Oct 10, 2007 Straight Key/Bug Sprint Final Official Results: SWA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *K3WWP 24 24 48 17 816 x2 1632 ~110' attic random wire *K5BGB 15 15 30 13 390 x2 780 1/2 size G5RV @ 30' KI4GLH 15 14 29 13 377 x2 754 G5RV @45' *W2SH 15 14 29 12 348 x2 696 80m horiz bisquare @75' *AJ1M 19 19 38 13 494 494 Carolina Windom @45' NS9I 12 12 24 10 240 x2 480 165' dipole @ 40' K9JWI 17 17 34 13 442 442 Butternut vert-80m inv vee @35' AA9L 11 10 21 10 210 x2 420 Trap dipole @ 50' N4FI 12 12 24 8 192 x2 384 attic G5RV Jr-115' rnd wre @20' NT4XT 11 10 21 9 189 x2 378 102' dblt Inv U above roof VA3NR 14 14 28 12 336 336 40m inv-V at 35', 80m vertical N2WN 9 9 18 9 162 x2 324 80M/40M verticals K5GQ 13 13 26 12 312 312 Force 12 40XK -gnd mtd *W2JEK 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 ef hz @25' N4LK 9 9 18 8 144 x2 288 250' ab cf wire *N5KIP 12 11 23 9 207 207 HyGain Vertical N0LNW 10 10 20 10 200 200 dipole @20' K7ZYV 10 10 20 10 200 200 G5RV Inverted Vee @30' *NT0Z 11 11 22 9 198 198 attic 30M loop KA2KGP 7 7 14 5 70 x2 140 5 bnd gnd mtd vert *KD0V 5 4 9 5 45 x2 90 G5RV @50' K0JEM 7 7 14 6 84 84 Attic G5RV VE3HUR 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 40 dpl @??'- 80 ef @??' *K8BTD 4 4 8 4 32 x2 64 160 meter Windom @ 50' AB4QL 5 5 10 5 50 50 80m loop @ 25' *W9CC 4 4 8 3 24 x2 48 fan inv v @35' WC7S 6 5 11 4 44 44 dipole @30' AF4LQ 4 3 7 3 21 x2 42 77' endfed @30' K6BFA 2 2 4 2 8 x2 16 G5RV @50' N2COD 3 3 6 1 6 x2 12 30' longwire on the ground! K4NVJ 2 2 4 1 4 x2 8 dipole @??' WY3H 1 1 2 1 2 x2 4 ~90' random wire @25' N3A operators listed separately, but will be mixed in with all scores when computing awards, etc. /1 *N1LU 25 25 50 19 950 x2 1900 Cobra Ultralite @40' /8 WB8LZG 23 23 46 15 690 x2 1380 40 dpl@30'-300' lw@30' /5 *AE5BH 18 17 35 17 595 x2 1190 inv v @20' /0 NO2D 17 15 32 13 416 416 dipole @34' /4 AA4W 18 16 34 12 408 408 Inverted Vee @50' /9 W9ILF 12 11 23 10 230 x1.5 345 G5RV inv v@20'-gnd mtd vert /2 *KD2MX 8 8 16 7 112 x2 224 ~600' loop @30' /7 *WY7N 6 6 12 4 48 x2 96 100' rnd wire @23' /3 WY3H 3 3 6 2 12 x2 24 ~90' random wire @25' /6 K6BBQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buddipole at 12' GAIN ANTENNA Category Call QSOs Mbrs Pts Mul Sco Bon Final 80-40-20 Antenna *W0CH 18 17 35 13 455 x2 910 40M extended double zepp * - Special Award (working the most N3A/# QSO's) entrants: KD0V-1,K3WWP-4,K8BTD-3,N3A/1-3,N3A/5-4,N3A/7-3,N3A/2-2,W2SH-2 K5BGB-5,W9CC-1,W2JEK-1,N5KIP-3,W0CH-7,AJ1M-3,NT0Z-3, AWARD WINNERS: 1st SWA (non-N3A stn): K3WWP 1st SWA (N3A stn): N3A/1 (N1LU) 2nd SWA: n/a 1st Gain: W0CH Top score from a previous non-winner: N3A/5 (AE5BH) Special Award (working the most N3A/# QSO's): - K5BGB CW Books on CD (donated by Chuck K7QO): N3A/1 (N1LU) Hendricks DC40 QRP Transceiver Kit (donated by Karl N3IJR): N3A/8 (WB8LZG) The following appeared 5 or more times in submitted logs, but did not submit a log themselves for whatever reason: N2ZN - 14 W4FOA - 14 AB9CA - 13 W0JFR - 11 KL7V - 6 W1PID - 6 KB2FEL - 5 We hope these folks will continue to participate AND submit their logs in the future. If anyone wishes a list of errors found in cross-checking their log, email K3WWP. If any errors cause a scoring change, you will be notified automatically.SOAPBOX: K3WWP - Well, we feared conditions might be horrible, and they lived up to their billing. It looks like they may have been uniformly horrible all across the country. Only our N3A stations and a couple others had decent scores this evening compared to our last few sprints. I have more to say, but I want to get to posting scores now. Back again. Thanks to all our N3A/# stations for a Herculean effort under very adverse conditions. I count 131 total QSO's by our Magnificent Ten ops. Great job all!. Just a very rough projection based on comparing my score against the last couple months, had we had similar propagation to those months, we could have had around 250 or so N3A/# QSO's this month. Maybe next October will be better. KD0V - 40 METERS WENT DEAD ABOUT 0145Z AND BY THEN 80 METERS WAS DEAD ALSO WITH QRN AT S6. KI4GLH = Packing it in early tonight. Signals were considerably lower than last months making for a rough night. Let's hope conditions will improve for next time! K5GQ - worked 3 special stations. W4FOA was 10db stronger than any other station. (did he work the CA QSO party and forget to set the power to 5W?) sorry leading zeros are not infront of time and extra space between columns difficult to fix. was unable to finish qso. noise qrm and weak signal. K5GQ 40 00:51 W0CH 0 0 NO copy K5GQ 40 01:02 K8UV 0 0 No copy K5GQ 40 01:22 N9XJN CO 0 No copy NS9I - Heard a lot more stations than I worked! AF4LQ - Very disappointing cndx's here in KY. Or my antenna's down. Or both. I hope others did better and I'm looking forward to next time. AB4QL - I didn't get much operating time but made a few contacts. Enjoyed what I did get though. NT4XT - First time using Gen Log, spent some time fiddling with it having downloaded it a bit after 8pm or so. A unique and helpful program. Band conditions sure seemed difficult here for some reason, or maybe straight keying seems to put me in an automatic QRS mode all the way around... It was fun getting back to an NAQCC event, and Congratulations NAQCC on 3 years of fun and games! 72/73! Darin N0LNW - 1ST SPRINT MUCH FUN, I WILL BE BACK N3A/1 (N1LU) - Thanks to John for asking me to operate as N3A/1. First time ever called CQ in a contest. Always just S&P. Didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Sorry to the people I couldn't pick out of the noise. N3A/9 (W9ILF) - It was a fun evening working as N3A/9. 40M seemed to go dead after about an hour and 80M was very noisy but I was happy to make the QSO's I did and hope to enjoy the sprint again next month. N3A/6 (K6BBQ) - Awful conditions tonight. I tried 20 meters for 15 minutes but didn't hear anyone. I later went to 40 and had S9+ noise levels. I didn't hear any stations except way down in the bottom part of the band. Towards the end of the sprint I could hear a couple of stations in the sprint area but again no contest ones and not very strong with the high levels of QRN. It will be interesting to see how the rest of the call areas came out tonight. 73 N3A/5 (AE5BH) - Scott working N3A/5. I gave 20m a good 10 minutes at the start of the sprint since I had heard some sigs up there towards the beginning. Nobody bit, so I moved down and worked a very crowded 40. I was pushed around quite a bit until I finally found a free zone - at least for a while. I called CQ for all but one Q. Interestingly enough, every contact was a new state the entire night. It was quite fascinating how sporadic the states came in. The furthest I worked was MD at the very end. The band went long at about 150z here and it was spotty from there. This was the first test I've done since not operating for the past 2 weeks due to travel. I'm glad I made it in there, and forgive my rusty fist. I did hear some other stations call, but you faded quickly into the ether although I tried desperately to hear your repeats on you call signs. Had a blast working the special event call, and I hope to use it more this month in other sprints. N3A/7 (WY7N) - 40M was wide open! Then I was interrupted and had to step away for an hour at about 01:05z, right in the middle of a QSO. How RUDE! When I got back at 02:00z 40M was dead, but I got three more on 80M, including N3A/0! A personal best for me. N3A/8 (WB8LZG) - Running 5 watts with the K2 es my favorite Bunnell straight key. The bands were very noisy tonight,but lots of activity. Had a gud time working the N3A/8 call also. Caught myself more than once sending my own callsign though. Hi Hi Worked several new calls this evening, + some of the regulars too. Nice to see numbers up over 2000. Didn't here much from the New England states, but the southland was still going strong. Heard a couple of partial calls from out west , but couldn't pick em out of the noise. Boy oh Boy the /8 after every call really gave me the "ol glass arm" in a hurry. Had a Blast as usual, es can hardly wait fer the next sprint. See u all then. 73 Gregg N3A/2 (KD2MX) - A record-breaking night for me, unfortunately these were record lows, not highs. The evening got off to an ominous start when a line of thunderstorms came through the area. August in October? At 0030, the noise level on both 40M and 80M was S9++. I wasn't hearing many signals and it seemed as if conditions were pretty bad even without the additional burden of the storms. It took 20 minutes for me to make my first QSO, my only one on 40M. That's two records right there, three if you count the out-of-season thunderstorms. I then scraped out 8 QSOs on 80M. I gave out more 4xx signal reports than ever and had a couple of ESP QSOs. My list of stations I couldn't work is almost as long as the list of stations I did work. It includes on 40M: KD0V who was there and then he wasn't so I couldn't complete the exchange, N5KIP, and K9JWI who had a pretty good signal around 0145 but had no idea I was calling. My list of misses on 80M includes N2WN, W2SH! Charles had a good signal but I was way down in the noise and I just got a SRI from him, AF4LQ, AJ1M, and N3A/8. I imagine many (ok maybe a few) heard me but I had no idea they were calling me given the ridiculously high noise level here. Sorry to anyone who got frustrated calling me but given my experience calling others, there might just have been a RF fence around my QTH tonight. To make matters worse, I missed about 45 minutes due to some family matters, although that might have been for the best. Oh well, what can you do? Bad timing given the special event but it was fun trying (sort of). N2COD - I could hear them weak out there but not work them with my longwire on the ground! WC7S - Band sure closed quick. But there are some really good ears out and about. Thanks for all the fun. See you next month. AA9L - Argonaut V running 5 watts output into a trap dipole @ 50 feet. A lot of band noise this evening but managed to make a few QSO's and have a lot of fun. See you next sprint. K5BGB - Single-band 40 was a real challenge; fast, deep QSB on most signals, no skip to the west, and the band all but shut down at about 0200Z. W4FOA was an honest S9 with thumps, but quickly dropped back to the whisper level. It was a treat to work 5 of the 10 N3A stations. N3A/4 (AA4W) - We were afraid the conditions might not too favarable and it turned out they weren't the best we have seen in a while. From Florida, 40 meters was acting pretty wierd. The band seemed to jump from north to west every few minutes. And then after it had been west for about an hour and a half I worked N3A/1 in New Hampshire! But I enjoyed working the stations I did work. QRM from higher power stations was more of a problem this Sprint than usual. K9JWI - I like the new Autologger, John. Also recommend Genlog32 for the Sprints. I heard NOTHING! on 20 meters and made only 2 QSO's on 40 meters (W1AW usually 20 over on 40m was about S6). Many of the signals I worked on 80 meters were very weak. Poor conditions. A disappointment after seeing the Sprint results for the last couple of months. W9CC - Conditions were not kind here, again. Sigh. K0JEM - My first NAQCC Sprint-Elecraft K1, G5RV in attic, had fun, looking forward to next month. W2JEK - came home from club meeting and then had to wait for thunder storms to pass.was only on for the last 40 minutes. band conditions were very poor. think i did well considering everything. hope we get more sunspots soon. 72/73 don younger N3A/0 (NO2D) - 20 meters dead throughout. Tried it twice. 40 meters fine till 0121 zulu. 80 meters very noisy. Went back to 40 meters for final 20 minutes, but no contacts other than a chat with n3a/4, Rick, at the end. Picked up one skcc member and one very loud K9TTM, who was running 350 watts. Neither was a NAQCC member. Missed a couple of callers due to fast fading, and I regret not getting them into the log. Never any big pileup, but lots of fun to be an N3A/0 station. Pete. VA3NR - Tough conditions. Lots of QRN and 40 was long but kept at it for about 1 hour. Tnx QSOs & 73, Chris VA3NR. N5KIP - Enjoyed the contest despite the poor band conditions. First time to submit a log. Got to try Genlog for sure. 73, Dick KA2KGP - The Bands were limp this sprint, lots of backgound noise & atmospheric interference kept signals below the mudline here in WNY. Hope for better conditions next month. No club calls worked, but heard N3A/1. W0CH - Conditions were not very good here in Missouri. 40 meters seemed to die early and did not hear very many stations down on 80. Glad to make 7 contacts with N3A stations. 73, Dave W0CH Seneca, MO N4LK - Wish the cold weather would hurry up and get here, QRN could not get much worse! NT0Z - Wow! Poor band conditions! I just got set up in condo hell. Running 5W to a horizontal loop in my attic (and my neighbor's attic, with his permission), tuned with an SGC autocoupler, about 25 feet above ground. It's not a STEPPIR Yagi at 100 feet, but I received mostly equivalent signal reports from the stations I worked, so it's a place to start until I can move out of town! K4NVJ - Where did 40 go? (Certainly not to PA - K3WWP) N2WN - Been too long since I was in one of these, and since I used GenLog (N1MM has me spoiled!) I goofed something in GenLog, so the RSTs may not be correct. Tough going on 40M, 20 was dead, 80M was the place to be! See General Sprint Rules for rules common to every NAQCC sprint. RULES specific to this month's sprint: Date and time: Wednesday Oct. 10, 0030-0230 UTC (Remember that's Tuesday evening here in the USA) Special Award: Our special award this month goes to the one who has the most QSO's with our special event call N3A/# in their log. We will have N3A/# calls from all 10 call areas active in the sprint. In case of a tie, the SA goes to the one with the highest score. If a 1st or 2nd place certificate winner also qualifies for winning the SA, the SA goes to the next highest scorer. That is because we want as many members as possible to receive one of our certificates. You must indicate in your report if you are applying for the SA, and how many N3A/# QSO's are in your log. The following are our operators: 1 call area - N3A/1 - N1LU (NH) 2 call area - N3A/2 - KD2MX (NJ) 3 call area - N3A/3 - WY3H (PA) 4 call area - N3A/4 - AA4W (FL) 5 call area - N3A/5 - AE5BH (TX) 6 call area - N3A/6 - K6BBQ (CA) 7 call area - N3A/7 - WY7N (UT) 8 call area - N3A/8 - WB8LZG (MI) 9 call area - N3A/9 - W9ILF (IN) 0 call area - N3A/0 - NO2D (CO) Prize: We have TWO prizes this month. Karl N3IJR has kindly donated a Hendricks DC40 QRP Transceiver kit to be given away in honor of the NAQCC's 3rd Anniversary this month. Club President Tom WY3H has decided it will be awarded to the highest scoring MEMBER who has never previously won a 1st or 2nd place certificate in our sprints nor won any other physical prize. In case you don't remember if you've ever won anything, here is a list of winners. Club officers not eligible. So if you qualify to be a winner, get geared up for a maximum effort this month to win this very nice prize. Tie breaking procedures will be the same as for our regular CD's prize below. Continuing this month we are giving away a set of CD's to one participant according to the following rules: 1. The participant meeting the requirements below and posting the highest score will be the winner of a set of CD's in the following months: July, August, September, October, November, January, February, March, April, and May. A. Requirements: The participant must be a NAQCC member and can not have won a CD set previously. Previous winners are: K4BAI (Jul 07) K1EV (Aug 07) KI4GLH (Sep 07) B. If the highest scorer does not meet the requirements, then the CD set winner will be the next highest scorer who does meet the requirements. 2. Twice a year - in the December and June sprints, the winner will be a participant drawn at random who meets the requirements in 1A and who makes at least 5 QSO's in the sprint. 3. Club Officers (WY3H (ex-KB3LFC), K3WWP, W2LJ, K5DUZ, KD2MX) are not eligible. The set of CD's features K7QO, Chuck Adams' code course designed to increase code speed - to paraphrase Chuck's own description: At the present time I have a set of CDs that I call Books in Morse on CD. Each CD (there are 12 at the present time) is a classic book in Morse that gives an individual a complete book to listen to for practice receiving plain text. This gives one much more practice receiving plain text for times from 24 hours to over 3 days depending upon the text and speeds chosen. Titles include Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz at 10-17WPM, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland at 17WPM, The Time Machine at 20-25WPM, The War of the Worlds at 20-26WPM and 30-36WPM for the two different CDs, Desert Gold at 20-25WPM, and others that you can find at http://www.k7qo.net/ Value of the set is over $100. The books were created to replace the old practice of copying plain text from news sources at HF frequencies in the 50s and 60s before such transmissions were replaced by modern digital means for ships at sea. I'm sure you all know of Chuck and his work in promoting CW/QRP. Chuck has generously donated the CD's for this prize. We hope that all our CD winners and non-winners as well will thank Chuck for his generosity. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by the following tiebreakers: 1. Most QSO's 2. Most 40 meter QSO's 3. Most 20 meter QSO's 4. Most 80 meter QSO's 4. A coin flip In case the same person qualifies to win both prizes, he will be given a choice of which prize he wants, and the other prize will go to the next highest eligible person. Entry Deadline: All entries must be RECEIVED before 2400Z on Oct 16, 2007. So submit as soon as possible, especially regular mail entries. Preferred method of submitting your log and report is now our new on-line autologger. |