May 2009 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#55) Final Official Results SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *N8BB 43 43 86 22 1892 x2 3784 w5gi@50' K3WWP 54 51 105 18 1890 x2 3780 ~110' attic random wire W2SH 41 37 78 22 1716 x2 3432 80m sloping dpl@65-10' K2ZC 41 37 78 17 1326 x2 2652 delta loop@40' N7UN 31 25 56 23 1288 x2 2576 20m dpl@55',40m rotary dpl@95'!!! N1LU 29 25 54 21 1134 x2 2268 cobra ultralite@40' KD2MX 33 31 64 17 1088 x2 2176 600' loop@25' KB4WJA 23 21 44 16 704 x2 1408 rotary dipole@65' KA2KGP 22 21 43 15 645 x2 1290 5b dipole@??' W9CC 21 19 40 14 560 x2 1120 80m loop@15' W4SEC 19 18 37 15 555 x2 1110 g5rv@40' W2JEK 23 22 45 12 540 x2 1080 20vert,40dpl@20',80m110'ef@20' N8XMS 20 17 37 13 481 x2 962 R7 vert AF3Z 18 18 36 12 432 x2 864 80m inv V@16' VA2SG 23 22 45 12 540 x1.5 810 butternut hf9v *WB1HJS 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 W5GI 'mystery ant'@50' *VE3FUJ 17 17 34 11 374 x2 748 102' g5rv@42' N2COD 19 18 37 9 333 x2 666 g5rv@20' KX3H 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 ~66' indoor dpl KJ4IC 15 15 30 11 330 x2 660 102' dblt@30' KA8HFN 13 13 26 12 312 x2 624 dpl@9' N9AKF 13 13 26 12 312 x2 624 rnd wire@20' K8KFJ 16 15 31 9 279 x2 558 ab vert,80m dpl@30' N7RVD 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 hi-q screwdriver WB8LZG 14 12 26 9 234 x2 468 lw@30',invL@30' AC6NN 12 11 23 10 230 x2 460 80m loop@20' WY3H 15 15 30 7 210 x2 420 ocf dipole@25' N8ZYA 12 10 22 9 198 x2 396 indoor isotron WA2JSG 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 hf9 vert@40' *KA3NZR 11 11 22 8 176 x1.5 264 102' g4rv@50' K4JPN 10 10 20 6 120 x2 240 80m cf zepp@??' N4FI 10 10 20 5 100 x2 200 40m attic dpl,80m rnd wire@20' WB1HGA 11 11 22 9 198 198 g5rv@25' KQ1P 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 80m inv v@30' W1OH 12 12 24 7 168 168 40m dblt@30' AB8FJ 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 ef rnd wire@15' VE3HUR 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 20vert,40dpl,80ef@??' N3COR 6 5 11 4 44 44 inv V@14' K4UFT 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 hb vert@5' *KT4FJ 7 7 14 4 56 56 50' ef wire@??' @KA1SAW 6 6 12 3 36 x1.5 54 inside dpl @W8BI 20 19 39 14 546 x1.5 819 75m dpl@70' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W7JI 30 25 55 18 990 x2 1980 inv V@55' WA9VEE 19 17 36 15 540 x2 1080 200' wire@30' WI0S 18 15 33 14 462 x2 924 20m ext dbl zepp@50' K9PL 17 17 34 12 408 x2 816 dpl@25' NV9X 13 12 25 10 250 x2 500 dipole@40' K4NVJ 16 15 31 8 248 x2 496 88' dpl@35' W5AG 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 40 m sloper dpl up 40' WD0K 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 delta loop@36' K5GQ 10 9 19 9 171 x1.5 257 dipole@25' *K9IS 11 11 22 9 198 198 80m horiz loop@30' KD5MMM 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 inv V@40' KD5KJ 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 g5rv@35' W6GMT 2 2 4 2 8 x1.5 12 40m dpl@30' XE1GXG 0 0 0 0 0 0 inv V@27' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NO2D 3 3 6 3 18 18 80m dpl@??' WY7N 2 1 3 2 6 6 40M Dipole @25' SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WA6L 9 8 17 7 119 x1.5 179 inv V@35' NA7US 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80m loop@60' K6CSL 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40 delta loop,indoor dpl&loop @N6HE 4 3 7 2 14 x2 28 ocf dipole@25' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 57 51 108 25 2700 x2 5400 beam@55',dpl@40',zepp@45',invV@50' NU7T 5 5 10 5 50 50 ta33jr@33' *VE5BCS 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 2el quad@45' @ - QRO, not eligible for certificate or prize * - Special Award contender (first time entrants) Drawing entrants: N8BB, K9IS, VE5BCS Drawing winner: N8BB AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: N8BB 1st SWA Central: W7JI 1st SWA Mountain: NO2D 1st SWA Pacific: WA6L 1st Gain: K4BAI The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: WB4YZA - 10 W7IEX - 9 N5KIP - 8 W9ILF - 8 N1PQ - 7 K5ENA - 6 W7OM - 6 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 65 (NEW RECORD!) Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 106 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 1021 States represented: 34 + ON, QC, SK, KP4 If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: WY3H - Didn't make that many QSO's, however this was the first opportunity I had in some time to work a full 2 hours of the sprint. Had fun and hope to do it again. Tom. K3WWP - WOW! Superb conditions tonight brought a new record number of QSO's to me. However, not enough multipliers for a new record score. 40m never went long here till the very end, so I couldn't work much of anything beyond 800-900 miles or so. It looks like the good conditions were widespread according to the 31 logs I've looked at so far. I'm shutting down now at 1AM, and will process any more logs that come in tonight sometime tomorrow. Thanks to all for a wonderfully enjoyable 2 hours. Oh, the new autologger is working perfectly. Thanks N4LCD and W4CGP. W5AG - Thanks to those patient participants who made sure I could copy their exchange. Stayed on 40 meters. 73.. Arch K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W, TH6DXX, zepp, dipole, inverted vee. TH6DXX just repaired by K1TO today after being without it since early January. 20M was in good shape, as was 40, but there was some QRN on 40. QRN was vry high on 80, but signals were good. Heard a few more than I could work on 80. Thanks for all the QSOs. Please look for a group of us signing NF4A from the W8JI station in CQ WPX CW at the end of the month. 73/72, John, K4BAI. KD2MX - Great to hear some new calls. Welcome to all the new sprinters. Tonight was a good one. Started out with a few Qs on 20M but it was slow. 40M was jammed and in fine shape. Not especially long, my best DX was OK. Had a couple of pretty good runs. 80M was busy too but I only had a couple of minutes before having to QRT. Nights like this set off those long winter nights sitting in a black hole. K2ZC - Started out on 40m. Was pretty busy for about an hour. Then things got quiet on 40m. I qsy'ed to 80m. It was kind of noisy. I had to ask for many repeats. My logging program locked up about halfway through and I lost 1 entry. I apologize to whoever it was. This is a personal best for me in this sprint. Thanks to all for the qso's. 73 es 72 W7JI - Enjoyed operating in the sprint and looking forward to the next one. KA1SAW - Conditions were not very Good from this QTH, but it was still a fun evening on the radio. KA1SAW - Neal - NAQCC # 2502 WA2JSG - Another fun event, as always! KD5MMM - It was noisy, but heard quite a few stations. Had fun.. 73, Phil N1LU - This was the busiest night on 40M since I've been doing this (not really that long). Had to use my 250 Hz filter!!. I learned I've become too dependent on my logging software. The new version on Genlog I downloaded has some problems and I got flusterd. Probably got a few wrong. NV9X - GOOD PARTICIPATION AND GOOD CONDITIONS. W1OH - Fun sprint tonight! First time on the air in over 6 weeks. Conditions seemed pretty good and made contacts on 20m, 40m, and 80m. Even worked K3WWP #002 on two bands, and WY3H #001 on 80m. I was enjoying my new Kent Twin paddle for the first time since receiving it for my birthday a month ago - nice paddle!! And thanks to NAQCC for another great sprint! WB1HJS - My first Sprint! KJ4IC - The bands were pretty good here in NC. 40m was even crowded. I even worked a couple on 20! Had a great time as usual. CU next month- 73 -Bob VA2SG - Good condx on 40, 80 not cooperating. I hope my lousy keying with the old Hi-Mound semi automatic bug didnt give you too much headaches! Fun as usual. My claimed score is 810. WA6L - I had a great time on my first NAQCC sprint. I met a few folks at FDIM this year who told me to give it a try and they weren't wrong. There seemed to be a good level of activity and some great ops. All my contacts were on 20m, which died at about 0200. It was still too light on the Left Coast to get any traction on 40m, but I gave it a try. I downloaded GenLog about 15 minutes before the contest. It is a fine program, but learning to use it during a contest was not my brightest idea. I think I had the received and sent RSTs backwards for my first few QSOs, and that is entirely my fault, not the software's. At any rate, I will be back next month with high hopes and a better handle on the logging software. 73 to all! John XE1GXG - Heard many worked none K4JPN - Heavy QRN, seemed all I could hear and work was NJ and MI. 72, Steve AC6NN - Good conditions tonight on 40m! Heard lots of stations and had a great time. N6HE - First NAQCC Sprint - only got in 20 minutes, but you'll see me again! 73, Ray KX3H - My first sprint in several months, and I almost missed it! I was tuning my ATS-3B around on 40 and heard "CQ NA." I decided to jump in, operating on an old 9v battery. Didn't have watt meter connected but measured 1w into a dummy load after the contest. What a powerhouse! I stayed on 40 the whole time and heard lots of nice signals. It was a lot of fun and I got a celebrity (John, K3WWP) in my log! (Aww, shucks - K3WWP) W8BI (op-KA8OQF) - First Sprint -- a nice little "brush the rust off" special -- operated W8BI club station, just to let 'em know we're out here...I'll have to try another radio out here next time -- ya can't turn a Yaesu 990 down below 10w... AF3Z - It was about 2 months since I'd been on cw. Thanks for an enjoyable evening! K6CSL - 20 was virtually dead here. 40 was the only usable band. I worked W7OM up in Seattle but the QSB was severe and I was unable to get a fill on his number before he moved on to the next QSO. TNX to N6HE AND W7EIX. I live in a mobile home park that allows no "visible" antennas so my QRP options are pretty slim. Bert VE3HUR - All contacts were at 1.5 watts with an HW-8 which is, sadly, now my main rig. WB8LZG - Good test tonight. Condx were gud here in Mich. 20 was open fer a bit right at the start. 40 was the "meat n taters" band fer me. Only got to play fer an hour, but the bands were hot,so got a gud bunch of Q's. Extra nice to work Charles W2SH agn, as he es i met fer an "eyeball" at Dayton this past weekend. It's always nice to meet the guy on the other end of the QSO. Well see u all next month. I'll be portable at the ball diamond, using the old light poles fer a longwire. 73 Gregg KA2KGP - YES! a great sprint evening with very good conditions on 40m. but 80m. was exceptionally in poor shape. Nice turnout with several new members worked. See ya'll next sprint. 72 K9PL - Used PFR-3 (5 watts) and NorCal 40A (3.5 watts) with J-37 key. KB4WJA - Mostly good here in NC. Worked 40m first and then switched to 80m at 0130. 80m was so noisy I switched back to 40m after 3 contacts. Exactly the same number of contacts as last month's sprint. Looking forward to June! N2COD - A VERY nice sprint night with the best band conditions in a long time on 40m. I worked several stations on multiple bands, including Tom, WY3H (0001) & John, K3WWP (0002) on both 40 & 80. A decent turnout for a fun & productive sprint. K8KFJ - It was fun using my Whiterook MK-22 key for the Sprint again. It's smaller than a matchbox but fun to use. It's always nice to work both NAQCC #1 and #2 in the Sprint. My thanks to those who participated and thought band condx were fairly good. 72 fm West Virginia. Gary K8KFJ NAQCC #265 WD0K - 1st half hr was great; then band went long and from their it almost died here in MN. Worked w7ji at 0030z with a 599. When I closed ststion he was a plus 10 by 1112z. Band turned very noisy. The sprint is always fun. 72 all Rich / wd0k /664 K4UFT - Got in the last fifteen minutes with three contacts on 40. Band crowded and noisy here in SC. Nothing on 20, no antenna for 80. Icom 703+, 5 Watts, ChiCom Army K5 key, home-brew vertical. N8ZYA - My best results yet.... but I missed a golden opportunity to work K4BAI on three bands....got to remember to do that! Band appeared to be short and I was able to work extra stations this time. I was especially glad to hear from N7RVD/M in his RV from Va. LOTS of fun and I was able to work K3WWP for the first time. I now have #1 and #2 in the log book. Thanks John (You're welcome, and thank you for contributing to my record number of QSO's - K3WWP) N8ZYA--Charleston, WV WY7N - Success is in achieving goals. Here is my story... A week or two ago I joined a tennis league. What I didn't realize is that my match on Wednesday would conflict with this month's sprint! I needed to report in at the pro shop at 01:15Z. Yikes! What was I to do? I'm at the top of the participation award list for the western division. Steve (NU7T) will pass me up if I miss a sprint. I decided to operate in the park near the Tennis club where I had to play. I grabbed my ATS-3B (neat radio in an Altoids tin!), a lightweight dipole I made last summer to carry with me on a backpacking trip, a key, battery, notepad, etc.; everything I needed fit in a small box. Time was of the essence. I arrived early, chose two nice trees that were far enough apart. One shot each with the EZ-Hang put the dipole up about 25'. Set up time was around 45min. That's a record for me operating Field Day style! I had extra time to settle in, remind myself how to use the ATS-3B and get comfortable. I would only have around 30 min of operating time. Hopefully that would be enough to snag a couple contacts to prove I was on the air, then it would be QRT to play tennis. 00:30Z arrived. I started sending CQ. Suddenly there were loud key clicks all over the band. I tuned up a few KHz and found W7MBR. I was surprised at how strong his signal was because he was located about 70 miles south in Provo, UT--the other side of a few small mountains. (I was operating in Liberty Park in Salt Lake City, if you know the area.) He was looking for a rag-chew. He must not be a NAQCC member. I moved away from him as much as I could and resumed CQing. It wasn't long until KA9UDA in CA returned my call. Thanks Roger! A few minutes later W7IEX did the same from NV. Thanks Vance! Goal achieved! Time to focus on tennis. Tear down took 17 minutes--another record! I reported in for my tennis match with the calm feeling that I had already achieved something challenging. (The tennis match? It was grueling three-hour affair. In the end I wore my opponent down. The score: 6-6 8/10, 6-3, 6-1. I give the credit to the NAQCC for the win!) Thanks for putting together such a fun club! W6GMT - Bad T-Storm S9+ noise so quit early 73 brock N8XMS - I only played for an hour but had a lot of fun. I used my 1941 US Army Signal Corps J5A key. Conditions were OK and there seemed to be a good amount of participation. KQ1P - Wow 40M was great last night. 20M was open but I got a late start because of my daughter's birthday party (cake & home made ice cream is hard to miss). These were the best sprint conditions this year for me. 73. John NA7US - My very first Sprint and even though I could only be on for an hour, I had a blast and am looking for more! NO2D - Only had a few minutes at the end of the sprint. Used iambic keyer. Hope that was legal this month. (yep, you just miss out on the x2 bonus mult - K3WWP) Will be back to my old Ameco straight key next time. Pete W2JEK - glad 20 was open for a change. 40 also was busy. went to 80m. my first qso was wy3h #1 and second qso was k3wwp #2--naqcc pres. and vp in consecutive order. what luck! 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 KT4FJ - My first Sprint - lots of fun! 20m was pretty dead, 40m was packed and 80m was ok but not nearly as active as 40m. I used my Elecraft KX1 with long wire antenna. Looking forward to next month. N9AKF - Started on 20m and heard a lot of activity. Most sigs were not too strong and most would slowly fade out, then slowly back. I worked the strongest stations that I heard then went to 40m. 40m was very good so I just stayed there for the rest of the sprint. 14 qs is pretty good for me, might be my best so far. Thanks to all for another fun filled sprint! 72, Bart K4NVJ - Lot's of activity. 20 was especially good early. N8BB- First time in the NAQCC sprint. Where do I start, it has so many great things about it. I worked casually and found it getting more exciting as I went. More and more activity and it became more exciting right up to the end. I did find NAQCC # 1 and #2 and certainly found that gratifying. Worked only 80 and 40 with 80 meters having well over an s-7 noise level but managed 14 Q's but 40 was the bread and butter with 29 Q's. Many thanks to all with those great ears and patience to dig the signals out. Werner N8BB Elecraft K3@5watts W2SH - Because it's usually fashionable to complain about band conditions, here's my gripe: too darn much sprint QRM! K4BAI's commanding signal proved 20m to be open. It stayed that way for nearly a half hour until becoming unstable before closing, but I snagged a couple of long-distance multipliers. 40m was in fine shape; really too good, for when my CQs brought triple replies with near-zero readability, everyone suffered. Spent the last half hour on 80m where summertime QRN was evident; activity seemed light, but conditions were good and I worked AA1TJ's 80mW. After it was over, I saw that I had QSO'd the first and last of then-listed members, nos. 1 (WY3H) and 3733 (KT4VFA), plus a few of those in between. N7UN - N7UN in NJ: Thanks for the great little sprint. Band condx were great for me...some QRN on 40m that challenged me to copy the weak stations. Thanks for the effort! WI0S - Fun sprint, been awhile since I did one of these NAQCC sprints and I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the 18 fun QSO's. Had a nice run going on 40 meters then had to qsy for W1AW. Tried 80 meters but no answers so went back to 40 and found a spot to make a couple more contacts. Hope to do it again next month. 72 de Kieth wi0s 1334 KA3NZR - This was my first NAQCC Sprint. I was only able to make a few contacts but had a great time. Harry WB1HGA - Great to have a antenna back up with my K1! VE5BCS - Im trying and learning hope to cul See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday May 21, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among the following: The one making the highest score in each division and submitting a sprint report for the very first time. A further qualification is that you must have made at least 5 QSO's. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - Nothing need be put here - I have records here that will tell me if this is your first report Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |