one herd.cul Harold N8IUP - Tnx, had great time... CO8CML - Another nice sprint.Big QRN and QSB on 20m, but so many stations on 40m.Thanks to all the stations that gave me the opportunity to make 7 QSO's.Long live to CW and QRP!!See all in the next sprint! K2GLS - A tree took down my 80m dipole in the October snow storm. A quick splice got me back in time for the Sprint and the 2 additional multipliers from 80m made it worth the effort. Good conditions and activity. WA2CCD - WAS ON THE AIR, TRIED ALL THE BANDS, DIDN'T EVEN HEAR ANY SPRINT ACTIVITY AA9L - Great sprint! I learned that I can copy CW through a PSK31 signal. Maybe 7040 is not the frequency to be on. Enjoyed every minute. W8DW - Could not believe the DX on 40. Got a late start, forgot about the sprint and was reading my email about 00:25Z and saw the reminder. Lots of activity on the bands but some QRN. Just a reminder listen before you start calling CQ, had a couple of times where after having the freq for 15 minutes or so had a fellow NAQCC member start calling right on top of me. Over all great contest. 72,s. N2ESE - Great sprint,Thanks to all. 73 Gary #5555 KB3AAG - I had a good time tonite, until I tried to submitt my log! Out in the hollar all I have is dial up and it hung up on me! Try as I might it would not let me on! So I brought the thing to civilization where there is high speed. Surprise it wouldnt hook up! Suninlaw on the phone led me through getting it going. I worked W7IEX in Nevada and that is the furtherest I have ever got out of the hollar !! Frank W5ODS - It has been a long time since I participated last due to Wednesday night commitment but very fun, good "fists" pounding those QSO's on keys and bugs. (Don't forget - every other month it's a Tuesday evening for folks like you tied up Wednesday evenings - K3WWP) AB0TX - Great time as always! Tried the gain antennas this time! Lots of signals on 40 meters. A few on 20. Rotor still acting up. Used the wires a bit as well. Thanks everyone for putting up with my terrible straight key! Finally worked John (K3WWP)!! KG4UPO - 40 meters was noisy here with floor levels around S6. Pretty difficult conditions. 20 meters was dead for me .... it was great fun anyway! Enjoyed the contest on an ugly rainy night in southwestern Virginia. N8BB - Had a good time for a short stint, bands were noisy and think I had a little of John's problems. Good to work everybody and maybe next time things will improve on 40-80. I have been pretty busy lately and not held up my end very well, getting ready to retire in a few months and working allot of overtime so radio gets a little less of my time. Look out about spring time, I will be back with a vengeance. I love qrp and look forward to a full filling retirement. NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter at 5W to a mini-beam at 25ft and inv vee at 40ft. Got a late start because I just had to watch Survivor. Started out on 20 and made 4 Q's...seemed to be in pretty good shape but there wasn't a lot of activity. Moved to 40 and made some FB Q's there. Lots of activity...great to have so many QRPers participating. Looking back over the score sheets on the NAQCC site, this appears to be my best effort to date and that's starting a half-hour late. Thanks to everyone that made it into my log and thanks to the organizers of this fine sprint. Always an enjoyable evening and I'm looking forward to next month. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! 72/73, Will N7QR - Good time - wish I coulda stuck around longer but I had to go for my monthly waterboarding at the local water district office. KD4UKW - I could only work the final 35 minutes of the sprint, but I wanted to contribute my efforts. I heard no signals on 20m or 80m, but 40m was in pretty good shape. W7YSB - Only had time to snag a couple QSOs. Just wanted to make sure I helped in reaching the 100 log submissions. 73 Eldon (THANKS very much. I hope others will follow your wonderful example. - K3WWP) NW2K - Sorry to Paul, NG7Z for the torture at 0300. I finally got your call thru the heavy QRN, but no go. Relatively poor conditions up here. 20M was silent and I did not even try it, which was a big mistake. 50 QSOs on 40M and 8 on 80M. 20 QSOs in the first 30 minutes was exciting and several new numbers. AE4RV, I looked for you in the closing minutes to restart our streak. Thanks to all and see you next time. 5W, matchbox, 80M loop at 30 feet. KB9ILT - Started on 20 and made only 3 QSOs. Moved to 40 where there was more activity. After a while a station from France called me with 500 watts and gave me a 559 report. Conditions were better than I thought. A few QSOs later I had an "Oh no!" moment when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my power meter swinging much more than it should for 5 watts. I was running 20 watts! Apparently I neglected to check my power output when I moved from 20 to 40 meters. I was disqualified from the contest, but having fun so I turned the power down to 5 watts ran out the clock. Here's my log for the log count only. See you next month - I'll be running 5 watts. 73 AK3X - Got home in time to have 17 minutes left in the sprint. 4 QSO's.. not bad. At least I can send in a log. DSW-40 at 3w. 72 to all. Peter N3QE - First NAQCC Sprint :-) Rig: Ten Tec Eagle at 5W Key: J-38 Maybe next time will put my HW-16 on the air. KA9FQG - Thanks to all for another fun sprint this month. This is a nice event that's easy to look forward to. WB5BKL (non-member) - Thanks to all. Had fun. (You'd have even more fun as a member! - K3WWP) KE7YTE - Using a Elecraft KX1 at 3w. Experimenting with a Buddipole vertical dipole on an insulated 8 ft. mast instead of a metal mast up 18ft. It still gets out well. Thanks for the fun. W2SH - 20M pooped out early and little was heard on 80m, but my two QSOs there secured two needed close-in multipliers. 40m got the attention it deserved. The skip tended to be fairly long and from NJ I failed to work any stations in New England or eastern Canada. My transmitted signal did well, but this often brought two or three simultaneous replies to a CQ, all too close in frequency to be separated by a sharp audio filter. Sending a fragment of a detected call plus a question mark didn't keep the callers from all calling again. This was vexing for all concerned. WA2EDN - First time. Had another contact but could not find my number so he has me as non-member. Will do it again next month. WG8Y - Hi all,My first log entry for the sprint.Started a little late but had fun.Still hard to believe how good 5 watts or less can do.Going to try the Dec. MW Sprint from the daughters near Charlotte,NC. Thanks, Mark K1IEE - I was on the full 2 hours and only made 9 contacts. Describing the situation as a black [hole] was well stated. 20 and 80 were very quiet so I stayed on 40 for the full sprint. My HW-9@4W and G5RV transmit signal never made it to the many stations I called. Thanks to those that I did contact and yes it was a good time. Thanks to all 73 Dick K0HJC - 20 METERS WAS QUIET BUT SPARSE, 40 METERS WAS CROWDED! THANKS TO KA6AIL FOR TRYING TO PULL ME OUT. HEARD K0KCY ON 20 AT A DISTANCE OF 100 MILES! SOUNDED LIKE Es! FUN SPRINT AS ALWAYS,1 GOOD REPRESENTATION FROM MINNESOTA! FT817ND AND C.F. ZEPP @ 35 FT. N1RU - I am a new member, and this was my first NAQCC sprint. I had a great time. This time I used paddles, but for next month I hope to wire up my straight key, which I haven't used in years. It's great to work others who operate CW QRP with simple wire antennas. 73, James (Northeast Indiana) N6OSB - Glad to be able to participate on this sprint. Just moved to new QTH and hope to be regularly active on your sprints.. KB4CMF - Second sprint I have participated in - and - again I want to thank the members for slowing down to my code speed. It was a pleasure to work the fine cw operators. 73 Chris WA4ZOF - sri didnot keep good time hi hi iam a new member and this was my first sprint. had great time and will see you all next month. tom wa4zof (Correct times are just about the most important item in cross-checking logs - K3WWP) See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, November 17, 0130-0330Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |