Feb 2010 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#64) Final Official Results SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N8BB 44 41 85 21 1785 x2 3570 mystery ant@60' N3LL 41 32 73 24 1752 x2 3504 1/4 wv sloper off 30' tower W2SH 40 35 75 21 1575 x2 3150 inv L 85'+85', dpl@35' N1LU 35 33 68 19 1292 x2 2584 cobra ultralite@40' K3WWP 36 34 70 17 1190 x2 2380 110' attic rnd wire KA2KGP 32 32 64 17 1088 x2 2176 5b gnd mtd vert,dpl@??' AA2YV 32 27 59 18 1062 x2 2124 80 ef zepp@30', 40 slpr@35' KC2EGL 31 28 59 18 1062 x2 2124 fld dpl@25' K4BAI 29 28 57 17 969 x2 1938 40dpl@45',cfzepp@45',80invv@50' AC6NN 26 26 52 15 780 x2 1560 80 loop@20' K4ORD 38 37 75 20 1500 1500 40dpl@40',160dpl@35',610'lw@40' WY3H 27 26 53 14 742 x2 1484 ocf dpl@25' N8QY 22 19 41 16 656 x2 1312 g5rv@25' WA1BXY 23 20 43 15 645 x2 1290 inv L@40' KI4FW 21 19 40 15 600 x2 1200 dpl@25' WB8LZG 20 18 38 13 494 x2 988 lw@30', inv L@30' W9CC 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 80 loop@15' K4UK 24 20 44 18 792 792 160m inv V@??' N8XMS 15 14 29 13 377 x2 754 r7 vert N4FI 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 115' rnd wire@20' W2JEK 16 16 32 10 320 x2 640 110' efwire@20' NF8M 14 12 26 11 286 x2 572 ocf dpl@35' KB3AAG 19 19 38 14 532 532 dpl@15' N8RQJ 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 windom@30' VE3FUJ 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 130' wire@42',g5rv@42' KD2MX 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 600' loop@25' K1IEE 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 g5rv@30' W0EJ 16 16 32 12 384 384 205' g5rv@45' WA1ZCQ 17 16 33 8 264 264 200' wire@60' WD4MSM 13 11 24 10 240 240 dpl@35' NU4I 13 12 25 9 225 225 ocf dblt@40' KQ1P 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 inv v@40' KC8LTL 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 150' ef wire@10-25' WB8ENE 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 135' dblt@15', 4btv on roof KT4FJ 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 inv v@15' N2YHQ 7 7 14 5 70 x1.5 105 inv L@??' AA3UJ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 dpl@20' W4HH 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 ocf dpl@25' KU4A 5 5 10 4 40 40 40 slp dpl@40',80 slpr@40' N2COD 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 9' mobile whip K3RLL 4 4 8 4 32 32 indoor dpl K0NWT 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 g5rv@35' N8ZYA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 indoor isotron AG4IP 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dpl@22' VE3AKV 1 1 2 1 2 x1.5 3 40 dpl@50' VE3HUR 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 vert,dpl@??',ef@??' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KD0V 35 34 69 20 1380 x2 2760 g5rv@45' W5AG 35 35 70 18 1260 x2 2520 40/80 dpl@40' W5YDM 31 27 58 16 928 x2 1856 40 dpl@18' WD0K 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 delta loop@36' N4SAM 20 19 39 13 507 x2 1014 delta loop@55' AA9L 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 trap dpl@50' WB5NMZ 19 18 37 12 444 444 dpl@35', vert K0HJC 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 cf zepp@35' K9OSC 16 15 31 12 372 372 cf zepp@30' N5RDN 14 14 28 8 224 x1.5 336 vert gp, 80 dpl@??' W5ODS 11 11 22 10 220 x1.5 330 g5rv@50' XE1GXG 9 8 17 8 136 x2 272 40 dpl@30', 80 dpl@24' K9IS 13 13 26 9 234 234 330' horiz loop, inv L N0AZN 9 7 16 5 80 x2 160 cobra ultralite@25' KB5JO 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 88' mb dblt@20' WW5G 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 dpl@25' K0MDS 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 windom@35' NV9X 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 dpl@20',gnd mtd vert KD5MMM 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 inv v@40' K4VMV 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 inv v@50' N0NBD 4 3 7 4 28 28 g5rv@50' W9WOC 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 whip on balcony@40' KE5YUM 0 0 0 0 0 0 inv v@30' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna @KO7X 25 22 47 14 658 x2 1316 80 slp dpl@66',40 inv v@66' NI5L 12 10 22 10 220 x2 440 inv v@??' WB0OEW 10 9 19 8 152 152 40 efhw@30' K0MC 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 dpl@35' AA7CU 3 3 6 2 12 12 6' whip@12' @- non-member not eligible for awards SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NU7T 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 90' inv L@25' KE7YTE 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 20' flag pole, 18' buddipole GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: N8BB 1st SWA Central: KD0V 1st SWA Mountain: NI5L 1st SWA Pacific: NU7T 1st Gain: n/a First time entrant high scorer: WA1BXY Knob/handle drawing: K3RLL The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: N4BP - 20 WB2YAF - 10 N5GW - 9 N9GGE - 8 N1WPU - 7 W2NED - 7 KA2CAQ - 5 WA9VEE - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 76 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 127 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1,160 States represented: 37 + ON + Mexico + Ecuador If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Finally some good conditions, although the south had the edge from the looks of scores. I found 40M dead here in a couple checks, so I stuck with 80M the whole way. When I hit 9 QSO's in the first half hour, I was thinking if I got 9 each of the other half hours, I'd hit 36 which would be my best total in a few sprints now. Well, I didn't do exactly 9 each half hour, but my total did hit exactly 36. It was nice to get answers to my CQ's from N5RDN in TX and W5ODS in OK. I'm looking forward to some records this month. With a lot of folks reporting at least 20 QSO's, perhaps the total QSO's record will fall. Also with 44 logs in already after about 10 hours as I write, the total logs record may fall also. It's a tribute to you, our members who are making our sprints a top of the class event. I admire the folks who send in a report even though they only made a very few QSO's or even got shut out. You're great! WY3H - First time in a long time I've been able to work the full two hours. Band conditions pretty good. Had a great time. Also in this sprint I worked one non-member who was KC2UQA and got to invite him to join NAQCC. Don't know if he'll join, but I just can't pass up an opportunity to promote our great club. Thanks to everyone I worked and 72. N2COD - Snow static, QRN & long bands made for a short night this sprint. I think I need grounding straps on the mobile. N0NBD - Not too much heard tonight but I enjoyed the contacts I made. the rig was OHR 400 and PFR-3 G5RV at 50 ft de Paul N8ZYA - Heard nothing on 20 or 40 meters. Both contacts on 80 meters but not a good band for me. Heard several others but couldn't work them. At least I gave out a few WV contacts. Hope it helped some with this state. No big winner here tonight but still lots of fun. N1LU - I thought 40 would be better after hearing lots of DX, but it seemed to die out. Tried to get XE1GXG to pull me out, but no luck. 80 was good tonight. I might even have enough calls to finish the challenge! K3RLL - Almost missed our Sprint tonight but did get a chance to make contact with a few (very few) Sprinters before it was over. 40 meters sounded good but just a few signals there by the time I got on the air. Could it be my indoor antenna? hi hi ... (indoor ants work great - K3WWP) Thanks to those who dug me out of the noise. ... Don N8RQJ - Really enjoyed the the contest. W0EJ - Had a great time and 80M was clear but no real long. Thanks again to all, I had a great time and anxious to work you next month. 72 Bill KD5MMM - Got only 4 on 80 in the last hour, had fun. 73 all KC2EGL - WOW! What a pleasant surprise. I had S-8 noise here all night due to the incoming storm and I stll bagged 32 QSO's. My second highest QSO total and point total. It is a shame conditions can not be like this all the time. Thanks to all who answered my CQ. Rig used-Elecraft K2. Key used- US Navy Flameproof. CU next month on the radio. 73 Mike N3LL - Had a ball !! Fun to get the old key straight key working again. XYL says I send a lot slower on it!! (that's a great help to the newcomers to CW we try to nurture in our NAQCC activities - K3WWP) We had great conditions on 40, everyone had nice signals and very low noise level, never did get to 80 meters, maybe next time. See ya guys in the next one. XE1GXG - It's been months since I've had a chance to do the NAQCC sprint. Had fun, and was pleased that I could be heard in USA at long last with my better antennas (as in better than before). Tnx to W5AG for pulling me out of the mud on 80: my 80m antenna is basically NVIS! Saludos desde Guadalajara 72 ;) VE3AKV - Hello to all... This was my first NA Sprint...but only had enough air time to catch the last 15 minutes or so of the contest. I'll be back next month. Thanks, Bob VE3AKV #3452 KB5JO - Unfortunately, only had time for last 35 minutes, wish it started later. 80M seems to work best from my QTH. N5RDN - Great fun! tks to all. Rob N5RDN W5YDM - Lots of signals for the first hour, then I guess everyone goes to 80m. I tried to work 80m on my FT-101ZD using the 40m dipole and tuner but its not much of a match and as a result I never get responses. If it ever stops raining (rained every week since September) I'll get up a real 80m antenna. N4SAM - Good conditions on 80 tonight, worked several QRP stations and nearly everyone was using a straight key. AA2YV - All in all, a very good night. Would have liked to play on 20m. Used my HW-9 again, set on "wide." My end fed zepp, fed with coax and a tuner at the antenna (to tune out ca. 5K resistance), works like a charm. See you next month! K0HJC - Glass Elbow, Tin Ear, still fun! WB0OEW - 40 was long tonight, tnx WA1BXY for my first RI for me from Tucson. Fun as always, thanks everyone. K4ORD - 20M was dead here, so then went to 40M, not much activity there so went down to 80M,where the noise level was very low, 80M-33qso's, 40M-5qso's Ran my K2@5W and used my little BULL DOG paddles, which I like as good as my Bencher paddles. looking forward to the next sprint. KB3AAG - WHAT ELSE CAN GO WRONG !!! Friday nite and Saturday we got two feet of snow and ice in the "hollar" ! The snow pilrd up and all of my antennas came down! The 80 meter loop, my big G5Rv and my little G5RV are now what can only be called a wadded dipole under the snow. In addition a falling limb tore my power feed off the pole so no electric from the power company! I was aware I was located on the far end their extension cord so I have an automatic 12 kw generator that kicked in to keep the pipes from freezing. My son came over (25 miles) and we went out and toped off the oil in the gen. I brought in my computer for the sprint. The computer got forgot and went to work with him! Then I got called out for some ARES work! Finished that grabed my computer from the house and went to the club station at our airport. Hooked up the K3 and the bencher and was ready! When I put in the first call sign the logging program shut down!!! Well what the ---- I stayed and gave out 19 members in 13 states the QSOs. I hope by next sprint time things get better. I am laughing its either that or cry! Frank By the way our club station antenna stinks! KI4FW - Lots of folks. WD0K - Good sprint! Tnx to all for working my station. Im working on my fist to improve. All thay know me, know I have a hard time with 3,6,s,and h. I worked some new folks and it was great to hear some new ststions. Stick in their gang; it only gets better. 80 mtrs here in Little Canada was in good shape. My qrn would go up and down with the cloud cover. Strange. Till next month- 72's / Rich/664 N0AZN - Thank you for the NAQCC, I have been working 99% CW for the past year. These Sprints are great and a lot of fun.... 73/Scotty (beam me up Scotty - out of this snow - K3WWP) W5AG - Nice conditions on 40m and 80m perhaps due to high solar flux. Thanks to all participants and sprint volunteers. (Appreciate that! - THE volunteer - K3WWP) WA1ZCQ/1 - Operated /1 (portable 1) from Harvard, MA. Rig: IC-703 @ 5W. Ant: 200' wire up 60' Used an iambic paddle. Had fun. K4UK - Surprised to work KO7X in WY on both 80 and 40 Meters. Never heard John, K3WWP (heard you, but always when you were S&Ping - K3WWP) KE5YUM - 40 meters must have been quiet last night; I did not hear a single CQNA in my part of the country. Well, maybe things will improve for next month's sprint. 73, Terry WB8LZG - Hello fellow sprinters. 80m seemed to be the band here in Mich. I started out on 40m es worked 6 Qs , but vy noisy es got worse. Went to 80m es things were a hoppin there ! Seemed i had a "pipeline" to the south es VA PA. I heard XE1GXG but he didnt hr me.Only worked 1 east coast stn. Where were all those elusive W1's ??? Lots of new NR#s out there, es worked some old friends too. Worked #2 es #1 back to back. Not amazing er anything,but stuff like that is what keeps the fun level high. Hope to see u all next time. 73 Gregg WB8ENE - 80 was quite crowded last night. I could have used a sharper CW filter. Thanks for the Wyoming contact on 40 Alan, KO7X. I've finally worked all states. I hope you become a member of NAQCC. N8XMS - Tough weather and tough radio conditions combined to create a real "winter blast!" A major snow storm blowing outside probably contributed to the loud QRN that I had. Almost every signal that I heard was weak and just above the noise, but there seemed to be a good number of participants and that helped to make up for the poor conditions. I made 15 contacts in 13 different states and I even managed to work 5 people on 80 meters without an 80 meter antenna. I had a lot of fun but now the work begins - I have a lot of snow to dig through! Thanks to all who participated and 73. AC6NN - Wow, what fun! That was the first time I've ever called CQ in a CW contest. I'd like to thank everyone for helping me get up to a confidence level to do it through these sprints. I've been search-n-pouncing for some time, working on my speed and accuracy, and finally jumped it. 73 es TU. (that's great - that's what these sprints and the NAQCC are all about - helping develop CW skills - I'm delighted to hear when that happens. - K3WWP) KA2KGP - 80m. was the band to use, 40m was hi-QRN here in a snowstorm in WNY, 20 was nil. Nice turnout for this NAQCC sprint. See u-all next month. 72 K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, Vibroplex Deluxe Hand Key. Missed almost the first 30 minutes due to taking the XYL to a Valentine's dinner with my Rotary Club. Took out another ten minutes to work the two 80M QRP Foxes. 20M seemed dead when I got home. 40M was OK, with weak to fair signals from as far west as NV and as far north as CT, ON and MN. Skip was relatively long with no signals heard from closer than LA. Probably stayed too long on 40M where the rate was slow, but steady. 80M was pretty good with fair signals from all areas and no long skip. Heard NI5L on 80M in AZ with a good signal, but missed a QSO with him. Thanks for all QSOs. See you all next month. 73/72, John KQ1P - I operated at 3 watts during the sprint, my goal for 2010 is to try to match my previous month's score with less output power. If conditions continue to improve I should be able to have some luck on 40M at <1W. It also helps to connect antennas properly. I started off with my tuner set for unbalanced loads, once I spotted that error my contact success rate improved. Some very strong signals here on 80M from near and far. I am happy to report that my 10 year old daughter is now KB1TPE and I hope to have her get the QRP CW bug too! (wonderful, get her signed up John - K3WWP) 73, John KD2MX - Got a bit of a late start as I forgot Tuesday is really Wednesday. I just don't have enough room inside my head. Conditions here were ok. They've been better as well as much worse. Could hear N4BP in the noise but he never knew I was there. Worked AL but it was a tough go. Didn't hear a peep on 40M but then again, I got a late start. K0MDS - I had a meeting last night, so I only operated for the last 30 minutes. Conditions were good. Four of five QSOs were members I'd never worked before! Great to hear everyone on the air. - Mike KT4FJ - Good conditions here on 40m. Lots of fun! W2JEK - got on late and was only on the last hour. used my ft-840 at 5 watts and 110 ft. end fed wire. only worked 80m.band seemed to favor nearby stations. n4bp in fl was difficult. was pleased to work wy3h and k3wwp in consecutive order. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 N8QY - Good night for 40 and 80 meters at my qth.N3ll was hot at his qth ,that antenna is fb. KU4A - Much better condx than last month. Of course, just about anything would be better condx than last month - hi. WD4MSM - It seemed there were better conditions this month compared to last month or, maybe there were more participants. I heard more stations than I could contact; I was below the noise floor for some stations. I operated with the K2 on battery power. AA9L - My favorite sprint. Lot's of activity on 80, wish I would have started there. NI5L - Pretty tough condx here in DM-52M. Lots of QRN and QRM. Looking forward to next month. I'm hooked on QRP!!! N8BB - Was very happy with 80 meters again, very nice job by all that I worked. Called cq and it was great, many calls and very fun to sort out and work all these great signals.Worked number 1 and number 2 within 20 minutes of each other, great to hear John and Toms big signal again. Many friends from FISTS and SKCC (and they're not NAQCC members also? If not, better recruit them if they enjoy our sprints - K3WWP) also on the air making this a most enjoyable evening. Thanks to all. Werner KD0V - Great Sprint. 80 meters was wide open for the two full hours. Thanks everyone for giving me a call. KC8LTL - First time I entered one of your monthly sprints. W2SH - Spent almost all of the first hour on 40m where my stubbornness was rewarded with just nine QSOs. I promised myself to return there after giving 80m a go, but that never happened, for 80m conditions were really very good and stayed that way throughout the final hour. K1IEE - Had a fun time. Thought I was going to start on 40 but the band fell very fast. 80 was good and very little QRN and static. Ran the HW-9 with 4 watts out. Thanks for the contacts. W9CC - Pretty good conditions on 80 meters. I heard XE1GXG but he didn't hear me. Next time maybe. VE3FUJ - This time I started out on 80 with a brief visit to 40, pits, two contacts, then back to 80, which was really hopping. My opinion is, that a lot of guys out there need to take the advise from WD0K's soapbox comment, ME included. Therefore I need to apologize to those of you who encountered my sloppy Fist. I really enjoyed this sprint, and thanks to all I contacted, and I apologize to those who tried, and I didn't hear. Nice to contact you again John. This sprint I ran my Sierra at 4W. Brion NU4I - Signals on 80 were strong here. Nice time working you all. W5ODS - This is the first time I submitted a Log. Had a great time although the bands were poor with noise and QSB here in OK. KE7YTE - That was a fun 2 hours Feb.10. My first time at contesting. I'm a fairly new ham and am a new NAQCC member. It will take me awhile to learn how to install GenLog so am submitting my log by the form. I'm looking forward to improving my skills and QSO's with group. I hope I recorded my log correctly. If not please let me know for next time. KO7X - This is my first time participating in the NAQCC Sprint. Good signals and activity. NF8M - Condx improving! Got to work both #1 and #2 this time around. TNX fellas es 72. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday, February 10, 0130-0330Z Prize: The winner, to be decided by drawing among all who submit a valid log, gets a choice of paddle handles, straight key knobs, and/or K2 knob inserts donated by Gregg WB8LZG. See the Prizes page in the Main section of the web site for details and pictures. Here's how the drawing is made. In all sprints for our records we number the participants consecutively from highest to lowest score. We'll then use the random number generator feature of Excel to pick a number from those numbers. That way, the winner could be the one with the highest score, the lowest score, or anything in between. So be sure to submit a log no matter your score if you are interested in winning these beautiful hand-crafted items. We've given Gregg's masterpieces away before and every winner has commented on their beauty and usefulness. A member can only win once, then becomes ineligible after that. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |