Sep 2008 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#47) Final Official Results: SWA Category - Eastern Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K4CNW 42 38 80 16 1280 x2 2560 250' horiz loop@50' *K3WWP 34 32 66 19 1254 x2 2508 ~110' attic random wire *W2JEK 29 29 58 17 986 x2 1972 40m dpl@25', 80m efhz@25' K2JT 29 29 58 16 928 x2 1856 dipole@50/25' *KD2MX 28 26 54 16 864 x2 1728 600' loop@25' W2SH 27 27 54 14 756 x2 1512 80m dpl@35' W4ONC 23 19 42 15 630 x2 1260 4 Leg Inv V@55' WY3H 26 25 51 12 612 x2 1224 random wire@25' *VA2SG 24 23 47 13 611 x2 1222 vert *NF8M 20 19 39 14 546 x2 1092 80m OCF dipole@30' *K3OXG 20 16 36 15 540 x2 1080 inv v@65' WA1LWS 22 18 40 13 520 x2 1040 ocf horiz v dpl@22' *KI4FIA 22 20 42 15 630 x1.5 945 130' rnd wire@25' VE3OBU 18 16 34 13 442 x2 884 windom@25' WB8LZG 18 16 34 13 442 x2 884 350' lw@30' K9JWI 33 30 63 14 882 882 130' inv v@35' *W2LJ 19 19 38 10 380 x2 760 g5rv@25' N4FI 17 17 34 10 340 x2 680 80m rnd wire, attic G5RV jr K4PBY 22 20 42 16 672 672 40m 1/2w ef wire@30' W9CC 14 12 26 12 312 x2 624 80m loop@15' W3RT 14 14 28 11 308 x2 616 sloper@25' VE3ILE 14 11 25 12 300 x2 600 g5rv@40' *N2ATB 15 12 27 10 270 x2 540 G5RV@35' *KC2EGL 14 14 28 8 224 x2 448 folded dipole@35' KA2KGP 12 10 22 10 220 x2 440 5b gnd mtd vert K4JPN 10 10 20 10 200 x2 400 80m cf zepp@32',40m sloper@32' W4SEC 10 9 19 10 190 x2 380 g5rv@30' VE3HUR 10 10 20 9 180 x2 360 40m dpl@??', 80m ef@??' N2COD 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 G5RV@20' KJ4IC 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 gnd mtd vert K2HPV 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 Gap titan vert N9AKF 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 rnd wire@20' AC6NN 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 80m loop@20' KB3AAG 10 10 20 7 140 140 80m loop@35' W1OH 11 11 22 6 132 132 40M doublet@30' VE3KI 8 8 16 7 112 112 gnd mtd vert K8BTD 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 80m windom@45' WA1WQG 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 ocf dipole@35' NB1I 5 5 10 3 30 30 carolina windom@50' K4UFT 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 hb vert@5' SWA Category - Central Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna W5TM 55 47 102 29 2958 2958 80m dipole@80' W9ILF 21 18 39 15 585 x2 1170 gnd mtd vert, 80m inv v@25' W0RSP 20 16 36 16 576 x2 1152 30m dpl@40', Z-pole vert *W5RCP 16 13 29 14 406 x2 812 ocf edz@45' NF9D 13 12 25 11 275 x2 550 g5rv@25' *KF4KRV 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 40m inv v@18',20m inv v@50' NV9X 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 dipole@25' WA9VEE 10 9 19 8 152 152 200' wire @35' W6GMT 7 7 14 6 84 x1.5 126 40m dpl@30' KK5NA 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 dipole@50' WD0K 5 5 10 5 50 x2 100 vert@16' N9GGE 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 20-30-40 fan inv vee@20' VE4WI 6 5 11 5 55 55 40' vert N9WAY 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 attic dipole WX5SD 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 G5RV@35' SWA Category - Mountain Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *W0JFR 36 32 68 19 1292 x2 2584 doublet@25' K9JWV 14 11 25 12 300 x2 600 Gap Eagle WB0OEW 6 5 11 6 66 66 7' gnd mtd vert WY7N 0 0 0 0 0 0 100' rnd wire@23' SWA Category - Pacific Division Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna NU7T 7 4 11 7 77 x2 154 40m horiz loop@20' K6CSL 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 delta loop@27', ef indoor dpl GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 55 49 104 26 2704 x2 5408 TH6DXX@55', 40M dpl@40', 40M 88' zepp@45', 80M inv v@35' AB0TX 43 36 79 23 1817 x2 3634 20m 2el@62'DXCC@42', 40/80 combo@57' NP4FW 7 5 12 7 84 84 3el yagi@??' Note: K8CV sent 5W instead of his member number. I'm counting him as a member QSO for all who worked him.SOAPBOX: WY3H - Most enjoyable sprint in a long time for me. Good conditions. Was able to work almost the entire sprint. Good to be back in circulation after my illness. K3WWP - The 'doughnut' sprint? The 'bookend' sprint? I don't know what to call it. For me it was a good beginning and a good end with a bad hole in the middle. Started out good on 40M with 10 QSO's in the first half hour. So much activity on 40 it was hard to find a place to call CQ and several of those 10 QSO's came from S&P on my part. Then everything kind of went away. Condx slipped on 40 and 80 was vacant, so only a handful of QSO's between 0100 and 0145. Then the fun started (I accidentally typed run for fun there, and you know both apply actually) as I made almost a QSO every 1.5 minutes or so from 0145 to 0215. Then a bit slow the last 15 but I made it into the 30+ QSO range for the first time in a while. I don't know if I'm more delighted at that or delighted for Tom WY3H who wound up just 19 points shy of his best ever score. It also was a delight to work Mike N2COD and later his brother Tom KA2KGP, both of whom I met in person at a Butler hamfest a couple years ago. Also nice to work... well I was going to mention some calls, but hey, it was nice to work each and every one of you, as always. Thanks. WA1WQG - This was my first NAQCC Sprint. It was mostly a learning experience like how to use Genlog and autologger. Nice friendly ops. I'll be back for the next one. AC6NN - This is only my third time around but I sure heard a lot more people tonight than the other two times. Fully enjoyed myself! KJ4IC - I used a recently acquired HW-9 on battery power this time at 4 watts. It brought back memories of my 1st rig, an HW-8. 40m was pretty good here in NC, but 20m was dead. Had a blast, as usual. CU next month. 73-Bob KD2MX - Well 80M sure saved the day. After a VERY slow first 30 minutes and a not much better second 30 minutes, I figured I'd see what was happening on 80M. It was only then that the sprint became fun! I started on 20M and heard some very loud signals but not many were hearing me. Called a lot of CQ for 15 minutes without much response. Then to 40M...lots of signals but pretty much the same result...not much. Lots of activity on 80M and signals were good except from VE3 land. Apologies to VE3ILE and another VE3, both who I heard briefly and then they just disappeared into the ether. Finally worked VE3OBU for the section. It is great hearing all the new members. Can't wait to work somebody with a 3000 number. Welcome to all the newbies and thanks for coming out for the sprint. Turned out to be a pretty good night...ng for the special award though...no 6 or 7 KC2EGL - Started on 20M. There is more life in the Brookville Cemetary. Went to 40M where the fun started. 80M started to open up. There was still plenty of noise on the bands but they were very lively. And for the first time in what seems like a light year I was able to log my friends John K3WWP and Tom WY3H. For some reason whenever I work Tom he always finds a way to be the last entry in my log book. If future sprints are anywhere near like they were tonight, we are going to have a fun Fall and Winter. Thanks to all who worked me tonight. 73 Mike W0JFR - 20m started nicely, just not enough stations. 40m was HOT! First time with a doublet antenna - outperformed vertical tonight. K3, doublet, GenLog WB0OEW - First time. Thanks. KI4FIA - Missed a couple contests due to Florida Tropical Storms but glad to be back! Conditions on 40 were pretty gud, better than its been. 20mtrs was fair as well. To my surprise I worked my very first QRP contact ever on 80 meters! It was work to cpy K2JT due to QRN but with the FT-1000's Att. down to 18dB and playing with the RF Gain I was actually to then cpy him rather well. Rig tonight was the FT-1000 with the pwr down to 5 watts. Ant was a 160 meter Inverted L using the MFJ AutoTuner. KK5NA - Got home late but managed to catch a few...great fun! Joe WA1LWS - Good conditions in Maryland on 40 meters. Ran 3 watts. VE4WI - Started late, football practice...Grandson's, not mine Band quit early. KB3AAG - I had fun tonite,,if listening to a lot of noise and few signals FUN and I guess I do! I did work W5TM again! Thats the Oklahoma station I worked last month,,,,,it is truley a small world. He is from Tennesee and my dads people were from there,,,,,,but even stranger he married a girl from Oklahoma named Van Cleave. Well my last name is Van Cleve! Different spelling so probably not related but my Cherokee Mother told me years ago that there was a family of Van Cleaves that lived near her in the nation. Kudos to John and all his efforts. Frank KF4KRV - I had a great time. It was fun to suddenly here the band come alive on 20m right at 0030z. :) About 40 minutes into the sprint I bumped into Steve, N0TU, and had a qso with him...I wonder what mountaintop he was on this time.:) Lastly, but not leastly, I want to say thanks to all the members and club officers that make it happen! Super group of folks!!!! VE3OBU - Very bad conditions and a lot of statics. Need a longer and higher wire. :-)) See you next time. K8BTD - Got in late. See you all next month. As always, Fun. Gil W5RCP - First off, my thoughts and prayers go out to all my friends in Houston. I lived there for 32 years and can only imagine what they are going through. Tonight was my best ever score. Used the newly built K1 and the newly built T1 tuner. A great combination. Worked from PA to CA and most in between using a gel cell battery. Was great fun. Always a treat to bag K3WWP..:>) See you all next month. K6CSL - This is a lot of fun. Bert NF9D - I think participation is growing -- I had to fight thru some pileups to get a number of my contacts. 20 meters was very noisy here. Still, these sprints are a great deal of fun. AB0TX - I would first like to thank everyone who copied my terrible fist. I really miss my paddle! 20 meters was gang busters for a while but seemed to just die out around 0057. 40 was really jumping as well. I made most of my contacts on the 40 meter band. The Ten Tec Scout doesn't quiet pull the weak ones out like the K2 so I would have probably done better with it but the Scout was needing some attention! The K2 is packed up for a camping trip! Worked two stations on 80 but it was pretty noisy. I did hear a lot of folks on 80 though. Just couldn't get them as fast as I could 40 meters. I always have a blast on the sprints and look forward to N3A/0 coming up in October! 73 VA2SG - Tnx for another fun event. Had trouble getting these calls from VE3 land, noisy power lines.. Thats good for 1066 points. Getting already better on the straight key I beleive. See here for my video of the sprint. K3OXG - The station here is a K1 at 5 watts with inverted vee fed with tv twinlead to a homebrew 4:1 balun. The band was really popping here tonight. Conditions here were very good and thanks to all that make this a great event. lou W9ILF - Rig: Icom 703, key: Brown Bros. It has been a few months since I've caught the sprint and I sure enjoyed it. It is lots of fun working the familiar calls and catching new ones. Working WA on 40M was so EXCITING! In this sprint you pretty much know both ops are on a SWA with no particular gain in your direction so I knew the conditions were going long. I think I had a 6 calling me but I just couldn't get that call and too bad because that was the only number in a call I missed. 40 and 80 were both hopping nicely! Thanks NAQCC for these sprints and John K3WWP for your hard work, I'll find you next time. See you all next month. N2COD - Now THAT was a NICE sprint! Good to work a few old friends & hear a few new sprinters. Conditions were good for a change, even 20m. was open early, 40m. went long later in the evening. Still, it's tough working 1/4 mile away from my brother Tom, KA2KGP. We have to work different bands & "share" the 2 hr. sprint window! 73 to all. WX5SD - Only one contact but what fun! I just signed up with NAQCC a few days ago and set up my FT 817 and got on the air. I haven't worked CW for 7 years and not much even then. I was a little worried but finally heard a call I could copy and worked him. I look forward to more activities! K9JWV - Better condx on 40 this time but lousy on 20 meters but a great time and contest for the QRPer K4BAI - FT1000MP, WM-2 QRP Wattmeter, Vibroplex Deluxe Hand Key. Good activity this month except for the western parts of the country. 20M good to west, but little activity. 40M good to most of the east and some western stations late in the period. Skip wasn't too long with QSOs as close as NC, FL, and LA. 80M was a bit noisy, but signals were strong and activity good. Thanks for all the QSOs and CU next month. 73, John. W4ONC - As usual the Sprint was quite fun. It is amazing what QRP can accomplish in making contacts. I made contacts mostly from the East Coast and a few from Oklahoma, Colorado and Canada. In addition I made contacts with WY3H, 0001 and John, K3WWP, 0002. It is such an exciting feeling getting involved with QRP and the NAQCC. Thanks to all who that I made a contact with. W1OH - First sprint from my new location - moved from the condo we've been in for the past 6 years to a house on 0.8 acres with plenty of antenna trees. Right now I'm using my 40M travel antenna and MFJ mast temporarily as it was quick to get up! My rig is an Elecraft K2 with internal ATU - great at picking out signals down in the noise. Conditions seemed pretty decent here on Cape Cod. I worked the first hour and a half of the sprint. 40M was good early, and 80M, while a bit noisy, was improving fast by 0100z. Fun as usual! Thanks, NAQCC! K9JWI - Many good signals on 40m and 80m. Good participation. The Sprint is growing. Worked K3WWP and then immediately WY3H on 80m. Tnx to both for a great club! WA9VEE - First contest that I stayed the whole allotted time. I was surprised at the slow conversational pace of the exchanges. Nice change from the frantic CW contests I have experimented with. W6GMT - Hard Last half of the contest had a t storm move in. NB1I - First time sprinter here. The QRN was horrible! Thanks to all for a great time! WD0K - finally the black hole of the midwest opened and viola there are stations on the air. Now this is fun! 72's Richard W9CC - I was delighted to see Ade Weiss, W0RSP, in the sprint. NAQCC should urge him to complete his History of QRP books as eventually we are going to have a place in them. K2HPV - First NA sprint. Had fun but there was so much noise. Had to give up. Even the blanker and/or the notch filter didn't eliminate it. K4UFT - Got home almost too late. Made one contact on 40M at 0228. 20M was dead as usual. Icom 703 @ 5W with trusty J-37 key. Antenna is ground-mounted home-brew vertical on sitting on the patio. Antenna is made from PVC pipe base and a "Hamstick" mobile whip with a single quarter-wave counterpoise laying across the lawn. Works good 60M through 10M with a whip and matching counterpoise for each band. 80M whip will load up okay, but it just isn't efficent enough for a solid contact. Living in a condo I feel like a WWII underground resistance radio op ..... sneak an antenna out after dark and hope the HOA Nazis don't break down the door and toss grenades in. K4JPN - Called and listened on 80M and 20M, but no sigs heard here in GA. 72, Steve K4PBY - Condx on 40 mtrs was pretty good here in Florida and that's where I stayed for the sprint. If signals were just a tad stronger (or if the noise was just a tad weaker) I would have been able to copy many more stations Q5. I was still happy with the results though and as always there was a good turnout. 73-Chuck W0RSP - Great sprint! lot of stations spread out and good sigs. W2SH - 20m died fairly soon, but not before making two skip QSOs. A half hour into the sprint no signals were heard on 80m. There was action on 40m but the QRM was heavy. 80m was in good shape for the final half hour and I made a dozen QSOs there. I was trying to get familiar with a new (to me) TenTec Argo V, quite a change from the TenTec Scout that has served me well for many years. I've used a Junker straight key for years and can't imagine anything else to be as satisfying. K4CNW - Lots of fun. Hope to be able to operate this sprint more often. KA2KGP - A good nite for a sprint. Condx were good, bands were long, noise low. An enjoyable evening, thanks to all. 72 W2JEK - conditions seemed better on 40 and 80 than in previous months. was glad to hear much activity on the bands- especially the new members. hope this will continue. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 N9AKF - I tried 20m for starters and heard only one weak signal. I called CQ NA a couple times and got no replies, so moved on to 40m. 40m and 80m were in pretty good shape here. As usual, a very enjoyable sprint. Bart W5TM - Zero Q's on 20, 40 was great but a little noisy. Just a few guys on 80. Thanks for the Q's. WY7N - I should have done a SWL log. I heard K9F0, KI6SOQ, K5WZ, W9ELF, AB0TX, WB0OEW, W0RSP, KA80ZF and WB0PYF. K2JT - Good activity on 80M in spite of the QRN. W3RT - My first NAQCC Sprint; had a good time working with just 5 watts- can be surprising what can be done with qrp! Thanks to all that was able to work me. 73, Red, W3RT, NAQCC # 2545 VE3ILE - Condx not too good. Score about the same as last month. Hope not too many mistakes. Well, we will keep on trying. Fun sprint though. 73 to all and gl qrp dx. NF8M - First sprint in which I worked both #1 WY3H and #2 K3WWP. Good conditions tonight - made Qs on all 3 bands. See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Thursday September 18, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Wednesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: To the winner of a drawing among the following: The one making the highest score in each division and having all ten digits (0-9) somewhere in the member numbers in their log. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - Nothing need be put here this month Prize: A classic book in Morse on CD donated by Chuck Adams K7QO. It goes to the winner of a drawing among the following: The one in each division who makes the highest score and has not won a CD previously. The drawing winner then gets to choose one CD from those currently listed on our General Sprint Rules page in the Prizes section. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on the Sunday following the sprint. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is our on-line autologger. |