Nov 2008 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#49) Final Official Results: SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 38 36 74 23 1702 x2 3404 inv v@35',dpl@40',cf zepp@45' KB4QQJ 31 30 61 18 1098 x2 2196 TAK-tenna 80@30' K4JPN 30 29 59 17 1003 x2 2006 80M CF Zepp@32' W4SEC 27 25 52 16 832 x2 1664 g5rv@35' K8BTD 23 22 45 15 675 x2 1350 80M wire vert W2SH 19 18 37 14 518 x2 1036 80m dpl@35' KB3AAG 24 23 47 15 705 705 80M loop @35' *W2JEK 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 20 gnd pln,40 dpl@20',80 efw@?? N4FI 16 15 31 10 310 x2 620 115' rnd wire@20' N1GKE 15 15 30 12 360 x1.5 540 80m sloping dpl@65' *K3WWP 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 ~110' attic random wire KG1W 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 windom@30' AF1E 12 11 23 10 230 x2 460 BigIr Vertical W9FNB 11 10 21 11 231 x2 462 dipole@30' K4UFT 11 11 22 9 198 x2 396 hb vert@5' w/counterpoise *N9AKF 11 11 22 7 154 x2 308 rnd wire@20' WA3ZBJ 15 14 29 10 290 290 gnd mtd vert W9CC 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 80M loop@15' N1LU 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 Cobra Ultra Lite@40' KU4A 12 11 23 9 207 207 1/4 wv sloper@40' K9JWI 10 10 20 9 180 180 80m inv v@35' AC6NN 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 80M loop@20' KC2EGL 6 5 11 6 66 x2 132 fld dpl@35' *KA2KGP 8 8 16 4 64 x2 128 g5rv@20' WB8LZG 9 8 17 7 119 119 350' lw@30' *N8XMS 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 R7 vert KD2MX 8 8 16 3 48 x2 96 ~600' loop@~25' W0EJ 7 7 14 6 84 84 40/80 dipole@40' KJ4IC 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 100' random wire@20' N8JIW 5 4 9 4 36 x2 72 dpl@20' W1TF 6 5 11 6 66 66 80m hor loop@25' NA4O 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 End Fed Zepp 'L' @25' N2COD 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 hustler 80m mobile N8ZYA 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 indoor Isotron AF4LQ 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 40m efhw *VE3HUR 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 dipole@???' K2ZC 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 g5rv jr.@30' W1OH 2 2 4 2 8 8 40m dblt@30' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5AG 11 7 18 8 144 x2 288 80 meter sloper dpl 40'-10' K4NVJ 8 8 16 8 128 x2 256 dipole@35' W5RCP 9 8 17 7 119 x2 238 ocf dpl@45' NF9D 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 80m loop@35' NG0K 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 40 gnd mtd 33' ver-80 66' inv-L KD5KJ 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 g5rv@45' KD5MMM 4 3 7 4 28 x2 56 dipole@40' K5GQ 2 2 4 2 8 8 dipole@25' N0EVH 1 1 2 1 2 2 80M loop@20' N0NBD 0 0 0 0 0 0 ??@??' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna N7RVD 8 4 12 7 84 x2 168 Hi-Q screwdriver@10' SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NU7T 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40M hor loop@20' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna VE3MM 2 1 3 2 6 6 2 el yagi@40' * - Special Award contender Drawing entrants: W2JEK Drawing winner: W2JEK * - "Uncle Cy - The LED Guy" $25.00 gift certificate prize contender Drawing entrants: K3WWP, VE3HUR, KA2KGP, N8XMS, N9AKF, W2JEK Drawing winner: N8XMS AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: K4BAI 1st SWA Central: W5AG 1st SWA Mountain: N7RVD 1st SWA Pacific: NU7T 1st Gain: (VE3MM - non-member not eligible for award) The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: K2JT - 13 AB9CA - 12 K9FO - 12 N5GW - 11 W4ONC - 6 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 51 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 80 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 519 States represented: 34 + ON If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - This was absolutely, unequivocally, positively, without a doubt the worst conditions I've ever experienced in one of our sprints or any other sprint or contest. It just got totally boring sitting there calling CQ after CQ with no answer. To relieve the boredom, I started calling CQ left-handed with all 3 of my homebrew keys. At least that provided a little bit of fun - playing with the three keys. It will be interesting to see if this was another localized black hole like we had once before. I think it may be from what I was hearing on the bands and from the first few logs that have come in. The folks down south and in the midwest report good scores but the northeast to a person so far have quite low scores. Here's a picture of my three hmbw keys. Yes, three - that mouse is also now a straight key usable by either the index or middle finger. I tend to switch back and forth. The gray object on the right key is just a weight to keep it in place. The rubber band is there to provide a bit more tension than the magnets are providing. The middle key you may recognize from last year. ![]() KD2MX - There's been bad and there's been terrible but tonight was the worst. Conditions just horrible. QRN awful too. Started as usual on 20M. Worked K2JT in NJ quickly, then went to 40M and worked him again. That was 0135. My next qso was many CQs later at 0213 on a very noisy 80M. The only station I heard was KU4A who couldn't hear me. I heard him work W2SH but I couldn't hear Charles. A very sad state of affairs. I was about to give up but decided to check 40M and there was a path to FL. Picked up two Qs...hurray! Then I thought I heard W2SH calling me but whoever it was disappeared. And then nothing. Back to 80M and I worked K2JT! Thank you Joe for nearly half of my score! KB4QQJ was loud but I had no success. Worked W9CC and decided that I had had enough frustration. Better luck next month (I hope). N2COD - Another nasty night! Band conditions were ultra-terrible here and it was COLD sitting in the mobile, so I cut it short this sprint. Seemed like no one but K9JWI(and my brother, KA2KGP 1/4mi. away)could hear me pounding away on my leg key. Hope for better conditions & a warm spell next sprint! 73 to all N1GKE - Normally I'm in bed @ 01:00Z, but this was worth every minute. First sprint/contest I actually tried. What a blast inspite of rather high noise level on 80 & 40. All operators were just great, even the ones I only heard and didn't work, their style is awesome. Thanks for a cool birthday present to myself ! hahah N0EVH - First time to play in NAQCC sprint. Bands were very marginal and QSB. Thanks for the event. AC6NN - Had a great time tonight. 80m really seemed to come alive during the last 30 min. with some big signals. Thanks everyone! W0EJ - 40 was out of it here so just ran 80 tonight. Had to dig out the stations but had fun none the less. 73 K8BTD - Did not hear any on 40M. Stayed on 80 which was excellent but noisey. To many op's, not enough time. Had best one yet. Lots of fun. Thanks to all who stayed with me on the repeats. Happy Thanksgiving to all and see you next month. Gil KD5KJ - Conditions were tough for my first contest but had a great time. Working on a home built "Cootie" for next contest and plan to retire the straight key. WA3ZBJ - Missed last few events - good to be back. Very good to hear both familiar and new calls on tonight. Signals were mostly pretty strong down into Florida tonight - Some particularly so. Things are looking up! C.U. Next time. 72/73 ... Don K2ZC - I ran a SoftRock SDR at 750mW. Only made 2 contacts. A lot of QSB. But whether I make contacts or not, it's always great fun. I hope to participate more often. 72 everybody es Happy Thanksgiving! NA4O - Conditions did not seem good and I had a regular qrp qso in the middle of the contest, so not very impressive results. NG0K - I have not participated in this sprint like I should and I'm really missing out on some weeknight fun. Conditions were long on 40m and I only worked a couple but was surprised to work a few on 80m. 73, de Doug N8ZYA - Heard NOTHING on 40 or 20 meters (especially surprised on 40 meters) All my contacts were on 80 meters. I'm still learning and adjusting to "no" filters on the rig. I heard LOTS of stations but couldn't work them until towards the end of the contest. Only effective when I allowed stations to come to me and used the reverse mode on the CW menu. Hope to work more stations the next time by only using the "reverse" mode and let them find me! I used mostly "half steps" to give myself a little more space. 80 Meters is my worst band and I was surprised to work Georgia and New Hampshire tonight! KJ4IC - Poor conditions in central NC, but fun as usual. Tnx to KB4QQJ for pulling me out of the mud. CU next time - Bob N7RVD - My first time in this sprint. I here more than I worked. 20m was dead. 40 and 80 had QRO qrm. It was difficult to get put on 80 until the very end of the contest. My arm,hand and shoulder got sore banging out CW with the old Nye Speed-X. I tried left handed but sent like a lid. Fun contest. Tnx es CUAGN. KB4QQJ - Nice Sprint, I think I can make the November Challenge out of this one evening. Great signals on 80 meters. That's the only band I worked this time. Took my time and had fun. Lot's of calls I missed to what ever that was (Olivia/WHSPR/PSK) on 3.560 and 3.5605. Sorry but just couldn't hear through it. I hope they don't take 3.560 away from us, but it looks lost now. HUGE signal was K8BTD out of Ohio. John K4BAI was big signal also. Thanks to all and 73. Randy W9FNB - I missed the first half hour+ because 40 meters was really bad here. I thought I had the wrong sked time. I finally heard WA3ZBJ calling CQ almost 40 minutes into sprint. I spent 50 minutes and made only 2 more Q's on 40. I switched to 80m with my 40 dipole and broke the ice with 8 more Q's. Conditions were anything but good at my location. I had fun but it was a struggle. The BIG SIG reports go to KB4QQJ and KB3AAG both were the needle benders for this evening on my end. So even with not so good conditions I managed 10 different states and was able to help give out some points. Thanks to all who worked me with my rusty fist and old J37 key. I will send eQSL's to all as there might be a state or 2 I needed for QRP/WAS again. Hope to C U ALL in Dec Sprint.72-73 GARY W5RCP - Got a late start because of a sick goat (the truth)! Used the K2 at 5W and a J-38 key. Lots of stations, but not too many loud ones. Had to really work at it. Thanks to everyone I worked tonight. These are the best sprints and I look forward to them every month. Hope you all enjoy your turkey next week. See you all in December. Ron/483 K4BAI - FT1000MP, 5W output, 80M inverted vee dipole, apex at 35'; 40M dipole at 40'; 88' center fed zepp at 45'. 20M was dead. 40M was long and yielded only NH, RI, and CO. I did hear and call K5GQ in TX, but got only a QRZ? from Mark. After 20 mins, went to 80 for the duration. 80M seemed very good with loud signals and little noise. I worked everybody I heard on 80M except N1WPU, whom I heard only once briefly and K9TJL, who seemed to be calling lower in frequency than the stations he was calling. I never heard him CQing and, if he called me, he must have been out of my passband although I kept listening lower in frequency hoping to catch him. QSOs on 80 from New England west to KS and TX and included two GA and one each in AL, SC, and FL, so long skip wasn't a factor. Thanks for all QSOs. Please look for me from Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles from Nov 26 to Dec 3 as PJ4/K4BAI and as PJ4A in CQ WW CW. 73/72, John W1TF - This is a good contest to get new states for WAS. Tnx WV. 73 W5AG - Thanks to those who answered my CQ NA.. Did not try search and pounce, stayed on one frequency, 3556, for entire event. Made a small improvement over first effort last month. 73, Arch AF4LQ - Used my just built (a month ago) Sierra at 3.5w's, 40m EFHW at 30ft, worked 40m only. Tough going here in KY, hope others did better. Hey buddy, can ya' spare a dime? Will work for food, er, contacts. How 'bout a propagation bailout? 73. :) W4SEC - Another Fun Night!! I did not start real time gen-logging until 0200, so that is why the multipliers are out of sinc with thte time. the contacts are in order, but because I entered the first half hour in after contest mode, it applied my multipliers last K4UFT - Icom 706MKIIg at 5 Watts - ChiCom Army K5 key - Z-100 Tuner - Home Brew Vertical with single quarter-wave Counterpoise laid across the lawn to the West. 40 and 20 Meters were dead here and with S9+20 line noise. Something's obviously wrong with the Noise Blanker in my '706 ... it actually took out the QRN on 80 ... I didn't think Noise Blankers were really supposed to work!!! I was pleasantly surprised at what 5 Watts to the marginal antenna system actually did on 80. Next month's Sprint I'll try 2 Watts N8JIW - Thanks, first Sprint and lots of fun! Autologger is great ,but I need to study a little to use GenLog. Keep it coming!! Don SHAKER HEIGHTS, OHIO NF9D - I didn't hear a single signal on 20 all night. 40 was totally empty for the first hour, and then I started hearing a few stations but couldn't work many of them. Most of the activity was on 80, but almost everyone was down in the noise, and the QSB was as bad as I can ever recall it being on that band. I was hoping that this would be a good test of my new 80 meter loop, but conditions certainly didn't make for a valid test. I did hear K3WWP calling CQ for about 30 seconds at the beginning, but he disappeared, never to be heard again. (I disappeared from a lot of folks' rigs, apparently - K3WWP) VE3HUR - I have to agree with John about the bands. The most frustrating part for me was calling a member who was S9 for 15 minutes without getting a response. So much for reciprocity. The key is the classic "hacksaw blade" with the addition of a height adjustment and duct tape to keep me from sawing through my hand (not a problem with tonight's bands). The cedar 2x4 base is from a deck railing. ![]() KG1W - My first log entry for a NAQCC sprint. Very FB contest. Had only one hour, but really enjoyed it. Looking forward to future NAQCC sprints. Thanks to the club sponsors. Arrange paypal reception so I can send donation money for a great club !!! KA2KGP - Whew!...lousy bands here in WNY this sprint! 20 & 40 were non-existant & 80 wasn't much better! Weak sigs, QSB & QRN made for a bad score. I pounded a homebrew key that was made from my Dad's old 1982 Chevy S-10 pickup truck door key! It was fun making it & using it too! ![]() WB8LZG - Rig K2 at 5w. Used the Vibroplex paddles tonight, just fer a change up.I usually use the straight key, but just put some new finger pieces on es wanted to give em a "ride around the block". 40m was poor to say the least. SRI to W5 i missed early due to severe QRM. 80M was better but they wern't "beatin down the door". seemed as if i had another beeline to the south agn. Worked FL,GA,NC,LA,TX,NM, es the lone easterner RI from N1GKE. Heard nothing from out west es none of our friends to the north. Not very high scores , yet still had alot of fun.See u all next month. 73 , Gregg WB8LZG K9JWI - Slow month. (A master of understatement - K3WWP) K4JPN - Tried listening and calling on 20M and 40M, but nothing heard. A lot of fun on 80M. I am ready for the Sun Spots to come back 72 Steve N8XMS - It's always fun to pound the brass - err that is pound the steel hacksaw blade! Conditions on 40 meters were very poor but at least I can brag that I was able to work everyone that I could hear. Unfortunately, that was only 6 contacts! ![]() W2JEK - started late but guess i didn't miss much as conditions were terrible at the beginning. they did get better on 80 in the last half hour where i made half of my qso's. used my ft-840 at 5 w to wire antennas and used the same homebrew key used in last years sprint. hope conditions get better- they cant get much worse. 72 and 73 don younger #1135 ![]() N1LU - If this were my first venture into QRP, it probably would be have been my last. 40M was DEAD in NH and 80 wasn't much better with lots of QRN. Had fun with my homebrew key made from a mousetrap, cable clamp, and junk box hardware. N9AKF - Wow those were some crummy condx! 80m was the only active band here, and it wasn't all that good. Lots of qsb and weak signals. Well at least I managed 11 contacts. I used my latest hb straight key made from keys, and had lots of fun. I also picked up some needed letters for the Thanksgiving word challenge, so it was a successful evening. Given the poor condx, it was good to hear so many NAQCC members out there for the sprint. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next month. Bart ![]() K4NVJ - A lot of noise. I worked k3wwp. Always a successful sprint when I work John. KD5MMM - This was my first try at NAQCC. Heard some gud sigs, amazing for 5w or less. I'll be sure to try again next time. 73 N0NBD - Bands were dead?/long?! No stations worked only heard one W5AG and did not get to work him. Will try next time. de Paul W2SH - At the start the only signal heard on 20m was a W1AW bulletin; no chance for a CT QSO and multiplier there! Nothing heard on 40m, even though an hour later I did manage just two contacts there. Thank goodness 80m was open and it showed a fairly long skip throughout the sprint. Conditions that band improved with stations 200 miles distant from NJ beginning to appear in the sprint's final half hour. Can you imagine what these sprint results would look like if 80m weren't included? W1OH - Well, maybe spent half hour, but 20M and 40M were total duds, and 80M was not much better! May have heard a few stations too weak to work or even get complete calls. K8BTD was actually fairly strong the whole time here on Cape Cod, and W4ONC was pretty good here too. But that was it. Conditions can only be better next month. KB3AAG - Had a pretty gud sprint this month but am glad it wasn't a nite earlyer. My recording thermometer said it was twenty below zero out in my holler! At that temp I doubt four watts would have warmed my antenna enough for my electrons to get loose from my wire! In the morning I think I would have found a big pile of frozen dits and dahs in the back yard! Sorry about all the repeats I had to ask for but late everyone got loud and I had multiple guys replying to my CQs. Thanks again for the great format John KU4A - Didn't hear too many folks, so set up shop calling CQ and you all came to me. Thanks for all the calls. Easily my most QSOs ever. Worked a lot of states I have not heard before in this contest. K5GQ - signals were very weak on 40M. Could hear signals on 80M but do not have a resonant antenna. KC2EGL - Would have scored much better if it were not for the landline QRN. I must have a neon sign that lights up whenever I attempt to participate in any kind of sprint or contest inviting people to call me. Had lots of fun anyway. The conditions were pretty good here in Brookville Pa for a change. CU on the radio in the next sprint. Happy Thanksgiving to all. 73 Mike See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday November 20, 0130-0330 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among the following: The one making the highest score in each division and using a homebrew key or bug they made themselves. Note that you must have made it all by yourself from scratch. It can't have been made by someone else. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - Nothing need be put here, but you must send in a .jpg picture of your key before the log submission deadline. Prize: A $25.00 gift certificate from "Uncle Cy, the LED guy" K1TES #0911 who sells LED's and QRP parts. See the Prizes page in the main section of the web site for more details. It goes to a drawing among EVERYONE who uses a homebrew key as described above. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |