Apr 9, 2008 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#42) Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna KG4W 37 33 70 18 1260 x2 2520 Carolina Windom @70' AA4W 38 36 74 17 1258 x2 2516 40 meter dipole @45' K3WWP 36 32 68 17 1156 x2 2312 ~110' attic rnd wire KA8MPT 31 27 58 18 1044 x2 2088 g5rv @25' W4ONC 29 29 58 17 986 x2 1972 4 - Leg Inverted V @55' N4LK 34 30 64 15 960 x2 1920 125' EF Zepp @??' W2SH 31 30 61 15 915 x2 1830 80m dipole @35' W0JFR 23 22 45 15 675 x2 1350 1/4 wv vert AF4LQ 24 24 48 14 672 x2 1344 40m EFHW @30' KD2MX 18 18 36 14 504 x2 1008 600' loop @25' N8XMS 21 19 40 12 480 x2 960 cushcraft R7 vert N4PJ 27 24 51 18 918 918 Folded Dipole @50' N4FI 19 19 38 12 456 x2 912 115' rnd wire, attic G5RV jr WA1LWS 18 15 33 13 429 x2 858 4 band OCF dipole @22' W9ILF 16 15 31 12 372 x2 744 gnd mtd vert, G5RV @20' KB3AAG 25 23 48 15 720 720 80M loop @35' AD5VC 16 16 32 11 352 x2 704 18' vert gnd mtd WY3H 20 19 39 9 351 x2 702 sagging rnd wire @??' WA1AR 20 18 38 12 456 x1.5 684 g5rv@50' K9JWI 22 20 42 16 672 672 80m inv vee @35', HF9V vert KC2EGL 15 14 29 11 319 x2 638 fld dpl @35' KK5NA 12 12 24 11 264 x2 528 ext zepp @50' W2JEK 13 13 26 10 260 x2 520 40Mdpl,80Mefhz@25',20Mgp@22' N1LU 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 Cobra Ultralite @40' KA2KGP 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 5b gnd mtd vert K3HPS 14 13 27 9 243 x2 486 40/80 dipoles @45' NF8M 14 12 26 8 208 x2 416 80m OCF dipole @35' WB8LZG 12 11 23 9 207 x2 414 dipole @30' NO2D 16 16 32 12 384 384 158' dpl @??' K4PQC 12 12 24 7 168 x2 336 160 meter horiz loop @25' AF2Z 13 13 26 6 156 x2 312 100' endfed wire @30' KD8GZ 12 11 23 6 138 x2 276 folded dipole @20' WD5INA 13 11 24 11 264 264 dpl @40' KB3FJJ 15 13 28 8 224 224 inv vee @15' WB8ENE 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 135' doublet @15' N1PQ 12 12 24 9 216 216 40M ef @30' WA3ZBJ 10 10 20 10 200 200 Hustler 4-BTV gnd mtd vert NV9X 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 40M dpl @25' VE3HUR 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 40M dpl @??', 80M ef @??' K8KFJ 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 Multiband vert N9KR 11 11 22 7 154 154 ef Zepp @25' WK8S 11 10 21 7 147 147 80M loop @40' @N9QU 6 6 12 6 72 x2 144 115' random wire @20' N9AKF 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 rnd wire @20' K6BFA 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 G5RV @50' KC2MHU 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 ef rnd wire @??' WA8SAN 6 6 12 6 72 72 G5RV @25' W1OH 6 6 12 4 48 48 attic 40M doublet N1QLL 4 4 8 4 32 32 80M Carolina windom @??' K4PBY 3 3 6 3 18 18 50' ef wire @??' AA8XX 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 80/40M loops @??' K6CSL 2 1 3 2 6 x2 12 delta loop @14', indoor dpl N2COD 3 3 6 1 6 x2 12 160m wire ant @??' K4NVJ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 88' dpl @35' N8ZYA 1 1 2 1 2 2 Isotron mounted indoors K3OXG 0 0 0 0 0 x2 0 165' long wire @45' KI6OFN 0 0 0 0 0 0 67' ef 1/2 wave @??' @-QRO 60W GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna K4BAI 41 40 81 17 1377 x2 2754 TH6DXX@55',40Mdpl@40',40M 88' zepp@40',80M inv vee@35' W3TS 18 17 35 13 455 x2 910 80/40 fan inv v@60',2el20Myagi@50' W9CC 15 14 29 12 348 x2 696 TA-36 @40' KU4A 9 9 18 9 162 162 TA33JR@45',40m sloping dpl NG7Z 5 5 10 4 40 40 7 el yagi @60' * - Special Award (5+ QSO's each band) entrants: AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA: KG4W 2nd SWA: n/a 1st Gain: K4BAI Top score from a previous non-winner: W4ONC Special Award (5+ QSO's each band): none CW Books on CD (donated by Chuck K7QO): KA8MPT The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: K0TC, K7ZYV, K8JD, N0TK, N1VWD, N5KIP, NJ1W, NM5S, W8YMO, WB4YZA We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. STATS: Logs submitted: 62 (new record) Total participants found in cross-checking spreadsheet: 104 (new record) Total QSO's in master cross-checking spreadsheet: 898 (new record) States represented: 37 + ON If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - One probably should not play basketball with the neighbor kids just before entering a NAQCC SK sprint, but then I don't know any better. I sure had fun playing basketball. I haven't shot a basketball in years till the neighbor put up a hoop tonight. But it kind of took the edge off the first part of the sprint. I guess I was still on a high from the basketball playing, but things definitely picked up at 0124 when I abandoned 40M for 80. It was just a stream of answers to my CQ's on 3559.3 until 0212. 25 QSO's in 48 minutes - a pretty good rate for one of our sprints. And most all signals were very strong. Also I was delighted at the number of folks (including 4 non-members I hope will join) I worked who I don't believe I've heard or worked before in one of our sprints, or only once or twice if I have worked them before. I expect to see some great scores for this one, and maybe some more record numbers breaking last month's records. Oh, where were all the members with T's in their calls? After the sprint I still need 3 T's to finish the April NAQCC challenge. At least W3TS gave me a couple. WA3ZBJ - Really enjoy the NAQCC Sprints and happy for the contacts I make from down here in Florida. I must be closing in on the grand prize for the "shortest" submitted log, aren't I? <GRIN> Tonight was maiden voyage for AZscQRPion Bigfoot paddle finished just in time for the Sprint tonight. What a great paddle at a price - and you get to built it! ... Don WA3ZBJ/4 KD8GZ - Just my 2nd sprint...more contacts this time. This is fun! Hope I scored correctly. Met KD8CGH for lunch today. He may become a member! 72's, Tim AF4LQ - Good conditions on 40m here in KY tonight. Had a fun hour working everyone, familiar and new calls, all great ops. Worked 40m only, running a K2 at 5w to an endfed halfwave, used a Speed-X straight key. Thanks to all for the contacts and fun and we hope to c'yall next month. Take care! N4PJ - Never ceased to be amazed at how weak most of the signals seem to be - must spend too much time in QRO contests! I used to think the speeds I encountered were just sooooo slow. I've come to realize the atmosphere is a lot more relaxed than most contests. Starting to recognize some of the calls. N8ZYA - Only able to operate about 30 minutes... AA4W - I was amazed to work so many 3 digit member numbers!(14) I also worked WV twice, the first time I worked WV in a Sprint (K8KFJ & N8ZYA) N4FI and I finally made a QSO after we made several attempts during the Sprint. It seemed I worked most of the members in PA with the exception of K3WWP. KB3AAG - I had a fine time tonight. Nothing on twenty but I should have known that as I tried to work a contact all afternoon with no luck! Sorry to the fellows I couldnt dig out....just too much qrn here. I went nuts last month and bought me a bug! I always wanted to try one....I have practiced (off the air !!!) just enough to mess up my fist with the paddles....I hope by next month to get to where I might try it on the air. So if you hear real bad, choppy code you will know who it is and I promise to not get angry if I get some QLF replies. They say "Theres no fool like an old fool !" Frank 73 K4BAI - Only got 4 QSOs on 20M, so missed the special award for this month. Bands were pretty good, everything considered. Strong signals, especially on 40. Lot of QRN on 80. FT1000MP, 5W output, TH6DXX, zepp, dipole, inverted vee. Lots of fun. Hope to work you all next month. This weekend, April 12 and 13, please look for the Georgia QSO Party. All info at http://gqp.contesting.com. Certificates and plaques for QRP entrants. KU8E and I will be mobile as W4AN/M (the South East Contest Club club call) in many GA counties. We hope to have all 159 counties active this year for the first time ever. Last year, K5YAA worked 146. This year we hope someone will get them all in one contest. 73/72, John N9QU - Better conditions and more signals than laast month. As usual, Lots of Fun! K4PQC - Rig: K2 at 5 watts. Antenna: 160 Meter horizontal loop at 25' fed with 15' 450 Ohm open wire with a 4:1 balun and 60' RG-58 coax to station. No tuner. NG7Z - Only had a few minutes before a meeting. Next time I'll use a straight key and get in more time. fun event. 73 Paul NO2D - Main rig down for repair so used old Ten-Tec Delta 580 with broken AGC. Decided against using a straight key, but sent slow enough so I should have used one to get the extra points. Always fun! 72's, Pete KK5NA - ANOTHER FUN EVENT...STARTED ON 20...BUT BAND FADED HERE...WENT TO 40 AND THERE WERE STATIONS EVERYWHERE. RIG-ELECRAFT K2 ANTENNA 44-44 EXT ZEPP AT 50 FT AND KK1 STRAIGHT KEY. JOE KK5NA #12 W1OH - Conditions seemed pretty good tonight here on Cape Cod. Finished some chores and turned on my K2 to check 20M about 0100z, but didn't hear anything (except some PSK at 070 - so band was somewhat open). Switched to 40M and found KA8MPT right away. Then off to make a pot of tea. Back at 0125z to find a "run" of two PA stations, including K3WWP on 80M. Then over to 40M for another PA station (!) plus MI. Back on 80M again, heard WY3H weakly but no luck, then found KD2MX at 0154z and shutdown to finish up the evening chores! Hectic but fun! And want to help make sure NAQCC sprint has a (hopefully) record month! CW is! Thanks NAQCC! WB8ENE - I got 5 on 40 and I would have gotten 5 on 80 if KA8MPT would have taken one more at 0230Z (I believe that would have counted). Powerful S9+ signal here but apparently wasn't hearing me very well. Oh well. As far as 20 goes, forget about it. N2COD - 20 m. was dead here in WNY. Gonna try to be mobile for the next sprint. 73 to all. W4ONC - Another great time. For me the 40 and 80 Meter Bands were full of NAQCC Members. I called John - K3WWP but we both went off into oblivion and could not finish the contact. I was very happy to get Colorado as a multiplier from NO2D. Can't wait until next month for the next Sprint. K3OXG - I only worked the contest during the first 30 minutes. I called cq for a while and tuned around the bands but heard no contesters. I did not go back after sunset and things may have changed for the better. I am anxious to hear how the other ops did. Godspeed. lou KI6OFN - Condx were kind of rough, the noise floor was rising. I decided to sit on one frequency and call CQ NA for a half hour then S&P for a half hour. No one answered my call and I only heard one, possibly, two other CQ NA callers; both were too weak to read successfully. The Sprint's time period for the west coast isn't very good, since it doesn't get dark (farther calls can be heard) until the end of the Sprint, and it occurs at the same time most people out here are eating their suppers. Looking forward to 'tests with more activity. Cheers & 72/3 WK8S - It was fun but unfortunately I get up at 4:30AM so I had to quit early. This was my first NAQCC contest and it was nice to see folks were not going too fast. NO FAIR that 20 Meters was closed so I couldn't qualify for the special award! :( Maybe next time. Pete WK8S Rig:Juma TRX2A NV9X - HAD FUN DESPITE FIGHTING LIGHTNING STATIC. KG4W - Fun as always. Nice to work W1PID with his new 1/2 watt rig. K6CSL - 20 sounded like it was about to die. 40 was very noisy here. 73's to all Bert, K6CSL #2096 W2JEK - was only on for the last hour. tried 20m but no answer to my cq's. band conditions on 40 and 80 seemed worse than usual with a lot of noise. had a good time just the same. 72 and 73 don younger w2jek #1135 KD2MX - This sprint happened to come out on my birthday so I had two wishes: good conditions and two uninterrupted hours to enjoy the sprint. Well, I got one of my wishes. Conditions were pretty good but I was only able to log less than an hour of operating time. Got pretty excited right off, hearing WB7AVF and K7ZYV on 20M. WB7AVF was pretty weak and he didn't hear me calling. Later I remembered he's a local, in NYC. K7ZYV had a big signal from MS but he didn't hear me either so I quickly went to 40M. I later met up with K7ZYV there but he had trouble copying me so I think he might be one where I'm NIL. Had a couple of decent runs on both 40M and 80M amidst interruptions. Sounded like another very successful sprint. I think our sprint has become the premier QRP event. (emphasis added by K3WWP) WB8LZG - Nice test tonight. I only got to play for the 1st hour but had a fatastic time. 20m sounded gud at the start of the test, then died quickly in abt 15 mins. I only worked 3 stns on 20m. Went to 40m es lots of noise but lots of activity also. I have to say SRI to one of u out there who i "Didnt Work" cuz i doubled with u while i was working AA4W. SRI OM, i know im in ur log, but don't hv u in mine. Hopped over to 80m fer a bit a was plesantly suprized to work WY3H #1, es K3WWP #2 , back to back. Hey where was #3 ? Hi Had to pull the plug early after just an hour, but had a wonderful time. 73,Gregg K4PBY - I operated this sprint portable from a camp site at Lake Kissimmee State Park, Florida. I got back to camp later than expected after kayaking and fishing most of the day so we got a late start for the the sprint. I used a homebrew 80/40 meter xcvr running 500 mw off of lantern batteries to a 50 ft. end fed wire thru a homebrew tuner. I only made 3 contacts but it was a nice evening to be operating outdoors listening to morse code with the evening calls of the wipperwills in the background. 73 from "The Sunshine State"--Chuck N1QLL - Worked only 3 members on my first try - this is harder than it looks! K9JWI - Good activity on 40m. I called CQ at length on 20m and 80m but managed only one 80m QSO and two 20m QSO's. Eighty was noisy with spring thunderstorms. First Sprint entry for me without the call K3WWP. Last month was better here. Wait till next month. TU all. Clyde KA2KGP - Another nice sprint. I wish 20 was open longer for more QSO's, but it shut down fast. 40 was in good shape. W9ILF - It was a great time as usual. Very nice to work member 1 and 2! I tried 20M early trying to get into the special award catagory but 20 just wasn't open quite long enough. Still FANTASTIC to get WA and OR from IN on 20. Storms were moving in so the later it got the stronger the QRN was and by the end I was pretty much shut out. I'll see everyone next month. Ivin #1400 N8XMS - I spent a few minutes on 20 with no luck at all and since I don't have an 80-meter antenna the special award was not an option anyway. Conditions on 40 were pretty good and I had a lot of fun. Thanks to both the organizers and all of the participants! W2SH - Snagged one 20m QSO at the start as the band was folding. Thought I could catch a lot of close-in stations on 80m before the skip lengthened, but the band was in poor shape and it took me a half hour to log two QSOs! 40m was much more satisfying. Spent the final half hour back on 80m where conditions were mediocre. N9AKF - I checked out 20m and heard nothing. I called CQ for about 15 minutes and got no response, so I went to 40m. I heard no CQ NAs on 40m, but had a nice 1/2 hour chat with a Long Island operator. Forty started jumping here just before 0100z. The east coast was booming in, and signals from all other areas were pretty weak. I ended up in another qso from 0131 until 0153 and didn't try to make any more sprint contacts at that point, though I still heard plenty of stations. All in all, It was a great evening in and around the sprint. Oh, I also picked up more letters for the April challenge ... fun fun fun. Bart W3TS - I had a little time to get into the sprint and try for the award. I'm a little rusty with the J38 that I was given by My Scout Master when he found out I was interested in amater radio at age 13(44 years ago). I need to screw it to the desk for the next sprint, holding it down with my left hand and using it is much more tiring than it used to be! I only operated the first hour. (I get up at 5AM so I'm off to bed about 9:30PM plus the J38 made me tried.) K8KFJ - I thought participation was down until I saw the results. It seems I may have some antenna work to do. Perhaps a wire antenna to go with the vertical could bring in some additional contacts. Rig was an Icom706MKII2G throttled down to 5w. //Gary -K8KFJ- WV NAQCC #265 WA1AR - Used my OHR 100A at full tilt 5 Watts and a vintage bug plus a home brew audio filter. Picked a freq to call CQ and did not move. First hour was busy but then it slowed down, as I probibly worked everyone that could hear me. Conditions were good to hear some 599 signals and get some back with just 5 Watts. Almost like a full power rig, ....maybe! Alan KB3FJJ - Different month / Rig / Antenna / Location ... thing went nice this time around! Ran FT-817 @ 5W to a Par EFHWA at about 15' inverted vee. Sprint started out like field day ... couldn't write my log fast enough .... FUN!! WD5INA - My first Sprint was Feb08, 1 contact from my hotel room in NM on a Outbacker Stealth but loved the event just the same. This was my second Sprint and I was home on dipole and had a ball. What a great group of folks here and with no QRO there is a lot less pressure and more enjoyment. Unfortunately this was my first Sprint log I have submitted and did not log time and band by contact, generalized instead. Sorry, hopefully you can use as a check log. FT-817, dipole up 40' and ZN-9A........ Thanks to all of you, The Newbie.... KA8MPT - Had a great time, 40 and 80 meters hot all night.the best sprint yet. 73 KC2EGL - I had plenty of fun with this months sprint. Trying to catch as many as I could on 3 bands was very enjoyable. I would have had a chance(not saying I would have won) at the prize this month if I had a little better luck with 20M. Both my 20M QSO's were out west. One in CO and the other in NM. As usual 80M was THE band here in Brookville Pa. I did experience my first unpleasant moment in a NAQCC sprint. I will not mention a name or a call here. I was calling CQ on the same frequency for about 15 minutes. I had a few answers to my CQ. One who answered decided that I was not going to answer anymore on that frequency. As I finished my QSO with this particular station another station put out their call. Just as I was about to put my call out the station I had just worked decided they were going to work that frequency. Yes I know that no individual owns any particular frequency. Having said that I do know that once a station is operating on a frequency he or she should be given the courtesy of continuing their operations while on that frequency. Sort of a first come first served. Other than that I have had nothing but pure enjoyment operating in the sprints of NAQCC. Starting with our next sprint I will be operating my brand new K2 QRP CW only rig. John K3WWP gets to play with the K2 this coming Monday. 73 Mike N9KR - Great conditions on 40. Using a homebrew transmitter @ 5 Watts & Homebrew Rcvr. KU4A - Being still not in the mood for YAAC (yet another alphabet challenge) I was left with this contest to keep up my string of participation points. Nine QSOs was three times my production of February. Really a nice contest. The ops run at a good pace (not too fast, not too slow) and good sending. See you all again soon. K4NVJ - 20 was in and out - mostly out See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday Apr 9, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: For the highest score from those making 5+ QSO's on each band (80,40,20). Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - List how many QSO's each band similar to 80-5, 40-20, 20-10. Prize: A classic book in Morse on CD donated by Chuck Adams K7QO. The high scorer overall in the sprint gets to choose one CD from those currently listed on Chuck's web site at http://www.k7qo.net/. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Apr 15, 2008. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is now our new on-line autologger. For other methods see the General Sprint Rules. |