Apr 2009 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#54) Final Official Results After Cross-checking SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 43 38 81 20 1620 x2 3240 ~110' attic rnd wire *K1NNJ 34 31 65 19 1235 x2 2470 143' cobra ultralite@65' *W9ILF 32 27 59 18 1062 x2 2124 gnd mtd vert N1LU 26 25 51 17 867 x2 1734 cobra ultralite@40' WB8LZG 24 22 46 16 736 x2 1472 lw & inv vee@30' KB4WJA 23 22 45 15 675 x2 1350 rotary dpl@65', inv vee@50' *KD2MX 22 20 42 13 546 x2 1092 600' loop@??' *W9CC 19 17 36 14 504 x2 1008 80m loop@15' KB3AAG 31 29 60 16 960 960 80m vert loop@35' *KA2KGP 19 17 36 12 432 x2 864 gnd mtd vert KG1W 20 19 39 11 429 x2 858 windom 80@35' KI4GLH 18 17 35 12 420 x2 840 g5rv@??' *KA8MPT 16 16 32 13 416 x2 832 hf6v vert N8XMS 18 16 34 12 408 x2 816 r7 vert *KJ4IC 18 15 33 11 363 x2 726 102' dblt@30' AG4IP 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 ef 67' rnd wire@22' VE3KI 24 22 46 14 644 644 gnd mtd vert *N2ATB 16 14 30 10 300 x2 600 g5rv@35' N4BP 21 16 37 14 518 518 40/80 coax trap dpl@62' NF8M 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 80m ocf dpl@35' KT4LF 10 9 19 9 171 x2 342 lw@25' *W2JEK 11 10 21 8 168 x2 336 40m dpl & 110' ef wire@20' W0EJ 13 13 26 11 286 286 205' g5rv@40' WA3ZBJ 14 14 28 10 280 280 stealth vertical WA2JSG 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 hf9 vert@12' K8KFJ 10 8 18 7 126 x2 252 mb vert, 80m dpl@30' WA8SAN 13 13 26 9 234 234 g5rv@25' K4KSR 10 9 19 9 171 171 40m windom@30', 80m inv L N9AKF 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 rnd wire@20' *KU4A 10 8 18 9 162 162 slopers@40'down W2SH 6 6 12 5 60 x2 120 80m dpl@65-10' N3COR 8 6 14 6 84 84 80m inv vee@14' AC6NN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 80m loop@20' N8ZYA 5 4 9 4 36 x2 72 indoor isotron K4UFT 5 5 10 5 50 50 hb vert WB8ENE 5 5 10 4 40 40 135' dblt@15' K4JPN 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 80m cf zepp@32' N2COD 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 g5rv@25' N2ICZ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dipole@25' VA3TSK 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 52' sloping dblt@25-8' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *AA9L 29 26 55 20 1100 x2 2200 trap dpl@50' *KD0V 27 25 52 17 884 x2 1768 g5rv@45' N4SAM 25 22 47 13 611 x2 1222 delta loop@55' WA9VEE 18 17 35 14 490 x2 980 lw@30' K5PSH 14 13 27 13 351 x1.5 527 40m inv vee@35' NV9X 11 11 22 11 242 x2 484 dipole@40' N5EEI 13 11 24 8 192 x2 384 inverted L K9PL 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 dpl@25' K0MLT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 delta loop@36' VE4WI 7 7 14 7 98 98 PAR ef z@12' W5AG 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 80m & 40m sloper dpls@40' K0IE 5 5 10 5 50 50 short g5rv@15' WD0K 4 4 8 3 24 x1.5 36 delta loop@36' K4NVJ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 88' dipole@35' @W5TM 73 61 134 28 3752 3752 80m dpl@80' %KD5MMM 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 inv v@40' @- QRO 100 watts - ineligible for certificate or prizes %- Check log received after the deadline SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *N0TA 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 gnd mtd vert NO2D 18 18 36 9 324 x2 648 80m dblt@33' WY7N 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 100' random wire @23' W7YSB 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 40m hor delta loop@30' WB0OEW 6 6 12 5 60 60 7' helical vert SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *NU7T 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 90' inv L@25' K6CSL 3 3 6 3 18 18 40m dlta loop,indoor dpl&hor loop GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W9CTB 32 27 59 15 885 885 Hy Gain Hy Tower vert@53' * - Special Award contender (most VE QSO's): E - K3WWP 3, W9ILF 3, K1NNJ 2, N2ATB 2, KJ4IC 2, KD2MX 2, KU4A 2, W2JEK 1, KA2KGP 1, KA8MPT 1, W9CC 1, C - AA9L 3, KD0V 2, M - N0TA 1, P - NU7T 1, Drawing entrants: K3WWP, W9ILF, AA9L, N0TA, NU7T Drawing winner: AA9L AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: K3WWP 1st SWA Central: AA9L 1st SWA Mountain: N0TA 1st SWA Pacific: NU7T 1st Gain: W9CTB The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: VE3ZT - 25 K9JWI - 16 AC6YY - 13 (might have won the Pacific division) K8CV - 11 K2JT -7 NM5S - 6 VE3XT - 6 AA4W - 5 AA5EJ - 5 WU2S - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 64 (ties our record) Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 96 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 967 (2nd most) States represented: 34 + MB ON SK If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Wonderful conditions. I'll have more to say after I get the multitude of logs arriving here processed. OK, here are some bleary-eyed comments at 12:25 AM after processing 33 logs so far. Any more that come in now will wait till tomorrow (later today actually). I see many comments about the strength of W5TM's signal. When I got his log, it contained an explanation. He was running 100 watts to his 80m ant at 80 feet. I think that explains it, don't you? Anyway it's nice to have Ed back after several months now, and nice to have Bob N4BP back and sending in a log again as well. I had another white hole here for the third month in a row. 43 QSO's is my second highest total to 44 back in May 2008. Everyone with one exception copied me very easily and I copied them easily as well. The exception - WA9VEE who could not finish our QSO's, either on 40 or 80. He mentions QRN in his soapbox - must have been worse than he said. Well, I'm off to bed now. Thanks to all for a very wonderful sprint. K4JPN - Heavy QRN here in GA. 72, Steve AC6NN - Very brief today, and very noisy both on 40 and 80. I heard some strong signals but some QSB as well. KU4A faded away to nothing! Sorry we couldn't make the exchange. N1LU - 40 was really nice tonight here. Some stations at 20 dB over S9 (K3WWP and W5TM) (me? - wow - K3WWP). More noise on 80 but pulled a few stations out. N0TA - Started on 20m, but no one was there! 40m was slow at first but really picked up at 2z. 80m difficult as usual. Strongest station (by far): W5TM! K3, Vertical, GenLog. WA3ZBJ - 40 Meters sounded good down here into FL tonight despite our storms tonight. Particularly enjoyed working some familiar calls - even if I don't remember names until AFTER the contact. (Tough getting old!) Vy nice working Phil. Biggest signal tonight was Ed, W5TM (again). 72/73 ... Don K0MLT - Greetings! My 1st sprint with my OM helping. Was fun and interesting to say the least. My first time using my new call K0MLT Ex KD0AJO. See you next sprint. W7YSB - 40m conditions improved in AZ this month. Doubled my score from last month. 73, Eldon W0EJ - Wow what a night here in Eastern PA..... I may not have tons of contacts but I worked N0TA in CO on 20 mtrs and later on I worked MN, NM and CA on 40 mtrs. I think this is better than when I worked GA on 160 mtrs QRP. I was afraid we would have moisy bands tonight what with the weather we had today but things worked out well. I know W5TM struggled with me on 20 before I called it quits and AA9L had QRM the first time I tried working him. I had a real blast tonight and owe it all to you. Tnx for working me es 73 till we wrk agn de Bill K0IE - FT-450AT at 5W....first time in Sprint and had a blast...new to HF and CW, so thanks to those I worked for your patience with my slow code and poor fist! W5AG - Thanks to those who made sure I could copy their exchange. 73.. Arch W9ILF - Rig - Icom 703 40 meters was very good. 80M had lots of QRN and I didn't hear a thing on 20M. Over all the conditions were good compared to what we have been used to. I'm looking for conditions to just keep getting better. N8ZYA - AA9L REALLY strong from Wisconsin (599), nice to hear K1NNJ again from the SKCC yesterday, N1LU was very strong also but my best catches were W5TM in Oklahoma and KD0V in New Mexico (KD0V is in MN, not NM - K3WWP) .....ruff on the 'ol ears but able to work. All my contacts were on 40 meters tonight. Never heard a Canadian station and that is RARE for me. I usually get into the Great Lakes region very well. KJ4IC - Had a great time. 80m very noisy in NC, so worked mostly on 40m. See you all next month - and maybe even at Dayton - 73, Bob K6CSL - It was very windy and noisey here in SJV this evening. Bert WA2JSG - 4 watts to a vertical. Fun event. KB3AAG - Fun as usual! Felt good tonite. Sorry for all those requests for repeats but I had a lot of qrm every where I went it seemed I would move and run a few stations and then find one just up and one just down on me. My narrow filter kills too many qrp stations to use! It is a nice rainy nite and this was a fine way to spend it! The last few minutes I had about three stations I could just hear but not enough to get the calls, sorry fellows perhaps next month. Frank,still down in the holler. WA9VEE - Bands a little QRNy, busy every minute, great time as usual. W2JEK - got on late. got one qso on 40m and then went to 80m. conditions not good. band seemed noisy. i guess things will get better soon- i hope. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 WB0OEW - Good to back after moving QTH to AZ. I think I need more radials on this dry desert land and my keyer stuck twice but it was fun as always. Thanks everyone. K4UFT - Icom 706MKIIg backed down to 4 Watts, Bencher BY-1 paddle, Home Brew Vertical made with 40M Hamstick and single quarter-wave counterpoise. 40 in fair condition. Not a lot of time to operate, but enjoyable as usual ... KG1W - had QRN on 40 and 80 in CT tonight. All the more challenge, yes ? Tnx for the QSOs. Apologies to the 0112 contact, never could make out ur call. Looking forward to next month already. NO2D - W5TM in Oklahoma was really loud here in Colorado on both 40 and 80 meters. Most other contacts were tough to dig out. 80 meters played better this month, but knowing when to switch from 40 to 80 meters is iffy. Enjoyed working the New England stations, as well as other East Coasters. LA was a welcome surprise at the very end of the sprint. Pete KD2MX - I gave 20M a shot at the start. W5TM had a huge signal here but the path was one-way. I also heard N0TA. But after 10 minutes of trying for a QSO, I fled to 40M. Here the band was quite busy and I had trouble finding a clear slot. The QSOs didn't come all that easy though. At 0130 it was time to go check 80M. I switched from the K1 to the KX1 which was easier than changing modules so I only ran with about 3W on 80M. It was nice to get back to the sprints after missing last month and this was a great way to "celebrate" tax day. N4BP - Storms to our north produced heavy QRN. No chance of hearing anything on 80M. Quit after the first half hour. W5TM (QRO) - Lots of QRN even on 20. Thanks for the fun two hours. WY7N - Wow! This is my highest score to date. Either conditions have improved or the ARRL DX Contest honed my skills. One new skill I picked up is how to use the RF gain control to maximize the signal to noise ratio of weak signals. For most of the sprint I had the AF gain set to max and adjusted the RF gain control for optimum signal to noise ratio. You gotta be careful doing this, or have an excellent AGC. If you accidently tune a strong signal it will blast at full volume until the AGC kicks in. It's worth it though. I can really pull a weak station out of the noise with this new trick (new to me). It's so much fun participating in this club! P.S. I hope K6CSL was able to copy my exchange (and I copied his correctly). His signal faded away to nothing after I sent mine. WD0K - Greetings All! Good sprint! Worked it with my XYL Marilyn. Her first sprint. NOT our last. Spring holds promise for better things to come. Special greetings to all the new members. 72's de WD0K; sk.. VA3TSK - This was my first NAQCC sprint. AA9L - Best conditions in a long time. Great fun. WB8ENE - Only spent about 1/2 hour on the sprint. Nice S9+ signal here in NE Ohio from KB3AAG. AG4IP - Well it's been a while since I was last with you and just what can I say? 40 Dropped like a rock at 9:45 and the static pounded my ears till they bled on 80. My FT 817 was a peanut whistle in a hurricane. If this ain't heaven, what is? 7333333333 till next time . Tim K8KFJ - Lots of storm QRN on 80m at this QTH but that's where most of the action seemed to be. Biggest signal at this QTH was W5TM in OK on 40m. It was fun working the 500mw signal of K4KSR in VA on 80. Somehow, I missed working my WV counterpart N8ZYA. Key in use was my Nye Viking Master Key. My thanks to those ops who came out this evening to operate the sprint. 72,73 Gary -K8KFJ- NAQCC #265 K5PSH - FUN EVENING, EVEN IF QRN WAS HIGH ON 40 METERS 73 JERRY KB4WJA - 40m was fine here in NC. 80 was more of a challange. I switched to 80m at 0130. Maybe I should have stayed on 40m. I made one contact with K3WWP. He came back with my name. Must be the screwed up logs! (nope, got it from GenLog - my old memory's not that good anymore - HI - K3WWP) I hope I got it all correct this time. Fun as always. KA2KGP - Much better conditions on 40 m. this sprint! 80 was plaged with QSB & lots-o-fading signals. 20 was limp as usual. Nice to hear all who participated in the sprint. 73 to all. KA8MPT - 40 METERS AND 80 NOT BAD. GOT OUT WEST A LITTLE LAST NIGHT GOOD THINGS TO COME. WB8LZG - K2 at 5w. gud condx on 40 tonite. Band was hoppin early on. lots of QRN here due to inclement wx, but many strong sigs. Only worked 2 of our bretheren to the north. Where were all those elusive Canucks? I heard several stns from out west but they did not here me. tryed calling WY7N, W0ECP,N0UMP, N8XMS,es AA9LE, but no takers. After 1 1/2 hrs ,switched to 80 fer a few more Qs. Nice to see our numbers up close to 4000. worked W9CTB #3664 es several others in the 3 thousands. This speaks well fer the growth of the club. Also nice to see a few OT's back fer more too! CU all agn next time. 73 Gregg W9CC - Even the static crashes couldn't diminish the fun! K9PL - Wilderness Radio NorCal 40A WA8SAN - Great to see so many stations on 40 meters and thanks to all who worked me. Mike KD0V - 40 meters was very good in Southern Minnesota. Had a great time, once I got going. 73, Merlin N2ICZ - I never worked a CW contest before. Lots of fun, but I have a lot to learn so will listen more next time. Thanks for everyone's patience. KT4LF - Didn't get to work the whole two hours acct constant interruptions but still managed 10 contacts..this time with the old straght key. Don't get much practice with it since the son gave me a Begali a couple of fathers days back. 40 about dead here and a loud roar on 80. Could hear a CA station but just couldn't pull him in with my low longwire...tnx for the q's and repeats...Dale N8XMS - The best conditions for me in several months. Always a lot of fun. K1NNJ - QRP always amazes me - got all the way to AZ and CO on 5 watts. I thought conditions were pretty good, just noisy. I had fun - thanks everybody. 73 - Tom N2COD - I got called away just after the sprint started & only got in 15 minutes operating & a couple QSO's. The bands sounded like they were in the best shape for a sprint in a long time. Thanks to Jerry, W9CTB for cutting thru the QRM. 73 to all. W9CTB - WOW...Got my number today and got my feet wet tonight. Can't beat that. Yep, W5TM was BIG up here, nice sigs. See ya'all next time. K4NVJ - Short time. N9AKF - I didn't work very hard in this sprint as I was simultaneously doing some internet research. Still managed a few contacts. W2SH - I could only operate the first half hour. Stayed only on 80m and it was not in good shape during that time. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday Apr 15, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among the following: The one making the most QSO's with Canadian stations and having the highest score in each division. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - The total number of Canadian station QSO's. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |