Oct 2008 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#48) Final Official Results: SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 35 32 67 18 1206 x2 2412 ~110' attic random wire *N2ATB 28 26 54 16 864 x2 1728 g5rv@35' *W4ONC 27 25 52 15 780 x2 1560 4 leg inv vee@55' *K4BAI 26 25 51 15 765 x2 1530 inv vee@45' *KA8MPT 26 23 49 14 686 x2 1372 g5rv@25' N1LU 19 19 38 13 494 x2 988 cobra ultralite@40' KB3AAG 29 26 55 16 880 880 80M loop@35' *K8BTD 21 21 42 10 420 x2 840 80M windom@45' *KC2EGL 13 13 26 9 234 x2 468 folded dipole@35' KA2KGP 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 5b gnd mtd vert K4PBY 13 13 26 10 260 x1.5 390 80M inv vee@35' W2JEK 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 ef hz@25' N2COD 10 10 20 7 140 x2 280 g5rv@20' W9CC 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 80M loop@15' NK1N 7 6 13 5 65 x2 130 hustler vert out apt window@150' K4JPN 8 7 15 4 60 x2 120 80M cf zepp@32' N8XMS 6 5 11 5 55 x2 110 r7 vert W0EJ 10 10 20 5 100 100 40/80 trap dpl@40' K2HPV 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 GAP Titan vert *AF1E 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 BigIR vert NF8M 7 7 14 3 42 x2 84 80M ocf dipole@??' W1TF 7 7 14 6 84 84 80M loop@25' KA8HFN 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 40M dpl@9' *W1OH 8 8 16 5 80 80 40M dblt@30' *KI4FIA 5 5 10 5 50 x1.5 75 130' rnd wire@25' K4UFT 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 gp vert@5' AB8FJ 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 ef rnd wire@15' KU4A 6 6 12 5 60 60 1/4 wv sloper@60' VE3HUR 4 4 8 2 16 x2 32 ef wire@??' VA2SG 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 vertical WY3H 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 ef rndm wire SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W7JI 14 10 24 10 240 x2 480 inv vee@50' W5RCP 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 ocf dipole@45' W6GMT 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 40M dpl@30' W5AG 6 6 12 5 60 x1.5 90 80 m sloper dpl 40' to 10' KC0VKN 6 5 11 6 66 66 40M 1/4w vert, 80M inv L KK5NA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 ext dbl zepp@50' KD0V 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 Biddistick WA5TCZ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 ??@??' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WB0OEW 13 13 26 11 286 286 HFp vert SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W7IEX 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 gnd mtd vert KI6OFN 3 3 6 3 18 18 67' EFHWA@55' as Inv L K6CSL 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 dlta loop, indoor dpl, loop GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *W8FV 20 20 40 11 440 440 lazy H for 20M@60' N3A/# STATIONS Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final (own call) 80-40-20 Antenna N3A/1 10 8 18 8 144 144 (K1YAN) g5rv jr.@30' *N3A/2 23 21 44 11 484 x2 968 (KD2MX) 600' loop@25' N3A/3 24 23 47 14 658 658 (AF3Z) inv v@15' N3A/4 16 16 32 14 448 x2 896 (KB4QQJ) tak-tenna80, dblt N3A/5 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 (WA5TCZ) called away N3A/6 0 0 0 0 0 0 (K6BBQ) poor conditions N3A/7 12 8 20 11 220 x2 440 (WY7N) 100' rnd wire@23' N3A/8 17 17 34 13 442 x2 884 (WB8LZG) 350' lw@30' N3A/9 10 9 19 8 152 152 (K9JWI) 80 inv v@35', vert gnd mtd N3A/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (AB0TX) see soapbox * - Special Award (most N3A stns worked) contenders - K3WWP(5), N2ATB(4) KC2EGL(2), W8FV(2), K4BAI(2), K8BTD(3), W4ONC(4), N3A/2(3), AF1E(2), W1OH(3), KI4FIA(1), KA8MPT(3), Drawing entrants: K3WWP, W8FV, N3A/2 Drawing winner: K3WWP AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA Eastern: K3WWP 1st SWA Central: W7JI 1st SWA Mountain: WB0OEW 1st SWA Pacific: W7IEX 1st Gain: W8FV N3A Stations: N3A/2 (KD2MX) The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: W1PID - 15 W7GVE - 11 W7OM - 9 W3PD - 9 K8KFJ - 9 K9XE - 8 N4FI - 8 N1VWD - 6 WD0K - 6 KA3WMJ - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. Remember your listing in the results shows the ham radio world you are a Morse Code supporter. STATS: Logs submitted: 54 Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 92 Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 581 States represented: 33 + VE2, VE3 If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Started out like gangbusters and kept slowing down till the end. QSO's by half hour were: 13, 10, 7, 5. 40 and 20 useless. Spent all my time calling CQ on 3559.50 except for a QSY to work KA8MPT. So 34 QSO's via CQ's tonite, including 5 N3A stations - 2,3,4,8,9. Lot's of fun, but would have been more fun if the pace I started with had continued the whole 2 hours. Also would have been nice to have 40M working. Well, off to process logs and post scores now. Thanks to all for the QSO's. ADDENDUM: Oooops, found one more QSO in my log. Just to let those of you I send corrections to know that I make mistakes in logging also. HI. KC0VKN - Was interrupted a few times. 40 was a little slow, but, as I was finishing up and heading up to help the XYL, I was listening on 80 and it seemed quite busy. NF8M - 40m was dead by the time I got on - was not able to test the inverted V that I just built for JOTA this weekend. N3A/1 (K1YAN) - Very poor conditions here. No signals heard on 20 and 40 was very QSB with few stations heard. KC2EGL - Starte out on 40M with NO luck at all. Moved to 80M where it was a bit slow until 0140Z. Things really picked up after that. I worked two of the N3A stations that answered my CQ. I also worked our no. two man, John K3WWP. I think that makes two months in a row. We need to work the next three sprints to beat our best of four consecutive sprints which was earlier this year. Thanks to all who worked me and to the one (N3??) who tried again and again. Now the withdrawls sets in as we wait for the next sprint. Hi-Hi!!! 73 Mike KB3AAG - some better this month. found last month that my loop had broken and was laying on a tin roof! Don't know what you would call that antenna, perhaps a DUMMY'S LOAD ! Anyhow the rebuilt one works better! At least it is a lot quieter. Found nothing on 20 almost nothing on 40 but 80 shure was hopping. I will have to admitt I have been slumming! Worked the paqso with the club running 100 watts! I do humbly apologize fellows! QRP IS MORE FUN!!! W5RCP - Bands here were pretty bad tonight, but at least I got to use my new (to me) K2 and my Lionel J-38 that I inherited from Mack W5EET/SK. We miss you, Mack. As always was a lot of fun. Thanks to all who worked at copying me. Ron/W5RCP/483 W8FV - My first 5 watt sprint. Only on 80 meters. K4BAI - 20M was open with a lot of high power stations, but no QRP signals heard. 40M seemed to be long, with only west coast stations heard. No answers to CQs on 20 or 40. So, went to 80M very early. Worked every station I heard calling CQ NA except K5ENA, who didn't hear me call. Worked everyone who answered my CQs. Had QSOs from NH to IL to TX to FL. Heard W0EJ in PA, N3A/4 in NC and a few others calling other stations, but no chance to work them. Thanks for the QSOs. FT1000MP, 5W output, WM-2 QRP wattmeter, Vibroplex Delux Chrome Hand Key. 73/72, John N3A/7 (WY7N) - My best score to date! I'm sure the biggest difference is that conditions were favorable. Nevertheless I made the following improvements: 1) The connection to my ground radials was corroded. It was clamped, not soldered. I had a hard time soldering it, even with a high power Metcal station. I finally used a butane torch. That did the trick. I can now tune the long wire on any band. 2) I have a new rig. It's a home-brew AST-3B mounted in an Altoids tin. It's super optimized for CW. I think I like it better than my TS-850. 3) My skills are improving. I actually had a run going for a few minutes on 40M. 4) I spent a lot of time CQ'ing. I only search and pounced for two of the above contacts. 5) I suppose it helped that I was running N3A/7. People were hunting me. I can't wait until next month to see if I can do this well again! W7JI - This was my first NAQCC event. I enjoyed the Sprint but wished there were more participants. K6CSL - I only got to to operate the last 1.5 hours. Got home a little late from a shopping trip, then had a computer problem(computer taken over by Windows Update, 9 Items) Still had fun. 20 was dead here however. 73's to all. Bert N3A/4 (KB4QQJ) - Wow, tough conditions tonight! 40 and 20 were dead in NC. Finally started hearing some calls on 80. Thought I was going to get skunked! But turned out pretty good. Had a blast and with the past weekend tests it has been really great. PA QSO Party was not best conditions but still got 22 QRP contacts Sunday. 38 QSO's in SKCC WES and so far have 6 emails saying they are joining NAQCC so N3A has been a success already! Total N3A ops for me to date is 109. Having a blast. Any of you area 4 guys should jump in and have at it. Strongest signal tonight was Ray, K9XE with a solid S9 signal. Mighty nice fist too. Lowest number worked was John K3WWP #002. Highest number was W7GVE #2871. I have now worked Ed in FISTS, SKCC, NAQCC, and just plain KB4QQJ. He enjoys his hobby as do I. Thanks to all for the fun and sorry I missed some of you. Next Time!! Randy K8BTD - No NA stations heard on 20 and 40. Went to 80 about 8:50 PM. Heard a few stations at first, then it just kept getting better. Worked 3 N3A stations. Installed the AFL audio filter on my K2. That helped a lot this evening pulling the weak signals out of the qrn. Can't wait until next month. Thanks to all for a fun evening. 73/72, Gil N3A/3 (AF3Z) - Had a blast as N3A/3. It always amazes me what can be done with 5 watts. Tnx es 73. Jim. W5AG - Thanks to those who made sure I could copy their exchange. I had fun on my first attempt at a QRP sprint. I stayed too long on 40 meters thinking it would have less noise. I did better on 80 m during the second hour. 73.. Arch KK5NA - Only heard a couple here in the short time I was able to participate...but fun as always. Rig was K2. Joe W4ONC - I had a wonderful time in yesterday's Sprint. It was really fun working Dan N4FI on 20, 40, and 80 meters. N1LU - 80 meters seemed to be the band of choice for this one. Couldn't spend the entire 2 hours on it, but had fun when I could. N3A/2 (KD2MX) - One fun thing about our hobby is that you just never know what to expect in terms of propagation. And like the weather here in NJ, if you don't like it, don't worry because it will soon change. Well I'm ready for a change. I didn't expect much, if anything on 20M, but I wasn't expecting an all-80M sprint. As usual, I started on 40M. I called CQ for a good 10 minutes. Nothing, nada, zilch, zip and zero. Not wanting to waste precious minutes, I fled to 80M. The band was pretty noisy but I was happy to get a response from Tom, WY3H for my first QSO. The band wasn't great but a good turnout made for a respectable outing. I gave 40M a try a few times along the way but with the same result as early on. I did hear some signals across the band so it wasn't completely dead but not a NAQCCer could be heard. This was the first time since my initial NAQCC sprint in March, 2006 that I didn't log a 40M QSO. Very strange. Activity dropped off after 0200 and I called it quits about 10 minutes early after a long day. Conditions may not have been great but the sprint was still a good time. AF1E - My first Sprint. Wish 20m had been more active but was dead here in NC. Good fun. AB0TX - I'm sorry to say last nights sprint was bad for me. We had terrible lightening and I was forced to unplug radios and shut down. There is still a lot of time left in October and I plan on making a lot more CW QRP contacts using the N3A/0 call. We have had over 50 inches of rain total this year in Kansas and broke the record this morning at 5:20 A.M. as the wettest year in Kansas history. It has rained solid for the last three days and needless to say I was not very happy about shutting down. I didn't make any QSO's :( 73 Mike W1OH - Turned on the K2 at about 0045z to discover that 40M was a dud, so immediately went to 80M and worked K3WWP. Operated for about 45 minutes and found three N3A stations in that time. Wish I could have stayed on longer, as 80M conditions seemed pretty good. Fun as always - thanks, NAQCC! 73, geoff N3A/8 (WB8LZG) - K2 at 5w.Interesting sprint tonight.When the contest started, i quickly bagged Chuck,K4PBY with a BIG signal from Florida, es thought that we were in fer gud condx on 40. No such luck here. I called CQ fer over 20 mins. then finally moved to 80m. 80m was the band tonight. lots of activity, but stns were weak from out west. Heard but didn't work, N3A/ 1,4,7,9. worked N3A/2. SRI to some of u guys i heard calling me but didn't quite make out full calls. Lot's of fun being N3A/8. Seemed like 40m was gonna pick up right at the end of the sprint. Hope condx better next month. BCNU. 73 Gregg N2COD - 80m. was the band for this sprint. 40 & 20 were nil & noisey here in WNY. Nice to work a few N3A club stations. Had to cut short half way thru the sprint. N3A/9 (K9JWI) - Conditions very poor here. KD0V - I was operating portable outdoors from Beaver Creek Valley State Park in South Eastern Minnesota. We had light rain and temperature was in the low 50's. I was operating 40 meters only. I heard many stations calling CQ NA and not very many were being answered, there was NO! QRN. I had to check several times to make sure my antenna was connected. Most stations were S0 a few loud ones were S1 or 2. Heard N3A/7 run his string of stations, but he could not hear me to add to his string. At around 0200Z my lantern died and I packed up the station. It was interesting, in spite of the band and weather conditions. W0EJ - Listened around on 20 and 40 before the Sprint, ugh. No to low signals and lots of noise. Shortly after the start I went to 80 and stayed there for the duration. Heard a lot of stations, apologies to one call I couldn't pull out N4??? Still had a lot of fun and as the log tells I am not a hardened competitor but I don't plan on throwing in the towel. I'm here to have fun and you all ensure that happens every Sprint I am fortunate enough to participate in. Looking forward to the cold winter nights, something about operating on a crystal clear night with the full moon illuminating the landscape. 73 es Happy Halloween to all.......... N8XMS - I was so tired when I got home from work that I didn't think that I wanted to do the sprint. Then I decided that I would try it for an hour in an effort to work some of the N3A stations. Conditions were very poor and I only made 6 contacts and not one of them was an N3A! Oh well, even the worst day of hamming is better than the best day of working! NK1N - It sure is nice to get back on the air after the summer. Thanks to everyone who was patient with me as the QRN on 40 was killing me here in NYC. I worked N3A/5 and really enjoyed the chat with Darron, WA5TCZ. If this is the level of activity at the bottom of the sunspot cycle, imagine what it'll be like in 4 more years! 72 K4UFT - Got in last 45 minutes of Sprint. 20M & 40M dead. 80M useable, but QRN level kinda high. 80M should should be more useable the further we get into Winter. Icom 703+ with 5 Watts and J-37 key. W2JEK - got on late. 40m had no naqcc activity. tried a couple of cq's there and then went to 80m. band did not seem that great. i think it tends to go long about 10:: p.m. edt. worked two n3a/ stations. lots of fun despite conditions. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 KA2KGP - Well, I guess 80 M. was the place to be for this sprint! 20 M. was dead & 40 wasn't much good here. Worked 4 N3A club calls on 80 M. Worked John, K3WWP on the last minute! Not a bad turnout for the cruddy band conditions. K4JPN - Sorry, but I messed up last night and gave my [another club] number (2402), rather then my NAQCC number (841). Did not realize it till this morning when I started filling out the log. Hope I did not mess up to many folks. Well it explains the requests for repeats on my number. W6GMT - lAST RUN FROM mn HEADED FOR tx FOR THE WINTER. wORKED 4 OF THE N3A STATIONS KI4FIA - Wow, started like always on 20 meters, called CQ for 10 minutes, not one reply and didn't hear one person. Switched to 40mtrs, heard no one, called 5 minutes no reply. I seriously thought I had the wrong night! So I checked the NAQCC website and double checked my clock! REALLY I DID! Switched to 80 meters, heard some signals, I could hear them better than they could hear me, only worked a couple. Switched back to 40. Worked MA (N3A/1) and NM (WB0OEW). WB0OEW was vry strong so I know we had a long band. Heard Washington state but he never heard me. In general condx was pretty poor from Florida. KU4A - Y'all had me worried for awhile. I usually just go to 40m and make QSOs there. Didn't hear anybody. Tried 20m with no joy there either. Finally around 0100Z went to 80 and found a beehive of activity. Makes sense, as 80m should be good this time of year. I'll know where to look in November. K2HPV - Same as last month...lots of QRN and 80 was the only usable band. Lots of FUN though. VA2SG - 40 was terrible here. Pulled out the plug at 0130Z to get upstairs watching election results on TV. CU in november. KA8MPT - Bad night at my qth.I hope we have an award for most contacts to PA stations hi hi.That is about as far as I could go. Thanks See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday October 15, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among those working the most different special event calls (N3A/#) in each of our 5 sprint divisions. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - The number of different special event calls you worked and a list of the calls. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |