Feb 13, 2008 Straight Key/Bug Sprint (#40) Final Official Results After Thorough Cross-Checking: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna AA4W 25 23 48 15 720 x2 1440 dipoles @40' W2SH 22 22 44 13 572 x2 1144 80m horiz bisquare @75' K3WWP 20 20 40 13 520 x2 1040 ~110' attic random wire KD2MX 22 21 43 11 473 x2 946 ~600' loop @25' K4BAI 18 18 36 10 360 x2 720 88' cf zepp @55',1/2wv invV@35' *W7QQQ 17 12 29 12 348 x2 696 1/4 wave vert KB3AAG 23 23 46 14 644 644 80M loop @35' KI4GLH 13 13 26 11 286 x2 572 G5RV @45' KD2JC 14 14 28 10 280 x2 560 dpl@30',40M loop@35',G5RV@33' W2LJ 14 14 28 9 252 x2 504 G5RV @25' W4ONC 15 12 27 9 243 x2 486 4 leg inv vee @55' KB4QQJ 12 12 24 9 216 x2 432 TAK-tenna@20, gnd mtd vert KC2EGL 13 12 25 8 200 x2 400 Folded diple @ 35' N9AKF 10 10 20 8 160 x2 320 rnd wire @20' K8AZT 9 8 17 8 136 x2 272 Hustler 6BTV *N4FI 11 11 22 5 110 x2 220 115' rnd wire @20' KA2L 9 9 18 6 108 x2 216 80M loop @30' K8BTD 8 8 16 6 96 x2 192 40M Windom @30', 80M Vert AE5BH 7 7 14 6 84 x2 168 66' Inv Vee @25' KB5JO 7 6 13 6 78 x2 156 88' cf zepp @20' N8CX 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 dipole @25' K1ULF 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 80M inv vee @30' K6BFA 5 5 10 3 30 x2 60 G5RV @50' W9ILF 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 Hustler 4BTV grd mtd,G5RV@20' W1SRB 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 multi-band dipole @ 45' N8XMS 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 R7 vert KD8GZ 3 3 6 3 18 x2 36 fld dpl @20' KC0VKN 3 3 6 3 18 x1.5 27 40M vert, 80M inv L NU7T 3 1 4 3 12 x2 24 40m inverted V @25' WA8SAN 3 3 6 3 18 18 G5RV @25' KE7LKW 3 1 4 2 8 x2 16 40m dipole at 30' KD2MU 3 3 6 2 12 12 dpl @12' KU4A 3 3 6 2 12 12 1/4-wave sloper, top@40' AF4LQ 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 40m EFHW @30' WB7AVF 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 ocf dpl sloper @85' VE3HUR 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 dipole @???' W9CC 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 80M loop @12' AJ9ON 1 1 2 1 2 2 sloper @??' K4PBY 0 0 0 0 0 x1.5 0 inv vee @35' KC9EHQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 G5RV Jr. @22' VE3VVF 0 0 0 0 0 0 wire dipole @ 25' #WA9TPZ 6 6 12 5 60 60 ??@??' #-Check log, arrived after deadline. GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna WA2WUH 5 5 10 4 40 x2 80 40m log per@35'-80mtr invV@50' * - Special Award (best score using a homebrew rig) entrants: AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA: AA4W 2nd SWA: n/a 1st Gain: WA2WUH Top score from a previous non-winner: W7QQQ Special Award (best score using a homebrew rig): W7QQQ Classic book in Morse on CD: AA4W The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: K7ZYV - 9 N1VWD - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - I don't know that I've ever worked harder to get 20 QSO's in a sprint or contest. Whew! I seem to say this every month - can conditions get any worse than this? - then next month they do. This was really the pits tonight. But hey, I had fun anyway. It's always nice to work our wonderful members in these sprints, whether it is for the 20th time or working someone for the first time. I did work a few newcomers tonight. My apologies to those I couldn't copy through my S9 to S9+10 noise, and I know there were some including a KC2 and someone with a Q in their call. 40M was dead here except for working AA4W who was making quite a few QSO's on 40 down there in Florida far from the aurora zone. Oh, and hey again, I finished my February Challenge getting my last S and X to complete all the rodent predictors' names. Now time to process and post some more scores besides my own. They're coming in fast and furious. KI4GLH - Whew! What a racket. I was getting a headache from all the noise but managed to squeak in a few contacts. Thanks to all that came back to me. Operated the Argonaut V. Made only 80 Meter contacts. 40 was dead. Missed the January sprint because of out-of town work so it was fun participating. See you next month! Dave W9ILF - What a change in conditions from last month! The QRN was through the roof here in Indiana!!! 40M was the worst but 80M wasn't that much better. It seemed no one could hear me on 80M so I tried to stick to 40. Boy it just wasn't my night. The sprint is awsome though and I can't wait to be back in it again next month. I am looking forward to reading how conditions were in other parts of the country. I sure hope someone enjoyed an active night. I need to take some asprin and try to help my static filled head! OUCH!!! AF4LQ - I made one QSO and quit early due to lack of sleep and a long day and not many signals heard, but I'm happy that I worked my friend Scott, AE5BH, who I hadn't heard in awhile. Good to hear you in there again, Scott! I hope everyone had a good evening and we'll c'yall next month. AJ9ON - This was my first Sprint. Looking forward to next month. N8CX - Not many contacts, but still fun to try. Had a few call me, but just couldn't copy them well enough for a valid contact. N8XMS - It must be a version of Murphy's Law that the first time in several months that the sprint schedule lined up with my schedule was on a night with absolutely horrible conditions! I don't have any 80 meter capability and 40 meter conditions were the pits. Here in Michigan we were having a nice little snow storm and that probably added to the QRN. After only 3 difficult QSOs in the first hour I decided to pull the plug and went out to shovel the snow. K8AZT - I thought bands were getting better. Obviously not tonight. K1ULF - Great fun. My first QRP contest and my second contest alltogether. Randy KB4QQJ got me to try it. I'm proud to work K3WWP/ Nr2. I had him to repeat the number 15 times. I could not grasp than someone would have Nr 2. The 80m Softrock and the Curiously Strong 5W PA did a good job. Thanks! Ulf KD8GZ - My first-ever NAQCC Sprint. Had fun, but hope to do better next time. Hope I filled out the log correctly. 72's, Tim KC0VKN - First NAQCC sprint I've done. Condx were a bit rough, and, to give other ops more of a challenge I decided to use my bug (sorry..I'll get better I'm sure.) for the multiplier. Found more folks on 80 than 40, much QSB and so I spent a lot of time trying, with only a few successes. W0JFR was the loudest I'd heard all night! Had a great time, will be back. Joe K8BTD - Whew!! We need a new Q signal for the QRN tonight. Usually hear Texas. Not tonight. Maybe the wind storm took down some antennas? I lost my 160 windom. One area resident clocked a wind gust at 90 MPH. Thank to all who struggled through the evening. Looking forward to next month. Gil, K8BTD Semi-retired in S.E. Ohio on a mini farm, pursuing my excellence raising antennas. KB3AAG - enjoyed but it seems i am getting worse! my score keeps going down! but the enjoyment staya up. sri to all i could not dig out of the noise....it was really bad..suppose it was from my antenna having a coating of ice? see you next month. 72 frank W4ONC - I love these Sprints. N9AKF - I checked out 40m early on and found it to be dead. When I switched to 80m, it wasn't much better. 80m did gradually improve, at least to the point that I could make some contacts. There were a few contacts that were just lost in the noise. Even though conditions were rather bad, it seemed that everyone gave it a good try. It was good, too, to work K3ZHP, Bill. I just recently learned that Bill and I work for the same company, and that we are practically neighbors. KB5JO - As always lot of fun, wish had time for the whole two hours. Maybe next time. KD2JC - Very nice Sprint. 80 was top band for me. Thanks to all that had patience to copy my sigs through the QRN. 72 WB7AVF - Shameful, early throwing-in-of-towel. VE3HUR - Conditions here were bad. Only heard three stations. KB4QQJ - Wow! Big QRN in NC. And 40 was dead. only one contact on 40. 80 was tuff on 3 watts but Thanks to all in my log and all that i missed. Had a great time as usual. Loudest was AA4W at S9 out of FL. Thanks es 73 -------> KB4QQJ Randy N4FI - ![]() W7QQQ - My first time... much fun. Thanks to all who copied my raspy self excited oscillator transmitter. ![]() NU7T - I did not do much contesting but had 2 fun ragchews which included another bicycle rider. Steve AE5BH - Well, conditions were not that great on 40. Some signals heard, but not quite as many as I'd hope. I think this is the first time in the NAQCC sprint with the K1 I built this fall and for sure the first with the KK1 mini straight key. I jumped in for the first hour of the sprint so that I could at least get some Q's and do my part to keep the participation in this great sprint as high as possible. I have been super busy lately and I missed the last one due to traveling on business. I was super glad I made it into this one as I got to hear a good friend's call just before I call it quits to go do some work. That Q made my day. Hopefully the conditions will be better next month and I can go back to moving up towards the podium spot. 73 - Scott K4BAI - 20 was dead. 40 was very good for W3, W2 and W1 area stations. 80M had good signals but QRN was terrible as a cold front was passing just south of us. We, who need rain badly, got no rain, just QRN, from the front. Thanks for the QSOs. 73/72, John WA2WUH - heard and called alot more stations than I worked K4PBY - Bands were extremely QRN here in Central Florida due to severe storms approaching from two directions and we were under a tornado watch too! So I was skunked for this sprint and did not hang around very long because of the conditions. I did send along a picture of my gear though. The rig in the rear right is a homebrew solid state 80-10 meter xcvr that I first built 20 years ago. Over the years I have updated and mod'ed the circuitry as technology changed but kept the same enclosure and front panel. To the left of it is my Ten Tec Argonaut V. The rig in the front is a homebrew 5 watt 80 meter xmtr. The bug is a antique Les Logan Speed-X, circa late 30's. I was hoping to make a lot of sprint contacts with the homebrew gear but the stormy weather here in Florida prevented me from operating. Looking forward to the next sprint though. 73- Chuck ![]() AA4W - I was glad to hear such a great turnout. Unfortunately, an approaching thunderstorm caused the noise level on 80 to be S9+ and I only made a few contacts there. The storm got here at 0245 and I had to QRT. I didn’t want to be a ground rod through my headphones! Another fun Sprint! W9CC - Got caught up in another project and only got in on the last 15 minutes. The band seemed very noisy here. John [K3WWP] was coming in better than usual. KA2L - About an hour into the sprint, the contest info box in "GenLog" read: Paul Neuman. What?!! (Yep, for those who don't know, KD2MX is Paul Neuman, but not that Paul Newman - HI - K3WWP) I started over. Sure feel bad about anyone who had to copy my straight key fist. Bands were not in good shape and kept changing. KC9EHQ - Conditions on 40 were horrible last night here in the Chicago area. I was hoping to spend two fun hours making contacts, but I could only hear one station and they couldn't hear me. If anyone else was out there, they were buried by the noise and static crashes. I was using an Elecraft K1-4 @ 5W to a G5RV Jr. @ 22'. Better luck in April's sprint. 73--David W2LJ - Another night of 20 over 9 local QRN on 40 Meters, so my efforts were concentrated on 80 Meters. With a weather front moving through, condition were challenging. Fortunately, the tight filtering on my K2 allowed me to pull out some QSOs in some sticky situations. Thanks to all who participated. Hope I do better next month! Loudest signal of the month - for me it was a toss up between KD2MX and W2SH (both fellow New Jerseyans) go figure! A side note - for the first time in a long time, I could not hear K3WWP. I heard some stations that he was working answer him; but for the life of me, I could not dig John's signal out of the muck. KD2MU - Finally got on 80 using my Corsair; wish that the bands would be more cooperative though. Still fun as usual! KD2MX - I caught the last gasps of 40M before it died completely. I headed to 80 at 0200 with only 5 QSOs to show for my efforts. Conditions weren't bad here. The band was quite short but the noise was relatively low. There was a good amount of activity and the QSOs came pretty easily although I finished up a bit short on multipliers. I went QRT at 0300 and probably would've picked up a couple more had I stuck it out but it had been a long day and I had gone nearly 20 minutes without a new QSO. I wasn't totally with it either. I had worked N1IX earlier and had wondered why he wanted to exchange names until it dawned on me that he was the fox working simplex instead of the usual split. Strangeness of the night...K3WWP had a fine signal here yet I just read that W2LJ couldn't copy John. Funny how different conditions can be at two QTHs separated by only 40 miles or so...Not a record breaker here but a very pleasant sprint. KU4A - My goal is to get at least one participation point each month without fail. I don't feel like doing an alphabet challenge this month, so that means I had to enter my first NAQCC Sprint. Only had a half-hour to devote to it. Thanks to the 3 guys for answering my CQ. W2SH - This was the first sprint where I worked only NAQCC members and it was nice to encounter many new members. Started on 40m where only K4BAI and AA4W had loud signals. A few stations could be heard underneath them, and my 5 Watts did make it as far as AZ. Switched to 80m where the atmospheric noise was high, but more stations could be heard. Tried a couple of times to work KC0VKN, but did not succeed. Towards the end, I switched back to 40m and could hear only a couple of ragchews, so I was glad to have made five QSOs there initially. KC2EGL - Had a blast as usual. Could have had one more QSO but somehow I could not bag Ulf K1ULF. Bummer, he was booming into WPA @ 599, just as if he were in the next room. And as ususal I could not find John K3WWP. It is amazing. He is one of two of the closest NAQCC members in distance and I have a heck of a time trying to work him. Again we will have to settle for our monthly eyeball QSO. Thanks to all who put me in the log. 73 Mike VE3VVF - Well I tried my first sprint and came up empty. I gave up after 1 hr. 20 was gone for me here in eastern Ontario and all I heard was heavy QRN on 40 with my HW-8. Maybe next month will be better for me. thanks de Scott See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday Feb 13, 0130-0330 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: We'll award a certificate to the top score turned in by someone using a homebrew rig (xmtr) built from scratch. That is, NO kits. Something you designed and built yourself gathering all the parts yourself from one or various sources. Email us a picture of the rig to add to your Soapbox entry. Autologger SA info: Eligible for the Special Award.......' box - Select Yes if you are competing for the award Special Award info.......' box - You need put nothing here, but send a picture of the rig separately. Prize: A classic book in Morse on CD donated by Chuck Adams K7QO. The high scorer overall in the sprint gets to choose one CD from those currently listed on Chuck's web site at http://www.k7qo.net/. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Feb 19, 2008. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is now our new on-line autologger. For other methods see the General Sprint Rules. |