Aug 2010 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#70) WOW - a record shatterer. 134 logs (135 with a late check log) showing 211 participants from 44 states, 4 provinces, 2 DX countries. Thanks to everyone who participated and especially those who submitted their results to help us proclaim that CW is alive and well and still a powerful force in ham radio. You NAQCC members are the greatest. I'm impressed by and grateful for your dedication to our 'little' club. - K3WWP Final Official Results SWA Category - W1 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N1LU 31 31 62 20 1240 x2 2480 cobra ultralite@40' N1FJ 23 23 46 15 690 x2 1380 g5rv@40' K1IEE 19 19 38 15 570 x2 1140 g5rv@30' KB1PBA 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 67' dpl@28' N1PQ 16 15 31 8 248 248 ef zepp@??' N1DN 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 dpl@70' KM1N 4 3 7 4 28 28 nvis dblt@15' KQ1P 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80 lw@??' K1QED 1 1 2 1 2 2 50' rnd wire@20' @KB1CKT 6 6 12 6 72 72 g5rv@10' SWA Category - W2 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA2YV 49 44 93 24 2232 x2 4464 dpl@35' W2SH 41 40 81 21 1701 x2 3402 InvL 85'+85';180' Dpl@40' K2JT 24 24 48 14 672 x2 1344 dpl@30' W2JEK 18 18 36 11 396 x2 792 40 dpl@20', 110'ef@20' WA2JSG 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 elev vert@12' W2HWW 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 hf6v gnd mtd KA2KGP 15 15 30 9 270 270 5b dpl@??',gnd mtd vert K2GLS 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 dpl@30' WB2ABD 9 9 18 8 144 144 40 invV@55' N2COD 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 hustler mobile whip WA2OQJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80 dpl@25' KC2VBU 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80 ef wire@30' SWA Category - W3 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K3WWP 48 45 93 22 2046 x2 4092 ~110'rnd wre,20dpl in attic WA1LWS 48 45 93 22 2046 x2 4092 ocf dpl@22' KB3AAG 29 25 54 16 864 864 80 loop@35' K3RLL 20 20 40 12 480 480 g5rv jr.@35' WY3H 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 ocf dpl@25' K3HPS 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 40 dpl@40',80 dpl@40' KC2EGL 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 fld dpl@25' $N3RSD 23 20 43 12 516 516 ??@??' SWA Category - W4 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA4W 39 36 75 26 1950 x2 3900 20/40 dpl@60' N3LL 45 40 85 21 1785 x2 3570 1/4 wv slpr@35' K4ORD 57 56 113 25 2825 2825 40dp@40',160dp@35',610' lw@40' N4ESS 23 22 45 16 720 x2 1440 160 dpl@50' W4KRN 22 20 42 17 714 x2 1428 dpl@50' K4JC 21 21 42 14 588 588 gnd mtd vert KA3NZR 19 17 36 16 576 576 102' dpl@50' KW4JS 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 80 vert loop W4HH 13 12 25 9 225 x2 450 ocf dpl@25' W3HZZ 17 17 34 11 374 374 g5rv@55' KG4YLZ 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 ocf 80-6 wndm@34' N4FI 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 attic g5rv jr,115'rnd wre@20' K4KRW 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 wndm@30' K4BAI 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 88' cfzepp@55' AE4RV 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 20 invV@20',70' ef sloper K4EOR 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 titan gap vert K4UPG 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 ef invV@20' WX4RM 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 gnd mtd vert W4DUK 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 efzepp@25' K4JPN 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 80cfzepp@32',40 sloper@??' WA5LPW 8 8 16 6 96 96 lw@30' K4NVJ 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 88' dpl@35' N4UN 7 6 13 6 78 78 ocf dpl@25' WA8HSB 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 66' dblt@25' KD4UKW 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 65' vert wire AI4VA 4 4 8 3 24 24 attic long wire NA4O 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80 invL vert@40' @N4ES 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 160 80 40 trp dpl@40' @W4PDZ 10 10 20 9 180 x1.5 270 ab dpl@35' SWA Category - W5 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5YDM 38 37 75 22 1650 x2 3300 40 dpl@22' AE5KM 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 g5rv@25' N5RDN 11 11 22 9 198 x1.5 297 20invV@??',40gnd pln vert KE9DR 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 20 rnd loop@35',40 loop@35' N5KIP 9 9 18 8 144 144 vert KE5YUM 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 invV@30' K5POA 4 4 8 4 32 x1.5 48 gnd mtd vert NM5S 5 5 10 4 40 40 nstd marconi@??' N5ATM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 ocf dpl@45' KD5MMM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 dpl@40' N5JKY 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 attic trp dpl KD5RSS 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 g5rv@25' KK5NA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 edz@55' SWA Category - W6 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KA6AIL 5 5 10 4 40 40 ocf dpl@35' K6CSL 1 0 1 1 1 x2 2 ind loops, ef dpl@??' SWA Category - W7 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K9JWV 20 20 40 14 560 x2 1120 gap eagle vert AA7VW 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 80 dpl@100' WU7F 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 g5rv@20' AE7CG 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 20 dpl@10' %N6PZ 2 2 4 2 8 8 dpl@6' over roof SWA Category - W8 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N8XMS 28 26 54 18 972 x2 1944 r7 vert K8WSN 27 24 51 14 714 714 hf6v vert W8LJ 17 17 34 10 340 x2 680 gap titan vert@35' W8DW 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 vert, windom@??' N8IUP 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 40 dlta loop@??',80/40 nvis@??' N8QY 12 10 22 11 242 x2 484 g5rv@25' AC8AP 13 13 26 13 338 338 40 invV@20' WB8ENE 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 135' dlbt@15' KB8FE 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 40 ef zepp@55' W8PLP 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dpl@30' (op-WB8LZG) WI8Q 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 dpl@30' SWA Category - W9 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W9ILF 43 39 82 24 1968 x2 3936 gnd mtd vert W9DLN 47 42 89 20 1780 x2 3560 invV@50' K9PL 37 34 71 19 1349 x2 2698 dpl@25' AA9L 35 34 69 19 1311 x2 2622 trp dpl@50' W9NX 35 35 70 22 1540 1540 gnd mtd vert WA9VEE 21 21 42 15 630 x2 1260 200' lw@35' W9CC 21 20 41 13 533 x2 1066 80 loop@12' NV9X 14 14 28 12 336 x2 672 invV@30' K9FO 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 dpls@40' W9HLY 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 sloper@??' K9IS 11 11 22 9 198 198 horiz loop@35' KB9IVA 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 130' cobra@50' N9AKF 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 rnd wire@20' AI4AW 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40 dpl@15' KA9FQG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 g5rv@35' N9RLO 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dpl@20' KE9IX 5 5 10 5 50 50 dpl@25' N9KR 5 5 10 5 50 50 ef zepp@20' WA9KPZ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 gnd mtd vert SWA Category - W0 Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K6XT 27 26 53 19 1007 x2 2014 180' cf wre@45' W0MSM 22 22 44 14 616 x2 1232 80 40 invV@55' 20 1/2 sq@30' N0AZN 19 15 34 11 374 x2 748 ocf dpl@25' K0HJC 17 15 32 11 352 x2 704 cf zepp@35' WD0K 14 13 27 10 270 x2 540 dlta loop@36' K0CW 14 14 28 9 232 x2 464 gnd mtd vert K2HT 13 11 24 8 192 x2 384 dpl@25' KD0V 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 g5rv@45' N8LA 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 dpl@35' N0EVH 3 3 6 3 18 18 invL@35' KC0DD 3 2 5 3 15 15 dpl@35' SWA Category - Canada Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3RCN 28 27 55 18 990 x2 1980 gnd mtd vert VE4AEO 38 35 73 20 1460 1460 g5rv@25' VA3PEN 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 gnd mtd vert VE3FUJ 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 g5rv@35' VE3HNE 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 dpl@27' VE3LR 12 12 24 8 192 192 invV@25' VE5BCS 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 dpl@25' SWA Category - DX Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KK7S 28 25 53 15 795 x2 1590 hexbeam@40', dblt@50' K1DPE 34 31 65 21 1365 1365 6el lp@40' K4MF 22 21 43 14 602 x2 1204 2el tribndr@40',40 dpl@40' WA6L 18 17 35 15 525 x1.5 788 lp@35' NU7T 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 TA33 jr@30' W7GB 10 9 19 7 133 x2 266 3el SteppIR,R7 vert,dipole NP3CW 8 6 14 6 84 x2 168 ??@??' N4GX 7 7 14 7 98 98 MA5B yagi@45' @ non-member not eligible for certificate or prizes % QRO not eligible for certificate or prizes $ check log arrived after deadline AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA W1: N1LU 1st SWA W2: AA2YV 1st SWA W3: K3WWP,WA1LWS (tie) 1st SWA W4: AA4W 1st SWA W5: W5YDM 1st SWA W6: KA6AIL 1st SWA W7: K9JWV 1st SWA W8: N8XMS 1st SWA W9: W9ILF 1st SWA W0: K6XT 1st SWA Canada: VE3RCN 1st SWA DX: n/a 1st Gain: KK7S First time entrant high scorer: N1FJ Knob/handle drawing: KD4UKW The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: K7ZYV - 24 N3RSD - 18 W7OM - 18 VE3MO - 15 KO1U (QRO) - 10 W3BI - 10 K0AE - 9 KE0CU - 8 KB4QQJ - 7 N1WPU - 6 W2NED - 6 WA1GPO - 6 K2HYD - 5 KC2EE - 5 W3PD - 5 W7IEX - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 134 (135 with late check log) Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 211 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1929 States represented: 44 + MB ON QC SK, KP4 F GOLDEN LOGS (perfectly formatted, all info accurate): 59 AE4RV AE5KM AE7CG AI4VA K2GLS K2JT K4BAI K4JC K4KRW K4NVJ K4ORD K4UPG K5POA K6XT K8WSN K9PL KA6AIL KA9FQG KB1CKT KB1PBA KC2EGL KC2VBU KD4UKW KD5MMM KE5YUM KE9IX KK5NA KK7S KM1N KQ1P KW4JS N0EVH N1DN N1LU N2COD N4UN N5ATM N5RDN N8LA N8XMS N9KR N9RLO NA4O NU7T VA3PEN VE3RCN VE5BCS W2HWW W4DUK W4KRN W8DW W9DLN WA2JSG WA8HSB WA9KPZ WB2ABD WB8ENE WU7F WX4RMIf you're not listed as a GOLDEN LOG or your posted score is different from what you computed and wish to know why, we'll tell you if you ask before 2400Z the second Sunday after the sprint. There will no longer be any automatic notification of score changes or "not in log" QSO's due to the greatly increased participation in our sprints. Email ![]() SOAPBOX: K3WWP - QRN was horrific on 40, but signals were strong. Likewise on 80. 20 left a lot to be desired although I did get 3 QSO's there including 2 mults I might not have gotten otherwise. I think all my QSO's came from my CQ's except I did answer VE4AEO to get the MB multiplier. I really enjoyed myself. I think I'm coming to get more pleasure out of our sprints just helping the other fellow get another QSO than I do from running up a score myself. It's more relaxing that way also. I think I may have missed a couple stations who called me along the way. If so, I apologize. Just couldn't pull everyone through the noise. Seems like there was enough activity to get us to 100 logs again. That would be great. Please send in your log even if you only made a couple QSO's. With our new divisions in the SWA category, that could even be enough to win. Well, off to processing logs now. Maybe some more comments later. KM1N - MY FIRST TIME IN A SPRINT. SOME QRN. WISH I COULD REMOTE TUNE THE ANTENNA - H E E - BETCHA 40 WAS BETTER. 72/73 DE BILL KM1N NR 0995 K2HT - QRM very bad in MO on 40, switched to 20 for better condx K9IS - Had a good time until QRN from storms blanked 40 meters N0EVH - All, running 5 watts to my inverted L at 35'. Had little time and was trying to get used to genlog etc. Nice to put a couple new calls in my logbook. Gud to run into John while I was noodling with genlog! 73 to all. John WU7F - Fun! TNX 72 WA2OQJ - Well I didnt have time to get the whole sprint in. I have missed a number of sprints in the past 2 months due to non Ham related things going on around here but wanted to at least get a log in this time! (been feeling quite guilty about this) I figured as long as I wasn't going to be able to hang in for the whole thing I was going to at least do it up in style for the time I had...went with 500 mw's for the 2 QSO's I made...Kudo's to Frank N3RSD in DE. for hanging in there until he could 100% confirm my NR. Hope things soon get back to normal around here and I can put radio back into the priority rotation again...Till then I hope to at least get a log in on all future sprints....72 to all....Jim AA4W - 20 meters was HOT tonight! 40 meters was noisy as the devil (as usual). I was glad to hear quite a few stations that I hadn't worked before and a number that I hear quite often. From the number of signals on the bands we should get 100 logs easily. K3RLL - FT-817 to G5RVjr @ 35' - With so many new members, do you notice that it now takes longer to work from one end of the band to another? This is great! Some strong signals on 40 tonight and although FL was booming in, I didn't hear my FL buddy Kelly K4UPG from Orlando tonight. 72, Don KD5RSS - a very late start, but a qso is a qso, thanks. NA4O - ARES meeting went longer than usual so only got home in time for 1 contact, but I was determined to participate. Thanks Julio for the contact! W2HWW - First time NAQCC sprint. Using a Softrock RXTX V6.3 transceiver running 1 W output. Enjoyed the contest. N5ATM - I was having antenna problems tonight. The SWR on my OCF dipole was higher than normal...will have to check it out this weekend. We might need to change our working frequencies. On 40m PSK31 and RTTY were taking up a lot of the bandwidth between 7030 - 7045 and right in the middle too. (We have to stay and fight or we CW ops will be pushed right off the band. Narrow bandwidth CW can easily squeeze in-between wider digital mode signals anyway. - K3WWP) Only my 2nd contest and had fun! NV9X - Lots of gud sigs out there. Did not hear much on 80. Worked 20 & 40. As always, lots of fun. N3LL - Finally had an off night to enjoy the sprint. Good Band conditions with many nice siganals. Sorry I missed a few but QRN was tuff at times here. Hope we have a free day again next month to operate, enjoyed it. 73's Bob N1LU - I learned a lesson tonight. Don't waist time chasing a contact because you assume he MUST hear you if he's coming at you S9. I spent the first 8 minutes trying to get AA4W to come back to me. Well, I got over it, moved on and had fun. Worked 20m and 40m. S&P for a while then some running. (Great tip! - K3WWP) K9JWV - Conditions not great out here in the s/w "outback" but it was a fun event. As usual, 20 meters was the work horse band here in s/w Utah. KB3AAG - What a nite! I never had so many busted contacts! The noise on 40 was awfull. (Amen! - K3WWP) Sorry to all for my bad ears tonite. I had to ask for repeats all evening. I hope others had it better than it was in this hollar. Still great fun!!! Frank KA6AIL - I am making more contact each month. Having a great time. Two hours is just the right amount of time. C U next month. 72 VA3PEN - It was a 40-minute late start for me because I had fallen into a sleep again while waiting for the sprint to start. I experienced a heaviest QRM situation in this sprint. Either the band condition was very good on 40m or so many stations were participating tonight, or both. As always, I enjoyed the sprint very much. WB2ABD - W7OM has good ears! Heavy QRN this evening - nil heard on 80m KE9DR - 80 was dead, heard no NA stations. 40 was noisy but heard lots of activity. 20M was best for me tonite, it was somewhat noisy but lots strong signals. It was lots of fun once again. Thanks to everyone. Congrat to John for 16 year streak of QRP contacts! (TNX - K3WWP) 73 Bert WA9VEE - Rough night. Sorry 3 I missed. Thanks for repeats. Not reciprocal propagation here.. folks calling CQ right on top of me. Hope I didn't do same. If I did I blame the ionosphere :) WA2JSG - Fun event, as always. KC0DD - SRI. FIRST TIME I TRYED A CONTEST BUT I LIKED IT . GOT CONFUSED TRYING TO LOOK UP NUMBERS KEPT LOSENING MY LOG HI HI WILL GET A LOT BETER WHEN I KN0W THIS COMP. BETTER FIRST TIME I COULD TALK TO SO MANY AT ONE TIME JIM W4HH - Another great sprint!! VE3FUJ - Boy the band was really crowded to night signals everywhere fun it was 2. Thanks to the ones who dug me out, and the ones I missed I'm sorry. Brion KD4UKW - My first CW contest! I had lots of fun despite having only an hour available to operate. W9DLN - No NAQCC signals heard on 20 or 80 this time. I remember last month 20 gave me some goods mults out west. 40 was real crowded. Sorry for asking for all the repeats guys and sorry for slowing you all up. Hello to all the familiar calls and nice to meet the ones I didn't know. Looking forward to the next one. Maybe I can break the 50 QSO barrier then! 73, Dan N5RDN - Had a lot of fun, hope to do better next time. 73, Rob AE5KM - Ok conditions tonight, and a pretty good sprint, though I heard a lot of stations that couldn't hear me. I guess that's the nature of things sometimes. Thanks everyone. N4ES - First Sprint, lots of fun. Non-member running 5W. I applied for membership earlier today. W0MSM - pretty good condx on 20 here..went to 40 ,more stations but more noise with storms to the west in Ks....a lot of fun again K6CSL - 20M was in poor shape this evening. Signals were very short & unstable. I aswered this fellows CQ FISTS call. He was in Naugatuck, CT, so I know I was being heard there. I'm sure from his signal strength he was QRO, though he couldn't seem to copy that I needed his PWR for my log. I hope the next Sprint will see some better condx. I was also working the Fox Hunt, able to copy both Foxes initially, as well as a number of the hounds calling them. They along with most other signals virtually disappeared about 01:50Z. My guess is that the MUF was following the the dusk terminator across the country. 73's to all and to all a good night. Bert NM5S - Ooh, awfully noisy bands with lots of QSB thrown in. But putting in my 5 contact log to help get to the 100 this time. (Great! TNX - K3WWP) W3HZZ - First sprint. Arrived an hour late, but had such a good time, it won't happen again. K4EOR - My first time sprint. First time working two contests at the same time (NAQCC Sprint & Fox hunt) Thanks all. It was fun. K9PL - Many RST 599 signals heard. 40-meters offered good propagation despite a surfeit of QRN and QRM. 20-meters: few signals heard. PFR-3 and J-37 key. WA1LWS - Conditions were great in Maryland. Low noise and loads of stations. Tom, I did get your call correct at the end. Thanks Randy, KB4QQJ, for my last contact of the night and a new multiplier just under the wire. W5YDM - The bands were just fine, but I had trouble with GenLog all night and couldn't get it corrected during the sprint. I tried to patch up the log after it was over, but there's no telling how many errors I have. K4KRW - OHR 100A running 4 watts. E. F. Johnson straight key. Carolina Windom 80 at 30 feet. I had a great time. I usually use my FT-897D but decided to rough it this time. The 100A is a fun QRP rig. Thanks for the QSOs & 73 to all, Richard WX4RM - It seemed that my MFJ 9040 just was not able to pull out the signals from the QRN tonite. I thought I would just concentrate on one band this sprint, 40 meters. That gave me 1 less contact than last sprint. New game plan needed for next sprint!!! AE7CG - Another fun NAQCC Sprint! AA2YV - I put up a new 40 meter dipole but this time had the lobes NE and SW instead of N and S. Also, the condx seemed better tonight. I began on 80, but stations would suddenly fade and never come back. So it was on to 40. We had some QRM tonight, but we can handle that. My HW-9 is still my favorite rig to run in this contest. Thanks to everyone for a great night! N4ESS - 20 was the best for me. 40 and 80 were really noisy here due to thunderstorms that had passed through earlier. Lots of lightning around the state. Rich W7GB - 20 meters opened up good but closed by 0230. I didn't hear much activity on 40 so I called CQ on 80 and Vern, AA7VW, at his cabin at Detroit Lakes, Oregon, came back. We had a nice QRP QSO, 599 both ways. That was the highlight of the sprint - a good ragchew! N8LA - Looking forward to this sprint has enabled me to maintain some semblance of sanity over the past few weeks as I wade (at a pace of 50 pages per day) through the 1000+ pages of David Foster Wallace's utterly mind-blowing "Infinite Jest." The noise on 40 meters was almost like peaceful silence compared with the "howling fantods" that work can generate in one's psyche! Here's hoping anticipating next month's sprint carries me through the final 150 pages! N0AZN - Worked only 20M, 40m and 80M to much noise S8-S9 with the storms in the area. Thank you Scotty N0AZN, Nebraska. VE3RCN - First time back since CF3NAVY. A lot of fun. My wife enjoys the 2 hour format. KG4YLZ - Worked NAQCC SPRINT and QRP FOX HUNT during same time frame. Enjoyed it very much. N8XMS - I made a few contacts on 20 and then moved to 40. QRN was very high on 40 but got better as time went by. Four of my contacts had membership numbers in the 4000s so it's nice to have so many of the newer members participating. As always it was a lot of fun. N9KR - Only had a few minutes this month to participate. Conditions OK on 40 here in southern Indiana. N2COD - Band noise, heat/humidity & mosquitos put me QRT after only 1/2 hr. after beginning the sprint. I was in my mobile in the driveway and it was just too nasty swatting bugs to continue. I have mosquito's smashed on my log sheet to commerate the sprint! 73 to all. W8PLP (WB8LZG) - Hello agn QRP sprinters ! Gregg WB8LZG #1444 here ! You may not have recognized the call i used for this sprint. W8PLP is the club call of the Central Mich. ARC here in Lansing Mich. The club "shack" was recently moved to a new location es just this week completed getting some antennas up in the air. We have been holding a Tuesday eveing "building" class here es have had a great time soldering with a bunch of new es not so new hams. This weeks project was an LM555 timer based Code Oscillator built "Manhatten style". I didn't want to miss the sprint, so i asked the class if they would like to "hear" how the NAQCC sprint goes. They were all vy impressed to listen in as i made QSOs from WA to FL,Tx es Co. with the dipole es 5 watts. Many had never witnessed the efficiency of QRP operation. 20 meters was in great shape es all the QSOs were easy. I could have easily worked em the whole 2 hrs but the students still had oscilators to build. We have 2 XYLs es 2 under 12 yr kids in the classes es as usuall i'm having as much fun as they are. ( maybe more) By the end of the eve we had beeping comming from several of the kits. Both the kids kits worked 1st time. Great way to introduce real radio to a new generation of hams. Tns to all the guys who QSOed wid our new shack. 73 Gregg K1IEE - Had a slow start on 40 so went to 20 for the first hour. Then went back to 40 had lots of QRM and some QRN for the last hour. Everyone was so courteous to make sure all info was exchanged. Thanks to all. Dick, HW-9 with 4 watts KQ1P - Tough conditions, I heard no stations for the first 20 minutes. QSB was deep and nearby thunderstorm added some QRN. At least I managed one contact, so I wasn't skunked! 73. KA3NZR - DONT GET THE CHANCE TO PARTICIPATE OFTEN BUT WHEN I DO I CERTAINLY DO HAVE FUN. I EVEN HAD A COUPLE OF QSO'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CONTEST. GREAT FUN! KE5YUM - I used my Genesis Q5 1 watt transmitter again this month with very good results. Thanks to K3RLL, W2NED, VE5BCS, N4ESS, and KK7S for some very long contacts. I added three new states to my Q5 WAS plus my first DX contact with the rig. Receiver is my Kenwood TS-520 hooked to a long wire. KD0V - One of the source of the heavy QRN on 40M was in Minnesota. During the sprint we had several lighting strikes within a few miles of this QTH. We had had thunder storms moving through Minnesota most of the day. The sprint was my first chance to give my new NorCal 40A a good work out. 7.030+/- was being jammed by a station that was calling cq and not responding to any calling stations. His signal had chirp, ac hum and was taking up over a KHz of band width. 7.040+/- was free of RTTY and other digital signals. Considering the local conditions it was a good sprint over all. 73 W8DW - Band conditions on this end were real bad, almost thought that the antenna was disconected but got thru it. Got the straight key out for the first time in years and pounded the brass, got to rest my wrist for a couple of days now. Looking forward to next month maybe the bands will be better next month. W9HLY - Noisy.... (succinct and very accurate - K3WWP) K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, 88' center fed zepp at 55'. Arn, K0ZK, said he was a NAQCC member but didn't have his number with him, so I put down his power instead and counted him as a non-member. I was one of the QRP 20M Foxes Tuesday night, so I decided to work the first half hour of the NAQCC Sprint only on 20M to get a feel of the band. 20M was good to New England, Colorado, and Manitoba, an often rare multiplier. (Thanks to VE3KI for being QRV from his MB QTH.) I heard only one NA station that I didn't work (K1IEE) and ran out of time before I could call him. Hope to see you all next month. 73/72, John K2GLS - Better conditions this month, less thunderstorm activity. I am using my Elecrafter K2 at 5 watts, my old Novice days J-38 key, and dipole at about 30 feet. The sprint brings back memories from my Novice days in 1954. (That's great. We want our sprints to be reminiscent of how things were in contesting before all the computer automation. Nice to have computers for logging, dupe checking, and producing nice legible logs, but that's about it. - K3WWP) KA2KGP - Another nice sprint, but bands could have been better on 80 & 40, 20 was in gud shape first half of sprint. Lots of QRN on 80 & 40 from summer storms and RTTY on 40 was a killer too. 73 till next time. KW4JS - Thanks to all I worked during the sprint. Hope to see everyone next month. 72/73 John N4UN - Tough band condx here. Used a KX1 @ 4 watts into OCF Dipole. At least there was 1 QSO per band. 73, Dick. KB8FE - Placing my Zepp's maximum current point up at 55 feet (as an inverted V) seemed to really help. Heard LOTS of signals but worked the stronger signals. Moderate QRN. Some fast QSB then fast recovery. Thankfully participants were spreading out on the 40 meter band. AI4VA - The bands were terrible. But, that didn't stop the NAQCC! (Right on!!! - K3WWP) Tnx to all! W4DUK - My first Sprint, and I really enjoyed it! W9ILF - Rig: Elecraft K2. It seemed like a great night in Indiana! 20M was working the first half hour and then 40M took the show. Though it seemed just a little noisy I was able to pull out many weak signals and things just kept moving along. It felt like 40 was open all over. Thanks John K3WWP for my only 80M QSO. This might be my best score ever for the NAQCC. (Yep, previous best was 3,312 in May 2010 - K3WWP) Thanks for a nice evening in the shack. K2JT - Used the HW-9, worked well. Lots of QRN on 80 as expected. Glad to see the stations in the contest spread out on 40 mtrs. WD0K - Greetings All! Nice sprint! very noisy! Ran my 9020...4w to a delta loop thru several thunder storms. Welcome to the members. Fun time. Heard NP3CW work my friend K0HJC on 20, for fun! 72....Rich/wd0k #664 K8WSN - My keyer started acting up so I switched to the old reliable J-38 straight key for the last 45 minutes. Next time I'll know better. TNX for all the QSOs in spite of the heavy QRN. VE5BCS - the cw part of the test was the easy part. The compter sending log was the hard part But I'm trying. I hope all is well. Tnx to my contacts. W2JEK - got on late. heard nothing on 20. 40 was the workhorse band although i had 4 qso on 80. worked k3wwp for my qso #2 his #2 and multiplier #2 on 40- then worked him a 2nd time on 80.maybe 2 is a lucky number. used my ft-840 at 5w and wire antennas with signal electric key. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 K4UPG - First time to join this sprint due to work and sleep requirements that normally interfere. Band was fair at the start, got noisy the last hour and kept hearing the same stations over and over. Had lots of fun and got to try a new temporary antenna off the back porch. I'll be back when I am able...enjoy giving points to the more serious contesters. 72, Kelly KK5NA - Only had time to grab a couple. There were alot of stations on calling CQ NA. The event seems popular. Thanks for pulling me out. N8IUP - Tnx had fun........ WB8ENE - Really enjoyed the sprint. Conditions were very good on 40 meters. Most signals were 579 to 599. 80 was a bit noisy here. 73, and see you in the next sprint. WA5LPW - Great Fun!!! This is my first time to submit a log. I have worked the sprint a few times in the past. But this time I was able to set up outside using my long wire and my kit radio (Hendricks PFR-3). That was one of the reasons I wanted to build it. Very friendly ops and what a great way to spend 2 hours. K4JC - Really enjoyed this, my first NAQCC Sprint. Too bad my old straight key was broken :( It still amazes me what you can do with 5 watts, especially when you work CA from FL right out of the chute! K1DPE - Had good fun. KB1PBA - I think my fist with the "plug" gets better every month. Now to tackle the sideswipper. Great fun. K3HPS - Had to QRT early but enjoyed the time I had. K0HJC - Wow! Three thunderstorms in two hours! QRN, rain and loud signals! Another fun night - Thanks, Everyone! AI4AW - Good to get on for another sprint. I don't think I had much of chance to get on for one since 2008. KK7S - Craziest sprint yet. My wife started having contractions (for our 3rd child) during the afternoon. I still managed to get a few QSOs in the sprint, but couldn't really give it my full attention. I suppose there are some things in life that take precedence over ham radio (but not many!) 20m wasn't working for me this time. I didn't hear any of you guys on the east coast until the last 15 minutes when KO1U, AA4W, N1DN and N1FJ suddenly came booming in. There was a very strong opening to the great lakes at the beginning and I was impressed with the loud and clear signals from there. I managed to get two QSOs on 40m for the first time in a sprint! Thanks to VE4AEO and W9ILF for pulling me out of the noise on 40. I'm looking forward to winter sprints when I can hear the rest of you on that band. Oh yeah, about the baby... He was born only 3 hours and 26 minutes after the sprint ended. Baby and mom are in great shape. See you all next month! KB9IVA - Great Sprint slow to start Reallr enjoyed it. 72/73 AA7VW - Operated in the heavy wooded area again with 80 mtr dipole at 100 feet. Still many much taller trees to pass through. I heard numerous east coast signals but few heard me. This is a contest I really enjoy where the field is even for most of us. Hope it goes on forever. Thanks. KB1CKT - First time in contest, 40m QRM was bad. AA9L - 40 meters was wild! Wonder if I would have done better if Genlog had not crashed at least 4 times. Hope the log is not screwed up. Still, lot's of fun K4NVJ - Many stations, a lot of qsb and qrm. WA8HSB - This month's NAQCC Sprint found me at my home QTH in Mobile, AL. Used my stealth doublet in the attic as there was some thunderstorms in the area that caused me some concern about putting up the 18AVQ vertical. The rig used was my TS850S @ 5 watts with my J-38 key. Thanks to all! See everyone next month. 73/72, John KD5MMM - 40 was noisy, but managed a few on 20. fun as always. 73 all .. N1DN - Thanks to everyone for contacts. KK7S Chadd Cross Country QRP...blew my headphones off! My second NAQCC Sprint. This could become habit forming. K4ORD - started on 20M made 8 qso's in 34 min.,most signals not real strong, then off to 40M and boy was the band loaded with NA stations, tried hunt and pounce at first and figured my score wasn't going to be so high, then finally found a clear frequency and stayed there the rest of the sprint and never ran out of stations to work, the qrn on 40M wasn't so bad and signals seemed to get stronger later in the sprint. Thanks to all for the qso's, cu next month 73/72 Riley KC2VBU - This time I got the old straight key rigged up right and leave it to W2JEK to pull me in and get me on the scoreboard! Wouldn't you know it that 10 minutes after the sprint was over I connect with WA1IIE in Maine. Too late for the points but 2 actual QSO's with 400mw on the Rockmite (into EFW) in one evening. A personal best to date....ha! I'll be sure to give everyone another shot at me next month ;) Thx!!!! W2SH - Although signals on 20m were not strong, they overcame the low QRN and were nicely spread out. 40m was busy but noisy. I peeked once at 80m and only found John, K3WWP, there. I encountered one other triple zero number that left me momentarily confused and had to ask VE3LR to give me a repeat of his 4000. N9RLO - THIS WAS MY FIRST SPRINT AND I DID'NT DO REAL WELL, MY HEARING ISN'T VERY GOOD, BUT I HAD ALOT OF FUN AND HOPE TO DO BETTER NEXT TIME. ANYWAY, HERE'S MY LOG, I HOPE IT HELPS WITH THE NUMBERS. 73,JOHN VE3LR - This was FUN! N8QY - LOT OF QRN AT MY QTH S-9 TO S-12. I STOP AROUND 9:30 LOCAL TIME. ONLY BAND ANY GOOD WAS 40M. KA9FQG - Thanks for another great sprint; these events seem to be my only HF activity lately. Need to fix that... (Well, if you had to pick only one, you certainly picked the best one by far - K3WWP) K9FO - lots of QRN on 40 so not many QSOs but a good time. Rig TenTec Orion @ 5 Watts and McElroy Streamkey from 1940. K1QED - Could only get in with one QSO, and the band was very messy. My new FT-817 was just not getting through the mud that night. But it was still fun! KC2EGL - Things were going well until someone vandalized my antenna. All of a sudden I lost all signals. I found my antenna laying in my front yard. Someone had yanked it off the mast I had it tied up to. You got to love some people don't you? Thanks to the three who worked me. See you next month on the radio. 73 Mike P.S. I have re raised my antenna. I hope it stays there. Hi-Hi!! AE4RV - Fairly rough conditions but still fun. QSB ruined more than one QSO, my apologies. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, August 11, 0030-0230Z Prize: The winner, to be decided by drawing among all who submit a valid log, gets a choice of paddle handles, straight key knobs, and/or K2 knob inserts donated by Gregg WB8LZG. See the Prizes page in the Main section of the web site for details and pictures. Here's how the drawing is made. In all sprints for our records we number the participants consecutively from highest to lowest score. We'll then use the random number generator feature of Excel to pick a number from those numbers. That way, the winner could be the one with the highest score, the lowest score, or anything in between. So be sure to submit a log no matter your score if you are interested in winning these beautiful hand-crafted items. We've given Gregg's masterpieces away before and every winner has commented on their beauty and usefulness. A member can only win once, then becomes ineligible after that. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |