May 2011 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#79) Results YOU DID IT!!!!! We finished with 104 logs, the 14th month in a row with 100+ logs. Rich WD0K provided the 100th log. The NAQCC members are the greatest! The cross-checking is all done. Now it is up to you to check the figures below and if you wish to question any of them, you have until Sunday May 29 at 2400Z. After that they are etched in stone and final. - K3WWP SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N1PQ 14 14 28 12 336 336 efz@45' KQ1P 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 80m efz KA1UUM 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 rnd wire@17' WA1ZCQ 2 2 4 2 8 8 indoor invL SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NW2K 55 54 109 30 3270 x2 6540 80 loop@30' AA2YV 43 42 85 18 1530 x2 3060 dpl@35',efz@30' KA2KGP 22 22 44 16 704 x2 1408 gnd mtd vert, ab dpl@??' W2JEK 22 22 44 11 484 x2 968 20 gp, 40 dpl, 80 ef all@20' K2GLS 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 80dpl@20',40dpl@30',20dpl@20' WB2LQF 11 11 22 9 198 x1.5 297 attic dblt K2JT 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 dpl@30' AA2YK 7 7 14 7 98 x1.5 147 dpl@30' WA2JSG 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 el vert@12' KD2MX 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 500' loop@30' WY7N 2 2 4 2 8 8 80 dpl@22' *KB4CMF 5 5 10 4 40 40 g5rv@35' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 40 39 79 24 1896 x2 3792 attic rnd wire, attic 20m dpl WB3T 23 23 46 16 736 x2 1472 40 vert,80 dpl@20' KB3AAG 30 29 59 18 1062 1062 80 loop@35' KC2EGL 16 15 31 10 310 x2 620 fld dpl@25' AK3X 12 12 24 12 288 x2 576 67' efw@22' KG1W 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 rnd wire@30' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4NP 15 15 30 12 360 x2 720 70' rnd wire WB4UHC 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 80 invV@30' AE4RV 17 17 34 12 408 x1.5 612 70' invL@25' AI4SV 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 attic dpl K4DXV 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 vert W4CUX 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 80 loop@50' W4JVY 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 invV@40' K4NVJ 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 88'dpl@35' KD4UKW 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 45' vert wire K3RLL 14 14 28 10 280 280 temp vert K4ORD 13 13 26 10 260 260 40 dpl@40' W4ONC 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 invV@50' K7HAP 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 windom@20' WB4MNK 4 4 8 3 24 24 vert NZ1D 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 g5rv jr@20' K4KRW 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 windom@30' WA8HSB 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 dblt@25' KA8VZB 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 66' efw@20' AI4VA 2 2 4 2 8 8 attic lw *N4JD 10 10 20 10 200 200 80 invV@??' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 51 48 99 28 2772 x2 5544 80-40-20 fan@21' W5TVW 26 26 52 16 832 x2 1664 115' efw@20' W5IQS 25 25 50 16 800 x2 1600 fan dpl@30' WB5UAA 15 15 30 10 300 x2 600 305' dpl@30' KE9DR 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 420' loop@50' AC5T 9 8 17 9 153 153 dpl@30' K5JYD 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 55' efw@??' NW5R 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 slp 40m g5rv@??' KE5YUM 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 invV@30' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KA6AIL 8 7 15 7 105 x2 210 40 dlta loop@30' K6CSL 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 dlta loop,indoor ef dpl,ind loop AA7EE 3 3 6 3 18 18 invV@47' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N7KM 37 35 72 20 1440 x2 2880 gnd mtd vert AA7VW 24 24 48 16 768 x2 1536 20 dpl@28',40 dpl@12' K9JWV 21 18 39 11 429 x2 858 windom@24' KK7S 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 dpl@40' W7YSB 8 8 16 5 80 x2 160 110' dblt@30' NU7T 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 40dpl@18' W7GAH 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 160 invV@50' AE7CG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dpl@10' KU7Y 3 2 5 2 10 10 screwdriver@12' SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K8TJ 50 50 100 22 2200 2200 fld dpl@85' W8DW 20 20 40 12 480 x2 960 vert WB8LZG 18 18 36 13 468 x2 936 dpl@30' KB8FE 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 66' sloper@60' N8XMS 18 18 36 10 360 x2 720 r7 vert WB8ENE 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 135'dblt@15',vert@25' K8UV 8 8 16 7 112 x1.5 168 40 hamstick@5' NF8M 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 hamstick on car W9CC 1 1 2 1 2 2 vert SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA9L 38 38 76 19 1444 x2 2888 trp dpl@50' K9KHJ 27 27 54 17 918 x2 1836 ef slpr@15-35' K9PL 30 30 60 15 900 x2 1800 dpl@25' N9RLO 9 8 17 5 85 x2 170 gnd mtd vert KA9FQG 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 g5rv@35' SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9OSC 51 48 99 26 2574 x2 5148 cfz@30' N0TA 39 35 74 23 1702 x2 3404 gnd mtd vert NE0S 33 33 66 21 1386 x2 2772 80 loop@25' KD0V 25 22 47 20 740 x2 1480 g5rv@40' KA8HDE 18 18 36 15 540 x2 1080 g5rv jr@25' K2HT 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 80 loop@35' K0KCY 28 28 56 15 840 840 dpl@40' NO2D 22 22 44 14 616 616 80 dblt@25', 20 loop@28' WD0K 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 dlta loop@??' AB0XE 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 invV@35' N3PDT 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 gnd mtd vert,ocf dpl@30' KC0PMH 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 135' dblt@25' WB0QQT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 trp vert SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3FUJ 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 g5rv@35' VE3RCN 25 25 50 14 700 x2 1400 gnd mtd vert,80 dpl@25' VE7YU 22 21 43 14 602 602 20 edz@60' VE5BCS 8 4 12 6 72 x2 144 20dpl@25' VE7KBN 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 vert@20' VA3PEN 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 gnd mtd vert VE5CUL 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 g5rv@30' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K1IEE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dpl@20' (/KL7) CO8CML 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 invV@21' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 63 61 124 29 3596 x2 7192 beam@55',dpls@50' N5WLA 24 21 45 16 720 x2 1440 beam@100' NQ2W 18 18 36 9 324 324 2el mini beam@25',gnd mtd vert,invV@40' VE5DC 9 9 18 7 126 126 6el yagi@50' VE3HNE 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dpl@27',jr tribander@30' * - QRO - not eligible for certificate or prize AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: N1PQ 1st SWA W2: NW2K 1st SWA W3: K3WWP 1st SWA W4: K4NP 1st SWA W5: W5YDM 1st SWA W6: KA6AIL 1st SWA W7: N7KM 1st SWA W8: K8TJ 1st SWA W9: AA9L 1st SWA W0: K9OSC 1st SWA Canada: VE3FUJ 1st SWA DX: K1IEE/KL7 1st Gain: K4BAI First time entrant high scorer: K8TJ Prize drawing winner: KU4A The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: KB4QQJ - 39 VE3MO - 26 W1MSW - 23 K0TC - 16 N6ZFO - 12 WA4AN - 8 K9EYT - 7 N1IMW - 7 N9GGE - 7 VE2TH - 7 K7ZI - 5 N5KIP - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 104 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 149 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1569 States + Provinces + DX represented: 37 + BC ON QC SK + CM GOLDEN LOGS - 39 of 104 (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): AA7EE AI4VA AK3X CO8CML K0KCY K2GLS K4NP K4ORD K7HAP KA1UUM KA8HDE KA9FQG KC2EGL KG1W KK7S KU7Y N0TA N3PDT N8XMS N9RLO NF8M NQ2W NW5R NZ1D VA3PEN VE5CUL VE7KBN VE7YU W4CUX W4ONC W5IQS W7GAH W7YSB W9CC WA1ZCQ WA2JSG WA8HSB WB5UAA WB8ENEIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. There will no longer be any automatic notification of score changes or "not in log" QSO's due to the greatly increased participation in our sprints. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - A pretty good sprint. Conditions were good on both 20 and 40 here. Some QRN, but not too bad. For some reason I can work DX better than W/VE on 20, but tonight I did manage 9 QSO's from NJ to WA on 20 to add some mults at least. I might have hit 50 QSO's, but after someone took over my 40m freq I held for almost an hour, things went downhill and my last 30 minutes were on the pitiful side. I did mostly S&P then for only 8 QSO's and 1 new mult. I believe my 24 mults may tie my record for a sprint. Yes, I did it twice before also. AI4VA - NAQCC is the greatest! Tnx to all! K2HT - Thanks to all for qso's. QRN high in MO WB8LZG - My log went to the bit bucket AGAIN! i will not type another one. do with this as u will , this is my score .20 meters was a hoppin tonight ! All but u john were on 20 meters. es ur my only 40m. i quit after ur QSO to type log es get packed fer Dayton . 73 Gregg KQ1P - Better conditions on 20M tonight and 40M was busy. Thanks Tom (KA2KGP) for staying with me to get my number. I hope to be able to operate outdoors next month. 73 WA2JSG - Could only spend about 10 minutes, as I was packing for trip to Dayton Hamvention early in the am. Tnx Mark, John, & Randy. Hope to meet a few members at FDIM Thurs & Fri evenings. Look for my red NAQCC hat. (Thanks Curt. Hope y'all wear your NAQCC hats or other means that show you're a NAQCC member. - K3WWP) WB5UAA - Missed the last two sprints (had to work), glad to be able to participate again. First time using my new 305 foot dipole with bent legs, fed with home made ladder line and matched with an MFJ 976 balanced line antenna tuner. KB3AAG, we worked 20 and 40, but I guess you didn't hear me call you on 80. W5YDM, we worked 40 and 80, but I guess we were too close for 20. Looking forward to the next sprint! K3RLL - When my first contact was #0002, K3WWP, I just knew it would be a good night. Thanks for the good start, John. 20 Meters lasted a long time tonight but 40 seemed really noisy. Thanks to all those who pulled me out of the din. 72 ... Don KC0PMH - Despite operating as net control on the 4SQRP 40 nets tonight I still managed to make 8 qso's and a couple of new States! As usual a total blast, you gotta love these sprints. Hope we make the magic 100 logs again. AWSOME, Thanks all and see y'all in June. 72 es God Bless de Wayne K4KRW - Thanks! K1IEE/KL7 - I am operating from Nenana Alaska for the months of May and June. So happy to have made these contacts in the Sprint form this remote location. Thanks so much to these 3 members for picking me out from nowhere. Thanks to all 73 Dick KA8HDE - Fun as always - thx agn. One part I like about 2xQRP is that usually if I can hear u, u will hear me - not always true when it's just me ruuning 5 watts. Gotta love the QRP ears out there! CU next month es 72 de Chuck VA3PEN - I tried my HW-8 this time. I guess this rig was never meant to be fit for modern contests. Aside from a lowest QRP output, zero-beating was one problem and QRM is doubled due to its direct conversion receiver. Anyway, this is what I wanted to find out. For the first time (I think), I made a contact with a VA3 station (VA3FUJ) in the Sprints and it was a pleasing moment too. W4JVY - Lot of qrm/qsb tonight. Still had fun. KA6AIL - Sorry to all who had to copy my Straight Key tonight. First time using it on the air. But I needed the points. C U next month 72... N3PDT - Bands seemed a little up and down tonight. At one point 20m seemed to die, and then the next minute I heard 4 stations calling on the same freq. Most luck for me was on 40m. Everyone I heard on 80m was pretty fast for me, plus no one heard me, so I went back to 40m to finish off. My apologies to (I think) VE3RCN. Lots of repeats and still didn't get it all. As always, lots of fun, a great event, and thanks to all! KU7Y - Everyone must have been in Dayton! Poor condx here in ID. Heard one station in AZ on 20m but could not get him. Had fun! Ron N0TA - 20m was the place to be. Made a few Q's on 40m and none on 80m. This was a personal best for me - thanks for the contacts! K3@5w, 1/4 wave gnd mnt vertical, GenLog. KB3AAG - What a nite, thunder crashing lightning flashing and rite through the middle I was trying to go dashing! I sort of figured I was safe tho with the high hills to protect me. I did loose power for a bit but my generator came on and picked it up for about 20 minutes! Just pure fun tho! Frank K8TJ - Started out slow on 20 but after moving to 40 starting working stations big time contest style. This is my first NAQCC sprint and had an absolute BLAST with it. No contest signals to speak of on 80 so stayed on 40 until the end. "I'LL BE BACK" as Arnold says, hihi. Didn't thing this Tennadyne T2FD worked as well as it did. N4JD - Great sprint had a lot of fun and thanks K4ORD - Well I could kick myself, I forgot about the sprint until I turned the rig on heard cq na on 40M and had only 16 minutes left after I got gen log ready, but did manage to make 13 qso's on 40M. Stations I worked were all good copy. Will make myself a BIG note next month! 72/73 Riley K9OSC - Terrific conditions for a change. 20 meters started out very well and when I moved to 40 meters seems everyone was there! Great to work so many MN stations tonight. Many regulars and a few new ones. Thanks for the great turnout! Kudos to K4BAI for having the loudest signal tonight. Nice to see some new stations on as well. WA8HSB - This month found me actually at my home QTH in Mobile, AL for once - a strange happening! Alas, other commitments kept me away from the shack until the last few minutes. Sounded like participation was good though. Hope see everyone again next month! 73/72, John KB8FE - This turned into a very active sprint! I stayed on 40 meters using a sloper 66' dipole. No major storms in the area tonight! Used my Ten-Tec Corsair and a German Baumuster T1 key. I always enjoy these friendly NAQCC sprints! We have been getting LOTS of rainy days here ... grass is REALLY getting tall and it is too wet to mow. So I hope to spend some quality QRP time on the 40 meter band in the next few days. KC2EGL - WOW!!! That was a great sprint. My numbers may not show it but I feel I had a great sprint. I broke out my Elecraft KX-1 for tonights sprint to see how well it would work in a contest setting. It is a bit akward for contesting/sprinting. It is not as easy to change frequencies because it lays flat on the table. Yet it is a fantastic little rig. I was putting out a whopping 4 watts and had no trouble with other stations hearing me. Thanks to all who worked me tonight. CU on the radio next time. 73 Mike Rig- Elecraft KX-1, Key- Begali Spark KG1W - Hi All, Great to be back on the air in a new QTH in MD. Antenna is falling down already, but still got some good signals ! Thanks for the QSOs and see you next month ! AB0XE - My first NAQCC sprint I was using my K1 and vibroplex standard straight key 73 steve W2JEK - 40m was great tonight and 80 also good at the end. only 2 qso on 20.glad to see some of our new members participating.also glad to work k3wwp on 40- sometimes the skip is too long us. 72 and 73 Don Younger w2jek #1135 K6CSL - Well, The bands sounded fairly good this evening even though the SFI is still just 92. There seemed to be plenty of activity on both 20 and 40. The times for my 1st 3 QSO's on 20M may be a little off after I suddenly discovered that the clock in my computer was in error about an hour and 10 minutes. I don't know what happened. I've never seen this new HP computer do this. At about 01:00Z I discovered the clock was off and corrected it. TNX to NW2K, W5IQS, VE5BCS, KA6AIL and K9JWV for the QSO's. 73's to all and to all a good night. Bert, K6CSL K9KHJ - Big fun again. Thrills included working K3WWP, kind of like running into the Principal and wanting to get everything right. Also, a big smile crossed my face when I heard Bob, K9OSC who had built the rig I was operating (of course, I was 599). Everyone was patient and courteous. Some very impressive QRP signals tonight; K2HT, K0KCY, KD0V, and K8TJ were thundering in AE4RV - Back to the bug for this one. Hard to believe this was a QRP sprint, the signals were so strong. Nice conditions. Heard many S9 and S9+ signals. 40M was bedlam! Couldn't get anyone on 20 but calling CQ on 80 netted two QSOs. Thanks to everyone, can't wait till next month. WB4MNK - Was able to get in the last few minutes which was fun. Thanks to the stations I worked. 72, Art WB3T - I finally have my Sprint station complete and was ready ahead of time for a change! Worked the whole 2 hours and had a blast. Used my K1 for 20 and 40, and my new Wilderness Sierra on 80m. Thanks to all who dug me out of the floor! Some were tough but with persistence we got there. Wonder if I gave the venerable K3WWP a run for the finish line this time in area 3! Did work John though! BTW, you don't get a multiplier for a new SPC on each band? (Mults count once only - the 'venerable' K3WWP HI) I may have scored higher but scored myself conservatively. K4DXV - Got on late and ended early. Fun sprint, but I was plagued with a headache and lots of noise. Surprised at the number of signals. Lots of QRM on some frequencies, but I don't think it was all due to NAQCC folks. 40 just seemed really busy tonight. Getting a late start out to Dayton on Friday b/c of work, but will be at Hamvention all day on Saturday and maybe Sunday morning. If any NAQCC'ers see me and recognize the call sign, feel free to give me a "howdy." W5YDM - Finally got resonant antennas up for 80-40-20 and it paid off. I beat my previous qso record by 10. Too bad everyone seemed to be in just a few states because my multipliers were low. Most notable contact was with N8WE in OHIO who was running 100mw. That ought to be at least 1000 miles per watt. K9PL - Much activity on 40-meters. Strong, S9, noise burst appeared during final 15 minutes of Sprint. PFR-3, NEScaf and J-37. KE9DR - Got a late start. Most of activity seemed to be on 40. Looked at 20 starting out and not much going on but came back at the end of the sprint and heard a nice signal from N0TA with solid contact. Again lots of fun. Thanks to all. 73 Bert NO2D - 40 meters turned out to be the better band. 20 meters had qsb. I hope a wire loop is not considered a gain antenna. (It's a borderline case, probably should be gain, but we count them as SWA's - K3WWP) Always fun. Pete. KK7S - I could only play for about 30 minutes total tonight. 20m was pretty good here. Later I tried 40m. I heard some sprint activity there, but couldn't reach anyone. As always, it was great to hear all the straight keys and QRP. Thanks for the fun! 72, -Chadd VE7KBN - My first NAQCC sprint. Enjoyed. Thanks. W5IQS - This was a Good Sprint...They are ALL Good. I had very few contacts on 80(just one) but 20 and 40 worked pretty well. Thanks, Evan, W5IQS #3924 WY7N - Surprised to see my call back in the logs? It was a mini Field Day warm up for me tonight. I wasn't able to start putting antennas up until about five minutes before the start of the sprint. It was a race to see if I could get on the air in time to work at least one station. I managed to work two. I was so pleased to achieve the goal it felt as if I had won the whole thing! I totally enjoy these sprints and the club. P.S. When I have a moment, I'll fill you in on what I'm doing in NY. WB2LQF - I finished my new K1 about two hours before this Sprint and was determined to try it out. Heavy rain and static but my attic doublet stayed nice and dry. The new K1 performed admirably and got along well with my new VIZ vertical bug. K9JWV - Great to hear and work John, K4BAI. Thanks to all who picked my signal out of the "fray." The new antenna system - wire Windom, LDG Z11ProII autotuner and 32 radials, seems to be working just fine! KD4UKW - I missed almost the first hour but still had a great time. My CW skills are improving and I am having more fun now. I have been looking forward to working John K3WWP, and I finally snagged him! 40m was really hopping tonight. KD2MX - Only had a few minutes to jump on and make a couple of contacts. Happy to hear anything over the very high local QRN that has been plaguing me lately. Conditions seemed pretty good. VE3RCN - Pouring rain up here. Lots of activity, but I was very tired. First CQ out got a response from the west coast, VE7YU. Thanks to KB3AAG for the three bands. KA2KGP - Good band conditions for the sprint! All 3 bands were in good shape with strong signals. A great turnout from the NAQCC gang. WB8ENE - I made more contacts than usual for my one hour of participation. Some static here due to the constant rain we're having. Thanks for the contacts, and I hope to see you all again next time. 73, Art AI4SV - My main rigs are still out in Indiana from the INQP, so tonight I ran a TenTec 1320 at a bit over 4W. I threw a 20m dipole into my newly floored attic, and clung to my one band all evening. There were heavy thunderstorms in my area, with lots of static crashes. At about 01:20Z, conditions shifted, and I was hearing almost exclusively West Coast stations. A couple calls got trampled by QRM (if I recall, VE5DC and one other). Thanks everyone! W4CUX - Lots of fun. Look forward to next sprint. 73, Bill KD0V - Another good sprint. Nice to have good band condition. I have a Church Meeting every Wednesday evening for about half an hour starting at 0130Z. That cuts into my Wednesday night Sprint time. Great to work both the east and west coast on 20 and 40 meters Hope to see you all next month. KE5YUM - I used my Genesis Q5-20 1 watt transmitter, and though I heard many sprint participants, I could not make any sprint QSOs. Maybe next time. All the best, Terry K2GLS - Pouring rain during the Sprint, but that seems to reduce the line noise and made 40 meters the hot band with low noise and lots of activity. (I notice the rain reduced line noise also. I think the wet soil makes better contact for the power pole grounds. - K3WWP) K2 at 5 watts and a dipole. NW2K - Great conditions and great OPs! Lots of loud signals. Stayed on 20M for an hour; maybe too long. Shocked and had to get repeats on "AK" from K1IEE in KL7; he had a great signal here. 5W, with tuner, into an 80M horizontal loop at 30 feet. VE3FUJ - It was a nice sprint every thing went well and I got a new personal best. I started on 40 and didn't bother to even listen to the other bands. Thanks to all who called me. And the ones I may have missed I'm sorry. There were a few hard ones and a few repeats, but I think I managed OK. Brion K4BAI - Good conditions on all three bands and good activity. Thanks for all QSOs. Used Vibroxplex Deluxe hand key. 20M was good to distances beyond NY, NJ, MN, TX including VE3, VE5, and VE7. 40M was pretty good all over although no New England stations worked on that band. Best DX was Bill, N6ZFO, in CA. No skip zone as worked two GA and two AL stations. 80M was pretty quiet and was able to work NW2K for best DX on that band. Hope to meet a lot of you in Dayton. Please look for me and Dick, K4IQJ, from Bonaire Island in the Caribbean May 24-31. We will use PJ4/home calls outside the contest and I will use PJ4A during CQ WPX CW contest. QSLs for PJ4A and PJ4/K4BAI go to me and PJ4/K4IQJ QSLs go to Dick. 73/72, John, K4BAI. VE5BCS - This test was difficult, not many on band and very noise. N7KM - Excellent conditions on 20/40. It was good to hear so many on. lots of fun! My hand key fist is tired! Thanks to NAQCC staff for all your work. 72, Ken AA2YV - Wow, it was a noisy night, but there were plenty of stations out there on 40. (I also have some nasty local digital interference in the neighborhood.) I tried 20 for about 5 minutes; heard 2 or 3 but they faded. Then on to 80 to work 6 stations. Returned to 40. Newsflash: I now have my home brew CW routing wonder built and in play. It lets me use one hand key, one bug, one paddle and one computer - at will - to switch to any of 8 rigs. No fiddling with cords anymore. I used opto-isolators. See my station at qrz-dot-com. See you down the log. NE0S - 20M WAS PRETTY GOOD HERE BUT SOME DEEEP QSB,WENT TO 40 AND LOTS OF ACTIVITY BUT QRN AS WELL.A LOT OF FUN TO SEE WHAT MINI-WATTS CAN DO! HAD A NICE RUN ON 40M CQ`ING LAST FEW MINUTES RAN OUT AND WENT HUNTING -LAST QSO K3WWP TNX JOHN A GOOD END TO A FUN SPRINT 73 ALL AND THANKS MARK W9CC - I was working from FDIM in Ohio. WB0QQT - Didn't have a whole lot of time to play but decided to send in a log anyway. Lots of QRN made it tough at times. 73's... Steve/0292 AA9L - Guess my 160-80-40 meter dipole is not that great on 20 meters. 40 was a blast! Genlog hung up at least 5 times, have to look at that. Hope the log is not too messed up John! NQ2W - Ten-Tec Jupiter at 5 watts to various antennas. Finally, after months of planning, collecting materials, and building put an 80 meter shortened vertical on the air. Able to make 2 Qs with it...NW2K and AA2YV...needs more radials. Worked NW2K on all three bands...hope that happens again with Dean and with many more NAQCC sprinters. Worked K4BAI and K8TJ on 20 and 40. Finally, heard and worked K3WWP. All in all, time well spent with fellow QRPers. Thanks to everyone that put me in their log and thanks to the organizers. Hope to hear you all next month. 72/73, Will K4NVJ - I worked John. It's always good when I work John. I worked him on 40. I heard someone working him on 20 but I could not hear John on that band. N8XMS - I was able to operate for a little over an hour and had a lot of fun. Conditions were good and there seemed to be good participation. K8UV - Thanks for great time, I really utilized the .500khz filter around 7.043, it was a mad house at times. Had a great time, thanks again, Rich AK3X - Split my operating between 20 and 40 meters with DSW-20 and DSW-40 rigs. Bands were noisy...cats were fighting in the shack..had to ask K8TJ for a complete repeat when one cat walked across the desk and pulled my earbuds out of my ears and almost dragged the rig to the floor. Thunder and lightning finally ended my fun at about 0145. CU all next month. (maybe with a new antenna..probably not). 72 Peter WA1ZCQ - Rig: IC-703 @ 5W with 60 foot indoor wire. Only had a few minutes to operate due to other commitments, but had fun while it lasted. Thanks to NAQCC for sponsoring this sprint. CUL es 7 3, Carl W5TVW - We had fairly good conditions considering the shape the bands have been in lately. 20 meters lasted much longer than I expected. There could have been more activity on 80 as the stations worked were doing just fine here in spite of the usual QRN for Spring/summer. The QRN will "fool" you as the signals will still be good when the band gets noisy, even for QRP! Try earlier guys next time. (I'm guilty as charged. I might have made 50 QSO's had I gone to 80 earlier and stayed. I think a lot of folks were doing so great on 40, they hated to leave as I did here. Sandy makes a great point about 80 though. Heed it in June if you can. - K3WWP) Enjoyed the sprint and hope to do better next time if my XYL doesn't get her "shingles pains" during the Sprint. She has been suffering with this the last 2-1/2 years. See you all next time. AA7VW - Used my K2 again. Heavy snow at preferred location so settled for lower elevation out of town. Good wx and nice evening to camp out. A couple of very strong signals from the east coast. Need a better filter I guess. Many signals from the east coast were too lite to copy though. It is great that the weather allows me to get away from the city QRN and enjoy a wonderful hobby and sprint. Thanks to all of you. W8DW - Good contest, got a little ruff the last 20 minutes with a lot of QSB. thanks and 72's NF8M - Got busy at home then realized the sprint was on. Had to pick up my son from work so I got on from the mobile. KB4CMF - This was my first sprint - I was thoroughly impressed when ALL stations I contacted SLOWED down to my speed. Thanks to these very courteous operators. I look forward to the next sprint. KA9FQG - I had limited time to operate in this month's sprint but wanted to help keep the "100+ logs" string going. Propagation on 20m was good towards west for me and QRN was low. Thanks to all. (and thanks to you for log #99 - K3WWP) WD0K - Great conditions; worked Bob K9OSC for fist time, then had to qrt at 0200z. Fun time! 72's Rich K5JYD - I was encouraged to submit this pathetic log :-) Had to find the scraps of paper I took notes on, some where gone, didnt plan to submit the log. I'm not gud at contesting. Please excuse (No log is 'pathetic'. Each and every one contributes to the whole which is showing the ham radio world how much CW is still loved and used on the ham bands. 1 QSO or 100 QSO's - each one is equally important in that regard. Oh and thanks for letting me be one of your QSO's - K3WWP) WB4UHC - Had fun but lost almost an hour with storm. Had problems with GenLog and some computer problems, had to type the log in Autologger. Hoping for a whole contest period next time! N9RLO - Twenty meters was pretty good. I did a bit better this time with 9 QSOs. Had alot of fun and I'm looking forward to the next sprint. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday, May 19, 0030-0230Z Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |