Mar 2009 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#53) Final Official Results SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 37 34 71 19 1349 x2 2698 ~110' attic rnd wire W9ILF 33 32 65 20 1300 x2 2600 gnd mtd vert K4BAI 33 29 62 18 1116 x2 2232 40dpl@45',88'cfzepp@45'80invv@50' W2SH 31 27 58 17 986 x2 1972 80m dpl@65-10' K3OXG 34 32 66 18 1188 1188 inv vee@??' KG1W 23 21 44 13 572 x2 1144 80m windom@35' KB3AAG 27 25 52 18 936 936 80m vert loop@35' KA2KGP 17 16 33 12 396 x2 792 5b gnd mtd vert NF8M 16 16 32 12 384 x2 768 80m ocf dpl@35' KB4WJA 16 15 31 11 341 x2 682 40m rotary dpl@65',inv v@50' NR9B 17 16 33 9 297 x2 594 135' ef wire@6' W2JEK 16 15 31 9 279 x2 558 40m dpl@20', 110' ef wire@20' N7RVD 18 17 35 14 490 490 Hi-Q screwdriver@10' N9AKF 11 10 21 9 189 x2 378 rnd wire@20' N4FI 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 115' rnd wire@20' VE3HUR 10 9 19 7 133 x2 266 40M dpl@??', 80M ef@??' W1OH 14 14 28 9 252 252 40m dblt@30' W9CC 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 80m loop@15' KQ1P 10 8 18 6 108 x2 216 80m inv vee@40' WA2JSG 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 elevated butternut HF9 vert VE3GNU 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 g5rv@35' N8XMS 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 r7 vert WA3ZBJ 7 6 13 7 91 91 black vert used only at nite W0EJ 9 9 18 5 90 90 205' g5rv@40' *K3ROI 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 45' attic slinky dipole N9IN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 rnd wire@40' N1LU/4 5 3 8 5 40 x2 80 buddipole in L config WA8SAN 7 6 13 6 78 78 g5rv@25' AL7QS 6 6 12 3 36 x2 72 gnd mtd vert N3COR 7 7 14 4 56 56 80m inv vee@14' KC2EGL 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 fld dpl@35' WY3H 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 windom@20' *AI3G 2 2 4 2 8 8 indoor vert w/7m counterpoise WB8LZG 2 2 4 2 8 8 dipole@30' N8CX 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dipole@25' AI4GF 1 1 2 1 2 2 inv vee dipole@25' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NB4M 23 21 44 14 616 x2 1232 40m sloper,80m dipole@50' KD0V 13 10 23 11 253 x2 506 g5rv@45' WD0K 18 16 34 14 476 476 delta loop@36' NV9X 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 dipole@40' N5EEI 11 9 20 8 160 x2 320 inv L W5AG 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 80,40M sloper dpls@40' K5GQ 14 13 27 10 270 270 dipole@20' KD5KJ 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 g5rv@40' W5RCP 9 9 18 7 126 x2 252 dipole@35' K4NVJ 7 7 14 7 98 x2 196 88' dpl@35' WA9VEE 12 12 24 7 168 168 long wire@30' N9GGE 6 5 11 6 66 x2 132 fan dpl@20' AA9L 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 trap dpl@50' KD5MMM 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 inv v@40' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NO2D 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 dblt@33' W7YSB 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 40m horiz delta loop@30' WY7N 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 100' rnd wire@23' SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W7IEX 8 6 14 8 112 x2 224 gnd mtd vert K6APW/7 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 30m inv vee@30' K6CSL 1 1 2 1 2 2 mb delta loop, indoor dipole GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NG7Z 20 17 37 16 592 x2 1184 2 el yagi@50' * - Special Award contender Drawing entrants: K3WWP Drawing winner: K3WWP AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: K3WWP 1st SWA Central: NB4M 1st SWA Mountain: NO2D 1st SWA Pacific: W7IEX 1st Gain: NG7Z The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: N5GW - 13 K9FO - 12 WA3SLN - 10 AI2T - 9 WA3AAN - 9 N1WPU - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 57 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 88 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 678 States represented: 32 + ON QC If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - From logs received so far, it appears I was blessed with another 'white hole' here in Kittanning similar to last month. I wonder if anyone else shared it with me. So far looks like W9ILF and K4BAI also benefited. Conditions were fabulous here, both on 40M the first hour and 80M from 0115Z onward. 10 QSO's on 40M including NG7Z out in Washington, and several TX stations. 27 on 80M including NO2D in Colorado as most distant. 26 of the 80M QSO's came via my CQ's on 3559.4 from where I never strayed till the very end when I answered NO2D's CQ for my 19th multiplier. These sprints sure offer an increase in enjoyment when conditions are like they were tonight. Let's hope things continue this way each and every month from now on. KC2EGL - Very little time these days for radio let alone sprinting. I am in the process of moving to a new QTH. Same town different address. Tonight I put my Elecraft KX-1 on the air for the first time at home. WOW! What a nice little rig. I worked four members. Two on 40M and two on 80M. My last QSO was with our honorable V.P. John K3WWP. I can not wait until I have more time to put my KX-1 through a longer sprint test. 73 CU next month on the radio. Mike N1LU/4 - Heavy QRN in this RV park here in Florida. Most of the time it's S8, but let up a little tonight for the sprint. I had the Buddipole set up on the deck of our 2nd floor rental apartment. The conditions were lousy, but it was nice to be able to play radio outside in a T shirt. K3ROI - I used my dads old novice ameco straight key with a IC-703. My antenna a Blackburge group 45ft slinky my dad put in the attic in 1986. This was my first contest operating solo with no backup from my mom or dad. CW RULES!!! 73 James ( NOTE: In case it isn't obvious from his comments, James is a teen-age op and the future of CW on the ham bands. We're proud of that. - K3WWP) W0EJ - Heard more than I could work tonight for some reason I didn't seem to be heard and 40 didn't cooperate. Getting used to new rig will have to be my excuse. hi Still had fun, see you all next month. Anybody going to Dayton? 73 de Bill KD5KJ - Glad to work W9ILF at the last minute. Received your QSL today, will put in mail tomorrow. WA3ZBJ - Only had limited time tonight between phone calls - but band wasn't good down here in Florida anyhow. RTTY stations sure were loud and on top of everyone. Thanks for the extreme patience shown by those with whom I managed a contact this evening. Hope for better conditions next month. 72/73, ... Don WA2JSG - My first NAQCC sprint. Lotsa fun. (The first of many, we hope. Welcome aboard the NAQCC sprint train. - K3WWP) NB4M - 40m was good tonight, 80m was very QRN here. See you next time. 72/73 W5RCP - K2 to a dipole... Turned out to be a better night than I expected. Worked, John, K3WWP on both 40 and 80 meters. Not bad PA to TX using 5W and wire. Looking forward to seeing you all again next month... Ron KB3AAG - Fun as usual! Nothing on twenty but at 2247 I did have the thrill of working W7IEX in Reno NV at14.060. That is the furthest west I have got from down in the "holler" ! Fourty didn't seem real good but I got some there. Then I went to eighty and hit pay dirt! I had a real nice run going till a digital station landed on me. that about did me. Sorry to the station calling me just then but he killed you. I did work Lou K3OXG my neighbor who lives about a hundred yards from my house in town, I didn't realize it was him till about three qso's later! Where were you hiding John? (On 3559.4 most of the time - K3WWP) 73 72 N9IN - That was fun. I should do this more than once a year, maybe I can use a straight better than. I could not connect with the MS or NJ sprinters which would have been new states for me, but I did get CT, Thanks KG1W - Not bad here in CT on 80m tonight. Tnx for all the QSOs. NO2D - KG1V is listed in New Hampshire, but I swear he sent CT, so that is where I logged him. (It's KG1W, not V. And you're right about logging what is sent, not what some list says, as some members winter in FL (WA3ZBJ, N1LU, etc.) - K3WWP) Hope it does not mess up his score! Also snagged N9IN at the very end. My clock said 0230, but his may have said 0229. I would not want him to miss out, so I count it. No two clocks ever tell the same time anyway. Fox hunts usually interfere with some of the sprints, but this month was wide open. Nice to have made as many contacts this time as I did, and my sending arm is sore. Thanks to all for making this possible and for participating. Peter K6APW/7 - Had to miss middle hour, not much heard after. W7YSB - My first NAQCC sprint. Signals weak in AZ. Looking forward to next sprint. 73 Eldon (Welcome aboard to you also. Hope you enjoy a long stay - K3WWP) WA9VEE - 40&80 in great shape. New K3 changes everything. W5AG - Thanks to those who made sure I could copy their exchange. Contacts were evenly divided to 40 and 80 meter bands. 73.. Arch NR9B - I'll try to be on time for the next sprint instead of being over an hour late. Great conditions on 80 meters tonight. Noticed some of the QRP signals were better than 10db over S9 here. WD0K - Fun time! Took a few minute for nerves too settle down. Had a nice little run; too bad never learned to type. Oh Well! Now I have a new goal after retiring...hi! 72; CU next mo. Richard VE3HUR - Wow! What a change from the past few months. Late last week the bands woke up around here. This was the first time in five months that I've even heard stations from PA let alone worked them. Hope this is a good sign. 72, Don NG7Z - I haven't been able to participate for a long time. Tuesday evenings are set aside for other reasons. So I was happy to finally get a chance to toss my call in the ring again. Thanks for the contacts. Oh and by the way, it was my first qso with John K3WWP. After all these years too. 73 Paul W9ILF - rig: Icom 703. We had some thunderstorms moving through which caused a fair amount of QRN at times but the bands were in wonderful shape as far as propagation and normal noise level. This was one of by best if not the best I have done with this sprint so it is encouraging to think it may be a combination of the improved bands and becoming a better operator. Nice to work John K3WWP who was sending with his right hand. N8XMS - I had to start late and end early but I still managed to enjoy 6 contacts, all on 40 meters. Only 5 of them actually count for the sprint because I couldn't get the power output from the last person that I worked. It's always fun! KA2KGP - Much better band conditions this sprint, even 20m. had some activity. Signals were good here in WNY and noise & QRN were minimal. An enjoyable sprint! Thanks to all & 73 N7RVD - Operated from Jacksonville, FL. 40m band open all over. Worked NY, AZ and WA. Thanks everybody. See u next month. --- Brian K4BAI - Missed the first 32 minutes due to celebrating my aunt's 90th birthday. 40 seemed very good, although I missed a QSO with AI3G when he asked me for a repeat of my number and never acknowleded it and a few stations were skipping over me. I was able to QSO stations as close as VA and FL. 80 sounded good for receiving stations here, but I wasn't getting out very well for some reason and missed a lot that I could hear well (WA3AAN, WA9VEE, W2SH, and some station in ME). Thanks for all the QSOs and hope to work you all next month. 73/72, John KD0V - 40 METERS WAS OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COUNTRY FROM MINNESOTA. SHOULD HAVE USED AN INDOOR ANTENNA, BUT DID NOT HAVE TIME TO SET IT UP. THE SPRINT WAS QRM'D BY 2 LONG TELEPHONE CALLS. ONE FROM A CLIENT AND THE OTHER FOR CHURCH BUSINESS. CALLED K6CHL SEVERAL TIMES ON 20, BUT HE COULD NOT HEAR ME. ON 40 QSB GOT N3INC AND AI4GF. IT WAS A NICE SPRINT FOR A CHANGE. IT WAS A TRILL TO WORK NU7T ON BOTH 20M AND 40M. KQ1P - Better conditions than last month- 40m was acting oddly here with very rapid QSB, 80m was better but plenty of QRN. I hope to be back for next month's sprint. Thanks to all for a fine evening. John AI3G - Elecraft KX1 at 3 watts. First time in the NAQCC sprint. Nice contest with several stations heard on 40 meters. Plan on being back next month. 73 Doug (Welcome aboard to yet another newcomer - K3WWP) KB4WJA - 2nd Time. Just as fun as the first! W9CC - March seemed to be better than the last two months around here. And I took time out to work an American Morse schedule on the internet KOB, and then got back to the contest. QRP is lots of fun. Morse keeps the little gray cells limbered up. W1OH - I had just 1 contact on 20M at the start of the sprint, though I could hear a weak NU7T. 40M seemed to have very deep QSB and weak signals - 4 contacts on 40. The best band once again was 80M, good for 9 contacs over about 45 minutes of S&P. Sure like my K2 when everyone is piled up together on 40M! Thanks, NAQCC and see you next month! WB8LZG - Had other things going on but did manage to get on fer a few mins es make a couple of Qs. Seemed like 40 was perty noisy here in Mich. see u all next month. 73 Gregg N9AKF - I missed the last two sprints so I was very happy to make this one. Both 40m & 80m were good here, though I spent most of my time on 80. Had fun as always. Bart, 1252 N5EEI - My first NAQCC sprint. I had a lot of fun. My K1 was installed in the car so I fired up my old HW-9 for the first time in a long while and it performed great. (Welcome - K3WWP) W2JEK - got on late. bands seemed pretty good even though the sunspots have not been around much. do not have an indoor antenna because of aluminum siding so couldn't try for special award. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 K4NVJ - Poor condx here. I could just barely hear John and then only briefly. (Heard you once strong, then never again - K3WWP) KD5MMM - Didn't make a bunch, but had fun. Sigs faded in and out. KB3AAG, I think it was me who got overpowered by a dig sig... next time! 73 all NF8M - Good to hear so much activity. Noise came & went here, but overall condx very good. Worked coast to coast as well as around the corner (N8XMS). 72 W2SH - Starting on 40m, my first QSO (from NJ) was NG7Z in WA, and that was a surprise. W7YSB in AZ had a good signal, but despite many calls, no QSO resulted. 40m wasn't very stable, and I only registered six QSOs there. As has been so true this season, 80m was the workhorse band, where I worked eight PA QSO'a possible award? (Sorry, nope - K3WWP) K3OXG - I had a good time and worked some NAQCC pioneers, including Tom number 1 WY3H, number 39 W1OH and number 56 W2SH. Also had a little confusion and fun when I worked KD5KJ in Arkansas. He sent his number 2257 and I thought he was repeating mine (2157.)I also finally worked my elmer in a contest, Frank and his booming cw station handing out the contacts from the southwest edge of Greene county. Rig was a K1 with an antenna high in the sycamore trees. All contact were on 80 meters and must have been in the "white hole" this time. Better than the black hole but felt a little guilty using paddles and a keyer, hope to use a straight key next contest. 73 lou K5GQ - Glad to work everyone, inspite of the RTTY station! Great to be on since Huricane IKE. IKE destroyed my tower and beam. still looking FOR REPLACEMENT. GW0VSW - I had a late shift here so decided to try and take part in the Wednesday evening, March 18 8:30-10:30 PM EDT (Thursday 0030-0230Z) Spint. I am not quiet sure how the rules work for DX members but put out a few calls. Unfortunately all three bands were 'dead' here! I settled down in the early hours to a large Scotch and DVD!!!!!! I hope it was better for members your side of the pond? All the best, Carl #3073 WY7N - Sorry for the late log. I wanted to make sure NG7Z got credit for working me! See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday March 19, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among the following: The one making the highest score in each division and using an indoor antenna. At least 1/2 of the radiating portion of the antenna must be completely indoors to qualify as an indoor antenna. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - Nothing need be put here - I go by the antenna description you gave above. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |