Jun 2011 Straight Key/Bug mW Sprint Final Results We wound up with 47 logs, which considering the horrid conditions around the country plus competition from a couple other events, is fantastic and second only to 63 logs for our Dec 2010 mW sprint. Thanks for your dedication to YOUR NAQCC. I can't tell you how much I admire the folks who struggle to make a few (or even no) QSO's just to help the club increase the number of logs submitted. That is just so absolutely wonderful. It is greatly appreciated. I don't know what it means, but we had 3 divisional ties this sprint. I can only recall 1 other tie in all our other 80 regular sprints and 10 160M/mW sprints. I do think we need to move our mid-year mW sprint from June to perhaps an equinox month (Mar, Sep) when propagation is generally good and the weather is fairly tranquil most of the time, especially in September. SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K1YAN 8 8 16 5 80 80 g5rv jr@30' K1IEE 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 g5rv@30' KQ1P 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 invV@40' KB1PBA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 67' dblt@28' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K2ZC 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 dpl@30' W2JEK 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40 dpl@20' KD2MX 5 4 9 4 36 x2 72 600' loop@30' WB2VEN 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 g0fah@35' KA2KGP 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 5b gnd mtd vert,dpl@25' N2YHQ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 invV@35' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3RLL 12 12 24 9 216 216 g5rv jr@35' KB3AAG 12 12 24 9 216 216 80 loop@35', g5rv@40' K3WWP 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 attic rndm wire KG1W 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 rnd wire@30' N3AEA 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 slantV apex@15' KC2EGL 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 fld dpl@25' @KB3ENU 1 1 2 1 2 2 g5rv@35' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4ORD 15 15 30 8 240 x2 480 40 dpl@40' AA4W 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 20/40 dipoles@45' AF4LB 7 6 13 7 91 x2 182 dpl@55' W4DUK 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 efz@20' AE4RV 3 3 6 1 6 x1.5 9 invL@25',invV@20' N4UN 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40 dpl@??' W4JVY 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 swa@40' @KE4I 3 3 6 3 18 18 g5rv@30' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KE9DR 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 420' rndm loop@50' KB5JO 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 88' dblt@50' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N6DIT 8 5 13 4 52 x2 104 dpl@40' N6OSB 4 2 6 2 12 x2 24 windom@30' K6MGO 4 4 8 2 16 16 indoor 64' dblt @K6CSL 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 several indoor/outdoor SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9JWV 11 9 20 5 100 x1.5 150 43' vert w36 radials @NU7T 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 44' dblt@6' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W3NP 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 130' cfz@45' WB8LZG 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 dpl@30' WB8ENE 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 135' dblt@15' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W9HLY 2 2 4 2 8 8 dpl@15' AA9L 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 trp dpl@50' @KC9UHZ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dpl@20' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K6XT 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 lw@55' K0HJC 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 cfz@35' KD0V 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 ocfz@50' WD0K 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dlta loop@36' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE2ZAZ 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 40 half-sloper@30' VE5BCS 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dpl@25' VE3FUJ 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 g5rv@35' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna @NQ2W 5 5 10 4 40 40 mini beam@25',invV@40' @ QRO More than one watt - not eligible for certificate AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: K1YAN K1IEE (tie) 1st SWA W2: K2ZC 1st SWA W3: K3RLL KB3AAG (tie) 1st SWA W4: K4ORD 1st SWA W5: KE9DR 1st SWA W6: N6DIT 1st SWA W7: K9JWV 1st SWA W8: W3NP 1st SWA W9: W9HLY 1st SWA W0: K0HJC K6XT (tie) 1st SWA Canada: VE2ZAZ 1st SWA DX: n/a 1st Gain: n/aSOAPBOX: K3WWP - A blow by blow account of my sprint. 1. Call CQ NA K3WWP 2. Move right hand from key to RIT knob on rig - tune up and down 500 Hz or so 3. Use left hand to switch receiving antennas to see if one can pick someone out of the noise 4. Push RIT reset button 5. Return to proper transmitting antenna 6. Go to step 1 and repeat sequence The above was repeated continually for 120 minutes, about 117 on 40 meters and 3 on 20 meters. It was interrupted only six times - 5 to answer a station calling me, and 1 to check my phone answering machine. Oh and a couple times to send QRZ? when I heard (or thought I heard) someone calling me. There were 2 stations I'm pretty sure called but never responded to my QRZ? or AGN. One call ended with a C (seems that was K2ZC) and the other with an N - more than that I could not get. I'm amazed and discouraged by the number of stations that were active and I never heard. I wonder if you weren't hearing me or I wasn't hearing you or both? If you read this and called me unsuccessfully, please email and tell me. K3RLL - FT-817 @ 1/2 Watt to G5RVjr: Limited time and only on 40 meters but was just amazed at the number of mW signals and how easily readable many were. K3WWP was right! I guess it is time to re-crystal my Rockmite for the next mW Sprint. Thanks to those who pulled me out of the noise tonight. 73, ... Don AA4W - I listened to 40 before the Sprint and figured it would be pretty much usless with S9 QRN, and it was! I never heard a signal on 80. 20 was very quiet and made 6 of 8 contacts there. Ran 750 Mw and was amazed when I worked K0HJC, WD0K and KD0V all in MN! Now if those lightning crashes would only bring some rain to northeast Florida! AE4RV - My first mW sprint. Could only complete contacts with three stations, all in PA (including John K3WWP) but that was it. Noisy bands tonight and it sure was a challenge. Thanks to the NAQCC for hosting the best sprints I have tried. See you next month. N2YHQ - Condx were not good and working with a whopping 900mW does not help either HI, however Gary K1YAN managed to get my signal from under the noise. 73, Marcelo NU7T - This is a check log as I ran 5 watts. VE3FUJ - This night the noise level was incredible high, lots of even louder QRN Crashes that wiped out even some of the stronger stations. We were supposed to have thunderstorms, they didn't show but the QRN sure did. Just couldn't read enough of k1iee and k1lmp to make it Legit, sorry fellows. So I packed it in early. Not the thing to do, my Ears just could not take anymore of it. Must be getting old. The 960 mW came from my dummy load reading of 6.93V Brion KE9DR - Weak signals on 80 and 40 with lots QRN. 20 was doing good tonight, not lots of NA signals but nice for mW. K6XT was strong most the night. Had fun. Thanks to everyone and 73 - Bert. KB1PBA - Got a late start and missed all the action. KE4I - Band was noisy and I just wanted to make a couple of contacts to participate. KB3AAG - Seems a poor nite for radio. All I heard on twenty was AA6YY an honest 599 for a few seconds but did not get him! Sure would have liked to have him as I have never worked a California from here! Never heard anyone on eighty. Had to realy scratch for every contact tonite, sorry to the WB8??? I tryed but just could not get it. I had a sort of pipeline to NJ tho, worked four, thanks guys! A lot of work for not much product, but still fun. Frank W3NP - Band condx terrible here in WV. QRN bad and signals down. Used my Ten Tec Omni 7 with a 6 db Bird attenuator for 950mw output on the OHR WM-2 QRP wattmeter. K2ZC - This was my first milliwatt contest. I used my Flex1500 adjusted to 900mw. I had some qrm that seemed to follow me around the 40 meter band so I apologize to some of the stations with whom I just couldn't complete a qso. I was surprised how many stations I heard and was able to contact with less than a watt. I look forward to the next sprint. Thanks all for the qso's. 72/73 Dave W2JEK - used my oak hills ohr-500 at 950 mw per wm-2 wattmeter to 40 m dipole. key is a bunnell. 72 and 73 Don Younger W2JEK #1135 K6CSL - 20M was in fairly good shape this evening. Bert KD2MX - If nothing else I finally made the time to recalibrate my K1 to transmit on the proper frequency. Gave it a try on 20M pre-sprint and it worked great although I needed 4.5W to work CO. Tried to make a QSO on 20m but heard no QRPpers so I went to 40M and found a big signal from K4ORD. I ran 500mw and generally worked what I heard with the exception of K3WWP. I heard John at maybe a 539 but he did not hear my repeated attempts. At least I already had the multiplier. I lost one QSO in the noise. Somebody was calling but I could not pick out even a letter of the call. Even ESP-mode wasn't working. I listened on 80m but did not hear any activity and went QRT after an hour. An enjoyable evening. WD0K - Hard night with moving rain, thunder, lightning. Only one Q! Better luck next time. 72, Rich / wd0k #664 K6XT - Very QRN-ish this time of year. But Oh, well, everyone has it. Lot of fun in the time I had to operate. I was really surprised at the signals from the southeast. FL, AR, AL pounding in while W6 was very difficult. Only 45 mins to operate then the business phone rang. Never got off 20M. 73 Art (gotta shut that business phone off during our sprints - HI HI - K3WWP) WB8LZG - k2 AT 900mw HERE IN MICH. WHEW! BETWEEN THE THUNDERSTORMS ES NOISE I'TS A WONDER I HEARD ANYONE. 20 SEEMED LIKE IT WOULD BE FAIRLY GUD AT THE START BUT AFTER 1 QSO I COULD'NT RAISE ANYONE ELSE. i DID HEAR MANY STATIONS CALLING cq THAT I COULDN'T GET THE WHOLE CALL DUE TO STATIC CRASHES. I DID HEAR SEVERAL REGULARS WHO DID NOT HEAR ME CALLING BACK. WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WATT OR TWO CAN MAKE. IT DOES SHOW WHAT CAN BE DONE EVEN UNDER EXTREME CONDX. AFTER AN HOUR OF STATIC I WENT QRT FER THE EVENING. Although this was very tough going , it does show what can be acomplished uder extreme condx. 3 qso's may not seem like much , but it does prove that even with "flea pwr" ham radio can es will get though. 73 es CU in July gang! NQ2W - Listened to give a few Q's. Heard a few others but couldn't pull them through the noise - I think KA2KGP, VE3MO, & K3WWP on 40. Can't be sure as I only heard parts of the calls when they were CQing...then they were gone. Always enjoyable and challenging. 72, Will WB8ENE - I decided to work two sprints, both at the 900mW level, but conditions were poor due to all of the static caused by storms passing through the area. See you next time. 72, Art KG1W - My first mw sprint. Had some thunderstorms so could not participate the entire sprint. But I will be back, as this is the authentic QRP experience, pulling signals out of the noise with a knowledgable and co-operating counter party. Thanks fellows, you are the real deal ! KD0V - Interesting Sprint. All signals were very weak. I have been thinking something was wrong with my K2. After the Sprint was over I discovered the Pre-Amp was turned off. It has been for several months, I think. 20 M was the only band I could hear any one. On 40M the noise was peaking S9 even with the Pre-Amp off. Thanks to Steve, NU7T, for the 1723 miles/watt. K9JWV - Thought I'd do better on 20 meters but 40 turned out to be more productive. The 43 foot vertical and 36 radials working well on those bands as was my recently acquired Ten Tec Argonaut V 516. Thanks to all who pulled my signal out of the noise! W4DUK - The QRN was very heavy and I only made two contacts (both at 900 mW), but I still enjoyed the time spent because it helped hone my listening skills. 73 de Dave KA2KGP - Very High QRN levels from lightning storms made for a tough night. Had to QRT because lightning bolts were flying overhead too close to the shack. Rig: TenTec Argosy at 1 w. into either all band gnd. mtd. vertical or 5 band dipole up 25'. VE5BCS - My first mw test. Band was heavy qsb and very noisey, I'm suprised at 4 contacts. I missed k6csl sorry, tnx to my 4 contacts. Harold N4UN - My first mW Sprint. Used my stock SMK-1 at 320mw. Lots of QRN. Almost pulled K0OD through, but QRN crashes didn't permit. My first contest with a NFA rig. (Not Frequency Agile) Crystal control on top of mW power is definitely a challenge! Thanks to K4ORD who had a solid signal throughout the contest. K1YAN - Not the band conditions we had for the previous sprint but still QSOs to be had. Had to keep bumping the mouse to keep the screen saver off but it was fun anyway. Used the NE QRP Club audio filter with an FT-817 (500 mW) and it worked quite well. Good accessory to add to the station. Look forward to the winter mW for less QRN and more QSOs. Hope everyone comes back for the next one with a peanut whistle and a friend! (Great idea!! - K3WWP) VE2ZAZ - My first sprint as a member. Not as busy as last week\'s sprint. Slow start, good middle, quiet end. High noise level (S8) throughout. Still amazing to work QRP-QRP with less than one watt despite the conditions! Thanks to all for the fun. 72. See you next month. Bert. KC9UHZ - Just as sprint started a wicked storm rolled in. So the log will be the important thing this time. (Thanks for making me your only QSO to add to my meager total - K3WWP) K4ORD - Ran my K3 at 900MW, to a 40M dipole. Storms were very close and even 20M had loud QRN, heard signals but unable to copy, so moved to 40M, first station heard was K3WWP who I worked easily,sure I missed some stations that answered my cq but with S9+10db or more qrn it was rough, nice to hear and work VE2ZAZ with a number this time he had a good signal. Thanks to all 72/73 Riley K1IEE - The band conditions same in Maine. I was ready to give up until VE3FUJ returned my call. Brion, you had a good signal sorry I did not get above the QRN. Everyone made an extreme effort to exchange the info. Its a relief to read that poor band conditions was not just at my end (misery loves company, huh? HI HI - K3WWP). Thanks to all 73 Dick HW-8 @ 900mW W9HLY - Too little time to participate. K6MGO - When I got the notice of the mW Sprint, I didn't think in my wildest dreams that with my in the garage doublet, I would be able to make any contacts, bad enough on 5 watts. So when I heard a reply to my "CQ-NA", at 900 mW, I almost fell out of my chair. I was told, that I was heard on 20 meters, also, but, with my high noise level, I didn't hear the stations that might have returned my call. It's amazing how well low power gets out, now, if I could only eliminate or at least cut down my noise level....Thanks to all who heard me and replied. KB5JO - Someday I'm going to find time to participate in an entire sprint. Lots of fun as always KQ1P - I stayed on 40M with my SW-40 at ~800 mW. Power output was an educated guess because no two power measurements were the same. I began to think I was in a NJ QSO contest until I worked KG1W. Good operators and great fun. Until next month, 73 John N3AEA - partial contact, used modified Tuna Tin WB2VEN - As usual, started off with a few QSO's right off the bat and cooled off as the sprint progressed. QRN was an issue. Some good sigs heard from stations in 4 land and VE land who couldn't hear me. Had a great time trying. A lot easier being heard with sub 1W when there aren't 5W stations on top! hihi 72! K0HJC - Static, static, static. FT 817 @ 500 mw; turning off the IPO (pre-amp) cuts down on the static. All on 20, also heard KE9DR, N6DIT, WB4MNK, K6CSLand K6XT. Also IZ4DLR and ZL1ARW, who were not working the sprint! Yes, if there was a sprint, there was a thunderstorm! AA9L - With thunderstorms approaching I decided to make one QSO for the log and then QRT. W4JVY - Tried for 1.5 hours hr in Birmingham,Al the noise was so load that you could not hear anything maybe next time Don. KC2EGL - Due to the QRN caused by the hospital that is just 200 yards away plus the thunderstorm QRN, my attempt at mW sprinting was a total and absolute failure. If this was a cycling event in France, I would receive the Rouge Lantern for bringing up the rear of the peleton. Hopefully I will CU on the radio next time. 73 Mike. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, June 22, 0030-0230Z Power: 999 mW or less to be eligible for any awards or prizes. Others welcome to participate and submit check logs. Note: We do not cross-check logs for our special milliwatt sprints. What you submit stands as your final score, so please check yourself for accuracy before submitting. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |