Sep 2011 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#83) NOTES: After a small derailment last month, the NAQCC Sprint Train is back on track. Our total this month is 107 logs including two late check logs. Congratulations and thanks to our wonderful members for your dedication to club activities, especially our sprints which are among the most popular in ham radio today. We cross-checked 2,069 QSOs in this month's sprint - a new record. Final stats will be found below and/or in the upcoming NAQCC Newsletter. Now it's up to you to check the report below and ask any questions about anything that doesn't seem right. The cross-checking took a lot more work than usual because of the number of QSOs plus one big log had to be completely manually checked because it had a series of numbers in the time field instead of times. So the possibility of errors on my part is definitely there, and we want to be sure everything is as correct as possible. You will have until Sunday October 2 at 2400Z to do that, then everything is closed and no more adjustments can be made. Final Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WV1N 20 20 40 14 560 x1.5 840 135' dblt@??' K1IEE 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 g5rv@30' WB1HGA 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 g5rv@27' KX1NH 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 dpl@25' N1PQ 10 10 20 9 180 180 efhw@??' N1DN 7 7 14 7 98 98 mb dpl@70' KQ1P 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80 zepp@??' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 59 57 116 24 2784 x2 5568 80 loop@30' KD2MX 47 46 93 25 2325 x2 4650 600' loop@25' W2SH 30 29 59 20 1180 x2 2360 180'dpl@35',invL@85+85' K2GLS 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 40 dpl@30',20 dpl@20' N2ESE 19 18 37 14 518 518 invV@50' WA2JSG 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 el vert@12' W2JEK 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 20 gp,40 dpl,80 ef all 20' N2YI 7 7 14 5 70 70 40 invV@25' KC2MJT 4 4 8 4 32 32 g5rv@25' WA2CCD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 150' rnd wire@10' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 50 50 100 24 2400 x2 4800 ~110' attic rnd wire KB3AAG 36 36 72 20 1440 1440 80 loop@35' AK3X 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 40 invV@27' KC2EGL 19 19 38 11 418 x2 836 fld dpl@20' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 43 42 85 27 2295 x2 4590 40 dpl@40',160 dpl@35' KB4QQJ 38 37 75 27 2025 x2 4050 efz@33' K2UFT 43 42 85 21 1785 x2 3570 80 dblt@30' WB4UHC 23 23 46 16 736 x2 1472 80 invV@30' AA4W 29 29 58 17 986 986 20 vee@55', 40 dpl@50' WD4E 24 24 48 16 768 768 80 hor loop@40' W4DUK 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 efz@20' KA8VZB 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 rnd wire@20' AE4RV 15 15 30 10 300 x1.5 450 fan invV@20' AF4LB 11 11 22 10 220 x2 440 dpl@55' KD4UKW 10 9 19 9 171 x2 342 45' vert K3RLL 17 17 34 10 340 340 indoor dpl AJ4SB 15 15 30 11 330 330 invV@25' KB0ETU 10 8 18 8 144 x2 288 slp dpl@40-11' K4NVJ 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 88' dpl@35' K7HAP 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 windom@20' K4KRW 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 windom@30' W4CUX 8 8 16 7 112 x1.5 168 80 loop@50' KU4A 9 9 18 5 90 90 slp dpl@40' KE4UN 6 6 12 4 48 48 ocf dpl@20' *N4JD 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 loop@30' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5IQS 41 41 82 24 1968 x2 3836 fan dpl@30' N5NK 23 22 45 12 540 x2 1080 40 invV@45',20 slp dpl@35' KB5JO 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 88' dblt@??' KE9DR 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 420' rnd loop@50' W5PJW 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 vert KE5YUM 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 dpl@30' K4LJA 9 8 17 8 136 136 31' vert,car wndm@50' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K6CSL 8 7 15 8 120 x2 240 several indoor and out KA6AIL 9 8 17 5 85 x2 170 20 gnd mtd vert, 40 loop@30' W7YSB 3 3 6 3 18 18 28' vert N6JLJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 hor loop@20' @WA6ES 4 4 8 4 32 32 invV@35' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N7KM 32 32 64 21 1344 x2 2688 gnd mtd vert, cf dpl@40' AA7VW 31 30 61 21 1281 x2 2562 20 dpl@45',40 dpl@90' !!! N7YY 13 13 26 10 260 260 dpl@30' NU7T 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 40 dpl@18' KF7EST 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 vert WU7F 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 g5rv@20' N7QR 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 g5rv@25' K7BTE 1 1 2 1 2 2 ocf dpl@30' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NF8M 50 47 97 25 2425 x2 4850 20 hamstick,40 ocf dpl@35' NI8N 46 44 90 20 1800 x1.5 2700 dpl@35' N8QY 25 24 49 20 980 x2 1960 g5rv@25',vert W8DW 22 21 43 19 817 x2 1634 windom@30',vert WB8LZG 22 21 43 16 688 x2 1376 dpl@30', vert KD8HES 20 19 39 14 546 x2 1092 40 dpl@30' W3NP 18 17 35 14 490 x2 980 130' cfz@45' KB8FE 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 dpl@30' WB8ENE 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 102' dblt@15' N8XMS 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 r7 vert N8ZYA 8 8 16 6 96 96 indoor isotron SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA9L 47 47 94 22 2068 x2 4136 trp dpl@50' K9JWI 50 47 97 29 2813 2813 mb vert KB9ILT 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 gnd mtd vert W9HLY 25 25 50 15 750 x2 1500 dpl@15' K9KHJ 21 21 42 17 714 x2 1428 efhw slpr@20-50' W9CC 21 21 42 16 672 x2 1344 80 loop@15' W9GFB 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 40 dpl@20' NV9X 19 18 37 12 444 x2 888 invV@30' W9UX 17 17 34 10 340 x2 680 dpl@25' K9EYT 13 13 26 11 286 286 g5rv@25' W9JLK 12 12 24 10 240 240 gnd mtd vert N9KR 5 5 10 4 40 40 efz@20' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 50 49 99 28 2772 x2 5544 cf zepp@30' KI0I 40 39 79 22 1738 x2 3476 80 dlta loop@25' W4ZW 57 54 111 24 2664 2664 3/2 wv loop@??' N0TA 30 29 59 17 1003 x2 2006 1/4 wv vert,dblt@30' KD0V 32 27 59 16 944 x2 1888 dbl zepp@50' NO2D 23 23 46 14 364 x2 728 20 dpl@24', 80 dblt@26' WI0S 24 24 48 15 720 720 20 dbl ext zepp@50' KA8HDE 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 g5rv jr@25' K0HJC 12 11 23 9 207 x2 414 cfz@35' WD0K 11 11 22 9 198 x1.5 297 dlta loop@36' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE2ZAZ 39 39 78 20 1560 x2 3120 40 hlf slper@30' VA3PEN 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 gnd mtd vert VE3FUJ 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 g5rv@35' VE5BCS 17 16 33 11 363 x2 726 dpl@25' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna CO8CML 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 invV@27' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 62 61 123 24 2952 x2 5904 th6dxx@55',40 dpl@55' NQ2W 22 21 43 18 774 774 mini beam@25',invV@40' K4ZGB 14 13 27 11 297 x2 594 80 dpl,40 2 el beam@??' N6VOH 23 22 45 13 585 585 3el yagi@35' K0KEX 6 6 12 6 72 x1.5 108 3el yagi@58' WB5NMZ 2 2 4 2 8 8 TA-53@40' @K7ZI 16 15 31 10 310 310 4el yagi@50',windom@50' * - QRO not eligible for certificate or prize @ - late log not eligible for certificate or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: WV1N 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: W5IQS 1st SWA W6: K6CSL 1st SWA W7: N7KM 1st SWA W8: NF8M 1st SWA W9: AA9L 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE2ZAZ 1st SWA DX: CO8CML 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: W4ZW Prize drawing winner: KX1NH The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: 27 - N4DU 20 - WG8Y 19 - WA1LWS 18 - KG4UPO 15 - K0TC 12 - K9PL 10 - KD6L 10 - N9GGE 10 - W7OM 6 - KI6J 5 - KD8A We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 107 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 161 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 2,069 States represented: 39 + ON QC SK + CM GOLDEN LOGS - 42 of 107 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA9L CO8CML K0HJC K2GLS K2UFT K4KRW K4ORD K4ZGB K7BTE K7HAP K9EYT KA8HDE KA8VZB KB4QQJ KB9ILT KC2MJT KE4UN KE9DR KF7EST KI0I KU4A N1DN N2ESE N6JLJ N8XMS N8ZYA N9KR NQ2W VE2ZAZ VE3FUJ W2JEK W4DUK W5PJW W7YSB W8DW W9CC W9UX WA2JSG WB5NMZ WB8ENE WD4E WU7FIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. There will no longer be any automatic notification of score changes or "not in log" QSO's due to the greatly increased participation in our sprints. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - I had a lot of fun in a very interesting sprint. Interesting because I just sat on one frequency the whole two hours - 7040.6 kHz - and called CQ. Fun because I hit the 50 QSO mark for the first time in a while now. I'm sure I could have hit 60 or more had I tried 20 or 80 or even done some S&P on 40, but hey, I was having too much fun calling CQ where I was. I did take a very brief check of 80, and when I heard nothing there, I resumed my CQing. Conditions were superb and I bet those with the big outdoor antennas will report in with QSO totals in the 60's and 70's, perhaps even more. W4ZW - What fun! Wish I had a straight key or Bug around and would have joined the fun. Took me back to my novice days with my 6W INPUT and wires. Funny to work old friends who can do 35-40wpm at 22 wpm! More activity than I thought there would be. Kept checking 40M until I figured out that all the activity was up above 7040. Never heard anyone on 80M and CQed there for awhile. Jon, W4ZW, Breckenridge, Colorado at 10,000' on top of the Continental Divide K7BTE - This was my first one. Boy, do I need to practice. I was as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rockers. (Ah, an old Tennessee Ernie Ford line - K3WWP) This CW stuffs a lot of work. Bill K7BTE DM37dt KQ1P - Late meeting and then home to find plenty of QRN here, but made the effort to make a few contacts. Continuing my efforts at 1 watt. Thanks to all and 73. John WB5NMZ - Thanks for hosting another fine sprint! KX1NH - First sprint from the new QTH in NH. Good condx on 40. CU next time. 72/73 Randy KC2MJT - I think I need a narrower filter - whew! N7KM was my challenge tonight - I'm glad he has a good set of ears. I wish more cw ops would work 20m at night, the propagation on it is often better than one might think. Reworked my antenna over the summer and it gives me an entirely new perspective during the sprints. Next time I'll hang around longer. This is the first time I could hear John K3WWP and not work him. Yet, I think he had plenty of contacts to keep him busy from the staccato near his freq. (I heard a 2MJ and sent MJ? but nothing after that - K3WWP) KA8HDE - Only an hour in tonight, but probably the best hour I've had in a NAQCC sprint. The bands seemed active tonight. thanks for another evening of fun - 72 de chuck K3RLL - K2 to indoor dipole on 20 meters and what a joy to hear so many familiar calls and strong signals this evening. AA7VW from OR sounded like he was across town. Also appreciated lack of digital QRM on 20 meters. What fun. 72/73, ... Don N0TA - Thanks for the Q's. K3 & Gen Log. KE9DR - Another fun night. 80 and 40 were very noisy, 20 was where I stayed most of the night. Thanks to all. 73 - Bert KB5JO - Most fun of any so far, had more time to work the sprint than usual. WA2JSG - Fun event, as always. Rig Icom IC-703, 5w to a vertical off a 12v battery. KK1 (American Morse) straight key (fun little key). NV9X - Fun as always. Lots of signals tonight. Sounds like good participation this evening. Great way to spend a couple of hours during mid-week. Thanks to my contacts and to NAQCC. K9OSC - Best conditions in a long time. Stations galore! Great to hear so many new members on tonight. KI0I - Good condx on 20 early then better on 40m,tried 80,made one q with W8DW in MI but the qrn was bad so back to 40 for the final half hour. thanks all for qso`s and cu agn next time 72 Mark VA3PEN - Coincidentally, I had been double-booked on the sprint nights for the past few months. Tonight, I could participate back again. It is raining here and the 40m band condition was good. As always, I spent two hours of relaxed(?) excitement. W9JLK - Running a FT-817, battery power at 2W. Vy hard copy without a cw filter! KB8FE - Stayed on 40 meters for the entire sprint. Very good conditions for the first hour and a quarter then the signals became somewhat 'weak'. Sure is nice to hear all the QRP stations. Heard VA, WV, KY, NJ and MI but never connected. Never heard even one TX station which is unusual. Had rain earlier so the ground was wet but not much QRN at all during the sprint. KF7EST - Elecraft K1, Hustler 5BTV Vertical, Kent Straight Key. TU for a great time. I'm slowly improving :-) 73 K2UFT - Noise on 20 bad,40 OK, only 1 New England Station heard (ME) but not worked, 80 noisy - no NA Contesters heard when I checked. KD4UKW - Wow, there were a ton of stations on 40m. At one point I heard Randy KB4QQJ with a huge pileup... must have been 15 stations calling him. I wonder, should we consider moving the 40 meter boundaries? 7.030 to 7.040 just about gets wiped out with RTTY, broadcast stations (I heard two tonight, intermittently), and the 7.040 calling frequency. That forced dozens of stations to share a 5 KHz spread, and it's not the first time we have had a conflict like that. Overall I had a great time despite only being able to operate during the 2nd hour. WI0S - Great fun to do this sprint again. Nice to work familiar calls at qrp levels again. 73 and tnx to all. Kieth wi0s 1334 W7YSB - Portable in CA for sprint. First hour heard no sigs on 20 or 40. Second hour managed a few on 20m. 40m a bust with S9 noise at portable location. Rig was PFR-3 @ 4 watts. AA4W - I thought I'd try something different this month and I operated at 1 watt output. It was a LOT of fun! Conditions on 20 were exceptional but 40 was a little short. There were plenty of QRP pile-ups on both bands. I worked K4BAI at what must have been the peak on 40 meters. He said I was loud (and with just 1 watt) but he was 599+ ! I called a few that were weak, but no joy. I'll bet we surpass the record number of logs submitted this month. (Hope so, I'd LOVE to be overworked, c'mon and make Rick's bet a reality - K3WWP) K4KRW - Wilderness Radio Sierra, Straight key, Windom, headphones and a 12V supply. It is amazing how much fun can be had with such a simple setup. I stayed on 40 meters tonight. Thanks everyone for another night of fun. I can hardly wait for the next one. KB3AAG - Every one was loud tonite, even the co station. I had one person answer my cq and I passed my exchange, he says tu and was gone! I guess he figured I didnt need his! 40 was about it for me only got one on 20 and one on 80. My computer was the only agrivating thing tonite, about every minute it would shut down genlog and I had to restart it! That was the cause of all the repeat requests, thanks for the coperation fellas. Frank N4JD - lots of fun could not stay for whole sprint looking foward to next sprint KD2MX - Wow! This is a sprint to remember, and not like the ones I remember that were full of black holes. I didn't plan on working the entire two hours but when the stations keep calling, well, what can you do? Started out on 20M, which was ok but a little slow, still I racked up 12 QSOs there, which is probably a bit better than usual. After about 45 minutes, went over to 40M. The band seemed good, strong signals, and there was some activity. Things were moving along nicely until about 0140. Then for the next 35 minutes, I sat on one frequency and the stations just kept calling. Now this is not a big deal for many, but it was very special for me. I shattered by 11 my previous high QSO total and I think there is only one suspect one in the bunch. At 0215 I realized I still didn't have PA so I went in search of K3WWP. I found him quickly and John had a good signal (589 or so) but he couldn't hear me! NIL he sent! I tried a few more times but it was like I wasn't there. Rats, what to do? I went up the band and worked a VE2 which was also a new multiplier. Some consolation but how could I finish up without PA? So I went down the band again and worked John easily. Go figure. I then was able to pick up a few more multipliers before the clock ran out. Just a spectacular evening. I did reconfigure my antenna over the past weekend but I don't think my antenna work made the difference. Conditions were just great here. I hope they were elsewhere too and maybe we'll set some sprint records. KB9ILT - Conditions were great! I worked a bunch on 20 and then moved to 40 to see how things looked there - even better with very little noise. I don't think we'll have any problem reaching 100 logs this month as there were many stations participating. Thanks to all. See you next month. K4ORD - Spent the first hour on 20M band was good made 12Qso's, and the second hour on 40M made 31Qso's, best dx on 40 was WA,CO,MT. Listened a few minutes on 80M but the QRN was rough so came back to 40. Last few minutes of the sprint looked for K3WWP on 40M but couldn't find him, many loud stations on. Had a good time thanks to all 73/72 Riley KB4QQJ - Fun Sprint as usual. Rig was K2 into a PAR EndFedz at 33 feet. Lot of big signals out there tonight!! Plenty of stations to choose from. I missed a K4OR? because of SSB QRM, bummer.. Good to hear CO8CML, Carlos. Thanks es 72 to all. Randy NF8M - Had to pick up my son from marching band so I sat in the parking lot of the high school working 20 meters from the car. Once home, brought the '817 inside and got on 40 with the home ant. Great to see so much activity. TNX to everyone I worked tonite. 72 K6CSL - Wow! 20m really sounded great this evening. 40m was another story. Noisey from big evening thunder storms in the top of the Sierras, up around Yosemite and the Lake Tahoe area. QRM was heavy along with QRM from RTTY trying to crowd into that narrow band space. I did work one non-member station on 40, Mario, KG6SNV/QRP in San Francisco, CA for my only contact this evening on 40m. 73's to all, Bert KB0ETU - Had a total of 10 contacts but 4 turned out to be bad, e.g., bad callsign & bad number. First hour was pretty good, but the band went bad for the second hour. Too much QRM & QRN! Better luck next time. 72/73 Phil (You should always submit all QSOs and let us sort them out in the cross-checking process - there's no penalty for incorrectly copied info. - K3WWP) N5NK - Bands sure were funky this time. I'm gaining more and more respect for 5 watts after working these sprints. Generally, If I can hear them, I can work them. Heard several "regulars" but didn't here lots more. Bunch of them must have had other pressing matters because it sounded to me like fewer were sprinting this time. Their loss; I certainly enjoyed myself! W9HLY - Good to get the heads up message in my email box. Other duties kept me away for a few minutes. NO2D - 20 meters strong at the outset. Stopped for dinner. Switched to 40 meters at 0148 UTC when 20 seemed to be dropping. Missed last month and glad to be able to work the sprint this time. Always enjoy these sprints. Thanks. Pete W9GFB - Great fun! First try at running! Slowly getting better! W5IQS - Good Sprint. Both 20 and 40 went away about 0219. I didn't try 80 meters. 73 Evan KA6AIL - Sorry James (N4DU) I try for the Q, maybe next time. Thank to all those guys who QRS. That is what makes ham radio so great. C U next month, 72's KE4UN - The Genlog program screws up the data so bad I had to uninstall the program (it would'nt let me delete the bad log file either). I guess it doesn't work in Windows 7 very well. (Are you using the very latest version of GenLog? Perhaps you need an updated version for Windows 7 - K3WWP) Now "AUTOLOG" is a blank page??? (Are you going to http://naqcc.info/sprint_submit_log.html which directs you to http://naqcc.info/sprintlog.html? - It works fine for everyone else - K3WWP) What is "AUTO" about a blank page? This is The first time I ever tried using any "logger" program and first time to try a contest this is pretty frustrating! What's the "FUN" in this convoluted paperwork? I'm disappointed. (Have you studied the GenLog tutorial at http://naqcc.info/sprint_genlog_tutorial.html? Perhaps you'll find a solution there - K3WWP) N7KM - Good to hear so many on tonight. I worked a K2GLI #4583 which I couldn't verify the call and number on the data base so he wasn't included in the log. (Probably K2GLS. I'll sort it out in the cross-checking - K3WWP) If he needs Utah, he was worked. Thanks to the everyone who makes this happen. K0KEX - First NAQCC sprint in a while. The band condx & signals were good in MO on 20M. Was headed to 40M to check condx but a phone call interrupted the plan. Good to meet new op's and some old friends. 73 TU Rick KD0V - Greetings, 40 meters was great. Non-members really like me for some reason. Several wanted to carry out a QSO. Lots of very strong signal, some were hitting 20db over S9. Thanks to the Solar flux and Sun spots. N2ESE finally worked me in a NAQCC Sprint. Hopefully next month is even better. I missed John I was calling CQ around 7.0395 MHz. WB8ENE - Another sprint, another storm. Actually the weather cleared northeast OH in time for the start of the sprint. It was probably in western PA. Only operated for about 1/2 hour this time, and made all of my contacts on 40 meters. I was surprised to hear a few strong signals on 20 meters when I started at 9:00, but they were not operating the sprint. Until next time, 73, Art. KE5YUM - I enjoyed the sprint as always, especially with the abundance of good signals on 20. Thanks to all who worked me, especially N7KM in Vermont. (That was Utah, not Vermont - K3WWP) AA9L - Pileups on 40. Good sprint except for the 15 minutes wasted calling CQ on 80 meters. Sorry for the lost QSO (don't remember the call) due to computer crash. Got to fix that problem. Thanks to all for a fun sprint. K1IEE - Conditions good here in Maine. Everyone seemed to take a turn and not bunch up on the same frequency or each other. Great group of operators. That makes it easy for my HW-9 @ 4W and G5RV. Thanks to all, 73 Dick K4BAI - 20M was very good at the start and I was hoping for 80 QSOs. Slowed down some, but was still open after 76 minutes and 43 QSOs and I changed to 40M to try for closer in mults. 40M signals were OK, but rate was lower and some stations couldn't hear me calling at all. 19 QSOs in 44 minutes on 40 and never went to 80. Should have as there were a number of GA and AL stations that I couldn't hear on 40 and I missed those mults altogether. Lots of fun. Good participation. See you all next month. 73/72, John WD4E - Nice to see 20M open from my QTH to the West. Here, 40M was so QRM it was almost unusable. 80M sounded good here, but not much activity. Another enjoyable Sprint. VE3FUJ - Things were really hopping around here but after about an hr things abated and I had gotten tired, after having worked on my new tower all day. so I packed it in a little early. but it was great fun. See you next month. Brion KC2EGL - I was surprised at how many QSO's I was able to make with all the noise. My QSO's of the night are John K3WWP and NO2D. John for the short distance between us. We very rarely work each other on 40M. NO2D for the distance. I have not worked anyone that far West in a sprint in ages. So all in all it was a great night of operating. CU on the radio Mike NW2K - Great conditions and fists! 20M (15 QSO's) was a bit slow from here at the start but got better. 40M (46 QSO's) was hopping with lots of activity from all around. Mults seemed hard to come by tonight. Thanks to all and see you next time. 5W, matchbox, 80M loop at 30 feet. NI8N - Nice Conditions. CO8CML - Early in the evening there was a very strong electric storm in Las Tunas, and the night was cloudy.There was a lot of qrm on 20m, but some stations were copied loud as 599.I think this was another nice sprint, so congratulations and many thanks to all the hams I worked.Best 73 and hope see you in the next month!!! N8ZYA - All search and bounce this evening. Band seemed to be in good shape. W2SH - Few of the 20m signals heard could be worked, and with only four QSOs garnered in 45 minutes, I moved belatedly to 40m, and that was quite lively. On my second peek at 80m, W2JEK was the only signal heard, and snagging Don gave me the NJ home state multiplier that I lacked H6JLJ - Only had 8 minutes to work contest, at the very end, good for 2 Q's. (Do I get to claim an average rate of 15 QSOs/hr?) W4DUK - Some QRN to start here at my QTH in southwest-central Virginia, but things got better with time. Briefly looked at 80 and 20 with no luck, and then decided to stay on 40 for the duration. Fully one-half of my contacts were stations I had never worked before. Thanks to everyone for another fun sprint! 73 de Dave VE2ZAZ - Great band conditions at my end. With 39 QSOs, this is my highest number so far in NAQCC sprints, and I missed the first 25 minutes! Next time I will make sure the ALC cable is diconnected...no power output! No wonder nobody came back to me... But after that it was one contact after another. Thank you all for replying to my CQs. See you next month. 72. Bert. KD8HES - Only got to operate for the last hour, but had a lot of fun. I op'd on 40M only, and there were tons of signals coming through until about 0215. Thanks to KB5JO for the TX mult. Can we do weekly sprints instead of monthly?:-)#5603 KD8HES Zeke K9KHJ - Note to self: re-orient myself with GenLog BEFORE starting a sprint. Early struggles were all my fault (read the instructions, Danny). Still, 40m was hopping with great ops and big signals. K9OSC, W4ZW, KB4QQJ,W3NP, K4ORD, NF8M (and others) all pounding away nicely. VE5BCS - Boy this loging is harder than learning the code. I hope all is golden hi hi. The contest was great cu in 0 11 Harold K4LJA - Thanks for all you do for CW. rp K4LJA W2JEK - was only on for the last 45 minutes but had 11 qsos. started on 20m and worked John k4bai. then to 40m where John k3wwp was first qso on the band. went to 80m and heard nothing so called cq and worked charley w2sh. then back to 40m till the end. 40m was in great shape for the sprint. I think 20m may have been better earlier but was late getting on. 80m didn't seem too noisy but guess with 40m being so good most effort was made there. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 W9CC - Excellent conditions on 40 Meters. K9JWI - 80 very poor again. Some activity on 20. But 40 very good. K2GLS - 20 meters stayed open and provided extra multipliers and 40 provided activity. Nothing heard on 80 meters. Judging from the activity you should have no trouble getting 100+ logs this month. N8XMS - An open house at work (I'm a school teacher) left me exhausted and gave me a late start. I managed 20 minutes and 5 QSOs. Hopefully I will be able to make a better effort next month. 73 N2ESE - Conditions very good on 20m and 40m did not hear anything on 80m the few times I checked it.I see John Made 50 QSOs, but I never heard him! Had a GREAT TIME! See ya in OCT. 73 Gary KU4A - Good condx and a shack that wasn't beastly hot. Thanks for all the Qs N7QR - IC706, back after being away for a long time. Only could work a short time. Heard nobody on 40. It was fun! (16 points?) tnx es 73, Russ N7QR NAQCC #1105 WB1HGA - I lost several QSO's because my logger deleted them, well OK, I pressed the wrong key. Argghhh! Trying to acclimate myself with the TT Scout (@ 4 watts) and W9GR DSP II before I got rolling, err, slowly (smile). Lot's of stations some confusion but fun never-the-less. NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter at 5W to a mini-beam at 25ft and inv vee at 40ft. Started 1/2 hr late - Survivor's on - and 20 was in great shape. Stayed there...maybe a little too long...until 0215 and went to 40 to only make 4 Q's. Some stations that were loud on 40 didn't hear me...and other weaker ones did...kinda weird but that's what makes this hobby so interesting. Thanks to everyone that made it into my log and thanks to the organizers of this fine sprint. Always an enjoyable evening and I'm looking forward to next month. 72/73, Will WB8LZG - 5W, K2 Hello agn fellow sprinters. WoW what a great sprint agn this month. I only had a bit over an hour to play radio, but the bands were in vy gud shape,so the QSO came quickly. started out on 20m es got some needed mults there. At the 1/2 hr mark i went to 40m es found the band ALIVE with qrp sigs. lots of new #s out there too. went to 80 fer a peek es found WD0K, be he was the only one. so back to 40m fer the last few QSOs. It was gud to hear solid NAQCC ops from 7.050-7.030mcs, great participation gang. Only wish i could have stayed ard fer the whole time. i'm sure that my score would hv been much improved. See u all agn next time. 73 Gregg W9UX - Better conditions tonight. Lot of activity. I had fun. 72 Terry NAQCC #0033 W5PJW - First Sprint as a member. Spent some time getting the feel of the event. Had a great time. Looking forward to more. FT450 @ 5W, J-38 key. N6VOH - rig k-2, had a great time lots of signals. go QRP last the first 40 minutes of contest while still at work, 72,73 Barry W3NP - Got home from church at 0045 and had just a little under an hour to operate before other obligation (xyl) - didn't think I would have that long!!. Conditions on 40 were good so I stayed there. I used my Ten Tec Argonaut V with the Zepp. I used my WW2 German Telefunken straight key. I really enjoy the sprints but oh do I dread entering the info line by line into the log. I really can't get used to the GenLog program and I see I am not the only one having trouble. (Yes a couple others, but most have mastered it now thanks in large part to the detailed tutorial on the web site. - K3WWP) I am not a contester, so using a PC with ham radio is new to me (not pc's themselves). Only started computer logging when I started doing the SKCC sprints and the log by Dick, K2RFP is very user friendly. 73 to all from WV - see you next time...Dave N9KR - Outstanding conditions. Only operated about a half hour on 40. Heard lots of activity. Long live CW. Here's one more log, John... N8QY - Storms in Ohio made for s6 noise. But no lack of signals just down in the noise. Had a lot of people calling so sorry to all I could not copy. This was one of the best sprint in a while. 73 AK3X - Good time on 40 meters with lots of activity. Had a few interruptions and had to QRT early but still had fun. DSW-40, Emtech ZM-2 tuner, speaker wire fed dipole at 27 feet. The tip of my pole broke off so the antenna keeps getting lower! 72 til next month... AK3X ..Peter AA7VW - Had a great time. 4200 ft elevation + tall trees = high antennas and no local noise. Heard many signals including lots of very strong ones. 20m was great 40m few signals I could copy. Hunters and snow will keep me away from using my favorite location thru spring. CW and good operators/contacts was fun for me. Thank you Vern Lovelace K0HJC - Beautiful conditions for a change. Missed the first hour. Fun as always! W8DW - Great night, missed last month but made up for it this month. Allbands were good and a lot of activity. WB4UHC - It was nice to work the whole test for a change and first station worked was John K3WWP. I knew it was going to be a good night after that! Still could not hear anyone on 20 or 80. Hope to have a 20 meter dipole next time. Always a fun contest with great Hams. AE4RV - I had a couple of busted Qs, sorry about that. Still a lot of fun! K7ZI - First electronic log submitted, ever! FUN, FUN, Fun! This won't be my last sprint as this is the style of "contesting" I really enjoy. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, September 22, 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |