Jul 2011 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#81) Final Results For the 16th month in a row we've gone over 100 logs with 106. Thank you for making our pro-CW voice so loud. If you run into any CW bashers, point out our sprints to them and let them know CW is far from dead and is in fact thriving. Our 100th log came via regular mail from N1PQ. Don't forget you can submit a log via regular mail if that is the only way you have available to do it. It's more work for me, but I'll take the time to type it in the cross-checker. All of the other 105 came via the autologger, and all but a few were in the correct format as prescribed in the rules. That makes things easy for me when I only have a few that I have to convert to our format. - K3WWP SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WA1BXY 42 41 83 24 1992 x2 3984 160m windom@50' WV1N 24 23 47 15 705 x1.5 1058 135' dblt@50' N1IMW 16 15 31 14 434 x2 868 ocf dpl@25' KQ1P 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 invV@40' N1PQ 21 19 40 12 480 480 efhw@40' K1IEE 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 g5rv@30' KB1PBA 14 14 28 11 308 308 67' dblt@28' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 60 57 117 28 3276 x2 6552 80 loop@30' K2ZC 44 44 88 25 2200 x2 4400 dpl@30' W2SH 41 40 81 22 1782 x2 3564 180'dpl@35',invL@85+85' W2JEK 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 40dpl@20',80ef@20' N2ESE 18 17 35 12 420 420 dpl+vee@50' WA2JSG 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 el vert@12' K2GLS 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 80dpl@20',40dpl@30' KC2VBU 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80efhww@50' WA2CCD 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 150' rnd wire@20' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 34 33 67 21 1407 x2 2814 attic rnd wire, 20 attic dpl KB3AAG 28 28 56 15 840 840 80 loop@35', g5rv@40' KA2KGP 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 dpl@25' K3RLL 15 15 30 12 360 360 g5rv jr@35' KE3HL 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 dpl@30' AK3X 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40 invV@28' AI3G 6 6 12 6 72 72 attic whip KG1W 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 rnd wire@30' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 39 38 77 23 1771 x2 3542 40 dpl@40' WB4MNK 31 30 61 18 1098 1098 gnd mtd vert WB4UHC 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 80 invV@30' AI4SV 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 40m vert KI4GLH 26 26 52 16 832 832 g5rv@45' AE4RV 18 18 36 14 504 x1.5 756 invL@25', invV@20' K4UK 13 13 26 12 312 x2 624 160 invV@??' K4NP 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 24' flagpole vert KA8VZB 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 rnd wire@20' N2WG 13 12 25 10 250 x1.5 375 gnd mtd vert NY4G 16 16 32 10 320 320 g5rv@50' W4DUK 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 efz@20' K7HAP 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 windom@20' W4NA 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 dpl@??' K4JC 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 gnd mtd vert KD4UKW 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 45' vert K4AHO 11 10 21 6 126 126 trp dpl@30' KQ4VY 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 full wv loop@60' N4EWT 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 invL@35'+105' W4JVY 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 wire@40' KU4A 7 7 14 6 84 84 slp dpl@40' K4KRW 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 efhw@??' K4JPN 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 80 cfz@32' NZ1D 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 g5rv jr@20' AJ4MJ 4 3 7 2 14 14 g5rv@35' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 36 34 70 22 1540 x2 3080 fan dpls@20' W5IQS 27 25 52 17 884 x2 1768 fan dpl@30' WF5W 18 16 34 13 374 x2 748 rotary dpl@55' N5NK 15 14 29 10 290 x2 580 20 slp dpl@??',40 invV@??' KE9DR 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 420' rnd loop@50' KE5YUM 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 invV@30' N5KIP 8 8 16 7 112 112 vert K5UNY 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 efw@31' AC5T 6 6 12 6 72 72 dpl@30',vert WB5UAA 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 300'dpl@30' *WB5BKL 22 20 42 16 672 672 20 dlta loop@??',40 edz@??' *W5EHM 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 vert@8' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K6CSL 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 several indoor & outdoor KA6AIL 9 7 16 5 80 x2 160 20 dlp@??',40 loop@??' N6JLJ 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 hor loop@20' K6MGO 0 0 0 0 0 0 64' dblt in garage SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NU7T 12 11 23 7 161 x2 322 r6000 N7YY 10 10 20 8 160 160 dpl@30' KF7EST 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 g5rv jr@18' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N8XMS 30 30 60 19 1140 x2 2280 trap vert KD8HES 24 24 48 14 672 x2 1344 dpl@30' W3NP 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 130'cfz@45' KB8FE 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 dpl@20' W8DW 12 11 23 9 207 x2 414 vert, windom@??' WB8LZG 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 dpl@30',vert WB8ENE 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 135' dblt@15' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA9L 40 40 80 22 1760 x2 3520 trp dpl@50' K9KHJ 21 21 42 17 714 x2 1428 efhws@20-50' K9JWI 35 34 69 19 1311 1311 vert W9CC 19 19 38 14 532 x2 1064 80 loop@15' W9HLY 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 dpl@30' KB9ILT 16 16 32 11 352 352 attic dpl KC9UHZ 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 dpl@20' W9UX 7 7 14 7 98 98 dpl@25' KC9TNH 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 ocf dpl@18' K9EYT 6 6 12 6 72 72 g5rv/invV@25' KC9MTP 5 5 10 4 40 40 dpl@32' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 35 35 70 21 1470 x2 2940 zepp@30' N0TA 26 25 51 16 816 x2 1632 dblt@??', gnd mtd vert KI0I 24 22 46 16 736 x2 1472 80 dlta loop@25' KD0V 14 14 28 13 364 x2 728 dbl zepp@50' K0HJC 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 cfz@35' N8LA 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 dpl@35' NO2D 16 16 32 12 384 384 whip,dblt@24',loop@24' KA8HDE 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 g5rv jr@25' WB0QQT 8 8 16 7 112 112 trp vert N3PDT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 gnd mtd vert K2HT 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 40 dlta loop@25' WD0K 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 mobile whip K0MC 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80 invV@35' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE2ZAZ 33 33 66 18 1188 x2 2376 40 half-slp@30' VE3FUJ 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 g5rv@35' VE7KBN 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 vert@10' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 45 43 88 23 2024 x2 4048 th6dxx@55',dpl@50' NQ2W 26 25 51 13 663 663 mini beam@25',invV@40' KI0J 13 12 25 7 175 175 ta33@30' W7GAH 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 2el yagi@50', invV@48' * non-member not eligible for certificate or prize. AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: WA1BXY 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: W5YDM 1st SWA W6: K6CSL 1st SWA W7: NU7T 1st SWA W8: N8XMS 1st SWA W9: AA9L 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE2ZAZ 1st SWA DX: n/a 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: KD8HES Prize drawing winner: KA8VZB The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: KB4QQJ - 27 K8AG - 8 W7IEX - 7 WA4AN - 6 N9GGE - 6 N1GKE - 6 KN8KAZ - 6 KA1UUM - 5 K2JT - 5 WB0T - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 106 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 158 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1565 States represented: 40 + BC ON QC + Cuba GOLDEN LOGS - 36 of 106 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA9L AC5T AE4RV K0HJC K2GLS K2ZC K4JC K4JPN K4KRW K4NP K4ORD KA8HDE KA8VZB KB8FE KB9ILT KC9MTP KD4UKW KF7EST KG1W KU4A N2ESE N2WG N3PDT N6JLJ N8LA N8XMS NQ2W VE2ZAZ VE3FUJ VE7KBN W7GAH W9CC W9UX WA2JSG WB5UAA WB8ENE WD0KIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. There will no longer be any automatic notification of score changes or "not in log" QSO's due to the greatly increased participation in our sprints. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - I guess about an average sprint except my QSO/Mult ratio was a little higher tonight with 21 mults in just 34 QSO's. Started off slow the first hour, had a whiz-bang run of stations in the 0130Z half hour, then a slow final half hour to end things. It was nice working a lot of new members tonight. Perhaps the most I've worked in a sprint for a while now. It was very noisy on the bands tonight. Too noisy to even hear anyone on 80 meters, although I did try for a while there with nary a QSO. 20 had some very strong signals, but not many of them here. Funny I had a nice 2X QRP rag chew with a station in France on 20 a few days ago, but it seems I never can do all that well in our sprints on that band for whatever reason. W9UX - Conditions very bad tonight. This is first time sending in a log. A fun Sprint. KC9MTP - Wow! No one on 20 I could hear, 40 seemed not so packed this time, and 80 I heard only KB3AAG, but had already worked. Only had an hour to play, but was so worth it. Once again I can always count on K3WWP to show up in my log. K2HT - Thanks for the QSO's, Enjoyed working NW2K on 2 bands. N0TA had a 599 signal into Missouri guess he could not hear my 4 watts. Nice to enjoy sprint from home qth instead of trying to operate from a hotel room and indoor antenna. C U next month 72/73 Dick KD4UKW - I missed the first 2/3 of the sprint due to household commitments. Had a great time running S&P for 40 minutes on 40m. 20 and 80 sounded dead to me, but there were lots of stations on 40m. Tried to snag VE2ZAZ at the end, but the clock ran out! I always have a good time in these sprints regardless of my results. K9OSC - Great fun despite horrible QRN and noise. Thanks to those who were so patient to work me when I had trouble hearing them. KB8FE - I had a very raspy noise here until 0159 UTC as if someone 'quit work' at 10:00 PM local time and shut off a tool of some sort ... maybe it was a local noise. It made copy very hard but I kept working stations!! We are entering a hot spell here in northern Ohio so will probably stay indoors and work some of you fellows on the bands in the next few days. Always nice to hear the active QRP stations from so many states during our contests. KA8HDE - Fun, but 40m was NOISY! Thx to K6CSL for really digging my signal out. See you next month - 72 de chuck KI4GLH - I haven't participated in a couple of years and it was a good sprint with many high numbered members heard. It didn't work too well running, most were search/pounce. K5UNY - My VERY first Sprint after all these years my NR 193 was put out there. I feel sorry for my first sprint contact, WB4MNK, he probably thought I was a total misfit but excitement got in my way. Not many contacts but it was a Hoot!! I'll be back again with hopefully less nerves! WB8ENE - Got a late start, but I'm on vacation this week, so I don't have to get up at 5:45. Thanks for the contacts. Does anyone know the whereabouts of my 2010 golden log award? (Only our awards manager Mike KC2EGL. - K3WWP) 73, Art AI4SV - What happened to 20m? After calling for a while at the start of the sprint, I checked my antenna cables to make sure everything was plugged in correctly. 40m was the money band for me, although noise and fading were steep at the outset and gradually improved. Thanks everyone & see you next month. K4JC - I haven't participated in the Sprints for a while, but had the chance tonight (albeit a bit late getting started) and made a few nice contacts. Fun! N2WG - I am a new member and this was my first sprint. I had a lot of fun and got a chance to use my new bug in a contest. If I'm going to work QRP again, I'll need to work on the noise level around here. Registered a 6 to 7 on 40 meters. (Gosh, wish my noise level was only S6 here - K3WWP) KQ1P - Plenty of action on 40M with some steady QRN here. Amazing number of S9+ QRP signals. Thanks again NAQCC for a fun evening. John KE9DR - I was hoping 20 would be open agn, very little action there. 80 seems very weak but 40 was not too bad. Once again it was fun. Thanks to all. 73 Bert N3PDT - Work and wife kept me busy until almost 02:00z. Worked 40m exclusively. Band sounded great here. K1 rig, Navy Flameproof key, and a ground mounted vert. Thanks for a great event. K3RLL - FT-817 W/NEScaf Filter: Limited time again tonight (phone always rings on Sprint nights) but fun with all the newer members and additional multipliers. Thanks to all for pulling me out of the noise. 72 ... Don AE4RV - Lots of fun as usual. Heard nothing on 20 and 80. Conditions seemed a little rougher and the A index is a bit high but still managed 17 QSOs. For the third time Dean, NW2K, and I raced at the last minute to complete a QSO. I don't know how we keep finding each other like that. See you all next time, can't wait. K6CSL - Wow! 20M was great this evening. 40M not so good. Lots of distant lightning crashes. Many stations on, lots of QRM and problems with QSB. Still lots of fun. 73's to all and to all a good night. Bert K4ORD - 20M was open but not many stations heard,signals on 40M were mostly good, but so was the qrn around s9.Heard lots of activity on 40 which was great. Ran my K3@5w ant was 40M dipole and key was the J-38 I started out with 51 years ago as a novice. Thanks to all 72/73 Riley KC2VBU - Thx to VE2ZAZ for getting me in the log on my Rockmite!! ALMOST doubled my best sprint ever :) with an almost QSO with you John, but my 425mw just wasn't getting out to you on 3.560 BUT I heard you trying to get me!! (Oh, so that was you. You were too far down in the QRN to pull out. I don't think I copied even a single letter although I knew someone was there - K3WWP) Just too much fun with a $29 rig HIHI. WA2JSG - Nice sprint, as always. Here IC-703, 5w to a vertical, 12v battery, English Kent Key. K0MC - Started gud but thunder storms move in. NW2K and W5YDM, you both had great sig into CO. 73 N1IMW - I was a bum last month and didn't send in my log - so I'm sticking it out tonight at 11 pm and finishing this "homework" and submit my best results yet - 16 Q's. Thanks all and I lok forward to pounding more brass with you in August! KB9ILT - I'm not much of a contester, but I like QRP CW, so I gave the July Sprint a try. Twenty meters was dead and 40 meters was noisy, but I had a great time anyway. Two hours was way too short - I'll be back next month for another try! W7GAH - Missed June sprint. Tried the KX-1 this time with limited success, still getting a feel for it. I had a short log but having a grand time. AI3G - Still a fun QRP sprint. See you nexd month. 73 Doug W5YDM - 20m gave out too early tonight. It's been good for late qso's for some time now, but not tonight. 40m was crowded and most signals werwn'r strong as usual, but some were so weak, I wondered what size tuna can they were running. NY4G - Second Sprint of the Year - have to admit the band was noisy. 80 was empty and I couldn't tune up 20 for some reason - stayed on 40 for the entire sprint. Opened with John K3WWP. Loads of fun - tnx for all who participated. Did not get any states but that's OK. First sprint with the just finished K2. K2 worked well. I just need better ears. 72/73 Ariel N5NK - Come on winter! 80m was useless with 20 over S9 QRN here even without thunderstorms. Half the 40m range was being used by the digital boys and the other half by the same 4 or 5 NA'ers. I really expected to do better but I'll be back! This QRP stuff is good for my humility. KB3AAG - Seemed like sort of a slow one tonite. 20 and 80 not real good but I did get a few on 20. I am all thumbs tonite, sorry fellows,thanks to all for putting up with me. Hope I wont be such a lid next month! Frank K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, TH6DXX, 40M dipole. Started on 20. Band was fair, but little activity heard. 40M had very good activity with some QRN. Best DX was N7YY in MT. Called a few CQs on 80 with no answers and no sprint activity heard there. Thanks for all QSOs and see you all next month. In NAQP CW in August, I will be using the SECC club call, W4AN, single op as guest op at the WW4LL station. Hope to work many of you on several bands then. 73/72, John NO2D - Started mobile on way home from grandson\'s ball game. Switched to base station. 20 meters good, but not many people on. Switched to 40 meters, where there was more activity. Good sprint, as always. Good to hear so many people on, even if I could not work them all! NO2D, Pete. K9KHJ - All 40m for me tonight, heard nothing on 20m. Was able to work a number of ops I'd never run across and enjoyed doing so. I'll never get tired of working Bob, K9OSC, the excellent builder of 'our' K1. First time with the GenLog and it made things much, much easier. Worth a download and a spin on the next sprint. K2ZC - I used my Flex 1500 running 5 watts into a dipole at 30 feet. I didn't realize I had my filter set for 100 hz. I hope I didn't miss anyone because of it. It was a lot of fun. I started out on 20, but switched to 40 real quick and stayed there to the end. Thanks everyone for the qso's. 73/72 Dave KE3HL - Had a ball! First NAQCC Sprint. Used a SW40+ with 2W. What a great way to get back into code! W5IQS - Good Sprint. 20 got pretty soft about 0130 and both 40 and 80 were not good at my QTH. See all of you next month. K4KRW - Operated from the widow's walk of a beach house (Sunset Beach, NC) with my 40m OHR-100A. Improvised an end fed half wave antenna sloping from the walk to the ground. Had to take a break when it rained. (Rain??? - K3WWP in drought-striken west PA) Otherwise, great fun (as always)! 73 W3NP - After getting home from church and a stop at Lowe's, I had a little less than an hour to operate. There was plenty of activity heard here in WV. I used my Ten Tec Argonaut V at 5 watts to the 45' high CF Zepp and the key was the Telefunken WW2 German straight key. Maybe next month I can get on for the full 2 hours. N8LA - My psychotherapist recently informed me that my emotional age had finally reached double digits, although I am not yet at the stage of emotional adolescence. Then tonight I worked KD8HES whose QRZ site rocords his birth year as 1994, more than a half century after mine. Wow! Perhaps, if I work really hard at it, I can match my emotional age with his chronological age before I become a silent key! Sprintotherapy!!?? WB4MNK - Man 40 was hot but noisy. Sure enjoyed the sprint and thanks to all I had contact with. See KC9TNH - 1st sprint as member; great practice & had fun. Whew! what a buggy ride! :) WB8LZG - Hello agn radiomen. Well this sprint surely was challenging. NOISE ! lots of noise. I started out on 20m at opening bell es nabbed W5IQS right away with a great signal. thaought it was the strt of something gud on 20. I could not raise another stn on 20m. Frustrated i went to 40m es found it a bit more fruitful, but QSB was MEAN to a few stations. I would here some FB one minuite , and gone the next. I did bag a few qsos there with some new members. Welcome guys ! ( es gals) Went to 80m to take a peek es found the W9CC calling CQ. He had FB sig. es i figured 80m might go ok. called cq 2 kcs just above W9CC for 10mins wid no takers. went back to 40m fer a listen es heard W2SH there plain as day, but he could'nt hear me. Bands were iffy to say the least. I did nt hear much action from 3-land es 5-land , usually they are everywhere. See u all in the next sprint ! PS just to get u in the mood, i have a follow up article abt the BRUCE ARRAY coming in a future newsletter. Had a 5 element 20m job, es a 4elment 40m curtain that "lit up the either" over Lake Lansing,Mi. this Field Day. Stay Tuned, 73 Gregg KD0V - Band conditions were not very good at this location. Could not get started until 0150Z and had one QSO on 20m, went to 40m it was good for about 40 minutes and then it died. Went back to 20m and made 5 more QSOs before 20m died. At least there were no thunder stormer in the local area this month. N8XMS - My ears are still ringing from all of the band noise! It was great to work so many of our newer members. I worked 4 with membership numbers >5500. Welcome to the NAQCC! 73, Paul KA2KGP - 80M. was unuseable due to QRN levels, only 1 QSO on 20M. this sprint. 40M. was noisey here in NW PA. Rig: TS430s at 5w. into dipole up 25' w/ straight key. 73 to all sprinters. KE5YUM - Great sprint as always. Nothing like having a contact rich environment. Most of my seven QSOs were "regional," but I appreciated working NW2K all the way to New York. Thanks to everyone for the contacts. See you next month. Terry KD8HES - New member in first ever contest. I had a great time with my SW-40. Other contesters were very courteous. A lot of fun to hear so many other QRPers out there. 73 Zeke K2GLS - I was hoping 20m would have been better with solar flux at 100 and long daylight. No such luck, 20m activity was only a few very weak sigs with QSB so no contacts. 40m had all the activity, but few contacts outside of the east cost. Still a fun sprint using my K2 with a J38 key and simple dipole. VE7KBN - Bad QRM and QRN on 20 here tonight. WB5UAA - My 4th sprint QSO was with KF4TJE, running 5W out of Tennessee. Had a nice chat with him and asked him if he new there was an NAQCC sprint going on. He said no. So, maybe he'll look into it and join our ranks. Stan! If you're reading this, tnx for the nice QSO. Now go get your NAQCC # and join us in the next sprint! Guy VE2ZAZ - Good band conditions, impressive signals from all over NA, no lightning crash. Busy first hour. Thanks to all for the QSOs. Will be on next month. 72. Bert. N2ESE - Lots of QRN here,80 and 20 very poor!Still had a BLAST! TNX 73-Gary W2JEK - only on for the last hour but 40 was great. heard nothing on 20. only one qso on 80 which was difficult due to qrn. usde my yaesu ft-840 at 5w with wire antennas. was pleased to work k3wwp and three newcomers with 5000+ numbers. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 WF5W - Fun time. Lots of noiseys but thats the way its supposed to be. K6MGO - This is first time I got completely skunked. With S7 noise level, didn't hear one "CQNA" nor hear a reply to my many "CQNA" (s) on any band. Lets hope next month is better. K4JPN - Conditions were terrible here in my part of GA. Only heard and worked one station on 20M, tried 80M but QRN was heavy and 40M worked a few. 73, Steve K9JWI - Good activity. All but one QSO on 40. W4JVY - HAD A GREAT TIME, GOT STARTED LATE, THEN A STORM MOVED IN HAD TO QRT AND DISCONNECT EVERYTHING. MAYBE NEXT TIME. DON. W4NA - my first sprint lot of noise on 40 using my sw40 .. had fun but hopefully nxt time operate longer 73 AA9L - 40 was the band. Had good luck calling CQ until I got QRMed off. Then it was search and pounce. One of the best sprints yet. KU4A - Tough participation point this month. Was 90 degrees in the shack. Decent condx on 40m but signals were down from other Sprints this year. WB0QQT - Another fun sprint to say the least ! I enjoy these along with the Challenges. Thanks to all involved. WV1N - I just got a new old key (vibroplex original deluxe) so my fist was a little rusty. I hope I didn't bug everyone too much :-) I worked several new members that weren't in my database. (Don't forget to always get the latest GenLog file the day of the sprint - K3WWP) I guess that means that the club is growing and healthy. It's great to see that CW, as an art form, is maintaining it's rightful place in ham radio. NW2K - Great fun! Special thanks to AE4RV for our mad dash to the exits. 20M was good, but not alot of activity and 10 out of the 13 QSOs were CO or TX. 40M was noisy but signals were strong here. Thanks and see you next time! 5W, matchbox, 80M loop at 30 feet. KC9UHZ - Wow! Quite a few pile ups. Great Fun! W2SH - After looking at the wonderfully detailed NAQCC website, I am surprised that this most recently submitted log represents my 60th participation in NAQCC's delightful sprints. On 20m nobody answered my CQs, but I refused to leave the band until after I had logged one QSO. That done, I moved to 40m where the ambient noise level seemed higher than usual. The skip was definitely on the short side with contacts mainly within a 350-mile radius. Nevertheless, towards the end I did manage a couple of >1,500-mile contacts. A couple of peeks at 80m did not turn up any NAQCC activity. NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter at 5W to a 2-element mini-beam at 25 ft and a 40m inverted vee at 40 ft. Started out on 20 and worked 6 stations in TX, 3 in CO, and 1 each in AR and MO - heard IA but he didn't hear me. The first 45 minutes all I heard was TX and CO - first time that has happened. 40 was noisy but signals were pretty strong - WF5W in TX -tnx for answering my CQ - was the DX for that band. Aa always, had a great time. As always, amazed by what QRP can do. As always, you never know what the ionization is going to throw at you - what a great hobby we share. Thanks to everyone for being there and thanks to the organizers. Hope to see you all next month. Please listen for me in the BB Sprint and the NAQP. 72, Will AK3X - Did not think I would make this one at all, but managed to sneak in a few at the end. 40 meters seemed good. DSW-40 at 3 watts to a somewhat lower inverted vee (my crappie pole broke at the tip!). WA1BXY in Little Compton, RI was the loudest signal I heard. Brought back 50 year old memories of spending summers at the "Hummocks" and sailing on Tiverton Basin. 72 til next sprint. P.S. Had to fudge the times of my second and third QSO's in my log cuz I forgot to write them down. KI0I - Thanks to Dick,K2HT,who reminded me of the sprint earlier in the day! Maybe some head scratchin` over who is KI0I, I got the call Tues. and didn`t have time to update it everywhere...sri abt that. Had a gud time even tho the bands were a little noisey..Wrked CA to RI but not all points between hihi 73 Mark (NOTE: Mark is ex-W0MSM and NE0S - K3WWP) WD0K - We arranged our vacation before we knew the heat wave was coming-operating portable from the North Shore of Lake Superior, lovingly called the Norwegian Riviera! Temps in the 70's all week! Only brought the MFJ 20 meter rig and the moble antenna. AJ4MJ - Testing out new rig - 1.5W Small Wonder SW20+. Tnx for contacts! KG1W - Greetings fellow NAQCCers ! I had only a few minutes this sprint, but I thought I better make use of them, in case my log was needed to get up to 100 logs. Well, it looks like I better submit the 2 QSO log. My QTH is now Landover, MD, 10.2 miles due east of the White House. So now most of my QSOs will be intercepted, hihi. VE3FUJ - It was a hot night and my shack being in the Garage has no "AIR", I stood it for just over an hr then I had to quit. The going was good, still, I had to ask for some RPT's I had some annoying crackle. I don't think I missed anyone, or though there were some pile ups. There may have been some one calling me, I heard a "V" just as I pulled the "Plug" sorry if that was so. Again it were a fun night except for the overly warm Condx's. See you all again. Brion K1IEE - Started on 40 and stayed there for the entire sprint. Signals seemed to be in the noise one minute or 599 another. Had QRN and QSB most of the night. Tuned S&P with the HW-9 @ 4W and the G5RV. Had a good time as always. Thanks to all 73 Dick K0HJC - Poor conditions here, but wanted to hit my average before giving in. 20 was quiet, but mostly one-way propagation. 40 was noisy, but had workable signals until 0150. Tried 20, worked KD0V at 7 miles away, tried 80, worked N8LA, back to 40, worked K9JWI. Back to 20, heard NU7T, called but not sure he got me before the band dropped out. I think the heat had something to do with absorbtion and one-way skip. All the bands seemed to behave the same! I certainly envied WD0K at Castle Danger up on the Norwegian Riviera, even though the propagation was the same. Good to hear so many small, medium and large numbers all enjoying the sprint! Thanks, Guys! WB5BKL - 20m worked for me - 40, not so much. My thanks to all. Had fun. (Hope you'll become a member before the next sprint - K3WWP) K4AHO - 20 Meters was weak but usable... 40 meters was wiped out by strong pulse like skywave QRM from an intruder, not local or ground wave. Wonder if anyone else hear it... (nothing that wiped out the whole band - K3WWP) N4EWT - My first sprint in a looooong time - I had 15 minutes to play before leaving for a trip and gave it a go! Thanks and I will be back! Newt See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, July 21, 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |