Jan 28, 2010 160M Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 160 Antenna W2SH 31 28 59 15 885 x2 1770 80 cf dpl@35',inv L@85'+85' N2WN 25 24 49 16 784 x2 1568 72' Marconi@??' K4ORD 38 35 73 19 1387 1387 dpl@35', 610' lw@40' KB3AAG 35 34 69 15 1035 1035 g5rv@40' K4UK 33 30 63 16 1008 1008 inv v@??' K3WWP 23 23 46 10 460 x2 920 ~110' attic rnd wire KA2KGP 19 17 36 11 396 x2 792 160 coiled sloper N1LU 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 cobra ultralite@40' WA1ABI 17 15 32 12 384 x2 768 27' vert w/100 rads AA9L 16 14 30 11 330 x2 660 trp dpl@50' K4BAI 16 13 29 11 319 x2 638 T vertical N8QY 16 13 29 11 309 x2 618 g5rv@25' WI0S 19 16 35 16 560 560 inv L@??' K6XT 12 9 21 10 210 x2 420 1/8 wv gp N3LL 13 13 26 8 208 x2 416 1/4 wv sloper@35' W0EJ 19 17 36 11 396 396 205' g5rz@45' K1QO 18 18 36 11 396 396 inv v@40' WA9TZE 12 9 21 9 189 x2 378 Alpha-Delta DX-A K0HJC 11 11 22 8 176 x2 352 dpl@35' AD1OS 17 17 34 10 340 340 inv L K4MF 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 inv L W8VFM 15 15 30 11 330 330 dpl@30' NU4I 17 16 33 10 330 330 inv L K4JPN 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 t@32' W2JEK 12 12 24 6 144 x2 288 110' ef wire@20' N4SAM 11 11 22 10 220 220 60'x60' inv L w/80 rads WB5NMZ 12 10 22 9 198 198 loaded 1/2 sloper@??' WY3H 8 7 15 6 90 x2 180 rnd wire@25' KD2MX 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 600' loop@25' W4SEC 9 9 18 5 90 x2 180 43' vert w/32 rads VE3MO 8 7 15 7 105 x1.5 158 windom@30' VA3RKM 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 1/4 wv wire@20' N2YHQ 5 5 10 5 50 x1.5 75 inv L@40' KE9DR 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 380' rnd loop@50' VE3RCN 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 full wave loop@50-9' N0EVH 4 4 8 4 32 x1.5 48 inv L NU7T 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 90' inv L@25' N8RQJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 windom@30' AB8FJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 ef rnd wire@15' VE3FUJ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 130' wire@12-30' WA6L 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 loaded sloper@35' WB8ENE 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 135' dblt@15' W9CC 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 inv v@35' KQ1P 0 0 0 0 0 0 (downed in storm - see soapbox) 1st place winner: W2SH 2nd place winner: N2WN NOTE: Since this is a special sprint not in our regular series there was no cross-checking of logs, no divisions, nor any Top First Time Entrant certificate, just a certificate to the first and second place finishers overall.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Remember the old joke by (I think) W.C. Fields who said the theater was so crowded, you couldn't clap sideways, you had to clap up and down? Actually it was more of a visual than an aural joke. Anyway the band was so crowded tonight that....... You can fill in the punch line. I was delighted to hear all the activity and I did better in this 160M sprint than our regular sprint. However after a while I stopped getting answers to my CQ's, and was only hearing the same strong stations over and over again as I tuned around the band. WB8ENE - Hard to dig the signals out of the heavy noise here. Heard a couple more but couldn't quite make it. Sorry N8QY. It's past my bedtime, so 73 to all. WB5NMZ - Another great sprint -- haven't heard this much QRP activity on 160 in quite some time. Well done! N1LU - I don't get down (up) to top band very often, so this was fun and educational. It learned my Cobra antenna doesn't transmit as well on 160m as on the other HF bands. I was getting weaker RST's than I was giving out. Fun as usual. WA6L - This was a lot of fun even if I didn't hear too many signals on the left coast. Thanks and 73! N3LL - Fun...heard a lot more guys but they could not hear me . Threw ant up today, 130 foot of # 20 wire sloped of a 35 ft tower... N8RQJ - Was my first try at a contest. W0EJ - Thanks to all for a great time, apologies to those I couldn't pull out. I like this 160M sprint. 73 Bill KE9DR - I have only had one contact on 160m before this sprint. The band seemed noisy but lots of QRM. DXers had 1811-1813 busy. KB9AAG was in there all night and I finally made contact after many tries. I was really surpised how well I did. Enjoyed it. Tnx to all. 73 KD2MX - I had to leave work early today in order to get home and splice together my wire. It had taken a direct hit on Sunday from a large tree limb that came down during a storm. The result was two random wires and a very high SWR. Fortunately the weather today was fairly pleasant and it only took an hour or so to repair the break. I only worked the first 30 minutes of the sprint as, being the political junkie that I am, I had to watch the State of the Union address. I just can't help myself sometimes. The band was busy and the noise level not so bad. Conditions were better than I've seen during some recent sprints. My only questionable QSO was with Tom, WY3H. He was weak here and seemed to be having trouble hearing me. I thought he got my part of the exchange and then he disappeared into the ether. This special sprint is always a pleasure. Hopefully we'll see good conditions this weekend. W2JEK - band seemed pretty good. much qrm from dx pileup nearby. used my yaesu ft-840 at 5 watts to 110 ft. end fed wire at 20 ft. lots of fun. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 N2YHQ - Having the time and energy after a long day of work to participate on a NAQCC 160mts qrp Sprint = Amazing. Being able to work 160mts qrp using my Vibroplex "leftie" original and make six contacts under noisy conditions = Priceless :-) Tnx all! 73 Marcelo K6XT - Lots slower than a multiband sprint! Almost packed it in after the first hour when I went almost 30 mins without a Q. All of a sudden the band opened up to the southeast. My last QSO Ed, guy in TX ran a KW to a vertical, about blew me out of the chair. Thats OK he was a mult! Broke out my trusty Navy CAQZ-26022 S/N 985 for this one (that would be a waterproof hand key of unknown vintage, probably pre-WW2 - if someone knows its provenance, please advise!) Think I got the log right this time. 73 Art K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W output, "t" vertical. Heard and called a number of stations without answers, but was delighted with results with my compromise antennas. Hope to work many of you in CQ 160 CW the weekend from multi-op station W8JI (or maybe W4AN). Thanks for all QSOs and those who tried to hear me too. 73/72, John K4ORD - The band seemed pretty good, I ran my K2 at 5W, ant's were dipole at 35' and a long wire up 40'. Some stations were strong, but many were weak. Had a great time, these short qrp sprints are a lot of fun. 73 Riley WI0S - Decided to operate the sprint at the last minute, band was in great shape, I love 160 meters. Sorry I missed the N3 or N2 station towards the end, I just couldn't pull the signal out. Nice warmup for this weekend. 73, Kieth 1334 W4SEC - great time.....Heard a K6 return my call early on, but couldn't finish the contact. the grey was in Ca...would have been cool to work ca on 5w. Im ready for this weekend now... VE3MO (VE3KQN) - I only managed about an hour of operating last night on 160. Lots of sigs heard way down in the hash so thanks to those who called me and sorry if I "ignored" some that I couldn't quite hear. I was using a K2 at 5 watts to a windom antenna and a Johnson Speed-x bug. Hopefully condx will be better this weekend for the CQ160. Also, I beleive that SPAR has their winter FD this weekend and the following wknd is the FYBO so see y'all down the log. Jim KA2KGP - Another nice NAQCC sprint! Last yr. I had only 6 QSO's on the 160m Sprint, much better this year with good band conditions & lots of participants. What a difference a better antenna makes! Thanks to all 160m. sprinters, 73 KQ1P - We had a terrific storm on Tuesday night and it took down the only antenna I can load on 160 and I have not been able to make repairs yet. I listened in for awhile until it was too painful to see all the fun I was missing! Next time......... N4SAM - I missed most of the first hour but it was great fun, lots of strong QRP signals. KB3AAG - Great sprint! I started with low expectations but got a surprise! I had never been on the band as my loop will not load on it. Well the guys put up a full size G5RV for me. As I say I am in the bottom of what is locally called a "hollar" the ends of the antenna are about 19 feet up but it crasses the back yard at 40 feet or so! Seems it works! Keep calling fellows I realy enjoy QRP CW! Frank N0EVH - Busy evening around the house. Ran into the shack and worked a few during the sprint. Band was in good shape. Thanks for the sprint. K1QO - Great fun!!!!!! I had a blast and will be back. WOW...thanks W2SH for remembering me!!! And it was so nice to hear my local neighbors, N1IX, N1LU and K0ZK. QRP'ers are the nicest and most supportive hams in the hobby!!!! Thanks Tom and John for creating such a wonderful club!! 72/88 Ann VA3RKM - Good conditions. A useful practice for the weekend 160 event. K4JPN - Lots of fun, amazed at what a poor antenna could do. Conditions sure better then the last regular NAQCC Sprint. 72, Steve W9CC - I heard quite a few but not many heard me. Lots of noise but many guys were working DX just above the calling frequency. VE3FUJ - Boy was that band busy. I answered many a CQ but only 3 came back to me (that I heard) 1 of those was important to me for personal reasons. I also found it hard to get a signal in edge wise. at one point a big boy parked himself close to me, just half a hair out of my passband, he was calling CQ DX, And he was strong enough to activate my delayed agc. so i had to pack up and move elsewhere. All that said, it was an enjoyable evening. Brion N8QY - Lots of noise and qrm . Sorry to all I could not copy just to many stations in one spot. 73 to all W8VFM - This was a first time in a sprint on 160 meters. It was noisy for the first hour but conditions were better later on. There was DX QRM up the band from 1810. I had to quit before it was over, but was fun while I could be there. Thanks and 73, Ned W2SH - Having a week's separation from the regular January sprint certainly did wonders for the participation count. Ambient band noise here in suburban NJ was very high; I need to develop a low-noise compact antenna to improve reception on 160 and 80. Despite having a fairly substantial inverted L, most QSOs used the much lower dipole. If anyone can mount an 80m dipole, he can do 160m as a CF quarter wave, or as a top-loaded vertical with the feeders connected together at the base. No excuses! Heard WI0S at a nice RST 569 here making QSOs, but he seemed only to be answering CQs and I never did catch him for a MN multiplier. Made no contacts during the final half because no fresh callsigns appeared despite markedly improved conditions; K4UK and K4ORD were very loud, the latter registering a mere 30dB over S9 AA9L - My first sprint on my favorite band. I was not dissapointed! A lot of fun. VE3RCN - A lot of cw qrp activity! Looks like you broke your record of 21 submitted logs. I only had a few minutes. I can hear more than those that can hear me. 73, Kevin 4004 N2WN - probably didn't score this right... been ages since I was in one of these. great turnout and sorry I missed a few of you, heard you calling and we coulda made it happen... maybe next time. HNY and GL in CQ160! 72, Julius WA9TZE - first time in the contest and enjoyed it. See you next time.--Jim NU4I - It's been too long since last sprint...Hope to be more active..Nice time! See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. For this special sprint, any rules below supercede comparable rules in the General Sprint Rules. INTRO and PREMISE for this special sprint: We are offering a fourth edition of our special 160M sprint which is an annual event shortly before the January CQWW 160M Contest similar to what the QRP ARCI does with the ARRL 160M Contest in December. We have been pleased with the popularity of previous 160M sprints and feel it is something our members really like. It is also an opportunity to do some final 160M testing before the CQ Contest. Some members don't believe QRP and simple wire antennas work well on 160M. This provides a chance for them to prove themselves wrong. QRP does work well on 160M just as on any other band, even with simple small wire antennas. RULES specific to this sprint: Date and time: Thursday, January 28, 2010 from 0130-0330Z which is Wednesday evening here in the USA Bands Used This Sprint: 160 meters only (1810 kHz +/- 5kHz) Entry Deadline: All entries must be received before 2400Z the Sunday after the sprint. Results: Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final Awd 160 Antenna 1st place winner: 2nd place winner: NOTE: Since this is a special sprint not in our regular series there was no cross-checking of logs nor any Top First Time Entrant certificate, just a certificate to the first and second place finishers overall.SOAPBOX: |